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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Patoo, Amen, to your wonderful post!!!! Dear Mini1, I am lifting up your dear friend, Jennifer right now!! I am so sorry to hear of her brain aneurysm . May our Dear Lord heal and restore this wonderful woman!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Jo -5!!! Have a wonderful time!!!!!

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2013

    Praying for jennifer...

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    Thank you so much. She has shown some responses. She is on a respirator and being fed intraveneously. Her Doctors are optimistic, but said the next two weeks are critical because of the brain swelling and chance of infection. I wish I could adequately espress what a wonderful person she is. She has devoted her life to serving children and definately walks the talk. She is beloved by her her current church, and by our church where she was the director our children's center. Everyone that knows her loves her.

    Thank you for all your prayers. Her friends and family appreciate every prayer.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    More prayers and blessings going out for all of you.  This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. 

    Love you all.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Patoo, thank you so much for your prayers and blessings! May your days be filled with many blessings, joy, love and laughter!!!! And everyone here!!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013


    I too am praying for you all today!  Thankful for the wonderful reports I'm seeing here as well!  Love you all!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I have been MIA for a while.  We had company - a dear friend and her husband from 34 years ago visited us.  She now lives in my old home-town in Maine.  I love her dearly and we had a lot of catching up to do.  I must also admit that I am extremely fatigued.  I am still getting over whatever illness I had.  I started with a sore throat, then extreme nausea and fever, and then swollen lymph glands on one side of my neck (which thankfully have now resolved).  It has left me very weary, but feeling better.  I think I could sleep for a week.  I have also been a bit depressed the last two days and it's probably because I am so tired.

    I have read through each of your posts and like Jo, I pray for you as I read.  I think of you all often.  You are my sisters and I am so thankful for each one of you.  I feel free to share my heart here without judgment and that is such a blessing. To you, I can be my broken self, and it's okay.  Thank you for that.  Love you all dearly....

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited May 2013

    Hi, friends,

    I am flying solo to California tomorrow to celebrate my dad's 87th birthday and spend some time with my parents. I am nervous. I am tired. I have this double LE to deal with. I got a mosquito bite on my neck today and put antibiotic on it right away. Last year a bite caused a string of nodes to swell down my neck. I am hoping to be a blessing to them (they aren't believers) but there always seems to be some tension. After a year of "being taken care of," I hope I'm able to be strong and take care of someone else. They are still living on their own, which isn't ideal. I will just trust God to help me. Appreciate prayer! I'll be back Sunday.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Praying Jeannie! You will be a blessing. I just know it!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Jeannie!!! I pray for a hedge of protection as you travel to see your parents!! Be safe, and I pray that Your LE stays in control!!! You will be strong and you will be a blessing!!!

    Rocket, How wonderful that you got to visit with old friends!!! Please rest now and heal!!! A good nights sleep will do wonders!!! God Bless You!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Rocket, nice to see you.  Praying for you to regain your strength.  Healing hugs sending your way.

    Jeannie, prayers going up for your trip to be uneventful (unless of course your parents come into the fold!).

    He everyone, heavy heart for Oklahoma.  On my way to bed but wanted to just send up a prayer for the survivors and those who have lost loved ones.  These are trying days around the world and we especially need to focus upward because our strength comes only from the Lord.

    "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."  -  John 16:33

    Good night my friends.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Rocket, Thanks for letting us know you're feeling down.  I will sure be praying for you.  I'm thankful you got to spend time with a friend.  Sometimes when I enjoy time with someone special and then they leave I feel down.  I don't know if that could be part of your feelings but I think too with all the changes in life I can miss old times when things were simpler and I didn't have so many challenges.  However, I guess one postive thing I have now that I didn't grasp so well when I was younger is it makes the thought of and desire for heaven that much greater.  When we are there we will never have to say good bye and and I along with our friends here will be able enjoy each other and instead of running to doctors appointments we can fun to the feet of Jesus!   So many times I have wished I could have you all over for dinner.

    Too, that's me....that may have nothing to do with your being down.  You've been through so much lately that just the simple travel schedule in the midst of everything is enough to have you drained.  I am praying you will get some really good rest and feel better soon.  I hate feeling down worse than feeling sick.

    Jeannie,  I will be praying for your parents.  I pray that your travels will go smoothly and what is nervousness today will be a sense of accomplishment as you return and just one more thing that you can say God saw you through.  My son is going to Italy this summeron a mission trip and hasn't flown since he was small and that was with us.  It's him and 1 other adult and 3 younger girls in their late teens.  I will be asking you all to pray the same thing for him before long!  I'm sure I'll be more nervous than him!

    I'm also praying for your parents.  I know that must be a great burden for you.  I use to feel like I should be able to convince someone of their need for Christ in my own immaturity.  I now realize Christ and Christ alone saves.  He may use us but we have no power over others salvation.  I will be praying that He moves in their hearts and brings them to that saving grace He's so blessed us with!

    Kindergarten,  How are you doing with the shingles?  I keep meaning to ask and I think about it away from the computer!  I hope you are continuing to heal well from that.

    Pattoo, I haven't heard any news.  Thanks for sharing the prayer needs of those in OkLahoma.  I will look into that and be praying for those there.

    Goodnight Everyone....Love and prayers for you all!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    I got good news on my extrogen levels. They barely exist. Almost to low to measure. Since I'm 95-100% estrogen positive. The exchange is that I am a big, bluberry mess that cries at the drop of the hat, and have a lot of fatige and borderline depressed. But I will deal with that. I'm just so, so, so thrilled that my estrogen levels are down.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2013

    Hello Ladies,

    It is so nice to hear of all the love and prayers that are being shared among you.  My name is Debbie and I am 54, and became a born again Christian when I was 28.  My heart is singing with joy as I read your posts, I feel that I have found a place where I can pray for and with other Christians as they fight this disease.  I was diagnosed with a secondary tumour at the top of my femur last week and was told that it is quite a slow growing tumour.  I don't know how I would cope if it wasn't for the fact that I have so many Christian friends praying for me and supporting me.  I realise now that the plans I had for my life are definitely not the ones that the Lord has, and he is in control so I will trust him completely.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Hi , Jo-5!!! So glad you are home safe and sound!! Rest and hope

    hubby feels better soon !!! Hugs!!!

    Dear FridayGirl !! Welcome, Welcome!!! Do glad to see another Christian Sister here!!! Hugs!!!

    Hi , Fondak!!! Thanks for asking!!!! I feel better and better each day!!! Hugs!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear FridayGirl again!! I am sorry to hear about your secondary tumor, but glad that it is slow growing!! We are all here for you with prayers , support, and encouragement!!!! Kathy

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Mini1, that is great news.  I think I saw you on another thread about alternatives to AI's.  Are you doing something else, special, to keep the estrogen levels down?

    JO-5, there does come a time when we have to relax and not push ourselves so much.  Praying your DH heals quickly and it's time to relegate the chair on wheels to the same corner as your ironing board!  People over 60 should not try to do wheelies in a chair!

    Fondak, Kindergarten, Rocket, Jeannie57, snrise, curveball, bestock, anyone I missed, prayers going up. 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited May 2013

    So happy you found us, Friday Girl! It's a safe place to be real and to receive prayer and encouragement. I'm praying for you right now!

    Mini, good news is always such a relief! I'm glad you received some but sorry you don't feel well. Praying for you.

    JO-5 and Rocket, hope you get your needed rest!

    Patoo and Fondak, thanks as always for your inspirational encouragement.

    Prayers for everyone, including Sonrise, Bestock, Curveball and anyone I've forgotten.

    I am safely in California with my elderly parents. My dad drove 2 hours to the airport to pick me up, accidentally hit the gas at the parking kiosk and took out the arm. Obviously he didn't get a ticket to hand in when we tried to leave. It took fifteen minutes and a large fee before they let us leave. Ay, yi, yi! This is what I am dealing with. Love 'em but they're old and stubborn! Needless to say, I drove us to the house from the airport! Please pray for me as my old allergies are acting up here. Thanks.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Yowie Jeannie57.  Glad it was only the arm and he wasn't hurt/nothing else was in front of him - yikes.  Is there another way you can get back to the airport rather than him making that trip again?  Praying for you.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    I take DIM, turmeric, vitamins (vegan), mushrooms, eat no refined sugars, dairy, or soy and avoid anything that remotely affects estrogen levels, including lotions. I only eat small amounts of hormone-free meat and dairy and have started eating more raw foods (very good btw, who knew?). I also eat very low fat, but that's more due to my pancreas, and I'm gluten-free. Needless to say that on this diet, weight is not an issue. :-)


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Jeannie!! Yes, so glad that it was only the arm and no car damage ! I am lifting you up in prayer for a safe and stress free trip!! Where are you in CA?? I live in Torrance, not far from LAX airport, near Manhattan Beach! Patoo, thank you as always for your prayers!! Mini, you have a great nutritional diet!! I use Tumeric as well! I also just started drinking parsley juice that I make myself. It detoxes your liver and kidneys!!!!! Yikes, what we have to do to stay healthy!!! Blessings and hugs to all here!!! Kathy

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited May 2013

    I've slowly been learning more about what happened at the airport. My dad (87) didn't know what to do when he pulled up to the parking mechanism. He opened his door to take a look, started to get out, but the car was still in drive. His car door is now yellow from the paint from the pole or box or whatever he hit and he hurt his knee. He is in a lot of pain and it's swollen. He really shouldn't be driving. What a battle that will be. They live in the country so driving is a necessity and they refuse to move. I promise my kids I will not be so stubborn when I'm 87 and, yes, I will live a long time, Lord willing!

    Kindergarten, I am in N. California in the Sierra foothills in a town called Angels Camp.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    3 mosquito bites and I'm back in my LE sleeve. Guess that leaves cortisone shots out the next time my shoulder flares up.

    I was lucky that my mom took her own keys away. She had a slight accident that wasn't her fault - she hit black ice and slid off the road with my niece in the car. It scared her so bad she decided she didn't want to drive anymore. I had been grappling on how I was going to handle it when the time came. She took that talk off the table.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Jeannie! So sorry to hear of your Dad's pain. Hope it resolves soon! I will pray that the driving issues resolve soon as well. I remember when we had to tell my mom that she could no longer drive!! It actually went better than expected!! Northern CA is just beautiful!! I had thought if you were in the South Bay Area, we could have gotten together! That would have been so much fun!!!

    Mini1, sorry to hear about your LE flare up!! Hope it resolves soon. I wear my sleeve every day now!

    Blessings!!! Kathy

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2013

    Hi Kindergarten and Jeannie57, thanks for your prayers and kind words of support.

    Hi Mini1, I am interested in your diet.  I have been reading about the China Study and also Jane Plant's book about how she controlled her cancer through cutting out dairy.  There are so many anti cancer diets on the web that I am having difficulty finding a safe one to follow.  How long have you been on this diet and how long did it take to have an affect on your health?  I am currently cutting out all products which have added sugar but am still eating fruit.  I have tried to give up milk and replace it with soya, however I now find that soya is dangerous for estrogen.  At the local cancer centre I am advised to take everything in moderation but to eat a lot of raw vegetables.  I end up going shopping at the weekend and buying enough vegetables to feed a small army in order to have a wide selection, and then end up wasting a lot as I don't eat them fast enough before they go off.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Hi, Jo-5!!! No worries, and I am smiling, because you are such a great gal!!!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    Jo-5 - LaughingInnocent

    Friday - I started the diet last year after I had a flare up of pancreatitis. I upped it last fall, and really ramped it up just recently after I finally found a good nutritionist and started reading about juicing. Because of my stomach/pancreas issues, I cannot do much fat, but also cannot consume too many greens. The juicing will help me with aspect of my diet. Specifically, right now I eat 70% raw foods. I thought raw food was all salad, but it's not. There are some really good receipes out there and they do heat some things. Purist don't heat anything, but others will heat food up to 155*, which is the point at which enzymes begin to degrade.

    I primarily use raw stevia or Xylitol for a sweetner, although I sometimes use a small amount of raw honey or agave nectar. I can have sugars from fruit if I them eat with a protein. I can have an apple with almond butter, or some fruit and nuts or organic greek yogurt (plain only), etc. I use only cold-pressed olive oil (best used cold in dressings) or grapeseed oil for heated foods. I use unsweetened almond, rice, or coconut milk. No soy milk. No soy at all in fact. Most US soy is gmo processed which is rarely mentioned. I can't do tempeh because I have a mold allergy, but I imagine it's the same with the tempeh (fermented soy). Unless you are 100% sure of the quallity of the soy you are buying, I'd avoid soy in any form; including in supplements. I buy organic fruits and veggies whenever possible. FYI You can juice the skins of lemons and limes, but not oranges or grapefruits. I eat servings of meat 4oz or less, hormone-free, free-range, usually chicken or beefalo. Wild game is OK too. It is easier on your digestive tract if you eat your fruits and veggies with either meat OR rice OR beans, not all in the same meal. I graze and try to eat something at least 6 times a day. Oh and I also drink white and green teas. If they have caffiene, I drink them early the day. No caffiene herbal teas can be had any time of day.

    That's a lot of info I know. If you ever want to private message me, feel free.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Jo5...I was smiling!!!  We should all be so aware of our behaviors to not be a stumbling block to someone else.  I'm glad you got some helpful info!  Actually, I'm still smiling.  This is such a refreshing place to come!

    Fridaygirl, I am so glad you found this thread!  It is generally the only one I come to.  I have wanted to get involved with the Hi my name is fitness thread but I know I will end up spending too long on the computer if I do.  Maybe I'll get disciplined enough to handle both!   

    I'm sorry to hear about your secondary tumor but thankful it is slow growing and you learned about it so it can be dealt with.  Do you know what your treatment plan will be and when it will start yet?  I'll be praying for you!

    Jeannie,  I am glad to hear you arrived safely!  Do you have other relatives around that you will get to visit with while you are there?   I'm praying for you all.  I wish I thought of this before you left but does flying bother your LE?  How are you doing with that now?

    Mini, I always appreciate your input regarding nutrition.  I am going to have to make a lot of changes.  I'm not really sure how much the abrupt stop of estrogen production has played into my sleep patterns, weight gain, fatigue and how much is from lack of doing the things I need to do.  I just feel like it I could get quality sleep I would have a much easier time with everything else.  Some nights I just can't sleep.  Last Sunday morning I was still awake at 5 am and I had taken Valerian Root and Melatonin before going to bed at about 11:30.  So, I got up and took liquid benedryl hoping to sleep for about 3 hrs before getting up for church!

    Also, how is your friend doing? Hope your LE improves quickly and that serves as a reminder to me to wear insect repellent.  I often forget that.

    Kindergarten,  I'm so glad you are doing better!  How do you do your parsley juice?  Is it difficult to drink?

    Rocket, Praying for you today and hoping you feel better.

    Pattoo,  Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for us.  It is such a comfort to me.  Your comment about the wheelies reminded my younger brother being in a cast from his ankle to his upper thigh being out on our driveway doing wheelies.  Of course, I was a worrier as an older sister and it use to scare me terribly. 

    Bestock, I pray that you are feeling better.

    All you ladies here...I love each of you and you're in my prayers.  I hope you all rest well tonight!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited May 2013

    Fondak, I do have a brother and his family nearby. We'll get together Saturday night to celebrate Dad. I wear custom compression sleeves/gauntlets when I fly and for 3 hours or so after landing. I wear Lymphediva compression sleeves/gauntlets every day, all day otherwise. They're very pretty, with flowers and designs on them. People think they are tattoos....