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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited May 2013

    Oh, friends! God has other reasons for me to be here! We just received news that my mom's dear sister died in a fall down some stairs while visiting her son in Jspan. My cousin has no family in Japan but has worked there for many years. Please pray for him as he has to deal with the death of his mom. My mom is devastated, of course. And it's my dad's birthday! I am already so tired! We're supposed to be preparing a big dinner here on Saturday. I need help. My aunt was a believer, I'm pretty sure. God give me strength. Thank you.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    I am lifting you all up in prayer!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    Fondak - Sleep has been a problem for me for ages. I will confess to medicating myself most nights. I literally can go days with no sleep. I am a certifed insomniac and have been as long as I can remember. I'm working on it, but it is continues to be an issue for me.

    Jo-5 - I had gastric agina before all the pancreatic issues and the diet played a big part in giving me great relief. It is a bit pricey, but I make up for it in reduced medical bills and prescriptions. My husband eats more things than I do, but he's jumped on the bandwagon for a lot of things. I eat totally different than I did before and I feel so much better because of it. I didn't expect to feel better, so I know it's not the placebo effect. I just did it because I had to to stop losing weight (I was down to 88lbs) and to stop the pain. If I could have stopped eating altogether I would. I'm not perfect. I splurge now and then, like the brisket I had last night at a BBQ place, but I had it with rice and am being careful today. What still surprises me is how I feel mentally the 2-3 days after I go off the diet. It amazing how sluggish and mentally slow I feel. That alone is enough to get me back on the wagon. :-)

    My friend is showing some signs of brain activity, but is still on a respirator and IV feedings. The next 2 weeks are critical for her for swelling and infection. She is a strong helathy woman and is at one of the best facilities in the country. Most important, she has people across the country lifting her up in prayer. I'll keep you all posted.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Jeannie!! Thoughts and prayers for you all! I am so sorry for your loss.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Hi all, running out to small home study group but wanted to let you know you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.  Our Lord is in control and we know we can count on Him.


  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Oh Jeannie,  I know this is a very difficult time for you but I am so thankful that you are there for your mom!  I hope this will be something that God uses in her life to draw her and your dad to Him as their Savior.  I am so thankful to hear that you believe your aunt was a believer.  I am praying for you, your parents and your cousin.

    Patoo, Thank you again for your prayers!  It is always encouraging to hear.

    Mini, I am glad to hear the report on your friend and pray she remains stable with the exception of improvement.  Sorry to hear you have sleepless nights as well. 

    I am really tired tonight.  We are having a yard sale tomorrow and Saturday.  I don't like them but need to clear out and also will be needing the money!  I don't know if this is a universal thing or just part of the culture around here but often people will complain and then ask if you will take almost nothing for things.  I was telling a lady today how I just don't like them.  She doesn't either but was also thinking of having one Saturday with her sister.  She was have to get everything out and I was saying..........and then price it and you put $1 on something and someone asks if you will take a quarter...she said....yes, and you know it's worth $1!!!!   I thought she really does understand me!   Hopefully, we will get rid of a lot.

    I hope you all have a good night!  LOvE aNd PrAyERs with YoU ALL!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited May 2013

    Jeannie sorry about the loss of your aunt.

    I just wanted to let all of you know i am doing good thanks for praying.

    I still have not heard re the liver scan (needs to be compared with PET scan. MRI was good (i had one in march so thought it would be clear) now the onc wants me to have Xodola (have any of you had this drug) I am not sure about oral chemo but think it would be better than the Abraxane induced neuropathy that i have now. (from all the taxol in 03-05 for Ovarian cancer.... and now the abraxane. It takes months to possibly get over neuropathy.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2013

    Jeannie57, sorry to hear about your aunt.  I pray that you will be able to comfort your mother and cousin through this difficult time.

    Mini1, I am praying your friend improves soon.  I know how hard it is to wait during this 2 week period.

    Bestock, I am praying for you and that the liver scan brings good news.  This is so difficult, thank the Lord that he is with us through all of these trials.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    Jeannie - I totally missed your post. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    @ JO-5 and ALL,

    Happy Happy Weekend to ALL.  Hope U all have a nice, restful, peaceful, great time with family, friends, etc.  I am feeling OK today after a chest X-Ray and bone density study.  My hips show osteopenia so I will be researching that a bunch more.  Spine is perfect though - small miracle.  All the best for a super weekend with little to no SEs for ALL.  Peace, Luv, Blessings and prayers to ALL as well!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Jeannie57 and all,

    Prayers, peace, luv and blessings.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Hi cmbernardi, don't think I've seen you here but I don't always go back when I miss a few days of postings, so welcome.  I constantly include my BCo sisters in my morning devotionals so know that you will be part of that group as well.

    So about 15 years ago I was told I would eventually need hip replacement so now iit's official.  I got a good extra 15 years but now the right hip just has had it and needs to be replaced.  I have little rotation and can't bend my leg enough to even put on a sock or tie a shoe.  A cortisone shot and/or anti-inflammatory meds may give me relief from the pain but only for a few extra months.  May as well get it done before I retire next year, losing medical benefits, and have only Medicare.  I have a couple of mini vacations coming up so will probably wait until the fall. 

    'Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.'  --1Thessalonians 5:16-18

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Ms. Patoo

    Thank You!  I will be doing lots of research over the next several months.  Don't do cortisone or anti-inflamms because I have terrible reflux disease and irritable bowel for too many years!  Loved reading your Bible quote.  I am starting to study the Bible more closely now that I am older.  Being raised Catholic, I do not have a terrific grip on what the Bible is really saying but I know my parents did their very best!  Thanks again.  Hope to see you in NJ sometime soon!  I've got lots of relatives in South Jersey and LOVE the blueberries.


  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Hi cmbernardi!   I have to tell you if you were standing right here or anywhere that I could get to you I'd give you the biggest hug!!!!  It excites me beyond measure to hear someone say that they are starting to study the bible more closely.  I have been doing the same and though I grew up with a baptist background there were some fundamental things that I had wrong and trusted the teaching I was getting to be true.  Though I trust the intentions of the pastors (I think they were well-intended but took some things out of context just because it was what they were taught), it wasn't until the past couple of years I began to see that in my theology I was actually very big and God very small.  It was like I thought I had more control than I did in life and the lives of my loved ones.  Fortunately, God showed me the error in my thinking first through others and ulitimately in His word.  I am so thankful in His grace, He did this prior to my cancer diagnosis.  It really changed the way I thought about the cancer.  But anyway....welcome or perhaps you've been here before and I should say it is a pleasure to get to meet you here!

    Bestock,  Thank you so much for the update.  I was going to ask about the neuropathy and if it could possibly go away.  I am glad the mri report was good and I look forward to hearing the rest of the results.  I noticed you are ER+ and PR+ does this drug that started with X block estrogen?  I can't remember the name and I can't go a page back without losing this I don't think.  But I have seen it before but couldn't remember if it was an aromatase inhibitor.

    Pattoo, I am so thankful that God's timing allowed you to have this surgery while still under your present insurance.  I know you have been in a lot of pain and you haven't complained at all.  Hopefully, after you heal from the surgery you will feel better than you have in a long time!  Once again, thanks for your faithful prayers.  When will your surgery be?  Please let us know so we can be praying for you.

    Rocket, I hope you are feeling better. 

    Love all you ladies here and have you in my prayers.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Ms. Fondak

    Thanks for your encouraging words.  The Bible is the absolute BEST book I have ever read.  I will keep on keepin on and may query you once in a while with some questions.  Since I not only have a broken foot in addition to the stupid BC, I have a lot of time on my hands! Happy Weekend with Peace, Luv and Blessings to you and ALL!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dearest Fondak and Jo-5!! As always thank you for your wise, kind and encouraging posts!!!

    Hi, Cmbermardi!! Welcome to this wonderful thread! Thank you for joining us!!! I am so sorry to hear that you have a broken foot! I am lifting you up in prayer for healing!! I am again reading my Bible cover to cover!! I can never have enough of this wonderful Book. Reading scripture daily starts my day with an uplifted spirit!!

    Patoo! I am lifting you up in prayer, praying for a successful hip replacement! You are such a strong and faithful servant!! You are such a wonderful prayer warrior for us, let us become the same for you!!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Thank you all for your wonderful comments and the well wishes!  Happy Weekend.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Hi all.  JO-5, yes, it will be anterior just as you described.  Have 2 mini getaways planned for July and Sept so not planning on doing it until end-Sept.  I'm not worried - I know to Whom I beling.

    fondak, when I first came to the Lord I also was under pastors who, I don't think it was deliberate, were following the Word as they, themselves, interpreted it.  My DS started going with a friend to a youth group in a different denomination and I would occasionally visit that church and came to see the difference between a toxic church and one teaching only the Word of God.  I would not knock any denomination but it's so important to be in a healthy one.

    Together with Charles Stanley, I also highly recommend David Jeremiah and Ravi Zacharias (I'm attending a weekend conference by him end-June).  An excellent bible is the Life Application Study Bible; NIV format is what I use most.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    "it wasn't until the past couple of years I began to see that in my theology I was actually very big and God very small." Well said. I've felt that way myself. Satan would love to keep us in a little religious box. Like they say, Knowledge is power!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Just listened again (I hear him every Sunday morning before church) to David Jeremiah.  Brought tears to my eyes because I was both convicted (because of ongoing shortcomings) but even more, encouraged (because I feel I'm on the right track).

    JO-5, I think I can manage to make copies of Ravi's CD's.  If it works I will send them to you.  Will try this afternoon (you would think as an IT person I would not have problems - HA!)

    Everyone else, stay posted and I will let you know if I successfully make copies and then if you want I will make more if you PM me your mailing address.

    Off to church.  Enjoy your Sunday my friends.

  • Alive4Five
    Alive4Five Member Posts: 2,225
    edited May 2013

    Hello ladies!

    Going to just jump right in here with a good morning to you all! I am always so blessed to see a group of those who trust the Lord for their strength and comfort! Wonder how many ever just notice how some of us can retain our joy despite the trial and tribulation of BC....

    patoo, hi! :) My DH and I listen to David Jeremiah! Been a fan of his messages for years now. Truly a remarkable man of God! Looks as though you tend to listen to the same ones as we do; We listen through Bott Radio. Didn't mean to pry, just thought it was great to see another who listens to the same programs! Enjoy church! I am off to church myself here in a little while. Do you ever listen to Charles Stanley at InTouch? 

    Hope all here has the Lord's richest blessings bestowed upon them today and everyday! I don't know what I would do if it weren't for our Lord to help me through this trial of BC. I am having a BMX this Tues. morning and would appreciate any prayers. :) He promises to never let us have more than we can stand, and I am fully engulfed in my faith and His mercy, and His will for my life. Fear would like to prevail, but the Lord is bigger than any storm :)

    Guess I'll close; have to begin getting ready for church too. TY for listening! I will be keeping you ladies in prayer for your strength to be renewed each day through Jesus! ~Blessings!~ Galatians 6:2

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Alive4Five! Welcome to this wonderful thread!! I am lifting you up in prayer for your BMX and healing! Off to church, where again I will lift you up in prayer!!!

    To all, Have a blessed Sunday!!!!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited May 2013

    Dear Alive4five, Welcome to us BC Christian sisters. I will keep you in prayer, I know the fear of unwanted tests, and the peace of God which passes understanding.. The Lord will hold you up and strengthen you.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Welcome Alive4Five.  Glad you found this thread of awesome children of God.  Will keep you in prayer for your BMX.  May the hands of your doctors be led and guided by our Lord.

    My Sunday morning routine is watching Charles Stanley 7:30-8:30am, then David Jeremiah 8:30-9am.  Puts me in a great state of mind for Sunday school 9:30-10:45, Praise and Worship 11-11:45 and then the Word from our Pastor.   Fills me up to go back out into the mission field, the world around me.   

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Hello All,

    Got my blood work re-done today and thankfully my WBCs and MOST other lab values are closer to what I call within normal limits.  Tomorrow I go to the 2nd. appointment for RADS mapping and Monday, 6/3 is the BIG day to start.  With just 4 days left to my birthday month (born on the 31st), I am trying hard to forget all of the illness, stress, pain and disappointment and enjoy the days.  My Mo is still here and helping TONS.  I decided yesterday that since my left foot is broken and i will be in the Bride of Frankenstein boot for 3 months (broke the fifth metatarsal( that I would give up my stick shift leased 2011 Jetta for a 2013 automatic.  Drove it right off the lot yesterday and now I have some freedom back.  Happy Birthday to ME, huh?  Hope all is well out there in the free world and peace, prayers, love and blessings to each and every one of you today and into the future.  

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Hello All,

    Got my blood work re-done today and thankfully my WBCs and MOST other lab values are closer to what I call within normal limits.  Tomorrow I go to the 2nd. appointment for RADS mapping and Monday, 6/3 is the BIG day to start.  With just 4 days left to my birthday month (born on the 31st), I am trying hard to forget all of the illness, stress, pain and disappointment and enjoy the days.  My Mom is still here and helping TONS.  I decided yesterday that since my left foot is broken and I will be in the Bride of Frankenstein boot for 3 months (broke the fifth metatarsal) that I would give up my stick shift leased 2011 Jetta for a 2013 automatic.  Drove it right off the lot yesterday and now I have some freedom back.  Happy Birthday to ME, huh?  Hope all is well out there in the free world and peace, prayers, love and blessings to each and every one of you today and into the future.  

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    I like Joyce Meyer. Her teaching is so practical and applicable to my daily life. I used to listen to Charles Stanley but rarely find him now, so I listen to Andy Stanley instead. I love Charles Swindoll. I've listened to him since I became a Christian. Allister Begg is good as well. Sound theology wrapped in a nice Scottish brogue. :-)

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Cmbernardi!! I am lifting you up in prayer right now for continued healing!! Through every challenge and trial that we face, Our Precious Lord is drawing us closer to Him!!! He loves you and will never give you more than you can handle!!!!!!May your radiation treatments be easy on you!! I found radiation to be so much easier than chemo!!! I actually enjoyed going every day for 37 treatments!! I loved my technicians!!!

    I love Joyce Meyer! She is the real deal!!!

    Hugs and Blessings to you All!!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    I was flipping through the radio channels the other day and heard a great gospel song. One of the lines in the song was "no matter how I feel, I will say yes." I was so appropo. A great reminder for those moments when things seem overwhelming. I've been telling myself that a lot lately. No matter what You ask, no matter how I feel, I will say yes!