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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Granna1948!!!! Welcome to this wonderful thread! Thank you for joining us!! I am sure your grandchildren keep you moving and grooving!!!!! God Bless You!! Kathy

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2013

    Yes, welcome Granna1948.  This is such a wonderful thread.  We all know to Whom we belong but it's nice to have the support of our earthly sisters.  We may only know eachother from cyberspace but that is only for a season.  We will all meet one day when our Lord returns for His church.  Hallelujah!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Welcome Granna1948

    You will find the others Sisters on this thread to be incredibly warm and welcoming.  It is a place where you can really let your true feelings show without judgement and with the faith and prayers of the many who all must take this journey we never anticipated.  Peace, Prayers, Hugs, Love and Blessings to you and all of my fellow Christian Warriors.  Good night for now.


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Welcome, Granna1948! I'm glad you've done we'll these past two years.

    Patoo, I prayed for you just this morning!

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited June 2013

    @Granna1948. I am glad to hear you have done so well with your treatment. I am also stage IV but have only known it for the last few months. I started a new medication today and will have a followup with my oncologist next month to see how well it works.

    @cmbernardi, I pray that you will be surrounded by the "peace which passes understanding".

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    Welcome Granna1948.  I was diagnosed with a tumour on my femur last month, so being in this situation is new to me.  I really like this thread, everyone is so caring about each other and I am sure you are going to enjoy it here.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited June 2013

    Dear Granna1948, I too am stage 4 with mets to the liver.(last dx feb, 2013) I was on abraxene, I had too much neuropathy even into the face on that drug, so I am on xeloda now, and have had some problems but the dosage was reduced so we will see. This thread has helped me by the prayers and the support. Wonderful sisterhood. May the Hope and Peace of Christ see you through.

  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for all of the welcomes! Leaving in a few to go get another bone scan. Hope it shows improvement. Prayers to everyone!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    All the BEST to everyone on this wonderful thread today.  I am so sorry if anyone has pain or is feeling low.  I pray that those going for testing or treatments today have a very easy time of it.  The prayers and good wishes that have been sent to me have surely made a big difference.  Thank you all for your help and understanding.  Peace, Prayers, Hugs, Love and Blessings!


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2013

    Welcome Granna! You will find a lot of encouragement and loving Christian sisters here. I've added you to my prayer list.

    Patoo, praying your fatigue has resolved. Are you feeling better?

    Carolyn, I'm sure we all suffer with periods of sadness. Mine can be extreme at times and then others days I do fine. The fact that you are still going though rads and are experiencing sleep issues is enough to exacerbate anything! Give yourself time to give, heal and rest. Missing your family makes things difficult as well. I am praying that you will feel the very near presence of our Savior and His gentle healing touch today.

    Fondak, praying for your DS and healing for his psoriasis and sinus infection as well as his trip to Italy, that he would be able to enjoy himself and for his safety and protection. He sounds like he has a lot of integrity by the fact that he is working up until the day he leaves for his trip despite being ill. You've raised a great son!

    Mini, so glad to hear that Jennifer is improving despite all she has been through - the work of God for sure! I am praying for your nephew as well and hopeful results from his biopsy.

    Bestock, holding you up in prayer that this new medication will work and not have such extreme side effects. Have the former side effects begun to diminish?

    Jeannie, I'm sorry to hear about the painful blood draws. OUCH! I don't let anyone touch my LE arm. Fortunately I have the other one for bloodwork, but only one good vein left - thanks chemo. I didn't have a port for my chemo. They used my arm veins. I am praying that your fatigue lessens too. How is Diana doing?

    FridayGirl, I am praising the Lord that they only found one tumor and praying that the rads will completely obliterate it! I also pray for pain relief for you.

    Curveball, are you finished with the injections now? I pray your fear lessens with each day and that God gives you faith for each moment - minute by minute if necessary. God will never leave or forsake you. I am praying for healing and complete remission. How is your moving and remodeling going?

    Kathy, Jo, Netter, CCFW, it's always good to see you on here. I pray the Lord sustains you with His grace and meets your every need.

    I have been busy with company all week. We are expecting more company today through July 5th with no break! I am also still having work done on our property. The painter returns tomorrow to stain our decks and finish some painting in the house that wasn't completed last week. I'm also waiting for the landscaper to show up. I'm just trying to keep my head above water. I need prayers for endurance.

    To all you lovely sisters, know that I care and am praying for you.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2013

    Oh, I forgot to add another important prayer request. We have a home in Eastern NC that we are renting to Christians who had also put a contract on it to purchase it this year. We wanted to sell it last year when we moved to Western NC, but they assured us they wanted to purchase it and if we would only let them rent for a year to be able to sell their home in TX. Well we found out that they let the bank repossess their home in TX and they now don't want to buy ours. They are still renting it on a month-to-month basis, but now we are saddled with the burden of going through the selling process all over again from 4 1/2 hours away and what to do about the renters. She does not keep the house the way that I would and I doubt we could sell it with them living in it. Please pray that God will give us wisdom with respect to decisions and whether or not to evict them and try to sell it in the next few months or wait until early next year and evict them and try to sell in early spring before other homes hit the market. Thanks ladies!

  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2013

    Everyone, this is just great! Reminds me a lot of my life group at church with my Sisters In Christ.

    Had a bone scan yesterday, and am waiting for results to see if Faslodex is helping. I also think I'm developing lymphedema. Going to my doc next Friday.

    Love and prayers to everyone,


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2013

    Lynn, when do you get your bonescan results? Also, if you are developing LE, don't let it get ahead of you. Call the doc for an appt. sooner if necessary. I will add these two items to my prayer list. Glad you are feeling supports here. That's the way it should be. Blessings!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Granna1948, I second Rocket's opinion about lymphedema (LE). Even getting an over the counter sleeve/gauntlet might help. Drink lots of water and don't overdo anything with the affected arm. But don't baby it, either. Elevate it when you are able.I am praying for you and your bone scan results.

    Wow, Rocket, thanks for the comprehensive update in your prayer for everyone. It's hard for me to keep track of it all. I don't always have a notepad at hand. I have been praying for everyone on my walks. I'm sorry about your house situation. Interest rates may go up soon so that may be something to consider in your decision. Prayers for endurance coming your way!

    I have been cleaning and organizing all my closets and cupboards. Today it was the kitchen pantry and the laundry room cupboards. Lots of purging. This is not like me! I'm also having weird dreams. Last night I dreamed we unknowingly had a bunch of chinchillas living in a wooden toy box for years and years, maybe decades. No food, no water. But when we discovered them, there was a big mama and eleven babies of varying ages. They ran around the room sneezing, leaving marks on the floor. I think my behavior/dreams reflects some anxiety regarding recon. surgery less than a month from now! Maybe a lack of control? Who knows. I am actually feeling more relaxed about it than I was earlier in the month. I know God will be with me and help me through it like he always has.

    I wish we could all meet up somewhere in person! Can you imagine? It will be a great time in heaven. In the meantime, I pray for peace, strength and healing for all of us.



  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Oh, and my friend, Diana, is doing okay. Of course, it's hard to deal with emotionally. She is still gathering information while working hard to open her bakery/cafe. I admire her feistiness. She is on several boards here at bco, so I'm glad she's getting support there, too.

  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2013

    What a great group of people you are, and you're right Jeannie, we'll all meet in heaven.

    I would like to share this with you all. I don't know who the author is, and I changed it up a bit, but I have one on my refrigerator and one on my bathroom mirror:

    Cancer does not occupy my mind.

    My mind is seized with God's perfect peace.

    Cancer has no place in my heart.

    My heart is filled with God's awesome love.

    Cancer cannot touch my soul.

    My soul is saved by God's amazing grace.

    I am free-of-cancer.

    Rocket, I was born in Washington, NC. Where is your house? Good luck with that!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Thanks to all of you Sisters for the encouragement and understanding of my current bout of sadness.  With just 4 RADS treatments to go and facing an oophorectomy next month, I am still hoping and praying that 2013 is an improvement over 2012.  I do treasure hearing from many of you and just wanted to let you all know how appreciative I am to be a part of this wonderful group of Christian Sister Warriors.   Peace, Prayers, Hugs, Luv and Blessings to you all today and everyday in the future.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2013

    Granna,my house isn't far from Washington at all. It's in Winterville just south of Greenville. Small world isn't it?

    Jo, our family went to the Sight and Sound Theatre when we lived in Delaware. We went to Lancaster, PA quite often. We so enjoyed the Easter production there that we saw many years ago. It really is quite the place. So glad you got to enjoy it. I'm also happy to hear that the nasty drug is out of your system.

    Carolyn, you will do just fine with your oophorectomy. I had a complete hysterectomy done laparoscopically, and I was out Christmas shopping for five hours three days later. You'll get through this. Just take one step at a time.

    Weird dreams Jeannie! Are you taking a new med that could cause them? I haven't forgotten about your exchange surgery. You will do fine also. You have been through so much and are a tough cookie! Glad you are feeling more at peace about it. What date is it scheduled, if you don't mind me asking?

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Rocket, the surgery is scheduled for July 18th. My biggest concerns are them messing with my arms and getting sick from the meds. I'm not dwelling on things that could go wrong with the actual surgery! I'm learning a lot from the DIEP thread. The ladies there are funny and encouraging, very few complications for them. I have a preop appt. July 2 where I'll be thoroughly informed and also will be getting a CT on my belly to check blood vessels. My RO wants my chest CT'd, too, to check on my lung condition after rads and especially after the bad case of pneumonia I had. Hopefully that will all be fine! I am not taking any new medicine, by the way....I have no idea what I'll dream tonight. I would rather dream the chinchilla dream than the other dream I've been having---bc recurrence.

    Granna1948, I wrote down your "cancer words" or should I say GOD words, right away. Very encouraging reminder.

    Carolyn, I had an oopherectomy laparoscopically several years ago and, like Rocket, I was up and about quickly. You are going to do great!

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited June 2013

    @Rocket, I'm finished with the self-injected medication and got my first dose of the time-release version the day before yesterday. It was an intramuscular injection in the bum and I was very very sore right after--limping and almost feeling as if my leg would give way. But by the next day, the soreness was almost completely gone. I will have a CT scan the middle of next month to see whether this new med and the switch to a different AI have put the brakes on progression.

    I'm getting down to the dregs in my storage unit, have the money in the bank for down payment on the remodel, and chomping at the bit to get it started. My contractor was out of town this week but I hope to get the contract signed and work underway next week.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2013

    Jeannie, I marked the date down in my prayer notebook and will continue to lift you up for your DIEP surgery. You too are a tough cookie and will bounce back. I will pray especially for quick healing and no complications.

    Curveball, I am specifically praying for no progression. I am also praying about your remodel. I just had my home interior painting done - well almost done, and It drives me crazy to wait for contractors to show up. Today, hopefully the decks will be stained. This is all while I have company! UGH! I do enjoy company, don't get me wrong, but I don't like the added stress of getting my house painted. It was the only opening they had, so I didn't have much choice.

    I'm very stressed out about our house in Eastern NC, but our son and his wife have shown interest in buying it if they can sell theirs. They are working on that plan right now. Please pray if this is God's plan that He will reveal it to us and our Son's home will sell so they can buy ours.

    Have a lovely and blessed day all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2013

    Hi everyone.  Read through all the posts and will pray for each of you in a few minutes before I go to bed. 

    Rocket, that you son now wishes to buy your house sounds just like it is being orchestrated by the Lord.  Your tenants were not honest with you so you should have no qualms about beginning eviction. 

    JO-5, I saw Noah at Sight and Sound 3 times when it was here a few years ago.  Planning on going again, probably in August.  I can't believe you were right here in Lancaster - only 2-1/2 hour drive from me!  I could have met you there for lunch.  Cry

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2013

    I've been thinking about how over the the last few years I have developed a sort of tunnel vision when it comes to my health (both cancer and other health issues) and life expectancey. It's natural I know to become hyper-alert to our health concerns and how we may or may not survive. I have, however, spent little time thinking about my demise by other means. I'm thinking of that now.

    Yesterday, I was watching television, with the door shut and the AC on. Even shut up like that I heard a loud scream. At first I thought it may have been kids. But I heard it again, longer and louder, so I turned down the TV and heard a gut-wrenching scream that I've never heard before (and hope to never hear again). When I looked outside, I saw my neighbor wailing and falling to her knees. I found out soon after that she had just learned her DH was killed in a fiery motorcycle crash. He was 34. He had a daughter and 2 step-children between the ages of 5-13. I'm sure dying was not on his mind as left the house that day and went about his day.

    This disease makes us think about our futures, of what may happen in the future; those are real concerns and I don't minimize them. But at least we know what may lie ahead of us. We can make amends, tell people how much we love them, make a difference in someone's life; something my neighbor never got the chance to do. While I wish this disease no one, we do get to do something we should all do all the time - live like you were dying. Which we all are, cancer or no. I'm looking at my world with a fresh perspective this morning. Please pray for his family. They are not, to my knowledge, Christians. Pray that somehow God uses this to draw them close to Him.

    I appreciate all of you. Your prayers. Your willingness to share your pain; your hope. I pray that God richly bless each one of you.


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Oh my stars Mini1!  What a tragedy.  Terrible, just terrible.  That poor family without a loving Father now.  I just cannot imagine that.  I will certainly add them to my daily prayer list and pray that the Lord will touch them in some small way.  I hope they can make it through this nightmare and emerge stronger and as a more cohesive family.  So, so sorry for them and for your loss.  Peace, Prayers, Hugs, Love and Blessings to you and ALL of my fellow Christian Sisters today and everyday into the future.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, everyone!! I just read through all of your posts and lifted you all up in prayer!! Rocket, for discernment with your house situation, Jeannie, with your upcoming surgery, Carolyn, for healing as your rads will soon be over, and the sadness disappears!!! Jo-5, I have always wanted to attend the Sights and Sounds theater, glad to hear you are feeling better! Curveball, you are so positive and prayers are coming fo NED!!! Granna, love the verses about cancer!! Thanks for sharing!! Hugs and love to you all!! You all keep me spiritually uplifted !!! I would love prayers to have a better mental attitude!! Everything seems to bother me lately!! My dear hubby is so patient and wonderful with me !! This move to CA was hard !! Thank you !! Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Mini1! I am so sorry to hear about your neighbors. So devastating. You were placed as a neighbor for a reason. You will be their source of comfort , help and witness. Prayers are coming!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited June 2013

    Oh Mini1, I will hold this family up in prayer. and You, as you minister to them. I always have known that life can end, quickly, but like you I forget that a lot of people are facing these terrible things without the comfort of Christ,

    I hate how self focused I am at times side my cancer is stage 4 and just not a great time with side effects but many more and shocking things do happen, at least we know"absent from the body, present with the Lord" 

  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2013

    I absolutely love this forum. All you Christian Warriors are so awesome and such a comfort. I hope this isn't going to be too long but I wanted to share that God has spoken to me in so many ways since I was diagnosed. I keep my grandchildren Grayson, who is now 4-1/2, and Anna Cate, who is now 3.

    Two years ago I was fixing them lunch. I have a small patio off my kitchen with sliding glass doors, and Grayson said "Granna, there's God. Can you see Him? He's blowing in the wind." I turned and saw nothing. I later asked him what He looked like. He said, "He looks like Moses." He went on to tell me He was wearing a dress and had white hair. Then he said "He said He was gonna take care of you." I broke down and cried like a baby.

    A few weeks later on the day before my surgery, I was holding Anna Cate, and she lifted her little hand and touched my lump, and then laid her head on my breast. She did this a total of 3 times. Again, God was comforting me and letting me know that He's always there for us. Again, they were only 2-1/2 and 14 months at the time.

    I've had other "God moments" that are so comforting. Hope this wasn't too long, but had to share.

    Love and prayers,


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    Mini1, what you have said regarding your neighbour's tragedy is so true.  I am Stage IV, but hopefully I will be around for a very long time as I only have one bone tumour at the moment.  I will have plenty of time to think about the end of my life and make plans for it.  I told my friends about my situation so that they will be prepared for what will happen, and also because I want them to see that you can have cancer and still have a great life.  However, to have someone leave home one morning and then never see them again must be truly dreadful.  All of the things that remain unsaid, all the plans that were not realised, all of the dreams that never come true.  I will pray for this family, and it is part of The Lord's plan that you are there for them at this time.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2013

    Granna, thanks for sharing that.  Mini1, what a sad event.  BC and other serious illnesses do make you more aware of how short life can be so we do get to make choices that we may otherwise have not made.  My prayer is that she does, or will, know the Lord and look to Him for comfort.

    JO-5, yes, keep me in mind when you go to see Moses.  Hopefully I am still in the area and we can meet.