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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    jlow51, here is the link to In Jesus' Name

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Hey, Jlow - another Texan (I moved here two years ago from PA and love it - so I can call myself a Texan, right?). My husband and I live about 50 miles northwest of Houston and we drove through Lufkin when we visited Nacogdoches a few months ago.

    I'm not great on the computer, either but I checked out the video (if you search Zschech - In Jesus Name you should get it) - I did the "lyric" version so I could follow the words:

    KTF, hope the doctor visits today went well and you have peace and a clear direction as to how to proceed.

    Thanks to the survivors on the thread (rocket, fondak, kindergarten, JO-5 and others) - your encouragement means so much - because you know just what we're going through.

    Lovewins, I know what you mean about feeling like you LOOK like a cancer patient now. Yikes! Every time I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror (or even the computer screen), I wonder who that bald (to use Sewstrong's description) coconut head is???  Thank you, God, I love my wig, have gotten many compliments on it and it's very comfortable to wear (okay, survivors, do any of you keep wearing a wig? It's so much easier than dealing with my "old" hair in the morning!)

    Thanks, all, for the prayers and support. I was just thinking today that God put me on a bumpy road but I truly feel like He's been right there in front of me, smoothing them out - and giving me such blessings through the great company along the way!  :)

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Dear SaltyJack!!! Thank you for coming here for prayers, support and encouragement!! Your posts are so positive and encouraging with all that you are going through!!! It is so wonderful to read all the posts from you all that are now going through chemo!!! I truly believe that Our Lord never promised us a Rose Garden while we are living here on earth, but He promises never to leave us!!! We are here to preparefor a higher goal! The Glory of Heaven!!!! But we all live long lives spreading His Word!!!!! Where did you live in PA?? I did all my treatment in Pittsburgh !!! We lived there for 20 years, and then moved a few times because of job transfers. We are both retired now and moved to CA to be near our sons and grandchildren!!! Great medical care here, but so expensive to live here!!! I have a wonderful family doctor and oncologist!!! I am not sure where they stand with The Lord, but I always interject scripture in our conversations, even it it is just a "God Bless You." He, he,he!!! God Bless you and all the wonderful ladies here!!!!!

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2013

    Thanks, SaltyJack and SewStrong!!!!

    SaltyJack, I am kinda triangulated with Lufkin and Nacogdoches....15 miles north of Lufkin and 17 miles west of Nac. I usually shop in Nacogdoches. I go to Methodist and Baylor in Houston for treatment.

    What brought you to Texas from PA? Of course, we arrogant Texans would think you finally came to your senses!!!! Haha!!

    Thanks, again for helping me share this song. It is really blesses me and hope it does y'all!!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Hi Kindergarten - We lived in the York, PA area (about halfway between Harrisburg and Baltimore) - Snack Food Capital of the World (Utz Pretzels and potato chips, Snyder's Pretzels, Wolfgang Candies) but retired to Texas for warm weather. The first summer we lived here, there was record heat, drought and wildfires - so everybody said it could only get better!  Yep, Jlow, we're so glad to be in good old red Texas from that liberal PA. I just love being in the Bible belt - where they don't schedule school or homeowners' meetings on Wednesday night since they know lots of folks are at church and there are 8 other ladies in my subdivision in our Bible study on Wednesday mornings.

    When we first lived here, there was a little local theater down the street - the Texas Opry House. We got tickets to what turned out to be the last show there and right before the last song of the night, the M/C said "I wasn't here for the first show 25 years ago but I'm in charge tonight so I got to pick the last song that will be performed here." The best singer of the group then sang 4 verses of How Great Thou Art. The audience was on their feet and tears were streaming down my face - what a glorious finale!

    Kindergarten, I know what you mean about getting God into every appointment with the doctors and nurses. I figure if they hear it from enough patients, they might just see the difference between us and others and want to learn more!

    Love you guys!

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    I'm a marked woman!

    I have my little tats for radiation, the tapes with the wires, even picked up the cream from the pharmacy.  I'm ready to be turned into a tv dinner!

    SaltyJack, my dad's family is from PA, around Wilkes Barre, and I have an aunt in Mech'burg.  I remember going to visit my grandparents as a little girl, it was so beautiful!  I'm not one for the heat, and would love to live in Colorado, but it isn't a very church-friendly place.

    Covering everyone in prayer!  

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Rocket: Your kisses from God were such a blessing that I had to go back and read them again. How great is our God. He hears our cries and feels our pain and burden. I am so glad that He answered prayer for your daughter.

    SaltyJack: Thank you for the new quotes. They are wonderful.
    Today I heard a woman speaking on Focus on the Family as I took my morning drive to work. In Karen Ehman's book, "How to Stop Running the Show and Start Walking in Faith", she had this quote.
    "God called. He'd like His job back so let it go." I found that to be so true about me. I want God to lead as long as I can help direct it.

    Vickie: How wonderful hearing the news about your daughter. I will keep her in prayers that He will continue to heal her.

    Lovewins: My heart goes out to you as you have leaned on your parents. My dad is 90 and I did not want to tell him about all the biopsies and tests I have been going through. But God told me that my dad has always been and will be my dad no matter what his physical state and he is stronger then I give him credit for being. So I opened up and shared with him and he handled it very well. I feel a bit ashamed that I felt that I had to keep this from him.

    When I took Christ as my Lord and Savior in 1974 I was just finishing college and doing my student teaching. I found this poster and I still have it to this day.It shows the left half in bright yellow and the right half in black. On the left half it is written in black letters and the right half in yellow lettering. It says:" Faith is walking to the edge of all the light you have and taking one more step." Whenever I am afraid or feel distraught, I think of that poster and it reminds me that while I feel happy in the light because of what I can see, God is there in the darkness too.

    May all of you have a peaceful night's sleep. God bless all of you for your faith and trust in our King.

    In Christ,

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Hi Gardengal - well, your quotes are pretty good, too! In fact, I wrote the one about taking one more step (past the light) on the paper on my fridge. The fridge is pretty much covered now so I'm soon going to start on the oven, cabinets and stove.

    Cynthia, hope all goes well with the radiation. I told y'all before - we just moved to Texas and my husband thinks a home can't have too many Texas stars. In fact, he's already trying to talk me into having a Texas star tattooed instead of a nipple. I better be sure he doesn't get a chance to talk to the surgeon!  In PA, we lived in Mechanicsburg (just outside of Harrisburg) before we moved to York. Hope you got a chance to visit Hershey and tour Chocolate World when you visited!

    Sleep well, all - have a great weekend! 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Salty Jack: My mother's side of my family is from Lancaster Co, in PA. My husband came from Norristown, PA...but moved to Pittsburgh so I could keep my teaching job. He gave up his for me. I don't know if I would have been able to do that for him because of my elderly dad.

    I am going to start putting quotes up on my office bulletin board at work until someone tells me that I have to remove them.

    Interesting thought about the star....It's good the surgeon isn't a tatoo artist as well. You could wake up with one..Surprise!

    I went to another thread last night and was reading some other ladies comments. I came away feeling like they were swimming in a sea of despair. There seemed to be no hope and only desperate grasping for answers and support. I also felt like people were throwing out the life ring without the rope attached. There was no one there to pull them in. I became so disheartened by it because of the absence of God. I am truly blessed that He guided me to this thread where all you allow your light to shine in the darkenss so others may see and know the reason for it.

    Have a great day ladies.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Oh, Char - I agree about the other threads!  I'm reading the Triple Positive (especially because of the news this week about perjeta - yay!) and the August and September Chemo threads. There's some good information on there but it's so sad to read the posts and see what ladies are going through with sadness, nobody truly caring, and despair.

    Speaking of the other threads - some of the ladies are talking about delayed or after-type SE - like thinning nails, dry skin, etc. Anybody here have any thoughts or experiences to share? I'm just starting on this bumpy road - halfway through A/C (yay again!) then T/H for 12 weekly infusions but I'm not sure how long the Herceptin lasts (one of my questions next time I go). After that, it's 5 years of hormones, right?

    Thanks so much for any help. This thread is so great - we get wonderful Christian support and a cross-section of BC experiences!

    Have a blessed day. This is the day that the Lord has made - I will rejoice and be glad in it!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Hello ladies...thank you for your kind words and support. KTFI pray your son is feeling better and has found God's peace although I think it an be an ongoing process.  It is amazing that your son said he would Praise God no matter what, what a mature Christian.  I am working on praying that way to...not so much for my needs and wants but what is best to glorify God and to do His will.  This way we know we are praying for the right outcome.  God will work this for the good of your family and everyones family. are so right God is using this for the good of everyone, it is so amazing to me how He can do that.  Thank you for your encouragement.  God is using this to make me stronger because outwardly I am not very strong but knowing Christ and Him lifting me up and teaching me is making me strong in Him.  Hope all is well with you, many blessings to you and everyone.

    Saltyjack...I did a little retail therapy to help me feel better because I want to be able to go out in the world and not stay home all the time.  It actually really helped lift my spirits...I know they are only material things but God works in mysterious ways!  I am glad you are so strong and doing well.  I know your husband sees everything you are going through and God is using this to show your husband what a wonderful God we have.  I have always believed when I read the Bible even before this BC happened that God is able to change a mans heart by the actions and love of the wife.  I hope you are feeling well today.

    For everyone going thru hard times and good times my heart comes out to you because you are my sister in Christ and we share this journey.  Thank you all for sharing yourself with us and being encouragers.  It is so wonderful to know I am not alone in this...I am sorry if I missed anyone this is a busy thread now which is awesome!!!!  But hard for me to keep caught up.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    Hi ladies,

    I have my surgery scheduled for Oct 18th. LX, SNB and port. BS said they will do the SNB dye injection under anesthesia, so no worries about that! I have a great medical team and know that they will do everything they can to get me through treatment and beyond for many years to come! My cancer center also has a "tumor board" that reviews the path, etc and makes a recommendation on lucky am I? My 2nd opinion MO is who I will be using. A lady having infusion was kind enough to let me check out her port b/c I was worried about how big it was, etc. They have improved so many things. I am so glad there is a new therapy for some of you! MO recommended a flu shot asap also and I didn't have to ask her about it! So, I got that done yesterday as well.

    My son came over last night and we talked until 1am. He is worried about my chemo rads, etc. I think he felt a little better after we talked, which of course, made me feel better!

    I pray that you all have a pain free and peaceful day today! God bless you all!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Dear Keepthefaith!! Wow, you have a wonderful medical team and Our Lord is right beside you every step of the way! We are your Prayer Warriors here as well! You have a wonderful son as well!!! You are are going to just great, and when you do have a challenging day, just look up and then log on here!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    Thank you Kindergarten~

    My DD just sent me this quote:  "Keep your head up. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers."

    K, I see you had chemo prior to surgery. I think my path is similar to yours. If you don't mind me asking, do you know why they recommended chemo prior to surgery or have I asked you that??:). They have me doing LX first.

    Bless you all~

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013
    Dear KeeptheFaith!! Of course, I never mind questions!!! Since I had bi-lateral breast cancer ( the bigger tumor in my left breast and one lymph node positive) my onc felt that the neo-adjuvant chemo would shrink both tumors first!! Chemo first in 2004 was relatively new, my onc was pretty aggressive!! I, then had a bi-lateral mascectomy and radiation!! I am now taking aromasin for 10 years, 21/2 more years!!! I did take 8 months off!!! So far, so good, but every onc has a different protocol!! Blessings to you!!!!
  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    Thanks for sharing. I'm so glad your regimen has been successful for you! This thread has been so helpful to me. I am looking forward to being as close to the finish line as you are!
    God bless~
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Absolutely, Keepthefaith, anytime!!!! You will be at that finish line sooner than you think!!!!! Blessings to you, Kathy

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2013

    Hi friends. Sorry haven't been around. In FL where DS moved and will be happy to get back home tomorrow and hopefully get a good nights sleep in my own bed. Unfortunately DS furniture and 'stuff' not yet arrived so he's on a pull out loveseat, office chair, a few items of clothes, no TV but he has food, his laptop and internet access. He's not a happy camper and absolutely scared to go it on his own but I have to get back to NJ and, more importantly, clip the apron strings. His stull should be delivered next week and his coach and other support staff will check in on him constantly. He also has a housemate, nice kid, but DS hasn't yet warmed up to the idea of living with a stranger. Please keep him in prayer as he begins a new chapter, independence, and finds his way.

    I continue to raise each of you up, individually and collectively, before our Father. It is such a blessing to me to come to this thread and read all the uplifting posts.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Oh Gosh, SaltyJack, You gave me goose bumps writing How Great Thou Art. I cannot hear that song without crying. I love it.

    lovewins, The advice for SaltyJack is exactly what I learned a long time ago. I learned not to cram the Bible down my husband's throat but to just Love him and God would do the rest. He did.

    I just know that God is using each and every one on this thread to carry out the Great Commission of going into all of the world to preach the Gospel. I used to wonder in my youth, how a person could go into all of the world. I thought it was physically impossible. That was after I found out that it was impossible to dig a hole to China in the back yard with a tablespoon. My brother said I could, so I tried for a long time. I think he was just trying to get me out of his hair. Now, with the invention of the Internet, I can see how one person can travel all around from country to country talking about the Love of God and spreading the Word. Isn't it amazing the age we live in? God is greater than anything we can ever imagine. One day, when we're all in Heaven, we'll wonder why we ever wanted to stay here in this place. The only reason I can think of is that we need to spread the Gospel. I believe that is the reason God is healing all of us. We were made for his pleasure and He is our Lord. I'm rally glad I gave in to his calling in my life. In God's Love, Sharon

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2013

    Preach it, Sister SewStrong!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Dear Patoo!!! My heart goes out to you, as you and your son begin this new journey! You have prepared him well and he will have many people watching over him, including Our Lord!! He also has prayer warriors here praying for him as well!!! May you get a good nights sleep knowing you and your dear son are covered in prayer!!!!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    I'm sorry. I do get carried away at times, don't I? I'm not apologizing for the Gospel, but for typing so much for you to read. It's like one of those 1 1/2 hour sermons when your roast is burning at home and you can't wait for the preacher to stop. It takes the whole focus off of the sermon.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Hello Ladies...God bless everyone. I am at my folks again, I decided to break my treatments into two part s 10 days at home and 10 days with my folks. We are having a wonderful time. Mom and I get out everyday to get into something. She said she is feeling better physically since I am here...Praise God! Today I am going to make a dish I never made before with Swedish potato sausage. I am finding much joy in feels very healing to me. I am also making a couple of jewelry boxes for my good friends at home. God is so good....He is building me up for my 3rd treatment. Praise God! I would never of been able to get this far without Him. Thanks for allowing me the time and space to Praise Him for all He has done and is doing for all of us. And SewStrong keep preachin'...Amen!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Sewstrong, I don't think any of us minded your post or thought it was too long (but love the analogy about the roast-burning-at-home). Praying for your next infusion on Monday - hope you get strong over the weekend, sleep well and are ready for the second-to-last one!

    KTF, your saying about God's strongest warriors is so perfect - thanks. I passed it along to a dear friend who prayed with me when I was first diagnosed and afraid I would turn out to be Stage IV (ended up Stage II). Patsy has been fighting Stage IV lung cancer for a year and a half - was diagnosed just after she retired and was ready to leave for a 4-month RV trip around the US with her husband. Instead, she's had chemo every 3 weeks - but is inspiring us all with her faith, strength and confidence in the power of prayer. She's definitely one of the strongest warriors I know and God's given her a tough battle - but she's doing it with grace and strength.

    I laid awake for a while last night and filled the time praying for everybody I could think of - remembered your son, Patoo. Hope all is going well with him settling in - at least he picked a nice climate to do it and not the areas that are having blizzards!

    Lovewins, what a precious time you're having with your folks - enjoy! The older I get, the more I treasure my parents (my mom is halfway across the country but ever since I've been diagnosed, she keeps telling me to just let her know when I need her and she'll be on a plane). God has been so good that I haven't needed to take her up on it yet but it's great knowing she'll be there when I need her.

    Kindergarten, thanks for the encouraging words. I've been telling a couple of friends lately - if I could speed all this process up, I sure would....but time is going quickly and I know I'll be looking back on this (and some hair on the top of my head again!) soon enough. God's got some more stuff for me to learn along the way, right? No shortcuts or I'll miss some blessings!

    Have a blessed weekend - love you all!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    SJ, Love the "no shortcuts"; will have to keep that in mind! Gods' timing is perfect, after all!

    Lovewins, so glad you are finding that being with your parents is a gift to treasure! We never get too old to need our parents.

    Sewstrong, agreed, love your "sermons"! Keep them coming:).

    Patoo, remember how well you raised your son and that you gave him everything he needs to start his journey. It is scarey, but he is not really alone.
    Praying that you all have a wonderful week-end!
  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited October 2013
    Here's another link ladies:

    So much has happened in a week!

    Rocket your story was so awesome. Not sure I'd have petting a cow on my bucket list though, lol. PTL on your daughter's news. When I was still pastoring/preaching every week, I always asked for answered prayers first before asking for prayer requests. I suggested that we can go to a football game and scream our heads off so why can't we do the same when it comes to answered prayer? I called them "way to go God moments". You have certainly had several this week.

    These God sightings come to us daily. Some big, some small. All of us have been chosen by God for this journey. He didn't give us cancer but He felt we were able to handle what came our way. What a chance we have to witness through this (although there are times I just want to crawl into a hole). I have so many people nearly fall over when they find out what I'm battling. "But you're so up and happy all the time!" Only one explanation can be given and if I didn't have Him in my life I'm absolutely certain I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago.

    Jlow51 and lovewins, we have all been there. Doesn't make it any easier when those days come but God made us with the ability to make tears for a reason. It's so cleansing and healing. On those down days I just let it flow. Without fail, the next day or sometimes even the same day, a huge blessing comes my way.

    Watch and wait for the God sightings - they're awesome.

    Love to all! Sue
  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited October 2013
    Now for my update after my long winded sermon, ha ha.

    Had the monthly onc. appointment yesterday. She seemed to feel that the Xeloda is doing it's job....slowly but surely. I've been anxious about this appointment because I wasn't so sure it was working. Changes in both breasts that didn't seem to be for the better and the hip pain that is now constant. She said that sometimes in the early going the tumors/masses change in funny ways before starting to turn around. She was confident enough about it's working that she said she's in no hurry to do any more scans until at least after the first of the year and maybe longer - way to go God!

    She also said that the plural effusion in both lungs seem to be drying up. I finally got the release to get rid of all the oxygen tanks and machines that I haven't used for over a month - oh PTL I can have my kitchen back, ha ha.

    I'm excited that I get to stay on the Xeloda. I've had few side effects so far and it beats sitting in an infusion room for hours on end.

    Keep up the good work and the faith ladies! Blessings. Sue
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Dear Sue, I did not know that you are/were a pastor!! Are you retired? I am sure you were awesome and so encouraging to others!! Yes, what we would we do without our strong faith during those challenging and difficult times!! I see God sightings every day!!! What a blessing this thread is!!!! Love and Hugs to everyone here!!! Kathy

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Sue, Your statement that sometimes you just want to crawl into a hole. I think we can all say that we've had those days, but so did Jesus. He prayed, "Father, take this cup from me." and "Father, why hast thou forsaken me?" We are human, and so was Jesus in those moments. He overcame and showed us the way. Thank God. It gives me goose bumps to even think of the sacrifice. During the Passion of the Christ, I literally almost shook into convulsions when Jesus was being scourged. My husband held me tight and I had to bury my face. I couldn't bear to look, so when I think of any sacrifice, I, after being human for a time, thank God that I haven't had anything nearly as horrific as that. I'm only human, and I have a lot of human moments, but God jerks me back in line and I get back on the path.

    SaltyJack, you are so good at writing personal comments to everyone. That's a God-Given talent of yours and I love it. I'm praying for your Friday like you're praying for my Monday. I hope the increase in strength of the taxotere won't make a difference in SEs because I don't think I've had it all that rough yet. I'm praying that I will continue as usual. I can't say it's been a picnic, but it's been manageable. I have heard people say, "It's doable." Now, I know what they mean. It is doable. If what I suspect is true, then my MO started me out on an intermediate grade of taxotere and Cytoxan and increases the strength each time by about 1/4. I am to have four infusions, so I'm suspecting that the last one will be full strength. I am only guessing. Sounds good to me. If that is true, I'm praying that this one on Monday and the last one three weeks later won't give me side effects that I didn't know I could have. I'm going to have to pray extra hard this week. I praise God for what he's done for me and others thus far and in the future. He will get us through.

    I ate liver today to build red blood cells. I'm having a spinach salad tonight to do more of the same. I drank one of my magic mineral broth drinks that I froze. I do that every time before chemo and it seems to have made my blood counts in the excellent range. I pray they're that way on Monday.

    God bless everyone on this thread in your own individual ways that God wills for each of us. I think if it hadn't been for meeting SaltyJack on another thread, I wouldn't have found you so today, I'm praising God for her. Have a good weekend, SaltyJack. You deserve it.

    In God's Love, Sharon