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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Good evening everyone. I wanted to check in before going to bed.

    Keep the Faith: I will be praying for you on the 18th. I am having surgery that day as well. It will be my clean out and another biopsy to see if cancer has reared its ugly head. I have to go in the 15th for a radioactive seed implant first. We are having our annual Breast Cancer Awareness day that day too. My guidance counselor has held it for a number of years and she, myself and some others donate items that are pink to be raffled off to anyone that has donated and then use the money toward breast cancer research. A year ago, I would not have thought I would be where I am today. We just never know.

    I finally told my principal yesterday before leaving work for the day that I would be having surgery and would be out a few days for upcoming preps and surgery. He told me his 77 year old mother was just diagnosed and was going in this coming week to have surgery. He said they were checking to see how far it has spread. I asked how she was doing and he said like me, she said take what you need to and leave whatever you can. This is the second person in my building that is going through this. My friend had her mastectomy this summer. She came to him about this time last year to tell him that she had breast cancer. My heart goes out to my boss because he has been running our building since the second day of school without our assistant principal. She fell and bruised her knees and for whatever reason has been out on workmen's comp for a bruised bone for weeks. The man looks exhausted and now has his mother on his mind to boot.

    Sharon: Praise God for your voice. God told us to let our light shine in a world of darkness. I think the only reason any of us are still hear is because men's hearts are growing colder and Satan is blinding men. I look around and see so many people in denial and I know that it is Satan's work. We need to be the light in all this darkness and give people a reason for the hope that is in us. I know that I am ready to be with my Lord but I also know that there are so many lost, including family members and while my heart longs to be with Him in heaven, God needs me and all of you here right now to serve Him. I pray that your strength and energy increases each day.

    Sue: So good to hear your update. It seems God has things working out for the best for you. PTL for good news and that your making progress.

    Today, I went to do lab work in prep for my upcoming surgery and a worker at the hospital said that she has heard lots of good things about my surgeon. It is amazing how I ended up with her. I think that was the hardest thing I had to do was figure out who I would go with. In Pittsburgh we have some great medical facilities. All of my mammograms and first biopsy was through Magee Women's health. God gave me a wonderful radiologist to do my first biopsy. She was the first and only doctor that ever hugged me not once but twice. She was beyond fantastic. So when it came to doctors, I was going to stay in this system. But our area is in an insurance battle between their network and the one I am enrolled in. My gynecologist suggested someone else. It was interesting how mentioning my difficulty in making a decision, I mentioned the doctor that I now have and in several instances people praised her up and down. I felt God had intervened in directing me to her. Then when it came to moving years of films and reports from one network to the other, I almost had wished I had not changed. But again today, speaking to this hospital worker seemed to confirm my decision and now I am in their Breast Center which I have also heard good things about. I told my hubby today that I am just going to put my hands in the Carrie Underwood's song says...and let Jesus take the wheel.

    LoveWins: I am happy to hear that you will be with your parents during part of your treatment. I think there is nothing better then being surrounded by those we love.

    To all of you... "Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders." Deuteronomy 33:12

    May all of you rest between God's shoulders. They are strong enough to hold each of us there.

    In Christ,


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Okay, we've got lots to pray for in the next couple of weeks:

    Sewstrong - 3rd (highest/hardest level yet) of chemo on Monday, 10/7;

    me (Saltyjack) - 3rd chemo on Friday, 10/11;

    Keepthefaith and Gardengal - surgery on the Friday, 10/18;

    Patoo and her son - both adjusting to lots of living changes - especially him in a new area and with new roommate;

    Milehighgirl -continued good response to meds and less pain;

    Lovewins - next treatment - when?

    Now, I know there are others - so help me out here, ladies!

    By the way - we all owe Patoo thanks for getting us here together (a divine appointment, right?) She's the one who put the link to this site for Cynthia on a seldom-used Christian support thread. So glad we're here!

    Have a blessed Sunday!

  • GrammyR
    GrammyR Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2013

    Just thinking this one may be appropriate for this thread as I am 65 year old with new progression to lung and clavicle node. I completed 6 weeks of RADS last week and thought I had done very well w/little side effects. Well my skin is now red raw on my neck and shoulder and wearing clothing makes it burn worse then any sunburn even w/ the aloe. On top of this I have severe neuropathy ( since Taxol 7 years ago.) to feet and now right hand /arm . On top of this I cannot seem to tolerate any of the hormone blocker pills , so do not know what lays ahead or how soon.

    To cut to what I believe to be the good lord stepping in this morning after a bad night. I logged on to my favorite Pandora online radio. My usual is classical or spiritual. Anyway out blasts Bob Marley singing " Everything is Gonna be Alright " Then I opened my e mail and there was a message from a very old (boy ) friend overseas telling me exactly the same thing . I decided I should take it easy today, and was very surprised when I was able to pick up the quilt pieces I had not touched for a couple of months and sew a few seams

    The lord works in mysterious ways and only the true believers get to figure it out :))

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Hey, Grammy, welcome! When I first started reading your post, I was hoping you'd found the right place but by the time I got to the end, I knew you had! Some of us are younger than 60 but I think we've all found this thread to be the absolute best place for believers to gather for blessings, prayer, encouragement and caring. I love your last sentence!

    Several of us ladies are just starting the journey you've been on for a while. We were on the August Chemo thread but got kicked out for insisting on including God in the whole BC situation. :) It's just hard to imagine dealing with something so life-changing (if not life-threatening....but of course, just life this side of Heaven's Gate) without depending on prayer, Bible verses and knowing that we need strength and grace beyond ourselves to get up and going every morning.

    Anyway - welcome! So glad you've had a couple of God's kisses of encouragement lately. Hopefully there are many more to come!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Granny...this is a wonderful thread. Good for you being able to sew, my Mom really get's into quilting and loves it.

    Thank you for asking SaltyJack I really admire how you can keep all this info together. My next chemo date is 10/14/2013 and as most people days 3-5 are hardest for me.

    Hope everyone is having a blessed Sunday.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Welcome, Grammy!! You have come to a wonderul thread filled with prayer, strong faithful believers,love and support!! You have so much to offer as well!! Thank you for joining us!!!! Happy Sunday to everyone!!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    GG, Thank you for your prayers and sharing your story. I will be thinking of you also on the 18th and praying that your surgery goes well. I know our BS's will do everything in their power to search and destroy while conserving!
    Sewstrong, I hope your treatment goes well on Monday. Will be thinking of you. I pray that you have minimal SE's.
    MHG, so happy that your onc appt went well:) Happy dance!
    Welcome to the BEST thread there is, Grammy. I have family that lives in the Seattle area.
    SJ, lovewins, good luck on your upcoming treatments also.
    I had my DS and family over for dinner yesterday. Amazing what a little love can do to lift your spirits!
    I hope you all are enjoying your week-end. We finally got some cooler weather here in Central Tx and much needed rain!

    Blessings and HUGS to all~
  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    SaltyJack: Thank you for the official posting of what is to come for everyone. I started a prayer list by the lap top so I could keep everyone in prayers. I had the craziest of dreams last night. I was teaching my students and we were going to run a mile but throughout it my bra was on one of my kids and we were suppose to catch him if we could. Wow! I guess I was thinking of my students, my running and my issues with my breast. They all sort of mashed together into one bizarre dream.

    Anyway thank you for keeping us up to snuff on everyone.

    GrammyR: Welcome to this site. I don't think it is by coincidence that anyone ends up here. I do believe it is God's divine plan that we meet together. It is like wondering in the desert and this thread is like the well of cool refreshing and here for all of us to partake.

    Patoo: Prayers to you and your son as you both make this new adjustment.

    Happy Sunday everyone! It is a glorious day.

    In Christ,


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2013

    Hi Grammy,

    Welcome to this thread! I love this place and the way that you will pray and be prayed for with so many Christian women.

    I think it is great when the Lord sends you a message through unexpected means that everything is going to be alright . He truly does move in mysterious ways. I was diagnosed two months earlier than you were this year, and I am learning to trust Him more and myself and others less. I think you just have to sit back and accept that He is driving the car and you are in the passenger seat, and decide that you will enjoy the ride.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Wow, FridayGirl!! Love your post!! I am going to say that often!!! I am the passenger and God is the driver!!! I have been feeling more at peace and not stressing!! Worrying less, but praying incessantly !! God has answered so many of my prayers this last year!! I am so grateful for His Grace and the many Blessings He bestows upon me!!! Hugs, Kathy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Yep, Fridaygirl - I like God as the driver and me the passenger better than the more common bumper-sticker "God is my co-pilot." It sure makes much more sense for Him to be making the decisions than me because I've made some doozies in my life.

    I wish y'all would stop giving me credit for reciting the prayer's only because I was too lazy to make a separate list like I know most of you have done. Well, now I did it, too - so I have my paper ready to help me pray for each of you (and I'm leaving room to put in the answers I know will be coming!)

    At church today, the message was about Paul and my Pastor always has a "next step". Today's was:

    Live with integrity, commit your way to the Lord, and wait on Him to work out His plan in your life.

    I'm going to work on that this week.

    God bless us all!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    GrammyR, Here are several more confirmations that God led you to this thread. SaltyJack and I were led here from Chemo Sisters, you sew quilts (look at my username, I sew too), and God does work in mysterious ways. I will be 69 on November the 4th, I'm a mother of four sons, grandmother to 7 grandchildren, and great grandma to two beautiful two-year-old twin girls. God gave me them after all of those boys so I just know he didn't give them to me for such a short time. I'm going to be a great-great grandmother before I die. God isn't finished with us yet, and I believe that when we submit to his Will, we live a longer life. He needs us here to shout out the Gospel. I should be called Wendy, no Windy, because that's what I am. I sometimes preach, I sometimes just read, I sometimes complain, and sometimes write several volumes of text. You are most welcome here. I am so new, it feels strange for me to say that, but I am very old in the Lord's work and that's why I can welcome you to a very spiritual, God-inspired thread. All of these Christian women are wonderful. I would like for you to motivate me to get out the quilt pieces I put away when I found out I had Triple Negative Breast Cancer on June 19, 2013. It changed my world. I had a lumpectomy, surgery, and now I'll have my third chemo tomorrow around 2 pm EST. We will be here to hear your story, to cry with you, to pray with you and for you, (I' start tonight), to tell jokes, to encourage you, to let you rant and rave without criticism, and to mostly just join in the body of Christ on this thread to follow his Guidance through this awful disease. It will help you reach a point of that peace that passes understanding. It took me 10 days before I turned it over to the Lord, myself, but when I did, I received that peace and I haven't looked back. He helps us come to grips with our disease and our mortality. We are all mortal and all somehow want to cling to this sin-filled world so we won't have to leave our loved ones. That's how I feel, but God is showing me that He has a plan for me and that if I will just shut up my mouth long enough, he will see me through. I don't believe that Christians die even for a second. I think they just leave this old rotten body and instantly meet up with the Lord. The Bible says, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." I believe that. I have to. I have loved ones there and dear friends, too, so I picture them with the Lord. I'm sorry I write so much. I just let my heart roll and it just comes out. Here is a great big hug (((((O))))) from every one of us. Don't you go anywhere. I will see you tomorrow after chemo.

    Thanks keepthefaith, I appreciate your comments. That's what I missed on the other thread. Almost everyone ignored me. I think the comments I got were from those who came over to this thread with me. I have no ill feelings for those women. I just pray for them. I don't write much because it still hurts my feelings to write so much and never receive a comment. In the beginning I did get comments, but when I turned on my spiritual side (blame it on SaltyJack), I felt shunned. I know our Lord felt shunned, too, so who am I? He prayed for them, so I will too.

    One day, I'm going to start writing down facts about each person so I can keep up like SaltyJack does. I used to do that but quit when I moved to a new thread. I guess I was trying it out first before I wrote anything, but I think it's time.

    End of my BOOK!


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Dear Heavenly Father, Be with Sharon as she goes through her third chemo treatment tomorrow. May You give her strength and ease the difficulty of it. Like Shadrach,Meshack and Abendnego, may she dance in the fire and come out feeling refreshed and untouched. We know that you can lift her from the physical discomfort and take her to a place beyond the fatique and sickness. We will continue to honor and glorify You and all You do for us. We thank You for all you do.

    In Christ name I pray.


    Sharon you will be in my thoughts and prayers this week. To all a better day tomorrow.

    Because He Lives,


  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278
    edited October 2013

    Hello Ladies, Sharon invited me to join in with you because she knows I have been under a great deal of stress these past few months, seemingly getting worse by the day. Long story. One day I will share it with you. I chose to stop by because I am doing a lot of questioning here I am ready to listen but not yet ready to talk.

    Char, where in the Pittsburgh area area you? I am in the eastern Suburbs, also going to Magee. My surgeon is in Monroeville but my surgery was at Magee. My MO is at Magee but I am in the process of switching because of the commute issues....I can get care from other members ot the same Women's Cancer Team in Monroeville and not have to go through "the tunnel" everytime I need to go. And I have had too many ER visits and inpatient stays to name; Monroeville is just so much more convenient. My docs at Magee are spectacular, as are the ones in the east. Just curious. I have found that many of the docs affiliated with Magee and the UPMC Cancer Centers are full of compassion and empathy; all of the seeming genuine.

    I wish you all a peaceful week and look forward to getting to know each of you a bit better


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2013

    Wow, just wow. I came over to this sight to check on my "friend" Sharon knowing she is having chemo tomorrow and now two hours have past with me reading everyone posts. I was/am more of a reader than commenter on the August chemo site. Sharon- I will be praying that tomorrow and all of this week goes well for you. I am having my 3rd chemo treatment on Thursday and since the last one has left me exhausted, I am a little worried about Thursday! This is a wonderfully uplifting site. God is good.


  • algranna
    algranna Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2013

    I have been reading all of your posts for over a month. I was on the May chemo blog and did not like the way the ladies were talking. I finished my chemo last week and am scheduled for surgery on October 28th, a double masectomy. I am 54 and this will be my first major surgery. I have always been healthly and very active. My mass was large and I had chemo first to shrink it. I will have radiation for 6 weeks after surgery. I will be happy to answer any questions you have about chemo. Any tips you can give me regarding surgery are appreciated.

    You all are in my prayers.

    Psalm 23


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Hi, Kate and Rhody!! Welcome to this wonderful thread !! Rhody, I did all my treatment at Magee in Pittsburgh!! We retired to CA to be near our sons and grandchildren!!! Yes, indeed what a small world!! God is Good!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    wow , Algranna!! I also lived in AL for a year!! My onc there was Melissa Baird , downtown Birmingham!! I have had 4 oncologists since leaving Pittsburgh !! A big welcome to you !!! So glad that you are finished with Chemo!! You are covered in prayer!! Blessings, Kathy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Hey, welcome Kate, Rhody and Algranna! We all give God credit for bringing us to this thread so you're some more "divine appointments"! When I was first diagnosed, a dear friend gave me a great book and one of the sayings in it is:

    I am God's His keeping....under His direction....and for His time. I repeated that at least a hundred times the day I had a PET scan, MRI, EKG and ultrasound - it got me through a loooooonnnnng day.

    Algranna, I feel like you do. I'm 55 and have always had excellent health....till I found out in August that I have breast cancer. Whew! Talk about God getting my attention really quick! I've grown so much closer to Him and learned to trust Him so much more, this bumpy road is already worth it. I'm very involved on a committee at church and when I told the chairman about my diagnosis, he said "I can't wait to see what God has planned for you after this. I know it's going to be great!" I feel like Hebrews 12 - I'm surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses and inspiring folks - at church and here, God is making this journey - as unexpected and as much of a shock as it was at first - such a blessing. Now that I've started a separate prayer list, I've added your surgery on October 28. :) Since you offered - first's your hair?

    I'll have my 3rd of 4 A/C chemo treatments this Friday then 12 weekly T/H (maybe even perjeta? I'm going to ask my MO) then surgery (MX) and if necessary, radiation. So - we'll all travel along together. Some of the ladies have been on this road for years - they're a great inspiration, too.

    Rhody, I saw your post on the other site - so sorry you lost your dog. I have two greyhounds (Salty Dog and Jack - didn't I come up with a clever name for this thread?) and know how pups can get a special place in your heart. I also saw that you were doing lots of thinking - you sure came to the right place for some good support and caring. (By the way - I just moved to Texas from the Harrisburg, PA area last year - my husband is from Altoona, probably not far from you.....home of the World Famous Horseshoe Curve).

    Welcome new friends and sisters!

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2013

    Welcome to all our new friends who have joined here! I will be thinking of you and praying for you tomorrow, Sharon. I am so thankful that we have a loving Father to rely on! When anything happened in my life growing up that was hurtful or hurting ... the first three words out of my Mother's mouth were "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus". Now, in the face of adversity, the first three words out of my mouth are "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"! I did not realize until I was a more mature Christian what a powerful prayer that was! No matter what the trial, temptation, illness or tragedy...we have an advocate with our Father. All we have to say is Jesus!

    Eleven years ago, this weekend my son had a terrible jet ski accident. He broke his femur. A fatty emboli broke loose and hit his lungs. He was in the hospital 17 days, six in ICU. There were lots of good doctors, many high powered specialist...but it all was up to our Lord. When he was being dismissed from the hospital his pulmonary specialist told him he had been blessed and when he thanked his cardiologist, the doc said don't thank me, Thank God! We later found out that in a case like his they give a 5% chance of recovery! I am humbled and thank God every time I look at my child! (He's 38, but still my child). We must always remind ourselves that God is on the throne and is only a prayer, a thought, a breath away.

    May you all be mightily blessed this week! No matter what we face....Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Enough said.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Rhody, Kate and Algranna. As SaltyJack said, you are not here by accident but by divine intervention. We hope you will find comfort and solace here on this thread. These are wonderful women and their support and prayers are truly a blessing to each of us. I am also fairly new. I have been only here for a few weeks. I am waiting to have surgery in 12 days. I will find out if I have cancer or they got everything the first round. And so I wait.... Love what you said SaltyJack .I am God's His keeping....under His direction....and for His time.

    Rhody...I live in the North Hills. Kindergarten and I just found out that we have some common connections here. I certainly understand your reason for switching. It was great going to Magee Cranberry but I did not want to have to go into Magee in Pittsburgh. It was easier for me to go to AGH. But as my husband said...go where God leads and where I feel I will get the best care. So far I like my BS. She is professional, personable and approachable and she gave me time to process things and explained things in a way that one could understand. She also gave me one of the best breast examines that I ever had and is the first person to recognize that my right breast is smaller then my left. When I got home and looked in the mirror, I noticed that she was absolutely right and yet in all the years I looked at my own breasts I never noticed it. I like observing people.

    Kate welcome and we will put you on our prayer list for your third round too.

    God has been busy connecting all of her. He sure is good.

    In Christ,


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2013

    Hello Kate, Rhody and Algranna,

    Welcome to this thread. You will be covered in prayer for whatever you are going through, just let us know. We all have so many things going on in our lives, and they all affect us in different ways. I will pray for your surgeries and treatments, and that stressful times come to an end.

    Sewstrong, I am doing a patchwork quilt over here and my aunt has asked me to make one for her when I am finished so I am sewing as fast as I can. The trouble is I work full time in Dublin and often when I get home in the evening I am too tired to start on it again. I am making it in beautiful vivid floral fabrics by Kaffe Fasset, and can't wait for it to be finished.

    I am having my treatment today, and will see my oncologist to let him know that I think the cancer is spreading. I have been feeling tightness in my right side for a little while now, and know that this isn't a one-off pain. I am hoping that if it is cancer it is in my ribs and not in an organ, because I think it will be easier to treat in my bones.

    I am also visiting the cancer centre where I have been complaining to my counsellor for some time that I must be the only woman in Ireland with Stage IV cancer because I never meet or hear of anyone else in my situation. Bless her, she is organizing a support group for people who are Stage IV with any cancer and we are having our first meeting this morning. I really feel that it will be good if we can meet up, make friends and provide support for each other in our changed lives. One of my hobbyhorses is that here in Ireland we don't talk about incurable diseases and keep our illnesses secret as if we are ashamed of them. I suspect that it is because our society is so secular now that we don't accept the idea of life after death, and the alternative is so awful that we can't bring ourselves to discuss it. Anyway, God willing I hope to make some new friends today and will let you know how I get on.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Oh FridayGirl, you have brought me to tears. I am sending your a big hug across the pond. I wish my arms were long enough to do it in person but this will have to do.(((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))). But I am asking God to wrap you in His warmth like the softest blanket and making you feel secure. How wonderful for your counselor organizing a group for you. You can be a real light for those other women and hopefully be a visual support group for each other.

    I am of German descent and I know in my family it was always about sucking it up and dealing with it. Everyone has pain and everyone hurts but you handle it. Not so anymore now that my family (father, sister, husband, etc,) know the Lord. Praise God for a changed heart.

    I will be praying for you today for your treatment and that your cancer has not spread further. I also will pray for your new support group. Because He lives we can face tomorrow.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Oh FridayGirl, you have brought me to tears. I am sending your a big hug across the pond. I wish my arms were long enough to do it in person but this will have to do.(((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))). But I am asking God to wrap you in His warmth like the softest blanket and making you feel secure. How wonderful for your counselor organizing a group for you. You can be a real light for those other women and hopefully be a visual support group for each other.

    I am of German descent and I know in my family it was always about sucking it up and dealing with it. Everyone has pain and everyone hurts but you handle it. Not so anymore now that my family (father, sister, husband, etc,) know the Lord. Praise God for a changed heart.

    I will be praying for you today for your treatment and that your cancer has not spread further. I also will pray for your new support group. Because He lives we can face tomorrow.

    I hope this video helps.

    Because He Lives,


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    OHHHHHHH KATE, you are TNBC too. I don't wish that on you but I have it and it is usually a lonely place to be. I thank you so much for prayers. I have my class reunion on Saturday and that is only my 6th day after chemo. Usually 5 is my worst. I am praying that on that day, I feel well enough to sit up. I think adrenalin will get me through. I haven't seen some of these people since high school. We're having two graduation classes, the one ahead of me and ours. Some are flying in just to see everyone. I can't wait. I am starting to look chemo in the face, but the make up that I got might bring me through. My wig is great, so no problem there. God will make it all work.

    OHHHHHHHHHH CHAR! You gave me goose bumps and tears. Thank you so much. You didn't even know I had the class reunion on Saturday and that this week I will need prayers to prop me up mentally and physically. The taxotere will be strengthened another time today. It gave me sweats last time. I hope I don't develop a new SE. I shouldn't even sound so unfaithful to my convictions. I shouldn't say what if. SaltyJack and I discussed that just last night. Ok, I claim victory over SE's this week. There. God, do the rest through your faithful servants here on this thread. Today-my third; Thursday- your third; Friday-SaltyJack's third. There's something to this. We both will be praying hard for you, Char. When you get time, share what you know about TNBC and I'll do the same. I think I covered all of the bases, but surely haven't.

    ALGRANNA: I have had about 15 major surgeries in my life. I have to get ready for chemo this morning, but I'll be back. Possibly, I can access my I-phone and talk to you during chemo. It's such a small screen and way harder to type, so we'll see. You will do fine. You stay right here with all of these Christian women and they/we will talk and pray you right through it. I had a lumpectomy, but I certainly can give you some pointers on surgery. Be sure first of all to drink. Don't be dehydrated or the IV won't go in so easily. I had a 3 pm surgery and couldn't drink all day and they had to call in the pro. I usually don't have trouble with IV's. I had better heed my own words right now because my 2:00 appointment will end up being the same if I don't get up and start drinking. See ya' later tonight. I started to say if I feel like it. I am going to stop the what if's right now.

    I can't read the rest of the posts until later. After I get myself ready wig and all, I might have time before we leave at 11 EST.

    Have a blessed day everyone of you. Sharon

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    Happy Monday!
    Welcome, Kate, Rhody and Algranna. You are sure to find peace and comfort here...
    Hugs and Blessings to all~
  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Oh, Fridaygirl - how hard for you not to have a support group. Okay, that and your treatments will be on the prayer list! With the time change, you've probably already had your meeting and appointment - hope all went well today.

    JLow, thanks for sharing the story about your son. It's so refreshing to hear doctors who admit that God is still in the miracle business. I certainly agree with your "Jesus" prayer. The day I had all my tests, along with the "I am here...." recitation, I was singing to myself all the Jesus hymns I could remember - sure got me through the day. Did anybody read the book "Ninety Minutes in Heaven"? It was popular a few years ago - written by a man who was in a bad accident and considered "dead" for over an hour then brought back. He wrote about his experience in heaven - where he could hear so many songs and hymns....all praising God. There were none of the "Old Rugged Cross" type hymns (as inspiring as they are) that focus on Jesus' suffering and death. Everything was centered on praising the King of kings and Lord of lords. Isn't that a great thought?

    Sewstrong and Kate, I'm praying for you TNBC ladies, that there will be a breakthrough in your treatment just like we Triple Positives have had. Hey! That's another prayer request, please. I'm going to talk to my MO on Wednesday about adding the new FDA-approved perjeta to my T/H treatments next month. A friend already warned me that MD Anderson may not agree if they haven't done their own trials/tests. The data seem to be convincing, though - complete pathological response doubling (from 21% to 40%) when used in pre-adjuvant chemo. I'm going to try not to worry about it - the Great Physician will work it out, right? Algranna, you mentioned radiation after that for sure? I'm hoping (well, I mean praying, of course) that I won't need radiation after chemo and surgery and my BS said that's not an unrealistic idea. Of course, I guess I won't know till after the path report from surgery....

    Gardengal, I'm so glad you're comfortable with your doctors - and I know Keepthefaith had a good appointment last week too. God certainly is giving us lots of "kisses" these days!

    Praying for a wonderful week for us all - for we know:

    Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    Good news! BRAC negative:)) No genetic mutation. I feel so much better now with the recommendation of a lumpectomy.

    Praise GOD!
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Dear FridayGirl!! I am lifting you up in prayer right now! You are such a strong and faithful servant!! Praying that the tightness you are feeling are just pulled muscles!! Please let us know how you are doing! God Bless You!! Kathy

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2013

    Hello everyone,

    I went to the support group this morning and everything went well, and I hope to become good friends with the ladies I met.

    I went to the hospital this afternoon and had some wonderful news. My metastatic cancer was first discovered in March this year when I attended for my six monthly blood test and bone strengthener treatment. In March my tumour marker test (CA15-3) showed a figure of 59, when the safe area is usually in the twenties. I had tests the following two months when it climbed to 96, then I had the petscan which found the tumour at the top of my leg. I have been having monthly tumour marker tests since then which peaked at 159 in August. Today I was given the news that it has reduced to 88 or 86, I can't remember, but it shows that the treatment is finally starting to work. I want to say thank you to everyone who prayed for me today, I feel as though I have been wrapped in a fluffy blanket and rested on a big soft cushion the way that everything has happened today. A non-Christian friend just rang up to ask how I got on and she kept saying what a marvellous day it had been for me. I also want to say that this shows that quite often our treatments, whether the first or second time around for our cancer, will often take quite a few months to get into our system, so please don't anyone give up hope if they are not immediately getting the results they are hoping for.

    Thanks again for all your prayers, I will sleep really well tonight.