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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Cheryl, That's awesome news! I pray that your surgery goes well on Thursday and you have a speedy recovery. 

    Char, you give me inspiration!

    Thank you ladies, for sharing your prayers and encouragement.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2013

    Praying for all you ladies this morning.

    Jo, I am praying for peace and for good results. It will be good to have an answer, and like Mini pointed out, it could very likely be internal hemorrhoids.

    CJC1961, praying for a successful surgery, little pain and an easy recovery as well as clear sentinel nodes. God will be with you, holding your hand.

    Fondak, so nice to see you active on here again. You are such an encouragement. God will bless you with His Word.

    Love wins, praying for peace for your heart. I totally understand as my heart needs peace too as I wait for scan results.

    Thank you ladies for continuing to pray for me. I did sleep better las night. I was totally exhausted from not sleeping the night before. We are headed back home today and I am anxious to sleep in my own bed. Hopefully tomorrow the waiting will be over for me.

    Have a blessed Lord's day!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Rocket, Praying that you get answers tomorrow and find peace while you wait for them.

    Jo-5, I hope your test goes well also.  

    lovewins, so glad you are feeling better!

    I hope everyone is doing their best to enjoy this day~

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Happy Blessed Sunday to everyone!!! And to all our new members!!! KeeptheFaith, good for you a 10 K!! Have fun!! Rocket, keep us posted! Hi, Fondak!! Cheryl, praying for you, Welcome, welcome!!!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited September 2013

    Hello All - I moved to my own place and spent a few days without computer access but I am checking in on this glorious Sunday.  To borrow the words of Fondak, "There are so many new faces on here I know it'll take me some time to keep everyone straight but please know I pray for you all here in hopes that God will continue to work in our lives and make us more like Christ!".  

    I guess the constant running around to get a new apartment together made me a bit tired because I have a bad head cold and fever, something that I cannot remember having in a very long time.  My body must be telling me to rest today so I am hoping that everyone out there is feeling better than yesterday and has a great Sunday.  For my next trick, I must find a job back in my field as a registered dietitian and sanitarian which I will work on today from "Club Bed".  Peace, Prayers, Hugs, Love & Blessings to ALL.



  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2013

    I can't keep up with all of the new members on this thread, it is wonderful to see.  I have been looking at Psalm 139:14 - "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." I never cease to be amazed at the wonderful things that happen to us when we pray to the Lord about our fears for our health, and how he looks after us. 

    Some of you are starting on your chemo and are about to lose your hair, if you have not done so already.  Just remember that this is for a very short time in your life, and it soon grows back.  I don't know about any of the other ladies on this thread who have had chemo in the past, but my hair grew back very dark brown (it was previously chestnut) and in tight curls which lasted for about 18 months before it grew straght again.

    I am praying that those who are having surgery go through it without pain, and those who are waiting for results of tests and scans are given the Lord's perfect peace.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2013

    Friday Girl,

    How have you been? I am praing for you  and am doing well on Falsodex as well..

    Just some flu like feeling  this time and vertigo for one day. I had a flu shot too, so maybe it is what the problem is.

    PTL the ca 27-29 is still low, withnin the normal range. Prais teh Lord I am so glad.

    All ladies :
    Please pray for a young woman in her 30's in las vegas who is in hospice care, I do not know if she is a Christian, she has stage 4 BC 

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    keepthefaith, that is great. I love it.

    SaltyJack, I did have energy to sub and was blessed with a 8 classes that were great all day long. I went to school dreading Freshman classes because they are typically immature, but their teacher had everything liined out so well, I had no trouble at all. I had a great day. Thanks for the specific prayers.

    I haven't gotten to know everyone on this thread, but intend to. I've been very tired lately and sack out on the couch. My computer is upstairs and I'm just too lazy sometimes to come up here and turn it on. I hope to get to know you all because this walk we're all in has only one Physician, and you know his name as Jesus. When I was diagnosed, I literally fell apart for about 10 days. I felt like a motor was running inside of my chest. I was a nervous wreck, until I heard that so many were praying for me and in my own prayers, I tried to picture myself handing the problem over to God's hands. I awoke on about the 10th day totally at peace and haven't looked  back one time. I realized that it was the lie of Satan that I was going to die and leave my family, so after much prayer, I can say I am at peace with the Will of God for my life. No one has assurance of the next day, so why should I feel any different than I always had. I had this tumor growing for many years before it was detected and my physical well-being was no different during those years than it was the day I was diagnosed. It is a matter of mind over matter. I gave it up to the Lord and he has it even now. I praise the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings for the peace that  I have. When I suffer pain, I can take a pain pill to relieve it, but when Christ hung on that tree, he had not even a drop of water on his lips. I am thankful for what he did for me and am glad that other Christians prayed me into submission to his Will. I always said I was allowing Him to guide my life, but the BC made me realize that I had much more to learn. Even now, as we walk the walk with our hand in His, we are becoming more like Christ as we submit to his will. I am thankful that I found this link through SaltyJack because I feel free to speak what is in my heart. That is not possible on some other links, so I'm really glad we fouond you. Sharon

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2013


    I am so much better now you just wouldn't believe it.  Thanks for all your prayers, it is so uplifting to know that people are praying for you.  I am glad that Faslodex is working for you and settling down, it probably was your flu shot that gave you the vertigo.  It reminds me that I will have to get mine done. 

    I will pray for the young woman in hospice care, and pray that if she isn't a Christian the Lord opens her heart to Him.

  • kaycancer
    kaycancer Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2013

    Im glad you posted this im 46 and just started trying to walk with the lord i was devasted when i found out i have stage 4 breast cancer w/:mets

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Rocket...praying for your peace of mind as well.  Thank you everyone for your prayers.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Thanks Sharon; I am glad you are feeling well enough to join us again!  and I can't remember who posted that I am doing the 10K. Not me! But Kudos to her! I have an injured knee, unfortunately that won't allow me to run, but I can walk very well and try to, often.

    Prayers to the young woman in Las Vegas that she finds peace and she is pain free.

    Regarding flu shots: should I be getting one prior to my up-coming chemo? I have had them before but not always on a regular basis. I guess it's a question for my MO.

    I am also so thankful for this forum.  Welcome kaycancer~you are in good company here!

    I don't know all of you, either, but looking forward to travelling this journey with you!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    hi ktf...i asked my mo and he said ok 3rd week...but i find myself to chicken!  did anyone have any experience with it?

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2013

    Hello Dear Sisters of Faith,

    My thoughts and prayers were with you today as I ran my very first 10K. I sat waiting for my nephew to arrive at the starting line as over 8000 people arrived to run this race. A total of 15,500 for both the 5 and 10K races. As I watched, I thought that this was like men and women going off to do battle. The battle of the mind and body. Who would finish and who would give in and give up. As I stood at the start line, I told my nephew that I dedicated this run to all of you. I thanked God for giving all of you such courage to face each day and I thanked him for allowing me to run. Two bad knees for the past week...funny that they started hurting this past week when I shared that I would run this race for all of you. Hmmm...Satan trying to defeat me? My husband knowing how much discomfort I was in said he was praying for me the entire race. I felt his prayers and many of yours because only once at about mile 4 did I feel my knee pain. It was like God lifted me above it and brought me through it. In that moment, I understood that He would bring me through my surgery and through whatever was ahead as long as I put my trust in Him. I finished my race. Not the best time I have done from training but I never walked while I saw many who did and were much younger then me. He kept steadily focused on the finish.

    My prayers are with you for good results on your scan ladies. Also for your surgery to go well Cheryl. What a lovely quote Keep the Faith. How true to all of this. I remember losing weight two years ago a a friend telling me when I was forgoing the treats at work that they will be there again when I am ready to eat them. Your hair will be there again SaltyJack. And I am sure that it will be more beautiful then ever. Also, even though our hair and our breasts are part of our femininity, it does not define who we are. All of you are precious to our Lord. Just to remind you of the definition. precious adj. Of high cost or worth; valuable. Highly esteemed; cherished. Dear; beloved. I fully believe that this is how God sees each one of you.

    Have a good evening. Praying that He continues to watch over each one of you as you go through your journey.

    In Christ,


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Great job, Char! Glad you felt God's presence and our prayers today.  Thanks for the kind words about my hair - it's gone. Maybe it was good that I waited so long - it actually started coming out 2 weeks ago today and I'm so sick of having a cloud of falling hair around me all the time, this is kind of a relief (until I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror....or even the computer screen!).

    The sermon at church today was about Paul....his Travels and Trials. As the pastor said, "It's during our trials that we have the best opportunity to witness for Christ."

    You're all doing that - every day and you're such an inspiration!  It's KTF waiting for a doctor's appointment, trusting God for wisdom through all the decision-making;  Sewstrong teaching an unruly bunch of kids while knowing God will keep the SE and tiredness at bay; Gardengal running through pain with bad knees to a glorious finish; kaycancer joining us (welcome - we're glad you found us, even if we wish you didn't have to) to walk these bumpy roads with our eyes on Christ; to Carolyn tackling a new home and new job with enthusiasm; to Rocket, waiting and trusting for scan results, knowing the Great Physician has it under control; and to the other ladies who I'm coming to know (but I'm not going to mention because I don't want to lose what I've typed by going back a page to read the other posts).

    Hope we all have a blessed week with God's presence and comfort constantly with us.

    May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You. Ps. 33:22.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited September 2013

    Hey Rocket,  I've been praying for you this weekend.  Hope you are resting well tonight.

    cmbernardi,  Congratulations on getting settled in!  That would wear anyone out.  I will be praying for you as you search for a job. 

    bestock, I am so thankful for your numbers still being low!  How is your granddaughter doing?  Thanks for letting us know about the young lady.  I'll be praying for her. 

    gardengal77,  What an inspiration you are!  I was praying for you today as I headed to church.  It's a long drive for me but what a beautiful day.  I was hoping you were having the same weather where you were.

    Fridaygirl,  I'm so thankful you are doing so much better!

    Kaycancer, Thank you for sharing your post.  I hope you have a good support system.  You said you were a new believer when you got your diagnosis.  I just thank God for working in your life.  I had been a believer but I had some really bad theology and basically I was very big and God was very small.  If you would have asked me if I believed that I would have said....of course not.....but God really revealed to me the truth about a lot of things I had misunderstood and how I am really small and have nothing to offer yet He loves me.  I am so thankful as it made my news of cancer so much easier....still a challenge of course but so much easier.  I think one of my most encouraging moments was when I sat down with my sons.  They were 17 at the time and they said....Mom, we know God can heal this and we know He may not but whatever He does it's for our good and even greater than's for His purpose and His glory.  I was like...well, alright then.  We will be okay.  I was so concerned for them before that.  They had suffered a lot of loss in their teen years but I can see how God used it for His purpose and His glory and their good!  I am glad you joined us here.

    sewstrong,  I love what you said about Christ on the cross.  It's also so true how we say we want to follow Christ and have His will be done only to see how we really want control ourselves.  His grace amazes me!  And how the suffering that took place for us is such a wonderful reminder of His love for us and always helps me in putting things into prespective! Thanks!

    Saltyjack,  I'm glad to see someone else not wanting to go back a page because they will lose what they are writing.  I thought it was just me not realizing how to maneuver through this!

    Oh my, I know I have to get to bed.  Please know I'm praying for all you ladies here.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    Well, SaltyJack, you summed up the whole thread. That's great. You have a good memory. I have to keep scrolling back to catch everyone's username. I am so glad I found this thread. I've said it before, but it bears repeating. God truly does lead his children to the things they are in need of and this is one of those things. Throughout this whole journey of mine, since June 19, 2013, that I was told I have BC, God has led me to the right doctors, the right people in the stores, the right private message people, the right wig for me, the right everything. It is amazing, at first, when we realize that what just happened in front of our eyes is from God, but after having seen it a lot, it is so comforting and healing to know that He leads our every step if we just submit to his will for our lives. If any of you are like me, I have been a stubborn subject at times for God to deal with. I have wanted to do things on my own, at times, and no matter how I tried, it just does not work out until I turn it over to God. I am in his hands, as I know all of you are.

    I drank way too much tea last night, and it kept me awake until probably 1am. That's ok, though, because I prayed for all of you. I still can't remember all of the names, but God knows. I will pray today for everyone daily, but today, I will especially pray for kaycancer. Kay, I am new to this thread myself, but not new to the body of Christ, so welcome into the fold. You will find comforting words here. Christians just know one another by their words, the Word of God from the Holy Bible. There is no such thing as death for Christians. We just go to sleep here one day and walk right intio the presence of God. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. My mother is there with him, my sister, my aunt, my uncle, my cousin, and many more friends and family members. I picture them all laughing and having a great big feast like we do on holidays. The assurance of Jesus when he ascended into Heaven was that he would not leave us alone. He sent the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit that we talk to every day. God is so good, he's so good to me....and you. Love in Christ, Sharon

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    If you want to go back a page after writing a reply, just copy and paste what you've written and go back a page and paste it there. It works. I have done it. Give it a try. God bless you. I'm praying constantly for all of you.

    I finally have energy enough to sew hats today. Yah. I've been so lazy lately


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Char!!! great job on 10K!! You are amazing!! SaltyJack and Sharon, you are such strong and faithful servants!! Our Lord will not forsake you on this journey!! You all will come out of this stronger than ever!!!!

    Hi, Fondak!!!! Love your posts, as always!!!!

    Dearest, Rocket!!! Thinking you and please know you are covered in prayer!!

    Hugs and Blessings to everyone here!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2013

    20)Our soul waits for the Lord;He is our help and our shield.(21)For our heart shall rejoice in Him,Because we have trusted in His holy name.(22)Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us,Just as we hope in You.

    Psalms 33:20-22(NKJV)

    Thank you ladies for your fervent and faithful prayers for me. My bone scan was negative for cancer but positive for arthritis. I never thought I'd be happy to say I have arthritis. :-) PTL!

    Welcome Kay. You have come to the right place. You will find love and acceptance here through sisters who love God and His Word. We are all at a different place in our walk with The Lord. We bear one another's burdens without judgement and pray for God's help, peace and mercy. Don't be afraid to say what's on your mind and let your sisters here encourage you and bring your prayers to the Throne of Grace.

    I keep a prayer notebook with a page dedicated to each of you. I list all your prayer requests, along with the date of each, and then throughout my day I flip through the pages and pray for each of you. I have seen God answer several prayers, and it encourages me to look back on them. It has also helped me get to know many of you and now I have added all the new names and will get to know you as well.

    I continue to pray for you all and hope that your day is blessed and that you feel His unmistakeable presence.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2013

    Wow - I've been gone a week and there is a lot to catch up on!  You ladies are awesome.  As I read through several pages of posts, I have prayed warfare prayer over everyone.  We are warriors of the faith and nothing will separate us from the love of God.  I am impressed with the variety of journeys each of us are one but there is only one journey that is important.

    Kaycancer you picked a good forum to join.  Lots of seasoned veterans of the faith here.  I don't think any of us could imagine going through this without our faith.  New believer or old, faith will get you through.

    Blessings and love to all.  Sue

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2013

    Rocket, thank goodness it is arthritis!  I am so pleased that it is not the cancer returning.  It shows that prayer works.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    thank you thoughtful and organized you are.  I wish I had that kind of brain power now!  God bless you and everyone who is on this site.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2013

    Lovewins, your brain power will come back. When I was going through chemo! I was putting peanut butter in the refrigerator, and you wouldn't believe what I put in the cupboard! I'd make myself some oatmeal and then walk away from it and forget to eat it. My husband would throw it out hours later. Your brain will recover and you will too. Hang in there. It isn't a sprint, but rather a marathon. Praying for you Dear!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2013

    Rocket that is awesome news.  My hip pain is now constant and nothing is working to alleviate it.  I'm praying that my news is just as good as yours!  No scans scheduled yet but I have the dreaded Onc. appointment on Friday to see if I get to stay on the Xeloda.

    I love your comment about the chemo brain.  I was laughing because I've had several occasions in the last week where I just couldn't find the word I was looking when chatting away with friends.  Like walking into a room and you can't remember what you went there for, ha ha.  Here I thought I'd become my mother and it's just the chemo doing it's thing.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013


    I am beyond happy for you! You are such an inspiration. I really appreciate your kind words and prayers for all of us.

    I will be having a CT scan tomorrow afternoon. I am feeling optimistic about it right now. I would rather something be found now than later in case it would change my treatment plan.

    Hugs and prayers to you all as you get: tests, scans, mammos, results, surgeries, chemo, rads, poked, prodded and otherwise "violated"  on our journey!Surprised

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2013

    Yup it's the chemo. It also kills quickly replicating brain cells so it affects short-term memory. Hair follicles also replicate quickly, and that's the reason we lose our hair. It is temporary and you will also recover from it. Just be extra understanding of yourself while you go through treatment. The chemo is doing its job.

    When my hair grew back in, it looked like a poodle it was so curly and coarse. It took about 18 months for it to return to its normal texture - soft and straight. I obsessed waiting for it to grow. I had such a great wig, even my mother didn't know I had lost my hair. People at church would come up to me and exclaim how wonderful it was that I hadn't lost my hair. They were shocked when I told them it was a wig. One person asked, "Do you lose ALL body hair?" - knowing what they were implying. I quipped back, "Yup, I was shocked when I looked in the mirror and realized that I had lost my nose hair too!"

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    good one Rocket!Laughing

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    Kindergarten: Thank you for your kind words. You, too, will come out on the other end of this stronger than ever. God has a way of molding us, doesn't he?

    Rocket, I did the same thing when I was on the other thread. I had to keep a notebook with each person's name and personalities or I would get mixed up. I would have the wrong husband with the wrong wife. I just can't remember that well. I haven't started one for this thread yet, but I see it laying there on the chair, so I will get busy and do that. I am so glad they found arthritis. That can be controlled with naproxen or something like that. Praise God in all things for this is the will of God concerning you. You sound just like me trying to get something to eat. I put something in the microwave at breakfast and find it at dinnertime. I run around look ing for my phone when it is on top of my head. I put the dishcloth in the refrigerator after wiping out a shelf and forget to take it out. I either have senility or chemobrain, or senile chemobrain. Don't know if it will every get better at this late stage of the game.

    I have heard that our nose will run when the nose hair is gone. Mine is running and I still have hair in my nose.

    keepthefaith: I hope your CT scan reveals nothing out of the ordinary. I will pary for that specifically today and tonight for you.

    milehighgirl: that was nice to read that you prayed for all of us. I am praying for all of you, as well. I pray all of the time throughout the day. I try to keep the Jesus line busy.

    fondak combernardi and others that I haven't gotten to know yet, I will be back to read your posts. I don't want to leave you out, but I'm in the middle of washing and curling my wig for tomorrow. It is a job getting it to look right, but if I work with it long enough, it will eventually get to my liking. I am subbing tomorrow at the high school so I don't want some teenager to notice my wig. No one yet knows it's a wig. I ask some of my friends and family after I've been around them all day and they swear they couldn't tell. I'm always afraid it will fall off, even though I anchor it fairly well.

    In Christ's love for all of mankind, Sharon

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Sharon, Thanks for your prayers!  I know CB has got to be very frustrating. I hope it resolves for you all sooner than later.  

    I guess  I should buy a few extra pair of readers while I am shopping for my chemo list.

    Is anyone taking Acetyl L-carnitine?  Read on one of these threads that it may be a preventative measure for CB:).

    HUGS to ya'll!!!