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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    Well SaltyJack, I didn't sew a lick today. I went straight to the couch in my pajamas and stayed there all day long, napping, reading, playing cards on my i-phone, and trying to prod myself to get up. It didn't work. I was totally spent today. I hope tomorrow I don't have a difficult class of Freshmen who think they're cute or something because the wrath to come is there and I'm aftaid it just might show its ugly head. I'm not in any mood to put up with teenagers who think they know more than me. Hopefully, it's a class of Sophomores. At least, they know me from last year and I have them trained to know my trigger points. I'll let you know.

    God bless all of you tonight. I hope you had more energy than I had today. Sharon

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2013

    Hello Ladies, I'm from the September 2013 Chemo Group. I noticed about a week ago that ladies were coming over from the August Chemo Group to the September group because they were getting "uncomfortable". It was then that I wondered if it was due to faith issues. A few days ago I opened the August group and found many of you and this group. I was thrilled! I'm thanking God that there are believers on these forums who are not ashamed of the gospel! It's been so lonely and sometimes depressing for me on the September 2013 Group because many are light or neutral about their faith or clearly not believers. I even found myself sharing little about my faith which is not like me at all. I've been reading through the posts here and it's as if the "light" has come in, I feel at "home" here. I look forward to getting to know you all better!

    Lovewins - I'm so glad you are here. I'm so sorry you are having a hard time. My hair has been falling out too and it's harder than I was expecting to deal with. Your treatments are scheduled days before mine. I'm having my treament tomorrow. I'm praying for you!!!

    I hope to write you all again later this evening.

    love in Christ, Deborah

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Oh, Deborah, welcome home - so good to have another refugee! When all us August folks came over here, we kept saying how incredible it is to even think of going through probably the most challenging time of your life without trusting in and leaning on God - for me, more deeply and more rewardingly than ever before.

    We'll all be praying for you tomorrow (that's what we're here for!). I've had two A/C treatments so far and God has blessed me with very few SE....except hair loss. Yuck! I'm still hanging on to the strands I have but there's a constant cloud of falling hair around me - and it won't be long till I'm at the wig stage.

    It doesn't matter - God is good....all the time!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    thank you ladies for your encouragement.  for those of you doing well praise God.  for those of you struggling i pray you feel his presence.  not sure what to do about the nausea medication.  i hate to ask for yet a diifferent one.  this one makes me sad enough to cry.  i went to my best friends house today to pick out a wig.  my hair is falling out so fast now but i don't want to shave it.  i am thankful this time around the big D has not been an issue. hopefully tomorrow i will feel better.  God bless you all i hope you have a restful night.

  • ForMyGranddaughter
    ForMyGranddaughter Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2013

    The devil is a liar! 

    I have never gone through this much stress in my life.  I am not a victim but so much is coming at me all of a sudden + at the same time.  Besides chemo + financial woes, my job is under attack!  I figure that God has really big plans for me + the enemy is doing his best to prevent me from receiving it!

    I degree + declare that NO weapon formed against me shall prosper.  That every tongue that rises against me in judgement, I will condemn.  I am the servant of the Lord + my Righteousness is of Him, sayeth the Lord!

    Every name in heaven + on earth is subject to the Name of Jesus + must surrender and bow down.

    Thank you God for loving me + caring about me + being concerned with all that concerneth me.  That you for fighting my battles + giving me victory in every area of life by Christ Jesus.  My victory was established at Calvery!

    Father, I know that you are NOT moved by circumstance, lack, limitation, situation or fear.  You are only moved by Faith.  I have the Faith of God NOW!  I stand on your Word + Believe Your Promises.  The enemy will scatter from me in 7 directions + his evil plans + devices will not prevail!  What you meant for evil, God will use for His glory + my benefit!  I AM covered by the Blood of Jesus + the death angel has to Passover my home, my body, my finances, my relationships + my finances.

    God, I AM yours + look to you to not ony meet my needs but to exceed my expectations!

    God, I thank you for Favor with my clients, coworkers, managers.

    In the Name of Jesus I pray.  And it is so.

    I needed to write out a prayer for myself.  Feel free to accept it as your own!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013


    If you need another med, by all means, ask for it. This journey is hard enough as it is.   You deserve to feel as good as possible. Everyone's tolerance of meds is different. Do you have a patient navigator with your group of Dr's that can help you? Hugs and prayers that you have a good nights' sleep and feel better tomorrow.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    FMGD, I just read the book From Prison to Praise that included this section:

    Satan cannot do a thing to us unless he first gets God's permission. The only time God gives permission is when He sees the tremendous potential in the thing passing through us and coming out as joy, pure joy!

    I agree, Satan is attacking you (and us all - in ways specific to our weaknesses, whatever they are - he's that evil and devious) but we know the end of the story and we're the victors!!!

    Sharon, praying for lots of energy as you sub tomorrow. At least it's Friday!

    Sleep well, sweet sisters!

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2013

    Lovewins, I agree with keepthefaith, call the doctor on call and ask for another med if you are not feeling better. The doctors are there to not only get rid of the cancer, but to make the side effects as minimal as possible. I hope and pray you'll be feeling better soon!

    SaltyJack - thank you for the warm welcome. I've been so encouraged by the posts here. I love the Beth Moore quote: "Where your misery is, your ministry will be." Before I was diagnosed with cancer, I had been praying to God to use me in ministry. I've lead Bible Study, taught Sunday School and have participated in other ministries, but I was praying for a ministry to lead people to a deeper faith in God. God certainly has given me that ministry - I've had witnessing opportunities like never before, many people are watching me closely to see how I'm responding to cancer, surgery and chemotherapy, and through this all God has strengthened me, giving me many opportunities to share my faith and unfailing confidence in His promises which are now and forevermore. I read that your husband is not a believer, my husband isn't either but he seems to be growing close to believing. I am so blessed that God gave me my husband, he's been by my side continuously caring for me - I've been amazed and so thankful to God for providing me with a loving husband. SaltyJack, I'm praying for you and your husband, Dave, especially that your husband will come to know the Lord. My husband's name is David. :-)

    ForMyGranddaughter - thank you for the prayer. Praise God that He has already conquered the enemy and God is here as our refuge and strength no matter how much the enemy attacks.

    I suspect I'll have trouble sleeping tonight because of the pre chemo steriods. I may write again.

    blessings and comfort in the Lord to you all, Deborah

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2013

    Please pray for me as I'll be having my second round of chemotherapy today. Thank you, I appreciate you all!

    "I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure." Psalm 16:8-9

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Deborahanne i praise God because He is good, i pray today your infusion goes smoothly and kills any and all cancer cells in your body,  I pray you come home today feeling reassured and well and have a restful night.

    I may call today about meds.  woke up a little while ago vomiting.  haven't done much of that before.  wasn't too bad took the nausea away.  Hopefully today is better.

    i like this saltyjack it gave me much comfort. thanks for posting it.

    Satan cannot do a thing to us unless he first gets God's permission. The only time God gives permission is when He sees the tremendous potential in the thing passing through us and coming out as joy, pure joy!

    many blessings ladies.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Deborahanne, Praying that your treatment today is well tolerated and zaps the beast in its' tracks!

    lovewins, I hope you are feeling much better today and get the meds you need to decrease your SE's. Pls keep us posted.

    Thanks Saltyjack and FMGD, for sharing your prayers!

    I hope you all have a blessed day~

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2013

    My bone scan today is scheduled for 3:30 pm EST. I have to get the IV injection at 1:00 pm and then come back for the scan. I don't think they will have the result today and I will have to wait the weekend before I know something. At least I can play with my precious granddaughter, Erin, and that will keep my mind occupied. Please pray for God's protection of my heart, body and mind.

    Yes, Jo, we do serve an amazing and awesome God. Thank you for comforting me with your words. God is good - all the time. I'm thankful that His ways are far above mine. Jesus suffered greatly, yet without sin. I remind myself often that the proof of His love is the cross and not my circumstance. I told myself that a lot when I was going through chemo. I was hospitalized after my second treatment because my heart was beating 220 BPM every few minutes, and the doctors couldn't get it back to normal. Chemo had stressed my body too much. The next day my heart rate returned to normal after intravenous magnesium and potassium supplementation. They discovered that my heart had an underlying condition. They then switched my chemo regimen from TC to AC. After my third infusion, my doctors felt that I should stop chemo because of my heart. Many people get through chemo just fine. I moved on to Arimidex, a hysterectomy and radiation. I sailed through both of those.

    You ladies doing chemo now are doing great. My onc had me on at least three different anti-nausea meds and I never vomited. I was a lot more nauseated with the AC treatment compared to TC. I pray that your treatments are effective and that you have minimal side effects. Keep holding on to the hem of His robe.

    Blessings to all you lovely ladies! I appreciate your prayers so much!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Oh, Rocket - what a long weekend of waiting you'll have - but a great attitude. I can tell God is giving you comfort and peace through this time. I love your saying the proof of His love is the cross, not our circumstance!

    Deborahanne, praying for an easy day today and "minimal or mangeable" SE....then not too tired when all the steroids wear off in a couple of days! We'll sure be praying for Dave and David - that they'll unmistakeably see God's power through our journey.

    Lovewins, praying that you'll have wisdom as to how to proceed.....and that the Great Physician gives you healing and no nausea - with or without a change of meds.

    Okay, here's some more Beth Moore stuff for today. I'm getting such a blessing, I can't help sharing it:

    Strength comes from muscle, and muscle develops with a workout. This is as true spiritually as physically. What we don't use, we lose.....As painful as the process may be, that which shatters our superficiality also shatters the fetters of our fragility and frees us to walk with dignity and might to our destinies. We are not the fragile flowers we've considered ourselves to be. We, like Esther, are the warrior princesses of God.

    Two months ago, I was happy and floating comfortably through each day, praying a bit now and then and quite content to have life continue just as I'd arranged it. As my good friend at church says, God has a way of getting our attention. He sure did! My prayers now are offered so much more fervently, regularly and faithfully - and I'm just thrilled to see how God is comforting and guiding me every step of the way. I've had so many, many people say "let me know if I can do anything." Of course, that's nice - but I've also experienced those that just DID something - and I see how much a card, book, t-shirt, email or prayer means. I'll be a much better friend the next time I hear about somebody going through a hard time, that's for sure!

    Blessings to you all today, my warrior princess friends!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited September 2013

    Hi everyone,

    I have been experiencing technical diffculties. I couldn't type more than a sentence before being disconnected. I thought it was my computer and then my phone line started going out.  What aggravated the problem was that is would come and go so every time I called the phone company my line was fine.  I could hang up with them and it would go dead. I had been checking it a the box outside and finally I caught it dead outside so they came out and fixed it yesterday!

    There are so many new faces on here I know it'll take me some time to keep everyone straight but please know I pray for you all here in hopes that God will continue to work in our lives and make us more like Christ!

    I am also beginning some online classes which are taking some time and I am way behind on with all the phone issues.   Fortunately, they are continuing education and I was given 190 days to complete them but those days start getting by quickly and too I need to get them completed asap anyway.

    Love and prayers for you all!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2013

    Rocket - I have my bone scan on the 17th. I hate the wait both before and after.

    SaltyJack - I have lost my job and I've also had some health and financial set backs. Seems like satan is working over time these days. I started taking Tamox today. I'm praying there are no major SE's. I keep going back to my favorite verse, Hebrews 10:23 - Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Thank you all so much for your encouragement and sharing your faith.  I pray my faith increases so I may be a blessing to others.  my prayers go out to you all who are going thru a difficult time.  I am so sad we all have to go throught this.  These past few days have been awful but have expanded my compassion for those who are suffering.  I think of Jesus on the cross and how He suffered for us and i am humbled.  Praise God and thank You Jesus I am feeling better.  My hair has stopped shedding as much and it very thin but i am not bald yet.  Today I went to the grocery store and my favorite cashier ran down the frozen food isle to give me a hug.  It made me feel so loved.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    I had my precious Grandson overnight last night; they have a way of making you enjoy the "now" moments and forgetting about your troubles for a while. He had me read "Love you Forever" to him before nap...tears.

    My blessings are many and you all are one of them. HUGS Smile 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2013

    Wrote long post and lost it.  Suffice to say you are all on my mind and prayer list.  JO-5, my twin (because we always seem to be on the same page) said what crossed my mind as I read your posts.  Please don't put off using whatever is at your disposal while you are on this walk and beyond..  Prayer works, absolutely.  Faith is tested and comes out on top all the time, for sure.  But our Father also gave us the science behind the meds to assist us.  You are not lacking by accepting help.  We will have challenges and question our faith but that is only satan trying to steal your joy.  You will get through it because you are well-loved children of the Most High.

    Would love to chat more but extremely tired so I wish you all many blessings.

    (btw, welcome to all 'refugees'! - love that)

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2013

    Hello Ladies - your posts are so encouraging to me! It's so wonderful to see how God is using the difficulties to sanctify us, changing us to be more like Christ, so we can be more loving and compassionate to others! 

    Thank you all for praying for me, so far I'm doing well after my chemotherapy this morning. I'm taking medication and doing all I can to prevent side effects. God is most gracious to carry me through this time with cancer giving me strength and comfort to bear the difficulties while blessing me in ways I've never known before. It's all God, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son working through me and through all of us who are in Christ. "For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too." 2 Corinthians 1:15

    Lovewins - Praise God you are feeling better! My hair has also slowed down on falling out - I'm thrilled to have some hair. 

    Keepthefaith - I LOVE that book "Love You Forever"! I've read it many, many times to my children and I cry everytime.

    Mini1 - I love Hebrews 10:23 as well. I'm praying for you, new job opportunities and few SEs from your new medication. 

    Rocket - my bone scan took about a week for results. You have really been through a lot. I hope and pray you'll receive good results from your bone scan.

    Blessings to you all! Deborah

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Rocket And Mini1!! Praying for you both for good bone scan results!!! Jo-5, praying for good results with your colonoscopy!! It is OK to be afraid!! We are all right here to support and encourage you all !! Fear brings us closer to Our Dear Lord!! We talk to Him longer and with more fervor!!!!! God Bless You All!!!!!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2013

    Hello Ladies,

    For some reason my last post did not go through but my prayers were with all of you this week. I am running my first 10k tomorrow and I am going to dedicate it to all of you. My life verse is Isaiah 40:41. Little did I know years ago when I chose it how truly profound it would become for my life. When I run, I often feel so tired and sore that I want to give up not long into my run. Something urges me on. Other times I feel that I can not take another step and so I walk...sometimes for a minute, often just for 15 secs. But in that short time I find that I have become refresh and suddenly have a new serge ofenergy to push me through. God reminded me this week that when I grow weary that I should walk...refresh in His Word...listen to what He has to tell me or show me for my life. I will not faint but will be able to finish my race through life if I put my trust in Him that He will be there to carry me. 

    Some times when I run, I get what is called the runners' high. It is like you are being lifted off the ground...every step seems easy and effortless. It is an awesome sensation and one I have only experienced in running a few times. The workout seems so effortless and one that I feel could go on and on. And now I think that these are the times I am being carried on eagle's wings. God will carry all of us through each of our trials in life. So tomorrow, I pray that I will be lifted up on eagle's wings and during that run may I think of all of you and ask God to give you strength and comfort as you go through this time in your life.

    Love in Christ,


    But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:41

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2013

    Jo-5 - internal bleeding can also be from internal hemorrhoids. You can have them and not know it. Trust me on this one. :-) I'm praying they find nothing serious in your testing and you have peace in the meantime.

    Blessings All

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

             Breast Cancer 

    Steals my hair, but not my heart,

    Steals my looks, but not my love.

    Steals my time, but not my Hope,

    Steals my strength, but not my Faith.

    Steals my work, but not my friends,

    Steals my thoughts, but not my prayers.

    Steals my sleep, but not my dreams.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Oh, keepthefaith - perfect thought for tonight....I got a lump as I read the first line since tomorrow is the day I'm going to cut off the straggles of hair. Just this morning, though, as I was getting ready and caught a glimpse of my mostly bald head in the mirror, I realized I'm at a good place in life. A little different than I'd expected it to be a couple of months ago but this is just where God wants me to be and He's with me every step of the way. There's no way I could have that peace except for Him!

    Gardengal, run like the wind tomorrow - and imagine us all on the sidelines cheering you on. (and as a fellow dog mom, I love the picture of you with the pups!)

    Thanks, ladies, for taking this journey with me. I couldn't do it without you!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited September 2013

    Saltyjack......Hi, I'm trying to get familar with everyone here again.  It seems like a wonderful rush of new names so I hope you all will be patient with me.  I just want to say it brings me such joy to hear you speak of being where God wants you and I can see you know that is the best place to be!  I know it sounds foreign to most others but I thank God for the grace He has shown you to bring you to that understanding.

    So, if you don't mind me asking, where are you in chemo?  I got behind on the posts.  I shaved my head after my first treatment but even so, I could still tell when the stubble began to fall out on my pillow and spots became very smooth.  I guess I was just to tired to notice when my eyelashes came out, I just went to put on my mascara and there wasn't anything to put it on!  I forget these things until someone else mentions something but at the time I thought I would never forget it.  It's been 2 years since my diagnosis in August.

    Forgive my late welcome but do know I'm praying for you!

  • cjc1961
    cjc1961 Member Posts: 54
    edited September 2013

    Hello all, great to be in this thread with fellow believers. I'd appreciate lots of prayer as I have my surgery this Thursday. Nipple-sparing BIL MX with SNB and TE. There are many things I dread ~ pain with the SNB dye injection, necrosis of the skin or nipple necessitating more surgery, being sick after surgery as I don't do well with anesthesia (scop patch has remedied that for previous procedures but I wasn't under for 5-7 hours), and just dealing with the pain in general while recovering at home. I know God is able and will see me thru, it's just the fear of the unknown.

    As a side note, I did receive great news this past week. My PET scan is clear for any other cancer and my lymph nodes are clear. BS will still do SNB but they should be clear. That is certainly something to praise The Lord for.

    I appreciate your prayers at about 7 AM Thursday morning and I will update as soon as it's over. So thankful for this forum!



  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited September 2013

    Jo5,  I am praying that the worst part of all that will be the test.  Mini made a really good point.  Though the test is no fun.....which you know from's good to not have to go around wondering and worrying.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited September 2013

    Hi Cheryl,

    I am so thankful to hear about your PET scan!  That's huge!  About the dye injection, I don't think you will feel anything.  At least with me, they checked mine during the surgery to see if it was positive.  For me it was so they removed more lymph nodes.  If it wasn't positive they wouldn't have had to remove more.  All that to say I never would have known if they hadn't told me they were going to do it and then telling me the results.  Also, I didn't have my PET scan until after the surgery at which time everything was clear.....praise God!

    Is the patch that you are referring to a little patch they put behind your ear?  They have given me those for my surgeries as well.  I don't know if they helped or if I wouldn't have been sick anyway. 

    I will be praying for you, those caring for you during this procedure and your family.  This coming Thursday right?  I'll also be praying that God would just be glorified in all this and that you would grow in Him in ways that you never thought possible!  Cancer is what I call a hard you would never ask for but you're better because of!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited September 2013

    Char...I am so impressed!!!!  I will be thinking of you tomorrow.  I love what you said.....refresh in His word....listen to what He has to tell me or show me for my life.  I pray that He will bring His word to your mind throughout your run tomorrow and throughout this journey called life!  Through His word is the only way to be refreshed and renewed and not with our own ideas and thoughts. 

    I can certainly tell I'm in need of that (as always) but I have neglected it with my other obligations and not being able to read online....which is terrible because I have my bible.  I had just grown accustomed to reading and listening online, then became sidetracked and I can tell. I am feeling more anxious, nervous, more temporally focused and less eternally focused and that's just for starters. 

    If you will please pray for me...that I would love His word all the more and not grow weary! 

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    It's wonderful to see this site so active.  My prayers to all of you that the Lord meets your needs in His perfect timing and way.  I have been praying to have my peace of mind returned like Jo-5 mentioned...that is what I miss the most and what I need the most to face what is all around me.  God bless ladies.