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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited September 2013

    Oh Rocket!  I am so thankful.  I am trying to get a ton of things done so I've been waiting until after 5:00 to check and see if you heard anything yet.  What wonderful news!  Sorry you have arthritis but what a blessing.  One of the benefits of cancer is we become more thankful for being thankful your scan shows arthritis. 

    Milehighgirl,  I too had hip pain.  Some of the ladies here probably remember.  It was really intense and it lasted from one of my 3 month appointments to the other.  I was 47 then and had never had hip pain before.  They ordered a bone scan and it was clear.  They told me it was from the aromasin as Kindergarten correctly thought it could be!  My last scan showed I went from very strong bones to osteopenia in some of my vertabraes and the very hip that was hurting.  I didn't know at the time you can only absorb 500 mg of calcium at a time so now I take it 3 x a day rather than 1500 once a day.  I hope I can stay off Zometa.  I pray your pain improves soon!

    Sewstrong, I am amazed that you are able to sub for high school.  Even without cancer that would amaze me.  You tag name suits you well!  I appreciate the copy and paste tip.  I will have to get one of the guys to show me how to do that.  I know....I am beyond technically challenged!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    To copy and paste: Place your cursor (the blinking line where you type) at the beginning of the paragraph you want to copy. Press down the left click button and hold it down until you drag the highlighter over the entire text to copy. At the end, let up on the left click button. Do not click on the highlighted part again or it will unhighlight and you'll have to do it again. Now, after letting up on it, move the cursor back to the highlighted part (anywhere it's highlighted) and click the right click button. Scroll down on the pop-up screen to "copy" and click on it. My computer asks if I want to allow access to my clipboard. Answer yes. Now, turn the page an where you want to put the text in th enew reply box, right click and scroll down to paste. Click it and you will see what you wrote on the previous page. You can add to it now. Amen That was a sermonn

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    Hello ladies!  Lots of new faces, lots of posts... I just can't keep up!  But please do know I am covering all y'all in prayer!

    The new med the doc gave me for the blood clot is causing a whole lot of fatigue.  Really weary.  And sleep doesn't help it at all.  I have my first radiation appointment on Wednesday, to do the set-up, all that stuff.  I'm going to really question the doc about what I can do to combat this.  Maybe vitamin B-12 shots?  I'm moving at the end of October, right when I'll be smack-dab in the middle of radiation, and I need every ounce of energy!  *sigh*  

    Anyone have any ideas on fighting fatigue?  I'm also trying to stay away from sugar and carbs - it's hard when you work at a huge commercial bakery, and they're always putting goodies like chocolate donuts, and apple cinnamon sweet rolls in the break room!  And still warm off the line! Tongue Out I'm bringing snacks from home like grapes, yoghurt, etc., and will soon wean off the carbs and go with nuts and veggies.  But... I never met a chocolate donut I didn't like...

    Gentle hugs to everyone....!  May His peace and joy be with you.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2013


    To copy/paste, after you highlight what you want to copy press the ctrl key + c, then on the new area press the ctrl key + v.

    Works good, easy


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Dear Rocket!!! Praise The Lord!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    cynthiaintx,  I wish I knew something to tell you on the fatigue.  I tried lots of things.  I even started drinking coffee which I never liked!  Are you able to sleep well at night? 

    Something about my chemo caused extreme insomnia for me and I am just beginning to sleep more than 2 hours at a time 1 1/2 later.  It may be the sudden stop in estrogen. I'm not sure. But it helped me to have my room really cool and dark.

    Naps can be your friend.  I always felt they were little time thieves but they can help make you other time more productive.  I could never nap before cancer and it was a difficult thing for me to learn to do after chemo but it helps.  During chemo, it wasn't!

    I hope someone else will have some more substanial (that doesn't look right..substancial?).  I would be glad to hear it as well! As for radiation, don't hesitate to ask your doctor for a prescription cream if you begin to have discomfort.  I think it silvadene or something like that.  I'll see if I can find out exactly what the name of it is. I'm sure they will tell you also, that first apppointment is way longer than the radiation.    My mom's went through radiation a year before my diagnosis.  She was stage 1 with no chemo and her appointments were like 10 minutes so I wasn't expecting my first apppointment to be about an hour but they have to make a mold and do all the mapping. I had to go twice for that . Then my appointments were closer to 20 minutes because I had to have it to my back and the drain port area as well.  My back just because of the positive lymph nodes.  Well that's a lot more than you asked about!  Sorry, I got sidetracked which my ability to do is one thing that I'm better at since cancerSmile.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Rocket, Thankful today that yesterday's wondering is another thing God has brought to past!  Still praising God today for that blessing!  Love you!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2013

    Hi Cynthiaintx,

    I have recently finished radiotherapy for a metastatic tumour at the top of my left femur.  This latest set of rads was far more tiring than when I was originally treated back in 2010.  I was constantly exhausted, yet wanted and needed to go back to work but felt unable to function.  I remembered that back in 2010 when I was having chemotherapy my oncologist advised me to take Korean Ginseng as an aid to keeping more alert and having a bit more energy.  In 2010 I didn't notice any difference at all, however I started on the ginseng again last week and feel as though it has given me an extra hour in the day, so you might want to give that a try.

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    FridayGirl, that sounds interesting... I'm definitely going to check out Ginseng.  My regular doc is big on the b-12 as well, so I'm going to call this week and ask.

    Keeping all y'all covered in prayer!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2013

    Cynthia, fatigue can be so difficult. The ladies here have given you good advice! but it would like to add that when I was going through rads following surgery and chemo! my dietitian at the cancer center told me I needed to ingest at least 30 grams of protein per day so my body could recover as well as fight the fatigue. I don't eat a lot of meat, but she told me to add whey powder to my Instant Breakfast, eat Chobani yogurt which has more protein than others, and then also a piece of meat with dinner. You can add nuts or beans if you like them as they also contain protein. I am praying for your fatigue to lessen and for an easy move.

    Thanks again all for your prayers for my scan. In another post that I will copy from another thread where I posted it! I am going to tell you what happened to me yesterday. I just don't want to lose what I have already written here. Be right back......

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2013

    Yesterday I believe God kissed me several times. The day before, my heart cried out to Him in anguish over my daughter who is wheelchair bound and has a terrible condition known as dysautonomia. It affects the autonomic nervous system. She hasn't been able to get home health services, and on our way back to western NC, we stopped by to visit with her. She was in terrible shape and my husband and I did everything we could for her while we were there. I wanted to just pick up my baby (she's 29 years old but will always be my baby), and take her home. My heart broke when we had to leave her. I cried for two hours pouring my heart out to The Lord on the way home. I also was feeling anxiety because I hadn't received my scan results. When I arrived home, I laid on the floor prostrate before our Holy and powerful God, pleading with Him to help both my daughter and me. I begged Him for mercy.

    The next morning I was scheduled to go for a horseback ride (only my second time on a horse and the first time was terrifying). I got a phone call from my daughter before leaving saying that she had received a call approving her home health care at the maximum allowable. She was so ecstatic and relieved. That was my first kiss of the day from my Heavenly Father.

    My neighbor and good Christian friend, drove us to the trail to begin our ride. I was scared to death. It was only my second time on a horse! The leader was excellent and really helped me get control of my fear. By the end of the ride I was trotting the horse and only holding the reins with one hand. I couldn't help but giggle with abandon every time the horse trotted and I bounced up and down. I LOVE to bounce and always have since childhood. I had one of those rocking horses with the big springs as a kid and I bounced the springs right out of it. I also saw some gorgeous scenery. That was my second kiss from God. The third kiss excited me the most. I was able to check an item off my bucket list that I had wanted to do for years - pet a cow. I have never in my life touched a cow and have always wanted to. Well, as we were riding the horses through beautiful wooded trails, we passed a cow pasture with more cows in it than I have ever seen. The leader helped me dismount the horse, and my friend, who had arranged our adventure, pulled up the barbed wire fence which allowed me to crawl on my belly and access the cow pasture. At first the cows kept walking away from me (one was actually staring menacingly, but I was not to be deterred from my quest). I finally figured out that if you hold long blades of grass or weeds in front of a cow, they will stand still long enough to eat it and you can touch their head. As I held the long weed out to the cream-colored cow, she moved forward slightly and my other hand slipped up to touch the thick curls at her forehead. I was ecstatic! I couldn't believe I had actually petted a cow - my third kiss from Him!

    Time to add new stuff to my bucket list! What a day it was. I was so excited from the adventure, that I could barely sleep last night recalling the day's events. I felt pure joy for the first time in a long time. It was a joy that I recognized as a gift from a loving and gracious Father to His child. I was overcome! I still get weepy with gratitude just thinking about it.

    I hope that each of you feels joy today like I experienced. Even if it's in the little things of life. I have come to appreciate so much!

    Blessings to you ladies, and I continue to pray for you all!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2013


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Okay, ladies - I'm just back from my Beth Moore Esther Bible study so it's time for your Wednesday afternoon edition of how-I-was-blessed-this-morning:

    God's will and plan will be accomplished with or without my help. I want to be an integral part of it!

    God decides the what (will happen to me). I decide the how: bitter or rejoicing; pouting or praising.

    Courage doesn't deny the reality of a problem; it denies the power of it over me.

    Courage is not the absence of fear but the judgment that something so much more important is at stake. (this was a quote from somebody who I didn't catch).

    No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. I Cor. 2:9.  [As my pastor said when somebody asked him what heaven would be like, "I don't know but I do know when I get there, I'm not going to say, 'God, I thought it was going to be better than this!'"

    Thank you all so much for all you do. God bless you!

  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited October 2013

    Rocket and Saltyjack, you're both awesome and inspirational. God bless us all as we travel on His journey for us!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Dear Rocket!! What a beautiful testimony!!! I had a plaque that read:"When you can not stand it any more, Kneel." Your beautiful post reminded me of that! Thank you!!! Kathy

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2013

    Cynthiantx, during my rads my PCP gave me B-12 injections every 2 weeks. I had no fatigue and actually did very well during treatment. I really did not prepare myself for the 10 days after must continue to slather on the creams. I used Aquaphor. My skin did well. All the nurses had warned me that I would really burn being a fair skinned, red head. They were really amazed....of course, the Good Lord had a hand in it too!!! I did let down in the following days and did not apply the Aquaphor and did burn....I just got busy playing catch up and it calmed the burn.

    Being from Texas and living on a ranch I forget what simple pleasures are out there. I ride often, have to "pet" cows regularly along with all the other things that come along with country life. Thank you, Rocket, for that absolutely sweet narrative on God's kisses. I will never trot across a pasture that I don't think of it! We, so often don't see what God gives us!!

    I appreciate you, ladies! I read your comments every day and pray for you as I read. I don't post much as I am more of a listener.

    God bless y'all! Hope we all become more aware of God's kisses!!'

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    My thoughts are with all of you this day. I was cutting grass and the Lord layed it on my heart to pray for you. While I too try to remember names, I called out for all of you to have your prayers answered.

    Rocket: Thanks be to God for your news. One would have been upset about hearing about having arthritis. But it seems minor when facing what you are going through.

    Praise be to children that are able to find strength in adversity and to also know that God is in control.

    Prayer to MileHighGirl for her pain. May God give you strength to endure it if He will not remove it. Hip pain is not pleasant. I had it in my twenties and after refusing cortizone injections, my aunt and uncle who were big homeopaths had me juicing....carrot and celery juice. Also taking cod liver oil and black cherries. It went away in a few months.

    Cythnia: Fresh Carrot juice not bottled or canned has been a good energy boost. Add some apple in it or a piece of celery and sprig of parsley and it can improve stamina. Also getting enough magnesium which contributes directly to stamina and energy levels may help. Not sure what dietery restrictions any of you may have. I do know that food in its purest state can be beneficial to your health and immune system which is greatly compromised from the chemo and drugs. I use to use a juicer but I now use my vitamix.

    Welcome to those new that have come here after me. I feel like the newbie in the crowd but welcome all those that gather together for support and fellowship.

    My prayers are with all of you this week as you deal with tests, treatments, appointments, etc.

    I do have one question that I would like to ask. Where any of you first diagnosed with ADH (Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia)before being diagnosed with breast cancer? 13 days until I have my second surgical procedure. I am so greatful that I am so busy at school and getting ready to take my fifth graders to environmental camp. It leaves me no time to dwell on things. I can not imagine what each of you deal with each day.

    In Christ,

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    jlow51, Where are you, in Texas?

    Thank you all for your prayers, good wishes and sharing your happiness!  My joy today was getting a "clear" CT scan of my chest and neck! And a beautiful Fall floral arrangement from someone I contract with. Tomorrow, two more Dr. appts... and ?'s getting answered. Sometimes, when I don't feel anxious, I am wondering if I am in denial. What crazy emotions we feel. I'm happy that I think my intuition is finally kicking back in.

    I hope you all sleep in peace and comfort tonight~

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2013

    Great news KeeptheFaith! So happy to hear your CT scan was clear! Praise God!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Keepthefaith, So thankful for your good report!!!!!!

    Saltyjack,  So true that God decides the "what will happen".  The things that happen also serve to reveal what is in our heart. Too, I know I grow in the difficult times at a much greater rate.  If it were left to me have I would missed many...probably all.... challenges that have drawn me closer to Him and my heart would just be left to grow harder, more self-centered, less God-centered.  Thanks for the encouragement!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Oh sweet Rocket,  Where do I begin?  I have to say that your post was so beautiful!  Thank you so much for sharing that with us.   Like Jo5 said it was a kiss from God for me too.  The most wonderful image from all you shared was you lying in the floor so broken crying out to our Father!  I think of what a wonderful God we serve. 

    I can't imagine the pain you felt not only having to see your daughter so ill but also having to leave without her.  It is such a comfort that you can pray to One who understands the pain of seeing their child suffer greatly. And just as Christ is His, He has made you His own and will use your pain to bring Him glory as well. 

    As for the horses, I saw 2 going down the road in front of my mom's earlier today and told my son I would love to ride horses.  I had a pony when I was little but only rode horses once when I was older.  It would be wonderful if we could meet up somewhere and ride together one day.  Who knows maybe one day all God's children will have beautiful, perfect horses to ride.  Christ is coming back on one you know!  Just maybe we will all have our own!

    I am so thankful for the news of the home health care for your daughter.  I will be praying that God sends her just who she needs.  Is she a believer?  I was thinking I would pray for another believer but if she's a believer there maybe someone that needs her witness even more than she needs them.  Anyway, I will be thanking God for the help and praying for her and the person who will be coming!  I'm so thankful God answered your prayer so quickly!  And thankful for all your praises!  The bone scan, the care for your daughter, the horses and the cow!

    I pray your daughter is a believer and who knows, maybe one day in heaven you two will ride up on horses together and I on mine, will meet her there!  Wonderful thoughts to turn in on for the night.  I hope that is readable.  I don't know if you can legally have that many prepositions together.    turning in....on that thought.....for the night...

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Good night everyone!  Please know I'm praying for each of you!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Hello ladies...Thanks so much for sharing your love and lives with us.  I am so grateful for this place to be able to pour my heart out about my jouney and God.  That is so beautiful Rocket...I know what you mean it is a great way to put it a kiss from God.  Kisses from God have made this journey doable for me, without them I can't imagine how I would get through the days.  I had a very rough day the other day but got through it...I am once again at my folks healing for my next treatment.  Mostly it is to be able to face the next one as I am really dreading number 3.  I can honestly say in some ways the 2nd treatment was easier...I think losing my hair had a hard effect on me because I feel like I look like a cancer patient now.  Day before yesterday I just became so overwhelmed with feelings of fear and dread I don't know why...I wasn't having bad thoughts or anything.  It happened several times and each time I would take the dog for a walk and go outside and scream at the top of my lungs and cry and pray.  These SE's can really wear me down sometimes.  Anyway I broke down if front of my parents and my Dad just put his hand on my shoulder and listened to me and encouraged me.  I guess I really needed that human touch.  I am so lucky my parents are still alive and healthy.  I should be taking care of them and here they are taking care of me.  I hope and pray for strength to become a blessing to them during this time I have been blessed with to spend with them I pary it brings us all closer to God and each other.

    For those of you who are suffering during this time may you feel the Lord resting His hand on your shoulder giving you the reassurance you need to carry on.  In Jesus name.

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2013

    Keepthefaith, I live in a small community named Pollok, 15 miles north of Lufkin in East Texas.  I see you are in Hutto.  I have passed through many times. Our area is the "Vermont" of Texas in the fall...foliage is always pretty.

    Ladies, I have not experimented with posting on the threads much but have a song that is my battle cry...a great one for prayer warriors....Darlene Zchech...In Jesus Name (live version).  There is a great video on YouTube.  Wish I was proficient at sending you the link!  My mammo two weeks ago (1st year after diagnosis) showed a thickening in my native breast in a small area.  I am believing it is a false reading.  I return to Houston next Monday for an US.  This song has built my faith!!!

    Love and prayer to you all!!

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2013

    Dear Ladies,

    Here is an update on my daughter, Melody,

    Yesterday she had her 2nd chemo. treatment for Fallopian/ovarian/endometrium cancer. As some may remember, when she was first diagnosed on Aug 5, her hemoglobin was only 2.3 (miracle she was still alive).  Anyway, blood test before treatment showed, Hemo. 12.3 (low end of what they like to see), white count good, and even more exciting, her CA 125 test, showed a change from 46 3 weeks ago to a level of 24 this week (they like to see 30 or less), so GOD HAS ALLOWED THE CHEMO TO DO IT'S JOB!!!! PTL   MANY THANKS to those of you who have been praying for her!!!


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013


    I am glad you can be close to your parents during your treatments. I am sure they feel much better having you with them, than not having you close by. No matter how old our children get, they are always our babies! Don't feel bad that they are taking care of you. I am sure they would not like it any other way. Sometimes it's just hard to accept that you need taken care of, but remember, this is all about you; I am trying to accept my grown children worrying over me and it's so hard. God is working in all of us to try to make us more like Him....and it will hurt.  My 30 yr old son called me last night and he was in tears. I just wanted to hold him and tell him it would be I did when he was little and would fall down and scrape his knee. I think that has been the hardest part for me so far in this journey. It breaks my heart to see my kids cry. I prayed for him all night that he would find peace and strength.


    I pray that your additional testing shows nothing and that your faith continues to grow.


    I am so happy for you and Melody that her treatment is making such a difference! Praise God! He is good!

    Hugs and Blessings to all~

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    lovewins, It sounds like you have wonderful parents.  As a mom, I can tell you that you a greater blessing to them than you'll ever know this side of heaven.  Chemo is a very challenging time.  My husband works out of the country and wasn't home while I went through my surgery and chemo, radiation and my second surgery.  My mom came over and helped us.  I have two sons that I homeschooled.  They were beginning their senior year (twins).  The hardest thing for me was for them to see me so weak and sick but I know it God uses those the difficult things for His glory, to draw people closer to Him, and to encourage others.  I'm sure He is working in your parents lives in ways that are good through this as well.  You will get through this and if you're like me you will forget these things are until you hear someone else mention it and then you're like.....oh yes, stairs were so challenging or how your head can feel so tender that hurts to lay on a pillow, how quickly your nose runs without the little hairs in them, how nice it was to not have to shave your legs, how nice it would be if shaved heads were fashionable, and how scary it can be when you feel so sick.  Actually, quite often I still think how it would be nice is shaved heads were fashionable!

    Just hang in there.  This will pass and most likely you will be able to take care of your parents. If not it probably won't be because of cancer but just that God has other plans.  I see they caught yours very early which is a wonderful blessing!  Not to say it wasn't a wonderful blessing that they caught mine later which is a whole nother story in itself!  I guess if your not from the south it would be another whole story or maybe just another story.........anyway thanks for sharing that.  It reminds me of what God has brought me through and lets me know how to pray and please know I'm praying for you and your parents!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    keepthefaith,  Your post came through as I was writing.  My son was leaving for work and I was distracted which is easy for me!  As I  wrote to lovewins, I know God is using this in a good way not only in our lives but in the lives of those who love us!  I will be praying for your son. 

    Concerns for my son was definitely the most difficult part for me.  I had tests done on Friday and we were waiting over the weekend for the results.  I was pretty certain it was cancer.  Following the mammo they took me for an ultrasound and the technican and I had been talking about family and Christ and suddenly she seemed stunned and went to get a doctor.  After he went out, she just kept saying if it's anything it's probably early, it's probably early.  I knew I told my obgyn 7 months earlier it didn't feel like a normal lump to me (which I had plenty of before).  I also had just had my lymph nodes show up on a stress test because of chest pain which is what led to these tests.

    Anyway, the ultrasound was on a Friday so I had to wait all weekend hoping I would learn Monday what the plan would be because I was pretty certain it was cancer.  I was the longest weekend ever.  I could only think of 2 things. 1...How Christ must have felt knowing he was going to be crucified and waiting on that day, crying out to God and 2...what about my sons.  Christ's anguish and my sons were consuming me.

    Then, I will never forget my sons coming to me and telling me....Mom, we know that God can cure this and we know He may not but we are going to praise Him if He does or if He doesn't because we know whatever happens it is for our good and His glory! 

    That's not to say it was easy.  They had just lost their grandfather unexpectedly their freshman year and now this.  But I can say it was good.  I have no doubt they grew in ways they would not have grown if these challenges didn't come their way and I am praying for your son to have that peace that surpasses all understanding.

    I am thankful your son opened up to you so that you can minister to him and encourage him with the only encouragement of any value we Christ alone!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    jlow51, I can't post things like that either but thanks for sharing! Your hometown sounds beautiful.  I'm surrounded by bursts of color in the fall here.  From our home you can see hills for miles and miles but hopefully soon we will be moving.  I will certainly miss our view and the wood all around us but it will be good for us to be closer to our church.

    Vickie,  Thanks for the update on Melody!  That is wonderful news!  I hope you are doing well.  I know this news certainly helps!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Dear KeeptheFaith, Praise The Lord for a Clean and clear CT scan!!! Dear Vickie, Also, Praise The Lord that your Dear Daughter is responding so well to Chemo!!!! We can come here and pray and know Our Dear Lord listens and answers!!!! Dear Jo-5, Have you had your colonoscopy yet? If you did, forgive me, I am now just catching up!!! Dear Fondak, prayers that you continue to do well! And to everyone here, hugs and blessings!!!!! Kathy