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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    FridayGirl, Praise The Lord!! Sleep well tonight!!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Oh, yes, Fridaygirl - BIG kiss from God today. Glad you felt all our prayers - and your encouraging words are good to remember. Praying you'll find lots of folks in your area so you can have hugs from them as well as prayers and good thoughts from us across the pond!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Praise the Lord and thank you happy for you Fridaygirl.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    Awesome news Fridaygirl! So happy for you:)
  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    This is my first time here and I loved finding this board of women who love the Lord. I just couldn't imagine being on this journey without Him. He is in the middle of it for me and I know he is and has blessed me along the way. This is such a difficult time and I am just 2 1/2 weeks post surgery of removal of the tumor. Treatment is supposed to start first part of November and don't really know all the details just yet. They are recommending AC for 2 months then Taxol for 3 months. What a crazy few weeks it's been and still getting over the shock of it all. It is nice to have you other women to talk and share with as not everyone I know has dealt with this in my family, I am the first. I have had the pleasure to talk to a few women who have gone through this and it has been helpful. Mostly the unknown is hardest to deal with.

    Not sure how these boards work, with me posting now will I know when someone responds to me? Not very

    Blessings Abundant to all of you...

  • GrammyR
    GrammyR Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2013

    FridayGirl - hugs across the ocean to you too. I hail originally from Northern England and miss my homeland so much. My prayer is to get well enough thru all this that I can fly over and meet up w/my siblings again ( 3 in England, 1 in New Zealand and one in Australia) Last time I saw them was 15 years ago).

    Support groups are super ( if you can find one close by) as I know for me at least only others who have been there can truly understand. However EVERYONE can pray for us regardless and I do not hesitate to ask. Praying is different than pity ( we can tell can't we )

    Anyway all you ladies Sharon, SewStrong, Kate and others in midst of chemo. I will say extra prayers this week for you. Please do not push yourself past what your body can do right now and remember to stay away from people w/colds and sniffles as much as you can.. Remember one week at a time. Some days you will feel like OK I have this under control and next day knocked back down again. For me it was 4-5 th day after chemo when the darned Neulasta shot kicked in and gave me really bone pain.

    AlGranna- praying for a super fast recovery for you after your surgery. My BD is Oct 29 so that date I can keep in my head.

    I see my MO on Friday and will discuss options as far as hormone blockers which I cannot seem to tolerate.

    I am a Catholic Christian ( born in to this particular faith but respect all others ) so I pray to the same Jesus . Praying the rosary is just something that has helped me all my life. So long as we try to set aside a a little time each day to pray a bible verse - psalm or just plain talking to God. He does hear us. I am trying to teach my 5 years old granddaughter about Jesus and she has lots of questions - so I have to really ponder my answers. Re-reading the Bible parts is good for me too.

    Anyway ladies hugs and prayers for the week. YOU are my support group :)

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2013

    Hello Ladies!! So wonderful to read all the wonderful reports of prayers answered!! FridayGirl, welcome and it is so exciting that your tumor markers have plummeted. First step on the way to healing!! KeeptheFaith, great news on your test!

    I went to Houston today, to have my mammogram from 2 wks ago reviewed. The radiologist had told me she saw a dense area in my right breast that she felt was the "beginning" of something. I knew in my spirit that all was ok but you ladies know, sometimes the mind can spin on what ifs!! Today, I had three mammograms by three different techs and an ultrasound. The techs could find nothing but a dense breast. The doc came in and did a partial ultrasound, she could not find the spot...finally she said (after 2 hrs of tests) "Go home. I'll see you next year!!" God is so faithful!

    Sharon, I hope your treatment went well. I am praying for a SE free week. SaltyJack, I am praying the same for your treatment coming up. Praying all of you have a good week.


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    Welcome to the group! You will find support, prayer and comfort here. It is so nice to be in touch with others that are going through what you are. Please keep us posted on the progress of your treatment! I am a couple of weeks behind you in mine.
    Way to go jlow! Our intuition is a powerful thing:) Where in Texas are you, or am I repeating myself again?

    Blessings and HUGS!
  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Welcome, Spiritblessing! You've found the right place to deal with BC and include God in the journey! Most of us are here from other threads where we were gently reminded that the topic of the thread is the focus and we shouldn't bring "controversial" discussions in to make people "uncomfortable." So - we have a broad mix of survivors who can help us through the journey. Several of us started on the August Chemo thread so we're nearing the end of the first round of chemo. I'll have 3 months of A/C then 3 months of T/H then surgery - so you're kind of reversed from me, although others had surgery first.

    When is your first treatment (we try to keep a prayer list....some of us do it better than others!)? A bunch of us are having our 3rd chemos this week or next - so we can hopefully help you a bit with what to expect.

    JLow - what great news! Another big kiss from God and answered prayer. Thanks for the prayers this week. One of these days, we'll have to figure out how to meet in or around Houston. I'm having my treatment in the Woodlands - you probably passed right down 45 to get to Houston, right?

    Grammy, I agree - these ladies are fast becoming great friends and are MY support group, too. Thank you all!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Fridaygirl, I will pray for you, but I didn't see your post until tonight. I'm on EST here in northern Kentucky, but God doesn't care about the time differences. If I pray while you're asleep or awake, God will respond and cover you with blessings. That news had to make you very happy indeed. I can hear your English accent when I read your post. I have a friend in Whales who came to the states to teach while her husband was with Dow Corning. All of her posters in her classroom were like "Behaviour Chart" while mine said "Behavior Charts" How cool it was. I could listen to her all day long.

    Fridaygirl, I guess we can say "NO backseat driving while God is at the wheel." Don't you love the song Jesus Take the Wheel, by Carrie Underwood? Your patchwork quilt sounds beautiful. I gave a Dresden Plate quilt to my son who married this summer. I loved it and so did they. I did a double wedding ring quilt to my granddaughter. I had started on the log cabin but quit when I found out about the TNBC. I was so down, but God has lifted me out of the pits. It took about 10 days, but he kept working on me and so many people prayed that I had no choice. I love your posts, Keep them coming.

    alghanna: I will get with you on tips for surgery tomorrow. I just got home from my third chemo and took a nausea pill that puts me to sleep. I don't have time tonight because I'm already feeling drowsy. I won't forget you and I will be praying tonight before this pill knocks me out. I'd better hurry.

    A very strange thing is happening to my body right now. I keep getting cold chills. Since the last chemo three weeks ago, I was sweating all of the time. I think cold chills are better than sweat. I need to go on to bed and talk more tomorrow.

    To those I haven't mentioned. I will eventually comment. I won't leave you out. I'm just very tired right now and can't type more tonight.

    God bless you all tonight. I will be praying for specific things that I have read about and non-specific things that God knows about for the rest I don't know yet. I've got you covered. I had better hurry before this nausea pill kicks in and knocks me for a loop. I wake up in the night and pray, so I'll get around to everyone.

    jlow and others who prayed for me today, Thank you. I just scrolled up and hate to miss someone. I'll be back tomorrow. I love you all. This place is like I've fallen into Heaven's gate.


  • algranna
    algranna Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2013

    Thank you all for the Warm Welcome!

    Kathy-I am getting my treatment in Birmingham. Dr. Bertoli is my ono.

    Salty Jack-Sounds like we are on the same treatment plan. I did 4 Adriamycin/Cytoxan and then 12 Taxol. The Taxol is so much easier than the first 4. My head hair started coming back when I started the Taxol, very slowly. It is about 1/2 inch all over. I had long dark curly hair. It is coming back straight and dark on the sides and very light on top. I think I will look like a skunk. My leg and underarm hair is still missing in action. (:

    Char-I will be praying for your upcoming surgery.

    FridayGirl- God is Good!

    Keepthefaith- So glad that you got good news.

    Spirit Blessing - Welcome. I too am new to this thread.

    GrammyR- Thank you! Prayers for you.

    Jackie - God is Good!

    My boss gave me a pamphlet with Psalm 23 on it the day that I was diagnosed. I have repeated that Psalm thru every test that I have had. The pamphlet also explains the Psalm. When it says, "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures", It explains it as someone that is real busy in life and the Lord puts them on their back for a time so they will slow down and listen.

    Happy Tuesday and prayers to everyone.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    What wonderful kisses from God today. I prayed so often for all of you today. It is just amazing how the Holy Spirit lays it upon one's heart to speak out in prayer for certain people. Praise God.

    Keep the Faith: Such wonderful news about not having any genetic mutations.

    Friday Girl: Praise God for a new support group and your awesome! I pray that what you are feeling is His power healing your body. May all sleep well this day.

    SewStrong: I pray God lifts you beyond this treatment and shows You that He will bring you through it stronger then ever.

    Though this mortal body can be beaten down....nothing can separate us from the love of God.

    In Christ,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    I guess I did not read enough.

    Jlow....great news about your mammograms. God knew best all along. Sometimes doctors try to see more then what is there. Thanks be for your faith that it was all taken care of.

    Spirit Blessing: Welcome to the forum. A bit of heaven on earth and a great well to drink from when you thirst. We will be here for you all the way. Keep us posted to your progress.

    Night folks. I am heading to three days of camping with my fifth graders on Wednesday. Part of the reason for holding off on my surgery till the 18th. I have to teach them archery and I am right handed and my surgery is on my right breast. I need my arm strength for pulling back bow strings and know I am not allowed to be lifting weight with it after surgery. I hope to go run the morning after my surgery just so I can praise God while I run.

    Night folks.


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013

    Dear Ladies,

    I've missed you. I appreciate all of you who prayed for me. My chemo day on 9/27 went well. The side effects came the next day and lasted more days than with the first round, but overall they've been more tolerable. I'm now trying to catch up reading through all your posts. I plan to visit often so I can better communicate with you all.

    Rocket - I'm thanking our Lord your bone scan didn't show cancer!

    Saltyjack, your recent list of who's needing prayer is very helpful. My next chemo is 10/18.

    SewStrong - Sharon - I hope and pray you feel better. I saw you live in Northern Kentucky. I live in Kentucky as well and am having my treatments done in Lexington.

    I look forward to spending more time with you all. blessings, Deborah

    "To know that nothing hurts the godly, is a matter of comfort; but to be assured that all things which fall out shall co-operate for their good, that their crosses shall be turned into blessings, that showers of affliction water the withering root of their grace and make it flourish more; this may fill their hearts with joy till they run over." Thomas Watson

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Spirit blessing and welcome back Debora.

    Hugs to you Grammy sorry I spelled your name wrong the other day. awesome wonderful news about your mammogram.

    You have so much energy and brain power wonder you are a lawyer!

    Sewstrong I hope you are feeling better very soon...I get those chills now and then but they don't last too long for me and also the sweats....especially when shopping!

    I pray all is well with your arm Char and you are out running and Praising God with all your hearts desire.

    I am sorry if I missed anyone...Love to all you my sisters in Christ.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2013
    This thread is really taking off now! I am finding it hard to keep up with all of you, in the past there was a group who regularly posted and it was easy to pick out their personalities and sense of humour, I think it will take me some time now. Please be patient with me, I will be having conversations with all of you but my memory is hopeless these days and unless I write everything down I can only reply to a few of you at a time.

    It was lovely to read all your replies to my good news yesterday, I am so blessed with all of you and also the way that the members of my church look after me if ever I need any help.

    Grammy, I come from the south of England. I am part Irish, part Welsh (my surname is Beddows which is a corruption of "ap Eddows" and I think is quite unpronounceable when said in the original Welsh). I was born in London but both my parents hated it there and we moved up to Bedfordshire when I was a toddler. Bedfordshire is where John Bunyan (Pilgrim's Progress)came from, and in fact some of the children I went to school with were Bunyans. I now have a brother in Bedfordshire, a sister in Dorset and another sister in Napier, New Zealand, so we a little spread out but not like your siblings.

    SewStrong, I didn't realise that my spelling was giving it away. It is funny how the English language has changed over time. I can remember reading some of the novels by Charles Dickens, and a word or phrase would be used which seemed strange to me. I would then hear it either on an American TV show or in conversation with an Irish person, and realised that it is the English who have changed and don't use that word any more.

    Welcome Spirit Blessing, this is a lovely place to be because you will receive so much love and prayers from everyone else. I remember that I was on AC for 4 sessions in 2010, followed by 4 on Taxol. They told me that AC would be the heaviest toll on my body so were giving it to me first to get it out of the way. After that Taxol would seem like a walk in the park!

    Garden Gal, I will pray for you taking your group out camping. You must be a very special person to carry on with the trip even though you have the surgery hanging over you. I think you must be very committed to your work.

    Blessings to all of you.
  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    There are two people trying to make you totally dependent on them: Obama and God. I choose God.

    I can honestly say that this second day of my third chemo is marvelous. I am eating, cooking, and enjoying a no-se day. I did have heartburn this morning, but I have a feeling my omeprazole wasn't in my pill dispenser. I can't go without it because of acid reflux disease, so I just took another. Now it's gone. My husband I drove the 45-minute drive to get my shot, then back. He is sleeping in the room below me and I can hear him snoring!!!!! I should get out the recorder. He says, "I don't hear me snore." He is practically deaf anyway, so I tell him, "I know! You can't hear ANYTHING."

    The neulasta shot is the part of my treatment that causes the pain. The doctor decreased the dosage a little to see if that would help. The last time, the pain was really bad in my bones. I had to take Percocet. That laid me out flat on the couch most o f the days.

    Thank you for all of the prayers for my Monday infusion. I am comfortable today and I'm not even dizzy, as I have been in the past. God is good to work through all of you warriors. I appreciate it more than you know.

    I just read through the last few pages of posts to try to get to know everyone. I wrote each person's username on a separate piece of three-hole-punched notebook paper with a few facts and statements from each of you. I hope I don't get you mixed up. I got chewed out royally on the last thread I was on for getting the country a woman lived in mixed up with that of another. I just simply didn't have it written down. Paper is my brain, and even when I write things down, I can still get them wrong. I am not expecting anyone on here to be hateful and hurtful. It really upset me because I was so new at having cancer that I was very emotional. It made me cry for the first time in a long time.

    alganna, I am still going to write a private post to help you with questions about your first major surgery. I have had about 15 in my life, so I imagine I can answer questions. There are a few pointers I'll share right now that I've learned from experience. If you are dehydrated when you get your IV, it is very hard for them to find a vein and sometimes have to stick more than once. I experienced that when my surgery was at 3 p.m. and I couldn't eat or drink all day. They had to call in the expert vein finder. She put a hot towel on my arm and I didn't even feel the stick. My SO said, "God bless you." as I was being put under. That made me feel that I was in the right place. I hope you have a Christian doctor. I didn't know it until that moment. God works in mysterious ways. That was a whisper from God.

    Gardengirl and KeeptheFaith: I'm keeping you in prayer for your upcoming surgery. I love your poster, Gardengirl. I will think of that. It's a wonderful analogy of God's love for us and that he is always there just on the other side of that dark line. The message your daughter sent, KTF is really great, too. I wrote it down I liked it so much. Thanks for sharing: Keep your head up. God gives his hardest battles to the strongest warriors.

    Jlow51: "Go home and come back in one year." must have been music to your ears. What a wonderful testimony.

    Lovewins: I am keeping you in prayer for your 10-14 chemo, too. God is building you up for that third treatment through the prayers of those on here who love the Lord and all of his children. I also find days 3-5, especially 5, the hardest and I have my 50th class reunion on the 6th evening. I am hoping I have energy to talk to so many people. I will be taking a chance on compromising my immune system, but can't miss it for the world.

    Patos: I just read about your son's adventure today. I didn't know what people were talking about at first, so I went back a few pages. I have four sons, and when they were all out of the house, I had the empty nest syndrome for several months. I woke up in a panic almost every night screaming, "Where's the baby. I can't find the baby." It was only after my husband had success at waking me up so I could go through all four names and think of where they were that I could go back to sleep. It was terrible. My heart pounded and I was so scared.

    spiritblessing: Your third chemo is Friday along with SaltyJack's. I will be praying for both of you to have a good day with no complications.

    I am going to lie down so I won't push my luck. Here it is 4:29 EST and I have been going strong all day. Of course, I had to take two steroid pills today. That could be part of where my energy comes from. I have to save my energy for Saturdays 50-year reunion with classmates. I can't wait. I pray I'll feel well since it's my 6th day after chemo. I usually don't, but God is good and knows how much this means to me.

    God bless each of you. Feel the prayers coming your way. When in doubt as to if anyone is praying, just stop and observe your mood or countenance. God is always there beside those who put their faith in Him. Hold his hand.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Wow, Sharon - you're doing great for day 2 - lots of answered prayers and a strong lady! You summarized everything so well for us - isn't it great how God brought us together and is helping us develop into a great family? Fridaygirl (and other long-time members of this thread) - you can't get rid of us now that we've joined and learned what a blessing you all are so you'll just have to put up with us, okay?! We know God knows just what each of us need at any time so even if we can't keep everybody straight, the fact that we're praying and caring for each other is the important thing.

    Gardengal, you are such inspiration - your race this past weekend and now a camping trip. You go, girl!

    I'm hoping for a good night's sleep tonight....nope, not SE or pain or worrying....just three greyhounds who seem to take turns licking/chewing/scratching all night long!!!!! Just about the time we'll get one of them to settle down and go back to sleep (and after I've laid awake for a half an hour or so and am just drifting off), another one starts up. One has exciting doggie dreams - will start growling and snarling till he wakes himself (and us, of course) up - then just looks around as though to say "who, me?" Wish me luck....

    God bless y'all! Thanks so much for being there!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    OMG SaltyJack, that dog story hits home and I only have one and sometimes two, when Bailey comes over. Jackson has to sleep on the floor on a foam pad as close to the bed as he can get. He snores and has dreams where he does a deep guttural sound in his throat like he's trying to bark. I laughed out loud thinking of three that do that. I am going to take my nighttime nausea med that makes me conk out. I am having a hot flash. We just walked Jackson and went up the river hill once. That was enough. I was winded. We were doing it four times before I started chemo. I need to get my strength back. I hope this good feeling lasts a while. Maybe the doctor's cutting down a little on the neulasta strength will be better for the pain that comes. It usually shows up a couple of days later, but we're praying them away, aren't we?

    Don't you just love these women we're meeting. You can tell they know the Lord and don't mind our discussing the most important aspect of our lives. I can't imagine, and I know you can't either, how anyone goes through an illness like this without the Lord. We'll just keep praying and they will it and they will come.

    SaltyJack, I got organized today by reading and writing notes. I have to do it that way or I get so mixed up, as you know. I call up down and high low.

    I'm going to bed soon. I want to be able to go Saturday night.

    God bless this crew tonight and in the new day to come. If the new day comes and we are all in heaven because the Lord came for us, then that is all the more blessed because he will be taking our loved ones too. But, dear God, we're kinda' connected down here, so please give us more time to pull more into the fold. You know who they are so prime their hearts and give us the words to say so that we will do it right. You know how we get sometimes when we try things on our own. You always seem to get it right and we thank you, Lord Jesus, for what you are doing in all of our lives. Amen


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2013

    Say a prayer for me ladies. I have recon surgery scheduled on Thursday and my husband has the crud. Pray he keeps his cooties to himself, and that whatever flu he got is one that was included in my flu shot I got in Sept. Thankfully I have a dear friend to go with me and be my advocate in his absence.

    Lord bless all the women here. We trust that you will provide for each and every need. We love you and give you all the glory and praise.

    Blessings All

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    Thanks Sewstrong, SJ, and GG for your always encouraging words!
    Good to hear from you again, Deborahanne.
    Mini1, praying that your recon goes well on Thursday and your DH gets feeling better soon, too!
    I read a quote today: Instead of asking God, "Why me?", say "Lord, try me"!
    Blessing and hugs to all~
  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013

    Mini1 - I'm praying for you and that you stay healthy and your surgery goes well. I'm praying that your husband gets well soon!

    I'd appreciate you all praying for me. I'm at day 12 after chemo when my WBC count is the lowest. On my first round I ran a fever and didn't feel well and was placed on antibiotics. I think the same thing is happening again. But this time I have a mouth sore which makes it difficult to eat and drink and I have overall body discomfort. The highest my temp has gotten is 100.1. I just took two ibuprofen that will help me feel better and I'm calling MO in the morning. To complicate matters, my daughter is home from college this week and she has a cold. We are doing all we can to prevent me from getting it.

    I do want to talk more with you all, I just need to be feeling a little better.

    For now I'm resting in the Lord for strength while coveting your prayers.

    "Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!" 1 Chronicles 16:11

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013

    Sharon, AMEN! to your prayer. I just love how encouraging you all are! God is so gracious, merciful, and good to bring us all together!

  • algranna
    algranna Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2013

    I got my PET scan results today. The scan was negative. There was a spot on my chest wall/lung in the first scan and also a 5 cm mass in my right breast. There was no cancer seen in this scan. The doctor said that the chemo did it's job. God is Good!

    Praying for all of you that are going thru chemo. You can do it. Praying for a speedy recovery for the ones having surgery.

    Happy hump day!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Dear algranna!! Praise The Lord!!! So happy for you!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2013

    Dear Deborahanne!! I am lifting you up in prayer for healing, rest and enjoy your daughter's visit. Blessings, Kathy

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    Hello ladies... I've been MIA for a few days, but this anti-coagulant makes me feel like such a sloth...

    Today was my first radiation treatment. I don't "feel" anything, but that's normal. I'm told it'll be a little bit before I do, I have a cream from the pharmacy to use.

    I've had to shift my work hours to start earlier, so I can get out earlier and make it to treatment. So glad that they're willing to accommodate my schedule for the next six weeks, adjusting it so I won't lose any hours/money! But it means going to bed earlier... so that's where I'm headed!

    Keeping all y'all covered in prayer.... be blessed!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Ladies, You will be in my prayers while I spend the next three days at camp teaching archery, repelling, and other such activities to lots of energetic fifth graders. Another teacher and I get up each morning and walk an hour before the kids rise for breakfast. It is often creepy walking in the dark with deer running past and raccoons and skunks crossing paths. But when that sun comes up over the hillside and slowly floods it first breath of light onto the leaves that are turning color and there is a light fog in the valley and you almost see it floating like puffs of clouds, it is an awesome sight to behold. I sometimes think I am a glutton for punishment but three days out of my classroom and being outside all day makes me feel even closer to God.

    Today we gave my boss a gift basket with $400 worth of gift cards from our staff for all the over time he has been putting in. I mentioned him having his mother on his mind and waiting to see her results from surgery and scans to see how bad her breast cancer is. A very nice gal across from me made the comment about breast cancer no longer being a death sentence and that it is not as bad as it use to be. I told her politely, that perhaps she would care to change shoes with some of the women that are going through treatment. Lots of harsh chemicals going in the body and destroying the good with the bad does not seem like a walk in the park to me. I don't know where people get these kind of thoughts. I listen to all that each of you have and are going through and I stand amazed by your daily walks. I can not fathom what each of you are going through and wonder what my lot will be in the days ahead. I only pray that God allows me go through it with grace and honor to Him.

    My prayers will be with all of you even though I will not be on here again until Friday. I am praying for continued blessings as each of you go through treatments or surgery this week.

    In Christ,


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Thamk you sew strong for your prayers for me. I am glad you are feeling so well day 2 and pray you will be feeling great on your 6 th day for your reunion.

    MiNi I pray all will be well with you and your husband and that you don't catch whatever he has and he gets well!

    Deborah I pray the Lord strengthens you and that you are feeling great and that your blood counts soar back to where they need to be.

    Char I pray all ges well with you in what you are facing.

    Cynthia...Glad you have your first rad treatment behind you and your work is working with wonderful God is to answer your prayers.

    Praise the Lord algranna what wonderful news about your pet scan!

    Hope you got some much needed sleep saltyjack!!!

    love prayers and blessings to all...I am sorry if I missed anyone. This is a bust place and hard for me to focus.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    SaltyJack, I've been praying that your blood count numbers are excellent today. I'll be thinking of you today and praying while you're out and about. Have a good day and try not to worry. When we worry, that means were not letting God have it. I'm very bad about that. You remind me of my advice to you when I'm worrying.

    Have fun GardenGal. We'll be keeping you covered in prayer for our safety and comfort. Beautiful nature scenery really does have a way of making us feel closer to God. I feel the same when I'm on the beach. You will do fine through your treatment with that beautiful Spirit of our Lord so deeply planted in your heart. That's where the kingdom of Christ lives, in the hearts of man, and we can certainly see it in you.

    Cynthia, ill be starting radiation in late Nov. and will be watching your posts to see how you're doing. Ill be praying that you do well and don't have major issues. Use that cream. I've heard it helps the skin not break down.

    Deborahanne, I'm Sharonanne. Yes, do enjoy your daughters's visit. I have 4 sons. I always wanted a daughter, but God had other plans. He got 4 Christian men. They all love The Lord. For all this is worth, true or not, it can't hurt. I read several times about placing half an onion in the room where there's a virus and it absorbs the germs from the air. It is said that onions in the trials were viewed under a microscope and contained large amounts of the virus.

    Alanna, absolute fantastic news. Praise The Lord. Ill bet you jumped for joy. We're jumping with you. You are being blessed with a healing from the great physician.

    Mini, I'm praying for you to have a strong defense from God through our prayers jubilation up around you to block the virus. Try the onion above.

    Fridaygirl, you'll have to be patient with me, too. I'm new to the thread and don't know everyone yet.

    Have a blessed day everyone. Raise God for all he's doing in our lives.
