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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Lovewins - I have my treatment on 12/23 as well.  What time is yours?  What time difference are we, I am in Washington?  I have treatment every week on Monday's. 

    Sharon/Sewstrong - Not sure why you lose your text.  I agree I have cried at this as well but I am also feel blessed that I am part of all of your world right now.  I also love how God is working in our lives.  I am not shaving my head yet I am just not ready. It's kind of a pain having it fall all over the place but I found a trick with using holds it in  As for my treatment, I am on a clinical case study trial with the chemo drug Abraxane and a targeted therapy drug Avastin for 24 weeks and this is to be followed by a maintenance therapy drug Erlotinib.  When I was originally dx I had just one tumor on my breast and no lymph nodes and so we had the lumpectomy and my original MO did not follow up on a nodule that showed up on my lung so when I went for a second opinion to Seattle that was the first thing they did was run a PET scan and low and behold...cancer was dx after a biopsy.  So the whole plan changed, I originally was planned on A/C and Taxol but after the lung dx went to plan B.  Bev, I agree...thank you so much for your love, support and prayers for us TNBC patients.  Praying for the carpal tunnel.

    Today had my treatment and it went very well.  It was a very long day but it was good.  Had my monthly with the MO and it is always great to meet with her.  She is so positive and encouraging and I am so glad she is leading my team.  She said at the next monthly meeting in January she will order tests to see where things are at with the tumor.  We are so blessed and I am so humbled by what God is doing in my life.  The opportunities He is putting in our path to pray for people in similar situations.  There are so many.  I know I am healed by the blood of Jesus...thank you Father God!!! 

    P.S. Question about my it normal for my scalp to hurt in some areas?  It is so sore sometimes. 

    Good evening and blessings..Lucy

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Bev, I just love your attitude and make me smile.  My MO and nutritionist have been very good at explaining to me that it is good to have fresh fruits and veggies and organic is best.  I just have to wash/scrub them all before I eat them.  It is best not to buy veggies in bags or plastic containers and if I do I am to still wash them very well.  I am not to eat at any restaurants buffet or salad bars and when I order food I am to order main entrees and tell them I am in treatment and that I need to make sure my food is cooked thoroughly and nothing served to me that has been sitting under lamps or low heat.  When I go to stores, restaurants, movies to go during times that are not busy like lunch and dinner time.  For movies go at matinees or just before.  Also to be comfortable wearing a mask anywhere I go.  She just wants to make sure I don't get sick because it is pretty certain if I get a fever I will be in the hospital.  So I pretty much do what they say and they obviously know more than I in this whole program.  I am having an issue with balancing everything but I am making it work.  I meet with my nutritionist on the 30th again so I have more questions for her.  I have always eaten pretty healthy and I was eating probably 75% organic before all this started so it didn't take much for me to take it to the next level.  I think that the fact that I have TNBC has also something to do with my focus.  This is not the norm and I need to make sure I am doing my due diligence in an area where I am in control to make a difference, I can only hope.  On a side note, one of my nurses told me to go to a fast food place like Wendy's because they cook everything hot and so there would be nothing much to worry about but to make sure they cook it thoroughly and also to use gloves when they put my burger together.  So that is a part of Lucy's world...amazing isn't

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited December 2013


    Thank you for sharing the article about the recent study saying some BC treatments are not necessary or do not effect survival. I opted out of radiation after my 5 rounds of TC after a second opinion that there was an estimated 2% benefit. If I knew at diagnosis I was Stage IV I might also have opted for no surgery, however, woulda coulda shoulda. It doesn't matter now.

    I hope you're all okay with me joining you here. I'm 58 so clearly not middle-age unless I live to 116 but I am Catholic and have a deep commitment to our Lord God. I also feel He has led me to this group of wonderful woman. I have relied on prayer, trust and faith to get me through this year and although I have said a number of times I can't wait to put this horrible year behind me, someone else suggested I view the year as a really good one for I have survived 5 surgeries, 5 chemos and am still standing. Clearly this is the better way to look at my life this year.

    I have been reading your stories and feel a close connection to your experiences and although I finished my last chemo on July 2nd, I feel like the wise older sister to you who are going through treatments right now. I thought I was out of the woods when I kept my eyebrows and eyelashes into August but suddenly lost them in early September. Life during chemo is not easy and it's full of surprises, but the one constant for me was knowing God was watching over me. I thank him everyday and I pray for miracles for those who are far worse than me.

    Christmas has never meant so much to me as it does this year and I am trying to savor every sight, sound, fragrance and experience. I hope you are as well.

    With love,


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    I think I figured out why I kept losing my posts. We moved the couch and I can't get good wi-fi reception there. When I hit submit, I assumed it sent, but it didn't.

    I have prayed for you all; nevertheless. I have been trying to tell you for days. Il'll be back

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Hi Amy - welcome, welcome! The main requirement on this thread is the "Christian" part - you're as old as you feel, right? I'm 55 and so blessed and humbled to have found this great group of ladies. I think we've all said (or at least thought over and over again) that it just isn't possible to separate BC from the most important focus in our lives. Some dear friends gave me a bright pink BC t-shirt that says "If God brought me to it, He will bring me through it." That's the only way this is going to work, that's for sure!

    Kathy - so glad you're winding down with rads - only a few more then you get to enjoy Christmas with the family. We'll be praying all those nasty northern midwest storms cooperate for a few more days. I'll sure be praying for you with the new job opportunity but it sounds perfect.....a Christian school, where you'd be on (at least approximately) your son's schedules and the folks would be supportive, understanding and encouraging about your situation? Sure sounds like a kiss from God to me. What does your husband think?

    Lucy (and Terri and soon, Sue) - still praying for y'all with the hair loss. You sure have an aggressive treatment plan, Lucy - and with chemo so often, you're right that it's good to be extra cautious and follow your team's recommendations with eating, etc. Sounds like you have just as many risk factors in your past (with your healthy eating and lifestyle) as many of us much for all the stats, family history tracking, etc., etc.! :)

    Oh well - back to our mantra....I am here by God's His keeping....under His direction....and for His time. I know, I know, I repeat that alot - but I need it so bear with me, okay?

    Debbie, I got The Screwtape Letters (C.S.Lewis) from the library yesterday - so I'm ready for lots of reading on our trip to meet family next week for Christmas!

    God bless you all - have a wonderful Tuesday!


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Lucy, good for you for taking charge of what you can! Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment plan. Good advice from your Drs. I have had some scalp pain also. Feels like I had my hair up for a while, then let it down...

    welcome Amy! You're so right; we must remember that God is our constant!

    thanks Bev', Sharon and the rest or you  for your ongoing encouragement and support. Sharon, praying that your carpal tunnel resolves soon.

    I am feeling much better today than I have the past few days as far as fatigue. I think my counts must be going back up! I cannot remember ever sleeping for more than 7-8 hrs at a time, but have no problem with 10 now! I think I am ready for my  next round:).

    Blessings and ((HUGS)) to all~

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    thank you all for your prayers....I pray for all of you for continued strength.  Bev reading the screwtape letters changed my life when I read them when I was younger.  God bless everyone.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    Amy Q...welcome fellow Minnesotan. Happy Thanks for sharing about your eyebrows and lashes falling out a few months after. I was staring to get worried that something was not right as I finished chemo last Oct. and just last week mine started to fall out. Did you go to Abbott to have your surgeries?

    Lovewins...sound like you are doing a little better. Praying that you get thru the holidays ok! is fun isn't it! Glad that you may have figured out your problem it's no fun to type a long post and lose it. We are almost done...about a week until the end of rads for you correct? Any blisters yet? My arm pit area is starting to burn now...I just have five more treatments so I hope it will hold out with out any problems!

    Bev...thanks for the prayer on the job. It's really hard to decide what to do. If I have to work it sounds like the perfect job, but I am just not sure energy wise I am up to going back to work full time. I realized today I don't ever think I have worked a full 40hours a week job in my life. When I did work full time it was at a bank and I had Wednesdays off and half a day on Saturday so it was a 36 hour week. My husband is good either way. We could use the money and if I wanted to work he'd support me. However with his teaching schedule he has summers off and I would not, so there is a good reason not to get a kind of ties up our summers...takes away from time we plan to spend together. If you recall during the school year he is gone 3-4 days a week as the university he works at is 5 hours away from us. It also stops me from being able to travel with him up to his work during the week if I want to...I am thinking right now I am going to let it pass...but boy I hope I am not regretting it in a few months. I have prayed that God would have them contact me if he wants me to pursue it. I talked to a few people about it so they are aware I am sort of interested in the job.

  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited December 2013

    Amy, clearly age doesn't matter as I am 43 and although I don't post much, I keep up, read and pray with everyone on here! Welcome- you have found a great group of women! 

    Kate W.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited December 2013

    mankatostate, yes 3 of my 5 surgeries at Abbott and 2 at Fairview Southdale. I've actually got a 6th surgery scheduled in January to replace my saline implants with silicone - and to make them smaller.  I've had constant pain and tightness since my exchange surgery in September and hope to get permanent relief. 

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    Kathy, 6 more to go. Start boosts today. I have raw skin in the fold under my breast. Have all kinds of meds.  For it plus itch meds. The itch is maddening, but the oral med prescribed yesterday should help. Will you have boosts? I'm worried that these starting today will really do a number on my tender skin. I have used prescribed lotions religiously. I'm experiencing shortness of breath, are you? I've prayed for you by name at each treatment. I have a place on the ceiling that is my reminder for you and the others. There are lighted "stars" that represent each of you and I go around the circle and pray God's will be done. It helps me relax. 

    Lovewins: God bless you too. I'm praying that God will greatly comfort you. I know he will. 

    Keepthefaith: I've been praying hard for you. I just can't get it together to tell you. A lot of my posts to you were in those I zapped into cyber space. Carpal tunnel requires surgery. I'm dealing w/ shoulder replacement in Zjan. So it will have to wait. I can't type more than a sentence before it starts. I'll just put up with it. Thanks for your concern. 

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    I've been clicking " done" and then neglecting to click " submit" I ALMOST did it again. My brain won't work!!! But praise God that I still have one. 

    Hi Amy. I'm a member but can't get my act together to post much lately. I prayed for you as I read your posts. God bless you as you walk hand-in-hand with Jesus through these Christian women. 

    EYE LASHES AND BROWS:  my last chemo T/C, was Oct. 28 and my lashes and brows are still falling out. I find that wierd since my hair is growing on my head, SNOW WHITE HAIR, that is!!!!! I know where to buy dye!!! I have one lash on the bottom lid on one side and 3 on the other!!! KATHY, how about your lashes and brows? 

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, all!

    Kathy, sounds like you have a great plan for the new and your husband have thought and prayed it through and though it doesn't seem like the way to go at this point, you've made your interest known to folks - now leave it up to God. He'll open and close the right doors for you. I'll be praying that you'll have clarity and certainty about it - no doubts or "what ifs"!

    I'm doing just fine after my last chemo - ended up taking half the prescription of steroids so I've been sleeping fine and none of the systemic/ gastro issues from last time. Wow, following doctor's orders works sometimes!

    I have a little covering of dark hairs over my head - last A/C was November 1 and I've had two taxotere treatments since then. I'm not sure anybody but me (and Dave when I excitedly show him) can see it - I still look bald from more than a couple feet away but I'm thrilled! Like most of you, though, my eyebrows and lashes are REALLY thinning. I use my great LGFB brown pencil every day or two and it makes a huge difference. I line my eyes to give them a little color but haven't used mascara in months. From reading the hair thread, it seems like getting all the hair on our bodies to come back and stay where it needs to be will be a long process...

    Amy, wow, you've had a long journey with all your surgeries. Any good advice? At this point, I'll have surgery at the end of February - probably just left MX and nodes and I'm leaning toward no TE at that point. I'm praying that I won't need rads (but always ending the prayer with "I'm okay with whatever your plan for me is, God....and trying to tell myself I won't be disappointed either way.....) so that I can go ahead with a DIEP later in the spring. It seems like that will be a longer, more involved surgery (one or more) but I think long-term I'll be happier than with implants (which my MO says they won't do if I need rads anyway). Help, please?!

    Well, I'm off to Costco - hopefully for the last time till after the holiday madness. I'm sure it won't be crowded the week before Christmas, right?

    Praying for us all - God bless you!


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Sounds like you all are doing pretty well.   I am sorry you have had such a time posting sewstrong I can feel how it is so frustrating...wish we could just hit the enter button, I've caught myself doing that several times.

    Saltyjack and Spiritbless you both amaze me with your energy, truly a gift from God filling you up so you can spread His word around. 

    Manka thank you for your prayers.  I pray God makes His will apparent to you so you know what to do about the job situation.  I struggle I have learned in trusting God will provide and take care of me...I have a lot of fear concerning my job and I am really working on letting it go because I need to trust the Lord more.

    Welcome Kate, this is a wonderful place. 

    Keepthefaith...I am glad you are sleeping well, I think it is so important to our well being and healing.  I am glad you are feeling better.

    I am sorry if I missed anyone I am not able to go back more than 1 page or I am afraid I will lose what I have.  God bless everyone.  Thank you all for your prayers and kind words.  I pray for strength that the Lord will fill me up to be a blessing, I pray I see and listen to they way He wants me to go.  I pray you all are feeling comforted and loved by the Holy Spirit...In Jesus name.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Happy Thursday Ladies...KateW - Good to see you!  Would like to know more about you as I see you are TNBC as well.  Please post more as I am fairly new to this board.  I will be checking your log...

    Keepthefaith - Yes scalp hurts all over, is this normal ladies?  Why is that?  Hang in there with all that's going on, stay positive and in prayer.

    Bev - You have a great start for the new year and you are almost finished with your journey.  We will be praying for sure.

    Lovewins - Great post!  Glad to see you and hear from you.  You sound a lot better.  Been in my prayers.

    So it has been a good week for me overall.  Had my treatment on Monday Neupogen shots on Tues. and Wed. and today just chilling and working from home most of the day.  Was able to get a lot done and the pain wasn't as bad after the shots this week.  Tylenol was able to manage it...thank God!  I would like some advise and input on outings.  I have still had some issues with finding the balance and going out in public in regards to being so worried about getting something.  So tomorrow I want to go do a little shopping with my daughter and the baby so what do you ladies think?  I have had my chemo on Monday shots both days so I should be ok, right?  Should I wear a mask everywhere I go?  I don't plan on touching anything and I have purell with me I don't handle money or anything but tomorrow I may use my debit card.  I could ask my daughter to swipe and sign for me.  Maybe I am too out of control about the whole thing...thoughts?

    Gods Blessings and have a wonderful evening...Lucy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Well, ladies, today was about the worst day I've had - not physically but mentally. God has been so good so far - most important of all, He's given me such peace and calm about the whole BC journey. I'm generally such a planner and worrier but I'm just not thinking about "what if" these days - and I know that's from God. But - Satan knows just how to get to us when we're down and he did it today.

    Just when I was feeling sorriest for myself, God pretty much yelled at me to get into my Jesus Today book. I just flipped open to a page and read, "Rejoice and exult in hope. Raise a shout of joy!.....Be constant in prayer - at all times, but especially when you are struggling. During trials, you need close communication with Me more than ever....So make full use of the amazing source of strength within you - My Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to control your mind: to thin through you and pray through you."

    So - that's it. God's got it, right? I've got this amazing source of strength and here I am whining and feeling sorry for myself. I promise you all, the next thing I focused on is our mantra - I'm here by God's appointment....   I'm right where God put me - and He's got a plan and purpose for it all.  It just feels like there's so much more to wander through over the next year with the rest of chemo, surgery, maybe rads and reconstruction (but thanks so much, Lucy, for saying I'm getting there - that helped alot!). I'm just tired of having all these weird things happen to the body that was always so predictable (and healthy!).

    Lucy, if your MO told you to take the precautions you're describing (mask, not handling money, etc.) then there's a reason and you have to do what you feel comfortable with. I think I told you, though - the only time I wore a mask was when I was in the ER with a fever. I use hand sanitizer whenever I go in and out of a store and wipe down the shopping carts but honestly, other than that, I haven't changed my lifestyle. What are your blood counts like? Especially with the shots, I'd think you're in pretty good shape (I know after I had them, my counts went through the roof - not sure how long they last with neupogen, which I think is much faster acting, both up and down, than neulasta). What do you all think?

    Back to hair - I never had any pain, itching or problems with my head or wig. I worried I'd need to get a liner or not be able to wear my wig for long periods of time but it's never been a problem at all. Hopefully whatever discomfort you're experiencing is temporary. 

    Lovewins, praying for you over Christmas and with the whole job situation. Chemo on the 23rd - what a bummer!  Hopefully the steroids will get you through at least part of the holiday....

    Kathy and Sharon - only a couple more rads to go - yay!

    Terri - when is your next chemo? 

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    My scalp kinda hurt before my hair fell out. kinda like the feeling if you wear a ponytail too long.  I don't go a lot of places but I went shopping quite often and to bingo...I did catch a cold I think or maybe just sinus?  I would of gone crazy if I never went out though so I am glad I got out.  Really helped me mentally.  Take care and God bless everyone.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Bev',  my next chemo is the day after Christmas. I hope your spirits are up today! You have been through more than most of us will have to deal with. I think all of us are entitled to feel down now and then with what we are dealing with.

    Lucy, your MO should tell you what your nadir period is...which is when your counts are at their lowest. So, I would just be extra cautious during those times. Mine was 5-9 days with Cytoxan and 10-15 days with Taxotere. I pretty much stayed at home for the most part during that time, except going to the store, bank, etc. and my kids' houses to visit. I work from home, so not a big deal to me.

    I hope you all have a wonderful week-end!

    Blessings and ((HUGS))



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Good morning ladies.  Yea!  We made it to TGIF!

    Bev, I'm with you on the struggle.  Been having so much leg pain and NOTHING is working.  I had fitful sleep as a result and now I'm tired and the mind is working overtime to bring me down.  What is everyone doing for their pain?  I'm almost convinced it's the pain meds that are making it worse.  I have a pastor's luncheon to go to in an hour and I'm almost to the point where I need to back out.  The pain is almost unbearable and it's hard to keep the tears back.  I'm not allowed to take any over the counter stuff so I'm at a loss.  Any and all ideas will be very, very welcome!

    Lucy, I agree that  your counts should give you the answer.  My first go round, I remember going to the mall(!) with a friend of mine and never once gave the germ thing a thought.  Probably should have, ha ha.  Not going to church was also not an option and there too, I was rather lax about the hand thing.  Do as your body allows!  This go around, I think I better follow as you all are doing. 

    Only 5-more days until our wonderful Christmas!  Blessings.



  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2013

    My ca 27-29 has risen from the 20's to 52, I am hoping it is not a new chemo for me. I  will just trust the Lord, but pray for me.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Becky, good to hear from you and I'm praying about the counts. But.....I feel really dumb because I tried searching in several ways and I can't figure out what the ca score means.  Help! I want to pray more intelligently for you!

    Sue, so sorry about the pain. Maybe Debbie (Fridaygirl)  can help - I know she's been working with her MO and making progress in managing pain. I'll sure bey praying, though. I can identify with you about not going to your luncheon....I was supposed to go to a little Christmas party yesterday afternoon for the food pantry and decided I just didn't feel like going out again (especially since I was at the co-op garden in the morning and would have to get all cleaned up, then figure out a covered dish to bring - just sounded like way too much energy). Well, after I said I wasn't going, the Chairman said he'd been hoping I'd be there so he could introduce me since I'll be secretary for the board next year. Arrrrrgghhh! God has been so good and I really haven't felt any (well, many) chemo SE so far - now that they're starting to hit a bit, guess I need to stop trying to be everything and do everything....

    Sharon and I were just saying this will be a memorable Christmas because of all the BC "stuff." Not one of those that all kind of run together in your mind, huh? Oh well - we have a God that is so much bigger than SE or BC or even feeling-sorry-for-myself times. 

    Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Fortress, I will not be shaken. Psalm 62:5-6.

    love you all - Bev

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2013

    WEll saltyJack'

    re tumor marker:

    since mine has been in the normal range during the last few months on Falsodex, it is an alarm (the tumors send out cells in the blood, and it measures it) some people it is not a good indicator for them, but for me it seems to be. I am stage 4 as well. mets to liver.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    oh, Becky - praying hard for you over the holidays that God will give you incredible peace that passes all understanding. Hope you can relax and make some wonderful memories with families and friends this Christmas. When will you be able to see your MO to discuss the results?

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2013

    I will see dr on Dec 31, thanks for the prayers, I think it will be okay!


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2013

    I climbed a rock wall today. Twice! I've been sick and out of shape for so long (w/pancreatitis then CA) that I didn't think I could do it. I know it's a minor thing, but it did a lot to boost my morale. Now if I can stave off this crud I'm catching. I'm working retail through Christmas and it's been tough on my back and health in general. I have found that I have a finite amount of energy these days. I want to be well in January for our mission trip. I've done so well at avoiding getting sick so far, only to catch it right before Christmas. sigh

    I don't post often, but I keep up on the posts and think of you often. 


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Good for you, Mini - not only for climbing today and working through the holidays (hopefully you won't be working in the middle of the night the next few days - we keep hearing about the retailers staying open 24-hours a day - crazy!) but the mission trip. Where are you going and what will you do? My church is very involved with Compassion International (sponsoring children) in Honduras - I'd really like to go on a trip sometime and may end up going with the group there. Probably not this year but eventually.....

    Today was pretty scary - but lots of prayers were answered and I'm so thankful to God for a good outcome.  My temperature was a little high this morning and this afternoon I started feeling warm so checked it....99.5 then 99.7 then 100.0 and 100.1 for an hour or so. Yikes! You may remember I was just in the ER (for 6 hours!) a couple of weeks ago with a fever/infection so really didn't want to repeat the experience. The first thing the triage nurse asked me in the ER was if I'd taken ibuprophen and my chemo book says not to take it.  This afternoon I called to see if I could take some and the MO on call said not to - go to the ER if it kept rising.....but my temperature never got above 100.1 then started coming down. It stayed at 99.5/99.4 for a while then dropped fast to 98.5.  Thank you God!!!

    My dilemma now is whether or not to go to church tomorrow - I hate to miss Christmastime but don't want to be dumb. I probably will go but will stay out till after the greeting part. We're heading east this week - my parents and sister's family and we rented a big beach condo in Gulf Shores, AL (kind of the middle of us all) and I sure don't want to spend the time in the ER instead of on the beach!

    Have a blessed Sunday. God is so good, all the time!  


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Bev - Whata do they tell you of the SE you may be experiencing and when you might start to experience them?  How long have you been on treatment again?  My scalp hasn't hurt the past couple of days...thank you God! Your right, God is so much bigger than any SE and BC.  So when you have a fever what are you able to take for it or do they not want you to do anything?  Do you know why you had a fever?  I am allowed to take ibuprofen and Tyleno for pain or SE.  

    Bestock - I don't know if I've seen you before. What do you feel with mets to liver?  I have mets to lung and I was coughing for over 2 months and then I started treatment and actually after the first one the cough stopped. So I am praying this treatment is doing the trick. I do notice that if I vacuum or dust I have to wear a mask or I start to cough a little. 

    Mini1- good for you!  Would love to hear more about how you work in retail while having treatment. Need some ideas on how to deal with going out. 

    We had our Christmas dinner with our DD and SIL and our precious GD who is 15 months. She is such a joy to be around. It was a beautiful day and evening. So blessed and thankful. Had a good week and need a better understanding from my MO on how the neupogen shots work with my counts.  I know they said they are fast acting and I get one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. They also said that on day 10 is when my counts would be down. What I am not sure of is if I am getting the shots will they be down  at day 10?  Plus with me doing treatment each week on Monday how does that all work with the day 10 aspect. It makes it so hard to plan to go out. I too want to go to church tomorrow but have already been out this week on Friday for a little shopping. 

    Praying I get more answers. Blessings to all of you amazing women. Hope the evening is a blessed one for all and SE are manageable. 


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

      Kathy. TWO. more for both of us, I think. Have you been getting boosts? I will have my 4th one Monday and last Tuesday. Do you have any open skin like I do? I've religiously put on the creams and lotions, cortisone cream, prescription silvidyne and still got an open wound under my breast where the crease us. I hope you're doing well, Kathy. I've been praying for you so much. I guess we connected because of similar treatments. I'm not having to raise kids in the middle of all of this so you need a lot of prayer to sustain you. As I told Bev, over the table where I have my treatments, there is a round recessed area on the ceiling painted black. It has numerous holes where light shines through and each set of 10-12 holes is in a square tile. I've designated each square for looking at while I pray for different people in this thread. It helps focus mywandering mind. My treatments have been short so I haven't been able to pray for everyone at once so I skip around but God always brings my eyes back to your square and Bev's. For that reason, you two got a lot of prayer. Maybe it is because I can see those squares more easily.

    Spirit blessing. Having treatment once a week surely does raise the question about the nadir period. It looks to me like you would be in it all of the time. I'm surprised you can work retail during treatment. I've been able to sub because if I'm feeling bad, I can just not go that day. I would think weekly chemo and retail work would not be so good together. I'm praying for you for God to strengthen you and sustain you to get you through this tough time. God bless you as you continue to heal. 

    Mini, I'm praying that whatever bug you caught will be " mini". Climbing a rock wall is no easy feat. Sounds like you found some energy deep down. Good for you and God bless you through your Christmas celebration.

    Bedrock, I'm praying that God will have his hand on you as you have treatment for stage IV because of liver mets. The kind of cancer I have likes to metastasize in the liver, brain, or lungs, so I feel that praying for you is like asking God to help my cancer  not metastasize while he is curing yours. It puts a personal aspect to my prayers for you. May God give you the peace that only he can give. 

    Mile high/Sue, I'm praying for mental strength for you. It's so easy to get down while taking these treatments, especially when so much pain is involved,  but God can bring us back up where we belong. The day is his and I'm praying that in it, he shows you the way to have peace through such pain. Have you tried both ice and heat? Also, have you tried using a vibrator in case it is muscle spasms causing the pain? Try filling your tub half full of very warm water and floating to relax your body. I've done that after working in the yard. Hope and pray you find relief. 

    I got smart. I posted the first text to Kathy, then kept editing and saving with each successive one. I didn't lose my post!  Merry Christmas everyone.

    keep the faith, I didn't forget you, I had to scroll back a page to see what you wrote and didn't want to lose my post, so I went ahead and posted. Thanksfor the   insight you gained through treatment that you shared. I'm praying for God to bless you today. Have a merry Christmas with friends and family v

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Good for you climbing the wall not once but twice Mini! Wow!

    Bev I am glad your fever broke and you are feeling better and didn't have to go to ER.  Praise God!

    Bestock...I pray all goes well with your treatment and they find the best one for you.

    Lucy...I would gage some on how you feel, if I was real tired I didn't go out because I think when your counts are low you will feel tired.  Also I think the shots do a lot to protect us.

    Sounds like you are doing well milehighgirl!

    Thanks for all your prayers everyone...I am praying for all of you too.

    My last chemo is tomorrow and I must say I am dreading it.  I am going to pray for a Christmas miracle that my SE are light, I am more nervous than usual because last time I had a reaction and started getting sick right away.  Maybe it was the smell of the chemo?  In a weird kinda way this is a Christmas gift to myself because it will be over!  I hope I never have to do chemo again.

    God bless you all sorry if I missed anyone.

    Hope You all have a wonderful Christmas.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited December 2013

    Lovewins - I will say a prayer for you that you have little or no SE's.  It is a huge relief to get to your last when there was time it felt they would never end. Congratulations for reaching that milestone.

    Merry Christmas to each and every one of you here.  
