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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    thank you AmyQ!

    God bless and Merry Christmas!

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    Lovewins I too will pray for you. I remember that last one being soooo hard. God will get you thru it and it will soon be a distant memory. I am so sorry that you have to do this before Christmas!

    Sharon...thanks so much for the prayers. What a blessing to know that I am being prayed for daily! I was thinking how long is your treatment that you can pray for everyone, but I saw that you often don't have time to finish. What a great idea praying on the table! I was happy to see that you got all your post to "post". I am looks so funny in the mirror, but besides feeling tender like a sunburn it's not been too bad. I have had a week less of treatment than you, I think. Last Thursday the ladies running the machine finally noticed a blister that hadn't popped yet so they had me see a nurse who gave me a prescription if it did burst. So far so good. I have had the weekend off and only have two more so maybe I will make it ok. My husband is home for Christmas break so I will have him to drive me my last two days! So happy about that as I am getting more and more tired.

    Bev I will pray that you stay healthy and can enjoy your time away with family. We are heading down to Florida ourselves. Leaving the day after Christmas as my rads are thru the 24th and we are leaving our oldest behind since he couldn't get time off of work. One of these vacations we'll take a trip down to see the in-laws in Texas and then we'll have to look you up.

    Praying that you all have a Merry Christmas. I will especially pray for all of you still in active Chemo...I am so sorry that you have to do that over the holidays! I will keep checking the board and praying for people but probable won't post until after the New Year as I will be out of town. Our 25th wedding anniversary is coming up on Dec. 31st...little did I think this would be the way I would be spending my 25th...I guess I should be glad that God granted me a 25th...still being bald, fat, and having a sunburn boob was not what I would have thought of 25 years ago...I am glad that God hides the future from us or we'd never be able to enjoy life in the moment! Happy Merry Christmas all! 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Great idea all...let's all pray warfare prayer over lovewins.  NO SE's as her Christmas present from our Savior.  Praise God it's the last one!

    Praise and blessings to all continuing treatment.  May this week be the easiest of them all for each of us.  Sue

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    thank you Sue!  thank you Manka!  God bless and Merry Christmas!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    Sue, that's a great idea. I will join in to pray for LOVEWINS. Yes, the last one seemed to give me some SEs, but with all of us praying together for the same thing, God will surely bless her.

    LOVEWINS: Get ready for all of these blessings. 

    Mankato: Happy anniversary. Our 51st wedding anniversary is TODAY, and both of us forgot it. I've been so involved in cancer treatment that I simply forgot. Barry remembered while walking the dog and called me to sing happy anniversary. Neither did I think I would be doing this on my anniversary. I don't think I ever thought I would get to my 51st in the first place, but here I am. Where are you going in Florida? We go to Venice and hope to get there sonetime this year. Have a great time. I'm glad your husband is with you. Celebrate big. 

    Amy, Have a blessed Christmas. I haven't gotten to know you well, but I will make an effort to read your posts. I'm on here spiratically and I'm always one step behind, but I am praying for each one on the thread. I got so frustrated when I kept losing posts, but I figured out what I was doing wrong. We're all in this together with God at the healm. We're in good hands. 

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited December 2013

    Hugs and Merry Christmas to all and to all a "Goodnight"!


  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited December 2013

    Yes, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. 

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    keepthefaith: this sounds like super news. They stage on the surgical panthology report, size and lymph node involvement, as well as margin report and whether the tumor is invasive or in situ.  You will have a fabulous time knowing this report. I'm guessing you're stage 1, but I'm only a BC survivor, not a doctor. Have a blessed time. 

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Evening Ladies,

    Thought I would post something quickly.  Sewstrong - I am not in retail, actually I am set up to work from home which is such a blessing.  There were a few tasks I had to delegate before I left the office so it all works out very well.  

    I go for my treatment tomorrow same as Lovewins, so I hope to be home by 4. Then shot on Tuesday and Thursday, not Wednesday due to Christmas.  It is a bummer I have to still do this during this week but have to keep on keeping on with the chemo...have to kill the monster.  

    I have had minor SE's as the doses are less being as the are weekly, I am 3 weeks on and the 4th week I go in but just for blood draw.  That's my regimen for now.  

    Hope and pray all of you have a great week, a very Merry Christmas and amazing times with family and friends.  Praying for good days for all with minimal SE's and uplifted spirits...Blessings Abundant...Lucy 

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    I am praying for no side effects for you today Lucy!   We will finish about the same time!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Lucy, Lovewins, praying for you today that your treatments go well and you have minimal SE's!

    Congratulations and Happy anniversary Sharon, Manka! This one will go down in history:).

    glad you are feeling better, Bev' and can enjoy your time away.

    mini-that's quite an accomplishment. I doubt I could do that on my best day!

    I am now day 20 and my hair is sparse, but still have some; enough to say I have bangs and also some on the bottom. I am not going to complain!  I bought a scarf yesterday and figured out how to tie it. It looks better than I expected. I will be going to my DD's for Christmas dinner, I hope. She is expecting to deliver her 3rd son any day!  Due on the 31st. I can't wait:). Praying that my TX and SE's allow me to be there and help if she needs me.

    I hope you all have a very blessed and safe Christmas and all feel well enough to enjoy it! Smile




  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning Ladies! I've been so busy catching up and living life after chemo, that I haven't written in a while, but I am reading your posts daily while keeping you all in my prayers.

    Welcome Amy and others who are new to me! Amy, I'm sorry your surgery in September hasn't gone well and that you
    are in pain. I'm praying all will go well for you in January with the
    replacement surgery.

     Lovewins, I've been so excited and thankful to God for how He has been helping you in ways that only He can orchestrate! 

    Kate, it was good seeing a post from you! I read your blog and am so excited that you have finished your last chemo! I've been and will continue to pray for you. I loved seeing the cute picture with you and the Pioneer Woman!

    Bev, I'm sorry you've been having the fever again. I had it with all my treatments. I was able to take ibuprofen and that helped tremendously keeping me comfortable and keeping the fever down. Let us know why your doctor will not let you take it. You'll continue to be in my prayers. 

    Terri - I'm glad not all your hair fell out and that you are giving scarves a try. Also, I'm glad your treatments are going well. I'm praying your next round goes well and that you'll be well enough for the arrival of your new grand baby!

    Lovewins and Lucy - You are both in my prayers as you have chemo today. I'm praying God will sustain you and give you extra comfort and less side effects this round! 

    Sharon and Manka - I'm so glad you both are almost done with radiation. I'm praying your skin heals soon and that you'll both be feeling much better soon! Happy Anniversary to you both!

    Sue, Mini and others - it's good to read your updates - the good news and the continued needs for prayer. May God continue to encourage us all in ALL times as we rest in His promises!

    Update on me: I am feeling better each day. It's been a little over 6 weeks since my last chemo infusion. I've been on Arimidex for almost 2 weeks and haven't had any side effects! I'm praising my Savior for this! I've also been very blessed visiting with dear Christian sisters recently. I just wasn't up to seeing visitors while I was on chemo but now that I'm better it's been great spending time with those who have been praying and encouraging me for the last several months. I am still waiting for my hair to grow back. I now have white? very blond? peach fuzz, very soft like a newborn's head, covering my entire head. The longer hairs that never fell out with the first round of chemo are now slowly falling out. I still have my eyebrows and lashes and I hope they will stay. But mostly I just want the hair on top of my head to grow back quickly. 

    I hope you all a very blessed Christmas!!! Even if you are not feeling well, may joy be in the midst as you rest in the promises of our LORD, for there are better days ahead and the birth of our Savior is a daily celebration. With love, hugs, and prayers, Deborah

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Hello ladies...I am getting my anit nauseous meds right now, I asked them to give me ativin to start since I eneded up getting it the last two times and also took a pill for nausea.  My platlettes were low but the MO let me have treatment anyway, they were in the 80's, he must of thought I was tough enough to take it!  Right now I am feeling good and calm and not so nervous for final treatment.  I feel lifted up from prayers and very happy this is my last one.  I hope you are feeling the same way Lucy.  I spoke with someone from the RO dept and I am putting in to be in a trail where I would only have 3 weeks of treatment instead of 6 weeks would be so helpful for returning to work and take a lot of pressure off me.  Prayers would be appreciated but I have to accept God's will, I have a 50/50 chance of getting in.

    Keepthe faith and Deborahanne thank you for your prayers.  Sounds like you are both doing well...Praise God!  Congrats on the new Grandson Terri.

    Happy anniversery Sewsong and wonderful!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    God is so good! I've been getting ready to leave in the morning so finally got a chance to read all the latest posts and they're all so positive! You ladies are shining examples of God's grace, strength and power - with all the challenges facing each of us, we're praising God, encouraging each other and concentrating on the glorious hope that we have.

    Glory to God in the Highest - Merry Christmas to all!


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    Dear BC sisters,

    I just want to wish each of you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy Healthier New Year.  May God continue to bless each of us....


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    thank everyone for your prayers...I have been also praying for all of you.  Merry Christmas and God bless!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    We have so much to be thankful for.  I hope everyone is celebrating the best (well 2nd best to Easter) day of the year with joy and peace in your hearts.  My work day has ended and I'm now sitting and enjoying the beatiful decorations and lights.  It's so peaceful.  Time to crank up the Christmas music to put the finishing touches on this peaceful scene.  Looking forward to church and more of the same tonight.

    Enjoy, enjoy and let your hearts sing out ladies.  Merry Christmas to all.

    Love and peace.  Sue

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    Merry Christmas everyone. It sounds like God has brought us all through some amazing things this year. I praise his Holy name on this Christmas Eve at 11:31 PM. It is only 29 minutes until Christmas Day, and I'm thanking Him for leading me to all of you. I have been blessed immensely by the outpouring of Love from God's people. I'm praying tonight for travel mercies for those on the roads, including my son, Ryan,  and his family, Bev and Karhy and anyone else traveling, and I'm asking for Got to comfort those who are in pain right now or otherwise just do not feel well. He is the Great Physician, and life comes from none other. God bless you and your families. Sharon

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Thanks everyone for your far it is a Christmas miracle and my side effects are light on 3rd day!  usually I am unable to do anything but sleep and I don't have that real strong feeling of being hit by a truck!  Praise God!  Thank You Jesus.  I am so elated to be done with chemo!  Thank you all for your prayers...Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    So wonderful lovewins!  I wish I were at the end rather than at the beginning.  Super Christmas miracle!  PTL!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Hi ladies - hopefully you all are enjoying a peaceful, normal (whatever that is these days) Christmas. I'm with my parents and husband at a beach condo - got here last night and was looking forward to a few nice days with family (my sister and her family will be here later today). Well, I've never felt so lousy....bummer!  Please pray that I'll feel good enough to hang in there and not either have to go to the local ER (really don't want to do that) or head home early to try to get in to see the MO. This is day 12 after my last taxotere/herceptin/perjeta chemo so I should be about at the end of the low WBC (after raised temperatures this past weekend) but I'm thinking it may be anemia. I feel light-headed and my legs are it may very well be SE of the taxotere? 

    Kathy and Sharon - so glad you're finished with rads and Lovewins, that you're done with chemo and being so blessed with no SE this time. My last chemo is January 24 so it's discouraging to think that I have another whatever SE from the last one. 

    I know God is in control and only permitting all this because the outcome will be for my good - but please help pray me through it!

    love you - Bev

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    (((Bev))) I pray for your strength and comfort, I am so sorry you aren't feeling well.  God is with you.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Merry Christmas Friends,

    Well I am praying for all of you for minimal SE and also to have a blessed time with family and friends.  What a wonderful time of year, the birth of our Savior and we are so blessed to have this amazing gift.  DH and I went to our Candle Light Christmas Eve Service and it was very nice.  After we drove and looked a some lights and it was nice to get out. 

    Lovewins - I am so happy for you that you are done with your treatment.  Makes me jealous a little as I am just starting out. How long have you been on it?  I am praying you can get on the 3 week program...that would be awesome for you. 

    Bev - Also happy for you that yours is right around the corner.  How long have you been on your treatment?  I hope you both will stay on and keep in touch to keep us starting out going and supported and lifted in prayer...we need you! Praying you will not feel to bad for too long and be able to enjoy your time with family.  We do have to continue to Praise our Lord and encourage our sisters on this journey.  That is what God would want us to do and it helps us during our times as well. 

    I had my treatment Monday and it went well.  That night I started having an slightly upset tummy and just didn't feel right. It wasn't bad and it didn't really hurt and it really wasn't nausea but a little queasy and cramping a little slight headache.  I don't normally feel that from the last ones I had in weeks previous.  So it was a new thing for me.  I also felt a little dizzy Monday evening and into Tuesday.  That seems to have gone for the most part.  Been drinking mint tea and green tea and eating light.  I haven't slept good both nights and last night seemed to have a little heartburn so I took a couple of tums and that seemed to help.  We are just home alone today as we had our Christmas with our kids on Sat as they have other family on spouses sides to deal with.  So I am glad we are just laying low today.  I will be calling my MO tomorrow to give her the low down on my feelings.  Hair is still falling out but so far I have been able to just wash and dry and put hairspray on and it still works.  It is thinned out and you can see my scalp but it works.  Not buzzing it yet. 

    So haven't been able to talk with anyone who has been on Abraxane to see if I could get some tips or advise on SE so I may have to pop over to another board.  I have not had an issue with nausea before so not sure if I should take one of the nasuea meds they gave me.

    Sewstrong - thanks for the prayers and you are right we have so much to be thankful for in having God in our lives during this journey.  He has a little longer to be with me on mine that is for sure...I still have 5 months to go. 

    Merry Christmas Everyone...Lucy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Thanks, Lucy and Lovewins (and all) for the prayers and caring. I'm definitely feeling better - not great but prayers definitely answered. I sure plan to hang around here - you all are such a good support system! I often read other threads about SE, etc. but this is "home." 

    Lucy, I started chemo on August 30 and finish January 24 - 4 A/C and 4 taxotere, etc. Everybody said the A/C would be the worse and I was rejoicing when it was done. What a nasty surprise taxotere has been! I've felt so much worse in the past 3 weeks than I ever did on A/C. I figure it's a combination of my body getting tired of all the poisons and Satan having a field day when I'm this too, shall pass. 

    Enjoy the rest of this special day! 


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Lucy...sorry you weren't feeling the best today.  I had chemo every 3 weeks since 9/4/2013.  Just ended Monday.  One time I had to skip because my platelets were low so I had to wait a week.  My platelets were low this time but he let me go forward.  The very last two times I had chemo I had a reaction while getting the chemo where it made me nauseous and made my body itch and have hot flashes.  This last time I really had to hang tough for about an hour but was determined to get through it...I think the more chemo you have the quicker it makes you sick at least with me.  I am amazed I am doing so well today because the 3rd day I normally could not even type a sentence or even watch tv.  I have taken a few naps today but truly I feel like it was a Christmas miracle an answer to prayers.  Thank you for praying for the 3 week would really help me out.  Sorry I don't know anything about the type of chemo you have, but Bev I had taxotere and I think it was awful!  I pray you are both feeling better and able to enjoy this time.  God bless everyone.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Thanks Ladies for your blessings and prayers. I have to keep reminding myself that I am blessed and will be victorious through this. It is so awesome to have the women on this board for support and encouragement.  I know that I was lead here for exactly this. I agree this will always be home.  

    Glad you are both feeling better and we can do this. I am thinking of the mantra and will read it when I am done with this post. 

    Thanks again...Blessings Abundant...Lucy

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Just read this and needed to share:

    Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them...Mark 11:24

    Merry Christmas! Glory to God in the highest!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    spirit blessing: thank you for the scripture. It helps our faith to read it over and over; although we know and believe it. I love that scripture in particular. I was told by my RO on Tuesday that I will probably be tested every 3 months since I have TNBC, as you do. I'm interested in hearing what your MO says about this'd are type of aggressive BC. 

    Bev: When we were having chemo together, four days apart, I wondered why you always seemed to feel better than I did. I thought maybe my faith wasn't strong enough. Now I'm thinking it might have been the taxotere that I was having. I had T/C as you had A/C. It might be the combination of the three drugs you are getting that you're having more SEs this time. We'll just have to pray more fervently believing that God will work it all out in your best interest. 

    I researched thrush again. Some people fight it for 10 years. I still have it plus the vaginal yeast infection and I haven't been taking antibiotics. My chemo was over on Oct. 28!!!! I'm starting to use the soda and salt mouthwash and the magic mouthwash again. This is not over when it's over is it? 

    Lovewins. Do you feel like I do since finishing our last treatment? I feel a little apprehensive until my next appointment  when I hope to hear that I am going to be tested every three months because of the aggressiveness if TNBC. It's great to end treatment but scary not knowing whether it put me in remission. How do you feel? I have such mixed emotions. 

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    did anyone else read that we shouldn't eat our favorite foods while on chemo because our taste buds are out of whack and it might make us hate that food later? I used to love crystallized ginger. I tried it for nausea and now can't bring myself to eat it. Also, my home-made vegetable soup that I once lovesmd tastes really bad and even bitter.  I wish I had believed that bit of advice. I'm going to try the soup again that  I froze so hopefully I won't think it is horrible. 

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    spirit blessing: thank you for the scripture. It helps our faith to read it over and over; although we know and believe it. I love that scripture in particular. I was told by my RO on Tuesday that I will probably be tested every 3 months since I have TNBC, as you do. I'm interested in hearing what your MO says about this'd are type of aggressive BC.

    Bev: When we were having chemo together, four days apart, I wondered why you always seemed to feel better than I did. I thought maybe my faith wasn't strong enough. Now I'm thinking it might have been the taxotere that I was having. I had T/C as you had A/C.

    I researched thrush again. Some people fight it for 10 years. I still have it plus the vaginal yeast infection and I haven't been taking antibiotics. My chemo was over on Oct. 28!!!! I'm starting to use the soda and salt mouthwash and the magic mouthwash again. This is not over when it's over is it?