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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Good morning! I'm feeling so much better today - thanks for all the
    prayers and thank you, God! Sharon, I also read that about not eating
    favorite foods while on chemo. I don't know if anything could ever stop
    me from liking peanut butter and chocolate but I understand the theory
    about connecting foods with metallic taste and not feeling good. I
    haven't had the metal mouth on taxotere that I had on A/C but my tongue
    feels kind of numb and things definitely don't taste the same - nothing
    tastes really good. Last night I had a couple of Christmas cookies and
    they seemed disgustingly sweet. Normally I'm the one who asks for
    another big piece of something when somebody says it's terribly rich and

    Lucy, thanks for the scripture - it's perfect and I'm claiming it today!  

    This is the day that the Lord has made - let's rejoice in it....and our wonderful Savior!


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Sewstrong...I am still so elated it is over that I haven't been thinking about it.  I did think about reocurrance all thru treatment and I think that will take some time make peace with.  A very long time.  I am her2+ and that is aggressive too.  Sometimes I wonder if too much hope is placed on catching it early stage 1.....this disease is a beast and very scary.  It is hard to wrap my head around.  I think we have to learn to take things day by day....easier said than done.  I pray for your peace Sewstrong.  God bless everyone.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Lovewins - I see you're ER+/PR- and HER2+. You'll be having herceptin, right? How about perjeta? I think both target HER2+. I'll have a year of them (9 months after taxotere) then 5 years of Arimidex. I'm not sure what difference the PR- makes? Isn't this all exciting to wander our way through the treatment differences and decisions?  :)

    I've been amazed at the peace and calm God has given me through this journey - normally I'd be "what iffing" myself and the doctors to death about what's to come. You're right - we just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other with our eyes on God.....

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    yes I will be doing Herceptin for 1 year but they said I would not have the heavy duty side effects.  I will also be doing a hormone blocker.  Radiation next!  I really need to get back to work....

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2013

    SaltyJack - our trip is to Barbados. This is the 4th year a group has gone down. We're helping them build a large church. I haven't been on a mission trip in 30 years, so I'm really excited. It's worth the time and money. I think everyone should take at least one. The blessings are many.

    Spirit - I'm done with treatment, but have only worked p/t at a desk job for a few months last fall. I am bone tired. It's been a long time since I've worked on my feet for hours at a time. I worked  for a short while last year immediately after rads, and between the rads and the AI's side effects, I completely lost many days over a 3 month period. Literally. I have no recollection of entire days. Scary.

    My bug turned out to be major rather than mini. I hated to do it, but I told them I could not work tomorrow. I worked today because the hours were short and quitting time was early (plus I didn't want them to short-handed on a busy day), but there is no way I can work until 10:30 pm. I barely made it until 3:15 today. I'm keeping my tired little butt home and in bed for the next couple of days. :-)


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I went in for my second shot today. Got a call from Nurse and she said I need to start taking Pepcid daily now. Also to go ahead and take the nausea med I have to help with the nausea if I need it. I am not to take the Claritin as that is drying me out too much and dehydrating me. She thinks that may be the reason for the dizziness. So I am home now and have taken the Pepcid and Zofran and see how that all works. So for the aches I will stick to Tylenol. It works for me anyway as the aches are too bad until 8pm then I take a Tylenol and just go to bed. 

    Sew strong-I too was told that I would be checked frequently. I have heard or read that sometimes they do it monthly so not sure. Also as my treatment regimen is a case study trial it very we'll could be monthly. I think I would rather have it monthly because then they can jump on things quicker as a lot can happen in three months. I remember when I had my biopsy, the tumor seemed to grow really quickly and I couldn't wait to have the surgery. They told me it was normal for it to grow quickly after being penetrated by the biopsy. So it really showed me how aggressive this cancer is. Also part of this study trial is going to be using a targeted therapy when the initial chemo is completed. I will also continue the Avastin every 3 weeks forever is the plan if this case study shows promise. Again I have mets to the lung so there is more to my dx than you. 

    I know that they are doing lots of research on this cancer so we have to stay positive and hopeful. We have The Lord taking the lead on this journey and I know for me I am so thankful He is with me. I don't know how I would do this otherwise. 

    We'll off to make some more later. Blessings everyone...Lucy

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Sharon, regarding the thrush, yeast; I got a RX from my MO but never used it; I used OTC Monistat and ate extra yogurt  It did resolve itself in a few days. MO told me today, to take probiotics daily to help balance my system; I am prone to yeast inf's anyway. So, I am hoping that will help.

    I'm glad you all are faring pretty well and pray that you continue to do so!

    Blessings and Hugs~


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Lucy, what is the Claritin for? 

    My Onc.  talked about it when we first started talking trials, drugs and SE's but I don't remember what she said about why you take the claritin.  My pain is really bad, every day and nothing, whether it's OTC or prescription, are helping.  I'm hoping when I start my chemo in January it will help with the pain.  Sleep is not forthcoming as a result so getting discouraged.  Loopy

    Also, I'm 90% retired but stillI work retail one to two days a week for the little extra income.  It's getting harder to be on my feet for that long because of the pain and not being able to sit down.  Still need that little bit of income for now but trying to get as many hours in as I can before starting chemo again.  Don't know what kind of SE's I'll have and figured I'm going to have to take time off once I'm in full swing so as to be careful in not catching anything.



  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Claritin is to help with the bone pain when you get a neulesta shot after chemo.  I am sorry you are in so much pain Sue, it is so hard and when you have to work it makes it harder.  I pray for relief in your situation and solutions to you concerns in Jesus name.  (((Sue)))

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    Sue, is your pain from a neulasta shot? I don't have time to read. My dog is having puppies tonight.  I had to take Percocet left over from my surgery for the bone pain. When I told my MO, he reduced the strength of the shot from 6 to 4 units. That helped tremendously.

    I heard that Claritin was for allergic reaction. I'm not sure. 

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2013


    Several weeks ago, I asked you gals to include my daughter (52 yrs) in your prayers. She had been diagnosed (Aug 5) with Fallopian tube, ovarian,& endometrium cancer.  She had surgery, as near as the surgeon could tell (he is the only one in the State of Nebraska qualified to do this type of surgery, according to our PC) he was able to remove all visible tumor and only one of 11 nodes was involved,.  Any way, she needed 6 chemo treatments, and yesterday when we left the infusion center, she was able to ring the bell they have on the wall for a patient to ring on the last treatment.  The staff at the Cancer Center in Omaha are a FANTASTIC bunch of people.  She now will have a followup appointment on Feb 3, then every 3 months for the next 2 years.   She has felt good with no SEs other than hair loss.  We truly believe GOD GAVE ALL A POSITIVE ANSWER TO OUR PRAYERS.      THANK YOU FOR YOUR PART.  Her blood tests have ALL been good, PA said they have never had a chemo patient that blood tests kept improving the whole treatment time.  Again THANK YOU!!!!


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Sue, Sharon, I'm sorry you are having so much pain. I think the chemo itself can cause pain as well. I think Claritin reduces the swelling caused by the Neulasta shot, which is expanding the bone marrow, in order to help with the WBC  production. Claritin probably also does help with the allergic reaction to chemo;  I have heard that after the first shot, it may not be as severe. I will know in a couple of days! I hope you all get relief.



  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Praise the Lord!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Sue, praying for you as you wait to begin chemo (and hopefully you can find something to help with the pain and let you sleep).

    Vickie - what fantastic news about your daughter - how great to start 2014 on such a high note! Praise the Lord!

    Terri, Lovewins and Lucy - praying for you through the holidays - that you'll be able to enjoy family, friends and good times without SE!

    Sharon - praying for you with the lingering SE of chemo and skin breakdown from rads. But - you're done - again, what a great way to start the new year!

    Today's our last day at the beach with my family and we'll head home tomorrow. After feeling so badly on Christmas day (with visions of having to call the MO the next day to see if we could somehow get in that afternoon), I've been feeling fine - Thank you, God and thanks, ladies for being faithful with support and prayers.

    Enjoy the rest of the holiday!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Sewstrong, we don't know what the pain is from which is why I asked about the Claritin.  My last scans showed my hip mets had improved quite a bit.  I'm starting my pre chemo tests and scans today.  I'm wondering if its sciatica or some other nerve inflamation.  I'm also wondering if it might be the pain meds.  They really dry me out.  I'm on oxycodone 10mg every 4-6 hours and oxymorphone 10 mg every 12 hours.  What is everyone else using?

    Last night I also had something really weird happen.  I had been asleep for about an hour and woke up to my chest being really, really itchy.  From lower throat to just below the breast and from armpit to armpit.  I'd swear it was an allergic reaction to something but I'd not eaten anything.  It lasted for an hour and nothing worked to stop it.  Was really, really weird!  Anyone else had this happen?

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited December 2013

    Belated Christmas blessings to my sisters in faith! I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but I thought I would stop by to wish you all a Merry Christmas and many blessings in the year to come.

    @milehighgirl, are you being treated with taxol? Your itch episode sounds similar to something I've been getting occasionally since I started taxol treatments the end of October, only I get the itch on my hands. My oncologist says that my skin may have become sensitive because of the taxol. So far the only thing I have found that helps at all is to run icy cold water over my hands. Maybe holding an ice-pack against your skin would help if it happens again.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday, mine turned out much different then I expected.  The Lord has been making Himself very apparent in my life the past few know what I mean He has been sending me kiss after kiss so much so it makes me chuckle.  I wish my walk with Christ could be like this always...but it is not the way my walk has been.  Sometimes it gets so dark I am in a crumpled mess and ashamed of my own weakness, the Lord breaks me down and I am once again where He wants me to be and He smoothers me with kisses.  I am not a Mother...But I have noticed as I have walked this BC journey that when I do something that really pleases my Mom she showers me with love and praise.  I know she is doing this to get me through this difficult time because she loves me...and when I say or do something that is not good for me she does not even acknowledge it.  It feels like the Lord is treating me the same way in order to teach me the way He wants me to go.  I know this time can't last forever....I don't think it is possible.  But it sure has been a wonderful Christmas gift....I was so disappointed when I couldn't spend the Holidays with my folks, but now I know it was because the Lord had something better in mind.  God bless you all and those who are suffering right now I pray the Lord fills your heart with strength and comfort to see you through this difficult time because very soon He will be smothering you with Kisses.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited December 2013

    Lovewins - Thank you for sharing how the LORD is working in your life! I believe He has brought you to a point where you will never despair or enter dark depression. You now know JOY in the midst of difficulty and you can rest in His eternal promises with full confindence. One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 16 as it is so rich and powerful revealing the present and eternal promises believers can and will always enjoy. Here are a few of my favorite verses from this Psalm. I hope this will encourage you and others.

    The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
    you hold my lot.
    The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
    indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

    You make known to me the path of life;
    in your presence there is fullness of joy;
    at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

    Sharon and Bev - I agree with you Sharon, I was wondering why I was having a hard time with chemo (Taxotere and Cytoxin) while you, Bev, were doing so well. It does seem that Taxotere is one of the harder chemo drugs to deal with. Bev, I'm so glad you are doing better! 

    Sue - that is really strange what you experienced last night! Are you able to take ibuprofen? If you are I am wondering if you might benefit from that in case some of your pain is related to inflammation. If it's inflammatory pain, ibuprofen will help you more than the narcotics.  I'm praying you'll get some comfort and answers about the cause of your pain soon.

    Welcome back curveball! Hope and pray your treatment is going well!

    Vickie - Praising God with you concerning your daughter!!! 

    Continued prayers to the rest of you recovering after rads, and those going through chemo. Praying for healing, comfort and minimal side effects and for rest and comfort in the Lord!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Lovewins, what a wonderful testimony!  We were all praying for you, a little sad since you were having chemo so close to Christmas and couldn't get incredible God is to have blessed you so richly just at that time!  

    Yep, Deborah, you and Sharon (if you were that type, which I know you're not!) could be thinking "I told you so....." about taxotere. Yuck!  Really and truly, lots of folks (including my MO) said that the A/C was the bad part and the only SE I'd really notice from taxotere was feeling a little tired by the end of the chemo treatments. Oh well. I am here by God's appointment.....and I know He had a reason for slowing me down a little with more SE over the past couple of weeks that I hadn't expected. The next month or so is just going to be God's strength getting me through - no question at all that it's going to be something I can take credit for!

    Sue, praying for you as you get started with tests, plans and treatment. Keep us posted. 

    Curveball - welcome back.

    Have a great weekend, all!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Welcome back curve.  Nope.  Don't start the next treatment until 1/8 and then it will be taxetere along with the trial drug.  Deborahanne, I'm not allowed to take any OTC meds. Way last spring I was living on the ibuprophen but it started messing with my stomach so had to stop taking it.

    I made it through the first day of all my prelim. tests and scans.  The poor people in radiation had to listen to me moan and cry I was in such bad pain.  I can't lay on my back or stomach and of course, those were the positions they wanted me in!  Still have several to get through next week so the doc better come up with something so I can get through them without an hour of crying again.  If I weren't on these pain meds, I might suggest a shot of whiskey, ha ha. or something similar to put my lights out.  Just can't figure this one out but I sure to appreciate all the prayers.


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2013

    Hello Ladies, and belated Christmas greetings to you all.

    I have been away from this website for a while as I had to go into hospital unexpectedly before Christmas, and when I got out on Christmas Eve I had to initially stay with relations where I would be able to live on the ground floor, rather than going up stairs to the bedroom and bathroom etc.

    I have had pain since I had rads on the tumour in my femur during August.  Each time I went for my monthly treatment I was only seeing one of the oncologist's team rather than the great man himself.  I think it was because my tumour markers showed that the cancer was reducing, and they kept saying I wasn't due for another scan yet.  Anyway, I was called up on 16th December to have an appt at the hospital where the rads took place, to see how I was getting on.  I told them about the pain, and they arranged a scan for 18th.  I had the ct scan, and got a call an hour later that I had a fracture in my femur and must not walk or put any weight on my leg.  An operation had been arranged at a third hospital (this happens a lot in Ireland, can't explain it) for 21st December to put a rod in the marrow of my leg which would cure the problem.  This all happened in a few days, and when I came around after the op I thought I would never walk again because the area between my knee and my hip was so painful.  However, the physio came around on Monday, and within a short time I was walking on crutches.  I have had exercises to do which really show improvements very quickly, and I can only say I am amazed at how the human body heals itself.  I am now walking with a cane, and don't need the crutches any more.  God has been really kind to me over this, and my friends at church have been wonderful as they came in and fed the cat while I was away, then made sure that there was food in the fridge for me when I came home yesterday.  I don't know how people who are not Christians get through this, they don't have the support that we do.

    I see that there are messages waiting for me, I will get back to you once I have finished this post and had time to pray for you all.  Becky, I am specially praying for you, dear friend.  I just wanted everyone to know that when bad things happen, the outcome can be remarkably good.  Have a Happy New Year everyone.

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2013

    Hi I am new here. Love God and trusting that He has everything under control. I just had my surgery on the 5th of dec and will start radiation the end of jan. I had been given a gift of tickets to florida and now that will be later. Any help anyone can give me about radiation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    Welcome Joanna! I am on vacation in Florida right now! Back home they have a blizzard warning and I saw a post on Fb that the wind chill will be MINUS 45 degrees in the area I live and a few hours north of where I live, it will be -60. I can't even imagine how cold that glad to be in Florida right now!!! Will you be escaping winter too? I just finished radiation on Christmas eve. Compared to chemo radiation was a breeze! I will pray for you! Hope you are healing well from surgery. What kind of surgery did you have?

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2013

    Hello Ladies,

    Belated Merry Christmas to all of you. I have keeping up on the thread but this the first I have had a chance to sit down to a computer and write to all of you. I was out with a sinus infection about 12 days before Christmas. Never had one, was not sick or had a cold but I could not sleep for days and finally the pain and pressure. Was put on a course of antibiotics that made me sick on day three and not me out of commission for three days due to the need to use the bathroom frequently. Fortunately I finally slept after only getting 4 hours of sleep a night for about 2 weeks prior. I don't know how I worked, stayed after school to coach and then come home and do anything. I pretty must spent the time exhausted. Finally got better a couple days before Christmas and was able to get our house ready for 15 people for dinner Christmas day. Company stayed till 9:30 that evening and I stayed up till 2AM to clean up and pack for our trip to Hershey PA to visit with my hubby's daughters and their families and significant others Just got home last night and I am able finally sit down and compose something that is not in haste.

    All of you have been in my prayers. I continue to marvel and your fortitude and courage as each you continue on this journey. I really think most women are either in denial or oblivious to the high rate of breast cancer that is occurring these days. When it is mentioned most have no reaction about it and think nothing of it. (Unfortunately one in five will get it which means many of them.) I also was told by a fellow worker whose wife is a daughter, that if there a cancer that either her and her husband got they would be best to get breast or prostrate cancer. I wonder if she would think differently if she really knew what a person goes through to beat it.

    The good news is that my breast incision pain seems to have finally cleared up. The lump is gone and no more drainage and pain. I think it was a cyst that formed and possibly the antibiotics I was on cleared it up. So divine intervention by God.

    Vickie: I am so happy to hear about your daughter. I would be giving testimony and praising God to all the doctors as this is truly an answer to prayer. Will continue to pray for her.

    Bev: I am glad that you are feeling better but I guess not so great a Christmas with family at the beach. I was thinking of you as I was driving east the last free days and in your former homestead area.

    Okay going to post this so I don't lose it.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2013

    Sue: I am sorry to hear that you are going through so much pain. I can not imagine how difficult it must be. I know that when I had to have my knee drained a few weeks back, I was ready for them to amputate it because of the pain so again I can not imagine how you can endure it. I will keep you in prayer for upcoming procedures as I am sure many of us will so that you can get through them.

    FridayGirl: I am so glad that someone finally looked at your leg. You probably have had that fracture since August and you have been enduring that pain. What an unbelievable situation. But praise God that you are up and around so quickly and that you have such good people at your church to help out with your cat and getting your fridge stocked up. I agree with you as to how people can possible manage to do all this without God on their side. It must be pretty bleak for them.

    Deborah: You are so wonderful to help encourage others. It is when we think of others that we often forget about our own woes and troubles and God is able to lift us above all that and get us through it. You are such a good sister in Christ to think of others and be of strength for them.

    Lovewins: What a lovely testimony and so wonderful of you to share it. So many times we only see what each of us are going through and you help us to see that we are not alone in what we go through but many others are also going through it too. I know that God appreciates you giving witness to what you have been experiencing and how He is bringing you through all this.

    Welcome Joanna: May you find this sight to be a well to replenish you when you are thirsty and tired. I am sure you will find lots of helpful advise among the many here.

    Sharon: I will keep you in prayer as to your pain and that you body heels from the side effects of radiation and the chemo. Praying that the New Year will be a fresh new start for you after this long journey.

    Becky, Mini, Terri, Lucy and others that I missed: Thinking about all of you and keeping you lifted in prayer as well.



  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    WelcomeJoanna. Kathy and I both finished radiation on Christmas Eve. I can tell you that it's a piece of cake compared to chemo if you just do exactly as your RO tells you. I had a raw area of shin under my breast and I looked like I had a sunburn the last week( I had 30 treatments), but I didn't sugmffer the exhaustion like peoe talk about. I get winded easier than normal and get tired easier than normal, but nothing a quick nap can't fix. I used prescription Sulfadine for my raw skin and Miaderm, cortisone cream, and aloe plant several times a day, and feel that that routine kept my skin as good as can be expected. Be sure to drink plenty of water during rads and keep putting on the lotions even if you don't see any redness. Ask your RO to show you what area will be radiated so you can keep that whole area moisturized. It was the 5 boosts Stargell end that broke open the skin so most of the time, you don't even feel anything. Well, I did feel tingling sometimes and felt like I had on clothes over a sun burn, but nothing you can't handle. Well be praying for you. I attribute prayers and following doctor's orders for getting me through it all so nicely. 

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    WelcomeJoanna. Kathy and I both finished radiation on Christmas Eve. I can tell you that it's a piece of cake compared to chemo if you just do exactly as your RO tells you. I had a raw area of shin under my breast and I looked like I had a sunburn the last week( I had 30 treatments), but I didn't sugmffer the exhaustion like peoe talk about. I get winded easier than normal and get tired easier than normal, but nothing a quick nap can't fix. I used prescription Sulfadine for my raw skin and Miaderm, cortisone cream, and aloe plant several times a day, and feel that that routine kept my skin as good as can be expected. Be sure to drink plenty of water during rads and keep putting on the lotions even if you don't see any redness. Ask your RO to show you what area will be radiated so you can keep that whole area moisturized. It was the 5 boosts toward the end that broke open the skin so most of the time, you don't even feel anything. Well, I did feel tingling sometimes and felt like I had on clothes over a sun burn, but nothing you can't handle. Well be praying for you. I attribute prayers and following doctor's orders for getting me through it all so nicely.we will pray you right through it.

    Fridaygirl, what an amazing story and what an awesome testament of what God has done for you. I just told Joanna about how we will pray her through her radiation. I am finished with treatment and feel that all of the fervent prayers of people on this thread is what got me through. It's not over when its over, because I'm dealing with thrush from chemo and skin breakdown from radiation, but it is all healing and I praise God for all of His people who are faithful to do his bidding.  I'm praying tonight that your leg will continue to heal and that you wi be feeling much better soon. 

    Lovewins. Thank you for your prayers. I feel very well today and I know my well-being comes from all of the prayers on my behalf. I'm thankful for you and all of the others who are willing to take time to pray for people they don't even know just because they are Christians. 

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Lovewins - Hallelujah, Praise The Lord!!!  What a great testimony you have.  God is so good!  So happy you are in a better place now.  You have inspired me, thank you! Today at church we had amazing worship and I felt the Holy Spirit all about me and I was trembling and just worshipping with such joy, it was so awesome.  I know it was God telling me he is with me and to stay strong...thank you God!  We have to trust Him as He knows what is best and remember He has a plan and will never give us more than we can handle and He will never leave us or forsake us...Amen!

    Deborahanne - Psalms 16 is also a favorite of mine. After I read your post I read it again...thanks!

    Sue - Have you checked on any diet options that help with inflammation?  I have a great cookbook that helps with this.  It is called Cancer Free Kitchen, something to research or if you like I can check out this area and send you a few ideas if you like.

    Milehigh - What is your trial drug? What type of cancer do you have?  What's wrong with your back and stomach that they hurt so badly?

    Joanna - Welcome to the board, you will find some amazing women here with great ideas and we will support you when you reach out here.  I have felt such an amazing welcoming support and it is so helpful during this time and journey we are on.  I can't help you with your question regarding rads as I just started my chemo on 11/25/13 so I am not there yet.

    Gardengal - have been busy the past few weeks.  I thought it was 1 in 8 and when you say 1 in 5 that is just alarming to me.  I immediately think of my girlfriends and how I wouldn't want any one of them to go through this.  What type of cancer do you have?  What type of treatment are you one?  How long?

    My burning tummy has been doing really well since the MO told me to start the Pepcid so Thank you God!  Tomorrow we are off to Seattle fro my treatment of my chemo drug Abraxane.  Also get to meet with the nutritionist as well.  She is always helpful so i have my questions ready.  Well hope all of you are doing well and had a great weekend. 

    I know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord.  Plans to prosper you, not harm you.  To give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited December 2013

    Good Evening lovely ladies - I can't begin to express my sorrow at all the troubles you all have had or are experiencing right now and over Christmas.  I will pray for each of you and knowing that God is good, he will answer my/our prayers. I had awful news myself today which I am trying to come to grips with. It concerns my youngest brother and I only hope he can survive this and be a better person when it's over. New prayers and new gratitude tonight. I too am enjoying Florida weather but have to go home tomorrow to snow and awful cold.

    Much love, 


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Lucy, if we knew what was causing the pain, we could treat it.  Nothing has shown up on the scans.  I've done the diet thing for years.  Even my anti-inflamatory diet and foods has not helped.  Been trying everything I can find.  The trial drug doesn't have a name, just a number.  It will be mixed with the taxetere.

    I've asked the doctor to help with my next series of tests on Thursday.  Can't lay on the table because of the pain so don't know if they can give me something without interfering with the scans.  If I can't get through the prelims, I won't be able to start the trial.  Been very discouraged and the pain meds are messing with my head making me weepy for no reason.  Work is a challenge and already dreading my 5:00 a.m. wake up call in the morning, lol.  Sounds like I need to vent!