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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2013


    I have tickets to florida the last week in January, the were bought for me before the diagnose of cancer. I had a lump stage 1 taken out and a lymph node taken out. I will be starting radiation in about 4 weeks I guess so that will mess up my forida vacation. I probably will change the dates but just not sure how I will feel after radiation. How will I feel at the end I know they say you will be fatigued during it just wonder how long it takes to get past it all. I will be on hormone replacement too. I am suppose to go jan 2 for that but thereis supposed to be a major snowstorm that day. so we will see. Keep enjoying florida and I am glad your radiation is over. Blessings to you

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2013

    SewStrong: thanks so much for your prayers and info on radiation so appreciate it. joanna

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2013

    SpirtBlessing: I so love your name and your encouragement. I am doing good but will be glad when this journey is over. Joanna

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2013

    I was glad I made it over the holidays. I had been taking care of my bedridden mother for years and she passed away at home in august. I miss her terrible but she was 94 and had a wonderful God filled life and I know where she is and she is so much happier because she is walking on streets of gold. My family lives all away from me, my brother lives next door but he is in florida for the winter. I have a wonderful church family and good friends. But sometimes in the night and it hits me, "I have to do radiation".  I know that God is with me, but at times it would be nice to have someone physically with me you know.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2013

    Lucy: Will be praying for you as you go through your next round. I came on this site in Sept. as I waited for my second surgery in Oct. I have atypical hyperplasia  in duct. They got all of it this time round but I am at risk to get BC in the next five years. I choose to believe that God has it covered. I felt so blest by the support of those on here and my heart was burdened with what everyone was going through that I asked if I could remain on the thread and pray for all of you. A prayer warrior and a giver of moral support.  Anyway, I am here for as long as God desires. As each makes their requests known, I will continue to pray for each need. As Bev always says; I am here by God's appointment, in His keeping, under His direction, for His time.

    Sharon: Continually praying for that your thrush clears and your skin heels quickly.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Joanna, I'm with you on having someone close by.  All of my closest friends and relatives are 1000 miles away but connected by phone.  We're going to pray that your trip was meant to be postponed so as to celebrate successful rads when they're over!  Love the testimony Garden Gal.  We are also going to believe that despite the risk, you will have clear sailing from here on out.

    Blessings to all.  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Hi Joanna - welcome!  Sharon and Kathy can give you lots of info about rads because they just finished on Christmas Eve - what a great present for them to be done! I'm hoping not to go through rads....if (and only if) there are no live cancer cells after surgery (I'm almost finished with chemo now), I won't have to have rads. I'm praying and trusting the Great Physician to have control of it all....and if He has something I need to learn through rads, so be it. It looks like your BC was caught really early so you won't have to have chemo? Yay!

    Debbie - welcome back! We missed you! So glad you were blessed, both with wonderful support from friends and a wise doctor. You deserve alot of credit, too - sounds like you're not wasting any time using your leg as much as possible to strengthen it. Lots of prayers being answered for sure. Hopefully this will resolve the pain you've been dealing with.

    Sue, I'm certainly praying for you - both for the pain you're experiencing and as you start the new chemo next week. I was talking with my husband today about the miserable time I've had over the past couple of weeks on taxotere. BUT (Dr. Bev here, of course), it may not be the drug itself that's been the problem (remember, my MO said it would just make me tired over the course of treatment). I didn't take the steroids the MO prescribed the first time, thinking if I didn't feel bad it was okay not to take them. Well, I ended up with a week-long case of diarrhea, which the MO said may have been caused by not taking the steroids and so having fluid build up in my system. Kind of as a result of the diarrhea, I now am (finally! after 2 miserable weeks) getting over an "anal fissure" (I just love talking about all this stuff - I feel like such an old geezer....but maybe it will help somebody else so I'm rambling through it all). Anyway - my thinking now is that I've had some problems but it was kind of just a perfect storm of gastro stuff - not the taxotere. So, Sue and anybody else with it in your future - we'll pray you through it and hopefully you won't have any problems!!!

    Lucy, hope your latest treatment went well. I know you have chemo 3 of 4 weeks - whew! How much longer is that going to last? Sounds like you're doing wonderfully - praise the Lord!

    Char, welcome back to you, too! So glad you're feeling better. How is your husband doing after his shoulder surgery? Hopefully you were able to have a blessed Christmas with family - love those Hershey, PA lights! 

    Deborah - thanks for the Psalm. I got chills reading about our "beautiful inheritance." What's next for you for treatment? Are you finished at this point?

    Mini, hope you're feeling better. You have that mission trip to look forward to - Barbados instead of Michigan in January. Nice! Do you know what project you'll be working on?

    Hope everybody is able to have a nice New Year's Eve/Day. I'm claiming for us all God's peace in 2014 - whatever the year holds:

    Do not be anxious for anything; but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7. 

    love you - Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Thanks for the insight Bev.  Very helpful.  I have a friend that did taxetere last year and she had a reaction from the steroids so didn't take them.  I'm hoping I get no reaction from them whatsoever.

    Been on the phone with the doctor's office and the trial clinic all day.   Going in for an unexpected appointment tomorrow after work to see if they can get to the bottom of this pain.  If it's a pinched nerve or fracture or something, we can deal with that and hopefully do so in time for a little New Year's celebration.  I've had so very little sleep as well so that adds to my weepy constitution, ha ha.  Just praying it's something simple!

    Thanks one and all for your awesome support.  Sue

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    Amy-did you fly or drive home from Florida. I hear it's pretty cold back in Minnesota! I believe we brought the cold weather down here as it's basically been cold (well cooler than I was hoping for) and rainy here in Tampa.

    Joanna-if you like to swim or sun, you might want to make sure you give yourself some healing time from radiation before your Florida trip. My doc said to stay out of water (chlorine dries) and the sun ( with the burn area) so I skipped the beach today... let my boys go with their dad and his sister/family. I enjoyed a nice quiet peaceful afternoon alone with a good book and a nap. I have felt the tired stuff they say comes with radiation. Not too bad but I tire easy.

    Bev- How many more times of chemo do you have left? My father in law got some bad news over Christmas. His cancer came back. He finished chemo about the same time as me. His PET scan didn't show but one spot after chemo. He had another PET scan just before Christmas (2 months later) and it's back. They were here with us in Florida but headed back today so he can do his treatment sooner. So he maybe back in your cancer center when you are there. You'll have to listen for his name.

    Sharon-you sound healed. Are you? I still am sore under the arm. Still glowing but not really any pain any where else. I think my problem there is partly because I didn't realize that they were doing the arm pit area until halfway thru so I didn't put lotion there until much later. Where I applied the lotion thick and often pretty much hasn't given me any problems. Advice to future rads people you can't put too much lotion on and go into the arm pit too...even if you had no lymph nodes involved.

    Not a lot a time to write. I actually wrote more than I planned. I just peeked in to read the posts on my phone. Happy New Year to everyone!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Evening Ladies,

    Today's treatment went well, took a little longer to get my drug after they ordered it as they have to mix it.  Was there an hour then my nurse got on the lab and got them within 10 min.  So was on the road coming home late but thank God the traffic was light...he has been with us all day.  I actually prayed this morning while in my shower that I get the nurse I like and God answered my prayer.

    Milehighgirl - didn't mean to upset you, I was just trying to understand the issue as I am new here.  I will keep you in prayer.  Praying for your appt. to bring you some answers.

    Gardengal - Thanks for the prayers! Glad you are here with us.  Is this type of cancer aggressive?  I don't think I have heard of it?

    Bev - You crack me up! My treatment plan will continue for 5 more months.  This is the clinical trail study so once this regimen is over I will be on a trial targeted therapy called Erlotinib, a pill daily.  Also I believe they are wanting to continue the Avastin every 3 weeks for long term.  The chemo combo is Abraxane and Avastin.  I am blessed as the se's are minimal, praying this works.  I was told today that they are going to schedule a CT scan in a couple of weeks.  I should find out tomorrow once I get my schedule for Jan.  Hey Bev, how do you add your note: God's will won't put me where His presence won't sustain me.  I tried and couldn't figure it out?

    Saw this today thought I would share: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us girlfriends in God to pray for us and with us.  Thank You that You called women to join together as mighty prayer warriors with shields hooked together, marching into battle as on unified force.  In Jesus name, Amen!!!

    Good night Ladies...Blessings Abundant...Lucy

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    God's will won't put me where His presence won't sustain me.  I like this and I think I understand it, during this journey I have felt His presence strongly and also times not at all.  It must be when I take my eyes off Him that it happens.  I would like to be able to stay in that safe haven and That is my prayer for all of us.  Anyone who is in pain I pray that answers and relief are found quickly to rid you of pain.  Those of you going through treatment I pray your SE are light.  Thank you ladies for all the love and support you have given me.  Although I do not mention names I am praying for you as I read your posts.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, ladies! I so enjoy all your posts - God has certainly brought us all together for support, encouragement and caring, just as Lucy said in her prayer. It reminds me of a phone call I got from my Bible study leader when I was first diagnosed. She reminded me of the time when the Israelites were fighting and they were winning as long as Moses prayed and held up his arms. After many hours, Moses got so tired that his arms started to lower....and the Israelites started to lose. His brother, Aaron, and another friend stood beside him and held up his arms during the rest of the battle and the Israelites were ultimately victorious. My friend, June, said that as I proceeded through treatment and whatever was to come, to just imagine my friends standing beside me, holding up my arms through the whole cancer journey. It was such a beautiful picture that it brought tears to my eyes....and still does whenever I think of it. That's what you all do for me, too - we're all together, holding up each other when we grow tired, challenged, weak or scared - so thank you, sweet friends.

    Lovewins, I love the idea of God's presence being right with me, as I say in my signature (wish I could remember where I got it from because I should attribute it properly - it's not original). Lucy, just go into your Profile and Settings and it's in the 'signature' part. Another good saying (I have all this great stuff on my fridge and don't know where I got it from - sorry):  God doesn't waste suffering. He will deliver in His time, in His way and for His Name's sake. Wow, have I claimed that alot of times - this is all happening so that God can be glorified!

    Kathy, so sorry to hear about your father-in-law's recurrence but good that you could all be together for the holidays.  I have two more chemo treatments to go - one this Friday (please pray that my blood counts will be good - I hate to think of it being delayed!) and then the LAST on January 24. I meet with the surgeon on February 3 and will probably have surgery at the end of February.

    Joanna, Sue and Debbie - praying for you as you go through treatment without family close by. As Debbie said, the way God fills our needs so abundantly and amazingly through Christian friends is such a blessing.....but that hug from mom can't be replaced. I am blessed that my parents are still here and so anxious to help however I need them. Actually, I'm wrestling a little with the whole situation. My mom and dad want to come to help after my surgery and I'll certainly treasure the time with them (we talk on the phone almost daily but only see each other a couple of times a year). However - as I told my husband yesterday, a little part of me is thinking I'd just like to come home alone and curl up to watch TV or read for a week or two till I feel better (the drains have me so nervous - any advice anybody?!). I know having my folks here will mean that I'll want to have casseroles in the freezer and lots of groceries here.... Oh well. I know God will work it all out for the best and it will be good to be together. 

    Happy New Year to all!  God bless you - Bev

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2013

    Dear Praying sisters, I have a rising tumor marker, today see the onc. re what is NEXT// I hope my tumor marker will go down again,as my scan from November is good, cannot believe I am going to have to go from Falsodex to chemo again. Please pray for me, I am bummed today, tho I KNOW who is HOLDING me...



  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Oh Bev I am sorry I didn't realize that was your signature lint! Chemo Brain...I must of read that wrong on Lucy's post.  It did strike a chord with me and I appreciate you sharing what your friend June said.  I like the analogy...guess God is growing my spiritual muscles in being able to keep my arms up!  Thanks to everyone who has helped me.  God bless everyone.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    (((Becky)))  Praying for good news concerning your markers in Jesus name.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Becky - praying for calm, peace and courage for you today:  Courage doesn't deny the reality of a problem - it denies the power of the problem over me.  (I think this is from Beth Moore - sorry, again, it's just a note on my fridge).  Sweet sister, may you feel God's arms surrounding you - and praying that you get a kiss from God really soon!


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Becky, praying for good news for you today!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2013

    Becky, praying that this is a hiccup and you can continue with Faslodex.  The Lord has carried you this far, he won't let you slip through His fingers.  I also pray that you will have peace today and be free from all fear.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited December 2013


    I drove from Key West to Miami then flew home to -6 below and snow! How I wanted to turn around and go back. Temps in Key West was 82 everyday I was there.

    Happy New and pain-free year to everyone. Many blessings as well.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Praying for you Becky!  Remember we are here for you and we are all lifting you in prayer.  You are God's daughter and he loves you so very much.  Also, He is the ultimate doctor and don't focus on what your MO says focus on the promises we have from our mighty Father.

    Lovewins - so glad to see you in a good place going into the New Year...blessings.

    Blessings to all and a Happy and Safe New Year...Lucy

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited January 2014

    Please keep my DD in your prayers tonight. She is due with her 3rd  baby boy today and her platelets were low today, so she is headed to the hospital now. Her first two pregnancies were problematic and we are hoping that this one is a "normal" birth for her! She had H.E.L.P. syndrome last time and is at risk for that again. It can cause permanent liver and kidney damage to her and the baby. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Maybe we will have the first New Years' baby!:)

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    KTF...I pray your DD has a normal delivery and  no damage to her body.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Becky, long time no chat!  Remember our research on tumor markers.....not always a good gauge but we're going to pray they're great going in to the new year.  My latest shows improvement but they've been good for awhile.

    KTF, a new years baby - how wonderful!  Praying this will be an uneventful delivery and let's get that baby here first.  Prayers for your daughter and new grandbaby to be.

    Bev, let your parents come and don't worry about having food in the freezer.  Moms love to be needed and will make her feel as such.  I preach alot about our needing to learn how to receive from others so others can experience the joy and blessing of giving.  It's hard when we're used to doing the giving!  Tell your folks up front that you're going to want some alone time while they're here and I think they'll totally understand.  You're so right.  Nothing like a mom's hug and presence to make us feel so loved.

    I spent yet another afternoon at the hospital.  More scans and tests.  Beginning to get weary and I haven't even started the trial yet!  The NP switched my pain meds.  Our goal is to get me through the PET scans on Thursday.  If I'm in pain, I can't do the test because I can't lay on my back.  If I can't get through the scans I won't be able to do the trial.  I also have a biopsy on Thursday.  If I make it that far.  Thanks so much for all of your prayers.  I'm praying that my trial run on the new pain meds tomorrow will get me some relief and some sleep tonight so I can get through Thursday.  What a way to start the New Year!

    God bless all of you.  May 2014 be our best year yet!  Sue




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year to all of you. Praying for all that have requested prayer. Praying in general for all who have a need. A new year is upon us with new focus new strength and we will wear the armor of God proudly. We will be bold and courageous this year and know our Father is on this journey with us every step of the way. 

    Father God I just ask that you allow opportunities to come upon us in our daily journey to share your Love, Mercy and Grace with others and that they have a desire to know you more. More if your presence and more of your Jesus name...Amen!!!

  • Safetyyfirst
    Safetyyfirst Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2014

    Amen.  Thank you so much SpiritBlessing.  How uplifting to my heart and soul.                                         I wish you and your family a Blessed and safe holiday season.                                                                    

    ((( much love and hugs))).   Barb

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2014

    ugh..thinking of you Sharon...just lost a long post myself! Basically wanted KTF and Becky to know I am praying for them...also you too Bev with your counts for Friday!

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2014

    AmyQ- I am in Tampa and so far we have only had one day in the 70's and that day it was raining! I know compared to what we have in MN I shouldn't be complaining but I was really looking forward to some nice warm weather since I missed my summer dealing with surgeries and chemo! Oh well back to the cold Midwest tomorrow! 

    KTF-do you have any news on the baby and DD?

    Becky-Any news on your visit yesterday?

    Happy New year to everyone...may God bless you all in the next year and praying for it to be a better year for us all!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    I am doing some real battle with Satan as he has twice now messed up my message to all of you so it must be important that I prevail.

    Happy New Year to my sisters of faith. May God bring victory to each of you this coming year and give you strength, courage and peace. I was thinking last evening what a glorious day it will be to meet each of you in the next life when we can celebrate our victory over death and disease in heaven. But until that day, may each of you bring honor and glory to our King so that others may always know the reason for the hope that is within you.

    Becky: I pray that your markers are nothing but a false reading. Satan has ways to distract us and help us to doubt and worry. Have faith that God will deliver you and bring you through this. Put on the full armor.

    Sue: May God lift you from your pain so that you are able to get through completing your procedures and tests. Remember that he can lift you from your pain just as He brought Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego out of the fiery furnace. They felt nothing and he can certainly do the same for you. Your level of pain sounds terrible and I think you said it is affecting your sleep. Did your doctors ever take a different route and rule out Fibromyalgia? It can cause lots of pain and the effects are different in people that have it as well as the level of pain.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    Part 2:

    KTF: Praying your daughter's delivery goes off without any glitches and that she has a safe delivery with no risks to her or the baby.

    Amy: I am praying that God brings you and your brother through the situation he is experiencing. May He give both of you strength in dealing with it.

    Kathy: Praying for your Father-in-law that all goes well for him and his upcoming treatments and that these rounds will stop his cancer for good.

    Bev: Thank you for your stories and words of encouragement. You are such a blessing on this thread. My hubby is still improving and they have increased his range of motion to 143 degrees. His shoulder is extremely tight so we are praying that he has enough therapy to get him through this with successful recovery of motion.

    Lucy: I do not have cancer. I had (saying this because I believe it is gone), Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia. This is irregular cells and stacking of cells in the duct. First there is normal, then hyperplasia cells which are stacking and then ADH which is abnormal. This is the first signs before developing In In ductal carcinoma. My radiologist was very successful in removing all of it because when I went back for a second surgery, the BS said that it was all gone and no signs of atypical cells or cancer cells in this site. I have hyperplasia cells there but the others were gone. I continue to be at risk and there is no way of determining if it is else where in either breasts until I have another mammogram. The BS wanted to put me on Tamoxifin for three to five years to prevent it from cancer occurring. The success rate was only based on women with prior cancer and the risks are high. It can cause stroke, blood clots, acceleration of cataracts which I now have just starting to form, liver damage (I have elevated liver numbers due to being on a seizure med since my mid 20's and it can rebound and cause cancer to occur. All this for a 50% chance of not getting cancer and a 50% of still getting it after taking the drug. The UK was going to recommend this to women and pulled back on this and decided to wait because of the results. They were not really finding it to be beneficial to certain groups of women. So I have chosen to let God be in control and believe that He has taken care of it for good.

    I made through part two...praise the Lord.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited January 2014

    Thank you ladies for your prayers. Grandson arrived safely at 2:07am. I stayed up until 5am this morning and got to see him thru the nursery. I hope to go up there later and cuddle him. He is so precious! Happy New Year everyone.