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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Sharon: Thank you for your encouragement. I know how hard it must be with your carpal tunnel. I have it in my right hand but won't do surgery until I have to. Yesterday I was singing some of the very hymns you were sharing. I agree with you about dear sweet Bev. You are very fortunate and blessed to have her as a friend.

    Sue: I am sorry you had to have the lung drained. I remember watching the doctor do that to my grandfather and them hitting his ribs several time. I can still see the grimacing look on his face as he endured the pain. Is your pump working on your leg? What specifically is your machine called?

    I want to share more but need to get some sleep. My prayers are with all of you...Sue, Bev, Anita, Carren, Lucy, Mini, Deborah, Kate, Becky, Debbie and those that check in from time to time.


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2014

    peace, peace, wonderful peace. Coming down from the Father above. Sweep over our spirits forever we pray, in fathomless billows of love.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    Hi ladies - I don't have anything remarkable to say - other than I continue to pray for y'all, of course - but just had to post something to get my new avatar out there. Yep, I got brave enough to have my husband take a couple of pictures and let you see me.  I also went to a meeting at church tonight with a cap on....not quite able to get over the silly vanity/pride enough to actually go out without something over my short hair but hopefully soon....  Everybody said how cute I looked then one friend said she wanted to see my hair - I said "not a chance! Only my PT and husband have seen it!" 

    Aren't those old hymns comforting?  When I lay awake at night, after I pray for everybody, I try to think of a praise hymn starting with every letter of the alphabet (All Hail the Power of Jesus Name, Blessed Assurance, Crown Him with Many Crowns....).  I know - you're all singing along with me, right?

    Have a wonderful week - we have Easter blessings to look forward to!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Bev, I think it looks wonderful!  Not too short at all.  Wish I had that much hair!!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    Thanks, Sue....but remember how long it WAS in the old picture? Oh well - I never knew what to do with it then so God gave me the chance to start all over again!  :)

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    Sewstrong/Sharon - I sent you a private message.  I would love to share my journey with you and what I am doing for treatment.  Kate too...look forward to hearing from you. 

    Milehigh/Sue - I took the P5P B6 and the glutamine diligently daily.  I just bought some Emu oil on Sunday at the Farmers Market so have been using it on my toes.  I have not had any issues all this time on my toes/feet so I am blessed.  My onc made me an appt. with a nail specialist so I see him tomorrow afternoon.  What do you do for your hand?  Have you tried the ice gloves during treatment?  Praying you are healing from the lung drain.  Don't give up on the insurance fight. 

    Had my treatment after my 2 weeks off and did alright.  My shot yesterday was what made me hurt yesterday evening for a while.  My body ached so I had to take an ibuprofen before bed.  Woke up great and no pain.  Today's shot haven't felt anything too much now so hopefully it will not be so bad.  Well going to start dinner now feel pretty good.  My faith is what keeps me going along with my amazing supportive husband who is truly a Godsend and my best friend. 

    Thank you all for being so encouraging and just being here to chat with.  I find I am thinking of many of you at one time or another during the day.  I say a quick prayer so just know you are being lifted in prayer. 

    Blessings Ladies...remember...God loves us all. 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Hi Ladies:

    Bev: Your picture looks great! And I am right there with vanity. My hair color has not been al la natural since 9th grade. I would probably die from the shock. I told my husband that it seemed silly but I did n't not want to lose my hair. 

    I was thinking today that it was close to this time some 16 years ago that a dear Christian colleague and sweet friend of mine. She went to be with our Lord because of beast cancer. She was trying to get in on trials on many of the drugs that are being used today to successfully treat breast cancer. These drugs have given many hope. She was truly on the front line when it came to BC. My school garden was dedicated in her memory. 

    My PT really tortured me last night with an intensely fast ten minute ride on the stationary bike and lots of weight increases on the machines. Only two more sessions to go. She keeps asking me if I am back to work full time. I keep telling her yes. Makes me think she doesn't believe me. Either she is amazed or she thinks I am nuts.... I am thinking the later. While I covet your prayers for my recovery, I have a prayer request and ask that you forget about prayers for me and pray for my 90 year old father. While I was at work today, his knee gave out which it has been doing lately and he fell in his kitchen. He always leaves his one drawer with silverware in it open all the time. I cannot tell you how many times I have gone in to close it. It always makes me a bit miffed when I see it. I have no idea why. Well, you guessed it...when he fell, he hit the drawer with his left arm as well as his shoulder. Miraculously, his head landed in an empty one gallon plastic milk bottle and it crushed the container but saved his head. He could not find a neighbor home and my brother did not have his car. My extremely overweight and out of shape brother hoofed it to his house. A 20 minute walk for most. My poor father thought my brother was going to have a coronary because he could hardly breath. My brother reached my husband by phone, who headed for my dad's home. My brother managed to get my dad's car started. (He is no longer allowed to drive as of December.) My dad was rushed to the hospital emergency. He tore up his arm and they did a CT and lots of x-rays. No fractures but his shoulder is in terrible pain and his arm is so black and blue. He has a huge hematoma on his arm and he is still bleeding nearly 10 hours later because he is on blood thinners. God was looking out for him. He is here with me because they were concerned that he may bleed into his brain due to the blood thiiners. So please keep him prayer if you should find a moment in your already trying lives. I would be so grateful and appreciative.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    oh, Char - so sorry to hear about your tough day with PT and then all your concern about your dad!  I sure will be praying for both of you.  I think we can all fit prayers for more than one person into our busy schedules!  :)  

    It's a blessing that your brother and Jeff were close by and able to help - God certainly had His hand on the whole situation.  

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Phil. 4:6-7.

    God's got it!  


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited April 2014

    Bev, you look great! I like your hair short! It's been super hard for
    me with losing my hair since it was only slightly gray before chemo and
    it was much longer. I put a color rinse on it about 2 months ago and was
    able to see how it looked light brown/dark blond and the color didn't
    help make the hair look any better. Then after leaving the color in for
    30 minutes, when I rinsed it, ALL the color came out!!! So I know I'd
    have to use a strong permanent to color it and I'm just not going to do
    that. I'm getting more use to the color and it actually seems to look
    better with skin tone. So God is reminding me that He knows what's best
    for me. I got my drivers license picture changed today and I keep
    wondering why the lady who took my picture didn't comment how I looked
    SO different. LOL.

    I'm so glad there are several of you here to encourage each other with TNBC. I'm praying for you all as well as for the rest of you going through treatment.

    Char, I'm amazed that you've been working full time and that your PT is doing so much. I'm praying this isn't too much and that your work and therapy is doing good and no harm. I'm sorry about your dad. Thankfully, you have family helping out but it appears that it's getting harder with your dad getting older. God is good and merciful providing the help and making the the accident not any worst. 

    Bev, you're right about the hymns - I was singing them in my head as I read the titles.

    I've several busy days ahead with traveling, work, and spending Easter with my family. Easter is my favorite time of year. It's the holiday with the greatest significance...

    Amazing love! how can it be

    That Thou, my God, should die for me!

    "Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.

    He himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to
    sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed."

    and in accordance with the Scriptures, Christ died for our sins, He was buried, and He was raised on the third day. Isaiah 53:4, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4

    Love and continued prayers for you all! Hope you have a very blessed Easter! 


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Thank you for prayers. By the way, I can write but my iPad has a mind of its own and likes to rewrite my sentences. I apologize for all the gibberish gobbledygook. I have made great progress with my knee. It has been doing better with each day. I think I over do it at work some days. I get a break for the next five days so it should greatly help.

    My dad is resting comfortably and I know he will be in for some uncomfortable days ahead. I think God is slowly showing him that it is time for him to make some decisions about doing here with us. If he stays at his home, I will need to contact the VA about putting in a chair lift on his stairs.

    Bev: I like the alphabetical hymns. I started humming them in my head too. 

    Time for bed. Blessings and hugs to all.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Char, I agree with Bev, it takes nothing to add your dad to our prayers but keep you right there as well.  Lucy, thanks for the update.  I just replenished my supply of emu oil - expensive!  But, if it works, it works.  I noticed my fingernails are getting a little bit brittle but I've only had two cycles so far.  Praying my scans in a few weeks show everything is working and I won't have to switch yet again to something new.

    I was so disappointed today when the insurance denied the pill again and I have to stay with the shots.  I don't know how to fight these - any ideas?  I have run out of room on my stomach and giving the shot over a place I've already done so is starting to hurt.  Can't do the legs because of the lymphedema.  Praying I get some relief somewhere!

    Bev, you look good in short hair.   I just have fuzz right now and it will be a long time before I have real hair again, lol.

    Oh, I still haven't heard from Andrew or his brother.  Just assuming he's doing well and is on the road to recovery.  Sue

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2014

    I've been in and out for awhile, but I try to keep up with you all and think of you always.

    Sue - it's been more than 20 years and I still remember the lung draining. If you've never had it, it feels like you have an elephant on your chest. I would say that I can't breathe, and my doc would say yes you can, you have one good lung, just breathe. Easy for him to say. And there's not much you can do to get comfortable afterwards except wait it out.

    I have to have an ultrasound and an MRI Tues. I felt a nodule around the entry area where they did my original biopsy and thought maybe it just felt different because the fat around that area had moved, or the scar tissue had separated. I asked my doc to check it out while I was in the office for an appt. for something else. She said she felt the scar tissue, but also a nodule behind it. She said she also noticed a change in color of my areola. I had a mammogram in Dec. that was clear. Hopefully the ultrasound will be the same. I am having a MRI because I have a change in my discharge. It may be from a thinning of my organs (nice, eh?), but because of possible issues with Tamox, they want to be sure. Our finances our being stretched beyond their limits. We still have out of pocket costs, so this will add the load. Our FSA money ran out already.

    Please also pray that my disability application will be approved the first time around. It will be more difficult for me because I don't have 1 major qualifying cause. I have 10 lesser issues that when combined leave me pretty much useless in the work place. It's very humbling filling out the paperwork and seeing all your inadequacies in black and white; especially when you've worked since your teens. A quick approval is not likely by the worlds/SS terms, but I know God is bigger than the SS office. :-)

    I wish you all the blessings of this Easter week. HE IS RISEN!


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited April 2014

    mini, I hope that all goes well with your upcoming tests and your disability gets approved. I'm sure that is stressful.

    Sue, maybe a patient advocate or coordinator can guide you on your insurance issues. I haven't had to fight with them, so I can't give you any tips. I hope you get it resolved.

    Bev', Deb', your hair looks great!

    Have a Happy, Safe and Blessed Easter ladies!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Mini, it's a big FYI that ALL first time disability applicants are denied.  For real!  Mine was such a mess a few years back that had I not been calling all the time, I would have never known it had been denied.  What saved me is that they had a computer record that they had never sent out the letter telling me I had been denied.  I literally went down the same day and filled out an appeal which was the day my appeal time was going to expire!  Hound them daily if you can.  Mine was put on a rush by the intake person and it still took nearly two years for it to go through.  We're going to pray for clear sailing for you Mini but keep at it!  You do have a qualifying issue:  CANCER!  Your doctor should have no problem with the paperwork!!

    Well wonders never cease.  I got a call at lunch time today from the insurance company.  After denying my doctor's office THREE times, they called to tell me they had approved the pill!  Of course I had just bought a 30-day supply of the shots along with the alcohol swabs and the pharmacy won't take them back, even though they are unopened.  Anyone need a 30-day supply of blood thinner??  Char, let me know what your dad is on and I'll send them to you if he can use them lol.  Praying him through his recovery and he has little pain and after effects from his fall.

    Thank you all for praying this one through.  I was so discouraged yesterday and here comes my Easter present!  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Hi folks,

     I am officially off for the next four days. A break for my knee...yes! One more day of PT and I am cut loose.

    Thank you so much for your prayers. My dad is doing okay. His wound is still oozing due to being on Coumadin. The lump on his arm from his hit is so huge. I have seen some pretty back injuries in my life but this one ranks right up there. I am glad he sees a PA tomorrow at the doctor's office.(No doctor because they are off for the holidays.) His shoulder is a bit better too. I was concerned that there was a fractureThe palm of his hand is black and blue too. Last night before going to bed, he said he remembers that he blacked out. He reached out to grab something and said he remembers the pain of his forearm going under the drawer and scrapping. I think his shoulder hit the corner of the drawer causing him to rotate to the right and landing on his right hip. His head missed the drawer and landed smack on an empty one gallon plastic milk jug which collapsed and probably cushioned his skull. No doubt God's intervention. He did sleep well last night and I am happy that he is here with us so we can keep an eye on him.

    Sue: my dad takes pills for his blood thinner. How is your leg pump working? Is it a pneumatic pump? I am praying for your scans. It stinks that you had to eat the cost of your shots but I am glad you got the pills. I would have thought the pill form would be cheaper.

    Mini: I am sorry to hear about your latest concerns. I will be praying that all turns out okay. As Sue said, it is a real battle to be declared disabled. It was a real battle for my brother and the government has been making it much harder and cracking down on those trying to get it so be persistent. You certainly have grounds to apply and more so than many others.

    Praising God for His faithfulness in meeting all my needs. 


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    My dad is gaining more memory. He said he did not blackout but that his knee gave out,...he has a meniscus tear too. Anyway, he did hit his head and was unconscious briefly although his CAT scan showed no concussion. Thanks for continuous prayer.

    This may sound silly but Bev (SaltyJack) found out yesterday that her dog Jack has bone cancer. The prognosis is not good and she was pretty sad about her faithful companion. I know God know when a sparrow falls and created everything great and small, so if you find it in your heart, please give a prayer to heaven's door for sweet Jack and for Bev too.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    thanks, Char....for your kind words. I know, I know - it's just a dog....but as Char said, God knows when a sparrow falls so I'm praying that He won't let my sweet greyhound suffer too much. We have pain meds for him and we'll just take it day by day (maybe hour by hour). He has osteosarcoma (bone cancer) - which greys are very prone to and no treatment has resulted in remission and a good, painfree life. So - we'll just do what we can for as long as he seems comfortable.

    Char, so glad your dad is doing better and I'll be praying for you, your brother and him as you determine how best to make arrangements for him and coming home or alternatives.

    Sue, what a blessing to hear about the insurance decision. How are you doing with the lymphedema and pump?

    Mini, I'll be praying for you through the bureaucratic maze with paperwork and disability benefits.

    Lucy, I am so blessed by all of your inserts and encouragement. I'm praying that those pesky SE will lighten up.  You start a new kind of chemo soon, right?

    Terri, how are rads going? As I left today, the tech congratulated me on finishing week #2 - 3 more weeks to go!

    Thanks so much, ladies, for being there.  It's been a bummer of a day so far but God is good all the time. Think I'll go cuddle with my pup for a while now.



  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited April 2014

    Bev', I pray that you have peace when it's time for your pup to cross the Rainbow Bridge; it's never an easy thing to do.  You know I am a dog lover, too, so my heart goes out to you. #13 done. So far, I am feeling good. RO seems to be happy with progress so far. I have had some slight pink and once in a while a ping of pain, but doing very well.

    Sue, so glad you got it approved!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Bev, a dog is not just a dog!  He's a member of the family!!  Oh, I so hope the meds keep him going for a good long time.  Thanks too for the moral support.  The pump is doing it's job and it's nice to sit with my leg up for an hour each night while reading or watching TV.  It was hard to do the manual massage for any length of time.

    Char, so glad you have a few days to rest that knee and awesome news about your dad.  My mom is about to turn 88 and she's still on her own.  I can really relate to worrying about her as you must with your dad.  Although the tables were turned on me last night.  She kept calling thinking something had happened to me when in fact I had gone to Maundy Thursday services at church, lol.  She was sure I had fallen or landed in the hospital.  Guess your mom will always be your mom no matter how old we get!

    Easter blessings all.  Sue

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    PS:  I finally heard from Andrew today.  He's home and said it's been a bit rougher than he expected.  He was very upbeat and very appreciative of all the prayers.  God has done a wonderful work on this young man so we're going to keep praying over him.  Thank you all for your prayer support here too!  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Sue: so glad that the pump is working. Can you tell me if it is a pneumatic pump or the brand? I am so glad you heard from Andrew. Phew....I was a bit concerned but glad he is okay. Sometimes god has to take us to the very edge to get our attention or to reach us. It is so wonderful to see God change a life.

    Took dad to see the PA today and she was pleased with his progress. It has been nice to fuss over him and pamper him at my home. I think he is enjoying it too. He sat on our deck today and enjoyed the sunshine and the Son shine...amen.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited April 2014

    AMEN Spirit blessing

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2014

    Thank you for the prayers and my SSD application. I know the pain it can be. That is why I'm asking for prayer. I helped my brother with his application. We fought for 2+ years. They finally approved him - 7 months after he died. I'm hoping God will intervene and they will look at my application with kind eyes.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Char, the name of the company that makes the machine is Tactile Systems Technology and the unit is called the Entre' System.  I went to their website and of course the page with the unit on it is under construction so I can't get you a picture or specifics.  It's small enough to fit on my end table and you basically just turn it on and off.  The unit has an air hose that attaches to a boot that goes from your toes to the upper most part of your thigh.  It has four chambers that fill and release air to massage the different parts of your leg and foot.  It's pretty slick and you basically just turn the thing on and off.  The PT also put in an order for the arm sleeve but I've yet to hear from the rep about coming out to measure the arm.  This particular company fights Medicare for you and they did for me.  Also worked through my co-insurance so the unit cost me nothing.

    Amen Lucy.  Becky, how are you doing?  Got any more good news for us?


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    I knew without looking that the photo was from you Lucy. You are so encouraging. Thank you.

    Well Mini we are just going to pray that you by pass all that government red tape get approved.

    Sue, thanks for the info on the pump. We are looking in to getting one for my dad either through Medicare or not. I  think that it would greatly help him. I am also looking into the VA putting in a stairlift for him.

    Blessings to all of you this Easter. Thank you God for bringing light, truth and hope into the world. Thank you Jesus for your ultimate sacrifice so I might have eternal life. I know that one day I shall bow down at your feet and give thanks.

    Love in Christ,


  • WanderingSpirit
    WanderingSpirit Member Posts: 51
    edited April 2014

    Hey I'm going to be 55 in May. Can I come in? You can read about me on my profile if you want. Anyway, very short story: stage IIIa November 2002, did great. Was a single mom of 3. I remarried in 2011.

    DX stage IV b.c. on June 28, 2013!  Mets to skull, ribs, sternum, pelvis, tailbone, upper left arm. Better now but still some "glow" on PET scans that I get. I had nodules on right lung, gone. I had a few positive lymph nodes in chest, gone. I had pleural effusion, right lung, drained 900ml (that's how they found the b.c. again), only a tiny bit remains. Just learned in Feb. that I also have effusion around my heart. Apparently the radiologist who read the PET scan last Oct never noted it. The radiologist who read it in Feb. noted it and compared the two, no change in fluid, they said "small amount". Onc.nurse told me they don't drain that.

    I visited my primary doctor this past week who did an echocardiogram and now I'm off to see a cardiologist as soon as they can get me in. Echocardiogram radiologist said "moderate fluid". All I read about fluid around the heart sounds worse than anything (6 months to live!).

    I had a  brain MRI yesterday (4/18) because of headaches (my primary dr. is super cautious) but won't know anything for a few days.

    I'm getting tired of this all.My kids are grown and I have 2 grandkids and 1 on the way. I have to keep fighting for them. I am responding well to just the Arimidex and Xgeva though. That's all the onc wants me on, the lowest thing possible so he doesn't use up all the drugs too soon.

    I just need other Christians with stage IV b.c. to share prayers with.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    Afternoon Ladies,

    Bev - I just love your hair and you have such an amazing smile and life to your face.  What a blessing it is to see you this way.  God is so good!  Prayers for Jack, we lost one of our babes 2 Christmas's ago and it is hard.  We had Buddy for 13 years and now we still have our little Gidget and she is now 13 years so she is hanging in there.  They are so much a part of our lives and they are our babies now. 

    Mini - prayers on the MRI and Ultrasound this week.  Also praying on the SSD.  My husband has been trying for 1 1/2 years to get approved and he has one major issue and still denied twice.  We are dealing with attorney's now. 

    Deb - Cute it!

    Sue - Praises to God on the insurance.  I love to hear when His works are happening in our lives.  God is so good!  Glad to hear Andrew is on the right path. 

    Have a blessed day ladies...HE IS RISEN...INDEED!!!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    Welcome, WanderingSpirit! I'm sure glad you found us! Lots of us are various ages (I just turned 56 but started here when I was 55 so you fit right in) but the Christian part of the thread is the only qualification that matters.  I, like many others, started on other threads but ended up here because the only way I can make it through the BC journey is with God going right beside me - and other believers praying and caring is such a big part of dealing with the whole situation.

    I've decided when God's not right there holding my hand, it's because He's going in front of me, smoothing out all the rough patches.  The special music in church a few months ago really touched my heart. Here are some of the words:

    Sometimes He calms the storm, with a whispered "Peace be still;" Sometimes He holds us close, while the winds and waves go wild. Sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He calms His child.

    So glad to have you here.  Happy Easter!

    Saltyjack (Bev)