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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Hi Deloris...welcome!  You will not regret finding us. We are here for support encouragement and prayer. Wow is right...23 years for real?  And you have not had to have chemo until now...what a blessing. So has your MO said what your treatment might be to start?  I know how you feel, I was terrified when I first started this journey but I surrendered it all to our Lord. He has been with me every step of the way. I have never felt alone and He has blessed me many times. Once I surrendered it all to Him I had an amazing peace come over me and and He led me. 

    You will be in our prayers...Lucy 

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2014

    Anita - I'm so glad your granddaughter is going to be fine! God is good! 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Anita, tell papa to do the trimming when the baby is asleep! (Also keep the bandaids close by, lol).  So glad both are doing well!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2014

    Hello Everyone, sorry for keeping away from the boards for so long.  On Thursday I had my 12th weekly chemo treatment (out of a total of 21), and it is really starting to take a hold of my body.  I simply don't remember the chemo being this tiring back in 2010, it is now very difficult to plan or do anything because I am unbelievably weak.  The original plan was that I would be given a rest from the Taxol after every 3 treatments, however the HSE don't like the fact that my oncologist has given me Pertuzumab/Perjeta and keep contacting him in the hope that I have shuffled off this mortal coil and they won't have to make the treatment part of the Irish offering for breast cancer patients as it is very expensive.  As my results are being watched so closely, the oncologist has decided to follow the instructions for the drug dosage timings without any changes, and as well as this he has said that the chemo has to follow suit.  The good thing is that I will have completed the chemo in September, but it is so incredibly difficult on your body.

    Delorisann, I read in your post above that you are concerned about the chemo.  Please understand that what is happening to me here in Ireland won't be happening to you, yes your chemo will leave you tired but I am caught in the middle of a political issue over here and you won't have to suffer such nonsense in the US.  When you have metastatic cancer the plan is to give you an appropriate chemo but at an extremely low dosage, thereby causing as little affect on your quality of life as possible.  I am having chemo every Thursday without a break, and by week 10 I really noticed the difference to my tiredness and general weakness.  I don't know what your doctors will plan for you, but it usually goes without saying that they will give you chemo breaks after a certain amount of treatments and this is really good because it gives you a chance to get back to normal.  Please let us know as soon as you find out what your treatment regime will be, I will try to look in on the website more often.

    Welcome to the other ladies who have joined recently.  It is lovely to know that this part of the website is growing, I hope many more will join us.

    Thanks so much to the ladies who have prayed and asked about me, it is so good to know that you are missed when you don't write in regularly.  I am so glad that I joined this website last year, it has been very encouraging for me.

    I have to go now, but promise to look in more often in future,


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited July 2014

    Dear all my faithful sisters, HELLO..I have been off the board for some time. I finished my Cytoxin and Epirubican, 6 treatments in June...........had a ct scan. My mets  in liver are stable. and I am on a break from chemo, may have to go on aother form of treatment ina week or so, (depends on tumor markers) Tumor marker was relatively low in June.... I just remember daily to Praise the Lord, who carries me, and to all the new sisters, He holds our hand, bears us up in His hands, and "daily loads us with benefits" I am just praying for all who have fears of treatment...God enables us all the time..miniute by minute, I get fearful but press through...... stage 4 is  on going and the enemy wants us to focus on our illness, but the Lord can and will use each of us in HIS kingdom and by our testimony.. I will be praying...and will try to post more often. Right now I can work again and get out more, it is NICE. Winking

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Hi Debbie- good to see you again. What is HSE?  So how different is cancer treatment in Ireland than here?  I was on my treatment of Abraxane weekly for 5.5 months and they had to lower the dose after 6 weeks because of the fatigue. It got to me I was at the point where after my shower I would just lay on the couch. Did that for 3 days straight and the third day I skipped the Did you ever have any issue with your liver being elevated during any time of your treatment?

    Bestock- glad to see you again as well. Yes stage 4 is ongoing and you're right about the enemy. But we are warriors and we will live long and live strong because we are covered by the blood of the lamb. Glad to hear you're working and your place of employment supports you. I am back to two days a week and the rest I still work from home. So blessed I have the support as well. 

    Well off to the farmers market in town. It's not big but they have organic this weekend so I will get more produce for my juicing. 

    Have a blessed day, check back later. Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Welcome Deloris,

    I have just prayed for you for supernatural peace in the eye of the storm. I can't speak about chemo because I have not had it but I can speak of fear. When I found out all of the details of my procedures that were to take place before my surgery fear came over me like a ravaging lion. I went to church still feeling that angst and when I started singing and really lifting up Jesus in my heart and glorifying the Lord that angst just dissipated and I can truly say that from that point on I was not fearful. I went into surgery with a peace and calm.

    I pray that you can give that fear to the Lord and praise Him in the midst of the storm. I have met some ladies who have gone through chemo with very little problems. I pray that you will be one of them.

    Nancy (Bandwoman)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    You stage IV sisters are an inspiration to me. Brave, strong and courageous come to mind.


    Nancy BW

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2014

    Hi Bestock. I remember you and I'm glad to hear that you're hanging in there standing on the promises of God. 

    Deloresann, I am Sharonanne, and there is a Deborahsnne on this thread. Welcome. As for chemo, I feel like I faired very well through chemo last year. I first give credit to God and second to drinking close to a gallon of water for three days around my chemo days. I think that helped tremendously. Also, do not eat any fat for a day or two after chemo. I remember feeling like I had the flu for a week after chemo then felt pretty normal for the next 10 days before my next chemo. In praying for you that God will lead you through chemo without major problems. Some people take Claratin to help with side effects. I took it some but didn't notice too much difference with or without it. You are an inspiration to all of us, having fought this awful thing for so long. I'm one year out from my surgery and feeling fine. I cant imaging fighting it for so long. God bless you. 

    Nancy, you are so good at saying something to each of us. I wish I could do that. I've been fighting carpal tunnel pain lately, more so since my shoulder surgery. I got a very painful cortisone shot Thursday and its starting to feel better, so maybe I can type more. Thanks for the house-sale wishes. My husband and I are working feverishly to get it spruced up. It's a real challenge. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hey Sharon. I was wondering about you. I figured you were working on getting the house ready. I can't imagine moving so I will be praying for that. It is such a big job. I started last summer decluttering and going through closets in between going back and forth to my mom's. I gave myself a deadline to finish at the end of Feb this year and I did almost. Then I found out I had cancer two weeks later. It's all in God's timing. I still had some to finish but I have time.  Carpal tunnel is hard to deal with. I slept with an arm brace at night and I think I wore it during the day too because I remember directing the bands with it on. Mine finally calmed down and I didn't need surgery or anything. I sure hope yours will do the same. How is your shoulder doing? I had my last PT on Tuesday and will do only the home exercises and see if that will complete the rehab. If not I will start all over with a new script.

    I resumed my nursing home ministry today for the first time in months. My guy partner (not my partner) that I do this with through our church sort of put me on the spot and said Nancy has something to share. I told them I had cancer and this lady started crying and then I got all broken up and could hardly speak. I finally said no don't cry, I am going to be fine. When I said I had finished radiation and I will be fine that seemed to satisfy her so she stopped crying. Oh my.

    On my way to radiation all those days I would see these two white swans in this really neat sort of secluded area next to a corporate complex. My last few treatments I was so tickled. The two swans were on the grass with babies. I am dabbling in photography and bird photography and nature are my interests.


    When I got home today I quickly changed clothes grabbed my camera and checked the battery and it went from low to dead in a matter or seconds. Scared So I guess today was not meant for swan picture taking. I am not sure if it is private property so maybe God allowed me to NOT get arrested, LOL


    Take care and I will be praying for your house readiness to move and your carpel tunnel.




  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    Anita, Vickie, Becky and Debbie - so good to hear from you again!

    Okay, Lucy, I'll be praying that your liver (enzymes?) are down and Sue, I'll be praying that your platelets are up this week.Char, praying for your upcoming mammogram and triathalon training!

    I'll be praying for you as you go through chemo. Are you still able to
    work from home? Hopefully you're getting some nice warm weather and
    getting a chance to garden a bit. In Ireland, you'll have plenty of rain
    so no drought worries like we have in Texas.

    Nancy/BW - it's
    interesting that you mentioned the need to be sensitive to God's timing -
    that you were getting ready to move last year then finding out about
    your BC. The same thing happened to Sharon and I told her what a retired
    missionary told my Bible study years ago about knowing what God's will
    is for your life.....she said to start moving in a direction and God
    will open and shut doors so you'll know how to proceed.... but don't
    just hang out and wait for direction because God can't steer an anchored
    boat. :) So glad you're able to resume your nursing home ministry.
    I'm sure God has very special ways to use you and all you're learning
    through your BC journey.

    Welcome, Deloris! As Debbie said, don't worry too much about chemo. It's so easy to get all worked up but we're
    all so different and have such varying reactions to the crazy drugs,
    there's no use even trying to guess what will happen. I had an
    incredibly easy time through chemo and I had 4 rounds of the horrible
    "red devil" (A/C) and then 4 rounds of TH. The only problem I had was
    when I didn't follow the MO's instructions to take steroids after the
    first round of taxol. I was feeling fine and figured I didn't want to
    take unnecessary drugs, then ended up with an anal fissure, terrible
    diarrhea and hemorrhoids (sorry for being graphic). The MO said the
    steroids would have prevented alot (if not all) of that - so that was
    the first, last and only time I tried to second-guess what a doctor was
    telling me. Guess the moral of my little story is take it one day at a
    time and just keep trusting that our Great Physician is in complete
    control. The mantra I've repeated over and over on this thread: I am
    here - by God's direction, in His keeping, under His training and for
    His time. You are right where God has put you for a special purpose.
    We'll keep you covered in prayer!

    Deborah, so glad Elissabeth is doing well. She's a strong lady and has great faith that God is in control - so it's just one step at a time.

    I had my mammogram and bone density scan on Monday - mammogram only took half as long as last year and was much less eventful. I didn't even need an ultrasound - they just said to come back next year. The bone scan showed slight osteopenia so at this point I just need a Vitamin D/Calcium pill every day but they'll check again in October. I had an echocardiogram yesterday - hopefully no heart damage from the herceptin....guess no news is good news if I don't hear from the MO till my next visit, right?

    Hope we're all able to make it to church tomorrow and have a blessed Lord's day. God bless you!

    love, Bev

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2014

    Welcome new sisters! You will find great fellowship and support here.

    I have a cold, so I'm not staying long, but I wanted to let you know I am thinking of you all.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    well, Nancy/Mini, I forgot to mention it before but I (and I know we all) are praying you through the SSI decisions and waiting.....

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Bev,

    Glad your mammogram was okay. Hopefully by taking calcium you can improve your bone density. No news is good news most of the time.  My stress echo was I think okay even though the ladies administering the test couldn't say much. I think maybe you misunderstood my post. I was decluttering and getting my house in order not to move but for me to take control back that I had lost from years of teaching and fatigue from fibro. I mentioned God's timing because He knew I was going to be incapacitated for a while and I had put that pressure on myself to finish by the end of February. I got my diagnosis two weeks later.  Was that God's timing. I think so but not for the purposes of moving. I love where I am and the Lord willing  I want to stay here I am as long as I am able.

    I need to go water my flowers since it is about dark. Take care and have a wonderful Sunday.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2014

    Thank you for the prayers. I'm going to call tomorrow to see if I can't get some info. I'm trying not to be impatient, but it seems as if we have so many  things that I need to get and/or do. And my poor husband needs surgery too for kidney stones. PTL that he isn't in pain, but they can only stay so long. I am getting a good lesson in patience and waiting on God. :-)


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Mini,

    Coming home from church today I was praying for you. I hope your cold is better. I have been praying for your SSI last portion to come through. Waiting is so hard whether it be waiting at the grocery store or at the traffic light or waiting on a diagnosis or waiting to see how the Lord is going to provide this time. In the Old Testament they quite often built altars to God as a remembrance of how He provided. Try to count all the times the Lord has come through for you and hopefully that will help the waiting. Know that I am praying for you and will continue to do so.


    Nancy BW

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Great message at church today. I went after service to receive prayer and also received a beautiful message from one of my sisters. She said God showed her that I was in a cocoon and just wrapped all over with His protection and Grace and to not fear as the is with me. That just totally supports what I have been praying about with being covered by the blood of the Lamb. I have just had that so strong in my heart this week. Comparing it to when the blood was spread across the doorways and the death angel passed by. Warriors we are protected by this same blood. Thank you Father God for talking to us. We are so blessed. 

    Have a blessed day ladies and just remember to give thanks in all you do and ask God to open doors throughout your days and your journey so you can share His love with others. Blessings Abundant...Lucy 

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2014

    Hello Lucy, the HSE are the Health and Safety Executive.  In Ireland the medical profession is controlled by the HSE, and they decide which drugs are made available for patients.  So far I have been blessed in that the cancer is only in my bones, it was in my left femur last year and this year it has travelled into my spine, pelvis and lymph nodes.  The cocktail of Taxol, Herceptin and Pertuzumab seem to be doing a very good job, if only I had a bit more energy.  My liver doesn't seem to be affected, but I do feel as though I am 100 years old!

    Becky, I am so glad that you are doing well, you remain in my prayers.

    Bev, I would love to go out into the sunshine but I have unfortunately come down with an allergy caused by the chemo.  I have been told that I can't go out in the sun under any circumstances, and can only go outside on rainy days if I am covered in steroid creams and sun tan lotion on my face and hands.  Who would have thought that anyone would need sun protection in Ireland?  Anyway, I will have to stay out of the sun until one month after I have completed the chemo, so that means that this summer has been written off.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014


    Hi ladies,

    God gave me a gift on my way to radiation every day. I was thrilled to see two adult swans. I looked for them practically every day after realizing they were there. The last few treatments I was so tickled to see them in the grass with five little babies. As Bev says this was definitely a kiss from God for me. I love wildlife and I especially enjoy photographing birds. I finally got a chance to get back to this place today and I was thrilled that most of the time I was there they were swimming. I brought home a swan feather which my cat was quite interested in!  Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday.

    God bless all of you.


    Nancy BW

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2014

    Good Evening Prayer Warriors!

    I am recovering well from my ALND. I am still a bit sore but draining is going well.  My follow-up is scheduled for July 22 to remove the drain and also my first Oncology appointment.

    Bandwagon: I have been told pretty much from the start that I will require chemo so I have my head wrapped around that.I have been resting on Phil 4:13 and my husband continues to quote v 8-9 especially when my mind goes there :-).  I am trying not to get worked up about it and learning to take one day at a time.  I love to hear that you started your nursing home ministry again and such a moving story.

    SaltyJack: My husband is ordering the book “"The Red Sea Rules" by John Morgan and “The Lord is my Shepherd”.I can’t wait to read both books.Yes God does remind us that that when something bad happens, we shouldn't be asking "why me?" but "how can God be glorified?" and it is definitely a change in perspective and one that keeps me going.I pray and ask God to order my footsteps that my Christian voice comes through.It is such an honor that you were given that feedback such a praise report.

    Sue and Saltyjack– I love the reference to Moses.When I was in the recovery room for my surgery and the BS was checking in on me she said, "You have an entire village out there on your behalf".  My response and those are only the ones you see.As one of the post read it is so wonderful to have our family and Christian Friends to continue to hold us up in our battles when we can’t do it ourselves.

    Milehigh, Sue, Anita, Debbie, Kate, Mini, Elizabeth, ADJ, Lucy and Deborah – continuing to pray for eachof you and your specific request.

    Butterfly -- I can’t speak to your particular situation, but now can say welcome.. I will prayer for direction and guidance in your decisions.I just joined this group and so glad God directed me here.The welcome, suppor tis awesome

    Deloris –Welcome!Glad God lead you to this thread.  There is comfort, encouragement and most of all ladies that love the Lord and will keep you in prayer.I was welcomed with open arms.I will begin the next step in my journey –chemo in the next few weeks.

    Everyone on this thread.God Bless each and everyone of you as we each continue to give God glory in all that we do andsay.


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2014

    Something usually happens to put things in proper perspective, have you noticed that? Here I am with a host of side effects, either from treatment of this stage IV visitor or the changes it caused in my body.  Then today my sis found out her hubbie is losing his mind by way of a huge brain tumor, glioblastorma, inoperable .  These 2 have always been kind and generous and so giving to me and mine, they have even taken in our mom, who is now 93. Beautiful examples of god's love. I know better by now than to ask why him?

    Appreciate faith-ful prayers, 


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Good evening all.  Hope you had a great weekend!

    Debbie, so glad you checked in and great to hear you're doing well.  The treatments sound like they're doing the job.  I can relate about being tired.  Seems all I do these days is sleep!

    Ladyb, I'm so glad your surgery went well.  You sure made an impression on the doc with all of your prayer covering!  I will continue to pray for a speedy recovery with Divine healing.  Thank you for letting us know.

    Nancy(BW), great pictures.  They're beautiful.

    Becky, thanks for checking in too.  We've missed you!

    Lucy, what a great prophecy.  Sounds like your friend has a close pipeline to God who has given you a wonderful message.

    Mini, good idea to follow up with SS.  I had a contact there that I'd bug once or twice a month.  She didn't always have an answer for me but it felt good to vent about how long it was taking to get a decision, lol.

    Bev, thanks for all the prayers and encouragement.  So glad you got to take your journey and are home safe and sound.

    To all, my prayers and blessings to each of you.  You are a wonderful team!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Anita, that is so awful and so hard to deal with.  My prayers are definitely going up for your BIL and sister and you!  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Oh Anita so sorry to hear this. They will be in our prayers now as we. Stay strong in The Lord!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014


    So sorry to hear about your BIL. I am praying for a miracle for him.

    Nancy BW

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Lucy- Praying that you will feel that protective cocoon around you from the Lord. That is a great visual and hopefully one of great comfort for you.


    Nancy BW

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014


    How are you feeling? I continue to lift you up to the Lord and pray that your treatments will become easier and your platelets will return to normal.

    Nancy BW

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Ladyb- Praying that you have a speedy recovery and that your oncology appointment goes well and you will come away with a treatment plan that you can prepare for. One day at a time.


    Nancy BW

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2014

    My bil's mo is from U of Chicago, which has a lot of respect up there. Nancy bw he is in the Silver cross Hospital right now.   Anita

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Anita, where is that hospital?  I am not familiar with it.

    Nancy BW