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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Lucy, Praise God. That is great news!

    Nancy BW

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Nancy that is so awful.  Definitely will pray over those families.  Please pray for our beloved Pat Bowlen.  He's the owner of the Broncos who announced today that he is turning over control of the team because he's battling Alzheimer's.  I think I first met him in 2006(?).  He's a sweet, unassuming man and kept his disease quiet for over five years.  Everyone is just devastated.

    Lucy, that is such great news!  Looks like you're going to be coasting for awhile.

    Blessings to all.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014

    Nancy, what a tragedy. I will pray for the families and the boy who was driving.

    Lucy: Woo Hoo on the liver results. god is good.

    Sue: thanks for the prayers,. I don't know the logic for a year wait but I felt that God would have given me signs to go elsewhere or be concerned so I am trusting He has it all covered.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2014

    Nancy, such a horrible tragedy.  I have added the family and friends of the victims to my prayer list and the young gentlemen driving.  May God comfort them.

    Lucy, Our God is worthy to be Praised!  Such wonderful news! 

    Warriors, first thank you so much for the continued prayer coverage.  My onc appt. was yesterday and I have my treatment plan. Chemo starts August 5th, AC every 3 weeks for 3 months. Followed by weekly Taxol for 3 months and then Radiation for 6 weeks @ 5 times a week.

    BTW, we are a smoothie family :-). I will have to try juicing.

    Your sister and fellow prayer warrior!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladies - well, I don't do smoothies or juicing so I stayed out of that discussion.  :)

    So glad to hear the good liver results, Lucy. You're one of our great warriors - a beautiful woman of God!

    Char, praying for you with your mammogram coming up. I was so pleased last week when I didn't even have to have an ultrasound - hopefully you'll get a "see you next year" right off the bat.

    Angie, I'll be praying for you as you start chemo. I had the same treatment plan except I got herceptin and perjeta with the taxol then had surgery then rads. One day at a time.....we'll keep you covered with prayer. It will be over before you know it (well, kind of....!)

    Sharon, praying for God's timing for your house sale (and that you don't overwork your arm/hand getting it all spiffed up!)

    Nancy/BW - I'm so sorry to hear about your former students. How is your skin? Mine got bad AFTER rads...but never felt as bad as it looked.  This too shall pass....

    Thanks, all, for being there. What a great little family we have.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Good evening all.

    Lucy, I keep forgetting to ask if your neuropathy has gotten any better now that you're done with chemo.  I'll be six weeks out on Friday (when I start the new drug) and mine doesn't seem to be getting any better.  I figured being off the chemo this long, I'd see at least a little improvement but nooooooooooo.  ha ha.

    Becky, how did your blood work turn out?

    Angie, I like both (juicing and smoothies), lol.  So glad you now have a treatment plan.  There are plenty of sisters here who have had the same chemo and treatments.  Don't be shy about asking questions or doing a little research about side effects and such.  Praying it will be smooth sailing for you.

    Anita, how's it going?  Any news on your BIL?

    Char, praying over your tests tomorrow.  I just KNOW it's going to be good news!

    We had a wonderful reprieve from the heat this afternoon.  A nice storm blew in from the mountains and dropped the temp about 15 degrees.  The breeze was wonderful.  Should be good sleeping weather tonight!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Hi Sue - yes my neuropathy has really improved and my fingers are pretty much back to normal. My nails are pretty much all grown out now and look good and healthy...thank God!  The only thing is my finger tips still look like raisins. Not sure if that will ever get better. I can now open bottles and twist things without asking my DH to do it. What drug are you on again?

    Good to hear most have been having a good couple of days. Praying for the upcoming tests for some of you. Keep us posted so we know how it goes.

    Angie - we will keep you lifted through your time of chemo treatment. I can remember back when mine started and it seems so long ago now (11/25/13) and we will pray for your strength and minimal to no SE. 

    Heard from my nurse at 5 and they will be lowering the dose of my pill. I go in next week Monday for my Avastin infusion so they will give me the new pill then and I will start it on Tuesday morning. They will check blood work two weeks later to see how my liver is doing with the new dose. So I am pleased with this outcome. 

    You are all in prayer so have a restful peaceful sleep and an amazing glorious day tomorrow. Keep in touch Warriors in Christ and thanks again for your prayers...prayer is amazing...🙏


  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014

    Just popped in to say HI to everyone! I have been in/out of ER and visits with the surgeon regarding the seroma that was left from the tumor removal. All was well for 9 months and then 3 weeks ago - staph infection - the low grade kind that we have on our skin - got into the seroma and swoll it up. It looks about the size of a computer mouse on the left side of my Left Breast.  It was aspirated twice in ER but now I must wait until the antibiotics are finished and it 'naturally' breaks open and then heals (6-8 weeks). Seriously, nothing in comparison to what you all are going through. You inspire me.

    About MO - I have only seen mine for the initial visit - after that, I have seen the Nurse Practioner. I have seen the RO twice but not due to see her until November. I wanted to see my BC surgeon (about seroma) but he is back at graduate school for one year learning about Colon Surgery - and as my sister said, he will then be able to cover from 'boob to bum' in his practice! His replacement is actually a fellow graduate - nice young fellow, getting married next week - he is excellent on bedside manners. All this to say, if you do not like the ones you have - find someone else you do. Be proactive. I have checked out my doctors on a website call - this might be a starting point for you; just a thought.

    Keep the faith. Carren

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Thank you all for your prayers for my students families and friends and the driver. I am a bit overwhelmed by several things. I am still very fatigued and frustrated with my energy level  because I am planning on going to my mom's (three hour drive)and resuming my caregiving role that my sister and I share. My mom has dementia.  My mom is not the same person that I saw  in January and I am having a very difficult time with that plus these students death and I start on Anastrozole on Friday. I have not  been this down in a very long time. I have to snap out of this for my mom's sake. I will be there with her for two weeks. She will be 89 in Oct and still lives alone since my Dad passed away in 2005. I spend about a third of my time with her and then go back and forth. My sister lives in the same town with her husband so she does the weekly things for her.

    Char- I am praying that you get a great report tomorrow.

    Sue- I am sorry to hear about the Bronco coach. I have much understanding of the horrors of this disease. My prayers are with him, his family and his sports community. Praying for your health in general.

    Bev- My skin has been healed for quite some time now. Because I had the unexpected interruption of the radiation machine breaking down for four days I had six days off before even finishing and I was amazed at how quickly the broken down skin that was so awful healed. Now I am bracing for the drug. How is your energy level?

    Angie- Praying that your chemo goes well and glad you now have a treatment plan in place.

    Lucy- All that beet juice must have done something! PTL

    Sharon- Still praying for you as you ready your house. I know that is a big job!

    Mini- Still praying for your SSI. Have you inquired about it yet?

    All others I haven't met- Blessings on you as well.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Lucy, I'm coming off of Taxol and Carboplatin, the latter of which is responsible for most of the really nasty side effects including the low counts.  I'll be starting on Eribulen (Halaven) on Friday if my platelets have come back up.  How long before your neuropathy went away?  I've not had any of the nail issues other than my big toe nails on both feet are a bit lifted and brittle.  I've had that since my first chemo in 2009.

    Carren, so good to hear from you!  I had to look up what Seroma was.  That's just as bad as a lot of what some of us are dealing with!  My gosh!  I wonder if Indian Healing Clay might help in healing the skin.  I use it for a variety of things and it's pretty inexpensive.  I get mine at the local organics store here.  Here's a website that has some good info on it:  Just a thought but will add you to the prayer list for healing.  Keep us posted!

    Nancy, I continue to be amazed at how much we two Chicagoans have in common.  My mom turned 88 in April.  She doesn't have dementia but my dad did (died 6-years ago).  You do have a lot on your plate and I can only guess at the emotional drain you're experiencing.  It's understandable that you want to be 100% but this darned cancer just isn't going to let it happen.  I so want to be able to do what I was able to do even a year ago but I've had to accept that I won't be slamming a tennis ball again or riding my bike through the countless forest preserves we have in our neighborhoods anymore.  My lymphedema won't let me travel and the stupid lung situation keeps me grounded most of the time.  Most of my friends know that I walk like Tim Conway (doing his old man) and if they want me to go anywhere, we have to hunt down a wheelchair or otherwise they'll be miles ahead of me at the mall, lol.  My point is..........don't be so hard on yourself.  You know your mom isn't "your mom" in her current state.  When you see her, picture her in perfect health.  If she doesn't recognize you, give her a hug and tell her you love her anyway.  Your sister certainly needs a break from her caretaking duties but be honest with her that you will "do the best you can" with what you now have to work with.  If you can only get 60% of the work done on a given day, so be it.  If you need to take a nap, take it!  The hardest thing for me is not being able to do what I think I can still do but this tired old body isn't cooperating.  My physical state doesn't match my expectations and when I can't hit the mark I get frustrated and discouraged.  A lot of our discouragement comes from setting too high expectations (as in we have to be perfect).  Okay, my sermon is over, lol.  I'll say Amen.  I will pray for a couple of awesome weeks for you and some good quality time with your mom and sis.  I will also pray that your mom has some good memory days and even weeks.  Just remember that God can answer big prayers just as well as he can answer little ones so I'm going for the slam dunk here.

    Well, I have kid duty tomorrow so hopefully my night meds will kick in.  I took them 2 1/2 hours ago and they still haven't kicked in, grrrrrr.  Guess I better set my alarm.


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2014

    something happened to my notes here.  Bil brain biopsy is in 30 minutes.  

    Praying, Anita

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Prayers going up right now Anita.  Will continue through the morning.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Carren,

    Sorry to hear about your seroma complication. I imagine a scary situation. I also have a seroma since my surgery at the end of March. That is too bad your surgeon wasn't available to see you. I also had to have mine aspirated but that was three weeks after surgery. I had no idea they could be a problem that many months afterwards. I sure hope the antibiotics knocks out that infection. Is it painful? The more I swelled up the more painful it got. Let us know how you are doing. I'm praying that your next post will be good news and all clear of infection. Thanks for your input regarding the MO. I am still investigation some things before I make any changes. I see my RO on Tues and am going to ask her about it. Take care.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Praying for your Bil Anita.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Thanks Sue. I know I am extremely hard on myself. I have some good friends that think I am pushing it too soon to go down next week to my moms. My birthday is next week and I told my mom months ago I would try to make it down for my birthday. There is also a big street festival and the one thing my sister and I do together every year is go to the Christian concert stage and hear some of our favorite groups we hear on this Christian radio station we both listen to (WBGL) Then there is the fact that even though my sister is older she is still a teaching assistant and they start back the second week of August. So I know she would appreciate some free time without dealing with our mom. I am the one that usually cleans my mom's house and I don't even feel like cleaning my own. I am still having injured rotator cuff issues and I have to be really careful with it. Some of my friends have cleaned for me which has been a real blessing.

    I didn't realize you have lymphedema. Talk about a lot on your plate! I am wearing a sleeve and gauntlet when exercising and doing strenuous yard work. My physical therapist for my shoulder was a lymphedema specialist and my nurse navigator wanted me to see a specialist. I have many questions about that for another time.

    I feel so bad for you that you cannot do the things you used to. That has got to be a hard pill to swallow. I know I am wanting to get back to my old self and my three weeks past radiation is today and that means (in my mind) my fatigue should be gone tomorrow! My RO said typical time of fatigue is three weeks post. Okay. My time is up now!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    You mentioned having a birthday coming up. Wouldn't that be funny if we have the same birthday.

    Well I need to get to my exercises. Take care and thank you for all of your support. It means the world to me.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Deborah,

    How did your VBS and your women's bible study go. I prayed for you and hope that you have some little charges on fire for Jesus and I know you were a blessing to your women's Bible study as you are a blessing here. Have a wonderful day.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited July 2014

    Dear sisters in Christ, I have posted here before and read the thread daily though I don't weigh in. But I have a burden on my heart that I would like to share with you. Since I started chemo July 1, I started a thread for July chemo sisters, which includes now more than 25 ladies, some of whom are young moms, trying to work and care for families and go through chemo, and they are such brave fighters but I know this has to be so hard on them, especially those who don't have a strong support system. I have a dear friend, also a pink sister, who is now working with our pastoral care staff, and she calls me every week and prays with me. She asked what she could pray for, and I shared about the list of names I've added to my original post on the thread, and all the young ones especially and she is praying for them too. 

    I know we all have many concerns through this time, but if you think of it, would you pray for my July chemo sisters and if you have a second, maybe drop a line or two of encouragement for them? You all have been walking the path and are still on it, so many of them just beginning, though even young ones going through recurrence. 

    As I was sitting here praying and crying for my girls, it occurred to me there's a great group of prayer warriors right here who might covenant with me to pray them through this trial. Thank you, dear sisters in the Lord.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014

    Hello Ladies:

    Lots of things going on in so many lives. And lots of prayers for all of you.

    Carren: So good to hear from you again. The Seroma does seem like a big deal and it sounds like you have been going through a lot over the past few weeks. I am sorry to hear and hope things improve soon.

    Nancy BW: I honestly feel for you as I was my mother's legal guardian and I went through dementia with her. It is not easy and I feel for you. You sound like a real giver of your time and services. I am praying that God gives you some peace and real rest over all that is going on. Please be careful of your health. We all tend to be Superwomen and do more than we are able to. I know, I am a perfect example of overdoing it and it doesn't get me anywhere when I do. You are in my prayers dear sister.

    Anita; Praying for good results for your biopsy.

    Bev: It sounds like things are going well.  PTL!

    Thank all of you for prayer today. I kept saying the mantra Bev shared with me from the Red Sea Rules. "I am here by God's appointment.....". Well I had my mammogram this morning after a year long wait.mThe radiologist read the slides and the BS 'a nurse came in and told me that everything appeared normal. My BS came in and examined me and went through an overview of giving me the option of going onTamoxifen  and my decision not to. She said "unfortunately" many do not want on it when they have no cancer and the drug has lots of side effects. I told her again that the side effects for me were to much of a risk because I have onset of cataracts, it's hard on the liver and I have been on Dilantin since my late 20's and that drug is hard on the liver. I also said the statistics did not add up. She told me that my breast tissue is dense and they must tell this because statistically people with dense tissue are more at risk of having breast cancer. (I disagree and believe that mammograms are harder to pick it up in women with dense breast tissue and by the time it is detected it has advanced.) I was told that when I come back in a year that they would do the new dimensional mammogram but that most insurances are not covering it. Funny, but I bet if this test revealed early detection of prostrate cancer that there would not be a question about coverage or cost. Needless to say, I have been thanking and praising God all day. I truly felt at peace that God took  care of this after I made the decision last October to trust Him and not to go on the Tamoxifen for five years. As I think back, I truly believe that God gave me a wake up call. I had wanted to get a breast lift for the last number of years and I believe God was telling me that I was being vain and that He could take away my breasts for being so petty. The thoughts of a lift have not entered my mind since then. I am so grateful to have what He has given me. But the most important thing that I got out of this year is how many women have been battling breast cancer. To the world and me, it was almost an invisible cancer. I think so many women, many of you included suffer in silence and no one really knows or understands what so many of you are and have gone through. Had it not been for my situation, I would not have been blessed by so many wonderful and courageous women on this thread. Each if you have blessed my life in so many ways. And I am so grateful to have finally met Bev too. She has been such a blessing to all of us and to meet her in person was so wonderful.

    Okay...I am a wordy person and need to stop. Thank you for prayers. " i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Mags,

    I have prayed for the July chemo sisters and you can pass that along to them. From my understanding you are not allowed to paste a section from one thread to another. I read somewhere on this forum where the moderators told someone not to do that. Also I don't think some threads appreciate talking about Christian things in there trying to be "politically correct". So with that said we can still pray for them but maybe not as directly as we would like. They are welcome to post a prayer request on this thread. Even though I am pretty new here I think that would be okay.

    That is nice of you to come here on there behalf. I hope you are doing well. I was fortunate enough to just have radiation but I know how fatigued I have been from that so I can't imagine feeling the effects of chemo. Stay strong!  God is bigger than this disease!!!!

    Nancy BW

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Char PTL!!!!! Great news. I hope you can get that new kind of mammogram next  year. I too have very dense breasts and my RO told me that  my radiologist was really on the ball in detecting my tumor. She said she would have missed it. God was intervening back then and I am just realizing that now!

    I respect your resolve to not take Tamoxifin. I have been heavily into alternative medicine. I am seeing an alternative doctor and have for ten years. I also have a traditional primary doctor as well. My alt doc practiced traditional medicine for 15 years so he is a respected doctor on both sides of the fence. It was REALLY hard for me to even go through with radiation let alone the cancer drug (which starts tomorrow). Frankly I was too afraid to try just diet. I have not eaten sugar for 13 years and I still got cancer so.................... I just didn't want to play Russian roulette with my body.

    I don't like prescription drugs but sometimes they are inevitable and I do have to take some. Hopefully your choice will prove to be the right one for you.

    I hear you about the prostate cancer analogy. It is very unfortunate but probably true. I am curious about one thing. I was told I will have a mammogram in six months on the cancer side and I think will have them regularly at that interval and the other side every year as usual. Is there a reason that you had to wait for a whole year?

    Well dinner is calling fix it that is. So glad for your great news. How is the knee coming along? How is your husbands shoulder progressing. Mine is frustrating. I feel like I take three steps forward and then two back. I hurt mine in the night a couple nights ago and hadn't done that for a long time. Because of my fibromyalgia everything regarding muscles takes me longer to heal so I just know that and try to accept it the best I can.

    Go celebrateHappy


    Nancy BW

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Hello all.  Another really hot day here!  I noticed my breathing was labored today....I'm bummed because it likely means the fluid is returning to the left lung.  Oh please God make this go away!

    Nancy, I'm glad to see you've got some fun things planned for your trip.  My birthday is Sunday (27th) so we're still both Leo's Winking.   Every year I try to make Cheyenne Days but with the heat and difficulty breathing (and walking), I likely won't make it.  Church on Sunday is being held at another sister church across town so I won't be going to church.  Had hoped to take my yearly road trip but looks like I'll be home with the air conditioning on, lol.  The fatigue is pretty normal following treatment.  My former chemo peaks at 14 days and 21 days - go figure.  Six weeks later, I'm still tired so I'm with you on getting on with it, ha ha.

    Magdalene, I like the idea of praying for our sisters on other threads.  I agree with  Nancy that they should come here though - that's what this thread is for.  I wouldn't know how to direct them here so maybe that's something we can all pray about.  I know that many people don't consider the Lord until tragedy strikes.  I'm guessing we just might gain a few over time as a result of the new dx's.

    Char, great news about your tests!  What a wonderful answered  prayer.  I'm surprised they recommended Tamoxifen though.  I thought that was for pre-menopausal women but I may be mistaken.  I was put on Femara for four years after my chemo ended as it was for post menopausal women.  Had no real side effects, other than it kept me from losing weight.  I was amazed that once I went off of it, I lost 60-pounds!  I had no idea!!

    Blessings all.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited July 2014

    Hi Nancy, thank you for your prayers and thoughtful words. I have posted in the July chemo thread that they are being prayed for, and several have responded favorably so I feel comfortable with doing so, and I encouraged them to PM me with any specific requests. Such sweet women, and so supportive of each other, even a couple who ended up not having to have or deciding to quit chemo, have stayed with the thread to continue to support them. 

    I will finish chemo and go on to rads afterward, though how many & how often is still a mystery to me; then hormone suppression therapy. All of that gives me even odds just about. But we know our God does not roll the dice with us, right? Still, it's no picnic.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Mags,

    Sounds like a good plan. Keep up the good work and I hope your treatments go well.

    Nancy BW

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Sue,

    I sure hope that your lung is not filling up. Father we asked that you touch Sue's lung and that you will prevent any fluid buildup that would cause her another surgery. You are a mighty God and a powerful God. We know that with a breath from you her lung could be clear. We are asking Lord for a miracle for Sue. Amen.

    Sue, when you said your birthday was Sunday I about fell off my chair which is a good trick since I am sitting on the sofa. LOL My birthday is Sunday, Aug. 3 so I think we should have a cyber party. What do you think? We could celebrate in style. I just need to think what that is actually! I could bring balloons and party hats.

    While you are thinking on that I must tend to my laundry. Seriously I will continue to pray for you. You do not need any more challenges. You have enough to deal with already!



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Sue - I am hearing that I never had the neuropathy as bad as they expected. I think the glutamine and the P5P B6 I added daily may have helped. It was recommended by my nutritionist. I was told that many people have their nails turn black and call off with Abraxane so I guess I am blessed. I really believe it was God and He gets the glory. I had one finger that was really bad and oozed and so I had to soak them in some Dormboro solution to help dry them up. My onc sent me to a dermatologist to have my nails trimmed really short and to have him teach me how to maintain them to aid in the healing. Also in February I added Biotin daily which is good for skin, nails, and hair. My hair started growing 6 weeks before I finished my chemo and the onc and all my team was amazed. Granted I didn't loose all my hair but it got very thin enough that I wore a wig. 

    Carren - sorry to hear you have had such a rough time recently. Not sure what seroma is so will have to look that up. 

    Nancy - glad to hear your exercising. I have had fatigue so much with the pill I haven't done much the last two months and only did walking and during my treatment. My onc has released me to go back to curves now that my liver is ok so I am happy to go back next week and try that. Along with walking and will get my bike down off the rafters this weekend. Also, can you share more about your alternative medicine?  I would be very interested in knowing to what degree you are doing this. I did a lot of research on this before my chemo treatment to see what other options there were. 

    Magdalene - welcome and I would I have to agree with the others who have commented. Those ladies are totally welcome to pop in and join us for support encouragement and questions. Of course we will also support them in prayer. It is nice that you feel just by reading our post that we could be of help. That makes me feel good as that is what our Lord wants of us. Please visit us more as we will pray for you as well. 

    Char - beautiful blessed to have you on our board. 

    Had a great day today and worked 3 days at the office this week. Will go in Monday for my Avastin infusion and to get my new pills at a lower dose. They will do blood work again to check where my liver is when we start the new dose. I have to say that this week off the pill I have noticed my fatigue is almost gone. I almost feel pretty much normal like back 11 months ago. WOW...11 months ago???  I can't believe that I have been on this journey for almost a year. PRAISE GOD...thank you Father for keeping me living and strong. I know you have an amazing plan for me and I am yours to use. 

    Blessings Abundant...Lucy 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014

    Nancy: When I joined this thread last year, I was just diagnosed with atypical ductal hyperplasia from a needle biopsy. From there I went on to have breast surgery to make sure that the radiologist got it all and that there was no cancer. After that it was suggested that I go on tamoxifen. And yes Sue it is a pre menopausal drug bit more and more women are being encouraged to go on it. I know that the UK actually put it on hold because they did not thing it feasible for all women that might be pre cancerous to go on it. Most women when diagnosed with ADH are on mammograms twice a year. But she told me only one a year and only one check unless I found a lump. My  mammogram last July picked up this issue before I even had a lump or mass. They removed tissue and called it a partial mastectomy which I find so streamed because what I had was far from a partial mastectomy. I had enjoyed the fellowship on here and stayed because I wanted to pray with and for everyone. I guess I could have walked away last October but God wants me to hang around. So I guess all of you are stuck with me.

    Mags: would be happy to pray for your sisters on July chemo. Just let us know their needs.

    Sue: Abba, Father, touch the body of your child, Sue and give her relief from her lung compromise. She has endured much and You know her difficulties. Uplift her, give her comfort and strength and remove the fluid on her lung. I ask in Jesus precious name. Amen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Lucy- When you talk about the pill what is that? I am glad you will get back to curves and biking. Before bc I took swimming lessons my last year of teaching (2011) and became a lap swimmer. I swam a half mile four times a week. I also biked but didn't do that as much once I took up swimming. I have a heel problem on my foot and had to have shock wave surgery a few years ago and I stopped walking years ago because of that. I have not be able to swim since early March when the mammogram turned my world upside down. With the biopsy, surgery, seroma and then radiation I ended up walking because I knew I had to do something to get back in shape before rads. BTW a seroma is a lymph fluid build up that happens after lymph nodes have been removed. For me it is a pocket of fluid on the breast where the nodes were taken. I hope to get back to swimming in August and biking. I am afraid to bike now because of my injured shoulder.

    I have fibromyalgia and traditional medicine didn't have much to offer me. I can't tolerate pain meds and that is about all traditional medicine offers fibro patients. I was seeing a chiropractor and a muscle therapist once a week and my muscle therapist told me about this alternative doctor. He liked to take on tough cases and especially where traditional medicine didn't have much to offer. I used to do nutritional IV's every other week along with B12 shots. I credit his knowledge and guidance and many supplements in allowing me to see my career through to the end. I have spent an absolute fortune with him. Before bc I was spending around $600-700 a month in supplements. When I was doing the IV's it was even more. My school insurance changed and stopped covering the IV's so I had to stop those. I have also had to stop my chiropractic and muscle therapy for the same reason.

    This doctor is in charge of my thyroid meds and I do all of that with natural products. It is interesting that you mentioned biotin. I have just started taking a product called Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails and biotin is the main ingredient. I also take a lot of products from Andrew Lessmen who only sells through HSN (Home Shopping Network). This is his top selling product. I have only been on it about a week. My hair was thinning and I don't know if rads had anything to do with making it worse but it might have.

    I have not seen my alt doctor since cancer treatments. I saw him in April before I started rads. Just to see him for an office visit is very expensive and my insurance pays very little. He does not take any insurance at all. I have taken products to build my immune system for years. When I see him again I am sure he will want me to take more supplements to counteract the radiation.

    He is very big on Vit D and I take 7000 iu of that. I have my blood levels checked all the time. The last I looked I believe to help fight cancer your vit D blood level should be in the range of 70-90 I think. Mine was in that range before I started treatment. I am also on Dr. Joseph Mercola's newsletters email that he sends out all the time. You might be interested in that. Just google him and it is easy to get on the list for his newsletter and it is free.

    I just called my pharmacy tonight and was bummed that she suggested me stop taking my Valerian Root and Melatonin for sleep with the Anastrozole which I start tomorrow morning.

    I know you are more interested in the cancer aspect of it and unfortunately I can't speak to that because I haven't seen him post rads yet. I do know that when I called him and told him I had IDC he told me to permanently stop anything to do with hormones such as the adrenal glands. Of course that does not include the thyroid meds.

    I do not have an office visit on the books with him right now but when I see him I will let you know what he has to say.

    Sorry this got to be so long. I hope this answered some of your questions about this doctor. I forgot one thing. I have had some issues with my liver readings in the past and he has put me on some supplements for the liver. I would have to see if I could find the bottle and see what is all is in the product.

    Nancy BW


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Char- I am still learning about all of these bc terms etc so I am not familiar with hyperplasia. Is that a precancerous type of thing. Was your surgery more of a preventive knowing this could easily turn into cancer? I am assuming you didn't have rads either. Is that correct? I guess that might explain why the AI meds were not offered to you possibly.

    That is nice that you feel like you can minister here on this thread and you have chosen to hang around. I'm glad you did.

    I am looking at the clock and realize I need to be in bed now. Sleeping has been a real problem for me this past year and I just found out tonight that one of my combination of things that helps me sleep is not recommended when I called the pharmacist tonight and asked her about these supplements and the cancer drug I start tomorrow. So this is going to be a challenge.

    When does your school start?  Where do you live if I may ask. I am assuming you are on the East coast somewhere. I have a very good email friend from NY and I am always amazed at how late in June their schools go. We tend to start earlier and earlier here in Illinois and then get out quite early at the end of the year.

    Well it is nice getting to know you better. Maybe one year there will be another road trip and I will get a chance to meet some of you in person.

    Nancy BW

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Good evening all.  Well, here I am burning the midnight oil again.  If I could sleep as well at night as I do during the day, I'd be good to go, lol.

    Thank you Char and Nancy and all for the prayers.  Soooooooo helpful.  I will find out tomorrow morning if the lung is filling up again.  If so, looks like I'll be having the same surgery on the other lung, now two months after the first.  Char, I too am glad you've hung in there with us.  You have been a real encouragement to me and so many here.

    Tomorrow I have my first infusion of Eribulen (Halaven).  Praying for minimal side effects, one of which is yet more neuropathy.  Lucy I remember researching the biotin and glutamine when we had this discussion several months ago.  I think I held off adding more supplements at that time because I take so many pills already during the day.  I couldn't figure out how to squeeze any more into my schedule but I'm going to have to revisit this and do it soon.

    I've also been wondering if anyone has tried Wobenzyme.  If so has it worked for you?  It's a natural supplement for inflammation.  I currently take boswellia, bromelain and cayenne pepper (supplement form) for natural pain relief and inflammation.  Nancy, you may want to research these on the internet to see if any of them would work for you.

    TGIF all.  Have a great weekend!  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Nancy - I am taking Erlotinib as a targeted therapy along a daily pill with Avastin  every two weeks infusion. I am on a study trial for the TNBC. Also I am taking 2000units of vit D per my onc and nutritionist. She said 2000 is plenty good enough. I know my daughter takes 4000 but I will do what my team is telling me now. I also take melotonin to help with sleep. It works great and I have read it is good to take when we are dealing with all this stuff. 

    Good night Warriors...Lucy