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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Sue,

    It is 4 am here and I am having some trouble with my stomach. I got to sleep but didn't stay asleep. I had stomach pains this afternoon when I got back from my walk. I feel somewhat queasy now. I noticed an outbreak of something on my arm so I got up to put some anti itch crème on it. I have tried the Wobenzyme years ago and as with most pain meds or supplements it hurts my stomach unfortunately. I sure hope you don't have to have this surgery. I have been praying for you through the night as I have had trouble getting back to sleep. I hope your infusion does not cause unpleasant side effects. I am pretty bummed out after talking with a pharmacist tonight regarding my Anastrozole. I have been trying a few different things to sleep instead of prescription stuff which I did take during treatments since my RO didn't want me taking any supplements except a multiple vitamin and vit D and calcium. I asked her about melatonin and Valerian Root which I have taken for a long time for sleep. Sounds like I won't be taking either of those now from what she said. I am really concerned at this point since I take so many things. I am going to Walgreens tomorrow to get their fact sheet regarding Anastrozole which they don't include with the prescription.

    I will be praying for you tomorrow.

    Nancy BW

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Thanks Lucy. Can I ask a stupid question. Many of you talk about infusions. Is that considered chemo? What is targeted therapy? Chemo? Need to try to go back to bed and see if I can sleep.

    Nancy BW

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    HI all -

    Nancy/BW - I think infusion is used generally to refer to IV or port treatments, right, ladies? That can be chemo or some of the "targeted therapies" which would refer to treatments specifically targeting hormones or Her2. As an example, since I'm triple positive, my targeted therapies include the arimidex/anastozole (which you're starting) to stop the estrogen/progesterone (hormone) production and herceptin/perjeta (which target the Her2 genes). I have a port, which I originally was kind of afraid of (mostly because I was confusing it with a pic line, which is a tube that hangs outside your arm or chest and needs constant cleaning/attention, while the port is placed completely under your skin). It makes the infusions really easy (compared to an IV line). Praying for you as you start the pills - that you'll get everything balanced and experience minimal SE.

    Praying for you, too, Sue, with your lung/possible surgery, and rejoicing with you, Char, over your good results. So thankful you've stayed with us - what a wonderful encouragement and friend you've become!

    love you, ladies - Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Well Nancy, we could have been up playing cards and thanks again for the prayers.  I hope your stomach is doing better this morning.  I've posted this before but this is a good website for finding what ails you.  I wonder if your 3-week post radiation nausea is kicking in.  I'm amazed at how far out from chemo I'll get and then out of the blue I have a bout of nausea or vomiting.  If you have any anti-nausea pills around, try taking one if it happens again.  Make sure you're taking any pills with some food in your stomach!  I keep bagels and yogurt on hand for that purpose.

    I leave in 20-minutes for my infusion (lol).  Nancy an infusion is when they give you the chemo.  So today, I'll be "infused" with the pre-med cocktails and then the chemo.  Targeted therapy is a chemo drug that only targets the cancer and doesn't destroy everything else in your body.

    I'm off.  Have a great TGIF all!  Sue


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Morning Warriors...:

    Nancy - looks like a few have posted on infusions so that should be pretty clear now hope you were able to sleep more and your tummy is feeling better. I looked up quickly the drug you will be on and the SE didn't seem to bad from what I saw. Interesting about you not being able to take melatonin. I take that too and I am able too with both my drugs. But figure I will ask my onc on monad to be sure. They have my list of drugs and have never said anything. 

    Well it is supposed to be a nice weekend so looking forward to that. We received a call for my husband and he has a court date scheduled now for the SSA in Oct so we are very pleased about that. 

    Well got to get moving so chat later lady warriors...have a blessed day!!!


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014

    Nancy: I had breast disease. My cells were changing form typical to atypical cells in the duct. From here if left on its on the cells would change and become DCIS or in the duct and then progress to IDC. So I am in the watch group for cancer. Supposedly  being on Tamoxifen would give me a 50 - 50 shot of not developing breast cancer for five years. In would have to get off it because it reverses and will cause cancer. Too many issues with the drug for me to take and compromise my health when  there was no good supporting evidence. The one thing I have learned about any study is that you can make them read whatever results you want if worded correctly. Drugs do not get produced for use unless the studies can prove they work. And there is big money in producing a new drug. Studies are now showing that it is not ncessary to be giving all the drugs women are taking but that most women feel better knowing that there is a drug to use. 

    Going back to me, on the Gail Model I go from  3% to 6.8% chance of getting breast cancer. When I told my BS that it also meant that I had a 93.2% chance of not getting it she said I guess you could look at it that way. I told her that I choose to be an optimist and look at it in a positive way. (Why wouldn't a person look at the larger number?) Almost everything causes a small percent risk and yet no one thinks anything of that. Look at risks they give you before you go in for surgery and yet no one seems to be the least bit concerned. Does it happen...yes; to

    On the subject of supplements, Dr. Moa ( he studies longevity in people and writes about foods that seem to be common in many centurions) was on the Katie Couric show yesterday and the talk was about living longer. There are currently 50,000 centurions living in the US. He shared 10 founds that improve health from sweet potatoes to green tea. Here is the video clip for those interested in adding any to their diet or might be courious.

    Thank you for the kind words about staying on here. While I know all of you are precious in God's eyes, you are also precious to me. Well one week till race day. I ran 4.2 miles this morning which was not too pretty but I got it done. Then it was off to an hour and forty minutes of PT. Workouts are getting tough but I made it through. Tomorrow is some kayaking and then it is a back off week of light cycling and running to practice my transition time. I need to knock two minutes off of the bike from getting socks and shoes on to getting out and cycling. The running will be brutal but I will walk if need be. Well of to do some laundry and garden weeding.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Bev- Thanks for the clarification. I did have some ladies waiting for rads show me their ports so I am now getting a more clear picture. I never asked too many questions of the ladies I met because for many this is a highly personal and private matter and I wanted to respect that. I hope you are doing well. I took my first pill today. I am going to Walgreens today and get the more detailed info on Anastrozole. My many supplements I take may not be a wise choice right now so I am a little bewildered right now after talking with the pharmacist last night. I thought I had it all figured out. I guess not.

    Sue- How did your infusion go and did you find out about your lung situation? I certainly have been lifting you up in prayer a lot. I finally got back to sleep but feel like a zombie today. I am trying to get psyched to go get my allergy shot. It is unfortunately out of town.

    Lucy- I may have to stop many of my supplements. Not happy about that! I survived all the time I couldn't take them during surgery and during rads which was quite a long time. Once I can get back to swimming that will help my pain. With my shoulder injury however I am not even sure if I can do a free style stroke at this point and that is the only stroke I am able to do with my neck issues. I had a very serious neck surgery in 2001 and it changed my life forever. I was a professional clarinet player at one point and since the surgery it stopped my playing. It was like my right arm being cut off. So you have to make lemonade right. So I plunged myself into flower gardening and I am dabbling in photography as well.

    Sharon, Mini, Deborah- July chemo ladies.  Praying for you ladies.

    Char- Are you training for the triathalon at this point? With your PT on your knee can't quite imagine that yet. I do bike with a knee brace so maybe there are ways around that.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

    Nancy BW

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2014

    I'M APPROVED! I just found out that my SS was approved. All glory to God for this. Thank you one and all for your prayers. My creditors thank you as well. :-) Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go do the happy dance!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Mini - PRAISE THE LORD!!!  God is so good!!!  We are happy dancing with you...

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    Mini - yay!!!  just goes to show that what seems impossible with man is no big deal for our wonderful, powerful God.  Dance on!!!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Mini that is such awesome news!!!! PTL!!!!!!  Oh my gosh, that was so quick, I think you've set the record.  Doing the happy dance with you!  Go out for dinner tonight and celebrate!

    Well, I got my first infusion of the Eribulen today.  My labs were close enough on the platelets (94 up from 63 and 50 the day before that) that she let me have it.  The doc. thinks it may do the job on drying up the other lung.  Since I've been off chemo for six weeks, she thinks that may be the culprit on the fluid in the lung.  She did have me go down for an xray, just in case and will call me if the fluid is higher than what she's hearing through the stethoscope.  She was very encouraging today and said she doesn't think I'll have too many side effects if any.  She encouraged me to go to Cheyenne this weekend (if I can breathe of course, lol). 

    The other good news is that this infusion is a whole 30-minutes long if that.  The pre-med (steroid only) was 15-minutes and then the chemo was pushed through the port line with a syringe.  I waited longer in the waiting room for the appointment than I did for the whole infusion.  So for now, no more 9-hours in the chair!  Guess I should be using my free afternoon to get my cleaning done, huh?

    Blessings all.  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    oh, Sue, what wonderful news. You go out and do a happy dance, too, okay? Don't waste any time cleaning your house....I sure don't. In fact - talk about embarrassing....I sent out an email to a bunch of friends during rads and made what I thought was a little joke about having plenty of energy for everything I wanted to do - except cleaning my house. A dear lady from my church (who doesn't have much money, takes in foster children and is always the first to offer to help do whatever needs to be done) offered to come and clean for me; another friend called to say she was going to send her cleaning lady to my house the next week as a gift. Yikes! It was so sweet of both of them but I'm just lazy and sloppy - I certainly shouldn't be rewarded for it by somebody else cleaning my house.  People are just so kind and thoughtful - I know we've all gotten so many unexpected blessings and "kisses from God" along the BC journey. Thanks, Sue and Nancy/mini for making my day with your praises!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Mini- whoooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooo! PTL.  I can just see your feet a dancin'.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014


    That is awesome news. Yes, go to the Cheyenne days if you are up to it. Ladies there is awesome power in all agreeing for a particular outcome. There is absolute power in prayer. Let's keep up the kingdom work for His glory! PTL

    Nancy BW

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Char,

    I sure admire your courage to do this race. BC or not I would have not been physically able to do that so I applaud your efforts. I was voted the most athletic girl in my high school class so to end up with some physical problems that have been somewhat disabling has been a hard pill to swallow. I know that I need to be grateful for what I can do and I am. Thanks for the clarification regarding your dx. That word hyperplasia sounded so familiar so I went back and looked over my pathology report post bc surgery. I saw that word pop up several times. I think that just makes me all the more grateful that this one particular radiologist caught my tumor in the thick of all the dense tissue. My RO told me this lady was on the ball and that she would have missed it herself.

    Believe me there is no one as cynical as I am when it comes to Big Pharma so I hear you loud and clear. I went to talk to the pharmacist today regarding interactions of Anastrozole and supplemets and he actually spent a long time with me. I just got home so I will look through all the stuff later. The bottom line is that I may not be able to take the majority of supplements that helps me control my fibromyalgia so it has been sort of an upsetting day.
    I know that God is bigger than this problem and He will guide me through the maze of these diseases and what is best for me.

    Thank you for your kind words as well. Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully you can knock off those precious minutes in your transitions.

    Nancy BW

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014


                                                         TO SUE


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Diet news - just read a great article that cruciferous veggies are great in fighting various cancera and one being BC. Also they are called cruciferous because of the leaves of the flowers look like crosses...of course, right?  Some of the veggies are broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, bok choy and a few others. Wanted to pass that along. I like most all of them so I will be eating lots more of these amazing veggies...thank you Lord for leading me to this article. 

    Well DH and I are going to attend a parking lot party at my DD and our SIL place of business tonight. They have free and food music and lots of coffee. They are in the coffee business and travel all over so we will go support them. Taking some friends along then going to catch a movie after. You can check out their business online at

    Have a great night everyone and Blessings Abundant...Lucy 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014

    Yippeeeeeeee Mini! I am saying amen and praise be to God. As Bev said, nothing is impossible to God. You fog do your happy dance girl.

    Sue: ahhh.....great news too. Do I hear an amen? 

    Nancy: Yes crazy me signed up for this race and two more late last year. This is a sprint triathlon and my new PT came me a glimpse at the possibility so as of today even though I am swollen, I am going to go for it.

    Bev: Your story is too funny. Sounds like something that would happen to me. God bless these sweet ladies for their offers.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Lucy, so good you came across that article.  Almost all the natural cures I've read about involve diet and greens, greens and more greens.  I like the tidbit about the leaves looking like crosses.  I've not noticed that before.  Unfortunately for me, I haven't been able to stomach most veggies since I started the Taxol/Carbo combination.  The one and only time I ordered a salad for lunch, I was running to the restroom about halfway through.  Nausea took over and I was bummed I couldn't eat them.  I'm hoping the new drug lets me adjust my diet accordingly.

    So who was it who posted about drinking a gallon of water a day following chemo?  Did it help with the side effects?  I've had so much liquid today I feel like I'm going to float away, lol.  So far so good though.  A little bit of a funny stomach and lots of swelling (I'm assuming not related to the chemo but the lymphedema) but I don't feel too bad.

    Thanks Nancy for the well wishes.  When do you head off to your mom's?

    The good news tonight is I was able to chat with a pastor friend of mine in Africa.  I mentored her when I first moved here to Colorado.  Her ministry just took off and we don't get to talk or chat very often anymore.  Low and behold, we both got online at the same time and it was just like old times.  She offered up the most awesome prayers.  I loved this one: 

    the word of God is a more superior drug. Use it. There is no
    overdose. Speak it continually. Declare: I TRIUMPH OVER SICKNESS AND

    The bad news is I won't be able to get to Cheyenne Days this weekend.  The event ran early this year and it ends on Sunday.  It's supposed to rain all day, along with a major closure of the main highway that runs north and south through Colorado (I-25).  I'd end up sitting in traffic most of the morning and I don't think my leg will comply.  Guess there's always next year.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Hi Warrors - well had to share I went back to curves today and it felt great and had a warm welcome. Love theses ladies as they were part of the relay for life team I was on. It was great to be back and feeling strong. I am sure I will feel it later. More waking so that will help and who knows maybe loose another 10 lbs. 

    I wanted to ask someone posted that they hadn't eaten sugar for like 8 years and if you could remind me who that was I would love to hear more about you do that?  I don't eat a lot but on occasion I do have a bite of candy that my DH is eating. I mostly eat fruit to satisfy the craving but I still do have it. Trying to avoid bread but is at it on occasion. 

    Having amazing warm weather this weekend so enjoying isome summer with lots of sunblock. Blessings ladies...xoxoxo...Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Sue- Happy almost Birthday. Sorry you won't be able to go to Cheyenne Days but I'm with on not wanting to drive or long periods of time. I think the drinking water may help you with your chemo. I know water is good about flushing out toxins. I think it was Sharon that mentioned that but not sure.

    I like your friend that you mentored words that God is a more superior drug. I need to claim that as well. I don't think I will be able to take most of my supplements after talking with the pharmacist regarding the Anastrozole. My humanness wants to be fearful of that since that is how I manage my fibromyalgia but God will keep me in His care no matter what.

    I hope the drinking of water will lesson the side effects of your chemo. Praying for you.


    Nancy BW

  • WanderingSpirit
    WanderingSpirit Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2014

    Just popping in to say I hope everyone has a blessed weekend, what's left  of it. I'm hanging in here. Thanks as always for your responses to my posts, and for your prayers. They mean a lot.

    Praying for us all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014


    Congratulations on getting back to curves. That is a huge accomplishment! PTL Glad you got out last night too. Hope and DH had a good time. That was me about not eating sugar. I stopped eating sugar in 2001. At the time it had nothing to do with cancer. If you will bare with me I will tell you the long story. In Jan. of 2001 I was having some nerve pain and some numbness in my fingers. I have had neck issues for a very long time and I was regularly seeing a chiropractor. He suggested I get an MRI since some of these symptoms were not my normal ones. I had the MRI and he called me at my house and he never did that before so I knew something was up. He said I think you are going to see neurosurgeon. I finally got into this quite well known neurosurgeon in March. When he looked at the MRI the spinal fluid was completely dammed up in my neck. My limbs and major organs were not getting any spinal fluid. I also had spinal cord compression. He said you are going to be completely paralyzed and lose the use of your bowel and bladder if you don't have surgery in 3-6 months. Also if I had whip lash in the mean time I could be completely paralyzed. Needless to say I was completely shocked and dismayed. I sought out several different opinions and they all said surgery is imperative. I had the surgery the first week of May in 2001. I had to miss the rest of the school year. I got back to school the next school year and was really concerned about the number of sick days that I had used up and I knew it was going to be really important that I not miss any more school. I got sick a lot in those days. I wasn't seeing my alt doctor at that point. I was doing pretty well but in November I got pneumonia and missed two weeks of school. At this point I was really getting concerned about sick days dwindling. During that time of recovering at home I heard two different times that a teaspoon of sugar suppressed the immune system from 5-7 hours(I am not sure if that is the accurate number at this point but something like that). I decided I needed to do something radical so at Thanksgiving I ate my last piece of pie with sugar and that was in 2001. I have stuck with that with a very, very few exceptions. Within four days of not eating any sugar I could feel my brain fog leaving. It was absolutely amazing. I knew I was onto something. I started seeing my alt doctor in 2004 and with the help of changing my diet and supplements and IV's I really didn't get down sick very often. I haven't had a bad cold in several years. If I get sick now it seems to be more stomach related.

    I also in March of last year did a very expensive blood test that tested over 300 foods and environmental things. My alt doctor bugged me about this test for probably 8 years. This is called the Alcat test and you can look it up online. I reacted to over 100 foods and also found out I am severely intolerant to chlorine and fluoride. I am a swimmer and I refused to give that up.

    I also found out I was severely intolerant to gluten. I went on this really radical and very difficult four day rotation and food elimination diet for six months. I lost 25 lbs in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately it messed up my bp meds and I got very sick for several weeks before realizing that my bp was so low and I was dizzy and nauseated for weeks.

    I can now eat most of the foods after this elimination and reintroduction. I however will be off gluten for life. It is not an easy diet and it is a pain but I am sticking with it. It makes going to peoples houses for dinner a real challenge. I basically take my own food. Eating out is also a challenge so I don't do that much anymore either.

    Sorry this is so long but that is the story. Hope that helps.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Nancy BW

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Wanda,

    You seem more at peace that your last post. I hope you are feeling that peace that God can bring in the midst of the storm. Glad to hear from you. You have a great weekend.

    Nancy BW

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014

    Hi Wanda. Glad to hear from you. How are you doing? We are keeping you in prayer. Let your requests me known.

    Nancy: incredible story and I admire you for all your hard work on your daily diet. It is tuff to do what you are doing. School can be my destruction because I am constantly emptied by the bad stuff. For the most part, I avoid it.

    Lucy:  I have long heard the benefits of the vegetables you mentioned and am abig fan of many including Brussels sprouts. Also Shitachi and Portabella mushroom are great cancer fighters  too.

    Sue: sorry you are missing your event but how great to connect with your minister friend in Africa. Just think that one day we will all meet in heaven and get to spend,lots of time together but as I say, "not yet." God has other plans until then.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Char- You might be interested in checking this out. One of my good friend's SIL sells some natural products. When my friend was telling her about my bc they sent me a box of this King of Coffee. I had already told my friend I didn't drink real coffee anymore because I am very caffeine sensitive and was having trouble with insomnia. They sent this stuff anyway. Because it is instant in doesn't have as much caffeine as drip coffee.  I know this sounds gross but in the coffee is Ganoderma lucidum which is a type of mushroom. The company is called Organa Gold and you can google it and get more info. This coffee is one of the best coffees I have ever had including Starbucks which is too strong for me. It increases the level of antioxidants in your body that fight free radicals among many other benefits. They knew I was having such an issue with fatigue even before bc because of my fibromyalgia. They want me to try this for three weeks and see if I see an improvement in my energy level. I am half way through the packets so time will tell.

    Those school treats were hard to turn down but I got to the point that I could go out with people and they could eat dessert and it didn't bother me to watch them.

    How's your training coming? When is the big race. I can be praying for you.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


    Nancy BW

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014

    Nancy: Interesting  about the coffee. I will read more about it. You will need to let us know your thoughts. I do drink lots of green tea.

    My race is Aug. 2nd or this coming Saturday. It should be interesting. I will be there about 5am to set up my transition area and out to race around 7:15 or so. It should be over about 10 am. I just want to get through it in one

    Happy Sunday to everyone.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    Char, I'll sure be praying for you through your training this week....and that on Saturday afternoon, you can say with Paul, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." II Tim. 4:7.  :)

    I've been wrestling a little bit this week with thoughts about recurrence of BC (I know, get thee behind me, Satan, right?). The sermon in church today was based on Paul's "thorn in the flesh" (II Cor. 12:7b-10) and some of the points that the pastor made were:

    Sometimes we don't hear from God because the only answer we are willing to receive is 'Yes' but He knows when we're hurting even when His answer is 'No.' God will reveal His glory through our suffering when we learn to accept His answer and plan, rather than our own - since the purpose is for God to be glorified, not for our comfort. God's power and glory are often shown better through my suffering than through my success.  

    Isn't that an incredible concept - and it's often so true!  It's seeing God's strength through other people in their weaknesses and hard times that God's power shines through. Oh, that it would be so with me!

    So - not only do I have that to stop me from worrying/wondering/supposing what might happen about the future and any recurrence, I also have you wonderful ladies who are showing me God's strength and grace through every step of the BC journey.  As my pastor said, God will give His grace to face whatever our "thorn" is (II Cor. 12:9).

    That got a little long but I was just so blessed, convicted and humbled I wanted to share it. God bless you all!

    love, Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Char,

    Your race is a day before my birthday so I can remember that. I am planning on leaving for my mom's on Wed and plan to stay for two weeks. I have a friend watering my flowers for me so I don't want to impose on her by staying a really long time. I will certainly be praying for you that you can not only finish but finish victoriously and give God all the glory. I know you want to prove to yourself that you can do this and I get that. Know that I will be praying and I am sure the ladies on here will pray for you as well.


    Nancy BW

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Hi Bev,

    I can so appreciate what you are going through. I would imagine that there is not a Christian lady on the face of the earth who has bc that has not had some moments of fear. We also had a dynamic message today. Our pastor is on a thee month sabbatical and this guest has preached at our church many times over the last many years. He talked about fear. I feel convicted every time I hear this that fear is the absence of faith. He talked about Peter trying to walk on the water but when he took his eyes off of Jesus that is when he started to sink. I think that is the key. We have to keep our eyes on Jesus. We have to surrender every thing to Him. My whole cancer journey was full of scares along the way. I would do a scan and something else in another part of my body would show up. Then I would have to do more CT scans and on and on. After this happened about three times I just got so exhausted from it all I just said Lord if you want to take me now I am okay with that but I cannot live like this on pins and needles every time I turn around. I had to surrender all of it and my life. I imagine you have heard that the problem with presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice is that we often crawl off the altar. I think when it comes to fear we have to minute by minute give the fear to God and have him replace it with trust and faith in Him that He has a plan for our lives and He knows what is best for us and that in fact He is in control when we feel emotionally out of control.

    I will pray that we both can have victory over fear!


    Nancy BW