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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2014

    praying for you, Jean - you're halfway through and after this one, only one more of the bad stuff. You've got this!!!  The twelve taxol will be a piece of cake after this!  

    I put a link to this song before - it brings me to tears every time I hear it....sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He calms His child:

    I'll be praying that He both calms you and keeps the red devil under control this week. 

    love, Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Thanks faithful sister.  I am getting over my whiny self.  Grateful for these drugs that are saving our lives.  Love, Jean 

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    That song just had me crying good cleansing tears too.  Tomorrow  my brother in law,and I are supposed to go to a baseball game at my grandsons college near here.  I haven't seen him since he left for school last month.  He will probably be picking or catching.  It is a team vs alumni game, all in good fun then going to dinner with hubby, oldest son and brother in law as a last outing before BIL goes back to Colorado on Wednesday.   So many blessings, why does my soul weep at times?  Love, Jean 

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Grateful for the beautiful sunny day watching grandsons baseball game the beautiful fall colors and feeling uplifted again.  Love, Jean 

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited October 2014

    So thankful today for a beautiful day and loving those senior students picking up collections of food for our local Food Pantry!  What a great testimony they are giving to us all today.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                                  DAY #18 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I am grateful today for running into my good friend Retha who I have not seen in a very long time. I was so relieved that she has a caregiver with her now as she had to stop driving a couple months ago. The caregiver takes her to church every week. I saw her at church and met the caregiver who was very nice.  Retha is a trooper for sure. She has Parkinson's and a multiple set of other health problems. She never complains ever. She is so funny and even though her short term memory is going she can still be the wittiest person. She still makes me laugh. She is a Godly woman who inspires all who know her.

    The lady that has been sending me PM's has continued her search for Sue's family. She is amazing. Maybe one day she will post here so we can thank her so much for helping us find Sue.  Sue had two other siblings that died and her Dad died as well. She had a sister Kathy who was only 45 and died of breast cancer in 2001. Her brother Thomas died at 58 in 2009. Her Dad died at 85 in 2008. This is according to the lady that sent me this info today.

    Sue obviously experienced much loss having a brother and her Dad dying in consecutive years. I was struck by how young the siblings were when they died. I feel so much sympathy for her Mom.

    I hope you can post any reflections for Sue for tomorrow when her celebration of life service will take place.


    Char, I sent you another PM and it was blocked by the website saying I was only allowed so many PM per day. I sent two before that. One to you and one to the lady who has been kind enough to search for Sue and her family. I was sending you my contact info. I will try again later or tomorrow. I hope you are feeling better. Your body probably needs to rest so maybe you could NOT push yourself so hard.

    Jean, we too are having a sunny day here in the Chicago area after yesterday feeling like winter.

    Our pastor mentioned something today that really resonated with me. He said of the utter importance to download our pain, and hurt and problems to God every single day. One of our pastors said that we are like ATM machines. We go to get money (grace and strength) out in order to give it away. We have to continue to do that or the money (strength and grace) would run dry. Of course we get our grace and strength from God.

    When we were singing today in church I immediately thought of Sue being in heaven and possibly singing with a chorus to God as we sang today.

    I am praying for all of you today. I do hope you can post your thoughts tomorrow so I can send them to her mom.

    Love all of you,



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014

    Nancy, just caught up on the thread and I love the idea of posting thoughts tomorrow for Sue.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Hi Sister Warriors...I am so saddened today as I write this. Ireland Chars PM first and new there was information on Sue and was so broken hearted I had to gain composure before I posted. I was afraid to read the posts. I see that it doesn't matter as I am typing this through tears. I know I am happy for Sue that she is not suffering with her pain and breathing anymore. I just missed her and I had so much more to talk with her about. She was so amazing and so strong and I just knew that God put her in my path at this time I'm my life. We spoke many long hours into the night. We laughed and she tried so hard to beat this horrible affliction. 

    She told me about her sister and brother being gone. She was so worried for her mother to have to bury another one of her children. She also had a neighbor who helped her at all hours of the night. I forget his name but I know he was gay and she had many conversations with him about his life style. He cared for her and helped her so much. 

    A week before she went into the hospital she was still driving herself to the store and running errands. She never married as she dedicated her life to her ministry. She was a writer and had plans to continue to write and enjoy her retirement. She had downsized to her little 700sq ft condo from a 4000sq ft home and told me about that experience. She was 60 years old. 

    I feel so blessed to have had the few phone chats that we did but as I said I still had so much to learn from her.

    Nancy thank you so much for your diligence in your efforts to find Sue. I am thankful for you too. 

    I haven't been on here for a bit as I have been fighting a cold bug since Wednesday. I haven't gone anywhere since I went to doc to be tested for strep and so been home healing. Wanted to be better for tomorrow for my treatment. Also I seem to still have an issue with not getting my email notifications when there are postings. 

    Check back later Ladies...Lucy 

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Day #18 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    I am so very grateful for knowing Sue Hahn for the short time she was in my life. She came at a time when I needed it. She mentored me and shared her life with me. We prayed together and we cried together. We comforted one another and supported our need at the moment. I feel so honored that God made this little miracle happen. I know that I know that I know He had a reason for this brief friendship. I love you Sue and I know we will finish our chats some day. 

    Love you all Sister Warriors


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Hi everyone,

    Angie, it is good to hear from you and that you are on board with posting for Sue tomorrow. I do want to be sure I have all of your permissions to do this. If you don't want your posts to be printed and sent to Sue's mom please let me know. I am tentatively leaving for my mom's on Thursday and she does not have a printer. I may not be able to compile all of this by the time I leave. I would very much like to meet her mom in person. I don't know what her limitations are so I am not sure how to go about it yet. I will pray and see how the Lord leads. I could still send flowers to her home address even at a later date from all of us. I have had people tell me that they appreciated sympathy cards that come late because the shock of the situation was a little more distant.

    Lucy, I am so glad to see your post. I have been so concerned about you. I was tearing up on my way to church and as I have read more private messages from this nice person I continue to get very emotional. I know you knew her probably much better than we all did just by your additional phone conversations. I know this has been very hard for you.  I sure hope you are feeling better. I have been praying for you. I don't know if you have had time to read back posts but since Sue's Celebration of Life service is tomorrow I thought it would be something meaningful for us to speak out here just as if we were speaking at her service on how much she meant to us. I want to send those posts to her mom. I think it will be meaningful to her.

    Also if you would like her mom's address I can send that to you. I have been blocked on the PM when I tried to send a third PM today they said there is a limit on how many you can send in one day. I think that was probably a glitch or something.

    Maybe someone will find Sue's writings and try to have them published. I know there is somewhere on the BCO to post deaths. I haven't had a chance to try to find that. If anyone knows where it is you could post and tell us you did.

    I went to visit my swan family again today as somehow it gives me much comfort. I know the Lord put them in my path to give me a daily distraction during my treatments and PT. It is amazing how He works and so differently in our lives but obviously knowing what each of us needs at the time.

    Bless you dear sister and I am praying that this cold will BE GONE.

    Love you all,



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2014

    Hello Sisters of Faith,

    I am sorry for my silence. The news of Sue has touched me deeply. She has been such a blessing to this thread and to my life. She always gave me such encouragement. I was humbled to know such a wonderful person if only for this past year. I know that she would want all of us to carry on in her stead and follow her example. 

    I will not have the time to write all that I would want tomorrow and so I will share my thoughts with you tonight. I am grateful for the opportunity to have gotten to be a part of this thread and to have gotten to know her. While the reason I am here is a bit odd, Sue always made me feel such a part of this group. I hope that all of you know how much you have touched my life. Thank you Nancy and Sue for your efforts in finding out about her and also to the person who sent the PMs to Nancy. I know that these were our kiss from God to help us bring closure. For that I am so grateful. 

    I continue to keep all of you lifted in prayer.

    Okay..this for our dear friend Sue.

    How do you say goodbye to someone you have never met in person but felt such a strong connection with through this forum and our faith in God. Sue was a sister, a friend, a counselor and spiritual cheerleader. Sue was one of the first person's on here that stood out to me. While she would never really complain, I knew that she was enduring some rough going. Despite her pain and issues with breathing, she always managed to find humor in things and be of encouragement to others. She was always willing to share any information she had that might help someone avoid problems or help them get through a rough patch. Even when she was getting treatment or in the hospital she was witnessing to others. I remember the young man that she prayed for and shared the plan of salvation with before he went through his life threatening surgery. Sue always found a way to bring honor and glory to our Lord. I called Sue a Timex watch. She would take a licking and keep on ticking. Sue was an inspiration to all of us and despite her state she was not throwing in the towel. She was such aroll model for all of us.

    I know that Sue had every desire to go on living and even beat this monster but our Lord had other plans for her. I know that she is in a far better place and she is celebrating with a new body and no longer in pain or suffering. One day all of us will meet Sue in Heaven and that day is not that far away. I am sure she will be there to meet us and we will have glorious conversations.

    And while I feel the earthly sadness, I am rejoicing in our sister Sue's victory over death. There is no sting in death for those that believe that God sent His son to give His life for us so that we might have eternal life. 1 Corinthians 15:55 "Oh death where is thy sting. Oh grave where is thy victory?" She ran the race and finished it.

    Hebrews. 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us set aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

    Nothing shall separate those who believe....not life or death.

    Romans 8: 37-39 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    When one of my brothers or sisters in Christ have gone home I am reminded of this song. I am sure Sue would be saying these words to us if we could see her now. May it bring comfort to all of you as it has for me. Our sister is gone for now but we will see her again. Praise God, we will see her again and so let us run the race. Sue has crossed her finish line. Congratulations Sue, you did it.

    Love in Christ,


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2014

    I had a great weekend with granddaughter, she lives 4 hrs away. also my son. brightens my life.making scarecrows crafts and jack o lantern!!!!


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2014

    I am sorry to hear about Sue ---what was her online name?. I know whe is face to face with Jesus and free!!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Becky, So glad you had a good weekend with your granddaughter and son. She is a cutie pie. Family is such a precious blessing.

    Char, Thank you for your post for Sue. It brought tears to my eyes.


    Love to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Becky, your picture was precious. Maybe you can post it again. Sue's user name was milehighgirl.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited October 2014

    oh, my. All of this emotion. Sue welcomed me as one who shared similar diagnosis and we did. 

    Love across the miles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014


     If you would like to write a post for me to send to Sue's mother please post any time today or tonight  Monday). It is almost 1 am my time and I am posting this now because I probably won't get on here until late afternoon on Monday and didn't want to miss anyone.

    If you are adding other comments to others on the board try to keep those separate and space enough so I can cut and paste your comments about Sue.

    Thank you all in advance. Have a wonderful day.

    Love you all,




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Sue's pastor sent this bulletin for the service tonight. He said that Sue's goal was to live to 60. She just turned 60 at the end of July. She is very pretty. I could not get her picture to paste. I may try later. He is going to mention our board in the service tonight and will say that Sue's circle of friends was wider than we thought.  So sisters, we will be in the service tonight even if it is by spirit.

    Reverend Susan Jane Hahn  (1954-2014) passed into her Savior’s presence
    after a courageous battle with breast cancer. 
    Beloved daughter to Bertha Dietrich Hahn and (late) John E. Hahn.  Beloved sister to (late) Tom Hahn, Bob Hahn
    and (late) Kathy Hahn Waddell.

    In her life, Sue was educated at the University of Missouri, Western
    Illinois University, Roosevelt University of Chicago, Trinity College and
    Chicago Theological Seminary.  After
    working in a law firm as a paralegal, she served four churches during her
    ministerial career in Michigan, Indiana and Minnesota but she was involved with
    many more churches and Christian organizations as well.

    Sue was a brave person who carved out a career path for herself that was
    not easy.  Full time work or part time
    work, she went after jobs where she could serve others with excellence.  She was, among other things, a tennis
    instructor, paralegal, minister, foster parent, Christian educator, hospital
    chaplain and care giver.

    Sue had a special love for children and was a gifted nanny, foster mother
    and “Favorite Aunt” to many.  Most of
    all, she had a gift for making friends and had a way of bringing laughter and
    joy into the lives of others.

    Rev. Susan Hahn  July 27, 1954    September 22, 2014


    “Sheep May Safely Graze” - Bach




    “On Eagle’s Wings”





      We believe there is no
    condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and we know that in everything
    God works for good with those who love God, who are called according to God’s
    purpose.  We are sure that neither death,
    nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to
    come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
    will be able to separate us from the love of God made known in Jesus Christ.  Amen. (Romans 8)



    HYMN  “It Is Well With My Soul” No. 438



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2014

    Thanks for sharing Nancy. It will be nice to know that others know that we cared deeply for Sue.

    Becky: Life is for living so please post your picture. We would love to see it and rejoice in some happy news.



  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2014

    It's so wonderful how our Lord has provided us with contact with Sue's Pastor and ways to reach her family. 

    Nancy, thank you for all your help with this! Please share what ever I've posted with her family. Please let them know I'm praying for them and that their daughter was a great blessing and comfort to me as well as an example of how to die well. I look forward to seeing her in Heaven!

    Dear Sisters, 

    I hope this song will encourage you all greatly. It's from the album "Come Weary Saints" by Sovereign Grace Music. The entire album is an amazing collection of comforting songs for those facing death or who have lost a dear one. I've given the album to many who have benefited greatly. Here's one of my favorite songs. I've included the words as well as a link for listing. 

    See the words and listen here:

    Here's the album:

    Here are the lyrics:

    It is not death to die

    To leave this weary road

    And join the saints who dwell on high

    Who’ve found their home with God

    It is not death to close

    The eyes long dimmed by tears

    And wake in joy before Your throne

    Delivered from our fears

    O Jesus, conquering the grave

    Your precious blood has power to save

    Those who trust in You

    Will in Your mercy find

    That it is not death to die

    It is not death to fling

    Aside this earthly dust

    And rise with strong and noble wing

    To live among the just

    It is not death to hear

    The key unlock the door

    That sets us free from mortal years

    To praise You evermore

    Also, I recently listened to a wonderful series on Grief from Paul Tripp ministries. I found it most helpful and highly recommend it. Be sure and scroll down the link so you start the series at the beginning.!/swx/pp...

    As we grieve and endure ongoing trials, may we all be comforted by the One who is fully able to bring us comfort, peace, and joy even in the midst of suffering. 

    "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are
    unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that
    are unseen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:17-18

    Love and continued prayers for you all, Deborah

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2014

    I am grateful for every person on this thread. You all are a tremendous witness. 

    I am so sorry for us in Sue's passing, but glad that she will not suffer in this life anymore. She was blessed have so many people to support her.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                      ATTENTION    ATTENTION   ATTENTION

    Sue's pastor has emailed a couple more times today. He may try to get on this site and share your thoughts at the service tonight. I know some of you are not able to post until tonight but if you want to share now that would be great. He asked me to email but then asked how to access our thread.

    Thank you so much for supporting Sue in her life and now in her death.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    I am in awe of Sue even more after finding out more about her through her pastor who has been so kind to share information with us. I only knew Sue for three months but we connected early in the morning back in June. I felt an instant connection to her as she was from Illinois and she went to church in Naperville, the town I have lived in for 33 years. I knew that she suffered greatly but she would always be the one to encourage and pray for everyone else. She never brought attention to herself and in many ways was very private, but very open in her generosity to uplift others around her. Even up to her last posts she continued to think of others. I feel so blessed to have known her in the short time that I did. Knowing how brave she was and never ever letting on that she knew her end was in sight gives me so much admiration for her more than I already had. I miss her so much already but the Lord knew it was her time. I know there is rejoicing in heaven with her passing. I think she has made such an impact on my life that I will never look at things quite the same. She showed us how to be a Godly woman in much suffering. I know that when she arrived in heaven I imagine she heard God say to her well done, good and faithful servant. I have been praying for her brother Bob and her mother Bert. I will continue to lift them up. God Bless.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Hi Nancy,

    How wonderful to be able to be a part of Sues service. I am waiting to see my onc and will be getting my infusion by 2:30 so as soon as I am in that chair I will do my post from there. I had written some notes and left them home so will do my best to remember them. What a blessing thank you so much. 

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    It is 4:24pm.  Still waiting for my 2:3 chemo appointment.  Getting kinda,tired.  Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014

    Post for our Sister in Christ Sue --  milehighgirl:

    I only
    knew Sue for about 3 months via but in those three months she had a
    tremendous impact on my life and how I can walk this journey with courage, faith and support others even through our trails.  Sue adopted me into the
    family very quickly and all that she was going through she yet continued to
    encourage us, prayer for us and even provided laughter and wit. I feel blessed and grateful to have been able
    to fellowship with Sue through
    Sue showed me how to be a Godly Woman and an ambassador for Christ in the face of adversity.  It was awesome how God order events
    so that we at could know about Sue during this difficult time. She was a spiritual supporter, prayer
    warrior, encourager and comforter to us all in her post and interaction via I will continue to pray for her
    family and you for us as we walk this journey that we shared so intimately with
    Sue.  As Nancy indicates I can hear the Lord saying to her well done, good and faithful servant.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Hi ladies,

    I am getting a little confused on the time zone. Lucy, I think your 2:30 is my 4:30. I have sent posts via email up to Angie's post to the Pastor.  It didn't take as long as I thought and I didn't want him to have to read a million posts that were not for Sue's service. So hopefully this will make it easier and faster for him.
    Lucy I have an errand to run but I am going to wait on your post because you of all people should have their post read tonight if possible. I did sent him a post of yours already that certainly expressed your feelings for Sue and how much she had impacted your life. Know that I am still planning on sending everyone's  posts to Sue's mom so if you don't get to post in time for the service her mom will still get to read these and hopefully her brother as well and have something they can read over and over again.

    Jean, hang in there. You can do this. I am praying for you.

    Mags, Are you doing okay? Praying for you as well.


    I am suspending our 50 days of gratitude for today in case the pastor does want to get on this site himself. It will just make it easier and faster for him to go through all of these posts. I am sure he has many things on his plate right now.

    Don't  hesitate to post if you have something important you need to have us pray for or you need to share.

    Love you all,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014


    My name is Lucy and I had the privilege and honor to know Sue Hahn on our BC journey. She was one of the first women on the board who welcomed me from the first time I joined this amazing group of women of Christ, back in November 2013.  I am so happy to have the opportunity to write up something in time for her service. It brings me joy to be a part of our group to share insight to what Sue brought to our lives daily and how much we loved her. So as I sit in my chair having my treatment today I must do this quickly from my cell phone. 

    Sue was always so positive and strong and I knew she was someone I wanted to get to know.  She always encouraged us and prayed for all of us and kept tabs on specific situations one of us was dealing with. This past August she had a rough few days and I knew in her post that she needed someone to talk too so I posted for her to send me a private message with her number so I could call her. We tried for a few days but for several reasons it just didn't happen and we all felt it was the enemy trying to block that from happening. Well, we all know that when you have several women prayer warriors in action and strong wills it won't fail. We finally got to chat and we spoke for several hours. After that one call I knew that the good Lord put her in my path for me to learn and grow. We had several phone chats after that at all hours of the day and some late at night. We had chats about life, death, families, desires, regrets and shared our blessings in our lives. There was also a sassy side to Sue and that was fun to be able to be a part of. I loved hearing her chuckle and laugh. 

    I learned so much more about her during this time and I knew she wasn't just a Christian but she was a great ambassador for our God. She taught me more about strength and courage during this time for us. We spoke of our faith a lot and she taught me more about myself I didn't know. After I read the post of her passing it was very difficult as I was so impacted emotionally by someone I had never met in person. So after a few hours of sadness I told my husband Steve to take me to the park we were at the first and last time I received a text from Sue on Sunday September 14, 3 weeks prior. You see, she told me she didn't like cell phones much and didn't like texting and would not text me. She preferred I called on her home phone or email her. So yesterday we went to Twanoh State Park so I could say goodbye to my dear sister Sue (pictures attached). We prayed for Sue and walked around and it was such a beautiful scenery. I felt at peace for her and I knew she was with me and smiling. She is in a new body with no more pain and breathing just fine. Heaven became a little bit nicer when Sue stepped crossed over the pearly gates. I know she is still with us in spirit because look at all she is up to while she is not even here with us. She is truly an amazing women and I am so glad that I was able to know her for the short time I did. I know the reason God put her I my path and I am forever grateful.

    In closing I want to add that she had a neighbor who helped her out at all hours of the day and night and I forget his name. She was so thankful for you and felt so blessed for what you did for her. She said it many times how special you were to her and how grateful she was to have your help. I want to thank you as well for helping her and being there for her during those rough times...Thank you!

    Sue, when I think of you now I smile because I am so happy for you as you are in the presence our our savior and so full of joy and peace. Until we meet again...Love ya girl...Lucy 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Go it Lucy. I sent it now and I told the Pastor that if he read any please read yours as you had the closest relationship to her. I haven't read yours yet but I am going to now. I was in a big hurry to send it. I did get the picture in as well. Thanks so much. Hope your infusion goes without incident and you get home safely. Love you sister.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2014

    i felt bad posting my granddaughter and the fun we had when I heard about Sue. Oh  I will post one. Sue knows we keep living.
