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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Has anyone here had dose dense A/C followed by 12 weeks of Taxol?   If so were the sides from Taxol as bad as the A/C?  I am halfway through the A/C and trying to gear up for the Taxol, herceptin, perjeta round.  Love, Jean 

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    Hi ladies - I think I missed a couple of days but I've been thinking about it (thanks again, Nancy/BW for getting us started).  Before my diagnosis, I always thought all the "pink" stuff (shoes on football players? c'mon!) especially in October was so overdone. Now, I'm so thankful for all the researchers and medical providers who tenaciously fought through lots of disappointments and bureaucracy to give us the treatment options and successes we have today. I'm thankful for all the women over the years who participated in trials and the people who walked, ran or rode for the cure.  

    I'm also grateful that God worked out so may "coincidences" or "lucky flukes" in connection with my BC - moving me to Houston, where MD Anderson is located; MD Anderson developing a special BC "regional care center" a few years ago that's 30 minutes from my home instead of 2 hours downtown;  having the cancer on my left side instead of my right - since I had lymph nodes removed and have to be careful about using and lifting with that arm and I'm right handed, it's natural to "protect" that arm (as my PT sister lectured me even before my surgery; having the FDA approve perjeta for my triple-positive BC a month before I needed it as part of my treatment....  Well, there's lots more but you get the idea and I think I'm caught up on the days of gratitude.  :)

    Jean, as you know, I had A/C then 4 rounds of T/C/H every three weeks. The T/C/H rounds were much easier - and you should have even less SE since you'll get smaller doses every week.  You're halfway through the "red devil" and doing great - God's certainly got the rest of the SE!

    Praying for all you ladies, Lucy (you go get 'em with your presentation - we're all rooting for you and more importantly, praying that you'll have God' peace and words to share!), Debbie, Sue, Nancy, Angie, Anita, Mags, Deborah and Char (can't wait to hear the race report!), Nancy, Mini (our Bible study talks about God taking the Israelites through the wilderness - it's to show His power and our potential so He has something special for you!) and Becky (and sorry, anybody else I forgot).  God knows you all and what you need right now - so I'll be praying for lots of kisses from God for us all.

    love, Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Pardon if this is tmi but today I am very grateful for my Dh being so satisfied for the limited  intimacy I can give him.  He is so sweet and encouraging.   Also I am grateful that my Jesus is teaching me how to let myself be weak as a kitten and lean hard on Him.  I always felt so bad asking Him for anything after He gave me His life but I am beginning to realize that it is my stupid foolish pride holding me back.  He holds,His hands out to me filled with goodness and dopey me tries to do it myself.  I am so grateful for the crying jag I had with Him today. Love, Jean 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Hi Ladies:

    Nancy: I have been racking my brain about Sue trying to figure out what to do, I know that her in PA, if you are not declining in hospice care, you are shipped back to other care such as nursing or home.

    Well I ran my race. My time for mile is a minute slower than last year which is about what it has been in training. The run was fun but brutally hot at mile 3.5 and on. At that point I was in full sun running up hill for one mile or so. Here are the comical moments. I spray bio freeze on my knees while in the bathroom. I decide to take a tinkle while my pants are down and get the stuff on my private parts. Ohhhh..what a chilling experience. We get to a parking lot near our convention center and my husband's credit card gets stuck in the pay box and we have to get someone to come and get it out. When I get to mile 4 the chicken dance starts playing on my iPod. It was hilarious. I have to be honest and say my knee did not hurt and going downhill was not a problem. My glut (butt muscle) was a bit hurting and Achilles tendons are very tight now but other then that it was the heat that beat me up on the second half. Just full sun and lots of concrete. I am grateful for prayers and when my long hill got a bit challenging I called out each of your names and asked God to strengthen each of you and meet your needs.

    Day 10: I give thanks for my two sweet rescues, Merit and Finn. Each were on deaths door. Merit was a hour from being put down and Finn was a day away. Both have been wonderful blessings. My Merit is   An CGC and Therapy Dog International dog. She has visited hospices, schools and nursing homes. They are a blessing to my dad as he dog sits during the day and it gives him a purpose to be here for them. They are great therapy and have given us so much unconditional love.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014

    Dear Sisters in Christ,

    I am home now, having lost 32 pounds and breathing easy. The docs are saying a reaction to abraxane caused the swelling. Taking a chemo break. Exhausted. We are getting used to the electric bed.

    Love across the miles,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Anita: Wow! So glad you are home. And they found out the culprit. So glad you are breathing much better. I am sure you are glad to be home. Rest dear sister.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Char, Glad your race is over. I can't imagine running with that many people. I can't imagine running at all actually. LOL  I commend you for committing to all of these races. I am just trying to get some walking in so I can tackle this State Park where I can hike and take pictures hopefully soon. I think I figured out my mystery pain. I got my ultrasound results yesterday (on my electronic records) and I have a couple of lesions in the kidney and spleen hopefully of no concern. I will wait and see if my doctor's offices calls me tomorrow. I think I have had two different things going on. I was driving last night after getting the US results and racking my brain on what could be the problem with this pain. It was like the Lord dropped this into my brain. I thought it must be a muscle and I actually spoke out loud hip flexor! I have had a lot of problems with that in the past but since I can't see my muscle therapist any more it has been a long time since I dealt with it and it was totally off my radar. I do think all the stomach pain and diarrhea was from the Arimidex. I have had much improvement just in the last few days and I think I will contact my oncologist and tell him I want to wait on stopping the drug. He wanted me to stop it for a week and see what happens if my US came back normal.

    Your dogs are so cute. I would love to do the dog therapy kind of thing but that would probably not work unless I owned the dog. My cat would NOT appreciate it either.


    Bev, So glad that all of these "coincidences" worked out for you. We know that the Lord orchestrates most of them.

    Anita, So glad you are home from the hospital. What an ordeal you have been through. Rest and be good to yourself.

                                                                  DAY #11 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE


    I am so grateful for my church. Our music department is out of this world and it ministers to me in such a powerful way. The choir sang a favorite of mine ( I don't even know the name) and the soloist who has sung it before always gets to me. I had tears streaming down my face as it just ministered to me so much. Our pastoral staff is amazing. I go to a huge church with many pastors and we are so blessed by such a dynamic team. One thing that is so cool about our church is we have so many nationalities represented. It is the way I envision heaven will be.........totally color blind and all worshiping the Lord as One body.


    Have a wonderful week everyone and I pray for those who are still in active treatments that your SE will be improving for those who have had a hard time and for those who are about to start a new treatment. Angie, I hope you are resting in the comfort of your own home now. Mags, hope you are feeling better today.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2014

    I am grateful for a normal CT scan! PTL


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Jean: God has such a way of changing our demeanor and allowing those around us to be blessed by it as well. Having the support of a good husband is wonderful. I feel the same way as you

    Day 11: I am thankful for my nephew that I raised. He has been so supportive to me as I attempt to run a few races at this late age. He is always encouraging and having him there and knowing he will be at the finish line cheering me on has been a blessing. I think that I might be more willing to back out of races if not for him doing them with me. Oh and the doctors do think he had a mini stroke a couple weeks ago but told him to go on with his life and look at it as something that was just rare and unusual. He is just trusting God to take care of it and is going to continue to run and live life.i guess he will cross that bridge should it occur again. All of his tests came back normal and showed no reason for him to have a stroke. 

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Grateful today for feeling better, for this being my good week before the next chemo  next Monday.  Grateful for sunshine, falling colored leaves, birds at the feeders, my dear hubby who just got my coffee. Love, Jean 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

                                 DAY # 12 OF 50  DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    Good morning ladies. It is another glorious day in Illinois. I pray that we all have a wonderful day and are aware of the many blessings God showers on us every single day.

    I am grateful that my injured rotator cuff has turned a corner after being injured on my Dad's birthday, March 11 during a breast ultrasound. Because of my muscle issues it takes much longer for me to heal and I think I am about 95% healed and I am so grateful. There was a time that I didn't think it was going to get better so thank you Lord for your continued blessings and helping me to grow my faith in you. I pray that one day I will be able to do what the Ocean's song says " My faith has no boundaries."

    Jean, embrace this week off and soak up all the blessings of this season. Glad you are feeling better.

    Mini, glad your scan came back normal. PTL

    Anita, I hope you feel better each day that you are at home.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Greetings, sisters in Christ. I know I have missed several days of our gratitude exercise and I beg your indulgence for that. I have been doing well to offer up my daily gratitude for the thorn with which He has gifted me.

    And today I want to offer my gratitude for all of you. When I have been at the very bottom of the pit, I knew that I could count on your faithfulness to bring me before the throne of grace. I knew that the pit was a temporary place, though it seems to change its duration each time. I can honestly say that this weekend was the worst yet, and it has left me weak as a kitten. I went to get water from the dispenser today and spilled all over the floor because I couldn't hold the bottle without shaking badly. My sweet cousin indulged me in my craving for fresh powdered sugar donuts, which I have consumed greedily with my coffee. It's going to be a few more days before I'm strong enough even to make my bed. But I am so thankful for you, each of you, and I want you to know that even when I can do nothing else, I can lie in bed and pray for you as I know you are praying for me. You are so precious to me and I follow the requests and stories as best I can, although when my memory fails I know that the Lord knows better than I. Char, I was praying for your race on Sunday and really glad to hear a good report though sorry for the heat on that hill. Nancy, I have been praying for your tummy and hope that you will be ok. I will also pray for your shoulder, as I know how painful that can be (I've had 2 rotator cuff surgeries on my left shoulder, it was excruciating when I had to hold my arm above my head for the breast MRI). And I'm continuing to pray for Sue. 

    Lucy, as I read your request for prayer concerning the tugging at you to speak, I was reminded of what the Lord promised, that He would give us the words when we need them. Of course you cannot do this in your own strength or power, and you shouldn't even try. But lean on your advocate to provide you with the words to use, and leave the results in His hands, as you don't know where the seeds you sow will take root.

    I have not heard anything from Angie, so I will see what I can find out. Blessings to you all, my sisters.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2014

    I'm grateful for this most beautiful autumn day! Enjoying God's handiwork.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Hi Lady Warriors:

    So I called 4 different hospitals with the prefix 720 to see if any of them had a Sue Hughs or Houghs admitted over the past few weeks.  No luck!  I only have that to go on as the number I called her when she answered in the hospital was 720.848.5689.  It just keeps ringing so maybe no one is in that room.  I don't recall what hospital it was or if she even said.  I don't recall her saying what denomination she was at this time I believe she mentioned Baptist but that could have been at some point in her path.  I also don't recall her brothers name other than I know he was a pastor as well.  I do recall her saying that if she was concerned she may have to be sent to a rehab center if she couldn't get that help she lined up at her home.  She didn't say where if it would happen.  I just don't have anything more to go on.  I call her home and cell phone and just get the message to leave a message.

    Jean I don't know if there is ever too much TMI on this board.  I have read a few things that could be considered TMI but I don't know it that applies with all the various se's we have to deal  I am glad you have an understanding and supportive DH regarding your intimacy or lack of it...I am sure we have all experienced it, I know I sure have.  I thank God for my DH often because I know if it was all about visual it would have been a rough year and I am so happy to say it is not an issue for me.  Praise God!!!

    Anita, glad you're home and resting.  Get stronger friend.  How long were you on the Abraxane? I was on it for 6 months/weekly doses and I didn't have any issues.  Is this a normal se for it? 

    Thank you for all your support on my testimony, I will let you know when this may happen and I will leave it in Gods hands for sure to guide my words and give my strength to be bold. 

    Day #12 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    I am grateful for God directing me to this board and the relationships I have found in all of you amazing women.  I am so glad and proud to call you all my friends when I speak of you to my other friends and my DH. He also had the pleasure of speaking with Sue when she would call.  So thankful for all of you.

    Have a blessed afternoon...check back later...Lucy


    Here is a pic of our little Gidget.  She is 13 and will be 14 on 1/4/15.  She is a mini Dachshund and she brings us much joy.  She is very spoiled and goes with us everywhere she can and even when she can' 


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Day 12:

    I am grateful for my gardens. I always say that I want God to put me to work in the garden even though we won't labor in least let me pretend to grow things. I so enjoy the therapy that gardening gives me. It's cheaper than real therapy and it is in the garden when I feel so close to God. I spend time talking to Him while I wonder there. I also love the sites and smells of so many flowers. Even if I knew the world would end tomorrow, I would still plant my garden.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014


    Thanks again for your efforts in finding Sue. Do you call Sue on a cell phone or home phone? Your dog is adorable. Mine go everywhere with us too.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Char I have tried both Sue's cell and home phone. I have left messages on both. So discouraging...praying. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Lucy, I have a lead. The number you posted from Sue's hospital room is from a hospital in Aurora, Co. ( I am pretty sure but not certain)

    There is apparently a complex of buildings with two different addresses.

    University Hospital

    1665 Aurora Ct.

    Aurora, Co. 80045

    720 848-0100



    University Senior Clinic

    1635 Aurora Ct.

    Aurora, CO 80045

    720 848-3400

    I called both places and they have normal business hours and I called my time before 8PM after seeing your post.

    It would be 7PM in Colorado time I believe.


    One of those numbers said something about radiation and unfortunately I don't remember which. It was shortly afterwards that I realized they were probably both in the same general location probably next door to each other.

    There is a reverse look up in the white pages and that is how I knew this number came from a landline phone in Aurora, CO.


    Unfortunately I just had a phone conversation with an old friend I hadn't talked to in a very long time. We had a mutual elderly friend and we were both close to this person. I went to see this elderly friend years ago and realized she was probably succumbing to dementia. She told me she was moving and she didn't know where she was moving to. I searched and searched to find her and never did. My friend and I assumed she was not living at this point. It is very sad when this kind of thing happens.

    I do feel like this is definitely getting closer to where she was. Unfortunately with all the privacy laws in place it may be very difficult to get any information out of anyone.

    Did Sue tell you her last name since you thought it might be Hughes or something like that. I can maybe see what I can find out at the 22 churches in Morris that her brother was a pastor. I don't know if Sue ever married so that could be a lead with the same last name.

    I'll see what I can come up with.





  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014

    Nancy, Mags, Sue, everyone,

    Things are going well for me at home. It's wonderful to breathe and move about without my pulse jumping through the roof. I was on abraxane for about 35 doses and I seem to have been genetically programmed for these se. Not everyone is!

    Love across the miles,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Hi Nancy...I do know Sue never married. Her last name is spelled one of two ways...Houghs or Hughs. That is a good lead thank you for trying. I do know that the privacy laws are in affect so it will be a challenge. I did tell one of the gals I spoke with of our situation and she seemed genuinely sincere and wanting to help. I think it was an older person perhaps a volunteer. Keep us posted if you hear anymore. 

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Sisters, I had a PM from Angie today. I will paste it here so you can have it in her own words.

    "I am home from the hospital. It was an infection and they removed my port and some tissue. I also developed a blood clot in the neck vein due to the port catheter and this was something they discovered while doing their due diligence with the port infection. God looked after me on that one and I can't help but praise Him for that. I came in for one thing and he ensured both were taken care of. I am at home and will probably try to get on the other boards later this week. I am on so two medications right now for the infection and two to thin the blood and this is along with the chemo regimen . I now have appointments for chemo and also follow-ups for the next 3 months for the blood clot as the coumidin (sp?) has to be followed weekly so it will be a busy 3 months but I will Not make it on my own strength but the Lord's. Keep my in your prayers as I recover from the infection and they deal with this blood clot caused by the port, which they say having both at the same time happens is less than 1% of the cases.

    "God Bless,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Hi Lucy,

    I have spent several hours tonight trying investigate the 22 churches. It has been a very slow and tedious and frustrating process unfortunately. Because Morris is a small town one website only gave the first name of the pastor. Also trying to navigate through the websites has been frustrating. Actually something you said was encouraging I thought. When Sue said that she feared she might have to go to a rehab facility I am hoping that is the case and not the alternative. If her phone died I imagine that would be a real problem for her brother. I can also try looking up those names in Glen Ellyn where her mom lives.

    I am disappointed that I have taken a couple of steps backwards the last two days and will probably have to call my oncologist and stop the cancer drug for a week. I had been doing much better and thought I would not have to stop it at all so this has been very disappointing.

    Hopefully something will happen in our search for Sue.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Anita, I am glad you are doing much better and that you are at home.

    Mags, So sorry that you are so weak and having such a tough time. I am continuing to pray for you and your side effects. Thanks for sharing Angies PM. My continued prayers go up for her as well and so glad they caught this blot clot.

    MIni, It has been beautiful weather here as well. Temps have already taken a dive and we have a cold front coming in. This was a nice long stretch of beautiful weather that we have enjoyed here.

    Lucy, Your little Gidget is a sweetie pie.

    Char, I am with you on the passion for my garden. It is so therapeutic to garden and see God's miracle of life and the beauty that he has created in even one flower let alone the thousands that we get to enjoy.

    I had a nice walk today in which I prayed for every single one of you here. I prayed also for salvation for Dave and David, spouses of Bev and Deborah. My BIL is not a Christian and I have prayed for him for years and I will continue to do so.

    I am finally getting in to see my eye doctor tomorrow which should have taken place weeks ago but my stomach thing started and it was not possible. I just pray I can get through all those little tests without any stomach eruptions. I was very saddened to find out my eye doctor of many years is now in semi retirement so I probably wont' get to see him anymore. I have a detached vitrious in both eyes which was supposed to settle down within six months. Instead of my floaters settling they have gotten considerably worse to the point it is hard to see clearly. This all started a year ago in July and August.

    Have a restful night everyone.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Thanks Nancy for all your efforts. I so appreciate you right now.  The one thing I wanted to add was regarding the rehab it was for sure she was going. That is why she so diligently worked to get the support at home so she would maybe not have to go to rehab. She is so independent and it is hard for her to need help. I pray you find out more to at least let us know what is going on. 

    Blessings Lucy 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014


    In our family there were 6 girls growing up and 2 moved to Seattle area.our baby sis is flying into the Midwest soon and I am afraid I will miss her. You live in a beautiful area of th country. 

    Love across the miles, 


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Anita...yes I love this area and feel so blessed as we get to enjoy all the seasons. Have you ever been here for a visit?  So glad you're feeling better. Love when God answers our prayers. Lucy 

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited September 2014

    I have been very conflicted to ask for prayer here even though I keep up with all of you. You seem like such a tight knit group and I could never remember everyone's name and needs like you folks do. Plus, all of you say such pretty prayers while mine are not but I do pray every day. I also pray for you even though you don't know me and I don't write.

    However, I would like to ask for prayers to help me find a church! I know that sounds so simple but it isn't. I was raised Baptist, became Methodist, then Presbyterian and now married to a Catholic! It seems I'm either too conservative or too liberal or too Miss know-it-all to fit in anywhere. I currently belong to a large Methodist church but I'm not comfortable there. They have the music that is a big part of my worship but it's kind of snooty. I took my Stephen Ministry training there but the groups are cliques.

    I was going to try a new church this past Sunday but changed my mind because they are so strict.  I'm not sure they allow women to breathe there! So, there starts my attitude. I am so blessed though. I have a wonderful daughter raising her family, 4 grandchildren, in a Bible-based churched. They live in northeastern OK and the 9 yr old asked me last month if I went to church. That really bothered me. They have such a strong church family. I've never had that yet I know I want and need it in my life.

    Any prayer would be so appreciated. You are a powerful group and I believe in the power of prayer.

    Blessings, Polly

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Lucy, Could you PM me Sue's home phone. That would be a big help in my search. With a last name of Hughes or Hough I am getting nowhere. It is 1:30 am and I have been searching for hours to find her brother and so far nothing. If I had her home phone there is an amazing amount of info for free online if you look in the right places. They also list relatives and where they live. Must get to bed.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Hi Polly,

    We are all here to pray for one another so we can absolutely pray for you to find a good church home. I was raised in the Methodist church and now have been a part of an Assembly of God church for many years. Very different types of churches so I think I have a glimpse into your dilemma. The thing is God knows your heart and I believe He will lead you to the church that He wants for you and of course that you will be comfortable with and be able to grow in Him. Please don't ever feel like you can't post. We all had to start here at some point. I still consider myself a newbie on this thread compared with many of the ladies here. It is a nice little family. We have a bond in the Lord and we pray for each other and that creates a bond in the Lord which is very special. It is nice to meet you.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Polly: Welcome and my prayers will be with you for finding a church. I have struggled with the same issues in the past. My church is not necessarily where I would want to be forever but I do love many of the people there and I am beyond the overboard strict guidelines they have with dress for women. I dress appropriately but God knows my heart and he knows yours. He will lead you to the best place. Just seek and you will find.

    Nancy: I was going to ask about the phone number for reverse look up and names of other family members they list. That is why I asked Lucy about them. But you are on the right tract. Keep digging.

    Sorry to here that you may have to go off your medicine. 

    Anita: Glad you are improving evenic it's slowly.

    Mags: Thanks for updates on Angie.