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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2014

    I am grateful for this site and the wonderful friendships I have made with all of these women. I am blessed to have the opportunity to fellowship with each of you.

    I am also grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to run again. When I started running March of 2013, it was after I lost 80 some pounds of weight. I had gone through an intervention called conviction of the Holy Spirit. For quite a while I had felt like such a hypocrite as I told my students how important it was to be healthy and fit and here I was an obese woman. God had put me under some deep conviction and from late summer of 2012 through 2013 I lost my weight. One day at a time a pound at a time. In March of 2013 I began running. I always hated running and wanted to know what it was that everyone liked about it. So after years of protest, I started running...a 1/2 mile, 2, 3, 5 etc and to keep me committed I signed up to run a sprint triathlon. It was my very first race. I got up each morning dreading the run but afterwards feeling so good about what I was able to do. Last year was so wonderful for me. And then in August, I went through breast biopsies, tests, surgery and still i continued to run. It was a respite in the storms that were starting to stir in my life. In January my running ended with my knee injury. In March it was knee surgery and for the first time in my life, I felt like I would never run again. PT did not work and in June I was at a low in my life. I said, okay God, you gave me running and now you are taking it away. I finally accepted the fact that i would have to stick to biking and walking until God gave me a glimmer of hope with new therapists. It has been a slow haul but my knee although still painful at times is getting stronger. I never thought i would be running a mile let alone 10 miles. So thank you God for giving me back my wings so I can soar again. Thank you for every single agonizing step that some runs bring and thank you for the time to fellowship with you and pray for my family, friends, this country and my dear sisters on this site. You lay on my heart so many things during my runs and I feel so blessed because it is in those early morning hours when everyone is sleeping that I am out in your beautiful world with you.

    I read a blog of a woman that had cancer. She was a runner and she ran these running trails every day. She said that some days she could barely run them and some days she walked them. She said that it was the one constant that she had that helped her get through her cancer. Well I understand how she felt even though I believe that God is that One constant that gets us through each day. Situations may change, our health may change, we may experience loss or we may experience victories but God is the compass that keeps all of us on course. May God be your compass each day and keep all of you on course even when it seems that the storms in our live wants to knock us off course.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2014

    Char, what a blessing and inspiration you are! Thanks for sharing your journey with us....and can't wait to hear how God gives you superhuman strength for that race on Sunday. You go, girl!!!

    Jean, Angie and Mags - I'm so glad you're doing well with chemo. God is going to get you through....even though the treatment plan sounds so long and involved, you'll be looking back at it before you know it - and seeing little hairs sprout where there used to be none! :)

    Nancy, I'm so glad you've gotten your computer "stuff" at least a little under control. When I read that you thought you might not be able to be on the thread for a few days, I felt like we'd be lost without our cheerleader!

    A couple of updates - Deborah and I and another friend (who just completed rads) are going to meet on the day before Thanksgiving when she visits her mom in Texas - yay! She's keeping very busy with work, family and was involved with her community's breast cancer awareness program this month. She's praying for all the Dave/Davids!

    Sharon is still teaching full time as a special education sub. Please pray for her to have strength and patience - both with the children and the aides, who are pretty challenging to work with. She's looking forward to getting to the beach but that probably won't happen till at least January or maybe February. They're still waiting for God's timing with sale of their house - but they'll be able to use the money she's earning to put on a new roof and new heating system so hopefully that will help with a sale.

    I'm doing just fine - hanging out with my greyhounds (actually got a new foster today) while my husband is leading a bicycling trip in Big Bend, Texas this week. Lazy time for me - haven't had to plan dinners in a week!

    love you ladies - Bev

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014



    Hi Ladies,

    God had blessed us with amazing weather. I am bundled up but it is 60 degrees. It was awesome today. We had a nice campfire tonight. The group pic is of me and my DH and my brother. Today another nice day. Have a restful sleep. Blessings to you all.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Char, Thanks for sharing your inspirational story. I have been praying for your big race. I have prayed for physical toughness and mental toughness as I know both are so important in something like this. I pray that your knee stays strong and does not give you any trouble. We will be cheering you on in spirit. There is a marathon here on Sunday and that have routed it through main streets on purpose so that it will be a parade like atmosphere and the onlookers can be along the route cheering everyone as they go. We are really big on parades and just started sponsoring marathons just last year. I am not sure how I will get to church at this point! Road will be closed.


    Bev, Thanks for the update on Deborah and Sharon. I still pray for them both and I have prayed for patience for Sharon as I know you had mentioned her aide is not the most compassionate person with these special needs children. I know Deborah is very busy. I have been still praying for the Dave and Davids and Howard. Enjoy your new foster dog. That is so great that you do that. I am glad you are doing well and have a little break from planning meals.


    Lucy, Thanks for sending the pics. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Which of the men is DH and brother? You look so cute all bundled up. Enjoy you special time.


    I am throwing in the towel for tonight. I got my computer all hooked up and no picture on monitor. SCREAM! Yes this is the time I might throw it out the window. No manual and one very not helpful picture. I had more usb cords than slots in the back so right off it was a challenge. My cat was not being helpful so she almost got sent to her room!

    I won't have much time to deal with it tomorrow but maybe I will figure something out so I won't have to pay more money for a Geek to come out and set it up. The fraud protection on my credit card put a hold on my card because they thought it was unusual activity on my card. That was ME spending a fortune on this computer! Yes, these last few days have been a challenge. I have a rash that started on my back that is itching like crazy. I am not sure if poison ivy could show up days later since I went hiking last week or not. I would appreciate your prayers for getting this computer up and running and finding something that will stop this itch.


    Have a great week end.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited November 2014

    Well, we are home from the Gaither concert and what a treat it was! A couple of the highlights: David Phelps' spine-tingling rendition of The Lord's Prayer, and closing out the concert, The King Is Coming. Oh my! There were a couple of new faces, Guy Penrod and Mark Lowry were not there, but the music was outstanding, and there was a lot of laughter as well. The guys all tease Bill Gaither about his age, and he takes it all in stride. It's the first time I've been in church since before my surgery. It was a huge stretch physically, but I survived (though I suspect it will take a while to recover). Our church has a very special relationship with the Gaithers; our senior pastor worked there before he came to our church many years ago as a youth pastor and subsequently called to be senior pastor. He's also a fine trumpet player, and both he and his wife have great voices. We have another Gaither alumnus at our church, Sandi Patty, whose husband leads one of the choirs my cousin sings in. We are blessed with outstanding music.

    I have pictures.


    DH took a picture of my cousin & me. (I wore my wig and put on a bit of makeup.)


    Goodnight, dear sisters. Praying for you tonight.

  • Redhead01
    Redhead01 Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2014

    Good morning ladies! Please excuse my absence, as I have been busy trying to self-educate and shop/prepare for the week ahead.  Having port put in on Monday, will have an education class on Wednesday...and first TC chemo the next day, followed by Neulasta shot on Saturday.  I feel like I'm on that slow climb to the top of a roller-coaster, anticipation is the worst...not sleeping much.  Trying to wrap my head around the fact that SE's won't kill me, but cancer can.  My favorite Bible verse, Psalm 27:1  The Lord is my light and my salvation. In what then, should I fear? NOTHING  Enjoy the weekend :)

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2014

    Good morning all! Redhead, saw your post - you certainly have a busy week ahead and we'll be praying. It will be good to have the first chemo behind you - just to get some of the unknown out of the equation. Where in PA are you? You probably know Char is in Pittsburgh. I moved from the Harrisburg/York area to Texas 3 years ago and my parents and sisters are in Erie, PA. So - I've driven many miles over PA roads!

    Nancy, praying for the itching and computer "stuff". Computers are so wonderful and we take them for granted.....but how frustrating when they're not working! I finally decided to buy a tablet and checked all around, then decided to buy one at Costco. As I walked out the door with it yesterday, they handed out a holiday sale flyer....and the exact tablet I bought is on sale for $100 off at the end of November. I'm so cheap - it's going to stay right in the box and go back next week. I've waited this long, I can sure wait another two weeks to save $100!

    Lucy, love the pictures - enjoy the beach!

    Have a blessed weekend, ladies (and praying for that race tomorrow, Char!) - Bev

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Morning warriors,

    DH is the tall one, that is Steve. My brother is Tino and 5 years older than I. I posted it again as the other one didn't look clear for some reason. Supposed to be prettier today. Lots more people too as it's razor clam digging so should be fun to watch. Oh that's our little dog Gidget too.


    Saw this and wanted to share...


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Good morning dear sister/warriors. This week was pretty good on the Taxol 12 week regimen with Herceptin/Perjeta every 3 weeks. A bit fatigued with some D but manageable. Monday is port placement (my choice) then the Taxol. Did some laundry and cleaned the microwave this morning. Hopefully I can get the most important things done before port surgery Monday. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi all,

    Redhead (Ginny) I know for me the anticipation of an actual event and the anxiety that goes along with that usually turns out to be much worse than the actual event. I will be praying that you will sail through your treatments as some do. We are here for you. That is the purpose of this thread.

    Bev, Thanks for the prayers. I have good news, sort of good news and still needing prayer. The good news is I am the MOST determined person you will ever meet. I stayed up until 2 am working with my computer. I did get it up and working. It could be one of the jacks for the monitor is defective. I tried another one and it worked. Now I just don't have sound. I use the audio portion in my online Bible daily so I NEED that.  I will probably spend the night on that project. I am still itching like crazy and nothing even prescription stuff for another issue is giving any relief. I ate out with some friends on Wed night. I am severely gluten intolerant (found out last year) and I don't go out to eat much. I went to a place I hadn't been and they put crotons on my salad which I picked off but it could be a reaction to that. So I would appreciate continued prayers. I have a lot of things going on next week and not sure when I will fit in another doctor apt. I am right there with you if I could save $100. You are being smart, not cheap! Enjoy your new dog.

    Lucy, Thanks for the newer picture and update. I didn't even see Gidget in the first one and wondered what that blue thing was you were holding. DUH That is kind of how my week has been. My mind has been someplace else apart from my body!  I like that quote. I need to hear that today.

    Mags, You look terrific and you look so happy. Your cousin looks great. I would never know she is as old as you said. My Dad loved the Gaithers. My mom still has all of the old VHS tapes that he made of them when he was living. I miss John and Vestile.

    Jean, I sure hope this leg of your journey continues to be doable.

    Char, Can't wait to hear of your victories after the big race tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend everyone.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014

    Hi All, doing well after Taxol #2, thank you so much for your prayers. There are SEs (side effects) but minimal or not has bad as the AC treatments.

    Redhead, thinking of you as your prepare and in anticipation of the first treatment. My advice, is to watch for the side effects -- but praying for none -- and stay ahead of them and managing them is the most important. You have probably heard to stay hydrated by drink lots of water or intake of fluids -- that is very important before your treatments and after. Did you join a thread in the Before/Atfer/During Chemo area where you can walk through your journey with others that are going through chemo at the same time as you? I host the August 2014 Chemo thread and it does wonders in helping share SEs, experiences, etc on how to manage them, etc. Mags host the July 2014 thread. I am praying for you.

    Nancy, hey on the computer. I am like you I would have worked until it was doneSmile. Praying you get relief from the itching.

    Bev, congrats on the tablet. I also would wait another week to save $100. I know you will enjoy it, as I really like mine and take it everywhere

    Lucy, enjoy the weekend and hope you have a very, very relaxing time. Love the pictures!

    Mags, love your picture. You look so beautiful and refreshed. Your smile is just contiguous!

    Jean, glad you are doing well with Taxol. Any SEs? My main one is fatigue and acid reflux. Fatigue I just sleep with the acid reflux they have given me a prescription finally since it is getting worse after AC.

    Char, go, go go! Cheering you on. You are an inspiration for me to continue to get up and move!

    Tobbycc, how are you doing?

    Mini, how are you doing? Still covering you in prayer for speedy recovery, minimal pain and no other residual effects from the surgery.

    Anita, hugs across the miles. Miss your post. How are you doing?

    Hugs and prayers to all!


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    I am feeling much better today. I still have stitches, and I'm pretty black and blue, but the pain meds are keeping the pain at bay. Sleeping isn't too comfortable, but all in all, I'm good. :-) Thank you for all of your prayers.

    I am grateful today for God keeping me from t-boning another car. I was a road warrior for my job for years and have had my share of close calls, but today the driver in the lane next to me in the left lane, with their left blinker on, turned right directly in front of me. I stomped on the brakes and managed stop with only some paint being scraped off my bumper. I didn't even get out of the car because if I had, what I would have said would not have been remotely Christ-like. I added them to my list of reasons why I don't carry a gun!

    Blessings All

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    imageMini....glad our prayers are working. Continued focused prayer for you for a speedy recovery.

    Angie, Prilosec works wonders for me. I start a couple days before treatment can your MO call in something?

    Bev, good call on waiting on the tablet. I live on mine

    Char, looking for picture from the race! Cheering you on in spirit

    Mags, picture of pure light and beauty you are!

    Lucy....thanks for sharing. Looks gorgeous

    Went for my third round of taxotere/cytoxen yesterday. MO said no due to the horrible skin reaction I had. So, off to 12 rounds of taxol. First one yesterday. Actually fell asleep in chair due to bendryl. Went to lunch with DH and sleep for 4 hours. Nausea, but Zofran works. Legs painful and weak. But, this is minimal. I am always reminded how my suffering is a complete zero compared to what He has done for me.

    Brandy, a sweet, beautiful 48 year old wife and mom of a 7 year old who is a nurse at my center found out her BC has returned to her liver and spine. So I went to hallmark and loaded up for her. Please keep her in your prayers. I will tell her about this site.

    Well, here I am in my glory at treatment yesterday. I will go on Fridays unless work dictates Saturday.

    I am grateful for a loving God that brings me peace. For Christmas music, the smell of DH making me chicken soup . Oh, we watched Gods Not Dead last night. What an awesome movie. Highly recommend

    Love, and prayers to all

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Mini, Glad you are doing better and really glad you were not hurt in this car mishap. I can SO relate on the not carrying a gun. I havenot really been myself the last few days and just out of sorts and I had so many run ins today with rude drivers and believe me this was NOT the day to mess with me. LOL Praying that you get better each day.

    Angie, I have a history of acid reflux and was on meds for quite a long time. I don't have to be on them now but I too always have some OC Prilosec on hand when it rears it's ugly head and it does work quite well.

    Kath, Lovely picture. I am glad you don't have to endure any more treatments like the one you had with the rash. Does that mean you are done with those and on to the next bunch. You will have to forgive me because I am chemo ignorant even though I have learned a lot just by hearing all of your stories. I will add Brandy to my prayers. We have a KateW here who is in a similar situation whom we have been praying for as well.

    After dinner I will continue to tackle my computer issues. I do have Geek support for software issues which I  do have some of those. I can't figure out why I can't get sound though. I know it will eventually get straightened out.

    I was able to do my volunteering at the assisted living place today. We minister to the Alzheimer's floor. I never have gone casual but today I just didn't feel like getting dressed up. I guess the Lord knew that I needed some running shoes on. Their resident Thumper the dog walked right out the door with us as we were leaving. I said I don't think he is supposed to be out here. Well he wasn't. I was able to round him up after he had traveled quite a bit away from the building but he is a big guy and way too heavy for me to carry so grabbing on to his collar he pretty much ran me back to the lady who came out with a leash. A sight to behold. LOL I am always uplifted after leaving this place. You would think possibly the opposite but I know that the Holy Spirit is present and I can see how their faces light up when we sing the old hymns. I shared with them about our 50 days of gratitude and how we have a little prayer chain right online. They are very special to me.

    Have a great evening everyone and a great day for Debbie.

    Love you all,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Glad to hear everyone posted is doing well for the most part. We had another beautiful blessed day at the ocean. I can't believe how nice it is.

    We are headed to dinner at an authentic Irish pub. Food is delish.

    Have a good evening. Lucy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2014

    Wow, Toby, wish I'd looked that good while I was getting chemo! Actually I never thought I looked that horrible (maybe God was just blinding my eyes so I didn't feel too discouraged?) but about a month after I finished chemo, one of the older men in my neighborhood told me how good I was looking - then added that I'd really looked sick for a while. Sheesh! I told a couple of my friends about his comment and said I was a bit miffed that they'd never told me how awful I looked and (of course) they said I never looked bad. I hope all you ladies going through chemo know about the Look Good Feel Better classes? They should have them at most of the places where you get treatment - they have a volunteer makeup professional come to show you how to use makeup - and best of all, give you a whole big bag of samples. The number is 800-395-5665 - it's a 24 hour line, manned by volunteers who can help answer any questions you have about cancer. I called a couple of times and they were very helpful and understanding.

    Hope everybody has a blessed Sunday - run the good race, Char....and Nancy, hope those computer gremlins start cooperating really soon! So glad you had a good day at the assisted living center today. Isn't it so true that often we get much more of a blessing when we do the giving than when we're on the receiving end?

    love you warrior friends - Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Yeah Bev, I agree Kath looks great. Yes, I do think there is more reward in the giving. It is so very hard for me to receive but I realize that if we didn't then our friends would not get a blessing.  I just got done chatting with my Geek squad guy that remotely got my email up and running. There is NO way I would have been able to do that. I watched him. Wish I had a photographic memory. I got my sound up and running but not sure if I will electrocute myself if I did it wrong. I just know my speakers have been making all of this interference noise but I do have sound. PTL  Slowly but surely it will come together.

    Lucy, Glad you are having a great time.

    Char. Last prayers going up for you for a great race. You go girl!

    Good night everyone. I just realized my itching has improved. Thank you for your prayers.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Run the good race Char...were all with you in spirit.

    Good night Warriors.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited November 2014

    We kinda went to church this morning... We found out our church has live stream of their 9:30 service, so DH put it on the big tv in the den for us this morning, and we're planning to do that until I'm up to getting out regularly. The sermon was on fear. It may sound odd, but I've really had no fear throughout this. I know I'm in the best hands, both temporally and eternally, and I'm doing what needs to be done medically, and beyond that, there really is nothing to fear. Thank you, Lord, that my times are in your hands.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Mags that's a blessing today for you to be able to stream your service. That would be so cool. We were doing that for a while but it was a video being taped and not live. I think they are working on something like that. That would have been great today while we were camping. We just got home a few min ago. I took my iPod and had worship while cooking breakfast and while packing up and all the way home. So I had a little bit of church too. Not the same or as good as you had but need the recharge for sure.

    Blessings to all.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Hubby and I got out to the Senior Banquet at church. It was a blessing. Down to Sloan Kettering very early for port placement then taxol. Hope you are all doing well. Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2014

    Hello Ladies of Faith,

    So good to hear from everyone and what is taking place in your lives. My prayers go out to each of you more than you know. Praying for everyone having new rounds of treatment and none or very minimal side effects.

    Mini: So glad to hear you are mending from your surgery. I will pray for some good nights of sleep. Mini, you crack me up. I loved the gun comment. We all have those moments when we are reminded that we forget to be Christ like. But bad driving does not take much. We watched to drivers run the same red light at an intersection in Pittsburgh yesterday while picking up my race packet. I am sure they do it all the time at the red light. i think the city of Pittsburgh needs to put an unmarked car there. They could make a killing on ticketing.

    Nancy: Sorry about the itching and the computer issues. Hope both are resolved soon.

    Lucy: I am so jealous. Gaithers at your, wow, and wow. I could only wish. And you have Sandy Patty too. Oh now I am really becoming envious....forgive me Lord. I am sure it was a spectacular concert.

    A Kate W update: She is having a real time. Alternator went in her car, computer has a virus, she has a cold and sore throat. child fell down steps and they thought she broke her toes but she hyper extended all of them. Keep her in prayer. Seems like she is getting hit from all sides.

    Thank you everyone for praying for me today. I humbly feel a bit guilty running races on Sunday when I should be in church but I don't do it often and I really do pray for people when I am running. The day was supposed to be in the low 30's with 70% chance of rain. It was a comfortable 35 to start and slowly climbed to the low 40's by race end. I decided to tape my knee with KT tape which did help. I went for lighter apparel even though it was cold to start and still sweated up a storm through my tied headband and a dri fit head band. The race had some good hills in it though they claimed it was a level course. They failed to mention that part. And wow bridges have some steep climbs. I ran across one of those bridges two years ago in a one mile race but it all came back to me. Meanwhile I had to cross over four in all. The last part of the race was the easiest part of the course but my legs were running out of steam and I had to seriously concentrate to not stop and walk. I kept saying that I got this far, I can suffer and make it through the last mile one tenth at a time. My nephew definitely did well with an 8 minute mile average. He finished in 1:20. I on the other hand still was going 25 more minutes but I did shave off two minutes off my 10 mile time and came in under the two hour mark. Considering I was running 12:30 minute miles this past June, I am slowing getting back to my 10:00/10:30 min. mile pace.I finished 11th in my division with it coming down to seconds separating some of us and there were lots of young people finishing behind me so all and all I feel good. I enjoyed running through my city and seeing in from a different perspective. I dedicated this race to my dad because I could not run my half marathon in May. I also wore pink in honor of all of you.


    My running partner and nephew Gary before the race.

    Nephew finishing his race

    My nephew finishing the race.


    Here I am coming in to the finish line. I think the two gals around me look worse for wear than I do.


    Here I am with my nephew and his two children as we show off our medals. Which by the way were quite heavy and could be used as a defense weapon if ever needed.


    My race dedication was to my dad. My nephew's wife said how nice of me and then turned to her husband and looked at his. He put his last name on I also wore my pink in honor of all of you, my true heroes.

    Okay.....I wish all of you a good day tomorrow and thank you again for your heartfelt prayers.

    Love in Christ,

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    Jean, do they put you completely out for port? I don't have one for taxol.....wondering about that, but with my heart condition surgery is not good. Prayers for successful outcome tomorrow, with god guiding the doctors hands.

    Spirit, sounds like you had a wonderful time. :)

    Mags, I wish mine had a live feed. I feel guilty not going, but iI know my body. I was so blessed it was rainy here all day. I needed to rest, and gear up for work. I am grateful today for the comforts he has given me, a husband that loves me, the grace to control my complaints, and as much as I love our boys, I am grateful they are in college and not here to see me not feel good. I think Joyce Meyer may be on later....could use it

    God has blessed me in so many ways. Like you Mags, I am not one to fear "what if" it comes back, etc.

    Nancy, how are you feeling? Sure hope the sound is up on the computer, prayers of thankfulness the itching has stopped a bit. Continued prayers.

    I was blessed to be referred to a wonderful stylist who picked out my wig and styled it. I had warned my staff I was going for a different look. I think I mentioned only one knows at work, and a few of my board members.

    Some need to be open, and I completely respect that. This is my personal journey, and one I prefer not to share with my team.

    Nancy, it is hard for me to receive too. This has been a lesson for me, and my pastor and I worked on letting others reach out to me, which I have done. I have a core group from church I know I can ask anything for.

    Wonder how the race was Char?

    Sally Jack, you are beautiful! Hoping my hair will start to come in on the taxol !

    Mini, still feeling well?

    Continued prayers for all of my new friends, and grace for you as well


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    Char, what an inspiration you are!!!!,

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2014

    Jean: I will pray that all goes well with the placement of your port. Just make sure you let them know if the port hurts. Sometimes it is a issue with size or how it is placed. But we are going to faithfully believe that God will guide the doctors hands.

    Bev: Too funny about your neighbor. I guess I would be a bit taken back by that comment. When I lost my weight a lady in my neighborhood that I did not know came up to me andasked me if I was ill and when I said no, she said oh good, then you want to look this way. She really meant to say that I looked good but it sure came out wrong way.

    Thanks Kath and all for the congrats.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2014

    Char, so good to hear from you! To God be the glory......and to alot of your hard work, determination and never-give-up training. So glad it went well (although 30/40 degree temperatures sure don't sound like much fun!). I can't believe how well you're doing with your times - especially with all your knee problems this past year. Lots of answered prayers!

    Jean, I was completely out for my port placement and it was no big deal. After they gave me the anesthesia, the nurse explained all the possible risks (most likely....but hardly ever happens (according to her) is that they go too far with the wire and puncture a lung - yikes!). Of course, they were just about to wheel me in to the OR by then so I didn't have alot of choice. I actually had my first chemo the next day so you can see you won't feel bad. It sticks out and it took me a couple of weeks to get used to when I was trying to get to sleep - mostly because I sleep on my stomach and had to sleep on the side away from it at first. For the first couple of weeks, I felt like it was pulling down. If you sleep on your back, you won't have any problem. I hardly know it's there now except when I look in the mirror....but I'm looking forward to getting it out next month! :)

    Thanks for the update about Kate, Char. We surely need to keep her in our prayers.

    Have a good week, ladies - Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Yes they put me out, similar to the anesthesia they use for dental surgery. I actually had one 6 yrs ago when they gave me chemo for a bout of Anal cancer. Sloan saved my life with that one just as they are going to do this time by God's grace, wisdom and mercy. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Char, you are truly an inspiration. I can't believe how great you look after running all that way. I imagine I would probably be crawling over the finish line LOL How special to run in honor of your Dad. Love that your wore pink for us. Thank you for that.

    Jean, will be praying for your port placement tomorrow.

    I will make this short and sorry I don't feel like typing too much tonight. I am just miserable with this rash. I am going to call my doctor tomorrow morning and see if I can get in. I would really appreciate your prayers for me in general. I am really going through a hard time and I don't really know why. Yes, even asking for this Kath is hard for me.

    Lucy, glad you made it home safely.

    Mags, I too had to watch church on live streaming today. I am glad you have that resource too.

    Have a good week everyone and I pray side effects are minimal.

    Love you all,


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2014

    oh Nancy - praying for you tonight....that God will touch that rash and make you comfortable and able to sleep and then the doctor will be able to figure out just how best to treat it. You didn't have all the fun of chemo but you sure are getting to experience your share of side effects from arimidex! :)


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Nancy your in our prayers for the rash and for meds to help you be better. Glad things are working better with your computer.

    Char you look terrific and such an inspiration. I have bad knees so I can't imagine running a long ways. I love to run just can't. It's not really my knees but the soft spot right above the knee cap. That's what gets sore. Good job and thanks for wearing pink in our honor so very touched by that.

    Jean my port was a breeze after the first night of pain but that is because they didn't give me any pain meds and it was pretty darn sore. They told me Tylenol would be fine. Not so very sore but next day I called and the nurse was surprised they sent me home without pain meds as an option if I needed it. The next day was fine just a little sore. Didn't use it for 2 weeks later so by then it was fine. Have had it over a year and still works great. It's a power port so it's supposed to be the best. I am so glad because I bruise so bad with the needles. I will have mine for a very long time so it's part of me now. As they said I only know it's there when I see it in the mirror.

    Have a good day tomorrow sisters. Will be praying for all.
