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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2014

    Oh, heart aches for you and your family, even though
    you can rejoice that Melody is free of pain and know that you'll see her
    again. Your post reminded me of the devotion I read last night....just
    before he was beheaded, his body and head thrown into a grave, Paul
    boasted, "The Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me
    for His heavenly kingdom." II Tim. 4:18. Just like Paul, God delivered
    Melody - and beat Satan and pain and sin. To God be the glory!

    ladies (especially our heart and soul, Nancy - did you know you'd
    become our ringleader when you chose "Bandwoman" as your name?!) for
    being such a place of grace, prayer and blessing. I've been reading the
    posts but the days are just flying by. Carren, congratulations on your
    year anniversary. I had my next-to-last herceptin infusion today (but
    who's counting, right?) and talked to a lady who was waiting for her
    first chemo....sure doesn't seem that long ago I was right where she
    was. So many prayers have been answered since then and God has blessed
    me so much!

    Angie and Jean - you made it through the tough chemo -
    twelve taxol will be over before you know it! I had docetaxol every
    three weeks and it was much easier than A/C - your weekly doses will be
    even less of a problem. Praying for you with chemo, too, Becky.

    praying that you'll be more comfortable soon - thanks for the great
    pictures. I love seeing the vibrant leaves - even better when I can
    still enjoy sunny afternoons in the 80's and not the cold northern
    temperatures. Lots of areas are getting snow this weekend - brrrr!

    praying for your knee and that race - you're our inspiration and
    motivation (I think of your 10-mile runs every time I get out and slog
    my 2-1/2 miles - don't know how you do it but I'm trying to keep up with
    you a little bit anyway!)

    Mags, I had the eye twitching too with
    docetaxol - and mouth sores. Yuck! I never got the Magic Mouthwash (my
    prescription plan wouldn't cover it and I'm cheap!). I got some Biotene
    from Amazon and it helped alot....

    Welcome, Kath and Redhead! God brought us all together - glad you're here to join this amazing group of warriors. 

    I'm praying for all the Dave/Davids and Howard.....God is going to melt those stubborn hearts, I just know it!

    Have a blessed weekend, ladies - God knows just what you need and I'll be praying that you'll feel His presence, comfort and strength!

    love, Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Vickie, I am so sorry for you and your family's  loss. I know you have been through so much with losing a son too. I am glad that Melody is not in any pain now and that she was a believer. I know with Cass's surgery coming up I was concerned about her having to deal with such difficult things all at once. My heart goes out to you and your family. I will continue to pray for comfort in your loss and that the Lord will give Cass supernatural strength to go through her own cancer surgery. Thank you for taking the time to let us know.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi Bev, I am glad you are alive and well. One more infusion to go. I can feel the happy dance already!  A ringleader? No, that was the last thing I thought of when I chose my username. I am a retired band director.  I retired to blend into the woodwork. LOL I must admit when I saw the weather map today I was quite envious of the Texas weather. We had snow flurries today and just a pretty miserable day with winds that felt like a hurricane was coming. To think that it was in the 70's on Monday when I was at that State park where I took those pictures. What a difference a day or two makes. I took a ton of pictures on Sat, Sun and Monday and now I think I am having photography withdrawal. I don't know how photographers manage to shoot in winter with all the dials and menus that you have to access. I did enter another photo contest at the suggestion of  two different friends and just sent my pictures off yesterday. I will have to post some of those once it is safe to resize them for this site. My swan family photo is being framed and I hope to pick it up early next week. Can't wait to see how it turned out. I see that photo as like my altar to God as a reminder of how He blessed me during my treatments.  I am quite disappointed that my GI issues have resurfaced. Not sure what to make of it. I just haven't felt like doing much today so didn't swim at all. Have you scheduled your reconstruction yet? Can you please send some of that warm weather back up this way please? Okay, I am all over the map so I will just shut up now!


    Mini, Are you still having surgery on Nov. 4?

    Mags, Are you feeling better? I sure hope so. The mouth sores sound awful. How's your breathing?

    Becky, How are you doing? I hope your SE's have subsided now,

    Take care everyone and have a good night's rest. Debbie have a great day.

    Lucy, I hope you can rest this weekend.

    Love you all,


  • Redhead01
    Redhead01 Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Chickadees!  Loved the pix, Nancy.....congrats on getting out there.  Thank you all for the welcome msgs, I will know more about my course on Tuesday, 11/4....mtg with onco for the first time.  I'm hoping that all my positives (stage  1, 0 nodes, hormone receptive) may lead to a lighter chemo regime....wishfull thinking?  I'm only going due to oncotype score of 34 , and that it was a grade 3 tumor, even tho' very small.  So much to learn, it's helpful to have this place to come to.  I bought some cute beanie caps yesterday, all blinged out with beads....I 'm an old Girl Scout who likes to be prepared, but this is a challenge like no other.  Enjoy these Fall colors, all.  Hugs

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    grateful for so many things. At this moment ability to smell and feel a cool breeze, my DH who is so patient, for the recent blessings He brought to the workplace.

    Nancy the pictures are glorious and so reflective of the beauty He provides to us

    Vickie, I honestly cannot imagine your loss. You are an incredible sister.  I continue to lift your family up in prayer

    Mags, I have the eye twitch, and coming out of a horrible burn/rash from the taxotere. Number 3 this coming Friday but they will have to adjust due to the reaction. I can't do adriamyacin due to heart issues

    And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19

    Blessings, kath 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

                                         DAY #44 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    Good day to everyone and night for Debbie. Welcome again to our newbies Redhead01 and Kath. I am grateful to all that find this thread. We all who have been here a while really do believe that the Lord led us to this special place and to be a part of these strong prayer warriors. Chickadee happens to be one of my favorite backyard birdsSmileI'm glad everyone enjoyed the fall pics. If that place hadn't about done me in I would go back today. It is a place that can't  really be fully explored in only a couple hours. When I was telling my niece I finally got to go (have been talking about it for three years or more) she had been there with some older in laws last month. The one place that about did me in she said she tried to count and thought there was 85 stairs! The thing is if I had known that I would have NEVER attempted it. It is like our bc journey. One step at a time. God doesn't show us the whole journey at once or we would say NO WAY. God gives us grace for THIS day only. I either heard or read about living in day tight compartments. We are not to dwell on the past where regrets can smother us. We are not to worry about the future where fear can  immobilize us. We are to live for today. So I hope all of us can enjoy this day that the Lord has given us.

    Those who are suffering from SE's we pray that they will lessen today.

    Those who have suffered great loss, we are praying for comfort in the midst of terrible grief.

    Those who are gearing up for another form of treatment we come against fear of the unknown.

    For those of us who get an extra hour today let's enjoy that gift and make the most of it.

    Love you all,



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014


    I am grateful today for the majestic power of our Almighty God.  As I watched the cold rainy day yesterday I was in awe of how the water beat against the pavement, trees seem to be crying as the rain dripped from the leaves and they wilted due to the weight of the rain.  Staring at the sheen and colors as the light and rain hit the pavement and the bright reflection of the water on the streets casting different colors like a rainbow. Watching and wondering as people scurryed to get to the cars, buses and BART.   As I continued to walk I looked up and see the picturesque  clouds painted against the backdrop of the dark sky.  The clouds were cast in grey's, blues and overflowing with moisture as the rain belted down.  God showing His  mighty hand and that He is control and can take nature from 80 degrees and sunny on Tuesday to 60 degrees and cold on Friday.   I then thought of Nancy's picture of the beautiful fall colors that painted the beautiful pathway that was oh so breath taking.  Oh, how I miss the  turning of the seasons.  I am grateful that God gave me just a moment to slow down and a mind to pay attention to the small cool breeze and rain and to take a deep breath and enjoy His wonderful works.  In life I get so caught up in the hurry of the day and my BC journey that I forget to stop and just thank Him for the small things.  So today I thank  and praise our Lord and Savior for what I may just take for granted in life -- the smell of nature, air, sun, rain, the stars, etc.    "Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all stars of light! Praise Him, highest heavens, And the waters that are above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the LORD, For He commanded and they were created. Psalms 148:3-5".

    Love and Hugs Always Lady Prayer Warriors,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014

    Vickie, I am so sorry to hear about Melody.  My heart aches yet rejoices that Melody was a believer and is now with our eternal Father and that you will see her again.   I agree with Bev's words that just like Paul, God delivered Melody - and beat Satan, pain and sin. To God be the glory!  I will continue to pray for you and your family as you have been through so much  and as you prepare for Cassie's surgery and Melody's homegoing.  Specific prayers for comfort, peace, strength and rest for you, your  DH,  Cassie and Leon and the rest of the family.  Thank you for letting us know so that we may continue to cover your family in prayer during this time.

    Love and blessings,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Angie you are just ahead of me.  

    Ladies tomorrow I start Taxol every week for 12 weeks, accompanied by Herceptin every 3 weeks for a year and Perjeta every 3 weeks for 6 months.   Also radiation after the Taxol and possibly more lymph node surgery.  A long journey for sure.  Please pray the chemo goes smoothly tomorrow and for minimal sides.  I am so blessed to have the prayer support of you wonderful ladies.  Love, Jean 

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Today I am grateful for good communication with hubby.  Also for the.opportunity to meet a dear Christian couple for brunch later.  Bill is waiting for a prostate biopsy report.  Prayers appreciated.   Love, Jean 

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2014

    Dear ladies,

    I want to sincerely thank each of you for your prayers and concerns for me and my family.  Your kind supportive comments are so wonderfully comforting.  May God continue to bless you in your journey to wellness.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    Jean, prayers are with you!!!

    Grateful I was able to attend church, and worship. 


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited November 2014

    Dear ladies, I apologize for my absence, I know that you have been praying for me and I so appreciate that. I have been in kind of a dark place the past few days, frankly having something of a pity party – though I know how inappropriate that is. I have been feeling what a burden I am to my family; although I know they love me and want to help, they have been much less available and I've been feeling like any help I've asked for has been given more grudgingly. I'm happy for my cousin that she is so involved at church; she feels needed and appreciated and I know that's a lot more pleasant for her than being there for me. As I approach the beginning of radiation treatment, I can see that taking me to the cancer center five days a week would put a big dent in her involvement there, so I have been arranging for alternate transportation several days a week when I start. I still don't have a start date. I know my cousin loves me and would do anything for me but the reality is that she's 77 years old and she's doing an awful lot for someone of any age. I just can't expect her to do everything for me as well. It's just too much to ask. My husband does what he can, but he has a position of great responsibility and when he is home he seems to be either working or sleeping, and he is so used to my being independent that he doesn't always think of offering help.

    All of this has been swirling around in my head; add to that the chemo side effects that have been worse this time than any of the previous five rounds, the lack of estrogen, and just generally feeling miserable. Friday morning I caught my toe on something and couldn't catch my balance and fell flat on the tile of the kitchen, landing on my better knee and worse elbow, so I'm feeling bruised and battered to boot.

    But I didn't want to come here to complain. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your prayers and I hope that when I'm on the other side I'll be able to contribute in kind. Right now I just feel adrift. I think you have all been in a place where you can understand that. Blessings to you all dear sisters in Christ.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

                                                DAY #45 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I am thankful today that we live in a free country where we can worship freely without fear or retribution. On our overhead today it had an astounding number on it. It said 100 million people around the world are persecuted for their faith and 2000 died just last year for their faith. We take for granted just like every breath we take that we can go into our house of worship and pray openly and speak of the Bible freely. We are so blessed in this country. I pray that we don't  become complacent and I hope that we would have the courage to stand up for our faith if put to the test. I am thankful that we had such a dynamic guest preacher from Dallas today. I think he preached longer than anyone I can remember and we were all either hysterically laughing or so mesmerized by his ability to bring home a point that he could have preached for another hour and I would have been right there on the edge of my seat. He spoke of comparisons and how that was the beginning of the downward spiral for King Saul as he set his jealous eyes on David instead of on God. He said in a race the person says on your mark. He talked of our tendency to look at everyone else's mark instead of our own. He mentioned that God gives us grace for OUR race. He used a phrase something like this. He said our comparisons (to others) clouds our clarity of the destiny God has for us. It was an awesome sermon. Thank you Lord.


    Love you all,









  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Jean, I am praying for your new set of treatments starting tomorrow. Angie, you sound like you could be a writer! Love your descriptions.

    Vickie, The Lord brought you to my heart again today on my way home from church. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers. I am glad that you could feel the support from these lovely women here on this thread.

    Mags, Yes, we have all been there in that place of uncertainty and feeling adrift. When you feel like you are in that dark tunnel and can't see any light it is most definitely a difficult place to be. You have been as I call it rung through the ringer and I imagine it seems like it is never going to end. I have said this on this thread before that one of my favorite scriptures is And this too shall pass. I don't want to sound glib when I say that. This season that you are in now WILL pass. When you feel like you are hanging onto that cliff with your fingernails and that you have no more energy to fight the good fight is when the Lord will carry you. My dear sister, I pray that you will sense His presence as He is carrying you and that you will feel His love for you. You are so special in His eyes. There is not another Mags on the face of this earth. You are special the way He made you. Don't let Satan get into your head that your family thinks you are a burden. You are weary and that is understandable. Hang on because you WILL have victory in this trial.

    I am praying for all those who are dealing with SE's and those beginning new treatments this week.

    Praying for Mini for a successful surgery on Tues. ( I think that is the date) Election day too.

    Praying for those standing firm fighting the good fight and being ambassadors for Chirst.

    Lucy, Lucy where art thou? Hope you are doing okay.

    Deborah, I hope you are continuing to be a light in the darkness. Hope you are doing well.

    Polly, Haven't heard from you in a while. I hope that lymphedema is under control.

    Debbie, I hope that leg pain is still NOT there.

    Sharon, Still praying for your subbing job and your house to sell.

    Char, Still praying for your race and that there will be enough hours in the day for all you do!

    Bev, Thanks for sending more Texas warmth our way. I certainly appreciate it! I hope you are practicing up to ring that bell soon.

    Anita, How are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while.

    Becky, Still praying that you feel better on this new chemo.

    KateW, Praying for a miracle for you and your family.

    Redhead and Kath, I hope you will feel like you are becoming a part of our women warriors family here. A great bunch to be a part of.


    Love you all,


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    Vickie, I am so sorry. I know there are no words to comfort you now, but but thankfully we know the Author of all words, so I pray that your find the peace that passes understanding.

    I pray for all of you beautiful ladies. Life is hard, but God is good.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited November 2014

    Oh Vickie I am with the other sisters here praying for  your family at this time. Oh the hard places God's children experience, but His appointments are from a loving Father. May He strengthen you as well.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Hi Sisters and Prayer Warriors!!!

    Day #45 of 50  Days of Gratitude

    I am so grateful today for my church family. We have come together so united to support our family member who lost their 20yr daughter last Sunday. We have all come together to bring meals (lunch and dinners) for over 20 family members who are here from out of town for the last week. I am so proud to be a part of this church body. That's what it's all about and it is so humbling. This amazing young lady loved God and had been on fire for the past 3 months. God welcomed her with open arms. There were several of their family members who have chosen to walk with The Lord because of this tragic accident. Always find the silver linings and blessings. 

    It's been a busy week so haven't posted much but I've been looking to see what's happening. 

    Vickie so sorry for your loss and you all are in my prayers. On some days I go off my list on others I pray as a group for all of you. 

    Jean praying for you for tomorrow. Minimal to no SE's Lord...thank you Jesus.  It sounds like a long journey for sure. I have been on mine for a little over a year now but my study trial is for 3 more years so it will be for a while yet for me. I just thank God for His promises and the strength to get me through each day. 

    Toby I had eye twitching when I was on Abraxane. It was off and on and the longest it lasted was 3 days. Have a lot of leg cramps now I think it's from the Avastin I get every other week. I still have the runny nose from the a Abraxane and I stopped it end if April. I may have that for a while from what I hear. It seems to get worse during when I eat which is a pain but it's all good. 

    Nancy thanks for posting those pics, they are very beautiful. I am so glad you are getting out and about. Our weather here is starting to sneak us into our winter months. Been enjoying lots of crock pot meals and comfort meals.

    Have my monthly appt with my MO tomorrow so looking forward to it. One of my questions is I am always so cold now. Especially more since our weather has changed and dropped in temperature. Reviewing the CT scan results which are still showing shrinkage little but better than nothing. Also NED in all other pleased and feel so blessed...THANK YOU FATHER GOD!!!

     Been laying around watching our Seattle Seahawks after a very nice lunch at our place today. Had a great message at church today and worship was awesome. Enjoy the rest of the day and blessings...Lucy 

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014

    Jean, praying for you tomorrow and that you have minimal to no side effects.  We are tracking with each other so let's share as much as possible.  This weekend it was more fatigue than anything else but I did have achy bones which I took tynenol for today and Norco last night which allowed me to get good sleep. I go in for my 2nd tx on Wednesday if blood counts are not too low.

    Lucy, such a blessing to hear of the support and outpouring of love that your church family was able to give.  I am PTL for the souls that were added to His kingdom during this difficult time.  Will continue to pray for the family.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    Surgery tomorrow. Hopefully my last. Please pray it goes smoothly and there are no infections.

    I am grateful for friendship. We have to friends that live out of state that we have been friends with for the last 15 years. We only see each other a few times a year, but when we do it's like we've never been apart. God really blessed us.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

                                                     DAY #46 OF 50 DAYS FOR GRATITUDE

    I am grateful that my tombstone that I spent many hours on design with the help of my niece who has a graphic arts business is now in the cemetery. The engraving is awesome but I will not rest until I see it myself. They engraved two trumpet angels on the front and they did an awesome job. That was the sticking point for quite a few weeks but they finally got it the way I wanted it.  The pics they sent are horrible and I hope it was only a printer about out of ink. My grave is three hours away from where I live now so I won't see it until I am back down to my mom's for Thanksgiving. I don't plan on using it for many years to come the Lord willing!




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Mini, I have been praying for a successful surgery, for pain control and for a quick recovery. Is your husband done with his kidney stone surgery? I have prayed for him too.

    Vickie, I am continuing to pray for you and your family for comfort during this difficult time.

    Lucy, Praying for comfort for Clarence and Jennifer on their tragic loss of their daughter. I am glad your church is ministering in a very powerful way. Praying for your MO apt today too. Praying those last two tumors keep shrinking.

    Jean, I have prayed for you quite a few times and I hope that your side effects from today are minimal.

    Angie, Praying for similar results of your second treatment on Wed.

    I had a chance to cover each one of you in prayer during my long swim session today.


    I have a prayer request. In about a month I have will be having my sixth month follow up ultrasound on my thyroid. I have several nodules and one of them is of concern. It is almost 10mm which is usually the size when they biopsy. My endocrinologist wanted to wait for six months for a repeat US to see if they have shrunk. I am on thyroid meds and have been for years. I had to change the dosage and it could be a very simple end to all of this. If I am on the right dosage the lesions can shrink. That is my prayer. I have had some discomfort for several months in my neck area and it almost feels like one of those lesions is hitting a nerve.


    Love you all,


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, My husband has his surgery the first week of December. Thank you so much for thinking of us.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, prayers your way!!! For complete healing.....

    Mini, prayers that surgery goes well with no complications

    Grateful today for all of you

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2014

    Vickie:  My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. I am glad that Melody is no longer suffering. How wonderful to know that she closed her eyes I this life to open them at the face of our Lord and Savior. That must be an awesome sight. I pray none the less for that which you will miss most, your precious daughter...a mother too. We will pray for Cass that her journey takes a better path for her. 

    Mags: Hope you are doing better these days. Keeping you in prayer about breathing, chest, mouth sores.

    Bev: I see the end coming girl. It is hard to believe that you are at the end of this journey. God is so good. 

    Jean: We are with you as you go through these next steps. Before you know it you will be at the end of the journey too. In the mean time, we are here for you.

    Mini: Surgery should be here this week. Will be praying for you.

    Becky: Hope side effects are lessening.

    Welcome on board Kath!

    Kate W and Debbie: Both of you are in my prayers. Hang in there girls.

    Sharon: I know you are busy with school but just want you to know that I also do to up to pray for you.

    Angie' Anita, Jean, Lucy and Poly: thinking of all of you and praying for each of you too.

    Sore today after running 10.5 this weekend. Please keep me in prayer Sunday as I try  running my first 10 mile race at 8 am eastern time. My whole body aches today for whatever reason. My goal is to finish it...with minimal pain. It also is calling for rain and cold. I never ran in cold rainy weather. I ran this weekend in windchills of 25 and had no issues. Rain is a whole other a little intervention from God would be greatly appreciated.

    Managed to get all my dahlias and cannas dug up before the rain moves in. Last night was our first killing frost this fall. We had an extordinary growing season for which I am ever grateful for. Thank you Lord for allowing things to grow longer than normal. I know Bev would tell me to come to Texas and enjoy growing lots longer. Now it's leaf clean up and garden beds to put to bed as well as deer netting to get up. The herd is growing and they ravaged everything last winter because it was so hard on them, I now must resort to netting everything because of them and the rabbits. 

    Thank you God for beautiful fall days of sunshine and blue skies. We don't seem to get many of them in the summer but come fall and winter and we see some awesome sunny days.

    Blessings to each of you. 


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2014

    Day of Gratitude: Whether she realizes it or not Lord, our Nancy has stepped up and led the charge for all of us here at this site. From bandleader to spiritual cheerleader. Thank you Lord for sending her to this forum where we can come together and share, encourage, cry together and pray for each other. Thank you for our sister Nancy as she has been a blessing to all of us each day. Thank you for her beautiful photos too. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Mini, Thanks for the heads up on your husband's surgery. I thought his would be before yours but apparently not. I am voting tomorrow for YOU to have  successful surgery. When you are able let us know how you are doing.

    Kath, Thanks for your prayers. Redhead (Ginny) believe it is tomorrow that you will find out what treatments you will have. I hope all goes well and that the Lord will prepare you for that conversation. I know He will be with you in your journey.

    Char, Thanks for your kind words. That means a lot to me. You have my prayers for the big race on Sunday. I can't imagine running in 25 degree weather. I can't imagine doing anything in that weather! You are an inspiration to all of us and I am sure your students too.  My flowers bit the dust last night. I had bought a macro kit for my new camera several weeks ago and hadn't had a chance to use it. I waited one day too late. My roses were in full bloom yesterday and I was going to try out the lens today on them. Too late. I know there is always next year. Famous last words for us Chicago Cub fans!



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Today I am so grateful for the first infusion of Taxol, Herceptin, Perjeta.  I am grateful for the fairly new meds that target the Her2 markers and for those brave women who went through the clinical trials that have made herceptin / perjeta possible.  Thank you Jesus for the wisdom you gave the researchers.  I am grateful for the mediport you have allowed me to have placed next Monday so I don't have to stress my nurses or myself with vein issues during the rest of my chemo treatments.  I am grateful for the clinical team you have provided for me and for the support of family and friends.

    I am praying for you all as I read your posts though I haven't posted many specific prayers.

    Last week the dear lady who is counselling me shared an encouragement from a lady going through cancer treatnent.  Jesus told her that any chemo going into her has gone through Him first.  Wow!  

    Praying His mercy, grace and strength infuse each one of you today.  Love, Jean  

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited November 2014

    hello!  Doing well here, and I pray you are, too.  I had been working on and praying for my retirement monies to come in, and they are!  Now I have a monthly appt. at my MO's on Wed., will get my blood drawn, port flushed, and more aqua therapy. Yes, I got another month's worth of appt. approved by insurance.  And I have 2 of my out of town sisters coming to visit this weekend, I just love them.  I do pray for improved mobility so I could prepare for company.

    Love across the miles,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, dear sisters. Today I am thankful that I'm finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and know it is not a train. I had a better day yesterday than I've had in a very long time. Last night DH and I talked about the possibility of getting another car so I can be mobile again without relying on my cousin, freeing her up to do the volunteering at church that she so loves. I know she is happy and willing to take me where I need or want to go, but this past weekend she was not well, and missed church, and I'm thinking it may be because she overextended herself between taking care of me and her work at church. It's time for me to get up and start moving again.

    Today I am getting an ultrasound of a lump that has developed under my mastectomy scar. The surgeon left way too much skin, for whatever reason, and this lump may be either a seroma or simply scar tissue, but the oncologist wants to be sure.

    I'm also thankful that it's the end of the political season. My cousin and I will stop at the polls and cast our votes after our afternoon appointments. It's our responsibility, our privilege, and our honor to do so.