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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    I am grateful that I am home and relatively comfortable after my surgery. I have to figure out a way to sleep sitting up for the next three days. Thank you for the prayers. Please continue to pray for no infection or other post surgical complications.

    I almost had a major oops at the hospital. My blood pressure cuff hurt right after she put it on. Thankfully it did hurt because that's when I realized it was on my lymphadema arm. ACK! It was early and had no sleep and I didn't even think about it when she put it on. Thankfully, I caught it after about 30 seconds. That could have been bad.

    I hope you all are experiencing God's love. If you want to see a great series, watch Andy Stanley's series The New Normal. It is on Netflicks and the Northpoint Online channel. It is going to be a great series.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

                                                  DAY #47 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    Today I am grateful for my college professor of clarinet who turned 99 today. He shaped my life as a clarinet player in such a loving and remarkable way all those many years ago which set my future career in motion. One of my old boyfriends from college contacted me last year and told me about our professor and that at 98 he was learning Madarin. Can you believe it. He is American BTW. My old boyfriend called again yesterday to let me know that this professor was turning 99 today. I would not have remembered the date otherwise. I am also thankful to hear that Mags had a really good day yesterday, that Anita has sisters coming to visit and that Mini is home from the hospital and doing pretty well after surgery and that Jean is going to get a mediport to help alleviate the stress of veins that don't cooperate. I can relate to that very well. All good things that I thank you for Lord.

    In my church we sing this song I am a Friend of God. I was just reading today about that in the Bible. Jesus calls us not servants but friends of His for those who follow His commands. That is an awesome concept if you think on that. God is so good all the time. Our view of our life is like a person looking through a peep hole at a parade. That person can only catch a glimpse of that parade and certainly can't see the whole thing but only tiny little snapshots. In this life we can only see dimly the big plan that God has for each of us. One day when we are in heaven with the Lord we will get to see the whole parade and the whole big plan. Until that day He asks us to trust Him with our live and our dreams and our unsaved loved ones. His plan is certainly much better than the most creative of our own imaginings. Trust Him with everything. Surrender it all to Him, for to die to self is to truly live in Christ.

    Have a great rest of this day prayer warriors.


    Love you all,



  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited November 2014

    Dear Vickie,

    I haven't got the words to express how I feel for you right now.  I am so grateful that you know the Lord, and can rest because your daughter is with Him now and forever.

    Nancy, you really are the backbone of this thread, I will pray for you regarding the thyroid issue.

    Becky, I know how hard it is for you to keep hanging on with the dreadful chemo.  Please keep your eyes on the Lord, I will lift you up to Him with my prayers.

    Mini1, I like the scripture you have chosen for your signature area.  It is so encouraging to remember that He has a plan for us, to give us hope and a future.

    Mags, I pray that you can get the car which will give you some independence.

    Anita, praying that He increases your mobility in time for your visitors.

    Jean, I have just finished 18 weeks of Taxol, with Herceptin and Perjeta every three weeks.  The Herceptin/Perjeta combination certainly seems to be a winner, it brought my tumour markers down from 273 to 27.8 so should certainly be good for you.

    Char, you have so much energy to do all the gardening before winter sets in.  My energy is only starting to come back now so I have to ask a friend from church to do it for me, and they are very kind because they do that and more.

    I am pleased to say that I have had hardly any pain whatsoever in my leg, thank you for all your prayers.

    Blessings, Debbie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Sorry Kath. I got your specifics mixed up with Redhead (Ginny) and I knew if I scrolled back I would lose my post. I did go back and correct my mistake. I see now that it was you that had already had a rash from chemo and Ginny who is just finding out today what her course of treatment will be.

    Ginny, My oncotype score was 16. I didn't get a chart like some people did but I looked on the Oncotype website and it gives lots of information. I think the cut off to the medium risk is 18. I didn't want to comment on your situation since I didn't know which category your score fell and your MO will take your personal situation into consideration anyway. My MO insisted that those scores only told him ( and maybe he was speaking to ONLY my situation) if chemo was warranted. He never ever wanted to say it also gave some indication of recurrence in another part of the body. It was quite strange but that was his story and he was sticking to it. I know the Lord will be with you no matter what your course of treatment will be.

    Mags, Praying that you will have peace in waiting for your US results. I have been praying for another means to get you to radiation  and maybe that is the solution that you mentioned. I am so glad you felt so much better yesterday. I am sorry to hear that your cousin has not been feeling well. Prayers going up for her too.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    first off Nancy, continued gratitude to you for the thoughtful time you take to lead us and keep us together. I am so glad I found you all

    Jean, I loved your post, the story that chemo goes through HIM.  I told a woman at my last tx I picture Jesus just sitting on my shoulder 

    Mags...well said about voting. I did also, but SO grateful to be home after a very very busy day at work 

    I feel good there will be NOTHING to the lump, just scar tissue

    Anita, great news all around!

    Nancy I love that song so blessed to have tickets on the 14th to our Wayfest with Casting Crowns and. Mindesa....Overcomer is one of my songs 

    Grateful to be home, and for today's reading....Walk peacefully with me through the day was the beginning....

    Debbie, congrats on 18 weeks and for the encouragement 

    Mags, thrilled you are home, and continued prayers 

    Blessings and gentle hugs


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited November 2014

    Dear sisters, I am finally home after the longest day out and about since I started chemo (other than treatments, for which I could sit and rest). I was able to speak with the radiologist, who actually came in after the tech did the ultrasound, and redid it so she could see for herself. She said there are actually two locations that are concerning, and they are not seromas. They have scheduled me for a biopsy of the two locations on November 20. I don't know what this means in terms of my upcoming treatments. We also received a letter from our insurance that they will not cover proton radiation. I haven't looked at it yet but DH gave me the news when I got home. That is disappointing but I can deal with it.

    We also spent nearly three hours at the office of my ob/gyn friend, whom my cousin was seeing for the problems she has been having, and learned that she may need surgery. 

    All in all it's been not an easy day but at least I had enough stamina to get through. Now I'm tired, but will settle in and relax. I wanted to share this with you.

    Vickie, I want you to know that I'm praying for you after the loss of your daughter. I know that you are glad that she is no longer in pain, and that she is with Jesus. But the pain of her loss will remain. I think it was Rose Kennedy who said that you learn to live with it. I pray that you will find joy in knowing that she is in a place where there are no more tears, and no more pain. 

    I am praying, again, for all of you. I am thankful for this thread, for each of you, and for the love of Christ which binds our hearts together.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    oops Mags, I mixed you up with Mini for being home

    Prayers your way, I know you will find peace in Him.  Please rest, and be good to yourself.

    god is good, all the time.  Hugs


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Debbie, I am so glad to hear from you. Your tumor marker reduction seems to me nothing short of a medical miracle. So glad to hear that your leg pain is mild now. PTL Thanks for your prayers for my thyroid issue. I will continue to pray for your leg pain.

    Kath, I am glad you found this thread as well. Thank you for the encouragement. Casting Crowns is one of my MOST favorite groups and Madisa is so awesome. I am envious that you have tickets.NerdyYou'll have to share how the concert was. I have never heard of Wayfest so you might be far away from where I live.


    Mags, I am glad you are home resting from your long day. We will be praying for peace while you wait for this biopsy. I am glad your MO was concerned enough to have an US. Your faith muscles have certainly got a work out these last few months. I am sorry that you cannot have this biopsy faster. We will all be praying for you dear one. I am sorry to hear about your cousin possibly needing surgery. God will see all of you through this most difficult time.


    Love you all,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014

    Hi All, I am going in for my #2 Taxol tomorrow and ask for prayer that I tolerate it well this round. Also, my INR is very high due to the interaction with Taxol and they are trying to bring it back into therapeutic range 2-3.  I ask for your prayers that my INR is brought back into the therapeutic range quickly and that the right dosage  of Wafarin is determined quickly with the Taxol tx.  My INR is now 5.3.  They have taken me off Wafarin for the next 3 days which should help correct.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Angie, I'm praying for you for tomorrow.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

                                                DAY #48 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I am grateful that we live where democracy rules. Even though many of us celebrate when the process is over and even though our basic two party system has certainly had it's struggles in Washington I am glad I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. This will probably be the last I talk about politics as I realize this is an international forum.

    Angie, have been praying for you today.

    Have a wonderful day everyone and night for Debbie.


    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Today is day 2 after my first Taxol and I am grateful for the energy to go and do a slow circuit at curves.  Also for one of our church ladies who delivered some meals yesterday and a couple from our Bible study who came over with a beautiful basket of goodies.  God blesses us so well.  Lastly my hubby made me laugh out loud this morning.  He brought me up a cup of coffee and said "from your humble servant."  I laughed so hard I almost cried!  If cancer is causing these wonderful things it is worth the suffering involved.   Not to mention how close Jesus has been through it all thus far.  Love, Jean 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi everyone, I may not be online for several days. My desktop computer has had a major problem for months and today is the day of reckoning. What I didn't realize is that once I unplug my router I will have no working laptop either. I need a geek person to tell me how to deal with the router and how I could still use it with my laptop but in the mean time I will may not be here for a while. I hate this! I will continue to pray for all of you.


    Love you all,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Hi there Ladies,

    Nancy you really are our strong lead on this board, I like the term Spiritual Cheerleader...that is perfect!  We all just so appreciate you and your efforts.  So thank you so much for being you and sharing your photos...and keep them coming. You can take comfort in knowing you are in our prayers regarding your exam next month.

    Mini glad surgery went well and you are recovering and getting stronger.  I remember sleeping in my husbands recliner for two weeks after my lumpectomy.  I missed my bed so much and tried several times but it was just not going to happen. Will keep your DH in our prayers with his upcoming surgery.

    Char keep up the great job you are doing, you are inspiring to me.  I think of you often when I am at Curves doing my circuit and when Jillian Michaels is making me do painful exercises in between the machines.  But I feel strong and really good after and rest up while I am driving to the office.  It is the only time I have the energy so, yes I do go to work without a shower but it works.

    Anita praises to our Lord on your finances...woo hoo!  Enjoy the time with your sisters, what a blessing.

    Mags praying on your new vehicle that you find something just perfect of what you want.  Is there one make you are looking at specfically?  We will be lifting you in prayer so that the biopsy shows nothing and you get through the procedure smoothly without any issues.

    Day #48 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    I am grateful for both my kids having good jobs to be able to provide for their families.  They both work so very hard and I am just so proud of both of them.  I do pray nearly every day that my children are saved and working in ministry for Christ while I am alive, through faith in the blood.  Thank you God for my children and their spouses and especially for my granddaughters. 

    Well Warriors I have to get back to work now, lunch is over.  Have a blessed rest of the day and I will pop on a little later.

    Love and blessings to all of you...Lucy

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    Lucy....loved that

    Nancy, no computer goddess here :(. Hoping it is fixed soon !

    Angie, prayers off and on all are you?

    Grateful and blessed I was able to help people in need today 


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    I have a temp of 101.6. Please pray for it to go down.

    Today I am grateful for my grandson, Dr. Liam. He stopped by after preschool for a post op check up. He checked my blood pressure,  heart rate, and temperature. He said my BP was a little  low, but not enough to worry about. I have to drink lots of water and call him if I have any problems. He told me specifically to call him, not his mom and dad. :-)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Mini, Sorry to hear of your high temp. I am assuming with a Dr in the family (which certainly helps) if it was an emergency he would have said so. You have my prayers dear one.

    Lucy, Thanks for your encouragement. I kind of like the term  spiritual cheerleader as long as I don't have to wear one of those skimpy uniformsShocked!  I love the sign you posted.

    Angie, praying that all went well today and minimal SE's.


    If you read my post about my computer I was so thankful that my laptop still works. It is all a mystery with all of the plugs I unplugged. Unfortunately my $2300 desktop computer which was only three years old when it started having serious issues is done for. The motherboard went out and I am NOT HAPPY!  I met some friends tonight for dinner and as I was driving to the restaurant I had to have a talk with myself because I was so upset about this computer. I said this is not a life or death matter. Well it was for computer. Winking So tonight I will be researching computers and see what I find. I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom in this matter. All of this reminds me of Sue and how she couldn't stand Best Buy. That is who I am dealing with but I only bought the Geek Squad service plans from them and never a computer. So with them in the mix it is making it a little more complicated. I am used to building my own computer online and then have the tech guy come to my house and set it up for me. Not sure if that will happen this time because I am not buying another Dell at this point. I know this is certainly not of the gravity of all the things you all are going through but if you have time to send up a prayer on my behalf regarding getting another computer I would be most grateful. Thanks.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

                                               DAY #49 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE
    Can you believe we only have one more day of our 50 days. It just doesn't seem possible. Today I am grateful for the tremendous support that I have had from everyone on my bc journey. Last night I was able to connect with some teacher friends I hadn't seen in a long time and this morning I will be meeting some retirees for breakfast. I am still continuing to get cards and got one yesterday. I am just amazed and humbled from all the people God sent my way to encourage me and pray for me and come and clean for me. Countless things that have been such a blessing. Of course my online prayer warriors have been a great source of inspiration and support. It is great to share with sisters who actually understand what you are going through.  My journey continues on as I am still having GI symptoms that have started up again. I am praying that I can continue this cancer drug for five years and that I will have NO side effects. I am standing on that believe!


    Jean and Angie, I pray that your taxol treatments have gone without a hitch.

    Mini, Praying for you to feel better and that fever to go away.

    Mags, Lifting you up and praying for peace in the midst of the storm.

    Praying for all the unsaved spouses and family.

    Praying blessings on all of us today and Debbie for a good night's sleep.

    Love you all,


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    I am grateful that my temp is within an acceptable range and the pain is better. I think tomorrow should be better all around. Thank you for all of your prayers. I appreciate them so much!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    I am grateful today for still feeling good after the Taxol, herceptin / perjeta on Monday.  Grateful for the energy to go to curves again today, coffee with a friend, some food shopping,  gas fill up, lunch and a nap. Grateful for my medical team, sister and hubby.   Grateful for Jesus.   Love, Jean 

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014

    All, thanks for the prayers.  Today I am grateful for feeling decent after my Taxol treatment yesterday and that I have had NO bruising or bleeding due to  the effects of chemo on my INR rating of 5.3.  I have had the energy to remain at work and will go for a nice walk this evening with my DH.  I was even able to eat without the food tasting too bad! 

    Nancy, hoping you get your desktop fixed soon.  I am with the others, thanks for being a leader on this thread

    Jean, how are you doing?  Praying for you.  

    Mini, I am praying for your quick recovery and that the continues to get better.

    Lucy, loved the post it is so true.

    Char, praying for your race!  You are an inspiration to keep up the work out.  I even told my husband I want to get in my goals to run a 5K within the next year. To celebrate my recovery.

    Anita, Praising the Lord for the win in the financial area. Woot, Woot! and Happy Dancing for you.

    Mags, praying for the emotional storm and that you find the right vehicle.

    Vickie and Kathy, praying intently for each of you.

    I have been praying a specific prayer for those that are going through this journey and doing treatment while working!  I am praying for strength that sustains each of you.

    Blessings, Angie

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    oh Angie, just thrilled you feel okay! 

    Jean and Mini, grateful you two are also doing well today.  I need to look into Curves, have not been as active as I used to be.

    Grateful today for His presence, the ability to feel others pain and triumphs. Grateful for all that I have, it is just what I need.

    Grateful you all are there. Tx number 3 for me tomorrow. Not sure what the gameplan is since I had such a reaction lady time. Armed with cookies and bananas for my fellow warriors in the treatment room.

    Hugs and blessings


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi ladies,

    It sounds like God has been answering many of our prayers. I am so glad that both Jean and Angie are doing well on their new treatments. PTL

    Mini, Glad you are improving and feeling better.

    Kath, Praying that your third treatment tomorrow goes well without any problems.

    Char, As I watching many young people running today probably for cross country I thought of you. This is a really big deal when I think of how long you will be running. Is this considered a half marathon or at least very close to it. I know are weather has taken a big dive the last couple of days. I sure hope that the weather will not hinder your running and finishing where you feel good about your accomplishment. You are a winner in my book BEFORE the race.

    Mags, Thinking of you tonight and praying for a good result and peace in the wait time. That is so hard I know.

    Becky, How have your SE's been? Thinking of you tonight as well.

    Bev, Hope you are doing well down there where all that warm weather is.

    Lucy, I am glad it is almost the weekend as I know how tiring your week must be for you.

    Polly, Haven't heard from you in a while. I hope you are doing well.

    Anita, I hope you will feel some improvement in your mobility as your sisters come to visit.

    Ginny, Do you have a treatment plan in place now? I can imagine that meeting with your MO was rather daunting.

     Angie, I think that is good to have special prayer for all working and going through treatment.

    These last two days have been trying to say the least. The enemy has been working overtime to knock me off course. I am exhausted tonight but I do have a new computer. I was too tired to even answer the phone tonight when they called but they sent me an email saying my computer is ready to pick up. I paid beaucoup bucks for them to transfer data etc. and for protection plans. I found out that there was a recall by Dell three years ago which they did not let their customers know about when I first bought the computer and they had faulty motherboards on some of their computers. My motherboard went out which doesn't happen at three years usually. I have no proof of anything but it is really a hard pill to swallow but it is done and I am praying that I can get it hooked up myself because I had already blown too much money at this point to pay more for someone to come out. Pray that I can get it up and running with printers working etc.

    Hope you all have a restful night and I hope Debbie has a good day.

    Love you all,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Hello Lady Warriors,

    Well I am sending this post via cell phone as we are heading out for our last camping trip of the season. I know...we are crazy right?  My brother  said a couple of days ago...let's go camping so off we go!  It is supposed to be sunny at the ocean where we have a camping membership so God has answered my prayers for our weekend. God is so awesome!  

    Nancy I am glad for the weekend as my weeks are busy and as much as I love being back to work 3 1/2 days and working our 5 days by Thursday I am pooped. I am so glad you got your new computer and I am sure it will all set up nicely for you as the angels will be with you guiding you through each step. Angels are pretty amazing you know and they are with us too. 

    I don't have my notes for all of you so I will just say have a blessed day and enjoy your weekend. I pray all who had treatment this week are doing well and feeling strong. I pray minimal to no SE's for you as well. 

    Char I agree with Nancy, you are a winner in our eyes and a HUGE inspiration. Stay strong!!!

    I will post some pics over the weekend to share with you all. 

    Blessings Abundant


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Day # 50 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    Today I am grateful for God answering our prayers for fair weather for our camping trip this weekend. It is a beautiful day and we are blessed. Thank you Lord...thank you for your Grace and your Mercy.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited November 2014

    Well, today is the 50th day of Thanksgiving and I have a huge thanks for the day. I received a visit from my friend Pam. I've known Pam for 15 years. We started out when she first came to our church, and we were both involved in a small production that my husband was directing. After it ended, she came to me and asked me if I would disciple her. We had a program at the church at that time of one-on-one discipleship, and I had gone through the training. But she asked me because she had been observing me over the course of weeks and determined that I was someone she could learn from. She was a recent convert, having come from a Unitarian background, a professional businesswoman in her 40's, never married, very independent, owned her own home. At the time I was a business owner, ran my own graphic arts business. So we began meeting over coffee once a week, for an hour or so, and she was amazing. I focused on the importance of being in the word first and foremost. She had been reading a lot of other books, which was fine, but I stressed that she needed a firm foundation and that was only in God's word. She soaked it up hungrily.

    Fast forward fifteen years. Pam is happily married, a full-time pastor of missions at our church. She brings to her work the same passion with which she soaked up God's word all those years ago (and still does). She has planted churches all over the world. Most incredibly (to me) she credits me with instilling in her a hunger and passion for Jesus. I am so humbled. I just planted seeds, in the fertile ground of her searching spirit, and God gave the increase.

    She shared with me today that it was from me that she learned that being a strong professional woman didn't mean that she couldn't also be a submissive wife. Something I learned long ago about submission: it doesn't mean being a doormat. Sometimes it just means ducking low enough to let the Lord take a swing at your mate. I learned I couldn't be his Holy Spirit, that God would correct him in his own time. My reward is a husband who (while certainly not perfect!) prays with me daily and is steadfast in his love. As someone who once self-identified as a card-carrying feminist (I still have my NOW membership card to remind me how far I've come) learning submission and a right relationship with my husband was a real stretch. But the Lord was patient with me as I was willing to do so, and now, when I need my husband the most, he is there for me.

    What a gift Pam gave me today, sharing her precious time and encouraging and edifying me! I am so thankful!

    I'm also thankful for the opportunity to go out to church tonight to see the Gaithers! I'm so excited! My first real outing since chemo. I may even wear my wig and put on a dab of makeup. Still flat, though. Never have bothered to get fitted for prosthetics, and I might never do it.

    Lucy, I pray you have a most excellent weekend! Angie & Jean, praying for minimal side effects. And I send up prayers for each of you as I read your posts. Nancy, hoping your computer finds everything with no trouble. Remember, if you have a problem, ask the smartest man who ever lived – Jesus knows everything, even computers! 

    One last word – thank you for all your prayers, I have absolutely no fear. No matter the results of the biopsy, I know my times are in His hands. Be it unto me according to His word. Giving thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is his will for me.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

                                             DAY #50 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    Today I am grateful for the opportunity to witness the courage and bravery from all of the women of this Christian thread. I have watched and prayed for you all for so many days and I am amazed at how the Lord brings you all through. I thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful group of women who get up every single day to fight the good fight and I don't necessarily mean the bc fight. Each of your words of encouragement have meant the world to me. 50 some days ago I was about to leave this thread. As I was praying the Lord laid it on my heart to do this 50 days of gratitude here. I guess He wanted me to stay for at least 50 days. Thank you all.

    Love to all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Anyone here who is her2+, please ask your chemo doc about herceptin / perjeta if it is not in your treatment plan. These are miracle drugs that target the Her2 markers.

    Today I am grateful for getting in a good nap after not getting much sleep last night. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Mags, I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you are getting out tonight and to see the Gaithers no less. How special. I have been so concerned about you for such a long time that I am so happy that you are getting out and that you have put all of this uncertainty in the Lord's hands. Also glad you got to spend time with Pam. It sounds like you had a remarkable influence on her life. How special to know that.

    Kath, I hope your treatment today went without a hitch. I am getting a rash now and itching like crazy. Not sure what is going on and of course these kind of things always seem to surface on a weekend.

    Lucy, Praying you have a wonderful last weekend of camping for the season. I sure hope it is warmer than it I here!

    Jean, I know there are others here on those drugs. It did miracles for Debbie in Ireland so I hope it does the same for you and Bev and Angie and any others that are on it.

    I just brought my computer home now so I will be rolling up my sleeves and getting on my knees searching for the end of a million cords. Yes, I should get on my knees before starting the process and pray that I can figure this out so I won't throw the computer out the window in frustration!

