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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hello fellow warriors,

    Jean, Glad your DH is better. I know you cherish his support

    Lucy, Thank you for your inspirational posters.

    Mags, Continuing prayers for you. Sent you a PM.

    I continue to pray for those having treatments and for minimal SE's


    My second rash has spread to my other under arm and I would bet money on a reaction to the shingles meds. I guess if I can put up with all the SE's I have already been experiencing for months from my cancer drug I can make it through another five days of itching if I don't shoot myself first!Shocked Seeing the dermatologist in a few hours.

    Love you all,




  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited November 2014

    oh my it is good to hear from 'normal' people . I had 2 sisters and one bil for a couple days, so much enjoying the weather which went down the drain on Tues. as they left town. We just don't think alike either. I can't understand why they put down our oldest sis but then again, that is the sis who loves Jesus, too. I had a lot scheduled this week, canceled several appts. But kept the makeover at Ulta that my sis' wanted for me. Great fun, more products coming my way after the employee discount this weekend up by Chicagoland! Oh yes, great fun.

    Keep warm, sisters.

    Love across the miles,


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, dear sister waiting to hear how the appointment went. In solid prayer for you. And your cat? Better? You have certainly had a week. May the love from God and His peace fill your heart.

    Is a nice bath out of the question?

    Anita, nice to meet you....have seen your posts. Ulta sounds fun! I may ask for a prescription for Latisse. I am CEO of a non profit, lots of events coming up. I am fearful to itch an eyebrow or eyelash in public for fear it falling off! fun. You know the drill...hope you are resting, getting in lots of fluid, and being pampered prayers for quick recovery

    Mags, so how long might this chemo brain last? :). I guess no more kielbasa, but so glad you are better today.

    Jean, I agree, I feel like you are all family. Such a blessing. Your hubby is a keeper! So far taxol easier on me than the others. I need to ask MO tomorrow about l glutamine , and B 6 to ward off neuropathy. Am thinking possibly acupuncture. Anyone else do that? SE so far are really leak and painful legs, headache, and fatigue. I decided skittles during the workday are definitely not the answer. :)

    Lucy you are a true inspiration to me. I have the It is Well with My Soul wall hanging in my office

    We adopted our "Toby" from the pound 14 years ago...and he was an adult then. He brings me such joy. No hearing, but his heart is golden. We say prayers together each night. Why do you think you are waking up?

    Angie, get your treatment?

    Ginny....anxious to hear how it went

    Tomorrow is taxol number 2 for me. Last week I fell asleep in chair ....hubby came in and my mouth was hanging open. Lovely sight I am sure for my fellow passengers in the room

    Then a couple conference calls from home, a long nap, and the. WayFest...Way FM is a national Christian praise station. Concert will feature casting crowns, and Mandeesa.

    Today in my reading it was focused on how there is not room for Satan when God is there. Good reminder for me when I get irritable, etc

    Gentle hugs and strong prayers to all


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi lady warriors,

    I saw the dermatologist this evening. I liked her and her bedside manner.
    This is the first I have seen her and I had been wanting to get a full body scan
    and that is going to happen. There is a new place on my chest that I have been
    concerned about. She picked up on that right away even before I could mention
    it. The good news is that the spot on my face she does not think is shingles.
    The secondary rash under my arms she doesn't think looks like a typical reaction
    to drugs. It was interesting when I mentioned being on my cancer drug since the
    end of July and it probably wasn't that. She said it doesn't matter how long you
    have been on it. In other words you could develop a rash to a drug at any time.
    She thinks it might be caused by my Crystal deodorant. My RO had suggested using
    Crystal and I used the solid stick kind until it fell out of the container and
    shattered all over the floor. (kind of how this week has been for me LOL) The
    pharmacy didn't have the same kind so I bought this roll on crystal. So the deal
    is I am to go without deodorant for a while. Thank goodness it is cold. I never
    thought I would hear those words coming out of my mouth! So I am waiting for my
    pharmacy to process this prescription ointment which hopefully will help the

    The not so good news is the doctor thinks this place on my chest is skin
    cancer. She did a biopsy tonight but then after taking some of it said she
    thought it could be benign. I was so concerned about the fact that she said I
    want to see you in two weeks for a follow up and a complete body scan that I
    forgot to ask how long it would take to get results. In two weeks I will be at
    my mom's. I told her my sister and I are caregivers for my mom and she said  a
    three week follow up would be fine. I am trying to not worry about this. I had a podiatrist think this lesion
    on my ankle was skin cancer and when we got the lab results it was a wart. So I
    am not going to stress about it. I did ask what would happen if it was skin cancer and she said surgery.

    Mini, I am so sorry to hear you have the flu. Take care of yourself and get lots of rest.  I haven't got a flu shot yet.
    I have an alternative doctor who doesn't like flu shots and then of course the
    traditional doctors want you to get them. After hearing of you getting it I may
    get myself to the pharmacy. Not sure though about getting any shots while I
    still have shingles. I am due for an allergy shot and not sure if they will let
    me get one. I am praying that you have the SHORT version of this.

    Kath, I think you are fitting right in with our little family. I am glad
    your treatments are as bad as the first ones. If I thought my insurance would
    pay for acupuncture I would sure try it. I do lots of alternative things and am
    a big believer in them. So are you seeing Casting Crowns this weekend. I want to hear all the scoop when you post after seeing the concert. I would LOVE to see them and Mandisa.

    Anita, I am glad you think of us as normal. LOL I am not sure if I fit into that category but it is nice to think about.

    Glad to hear from you. I am glad your sisters did come to visit you.

    Well I am signing off. Have a restful evening and a great day for Debbie.

    Love you all and thanks so much for your prayers.


    PS My cat is doing fine. It is not a medical issue now but a stress issue possibly. She is not using her litter box for her number 2 trips to put it nicely. It could be from the stress of my cancer. Who knows. They had to shave her poor underneath because she won't let me touch her with a comb unless I trick her and certainly not underneath. She was matted.  I was on the verge of tears on the way to the vet thinking that she will probably always have to be sedated for her shots now since last year she totally freaked out. I mean freaked out like a caged animal being cornered. She is my baby but it is stressful with this new situation. So I guess I would ask for prayer that she actually use the litter box now.

  • car2tenn
    car2tenn Member Posts: 132
    edited November 2014

    Thanks for starting this thread...I will be a regular....I am only 11 months out of stage 4 initial diagnosis...God is good and is taking care of me..I will be watching this thread daily...Carolyn from Music City

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Car2tenn, glad you found us. Not so glad the reason why. I pray you find this board as helpful in many ways as it has been for all of us regulars. I know for me it was a God send, literally at the time I found it. I know God directed me and I have been on ever since. Looking forward to supporting you when you have a need and a prayer. Welcome...Lucy.

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited November 2014

    Goodnight prayers for all on this blustery night. May all find relief from the day with a hot cup of tea, your meds if needed and a word with our Lord. 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited November 2014


    I love that saying, "gentle hugs and strong prayers". Love love love this.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Welcome Carolyn. Kudos to you for owning your own clinic. That is awesome to be able to run a clinic the way you would want to be treated. I am glad you found us. We are all at different stages in our diagnosis and in our journey. The bond we share is that we all love Jesus and share with one another and pray and encourage each other. It is like a little online prayer circle and family.

    Let's not forget to pray for Vickie and her family. Her granddaughter Cass is having surgery soon. I need to go back and see the date but something tells me it is soon. This family has been through so much and I pray extra strength for Cass who has just lost her mother to cancer and is now dealing with her own.

    We want to keep Kate W in our prayers to for her and her whole family who are going through so much right now.

    Polly and Anita and Lucy, good night. Good night John Boy!

    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Ladies, Cass is having surgery on Nov. 14 which is today. Let's lift her up during this most difficult time for her and her family.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited November 2014

    Carolyn, welcome to this thread. The people here are really supportive and you will be covered in prayer whenever you let us know of any problems.

    Nancy, it is good that your doctor is tuned into you and treats the areas you are concerned about as important. There is nothing worse than talking to a professional who does not seem to care as much as you do about certain issues. It is going to be the longest period ever while you wait for the scan and then the results. We have all been there, and so often it is the case that the doctor is merely being extremely efficient and ensuring that they have covered all areas. I will pray that you have peace of mind during this time, you don't need anything else on your plate whilst you are at your mum's and then worrying about what is going on with the cat. As you know, if you are going to have worries you will have lots of them, they don't come along one at a time.

    The pain in my leg has definitely subsided. On Monday I saw the surgeon who operated on me last December, and he thinks that as a result of inserting the rod in my femur it has temporarily caused further problems. He thinks that more cracks are occurring which will not prevent me from using the leg but will cause terrible pain. This is a sort of "settling down" period with the bone, which will eventually heal. I will see him again in five weeks and have further x-rays but he doesn't expect it to get any worse.

    I am off to teach one of the ladies from our church how to do patchwork, so I wish all of you a good weekend.

    Love Debbie

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Good morning dear ladies. Good port is feeling better and I finally had some good sleep. Hubby is also about over his sore throat. Boy was I missing being able to be close. My next taxol is Tuesday and snow is predicted so am praying for safe travel. Sloan Kettering is a 2 1\2 to 3 hr drive. Totally worth it though for the care I get there. Nancy thanks for keeping me on track by reminding me of the prayer needs. You are all very precious to me. Love, Jean

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, Cass was supposed to have her surgery today, but the hospital phoned Tues. and reschedualed it for Monday the 17th. At first, she about fell apart after the call, but is better now.

    I really appreciate your continuing prayers on her behalf....Will post again after her surgery..


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Vickie, Thanks for the update. My surgeon got sick the day of surgery for my cataract surgery and I remember them calling the day of and postponing. It is so difficult when you have geared up for it and my surgery was nothing compared to Cass's surgery. I am so sorry for all that your family has had to endure.
    We will certainly be lifting Cass up for her Monday, Nov. 17 surgery.

    Debbie, Thanks for your words. I now have the thyroid issue and the skin issue but I know that the Lord will be with me whatever happens. I am so sorry to hear about your leg having more cracks. Do you think the worst is over as far as the pain and it is healing now? I sure hope so. I want you to be able to celebrate your remission. Your patchwork sounds like fun. I have a good friend who has made it her big mission in retirement to make patchwork quilts for orphanages all over the world. She attaches a backpack with a stuff animal when they ship. It is truly an amazing ministry. I am sure the woman will be pleased to know how to do this after you show them how. I used to do a lot of cross stitch but I broke my wrist a few years ago and I haven't done it since. My eyes are too bad now anyway with some other issues. Take care. Will be praying still for that leg.

    Jean, Wow do you have a long ways to travel and to think that I was not pleased when I found out I had such a tiny commute compared to yours. I am sure you are in great hands. Will pray for travel. It was snowing here last night and I know in NY you can get much more snow that we do. Glad you got a good night's sleep too.

    Kath, Praying for strength for you for your big day and that you can enjoy your concert. I looked it up so have an idea where you are now.




  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2014


    Thank you for your continuing concern and prayers. I know our God is in control and He has his reasons for allowing things to happen. I thank Him for the 37 years He shared our son with us and the 53 years our daughter.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Vickie, I can sense that you are a very strong woman and it is obvious that God is giving you the strength that you need to go through your journey. I will continue to pray for you and Cass and the whole family. God Bless you.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, how are you doing today?


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi Polly, Thanks for asking. My prescription cream that is supposed to help my itching is either doing nothing or making things worse. I was running out of things so I had to make a trip to the grocery store. Coming home I got such severe stomach pains that I didn't know what I was going to do. So with the shingles meds mixing with my cancer drug it has been difficult. My allergy office won't let me come in to get my overdue allergy shot so that has been difficult. I have had ferocious headaches and I am not sure if that is because I need my allergy shot or  if it is the meds. I haven't really looked at the SE for the shingles meds. I couldn't sleep last night and got up and was still up at 4am. Because of the itching I was really having a difficult time getting to sleep. I was considering getting some Benadryl but decided against it. I have a hyper sensitive system. I don't even drink tap water at home, only bottled water. I am severely intolerant to chlorine and fluoride and gluten so my body has issues. I am a swimmer too. I did not want to give that up. I know this will eventually pass. The more distracted I am  by other things it helps to take my mind off the itching.

    How are you doing? How's the LE? I hope you have a good weekend. Are you experiencing the effects of this arctic blast. It is so cold here that I just want to jump in the car and drive to anyplace warmer than here but it sounds like much of the country is being affected as well. I hope this is not a repeat of last year.

    Take care and thanks for asking.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    oh Nancy.....I prayed for you tonight at the concert. As did my friends and pastor together. Mandisa was AMAZING. You are All OVERCOMERS !

    Casting crowns, just phenomenal. My spirit is replenished and I am filled with the spirit. I have pictures on my Facebook page..I would accept you all, just know my BC is not posted there due to privacy

    Kathryn Hunter, Florida

    Gentle hugs and strong prayers


    I will post a couple pics here tomorrow. Praying for everyone to get some rest. Nancy perhaps IV benedryl?

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, you have such beautiful words for everyone that needs prayers or comfort so I wish I could do the same for you. But I hear every word you are saying and wish I could just sit there and read or talk or laugh, whatever it would take to keep you distracted even if for a few minutes. If you play games on the computer, Pogo is a good site to try. I do puzzles on The Jigsaw Puzzle site. Both of those saw me through last winter. I'm continuing to pray for your relief because we know He has plans for this ordeal.

    My UTI is gone! Thank you all for the prayers. My arm is better and I need to go pick up my compression wrap that I can wear whenever I feel the need. My OT is great and I always walk away feeling better. I found a good site last night that has demos on LE massages that teach you how to do them along with some stretches. Great for swelling for any reason and I'll post the link if I figure it out.

    Prayers again for all of you this beautiful night. Just read this quote:  The more a person takes the needs of others to heart, the more he or she will take his or her own heart to God. 

    Peace and blessings on us all....

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi Kath,

    I am humbled that you would think of praying for me at your concert and your friends too. I will say that tonight I have felt very distracted from the itching so that is an answer to prayer. Thank you so much. I have pretty much been vegging out and watching TV all night. I have a big desire to go out West with my camera and photograph the Red rocks. Tonight they had one of my favorite PBS programs and that is the Red Rock Serenade. It had beautiful classical music with stunning aerial views of different Red Rocks in the Southwest. I used to be a professional classical clarinet player so this was right down my alley. It was a GREAT distraction from the itching. I probably should have called the dermatologist's office today to see what other options I had. She did say that this steroid cream was a middle of the road strength. She said anything too strong would discolor my skin. My primary doctor didn't want to give me oral steroids. He is very funny and ultra conservative when it comes to drugs. I hope you can post some pics from your concert. I am not on FB so I wouldn't be able to see your pics I don't think. I prayed for you this morning that you would be able to feel good enough to enjoy the concert. It sounds like you did so I am happy that prayer was answered. Can't wait to see some pics when you feel up to it.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014


    You have no idea what just reaching out to me means. I don't need any special words. Just knowing you care means a lot. When I couldn't sleep last night I was fiddling around with my new computer.  I am still learning Windows 8 on this new computer. I was so disappointed to find out that there are no games included. I used to play solitaire in the middle of the night many nights when I couldn't sleep. I was trying to download it and I can't even remember what the issue was but there was one. Oh I remember now. It had a virus on it or something and I started getting all of these warnings from my virus software and I had to do a scan and remove the virus. No wonder I couldn't sleep. LOL Geez.I will check out the Pogo site.

    I am so glad your UTI is gone. PTL When I was in PT this summer during rads I saw a LE specialist at the recommendation of my nurse navigator. I am so glad she insisted on this because I learned a lot about prevention. I have a shoulder injury from my breast ultrasound. I don't have lymphedema.  I remember hearing this lady next to me and they were wrapping her arm or leg or something. I didn't realize that was for lymphedema too.  I just knew about the sleeves. I would definitely be interested in seeing some demos on this. I think this is a subject that really should be discussed much more with the average bc patient more than it is. It shouldn't only be discussed once you have it. I love that quote too. Have a great weekend. Thanks for your concern.



  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited November 2014

    Found your FB page and saw video - how great that must have been!!!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2014

    Hello Sisters of Faith,

    Welcome Carolyn to the thread. Glad to have you on board with all of us. I know you will find this a safe haven to come to whenever you need too.

    Jean: Haapy to here your hubby is back to his old self. He sure sounds like a great support person.

    Kath: Hoping your second Taxol went smoothly and you have no big issues.

    Mini: Yuck, the flu. Rest girl...lots of fluids too.

    Nancy: sounds like the mystery continues. Interesting about the drug reaction happening anytime. Sometimes I think doctors just don't know and they hate to admit it. But we know that God can bring healing and relief and so we shall take this to this to Him. Okay... I am posting this

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2014

    Part 2:

    Our fur friends are often sensitive to our issues. Sorry that your kitty is having some issues. Knowing you are into holistically, have you ever tried Bach's Rescue Remedy Pets? It is used for stress, anxiety etc. I used it on some of my ill pets when they were passing from this life. Might be worth a try.

    Nancy, just going to step out in faith that you don't have skin cancer. My dad's biopsy came back pretty quickly. The dermotologist thought he had it again too and it turned out to be benign.

    Good to hear from you Anita.

    Kath: sounds like you had a wonderful time at your concert. Looking forward to the pictures.

    Polly: Good to hear your UTI is gone. Cranberry juice helps a lot too but you probably know that already. What wonder words for Nancy. You have such a wonderful heart. I wish I could take everyone's Issues away...or least take your minds off of them.

    Vickie: so good to hear from you. Thanks for the update. I am sure the delay in surgery is only going to work for her good. God knows best. And as Bev always say. In God's keeping and in His time. Praying that God continues to strengthen you each day

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2014

    Part 3: Afraid of losing my post.

    Debbie: So good to hear from you. So will the pain always be there in the leg and not get worse? Or will it continue to subside. I am so glad you are getting relief. You have been through so much and I admire your spirit and faithfulness in giving a God the Glory.

    Kate W: I know your big benefit is coming up next week. I am praying for a great turnout in your support. Hope the cold has improved and you are feeling better.

    Mags and Angie: Thinking of both of you too. Hope you both are hanging in there and feeling better. Praying for your cousin and the car matter Mags.

    Becky: How are things going for you.

    Lucy: Thanks for your encouraging words to all and for your inspirational posters. They really do lift one's spirit and remind us who is in charge. Thanks again for your kind words and prayers for my race. I too suffer from sleep issues. I never sleep restfully anymore and I probably wake every hour from one to five looking at the clock.

    Bev, Sharon and Deborahanne: always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Well it is the first full week of teaching for me. We had so many inservice days that I forgot what it was like to teach all My kids did a Turkey Boot Camp today and they got an intense workout while having fun. They were trying to escape the turkey

    It is cold here as everywhere and we are expecting a good chance for snow Monday morning. I am going to get up and run this morning as it is now 12:30 am. It should be I the 20's. I plan to only do an hour run. A big relief after all the atwo hour runs of the past few weeks.

    Sweet dreams and lots of kisses from God to all of you.



  • Redhead01
    Redhead01 Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2014

    Praise warriors...just checking in...all is well heading into day 3 since my first chemo T/C on 11/13.... very minor bowl issue, no nausea....took sage advide in other boards to take Ginger root capsules a week ahead of time  (and week after) and to flush the toxins out by drinking 100 oz of water per day.  This morning I get the Neulasta shot, so thats another adventure.  Worst thing so far was my blood pressure was 181/110 before starting chemo had to get that medically reduced ASAP.  I really thought Jesus and I had this worked out and was feeling calm and resigned to this battle, but my bode said much for mind over matter! LOL  Have a blessed weekend!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    I will post longer later. Feet up with my DH kale, blueberry,banana, protein shake Legs worn out and son nausea. But wanted to post a pic and see if a short video clip comes from phone.

    This is me standing next to my pastor Tim his wife in front of me and my two bf from church Pam and Shari image

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    me and my sweet office manager image