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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, I am sending hugs to you with gentle touches and offering up prayers for your needs. So much stress can add to those afflictions.  Rest sweetly.....

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Char it was not me who had Gaithers at my church. I don't recall who it was.

    Love your pics so much. Had to go back and look at then again.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Thanks for your prayers everyone. BTW it was Mags who went to a Gaither concert. She posted pictures as well. I was just about to drive to Walgreen's tonight and took some sleep meds instead and didn't want to drive after that. I am praying my doctor will fit me in tomorrow. He has been good in the past about that sort of thing.

    Polly, congratulations on your almost first year anniversary. I hope your UTI gets better. Praying for you too.

    Have a good night everyone and a good day for Debbie



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014

    Char awesome job and so honored that you wore pink. Love the pictures.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    Stitches out tomorrow. YAY! I hope you get some relief from your rash. I think I'd rather hurt than itch. It's so miserable.

    I wish I had something sage to say about all the needs and comments here, but what I say in my heart never seems to translate to my finger tips. But I do try to keep up with everyone, and I think of you often.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Polly, if you are able, please eat some yogurt while taking antibiotics for the uti. It may help prevent a vaginal yeast infection.

    My port placement was easy, no pain and the taxol want well. Glad I have the port now so I wont have any concerns about my veins for the next 23 or so treatments. Thank you ladies all for your prayers.. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    Mini, stitches come out okay? Nancy, hoping to hear yiu got in to see the doctor, and yiu have some relief!!!!!

    Jean, as I said, God is Good

    I am grateful I had a stress free day at work, feel pretty good. Praying for all of you


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi ladies,

    Thanks for your prayers. I just got back from the doctor and I have shingles. I have had it before and it really packed a powerful punch a few years ago. Besides the pain and rash I was extremely fatigued for weeks afterwards. The good news is I got a shingles vaccination last year (yeah it only works 50% of the time) and I went to pick up my meds but I have to go back in an hour as they were not ready. My doctor has never seen the terrible part of shingles as in the chronic nerve pain in patients who have had the vaccine so I am praying that will be the case with me. I am also praying that these meds will relief the itching. I am a little concerned as I have a spot right next to my eye which was itching and appeared yesterday. My doctor does not think that is shingles. I hope he is right because the eye thing can get into all sorts of things. Thank you for your prayers. I will have to respond to others later as I am really anxious to eat and get back there and get these meds into my system.

    Thanks for your prayers. I had no problem getting in today to the doctor so I am extremely grateful as you have a small window to be able to take meds once a shingles rash has presented itself.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited November 2014

    Thank you Jean! I wish I loved yogurt. It seems everyone does and it looks good. I do take probiotics and it will hopefully help.

    Nancy, I just cast that stinging, itchy devil out of you with your new meds working overtime. No doubt everyone on here is praying 'specially hard for you. You do so much for all of us even when we don't listen.

    Great visit with my OT today. Don't have to wear a compression sleeve all the time and thank goodness it doesn't have to be of the tightest pressure. I am looking forward to getting the compression wrap for even after a year I still swell in that side area. I thank God I have Medicare and insurance and a DH so that I can take advantage of these items. I worry about so many women without benefits. Three more days of UTI antibiotics. Glad to see my PCP is not using blanket meds. She prescribed a med only for UTIs. Makes me feel a bit loopy though.

    I'd rather read than post but I'm always here.   Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. (NIV)

    Blessings to all, Polly

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014


    I sure hope your UTI will be knocked out with those specific meds for the problem. Those infections are the worst and hopefully your worst is over. I have taken probiotics for many years and I have been told to go ahead and take them even if the antibiotics might be shutting them down. I can only imagine what good news that was that you don't have to wear that sleeve all the time. PTL  Thank you for your powerful prayer. I am going to claim that. I have one pill in me now and am expecting some relief hopefully soon.

    Kath, Glad you had a stress free day. I used to be so grateful for those days as well when I was teaching. I thought retirement meant no stress. LOL Silly me. Thanks for your prayers.

    Jean, Glad everything went well for you today. Praying for minimal to no SE's

    Mini, I am glad you are getting your stitches out tomorrow. I am sure that will be a relief. Don't ever feel that your typed words are not good enough. God knows our hearts and that is the important thing. I am sure after reading my posts you all understand why I majored in music.Headphones

    Bev, I guess I am not thrilled about having shingles but I am very relieved that it isn't a SE of Arimidex. 

    Char, I hope you are not feeling like you have been run over by a truck. You are a strong woman.

    Angie, Hope your SE have been manageable.

    Lucy, Hope you have a good week after a nice weekend.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    My shingles is on my face and near my eye so this may be an emergency situation. I just got in to see my gyny today and he said it looks like shingles on my face. My face is numb on that side. My primary doctor wants me to come back at 5 so I will have to see if I am going to be sent to an eye doctor after hours. I did not want to be remiss in honoring our veterans today. My late father was a Marine in WW11 and I honor him along with all of the thousands of men and women who have served the USA. I took these pictures a few years ago. It was quite a moving experience when I saw it the for the first time.



    In this night picture they let me in with my camera before it had officially opened. I got really choked up. It was such a moving scene and no one was there except some policemen.



    This tower below is a carillon. I think it is the tallest in the USA.



    This last picture was taken from high up in the carillon.


    God bless our veterans. We live in a free country because of their service and sacrifice. We have this Christian thread because of their service and sacrifice.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, praying for you and that your doctor's appts go well today. I just say oh no, Shingles and pray for a quick recovery and few effects from the shingles and you get relief. Enjoyed your Veteran's Day pictures.

    Char, again love the pictures and that you honored us during the the race.

    My SEs are minimal at this point fatigue is worst on Monday's. My treatment this week is on Thursday due to Nurses strike today and tomorrow/Wednesday.

    Praying for all today.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi all,

    I saw my primary doctor again tonight. He does not think the place on my face is shingles yet my gynecologist today did think it was. So I am seeing a dermatologist on Thursday. My primary doctor said there may be some cutting involved. Great! He thinks it is a cyst. My face feels numb. I had a cyst removed from my back few years ago and it had become unbearable and I went to an urgent care center on a weekend. This doctor (without even asking me) said most people thing the shot is as painful as me cutting so I am not giving you a shot. Well after I about flew off the table during the cutting I am going into this apt on Thursday with a little apprehension since this is so close to my eye. In some ways I wish I would have just kept my mouth shut today with my gynecologist but you don't want to mess with your eyesight.

    Angie thanks for your prayers. I appreciate them and everyone else who has prayed for the rash before knowing it was shingles.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    oh Nancy, God bless you hon. I have been praying on the hour every hour since I read your post earlier. Is there another doctor you may want to see? Praying for healing, that Meds work, to stop the spread.

    Today I had "Blessed Assurance" in my head all day. I met with a friend (office closed), went to get the car washed and they had free massage.....awesome on my bald neck and head :)

    Then had energy to clean a bit, and actually cook for DH. For once. I realized I had not been alone in weeks, and I sorely missed it.

    Was able to buy some great produce, wash and prepare it, and more.

    Nancy the pictures are stunning

    Angie, nurses strike? Hmmm,.....glad you are feeling well today

    Mini, Polly, Char, all others I continue to lift you all up


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Kath, Thank you so much for your prayers. As I sat here waiting to go back to my primary doctor tonight I felt such unbelievable peace. I knew prayers were being lifted up for me so thank you so much. I know others have prayed as well and thank you to everyone. Going into this apt on Thursday I would certainly appreciate prayers for that. I am a little apprehensive about that.

    I am glad you all liked the pictures.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Hubby is sick (sore throat) told him he could have a sick day as allowed by the humble servants union! On a more serious note, I have been dealing with some fear of death issues. Been feeling somewhat weird and disoriented. I am not sure if this is a SE from the chemo, missing hubby's support or a purely spiritual thing. Prayer would be appreciated along with any wisdom from you dear ladies. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Jean...please just pray without ceasing during these times. I know it is hard some days. Know this is the enemy and don't allow it to sneak in. I have had a few days of this myself the past week. It's ironic and there are other things going on around me that let's me know he is trying to work in all of us. Take peace and comfort that we have our Father God watching over us and knowing our needs and also our fears. Remember fear is not from our God so we have to rise above these feelings.

    I would love to have the opportunity to chat with you if you are open to that. You could PM me and share your number if you like and I will give you my number.

    It's interesting but on my way home today I was heading to our women's ministry meeting and I had several of you on my heart for prayer specifically for Jean, nancy, Mags, along with some women from church and other friends. Please know I pray for a of you but sometimes some are just a little stronger on the heart.

    Have a good night and restful sleep tonight...Blessings Abundant...Lucy

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited November 2014

    Jean, take comfort in the fact that Satan must see you as a Christian warrior if he is trying to attack you with fear. He doesn't bother doing this with the lightweights! Please just spend more and more time with the Lord, Satan gives up when he realises that the result of his actions is that you get even closer to Jesus. I know how disconcerting this can be, and will keep you in my prayers.

    Nancy, sorry to hear about the possible shingles, you also are in my prayers.

    Love Debbie

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Got up today in a much better frame of mind, praying earnestly for God to keep me and crazy glue me to the center of His will. This cancer journey is definitely a marathon but Jesus is right beside us. He told me last night that we are doing this together. I had a skewed idea that either I was doing it with Him watching or He was doing it all and I just was along for the ride. Sorta just sitting back and relaxing. Doing it together is so much better in every way. How amazing to be doing this with Him.

    Thanks ladies for the encouragement. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    Shingles, boo. I hope you feel better soon. The probiotics should help. Look for one that is multiple/high dose.

    I'm grateful that I have a roof over my head and and a furnace that works. Hope we don't get much snow.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2014

    I have been praying for you Nancy. Shingles on top of all the other stuff...oh my. You hang in there girl and we will keep you in prayer.

    Jean: Glad you are feeling more at peace today. I just try to remind myself that we are all going to die...but I will have victory over death and my end is going to be so much better then Satan's. In the mean time, hang in there. With God on your side, you can't lose

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    I appreciate your prayers so much. It has indeed been a trying time. I think the estrogen being removed from my cancer drug is really playing havoc with my emotions which makes everything that would normally only be a minor blip in the road become a major mountain. Last night I realized that my under arm (surgery arm which has had no feeling since March) was burning and itching like crazy. Today I woke up with another rash under this arm. This cannot be shingles because shingles are only on one side of your body and my doctor is very sure the rash on my back is shingles. My cat was being sedated this morning and had some things done so I had to deal with that. I was so wiped out from getting not much sleep that calling the doctor again today was not going to happen. I will see the dermatologist tomorrow and hopefully she will add some enlightenment to all of this fiasco. It just occurred to me tonight that I may be reacting to the shingles drug. I had feared it might be the cancer drug. I have said this before. One of my favorite scriptures is And this too shall pass. At this point I am praying sooner than later!

    Jean, I am glad you are feeling better today.

    Mags, I hope you are hanging in there until your biopsy.

    Debbie, Good to hear from you. How is your leg doing? I hope it is still pain free.

    Mini, Your stitches should be out by now. PTL

    Angie, Hope you get your treatment in after the nurse's strike. I don't know if I have heard of a nurse's strike around here. Hope you have minimal SE's

    Praying for all who are having treatments that your SE will be minimal and that you are one treatment closer to being done. PTL

    I know some of you are in treatment indefinitely and I especially pray for all of you for courage, strength and favor with the Lord's provision in your lives.

    Becky, haven't heard from you in a while. How are you doing?

    Anita, have your sisters come to visit yet? Praying that you have a great time.

    Bev, I was counting on your to keep sending some Texas warmth this way but the artic blast must have blown it away. Freezing here now. Can I come and visit you for the winter? Happy

    Deborah, Hope you are doing well. I know you are super busy, but praying all is going well and you have the strength to do all that you do.

    Sharon, Still praying for your sub position and for the selling of your house.

    Polly, I appreciate your prayers and encouragement. So glad you get to use the wraps instead of the sleeve. How is your UTI. I hope it is gone soon.

    Lucy, thanks for your prayers. I admire all that you do.

    Char, thanks for your prayers and I hope you have recuperated from your big day. Wow, I am still so impressed.

    Kath, Glad you had a nice day with your free massage. I got to have one of those during treatments and it was so relaxing and a real gift. I appreciate your prayers.

    Ginny, How are you doing? When do your treatments start?


    I am still very uncomfortable. I am dealing with some difficult issues with my cat which just adds to the mix. I still covet your prayers.


    Love you all,


  • Redhead01
    Redhead01 Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2014

    Just letting you all know that our Lord is using you to send extra peace to His daughters.  In 12 hrs I begin my chemo-land trip, and am finally feeling more moments of peace than fear of the unknown.  Believe me, NOT to minmize anyones SE's...but I need to feel its silly to worry about SE that WILL pass and won't kill you....cancer can....and I need to look at this as a battle, not a trial.  Time to get into suck-it-up, buttercup mode.   Praise be the Lord who moves the posters on the board to share their wisdoms with the precious viewers, too tired or not in a sharing mood.    I know that I need breaks from the general website...dwelling too long can make me more anxious.....but this forum, is the last I read for the perspective I truely need.  God bless all....and thank you again.  Ginny

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Ginny, prayers for you as you start your chemo journey. Everyone deals with their journey in their own way and it sounds like you have a good perspective. We are here for you as you go through yours.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    Ginny, nice to hear from you. Bless you while you begin your journey and adventure. I am glad you are in a good place and have peace. I was there a year ago with the fear of the unknown and when I finally surrendered it all to our Farher it was then I had my peace. Please keep us posted and know we will pray for you.

    Nancy hope you have a better day today and the symptoms you are having subside. Praying your dermatologist has some answers for you. Hope kitty is ok, it's hard when our furry kids have issues. Our little Gidget is such a little joy in our daily life and I don't like when she is not doing well. She is 13 so she is an old gal for a dog.

    Woke early as usual as that has been happening a lot lately. I wake up an hour before my alarm and that bugs me as I really like my sleep these days. Been feeling pretty good the pill I am taking has a SE of itching too but it's just on my neck and it has spread to a larger area just in the front of my neck. It doesn't look bad but the skin can be scaly looking and rough to the touch like low grade sandpaper. I have this moisture ointment that my MO recommended and it seems to do the trick.

    Bev hope all is going well. I am here by God's appointment, in His keeping, under His direction, for His time. Thinking of you!!!

    Mags your in my prayers.

    Deborah hang in there sister.

    Becky and Anita looking forward to hearing from you two. Praying for you.

    Char how are your knees these days after your run? Loved your pics you shared.

    Kath let us know how things are going.

    Polly hope the UTI has improved and there is relief.

    Angie and Mini just praying for you both as well.

    Well I will check back later sisters. Know your getting prayers from this sister warrior. Have a blessed day and thank The Lord for all He has done for you. He loves us all so much.

    Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses, Matthew 8:17. Therefore I refuse to allow sickness to dominate my body. The life of God flows within me bringing healing to every fiber of my being. Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Good morning my dear sisters. I am grateful to have my humble servant (as hubby refers to himself lol) back. He is feeling much better today. It was difficult the last few days not having his support. So glad he is back. He sat next to me on the couch and rubbed my arm while I just blubbered. Such a relief to get it out. My port which was put in on Monday is still sore and some sides from Taxol but on the whole I feel pretty good all things considered. I am starting to feel like I know you all. Kinda like soldiers bond when they serve in a war together. I pray for Jesus to be strong in each of us today. I pray for His peace. Love, Jean

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited November 2014

    Dear sisters, thank you all for your prayers. Nancy, I hope that your dermatologist will be able to shed some light on what's going on. Praying that your furbaby will be ok. You are so dear to each of us, and we hurt when you do.

    Char, I don't remember if I gave you kudos! for your race last weekend.

    Jean, so glad you have your humble servant back, we are so fortunate to have them, aren't we? Blessed.

    To any I missed, please pardon my chemo brain (apparently that is a real thing).

    DH fixed us some kielbasa for dinner last night, and it made me so sick. I managed to get through four month of chemo without throwing up, but one little serving of kielbasa did me in. He ate it too and was fine, so it wasn't bad, just hit me wrong I guess. I'm a bit better today.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    Stitches out, flu in. All in all, I'd take the stitches. :-)

    Blessings All!