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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014

    🙏For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    2 Timothy 1:7

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014

    Congrats Bev on finishing your treatment. Doing the happy dance for you.

    Kath, thinking of you and praying for you and glad you are doing better. One day at a time and it is our communion with God that will bring us peace.

    Char, again just awesome! Good luck with your 5K race.

    Lucy, you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers daily as your appt day approaches. I am glad you get to arrive a day early to relax and enjoy your time away.

    Blessings Lady Prayer warriors,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014

    "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."

    2 Corinthians 1:3-4

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Wow Bev, CONGRADULATIONS. You give me hope! I will finish around this,time next year.

    Had my Taxol, herceptin / perjeta yesterday. It went really well. God is so good. 8 Taxol to go then just the herceptin / perjeta every 3 weeks.

    Going to my Dtr for Thanksgiving on Thursday. She is only 1/2 hours away. Then joy, joy, joy, my grandaughter's baby shower on Saturday! She is due 12/14. Prayers requested for a safe birth as she is only 18, a single Mom and very tiny. We are all very excited, me especially about this precious great-granddaughter whose name is Valentina.

    What an amazing God who has provided this wonderful blessing 8n the midst of breast cancer treatment.

    Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving day filled with gratitude.

    Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. 1 Cor. 2:9

    Have a blessed day. Talk more when I can. Hitting the road today.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    I just wanted to say that EACH one of you are a blessing to this thread. When we lift each other up for prayer needs and when we celebrate each others victories we do pull closer together as a little online family. You all are a blessing to me and today as I leave I am grateful for that. I have lots of prayer time in the car and I will be praying for each one of you individually on my trip to my mom's. I will be there a week. God Bless all of you this day and this week.

    Love you all,


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited November 2014

    I thank you Jesus for giving me that peace that passes understanding and thank you for that today and all days.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited November 2014

    Bev, well done on getting to finish your Herceptin. It takes such a long time to complete all of these treatments, you probably felt at times that you would never get there.

    Nancy, you always give us such wonderful photographs. What birds are they, they are not native to Ireland or the British Isles so I have never seen them before. The first one looks really funny with its Phyllis Diller hairstyle.

    Jo-5, that is a lovely piece that you have shown us. It really speaks to me because I find that everything that can go wrong will go wrong at one and the same time. When this happens I question everything, and it is so encouraging to think that I should just rest in Him.


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2014

    Dear sisters.

    I just want to wish each of you a Blessed Thanksgiving, and thank each of you for your prayers, love and support for each other as we continue this challenging Journey.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2014

    Bev, Yay!

    Ditto ADJ, I thank the Lord for giving me peace that surpasses all understanding and that He is my strength and refuge in my time of need.

    All that are traveling I am asking for traveling grace.

    Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving day that is filled with gratitude, love an happiness.

    I am in the chair getting #5 of 12 Taxol treatments. Praying for strength for tomorrow Smile


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Angie you are just ahead of me with Taxol. I have my 5th on Monday.

    God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

    Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hi ladies,

    I had a good trip with dry roads. PTL I picked a good day to travel. Today started off with a bang when I realized that I left my BP meds at my house three hours away. It took me all afternoon to finally get some pills that cost me $1 each but much cheaper than having to drive another six hours to get them. I feel like I have had chemo brain lately and I have never had chemo. So I don't know what you call that............maybe losing my mind!

    I had a chance to pray for every single one of you on my trip to my mom's. Vickie I continue to pray for your family and wondered how Cass is recovering from her surgery ?

    Debbie, those birds are cardinals. The funny one looked that way because it was a very blustery day of snow and high winds so the female cardinal's tuft got really blown making it look funny. The female is a pale red.  The bright red cardinal is the male and his tuft was not up at the time I took the shot. The cardinal is Illinois's state bird. The west coast of the US does not have them but all of the Midwest and east coast and some southern states have them. I share photos on a couple of other threads here and I am amazed at the different birds that come from different parts of the world. One lady from Australia posts some birds I have never seen and vice versa. One lady from Southern California posts the neatest birds that I have never seen even in pictures so it is fun to share with people from different parts of the world. Thank you for your nice comments on my photos. If it wasn't for my bc journey this year  my photography would not have taken off as it has. I can't perform anymore with my clarinet because of a serious neck surgery so I think the Lord is opening up this area of passion for me as a true gift and for another outlet. I hope you are still doing well with your leg issue and are enjoying your quilting.

    Anita, so glad to hear from you and that you are experiencing God's peace. That is fantastic.

    Jean, How special that you will have a great grand daughter. I love the name Valentina. We will pray for a safe delivery for mom and baby.

    Kath, I hope your rash has stopped in it's tracks and you are enjoy some quality time with your boys and DH.

    Angie, Hope your treatment goes well today and that you will have minimal side effects.

    Lucy, praying you will have some opportunity to speak to your brother and his wife. I know it will be a bittersweet gathering. I have been praying for this situation. Very sad indeed.

    Char, praying for your race on Thanksgiving. You are like the energizer bunny. Keep going girl!

    Bev and Deborah, Hoping to see some pics from your reunion today. Safe travels for both of you.

    Polly, could you send some warm Texas weather up our way! Hope your lymphedema is under control.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone. I was planning on putting up my mom's inside and outside Christmas decorations but with the detour due to me losing my mind and the weather not being too great with snow and cold I will wait till Friday.

    Love you all,


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2014


    Cass is doing very well. The surgeon removed the catheter Monday, which made her feel much better. Just got the pathology report today. ALL CLEAR!!! I thank MY Lord every day for the blessings he gives us. We will be having dinner with our son-in- law and Cass/family plus some other extended family tomorrow. WE HAVE SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR!!

    I wish you a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving..


  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited November 2014

    Redhead - I had Neulasta shot for 3 out of 4 chemo treatments. Works like a charm, very little side effects. I believe they like to tell you the worse it can get and then anything less than that is great. :) Stay with it, you will make it thru. We are here for you, do not isolate - keep in touch.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited November 2014

    Today is exactly one year that I had my breast cancer tumor removed. Seems so long ago and yet so current. Still not back to work due to the body being fatigued. Also, the infection in the wound site I got in July is still not completely healed yet - still open wound. So I am taking this time to rest in the Lord, since that is all he is saying to me these days. I need to rest, relax and let my body heal. I need to rest, relax and meditate on the Lord to let my soul heal. I need to rest, relax and listen to what God is saying for the next part of my life journey. Revival is afoot, sisters, make sure you are plugged into God and hearing his voice. His peace sustains us. Today I had an epiphany - or revelation: When I rest and be still, know who God is - I am at peace and receive his peace. It is in his peace that I am void of worry, anxiety, anger and stress. Which leads me to joy and strength from my joy. FInally, all the pieces are falling into place when I fall into rest.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, so glad you made it safely!!! And to all those who are traveling. Praying for safety.

    I can't tell you enough how truly thankful I am He led me to this site. We are blessed to know His love, His peace, and his ever presence

    While I am managing these SE's on pain meds, I am thankful I do not have more. At least this g round I knew what it was, what was coming, and to get my prescription finally filled.

    Icing also really helps. Your prayers I know have helped it not spread on my hands. I just get another new layer of skin!!!

    I managed to make the stuffing, DH will do turkey, boys snapped the beans, they will peel potatoes, and I took them to fresh market for them to pick out desserts. Just being home with them is enough for me.

    Special prayers tonight for those who may be feeling sick, down, or lonely .

    Prayers of huge gratitude for all of you, my family, and friends.

    Happy Thanksgiving Eve :)

    "Bring me the sacrifice of gratitude, and watch and see how much I bless you"

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
    my hope comes from him.
    6 Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

    Psalm 62:5-6

    Carren, On your first anniversary of your dx you are finding this promise above to be true. God's word is true if we can allow him to have full control and for us to give up that control to Him. I am glad you are resting and giving your body a chance to heal and your soul a chance to find new truths in the Lord. Finding and realizing truths that have been in the Word all the time is like peeling back layers and layers of an onion. We go deeper and deeper in the Lord and find new refreshing in our spirits. It is an awesome thing and I am so glad you are experiencing this.

    Kath, I am glad you are managing the SE. Your description of your family reminds me of a Norman Rockwell painting. We are blessed to have you on this thread and I am glad you found us. I think those of us who have been here for a time all think that the Lord lead us to this place. It is truly a blessing.

    Vickie, So glad to hear good news regarding Cass. That is wonderful news.

    I was able to get some Christmas decorations up for my mom and put her little tree up. It has been snowing here and looking more like Christmas is coming.

    Have a blessed time with your family and friends tomorrow. I know for some who have recently lost loved ones it may be a difficult time but I hope that you can still feel the blessings of the season. We have so much to be thankful for and I hope that we can all feel that attitude of gratitude tomorrow on this special Thanksgiving day.

    Love you all,




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014


    God Bless you all.
  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    I got a bit of energy last night and managed to make a sugar free apple pie for diabetic hubby and some lemon bars to hopefully take to daughters if we can get down off our snow covered hilly driveway. Hubby is going out to try to shovel a path to the garage for me. The woods around our home look like a winter wonderland. So beautiful. Thanks be to God for all His many blessings. Love, Jean

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2014

    No! No! No! You guys have it all wrong! I did not fall off the face of the earth! Ask Bev. I'm going strong. I just want to say to all of you triple negative people that there is hope. I, too, have TNBC, and I must say that I survived it inthe face of all odds and I'm doing fine. I turned 70 in November, and I'm teaching full time. Your energy will return and I'm here to say that there is life after TNBC. Keep the faith. Turn it totally over to God Almighty and go on about your business. There is a time to be born and a time to die so let's all live each day to the fullest. At one point in 2013, I thought I had 8 months to live, but here I am to tell about it. My cancer was small but it was invasive when discovered. It was the most aggressive on the scale. I turned my fear over to the Lord and started living each moment. Bev keeps me up on what you all are doing and how you are. I pray for you as a group since there are new people I haven't met. Maybe after my teaching stint is over, possibly after Christmas, I'll try to get back in touch. God bless each of you. Hang in there, drink tons of water, and eat an immune-strengthening diet. Pray often, and stop fretting. It's in God's hands. Sharon

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2014

    Wow, talk about a voice from the past (although Sharon is right, we keep in touch pretty well - thank you, God for the miracles of technology!)!

    Deborah and I and (her old friend and my internet friend) Elissabeth had a wonderful lunch yesterday - all my friends from BCO are just one of the many good things God gave me through the BC journey (like my pastor says, not everything that happens to us is good but God will use it for good!).

    Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving and safe travels - especially those in the snowy northeast. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

    love you, sweet friends - Bev

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2014


    Happy Thanksgiving Sister's!!!

    Nancy glad you made it safely

    Sharon so good to hear from you. Would love to chat more when you can. I am doing well also and I agree we need too stay positive pray and live it in Gods hands when we surrender it all to Him.

    Glad to hear the ladies going through treatment are hanging in there and leaning on our God. It is what you need to do.

    Jean glad to hear you're doing well.

    I realized this morning while I was preparing our turkey for today's meal that I started a different journey a year ago on 11/25/13 and I am "Thankful" for being here today and for your love, support and encouragement. It has meant more to me than you will every know. Thank You and I love you all in a very special way. I know God lead me here to find you all, I love how He has worked in our lives for strength. We do have so much to be thankful for and I will do what I can without my power to continue this fight wearing the armor of God!


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited November 2014

    Happy Thanksgiving, sisters. I had a really long post the other day, and when I went to look for a scripture, I lost it completely. I was so exhausted at that point I couldn't even think of anything else to say. I find it's so much easier for me to type on the laptop than on the iPad (typesetting was part of my work as a graphic artist, and the last couple of years I was working I did most of it on this laptop, so it's the fastest for me to type on). When I first lost the post I was really annoyed, but after giving it some thought it occurred to me that maybe the Lord stayed my hand for some reason.

    I had the most excruciating experience with my rads simulation yesterday. I have really bad arthritis in my left shoulder (tumor side) and keeping it immobilized above my head is extremely painful. For one thing, it has a really limited range of motion, and after 2 surgeries, a lot of adhesions, so it can't be put where they need it to be. To get it even close, it stuck out too far to fit into the ct tube. We fine tuned the position for nearly an hour! Then came the sim. By then I was in tears. I don't know how I'm going to do this even if it's only 15 minutes every day. I came home and iced my shoulder and took a pain pill. Pain woke me up in the night, took another. Had to take another today just to get through helping with the cooking. Good thing I didn't need to do very much, thanks to my cousin and DH, for whom I am truly thankful.

    Our turkey refuses to finish cooking; it's already been in the electric roaster 2 hours longer than it should have taken, and still bloody. Don't know what its problem is. Everything else is ready, table set with the best china. I pray you all have a wonderful celebration of thanksgiving for all the blessings God has given us. I'm so thankful for this thread, for each of you.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2014

    Mags, I hope you are feeling better today. We did get down my snow driveway and had a blessed day at my daughter's with family. Tomorrow is my very pregnant granddaughte's baby shower. I am very grateful for the gift of a new life in the family. My daughter and son in law will be grandparents! Life is flying by. I was thinking about the changes this morning and how I will be entering a new stage of life after treatment is over. I will be 72 in April and I don't want to waste the remaining years on trivia if you know what I mean. Prayers for clear direction appreciated. Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2014

    Belated Thanksgiving wishes to all of you. I feel like I was on a 72 hour marathon with being up at 5 and working till 5:30. Cleaning my house, shopping and cooking. What was I thinking when I signed up to run a race Thanksgiving morning. More about that later.

    First my prayers are with all of you. good to hear from you again. Glad your doing well and thanks for that pep talk to all our TN sisters. There is hope in doubt.

    Bev....So good to hear you had a wonderful time with Deborah and Elissabeth. I miss you girlfriend and am sorry that I have been out of touch. I promise more notes.

    Nancy...So glad you made it to your mother's and sorry about the meds being left behind.You always seem to figure out a way to work things out. It is the teacher in you. Don't we always find solutions? No chemo brain here but I can put something down and lose it in a matter of kidding. Too much on my plate and I am sure it is the same with you.

    Vickie...Praise the Lord about Cass. Thanks for keeping us updated. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. I am willing to bet you are a giver and doer like many of us.

    Mags...I am so sorry to hear about the arthritis issues and going through so much pain. How awful. I can only imagine how difficult this must have been. I sure hope your bird cooked. One year our turkey popper popped and it was not done. We waited and waitied.....and waited. It still is a conversation at our holiday dinner table. We laugh about it now. Hope you will too.

    Lucy...Thanks for your encouragement each time you post. Just love the things you post.

    Carren....There is a reason for everything and you are a year out...praise God. For whatever reason He will take care of all the things that are still issues. You just keep fighting the fight and stay strong. In His time.

    Jean, Polly, Angie, Anita, Kath....and others. I pray God continues to meet all your needs as you go through this journey. You are not alone although I am sure you may feel like it. Every day more women are facing the battle. It alarms me as to how many and why. But we are so ahead of the game today then 10 to 15 years ago thanks to great research, doctors and facilities.

    Here is my kiss from God and a Thanksgiving miracle. My brother's beloved cat has been experiencing rounds of constipation....close to death experiences. My brother is on disability and has borrowed a significant amount of money from my father who is pretty impoverish to say the least all to save his cat. I do understand the love of our fur friends. He has borrowed money from me and I was going to help him out again because he would have cleaned my father out of what little he has. While crying on the phone to my dad yesterday about what it would cost and not having the money, a man from Ohio, a total stranger walked up to him and told him that he would pay his vet bill. He said that God wants me to do this for you and I am so blessed. My brother told him he could not accept this and the man said, I just got a $50,000 bonus from work and this is what God wants. He told him not to stress over paying this back and that the important thing is to take care of his cat. He gave the emergency clinic $2290.00 to cover the estimated costs. I think the workers along with my brother were in shock. My brother professes to be a christian and that he knows the Lord but I never see any signs of this in his life. I am not one to judge but I have been praying for him and his salvation for a long time and surely hope that He realizes how good God can be. But what a wonderful gift of kindness and generosity from a stranger. God is so good.

    Well the final news is that I got up at 5 am to stuff my turkey and then head out the door to run a 5K with my nephew. I have not done a 5K run as a single event (I did a couple in sprint triathlons) because I warm up slowly to runs and I am just feeling my stride and pace at mile 21/2 to 3 and that is when the race is over. My nephew keeps bugging me to try one and so I signed up for this one just for fun. Why on Thanksgiving.....with all I had to do...was crazy to say the least. But I ran the entire run with 700 others. I got out to a good pace and looked at my watch and thought it had malfunctioned because I was under 11 minutes on my mile. I have not run under 11 minutes since my knee injury last January. In fact I started running 12:30 this August and managed a 11:34 mile pace at my 10 mile race at the start of this month. But I just kept pushing through and I finished with a 10.48 min mile time. I was running between a 9:45 and 10:30 mile pace last year when I started taking up running and just felt happy to be running again. But God has been strengthening my legs and my knee and I have had very little pain these past few weeks. So I am praising God for giving me back my running. I was smiling the entire race. Here are some photos. nephews daughter ran out and finished the race with me and we crossed the finish line together.




    My nephew and I at the start of the race in photo one. I am at about 1.5 miles in photo two. My nephew's daughter runs across the finish line with me. I finished fourth in my age group and my nephew took third in his. It was a fun day by all.The guy in yellow stuck to my heels about mile 1.5 to 2.5. I turned and told him that it was time for him to lead and he chuckled and obliged. I followed him home. We both shook hands at the finish and I thanked him for making the switch with me.


    Dinner for 13 in my kitchen. Our dining room is too small for this group since I live in an old Cape Cod. Finally got to sit down after cleaning up around 9:30 PM. It was one long day.

    Love and Hugs to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited November 2014

    Hello sister warriors,

    I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.

    Sharon, it was great to here from you and how well you are doing. Bev has given us an update on you from time to time. I still have been praying for your sub position, for your aide that needs some guidance and especially for Matthew one of your special students. I continue to pray for your house to sell. It is encouraging to here of you doing so well and getting your life back. I am amazed at you still teaching. That is awesome.

    Bev, So glad you got to have another reunion with Deborah and that you got to meet your friend Elissabeth that Deborah said you had been a great help in getting through rads. You are a great blessing to all of us.

    Jean, Glad you made it out of your driveway and had a good time at your daughters. I hope the baby shower is a special time for your family tomorrow.

    Mags, I am so sorry that you are experiencing trouble with positioning for rads. Since I had injured my rotator cuff going into treatment that was a huge concern for me too. I had PT a short time before I started rads and that was a huge help to get me through. I know my RO said if it didn't work on my back they could do the treatments on my stomach. Is that an option for you? I know if they have already measured you with the CT there may be no going back but if you are in terrible pain they may have to try something else. I wonder if this would be a reason for your insurance to cover the proton radiation I think you called it after rejecting it the first time. I sure will be praying for a solution. Once you get started it may not take 15 minutes like they are telling you. Hang in there. I know it must seem like you are thrown one road block in front of another. You WILL get through this.

    Kath, I am praying for your rash and for your new treatment plan to work for you. Praying you are having an awesome time with your DH and the twins. I am glad you found us. Thanks for your input in a personal matter for me. I do appreciate it.

    Lucy, You are such a blessing to all of us how you lead your life and stay positive. I really enjoy your posts with all the special uplifting verses and quotes. I hope things went well for your family yesterday.

    Vickie, I hope your family had a good time together to begin healing and rejoicing both.

    Char, To run a 5K before hosting all those people for a Thanksgiving is beyond my comprehension! I am so proud of you on so many levels. You go girl!

    Angie, how you feeling after your last treatment. I hope the fatigue is better. How many more treatments to go?

    Polly, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. You are a great encouragement to all of us.

    Anita, I hope you had a great time yesterday. Were you with family?

    Debbie, I took some more cardinal pictures at my mom's just for you. I will have to post sometime later.

    Carren, I hope you are still resting in that awesome place under the shadow of His wings. it is a great place to heal and to find refreshing.

    Becky, We have not heard from you in quite a long time. Are you doing okay? Still praying for your new treatments.

    Yesterday my mom and I were at my sisters with her husband and sister. I was thrilled that my mom played the piano at my sister's house. She hasn't done that in a very long time. She played for a long time. I am listening to her play for me now. She loves music. It is no wonder that I went into music. The two amazing things that she plays now is that she has dementia and that she has only three fingers on her right hand due to a horrific car accident when she was  9 years old. She was telling me things just a couple days ago about that accident that she had never told me before. They called in seven doctors to weigh in on her accident. Only two of the doctors thought they could save her hand. Well she has her hand now and you would never in a million years know that she is playing as well as she does with only three fingers. She plays a lot by ear. She has a true gift and I am going to keep encouraging her to play because it is good for her soul and her mind and for mine as well. She told me she hadn't played in about a year. I want to get a video of her after she has practiced a bit more. My sister and I will have a great remembrance of her when she is gone if I can get a video of her soon doing what she loves. 

    Take care everyone.


    Love you all


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    Happywanted to check in on my favorite sisters!

    Char, I want to be you when I grow up! You are amazing, inspiring. What a joyous day you had!!! I can't wait to start exercising again.

    Mags, first off, did your turkey ever cook? I am so sorry about the discomfort with the rads. Knowledge for for the future though, so thanks. Prayers you are feeling better and got some rest

    Lucy, you always manage to lift me up with your posts, and messages. For that I thank you.

    Vicks, did Cass her home? I know the holidays were a mix of emotions....have been praying for you

    Jean, sounds like it was a fun filled weekend!!!!! Shower good too? Prayers for wisdom and grace at this time in this journey

    Nancy, how are you? What a delight hearing your mom play! I am holding you up so much in prayer. Care taking definitely takes it's toll. Make sure you get some rest also.

    I did not get treatment Friday after they saw the reaction. This week off....then onto CMF, a new cocktail. Every three weeks, not sure how many since I have had a total of 5 chemo tx with the taxol family since September.

    I believe it was His hand. I learned from the triple negative thread that CMF is a really good drug for TN. Maybe these horrible reactions were His way of steering the course to the right treatment. I am blessed I knew what was coming, and is had prayers this go round. Still blotchy all over legs, arms. Nope, no new dress for this one at my VIP party Thursday before my fundraising luncheon "The Magic is You" on Friday

    Can't fathom pantyhose ! :). Haha

    Hands still red and swollen, but icing, aquaphor and Meds keep the pain away.

    Rested on Thursday until 2. Enjoyed our meal with the family. Got sick Friday morning, moved too fast to get out of bed before Zofran dissolved. Working from home tomorrow , second one flies back to school at 6.

    Hair starting to grow in a bit! I think I have 1/8 of an inch woo hoo!

    I told my pastor the lesson I keep hearing and learning from you all is to COMPLETELY rely on HIM. I keep working at it. Thanks for being great teachers.

    Prayers daily for EVERYONE on this list

    Gentle hugs and strong prayers,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2014

    Ugh...ok so I will do this quick. I had a great post going and lost it so I will try and focus on some things. That makes me crazy!!!

    Pray you all had a super thanksgiving time with family and friends DH and I sure did and it was a busy weekend. I was hoping to do a bit more relaxing but that didn't happen. Had 3 dinners to attend including mine and went to the movies and visited a friend in the hospital. Tomorrow is our day in Seattle for treatment so that will be a long day. Then we have to get ready for our trip to the Mayo clinic for DH. We fly out on Saturday for a 10 day visit and head back on the 16th. Praying for clairy and revelation to my DH medical issues. We know God is leading us so we are hopeful and expecting a miracle.

    Do any of you know or have you heard about DCA? If so can you share anything?

    Also at church today the message was on Perserverance and these verses were quoted so I thought of all of us and I wanted to share.

    Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭1-5‬

    We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain . ‭Hebrews‬ ‭6‬:‭19‬

    So I better close before I loose it again. Have a blessed week sisters and know I will be praying tomorrow for everyone. Love and blessings...Lucy

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2014

    Peace peace wonderful peace, coming down from the father of love. sweep over my spirit forever I pray in fathomless billows of love. Happy thanksgiving to all here.

    Love across the miles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hi sister warriors,

    I wish I could say that I have been enjoying the last two days but that would be far from the truth. The Lord has allowed some things to happen all at once which has been a true test of my patience and character. I feel like I initially failed miserably until I could step back and cry to the Lord for help as these situations were beyond my ability to do anything even though I tried.

    It just might be something I could laugh at several years down the road but going through has not  been very amusing to me now. On Saturday I woke up to the sound of running water and a waterfall sound. I instantly new what was going on. I jumped out of bed at my mom's and her one and only bathroom was completely flooded. She had turned the water on at the sink full force and water was overflowing the sink all over the floor and through the ceiling into the basement. I was upset on many levels and not quite knowing what to do. Long story short is that new flooring will be required. I knew that the kitchen sink was having major problems and I had to deal with that after going to the cemetery to check on my tombstone I had made. It looks fantastic so I was very pleased at that. I thought it would be weird seeing it but I had lived with the design and tweaking it to fit on the tombstone for quite a few weeks so it was very natural to be seeing it in the cemetery. Relieved that one big thing is crossed off important things to do. Last night I went out looking for flooring for the bathroom and equipment to unclog the kitchen sink. When I walked in the door my mom informed me that her tooth fell out and she has these gapping hole next to her two front teeth. I called the emergency number and couldn't get through to the dentist so called the office and left a message. I worked late into the evening on the kitchen sink and got it a tiny bit improved. On Sunday the bathroom sink completely clogged up and I spent a long time trying to fix that and never could. If I hadn't pulled all my hair out by this point it would be a miracle. My mom has a doctor apt at 2 on Monday and I am supposed to be going back home on Tuesday. Obviously this all was not going to be taken care of fast enough. I had several opportunities to cry out to the Lord and say help I cannot do this on my own. I called a handyman who is coming out tomorrow morning. My sister is going to take off work for the dentist if they call early and will take my mom to her doctor apt if the handyman is still at the house. We are trying to figure out what my mom is going to do when the toilet will be out of commission while he does a subfloor. To say that this has been a challenging last couple of days would be an understatement. There are still things I haven't figured out yet and so many unknowns until the dentist calls and when the handyman comes and will tell us how long it will take to get all of this fixed. I kept thinking of Romans 8:28 That all things work for God for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. I also kept telling myself that much worse things happen and this too shall pass. Stretching of faith muscles is never pleasant but I do know that I can do nothing without Christ. I can have my little episodes of running around like a chicken with it's head cut off for a time and spinning my wheels in worry and what if's but the bottom line is God is wanting to see how we react to trials. I feel like initially I failed miserably but then got my bearings before I went off the deep end.

    There have been some more serious issues that have cropped up that I won't go into detail but I would appreciate your prayers for provision and for safety for both my mom and I and wisdom for me in some legal matters.

    I hope those who have been having major issues with their treatments like Mags and Kath have found a way where their didn't seem to be a way. God does that kind of thing so many times and I am praying for both of you that God will provide a way and perhaps this new way might be superior to what you thought was going to happen.

    I hope everyone had a great time with family and friends and that you feel refreshed and renewed.

    Take care as we get back to our schedules and look forward to Christmas.

    Love you all,
