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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    let's try this again...every time I share, this IPad freezes up...trying to make sure I'm positive I guess!

    I am thankful today that I was able to retire in June (37 yrs) because this Arimedex is giving me a fit! I missed school only for surgery and Dr. Appts both times, so not having to face a classroom when you're not well is a blessing. I pushed myself to keep going during those times and rested when I got a minute....should have rested more and worked less. I am also a pastor's wife.....that's a different topic for another day.

    Thanks, Nancy and Anita for reminding me to look to Him and take some time to rest when I need it. Ladies, praying for a good night's rest with no pain or discomfort for all as we rest in His peace.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Ellen, I retired from teaching in 2011 and I know what you mean. I was a band director and I tried to find myself a sub when I was sick otherwise my students would get nothing if I wasn't there. It is such a relief to not have that pressure now when I am not feeling well. I had some other health challenges that got to be so much that I had to retire before I really wanted to. The Lord knew what was ahead and that first year of retirement my mom got dementia. It was like one day she was okay and the next she was not. It freed me up to travel to help her out. So I was supposed to retire when I did.

    Being a pastor's wife I can imagine can be a very lonely place at times. I taught in a Christian school for part of my career and I became really good friends with this couple. She taught at the school with me and her husband was a pastor. I loved them so much. She was hilarious and not your typical image of a pastor's wife but a they both had hearts of gold and I loved spending time with them.

    I have had a difficult time with Arimidex (Anastrozole I am on). I have been so determined that I will stick with it but there are days. I ate breakfast out today which I haven't done in a long time and I am having lots of digestive issues tonight and I know it is the drug. I had terrible stomach pains for weeks and still do from it but I keep thinking my body will adapt. You probably know that there are alternatives to this if you are having lots of problems. I do know exercise helps.

    I agree with Jo that we need to pray for our pastor's wives. I will certainly pray for your issues with Arimidex.

    Bev, Continuing to pray for you tonight.

    Char, I have prayed for your hubby's daughter's surgery today as well. I hope she is resting with good pain control.

    Lucy, I have thought and prayed for you and DH often today. I imagine you have a list of apts for the week now. Take one day at a time. The whole journey can be quite daunting.

    Have a good night everyone.





  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Ladies, I can't believe it but I just got an email from Bev. I hope I remember all that she said but she wanted to let you all know that God was in the room. Her surgery was 4 1/2 hours instead of the 5- 6 1/2. She is of course said her abdomen is sore but hasn't used her pain button yet. She is using the breathing tube well. She never ceases to amaze me. When she said she would write on Tuesday(that was before surgery) I was thinking that was very optimistic. I believe she said the surgeon said things went very well. God is good and is answering prayers for sure. Let's continue to keep her in our prayers.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    PRAISES for Bev!!!! God is so good

    More tomorrow

    Love Kath

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    thank you, Jo...and thanks, Nancy for your post as well. I'm glad Bev's surgery has gone well...had a friend who had this surgery also...doing well 3 yrs. out..

    God bless us all with peaceful, pain free rest!


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, yes thank you for reminding to let go and let others help.

    Bev, Praising God for the awesome report. Continuing to pray for you tonight and during your recovery.

    Lucy, Thinking of you and your hubby often over the last few days. Praying for doc appts, answers and rest during your visit.

    Ellen, I am a Pastor's wife too. I had to put a lot of the ministry responsibility on others and I have to say I have awesome support and others have picked up humbly. I miss fellowship terribly, but my husband does a good job in staying in the Word and prayer with me. But again I do miss the fellowship, ministering and teaching. However I do know through this journey God is showing me more of me and Him. He is definitely showing me how to relax and rest in Him and rest physically. As Nancy stated so well I am learning to let go and let others help.

    Anita, You are so right, this is a peaceful thread that I am able to come to and read and not get over anxious but find a place to rest rest in the midst of the storm and it helps me to rest my sails. Thank you for your words of encouragement and so glad our paths have crossed.

    Kath, how are you doing with your new treatment? Praying that SEs are minimal and manageable.

    Becky, I continue to pray that you and the SEs. I have been looking on the web and through this site to learn more about tumor marks so that I can pray with accuracy. You are an inspiration and love that in the midst of it all -- in your post you thanked God for all the support and being in His Presence. I am with Char I have learned to repeat your saying as it helps me to reset my sails when needed.

    Jo, thanking God for your praise report. I had not heard of angiosarcoma until your post. Did some quick reading on it. I have added you and others with this rare condition to my prayer list.

    Char, thank you for the much needed increased prayers. My husband also told me that Church will be there when I am feeling better. The key is to rest and take care of myself.

    Mags, you are always in my prayers.

    Those that I have not mentioned by name, you and your family/friends are on my prayer list.

    God Bless Prayer Warriors,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Dear ladies, the CIO at my husband's company hosted her annual Christmas party for managers, catered reception at her home followed by dinner at an upscale Mexican restaurant. I had a really good time, drank a little wine, ate enough to know that my tongue has not recovered from chemo, but it was still good. DH and I sat with a couple who were just amazing, she is the one he works with, and her DH was also very nice. She is a Christian, she was amazed at how God has engineered this journey of mine, placing people in my life as I've needed them... I pointed across the table at her: "including you!" She laughed. A delightful lady.

    DH took a pic of me, I got lots of compliments, especially on my hair. I replied, "Thanks! My husband picked it out!" Got a few laughs.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning, Ladies!

    There was some praying for rest last night by some folks...once I fell asleep I didn't wake up until my husbands alarm went off..not even for my usual bathroom trip! I feel much encouraged today, and the lying around yesterday helped the leg pain. Hallelujah!

    For all in treatment whether chemo or rads or medication, may our Lord give you strength today..His mercies are renewed each morning..Great is His Faithfulness. A prayer for healing to Bev and others recovering from surgery.,and a special thanks to those who are checking on us and praying daily.

    Going to try and go out to do some Christmas shopping ( senior discount day!) and our pantry is getting bare. My husband has a medical appt this morning for a chronic illness (more on that at another time)so please say a prayer for him too.

    Thinking of all of you and saying a prayer of thanks for your support!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Welcome Ellen....although I'm sure sorry you're back in cancer world. You may not have read far enough back to see our mantra:

    I am here - by God's His keeping....Nader His training....and for His time.

    I sure can't imagine handling any of this without God right beside me!

    Okay that's my pep talk day 1 after surgery. Imy feeling amazingly good but haven't tried to get out of bed yet, which the nurse said would bring a lot of pain. She also said that today would be the worst for pain so it's all downhill from here. God is in control...and He has answered so many prayers so far, just know that won't end.

    Thanks all so much for the prayers. Praying that you'll work through all the legal issues and be feeling good enoug,h to get back in that pool again soon, Char hope your dad is doing well. So glad you could get out Mags - you look great! Jean and Angie, praying for you through chemo. Ucy, praying AL goes smoothly with your travel and appointments with your husband. Hope the weather cooperates!

    Well I'm still learning on this tablet so better post this before I lose it. Love you ladies! Bev

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2014

    Hi Ladies, I was told about this forum by a fellow sister in Christ who said that I would be welcome even if not quite the medium age. I have been following some of the threads and I must say it is awesome to hear the testimonies of what God is continuing to do for and with us. I know he continues to go before me and lay this path, it's just good to know there are others out there who know, seek and understand.

    "The Lord is my strength ad my shield: my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth with my song will I praise him."


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2014

    Thank you Lord for being in that room with Bev. What a kiss you have bestowed upon her. Thank you for answering our prayers and walking by her side. What a great post to see first thing this morning. Nancy please send our love and thoughts for a quick recovery

    So it had been a little bit of a whirlwind here at the mayo clinic but what an awesome amazing place. We are so glad we are here. So our first appt with the neurologist went well yesterday. We were with her for 2 1/2 hours and today we have a few tests to get through starting at 7:30am. So should have results tomorrow and then a visit with her on Wednesday. Hoping the MRI shows what they want to see so we can avoid the spinal tap.

    We are still hopeful that they will find a diagnosis. The people here are great and it's just an amazing place. The stories we have heard are awesome. The driver that brought us from the airport told us of many miracles that come from this place.

    I pray all are doing well and I have prayed for all but I have been a bit busy and when I get to our room we pretty much crash. So hopefully it will slow down a bit now and I should post more.

    Blessings to all of you amazing warriors...Lucy.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Good morning ladies and maybe afternoon for Debbie,

    She- Angel, welcome to our thread. I have a feeling you know Ellen from N. Carolina. Just a guess. I am glad you heard about us and feel free to jump in any time. We are a little online prayer family that supports each other through whatever challenges we have. We rejoice with those who have had answered prayer.

    Ellen, I got a good night's sleep too and that has been rare lately so PTL for both of us. Glad you feel encouraged today!

    Lucy, I am glad that you are getting settled into the routine a bit. It is an amazing place but I knew it would be exhausting for you so don't feel pressure to have to post. We will certainly be praying for you and DH and for the doctor's wisdom. Thanks for posting.

    Bev, You really are amazing posting the day after surgery! I will continue to pray for your for pain control. The Lord is healing you already but take it easy, be kind to yourself and try not to expect too much too soon.

    Angie, Praying for your side effects and all other who are having a hard time with that. 

    Kath, Praying for your leg pain and edema.

    Mags, You look terrific. I am not surprised with all the compliments you received that night. Praying you will hear something soon.

    I will check in later. I have got to run.

    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    This video is especially for Mags. I think you will all be blessed by it. When you click on it the video I had in mind was the first one on the left. Enjoy.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    hello ladies,

    Just got back from a profitable day of shopping. I don't enjoy it like I used to because of the standing around and walking. But I enjoyed a conversation with an elderly lady while waiting in line and had an unexpected " divine appointment" with a former coworker at Chick fil a which made the day worthwhile. Ran into my husband unexpectedly at the Mall...he saw me before I saw him.His appointment went ok. He has a genetic disease called hemochromatosis and had to have blood drawn today as treatment

    Bev, you are amazing! What a work He is doing! Wishing your pain and discomfort to be minimal.

    Nancy, believe it or not, She-Angel and I probably don't know each other, but God has a way of bringing people together. His ways are so amazing we may actually have mutual friends.

    Here's praying for all to have a restful evening and for the Lord to grant us comfort.thanks for all the prayers!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Thanks Nancy for the update in Bev. I was praying for her on and off thru my chemo today. It went quite well and once we got down my ice covered driveway this morning travel was pretty good. We just got home so I am going to get ready for my local Sanon meeting. It is a phone meeting because roads up here are still pretty iffy. I haven't been able to get to the ftf meetings,so this phone mtg is a real blessing. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    evening ladies and welcome She! This thread is by far the most wise, caring. Compassionate women of Christ I have met. Sure hope you join in

    Mags, why didn't you tell us you model ? You are gorgeous and radiant....thanks for sharing!

    Lucy. I think amazing people find amazing places. Sounds like a good whirlwind. Keeping you in prayers for His hand in all tests, in all meetings and in your alone time.

    Bev, as others have said you are amazing . wonderful you could feel his presence. Sometimes I imagine when I can't sleep that I am curled at Jesus feet just feeling warmth and pure love

    Jo5 added you my list of names....prayers my friend!

    Angie, thanks for checking. This new round , CMF,came with its own gifts of nausea and muscle pain . They got to meet and play with Mr. Edema. Hahah....I have to find some humor ! My Zofran wasn't working as well,this time so DH picked up the patch covered by insurance. Will put it on tomorrow if I need it.

    Honestly I feel like it's just part of this chemo journey. Complaining won't help. I am so grateful for the little things...the bed, warm blanket, feet up, our old pet rescue dog beside me with his lovely breath :)

    Nancy, on going prayers for strength for you, for wisdom, to be able to hear His guidance. Please rest and take care of you. We don't want another shingles episode!!!,

    Today I met a feisty 81year old....20 years cancer free from 4th stage BC. A delight

    "I can do all things through Christ" Blessings and hugs


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Good evening ladies. Debbie I am confused on what the time difference is. You are probably sleeping now. Not sure.
    Bev is doing remarkably well for being the day after surgery. She has been able to get up out of bed twice with much help from her sister and the nurse. She has little pain which I find just amazing. Let's keep her in our prayers. She may post again tonight. I did tell her that you all were praying as I think some of you posted and didn't see her post earlier today.

    Ellen, glad you had a divine apt today. I haven't started my shopping so if that makes anyone out there feel better then PTL. I usually wait until I am at my mom's. It makes packing easier as I usually have my car full normally. Does your husband have too much iron in his blood? I had a doctor think that I might have that according to a blood workup but it was a false alarm. At least I vaguely remember that term which I had never heard of before. How often does he have to have treatments for that? Glad you got some shopping in.

    Lucy, Praying that things are going well and that the spinal tap will NOT be needed for DH. Praying for strength for both of you and of course wisdom for the doctors.

    Mags, Wondering if you have heard anything about rads. Modeling might suit youSmile.

    Kath, I am glad you have your patch and I hope that does the job for the nausea. I wish there was an easy fix for your legs. Continuing to pray. Thanks for all of your help with my mom issues. I so appreciate it. I can do all things through Christ has been my anchor verse my whole life. Love that assurance that he doesn't ask anything of us that he doesn't equip us to deal with.

    Angie, Praying for you for your treatments and side effects. I am sorry that you had to cut down on your work schedule but our bodies tell us what they need and obviously yours needs this rest. I know it must not be easy on many different levels.

    Jean, I hope you are doing well from your last treatment. Sounds like the weather is pretty nasty in NY now. Glad you could conduct meetings by phone.

    Jo, I will pray for you too and that this angiosarcoma will never come back. I think that was the name.

    I was able to get back to swimming today. I am very thankful for that. I will continue to lift all of you up in prayer. Our little circle is really growing so I think I will need to make a list of everyone like I have done some time ago and add all the new ladies and their concerns. This little online prayer group is POWERFUL.

    If you have time check out the video I posted this morning. It makes me tear up every time I see it.

    I continue to pray for all of you and am mentioning those who have recently posted. Take care.

    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Ladies I have a prayer request. Sorry this is last minute. My BIL is having a three hour hearing tomorrow at 8am with a Veteran's board. He is a Vietnam vet and has chronic illnesses now which the doctors are sure are related to agent orange. He is pleading his case to get disability pay which apparently he is entitled to get as others in his situation are already getting compensation. My sister has been the main bread winner in the marriage for quite a few years on an assistant teacher's salary which is not very much. It would be a real lifesaver for them if he got some decent compensation. He is not a Christian and my sister is. His name is Glen. I would appreciate your prayers. Thank you.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2014


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited December 2014


    Breathe sweetly and rest...He's right there with you! Blessings and relief to all.  Hugs, Polly

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Just a quick note after a busy day. I promise I'll write more tomorrow. But I just had to say: you ladies cracked me up! Model? Me? Maybe when I was 35 and looked like this:


    But not today. That's what I looked like when DH & I met. I'm so thankful he still thinks I'm beautiful, I know he sees me through the eyes of love.

    More tomorrow. Praying for Glen, and all the others I can think of.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Good morning dear sisters. I am feeling good after taxol yesterday. God is good. Planning to go to curves,then out with my recovery sponsee for coffee. After just huddle down with hubby, a fire and enjoy the minor snowfall. I had an amazing visit with Jesus, seeing myself as one of His little lambs being led along either the flick. Felt so protected and cared for. I just love Him so.

    Bev, I am amazed by your lack of oain. Was praying for that today, telling Him that this is usually the most difficult day and then read your post and saw God had already answered the prayer! Wowie!

    Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning all,

    God is good... reading about Bev and Jean reinforces my belief in the power of prayer. We are growing larger in number each day and so more prayers are going for our band of believers as well as all those who are battling this disease. Thanks for all the encouragement you give!

    In your prayers please remember a friend I met during rads 4 years ago. She has had at least two different types Of Cancer since then and it still keeps appearing in different places. She is now part of a clinical trial at UNC hospitals...and still trying to work. Her name is Fonnie.

    God's peace and comfort on all of you today! Saying a prayer for all! ( 2Corinthians 1: 3,4.)


  • anneb1149
    anneb1149 Member Posts: 821
    edited December 2014

    hi all

    I have been reading this thread for a few days now but this is my first post.

    Nancy- I just wanted to share our VA story. My husband had been diabetic for many years and eventually had to retire early. Our daughter came home from work one day to tell us a man at work said diabetes was an automatic approval by VA for Vietnam vets. Once we got started, we kept adding issues-kidney failure, vision problems, heart problems, etc, including inability to work. He finally reached 100% disability. The money was very helpful, it supported us very well each month, but the big part of reaching 100% was that I continue to receive benefits now that he has passed. I get a monthy check (less than a third of what he got), but more importantly I get health benefits. I have paid probably less than $2500 out of pocket for my whole cancer treatment, which as you know is a tiny drop in a very large bucket.

    It was a long process, but so worth it. Once he was accepted as a disabled vet, just for the diabetes, ALL of his health issues were handled by the VA, for free. The Drs were top notch, most of them working at the VA and also on staff at Jackson Memorial, the top hospital in South Fl. Although the facilities were old, the equipment was cutting edge and all the staff were kind and compassionate. We got to know the staff in each area and it was the same as going to any private practice, except that sometimes the waits were long.

    As I said, the process is long and tedious, but was well worth it. It was defintely God's hand that led us to the VA, and I am forever grateful.

    More about me later but I wanted to share this right away to encourage your BILto follow through.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, sisters, and welcome, Anne!

    As promised, a bit of update. My friend from church who is arranging my rads transportation called yesterday and was anxious for an update. So I called the RO's office and they said that a radiation plan had been prepared for both standard and proton therapy and resubmitted to the insurance company. She said they are "dickering" with insurance over it; apparently the RO feels it would be significantly better for me to have the proton and is willing to go to bat for it. I like her.

    My cousin had an errand to run after that, which took over an hour, with me sitting in the car, so by the time I got home I had to have a pain pill. (Actually I just take a quarter of a tab, it takes the edge off but that's all I really need.)

    Many thanks to all who have been praying, God surely does answer our prayers! You all are on my mind, and so in my prayers, as disjointed and upside down as my thinking has been, I may get the names and requests mixed up, but the Lord knows who goes with what, and knows the needs far better than I. Knowing that helps me not feel guilty. I should get in the habit of writing these things down, but I've never been good at that, and I'm all over the house when I post. Hmm.

    Pain is just so distracting.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2014

    Hi Nancy, I just looked the time difference up and Ireland is 6 hours ahead of Chicago. I don't know how far away from you Chicago is, I couldn't find Naperville on the timezone converter I was using. I will be pleased to pray for your brother in law.

    Mags, you were so slim back then, I can't remember being that slim since I was a young girl. I am sorry to hear that you are in such pain, you are in my prayers.

    Ellen, I will pray for your friend Fonnie. It is very hard to keep going on with this disease, it seems to play a game of whack a mole across our bodies and she is probably wondering where it will appear next. It is good that Fonnie has been included on the trial, but she must be tired as she continues to work. I had my first day at work in the office today after the chemo I had earlier this year, and I feel rejuvinated rather than tired so I hope she feels the same.

    Welcome Anne, I am sure you will like it on this thread. We all pray for each other whenever any problems occur in our lives, and everyone is very supportive.

    Love Debbie

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    thanks for the prayers for my friend Fonnie. I heard from her this morning..she is having a treatment today, but there was not so good news...she has a small mass back of her right eye and is seeing our RO Friday..I told her I would try to get to the clinic to see her. Her faith is strong, but I suspect she is keeping some details from me. She is also a teacher ( middle school, bless her heart) and has a teenage son at home. My heart hurts for her and her family...she has been through so much in 4 years

    Your comments and support for me are much appreciated, too. God bless you all...

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hello ladies.

    I have read some and didn't have too much time to post earlier and I wanted to hear from my sister regarding Glen's hearing today. She and I both want to thank you for your prayers for this hearing. He thought he was going to hear something but it looks like they give each illness, and he has several, a percentage and then figure out what benefits he will get. They are sending them a check and I don't know specifics. I do know that he had applied for benefits five years ago and was rejected. If he would have kept that rejection letter they could have gone back and paid him retroactively but unfortunately he threw the letter out. My sister asked for continued prayers. I have to say that this is an answer to prayer that I prayed for a very long time several years ago that they would be able to get another source of income as they were really struggling and you know how the enemy can work in those situations. Cars break down, furnaces need repair and on and on. So it looks like God is answering our prayers from the past and the present. He is good all the time. I will let you know how it all plays out.

    My verse for today is from Prov. 3:6. In all they ways acknowledge Him, and he will direct they paths.

    Anne, I have read your posts on other threads. I really appreciate you taking the time to write. I told my sister about your post and I plan to paste it into an email to her tonight. I am sorry for your loss but very glad to hear you are still getting benefits and health insurance. That is awesome. Glen had a heart attack at 51( he will be 67 this month) and the doctors seem sure this was caused by agent orange. He was diagnosed with diabetes last year and has neuropathy in his legs. So maybe the diabetes was the key factor. Thanks again for posting. I appreciate all the info.

    Mags, you do look like a model. I used to have a good figure but somehow I lost it with my mind and haven't seemed to find either one of them lately! I have had in my spirit for some time that you were going to be able to do the proton rads. I am going to pray that between the Lord and your RO that your insurance will listen to reason and approve this. BTW I posted a video for you. Did you get to see it? I think I posted it yesterday morning maybe. Praying for your pain and that you can get started with rads soon.

    Polly, Thanks for your prayers and your beautiful post.

    Debbie, I live in a suburb of Chicago so it is near by. For some reason I thought there was a 12 hour difference but then the other day when you said what time it was I realized I was off in my thinking so only 6 hours ahead. Thanks for looking that up. Hope you are continuing to do well.

    Ellen, I am sorry to hear about your friend Fonnie getting more disturbing news. I sure hope that this trial she is in will have remarkable results for her. I will be praying for her. Thanks for praying for my bad headaches. I think that I have figured out the problem. I have had a neck surgery and my neck muscles have never been quite the same. I did some trigger point therapy on the back of my head and I think the neck muscles might be the problem.

    Jean, Glad you are doing so well with your treatments. My good email friend from NY told me the kids have had snow days today and tomorrow. She is in Syracuse.

    Bev, I hope you are still feeling little pain. I am glad your sister is there to help you. I have been praying for Dave as well. I am sure the house if very lonely without you in it. Hang in there. You will be home before you know it and on your road to full recovery.

    Lucy, Still praying for you dear one and your DH.

    Kath, Praying for your legs and for nausea. Hang in there. You will get through this with the Lord by your side.

    Angie, Praying for you as you deal with the SE's and working and all you do.

    Anita, Thanks for your prayers. I hope you are stilling feeling God's peace all around you.

    Becky, You are on my mind quite a bit. Praying for you dear one that your treatments get more tolerable.

    Jo, Will continue to pray for you.

    She, Glad you are on board with us now.

    Char, Deborah, Sharon, Mini,  Praying for you ladies as well. Winter break will be coming for two of you at least. Hope you are all doing well.

    Ginny, How are you doing with your treatments? Haven't heard from you in quite a while.

    Vickie, I hope you are all doing well and that Cass is getting stronger every day. God Bless all of you

    Ladies, I am trusting my memory and I am truly sorry if I have forgotten anyone.  I hope everyone is allowing yourself to rest and to recharge during this busy time. We will all be looking at this year in the rear view mirror before you know it and I don't mean just because the calendar says a new year is coming. This time no matter how tough will pass by more quickly than you realize and I do definitely believe we are stronger and more enriched from this journey. God takes a bad situation and uses it for good as we allow Him to do so.

    Love you all,



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Sitting watching the fire, cuddling with hubby. Feeling so blessed as we listen to favorite Christmas hymns. God is so good. Decadron has helped not only the se's but also my unrelated hip pain.

    Praying for all. In His economy, nothing is wasted. Such comfort.

    Granddaughter Alexia is due to deliver our great granddaughter any day now. Love, Jean

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, yes we are all doing pretty well. My husband and I are in NM right now, on our way to AZ/CA for the rest of the winter.

    Cass is feeling great physically, has had some emotional challenges. Since her mom died, she had her surgery, her father-in-law had double by pass on his heart,(came home yesterday) and on top of this, she and her husband decided about 10 days ago to quit smoking. She phones us almost every day (sometimes more than once a day), She is a good girl and we are proud of her. I pray everyday that she/husband will develop a relationship with our Lord and Savior, she is starting to show some interest and asking different things. OUR GOD IS GOOD!!!

