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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hello sister warriors,

    I am posting another video for Christmas. The other one I posted was from Mary's perspective. This is called Joseph's Lullaby and I think you will definitely be blessed by this one too. I will post more later.





  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2014

    Praying for David too. Commanding pain to go in Jesus Name.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    Debbie, glad to hear that David is doing better and praying of Audrey. Prayers of the righteous availeth much!

    Kath, Praying for your new treatment and that there were no issues and that SEs are minimal and manageable. Please rest and relax over the weekend. Praying for you sister.

    Lucy, continued prayers for you and your DH on this trip and the medical team.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    I got to see my daughter and very pregnant granddaughter yesterday at a Christmas event. She is due in 8 days. What a wonderful God who is providing a great granddaughter for Christmas. Thank you Lord. I will try to post when she starts labor so we can all pray her through it. She is very excited but also probably anxious. Only 18 years old. My daughter's first grandchild too. Big change for the whole family. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hi warriors,

    Let's remember to pray for Bev as she faces a very big reconstructive surgery on Monday. She will be in the hospital for five days and I think she said it was a five hour procedure. Let's pray for peace as the day nears for her a for the surgeon and all of her surgical team for a great success, pain control and a quick recovery.

    I have been quite concerned about Becky since we haven't heard from her in such a long time. Let's pray for her that her new treatment plan is working for her. Becky if you are out there could you post and let us know how you are doing.

    Check in later. Nursing home day,



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    I am so glad to take time to carefully read this thread and respond. Forgive typos. I only use iPad at home. The Lord and you all gave me the strength to make is throughout the work week. With a little help from. Sarah Youngs Jesus calling. Do many of u use the daily reading one?

    Our non profit serves 12,000 annually free of charge. It is NAMI of Collier County. he has made this my personal mission, have been there from its infancy for 20 years we serve the one in four affected by schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and screen 2000 kiddos a year. Also support those on the autism spectrum

    This week of events included receiving a national award for our children's early intervention, and VIP part Thursday followed by luncheon for 450 Friday. Our speaker, Kevin Hines, is one of a few survivors who jumped from Golden Gate Bridge after commanding hallucinations. His story oh hope was fascinating, but as I spent time with him alone I learned of his incredible faith. Wow while God certainly blessed us in meeting our fundraising goal of $200K most importantly he helped us educate about our services, and bring hope to hurting families. I am truly blessed to do what I do

    Okay... Started new chemo yesterday after luncheon. So far so good. Normal SE. The battle I am still facing is the edema and pain. My legs are like sausages after work. I am on lasix anyway after quad bypass in 2012 . I have increased it and will see my cardio soon I guess underlying fear is the strain of the fluid on my heart . Rash going away, praises!!!!!

    Jean .....would love pics of your new gift from God when it arrives! Thank you for your posts on other chemo threads. Very helpful. Praying for you for wisdom in decision making, guidance, that is H is will.

    Ladyb....thank you. I love Phil 4:13. One of twins playing collegiate ball has it written inside his cap

    Lucy, please stay in touch. I have seen an explanation on DCA on one of the threads! search it and it should come up praying for comfort with the doctors you meet! guidance from God, found answers. Possibly some fun down time? Your shining spirit will make any C heist as lights at Mayo look dull :)

    Bev, a pleasure to meet you. Group was great to let me in even though 53 . I appreciate your wisdom prayers for the presence of Jesus to guide the surgeons, for you to feel His presence, and comfort. I love four twelve BTW

    Mini...update on Drew and other friends?

    Debbie, continued prayers for David and Audrey

    Oh dear MAGS.... Does ice or heat help? Pain Meds bring relief? I fought them for so long but finally listened to my MO and my body. I take mistle to protect my liver, and it is fine. I have to take them to function your honest postings make me feel normal about so much. HOW did your TURKEY come out? How long are you in the position during rads?

    Nancy, how are you feeling? Have you had a full derm scan? I look like a battle field from all the burnings and taking of basil and squamous. There are some down sides growing up in Florida. I honestly don't worry though I love the scan..she says sarcastically...standing in undies while they say. " turn, turn turn" a humbling experience . I will email you later

    Please know I begin each day reading this thread with focused prayers for all of your needs. I have never learned so much, even in small groups. I love my prayer warriors and GF from church, this is a very special group though. I feel your prayers. When the rash and skin burning began again, it did not nearly go to the extreme as the first time. I have come to accept this edema and pain may hang for awhile learning from women on the taxol thread. But I have full faith he can heal it.

    I have so much to do around here, but am listening to my body. If I can hang up clothes that is enough. I am praying I make it to church. I sorely miss it.

    I will look forward to watching the videos tonight.

    I love you all. You are so special. And I thank Him for leading me to you


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Just a quick note. We are in Minneapolis waiting for our connecting flight to Rochester Minnesota. We will be here till next weekend. Anita I love your new pic it made me smile. Nancy I just love how you warm my heart.

    We are well and have been doing ok. Have had wheelchair assistance the whole trip for DH so what a treat. I will keep in touch as I am sure I i will have a lot of wait time.

    Blessings to all of you...Lucy.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Hello Sisters of Faith: Thank you for prayers for my dad, he is slowly feeling better but still running a fever and upset stomach. I am glad he is here.

    Nancy: I have been down ythe same road you are experiencing with your mother. The difference was that I was not experiencing personal health issues as well. I pray God will skeet your needs and concerns for her as well as take care of your needs as well. Being a caregiver can really be exhausting and taxing on ones own health so please take care of you cause no one else will dear sister. (Of course God will but He does not want you to make your own health worse) okay got to restart my iPad or iIwill lose this.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Oh boy, lost my post even though I posted it

    Okay...yes Satan I am going to it...good.

    Nancy: I sure know what you are dealing with and the concerns you have for your mother. I was in those shoes too. I did not have health issues at the time, but knew the Lord and it still took a tolls on me so please dear sister, be good to yourself and ttake care of yourself.

    Lucy: Just about to mention that I am prayinfpg for DH and you. I know that God is going to work all of this out but will continue to pray for both of you. Thanks for posting.

    Polly: Loved your post. So true, so very true. I told a lady at work something she shared with me when I started my lifestyle change three years ago and she did not remember telling me and very surprised that I remembers it. Yet her comment was so helpful as I was losing weight. And Bev gave me my new favorite mantra and we always remind each other how true it is and a compass in keeping us focused on the course God has planned for us.

    Mags: I can only imagine your pain as I had a slight rotator cuff tear and my husband went through months of shoulder pain rehab. My prayers are with you for relief as you go through treatment. I remember having both my ganglion cyst surger. I had to keep my arm in one position for that surgery while awake and my arm was unbearably painful.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Sorry, I felt like I was about to lose my post.

    Nancy: I too am concerned about Becky. I am praying that she is just busy with treatment and holiday to post.

    Anita: Ditto on the photo new photo. Love it.

    Mini: I am praying for your friends.

    Debbie: thanks for the update. So glad that your friend is experiencing some pain relief. Prayer is powerful.

    Jean: As Bev said...don't get down. You are pumping all this stuff in your body and it is amazing how resilient it can be. Just remember that our body does most of its healing while we sleep so think of your body telling you that it needs lots healing time. This to shall pass.

    Bev: God grant you the peace and reassurance of your surgery. The unknown is always much worse than the actual experience. I am hear by God's appointment.....right? doubt.

    Kath: You are a busy lady. Praying that God meets all your needs.

    Heading to bed. Hugs to all of you and praying that each of youhave precious, restful sleep.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Lucy, praying for a definite answer for hubby and that whatever it is, is,easily treated. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hi sister warriors,

    Kath, We will continue to pray for you that nothing unexpected rears it's ugly head as far as reactions. We will continue to pray for your leg pain and edema. I know you are concerned about your cardiac issues. Girl, you have had enough stuff happen in a few short years. One of my cyber friends from the past used to say I (meaning her) will be glowing by the time I get through this next trial. She knew how God perfects us in the fiery furnace molding us into His image. I really believe that He is doing all of that for us as well. Suffering is never fun but it produces patience and character. Of course if it was up to me I would prefer to chose an easier path but the thing is it is NOT up to me and I am NOT God. Thank goodness for that. Recently I scrolled back to the very beginning of this thread. Yes it took some time. I think the person who started this thread did not really care what the age of the people were because there was someone only in their 30's that was on initially so 53 is certainly not a problem. I don't think there is anyone on here that would object to saying this is for any person who wants to ask for prayer and pray with us and join us in Jesus name. We are so glad that you found us.

    Lucy, so glad to hear from you. If I am remembering correctly there are tunnels that connect different buildings at Mayo or at least I think so unless I am losing my mind which is entirely possible at this point!  That should be helpful in this cold weather. One thing that really stands out in my mind is that a co worker's parents lived there and their mission was to greet people to Mayo if they knew of them coming. I drove up with my parents when I went. This co worker's parents had us over to their house for a roast beef dinner and they took us around the clinic before my apts started. It was such a blessing. I hope that you are resting comfortably in your hotel room by now. I imagine it is quite cold up there. I was there in June many years ago. Know we will be praying for you and DH and for the doctor's wisdom.

    Char, I am sorry I didn't post for you and I was planning to. I have been praying for your Dad. I was afraid that you were getting sick from your last post before this one. I am glad he is better and will continue to pray for complete healing. I have really had a hard time after getting back home this time. Yesterday I was getting an allergy shot and I usually have the same nurse which I have seen for years and years so she knows about my mom and all the time I spend down there. I told her about the stuff that happened this past weekend. She said she really needs to be in a facility. I was on the verge of tears leaving the office. My mom desperately wants to stay in her home and I am desperately trying to allow her to do so within reason. She doesn't even want to entertain anyone coming to help out at the house either but that is going to happen one way or another. Kath gave me a contact person that works with senior care  and this person and I have been trying to have a phone conversation but hasn't happened yet. I am hard to get a hold of and I don't have an iphone like the rest of the world. I do have a cell phone and couldn't even tell you my number. I would appreciate your prayers for my mom this coming Monday. The guys are coming back to put in the new bathroom flooring and I know my mom is a bit nervous about this. She can handle this or I would be driving back down there. The thing is I will be back at her house in two weeks and will be staying for three weeks. Hopefully I will make some progress in finding some home health care options for her at that time.

    Jean, I am sure that is exciting with a little one coming in December. We will be praying for the mom as I am sure that this has got to be scary for her.

    Bev, we will continue to pray for you going into your big surgery on Monday.

    Mini, when is your husband's surgery? I remember you saying in December and here we are almost into the second week already.

    Good night everyone and good day to Debbie.

    Love you all,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Kath: No age barriers here and look at me...the non treated person who just hung around to pray and give moral support. I felt a bit uncomfortable at first because I was not being treated but I am on the watch list and my breast surgeon, I am sure was a bit miffed by my refusal to go on Tamoxifen for five years. I chose to step out in faith and trust God. I guess it was to big a step of faith for her. She groaned at my one year check up and said she.will be doing the 3D scan next year. I almost felt like she was going to prove me wrong for my choice. My body, my choice, my miracle, praise God.

    Nancy: Oh I see clearly my removing my mother from her apt life. It was very hard and I had to go to court to become her legal guardian. It was not pretty and I cried often to God but He never gave me more than I could deal with even though I often felt I could deal with no more. Even the end was a blessing and God's miracle for me and her. I will continued to pray for your situation.

    Blessed Sunday to all....prayers and hugs too.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2014

    to all....

    I have had a hard time since chemo on dec 1. very bad side effects from the chemo, and the neulasta. My scan showed liver mets shrinking but my ca 27/29 has gone up again(in the 400's now) I do not understand.

    see doc on tuesday. I have so much fatigue. I am just so grateful the Lord lifts me up with friends, my wonderful husband/caregiver....and His Presence.

    side effects are severe Fatigue, constipation and body aches...all over.......... .I can barely walk from one chair to the other, and cannot taste food...and not much appetite either.

    I would appreciate your prayers

    and thoughts re the tumor markers...


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    Sisters, woke this morning to feel your prayers of healing. Made it to church. Have not been in a month as I get tx on Fridays and usually Sindays are my worst

    I cried pure tears of joy and gratitude once I sat down. Semon was on suffering. Amazing. Home now, feet up, nausea pills in!!!!

    Thank you all


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Hope you all having se's feel better today. Bev, praying for Monday's surgery. The sun is finally shining gloriously this cold Sunday. It really makes everything seem so much more positive. Reminds me how Jesus says He is the light of the world and how important it is to keep that light shining in my life. Without it I'd be lost. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Becky, I am glad to hear from you but so sorry to hear of all of your difficulties with your treatment. We can certainly pray for you. I continue to pray for you and was concerned. I am glad your husband is there for you and your friends and of course the Lord. Post and let us know how you doing when you are up to it. I wish I could do more for you but praying is powerful. Hang in there dear one.

    Kath, So glad you made it to church. Tears of joy are a great thing. I have not been feeling great and I was not able to make it. Fatigue, coughing fits from sinus drainage and bad headaches. Hopefully the extra sleep will help knock out whatever is attacking. Continued prayers for your leg pain and edema and for NO reactions to your new treatment. How often will you get your infusions?

    Jean, Sun is shining here too. We haven't seen the sun for very long for many days so it is a blessing.

    Char, PTL that your faith in believing you didn't need the Tamoxifin is working. Too bad your doctor is hoping to prove you wrong. The whole idea of faith to the scientific world where many doctors reside is so foreign to them. They just don't get it. What amazes me is where do they think healing comes from and of all people, they get to see how the body works. It is amazing to me that so many do not believe in God. Your journey with your mom sounds very heart wrenching and yet a blessing. When I returned this week from my mom's I felt I was hanging on a cliff by my fingernails. I feel better now emotionally and hoping to feel better physically.

    Bev, Will continue to pray for you for peace, no fear and for a very successful surgery and that you will rest comfortably in recovery and that you will be patient with yourself as your body needs time to heal. I have a feeling the latter is going to be the big challenge for you as you are such a doer for everyone with all of your volunteering you do throughout the week. Just think that your leg of the journey is hopefully going to end with this surgery. I am praying to that end. God bless you dear one.

    I hope everyone has a great day and evening for Debbie.

    Love you all,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    Lucy, praying for safe travels and so glad for the wheelchair assistance :-). We have you and your hubby lifted up in prayer!

    Kath, I am with you I love this thread and the prayer warriors that are a part of it. Praying for you for minimal SEs and that you are able to balance this journey with your work.

    Jean, so excited about the new addition to your family. I love being a grandma and a role that I cherish;. Praying for your granddaughter and your new great grandbaby.

    Bev, praying for you going surgery on Monday, your medical team and those that are there to support you.

    Becky, praying for the SEs and answers for your tumor markers.

    Anita, ditto with the others, I love the new picture.

    Since starting my Taxol treatment I have not been able to attend church like I would want to and missing the fellowship. With this said, my DH is studing with me and keeping me in the Word, when I am up-to it. So much appreciate that he does that. The SEs with Taxol are severe fatigue, constipation, body aches/pains, headaches and just not being able to eat. My MO indicated I have chemo anorexia where my body doesn't register when it should eat or when it is full. So I have to set alarms every 2 hours to eat small meals so that I eat and also so that I don't overeat. Go figure. This weekend the aches are so bad I could hardly walk. I have gone part time as of last week due to the SEs and just needing to balance work and life.


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2014

    Becky, further to our messages earlier today, I have been looking on the web and there are plenty of cancer and medical sites which speak of the problem with tumour markers being that they often climb because of a reason other than cancer. My computer mouse has gone doolalli and I am having trouble putting links to these websites into this post. You could definitely have another issue going on which isn't being immediately picked up because all eyes are on the cancer and nothing else. In 2010 when I was first being treated for cancer I was rushed into hospital - it turned out after being in there for a few days they discovered I had a gall bladder problem, completely unconnected to the cancer, which they discovered after searching my body for tumours.

    I know that what is happening to you now, as well as being physically quite dreadful, is playing havoc with your thoughts. You are loved and cherished by the Lord, remember that at all times. Years earlier you had another stage IV cancer which the Lord quite miraculously cured - He didn't do that just to let you slip through His hands now. You are in my prayers, please just keep close to the Lord and remember that you are being prayed for by Christian women on either side of the Atlantic.

    Bev, I am praying for your operation tomorrow. I had breast reconstruction in 2011, but it was a different type of operation to yours. Once you have been shown your physiotherapy exercises and are sent home from hospital you will be like a new woman.

    It is 9:00pm as I write this in front of a roaring fire, lovely and cosy from the weather outside. I wish you all a good week ahead, and pray that all who are suffering soon find relief.

    Love and prayers from Debbie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Jo, thanks for your input. I know you were very active on this thread as I went back just to get a sense of how things started and progressed. I think many women reach out at their point of need. When their journey is over as far as the active treatments it is only natural to not feel that same need as their lives move on. I have some friends on other threads that have been on bco for many years and just like the common interests and the sense of community. I know that it is very easy to have people post at the same time and not realize someone has posted unless they scroll back. It is easy for posts to get buried and I think it is easy for feelings to get hurt on this type of forum. I really feel that everyone here has good intentions and most are in active treatments or still suffering SE's from inactive treatments and many just don't have the energy it takes to respond to everyone. Some only post and rarely say much to any others and some try to post to everyone which as the thread grows does get difficult with busy lives and busy times of the year as we are in now. Some may chose to only read and respond only as the spirit leads.  I feel that the Lord is present on this forum and there are many different personalities here just as in a small group setting. Some people in real life are introverts and some are extroverts and I think that holds true here as well. The bottom line is we all love Jesus and want to have a place to go for prayer and a place to uphold others who need prayer. In that process we can establish lifelong friends and grow maybe in ways that we never thought were possible in cyberspace. We would love you to jump in and join us if you chose to do so. Thanks for letting us know the true intent of this thread from it's beginnings. I hope Spar and all the others who were in on the beginning of this thread are doing well and that their bc journey is a long way down the road in their rear view mirror.


    Angie, I am sorry to hear you are having so much fatigue. I will continue to pray for you and all the others who are in active treatment. I do lift all of you up individually throughout the week. The Lord could very easily wave his hand and all of us could be instantly healed. We know He has the power to do that. We are not to question His ways and we are asked to trust in Him. That means that in our sufferings we have to believe and trust that He is allowing this to happen to us for a reason. It is NOT easy but I believe everyone of us will be stronger in the long run and more effective witnesses because we have a fine tuned antennae now to cancer that maybe we didn't have before. When ever I see a woman with a scarf on her head now I want to immediately go over to her and say something but I don't because it is such an intensely private thing for many. I feel compassion for them and I pray silently for them even if I am in the grocery store. You will get through this. Hang in there dear one.

    Polly, How are you doing? How is the LE? I am still waiting for a blast of Texas air to come this way. Maybe by April Happy.  I appreciate you so much.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Debbie, As I had just mentioned the phenomena of posting at the same time as I scrolled back I just now saw your post. Thanks for your encouragement for Becky. That would be awesome if it was some other issue that was causing this havoc with her tumor markers.

    Bev, We will all be praying.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Hi Ladies - Here's a picture of me and Deborah at our Thanksgiving lunch - how great to get together! We both think our hair is much grayer and curlier than before chemo - but we're glad to have it!

    My surgery is tomorrow and God has already been answering so many prayers - because I feel so differently this time around than I did in February before my mastectomy. I told a friend at church today that maybe that shows the progress God has helped me make through the BC journey! I just keep thinking of the FourTwelve song, making it my motto for the week: As long as You're glorified, my soul will be satisfied!

    Thanks so much to all of you for your prayers - and I'm sure I'll have plenty of time this week to pray for you all. A special thank you to Char and Nancy - both of you are such encouragers and blessings to us all on this thread....and you both could easily have decided you were "done" with BC and moved on. God brought and kept you right here and I truly believe it's become your ministry to us all. Thank you, thank you, thank you both!!!

    Praying for you especially, Becky, with your test results - like Debbie said, God isn't finished with you yet and there's no reason to panic, thinking that the higher counts means anything serious. Mags, hope you're able to find relief from the pain and Nancy, I'm praying that God will guide you in dealing with your pain and ongoing health struggles, as well as handling your mom's affairs. Glad you're here, Kath - and I was 55 when God brought me here so even though you're just a kid, welcome! Thanks, Jo, for dropping by - I'm so glad God led Spar to start this thread. When I ended up getting kicked off (kind of - nicely) the chemo thread for taking about God too much, He brought me right here and it's been such a blessing. I can't imagine going through life in general or BC in particular without our great God along side me.

    Please pray for my husband, Dave, this week - that he'll see God's power through everything that happens (and also for the other Davids and Howard - we probably all have unsaved friends and family members and God can use us all to show His glory).

    love you, sisters! Bev

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    GoodEvening from North Carolina!

    So glad there is a place to encourage one another in faith! My previous experiences with discussion topics was that people "clammed up" when you mention d God's healing power. As you can see in my bio, Cancer has hit me twice in the last 4 years. God is good, and except for joint pain most days go well. I will pray for all of you and the trials you face. Prayers and the grace of God has gotten me to where I am!

    Praise Him, the Great Physician

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Good evening sisters of faith and welcome Blessed Teacher. Glad to have you on the thread. I hope you feel like this is a safe harbor for you

    Becky: Thank you so much for your effort to message us. I am so sorry for what you have been going through and all I can say is ditto to rpeveryone else's comments. I too had a whacky cancer marker readinfpg when I had my hysterectomy years ago. My tumors were benign. I will continue to pray for you and I am sure others will too. Thanks Debbie for your encouragement.

    Kath: So glad you got to church and we continue to pray for you as well.

    Jo: So good to hear from you as usual. Thanks for keeping us up to date on what has been happening with you.

    Angie: I a so sorry for all you have been experiencing as well. I will just have increase my prayer request more frequently. Bless your hubby for his keeping in the Word for you. Church will be there when you are feeling better again and honestly with the flu season upon us..maybe God knows best to keep you out there so not compromise your immune system.

    Bev: Your hair looks great. Thanks for posting the picture. I will be praying for you tomorrow and my hubby's daughter as she goes in for a hysterectomy too.

    Nancy: I know about the cliffhanging feeling. My splice was work because as soon as I entered in I forgot for a short while what my day would be like dealing with my mother and when I walked out the door it was a quick reminder. My dad went home today. He insisted even though he still had a slight fever. He was becoming more aggregated as the week went on. He was constantly saying that he was in the way despite my insistence. My dad is becoming more and more fearful of his death threats and all the stuff going on in the world. Too much Fox News. He is afraid of rioting and them coming to his home to loot. I try to assure him that God is on the throne and in control but he doesn't seem to soak in what I am saying. It is sad to watch. In some ways a bit of what I dealt with with my mother. I have to remember that I need to be the voice of reasoning and the rational one. I know his days are drawings to an end. There is lots more too but I just have to continue to put it in God's hands.

    Hugs to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Blessedteacher, welcome to our thread. Getting cancer once is bad enough but getting it twice I can imagine is pretty tough. Feel free to jump in any time. We are here for each other. Nice to meet you.

    Bev and Deborah, You both look fantastic curly hair and all. I can certainly relate to the curly part. That's great that you have been able to meet not only once but twice. I have often wondered if we were all to meet would we know each other if we didn't say who we were. Wonder what it will be like in heaven when we can finally all meet. Something to look forward to. Prayers for Dave. This BC is hard on the spouses too.

    Jo, I am not familiar with angiosarcoma. I am glad you have others that you can share with. It always helps to get info on how others doing with similar diagnoses. It sounds like you are doing very well. PTL

    Char, I will lift up your hubby's daughter for her surgery tomorrow too. Like Bev said of all people it would have been the easiest to say goodbye to this thread after your surgery was over. I am certainly glad you hung around. You have been on for a long time supporting each other and we are all grateful for that. I am glad your Dad is going back home but I can certainly understand your concerns. Thanks for your words of encouragement. God really did a miracle when I was in the midst of my bc journey. He allowed me to concentrate on myself and not worry about my mom and that is a miracle because that is not my normal nature at all. Have a good week at school. I know the troops get restless during this time of year.

    Lucy, I will be praying for you and DH as you start your apts.

    Mags, Let us know when you start your treatments as you are able. Prayers for you dear sister.

    Kath, Still praying for NO adverse reactions and that this new regime will be tolerated and do it's intended job.


    Love you all,



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014
    1. Good Morning ....yes, it's early here...awake much earlier than I "normal" these days. Had all of you on my mind, with the various issues you are dealing with. I decided to use the sleeplessness for time to pray and offer a little encouragement.
    2. Thanks to you ladies who are finished with treatment but still keeping in touch with those who are in the midst of treatment and decisions. Many times I have felt isolated because I don't have many people around me who have traveled this journey. I have claimed 2 Corinthians 1, vs. 2,3 as my verse of purpose. Blessings on all of you who use this illness as a platform to encourage and comfort others.
    3. Still getting to know you by reading posts, so although I may not call you by name, I am praying for you...whether it's difficulty with treatments, issues with elderly parent care (I can relate), or simply finding energy to do what has to be done, you are being lifted to Him.
    4. BTW, I'm Ellen. Thanks for your prayers and support as well
  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Bev, Praying hard for you this morning. I am praying you will come through this with flying colors as you have with all the other things along your bc journey. Also praying for Dave. I know seeing loved ones go through all of this can be especially hard on them as well. I pray that the Lord will plant that seed in him and that he will be saved one day. I am praying that you will get to see this happen in your lifetime here. Your positive attitude and grateful heart have to be a light in his world. Can't wait to hear from you when you are feeling up to it. I don't think Bev will mind me saying that her surgery is at 9 central time and will be a 5-6 hour surgery. Please pray for her throughout the day if you can.

    Lucy and DH probably start there Mayo Clinic initial apts today. Let's pray for wisdom for the doctors and strength for both Lucy and DH. It is an exhausting time and probably some unpleasant tests along the way. Let lift them up for the ten days they will be there.

    Jo, It sounds like God did a miracle for you. PTL That is good info to know and to watch for any unusual things that might crop up.

    Ellen, thank you for your prayers. Your second time around in your treatment time frame is very similar to mine. I am sure sorry you are having to go through this again.

    Kath, still praying for no delayed reactions to your new treatment.

    I will check in later today. I am feeling a bit better today and my principal is picking me up today for our school's retiree breakfast. I haven't been since July so it will be good to reconnect. I am debating about getting back to my swimming today. Haven't been to the Y since the shingles and mystery rash started and then had to wait for biopsy to heal. I have started at square one so many times now I guess I can do it again.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2014

    I am drawn to this site, for it is full of peace in the midst of the storm. I don't feel I have much to say here, continue ing on with oral exemestane, pain meds are working for me, the lymphadema seems under control, my DH is faithful in taking care of me and the house.

    The holidays can be so stressful for many. Lean on The Lord, He can take it, so can the prayer warriors here.

    Love across the miles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Anita, I am glad you find this a peaceful place. That is the intent of this thread is to provide a place for rest in the midst of the storm. It sounds like you are doing well. I know you have had a long time of leaning on the Lord on your bc journey and are much more experienced at it than most of us. I am glad you are here.

    Praying for all who are in active treatments. Praying that you can lean on the Lord as Anita has mentioned in your side effects that can be very difficult and frustrating when your mind wants to do things and your body is saying no, not today. I know that I have mentioned this before Thanksgiving but I think it could be repeated. Try to lower you expectations of the perfectly clean house, the dozen batches of all different kinds of cookies, the perfectly wrapped presents under the perfectly decorated tree IF you are dealing with painful side effects. Fatigue is such as issue and can be so frustrating but cut yourself some slack and dole out those responsibilities to other family members if you can. Things may not get done and guess what..............that is OKAY! Instead of the Martha Stewart looking tree your tree may look more like Charlie Browns tree and guess what ..........that is OKAY TOO. One thing that that helped me get through stressful times when I was teaching and concerts and contests were coming up and I was dragging from lack of sleep or sickness or whatever were these questions. A year from now will you remember all of this? A year from now will all of your spinning your wheels make a difference? A year from now who will care? Asking myself those questions had a way of making those seeming mountains in my mind back to molehills which they were anyway. It was just my perception that needed tweaking.

    I liked our 50 days of gratitude. Today I am glad I am alive. I am glad that there are cancer treatments so readily available to most of us. I am glad that I have family that loves me and friends that love me. I am glad that I have found all of you on this thread that love the Lord and aren't afraid to say so. I am glad that we can have a thread on this site that is free to pray and to use the name of Jesus without feeling like we are stepping on any toes.

    I hate it that so many of you are suffering from this disease and I hate it that many are in pain and have to deal with LE and all the SE's that we have all had. I hate it that some of you have had such a rough time just trying to get through your treatments. But..................My God and Your God can get us through. Some of you have looked back and thought oh my gosh it has been a whole year or more. For some it has been several years of battling.  God has gotten all of us through this and He is able. I am thankful that we are alive to see another Christmas. I am thankful that He gives us a resilient spirit that makes us overcomers.......that makes us strong warriors. I told my retiree group today that cancer has enriched my life so much that I am grateful. They kind of all looked stunned when I said that but I know that each of you understands what I mean. That is the great thing about all of you ladies. You do understand and we do have a common bond with our diagnosis but a much more powerful bond in Jesus. Amen.

    Love you all,
