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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited December 2014

    So many experiences this past week. Yet we have blessings to remember along the way. Our holiday was quiet and the weather unusually warm. We shared the cooking and were very lazy. I'm always glad when a holiday is over!

    Some of you have prayed for my LE and thank you so much. I finish my last treatment with my OT this week and have my end of my first year appointment with my surgeon. Somehow I managed to hurt my other wrist last week and have been wearing a stabilizer so not typing much. I think I spend way too much time on the computer! Anyway, I got back on the treadmill this weekend and working on getting more movement. My LE side is doing great and my insurance has covered the cost of the sleeve, the wrap and the compression bra. I only have to wear the light sleeve when I exercise or travel; the wrap and bra at home - it is made to keep the fluid from pooling in one area. I also have the exercises I can now do at home and the stretches, plus the self massage is getting easier. You have to work at this. You can't just say your side is swollen and wait for it to go down. You have to work at being proactive with it and that's been the lesson I've learned from this ordeal. So, again, I thank you for your prayers.

    I read this site everyday and pray for each of you. I also hope at this late hour you all are resting and will have a wonderful Monday. Nancy, I'll keep you close to my heart tomorrow. I do love the memories you have of all the music you made with your Mom this past week.  All this other stuff is just a distraction that ole Devil is using to throw those memories to the back burner! 

    Many blessings...

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2014

    Hello Ladies. I wondered if I may ask for prayers for two people. One of my dear friends suffered a stroke this afternoon. She is stable right now. She is a Pastor and an amazing woman in general. Please pray that she is able to recover, and that her husband, also an active pastor has strength and peace through this.

    Also, a friend's son, age 30, fell while walking a few weeks ago. After two weeks of increasing pain he went to the hospital ER. Turns out that along with a broken wrist and and several torn ligaments, he also broke his hip, nearly in half. They said that had he not come in when he did, he would have lost his leg as the veins and arteries had been compromised. Drew battled cancer at the ripe old age of 7. He had a large tumor on his brain stem. Because they could not remove the whole tumor w/o causing him to be paralyzed, blinded, etc., he had to have chemo and radiation. They think the radiation he had back then weakened his bones, making a simple fall a very serious injury. He did well through the surgery, but has a long recovery ahead, and many medical bills to pay. He has a strong faith, and I know he would covet your prayers. Thank you for your prayers.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Hello Sisters of Faith:

    Praying for your upcoming trip Lucy. I know God's hand is in it and the doors opened for a reason.

    You are probably right about your change of treatment Kath. God always knows best and when we allow Him to lead. I will keep you in pray. Thanks for the kind words.

    Nancy: I am so sorry for all that has occurred. I have been in your situation with my own mother and when I hear your situation it brings it all back so clearly. I am going to pray that God gives you clarity and calm over everything that has happened and it all works out.

    Mini: praying for your friend and that she does not have lots of issues and recovers from her stroke. Also for your friends broken hip and that it heals and he is able to get back to his old routine as soon as possible.

    Me a: thanks for the update. I will continue to keep you in prayer.

    Yeaterday was my hubby and fathe's birthday. My dad turned 91. He is staying with us because he is quite a bit of swelling again and my hubby and I will be keeping an eye on it.

    One of my teacher friends that also teaches PE got hurt in class last Wesnesday. She tore her ACL, medial and lateral meniscus and sprained her MCL as well. She will have a long road back as these are all Pretty serious. Prayers are appreciated for her.

    Lord be with each person on here as they go through treatments, deal with losses, family issues, health of friends and family members. Give them strength to meet each issue with faith and peace. Wrap your loving arms around them and help them feel ever secure in your hands. In Christ I ask these things. Amen

    Love and Hugs to all of you,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hello lady warriors,

    It has been a most difficult time for me and I haven't had much time to breath and not much time to post. I am returning home tomorrow and will have time to lift all of your prayer needs on the road. Anita I am glad to see a new pic of your bright shining smile. Polly, thanks for your prayers and glad your therapist was a great help for your LE. Lucy, I went to Mayo in 1990 with a multiple set of problems. They got some of my things straightened out and diagnosed my fibromyalgia when not many people even heard of that word during that time. They were extremely thorough and of course lots and lots of tests. I think I was assigned a main doctor which then would confer with all the different specialists. I was there for a week and was very glad that I went. I was in pretty bad shape at the time. I gradually got my health back and will always deal with some of my issues but have found ways to manage them. I will be praying that they can figure out what your DH's issues are. I feel that if anyone can find it they will be able to and then hoping for an effective treatment plan.  Mini, I am sorry to hear about your pastor friend. I will be lifting her up and praying for no permanent effects of her stroke. Drew sounds like he has had major health battles from early on. I will be praying for his recovery from this fall. Char, happy birthday to your Dad and your DH. Your PE teacher friend sounds like she will have a long road of recovery. I will pray that she will have the courage and the perseverance to not give up and keep pressing forward with her future PT.

    Even though I might look like I stuck my finger in a light socket and kind of feel like it did I have much to be thankful for. The Lord worked out amazing things that fell into place today. It was a tense time of wondering if the timing of everything was going to work but it did. My mom got a temporary crown this morning and her annual physical this afternoon. In between that time two guys were at the house working on the kitchen sink and the bathroom sink. My sister took off some time at school and took my mom to the dentist while I waited for the handymen to come.  The guys will come back next Monday to put a new flooring in the bathroom and we are still not sure of the logistics of that as my mom has only one bathroom and it will not be able to be used for part of the day. I know it will somehow work out.

    I am especially praying for Kath and for Mags that the Lord would work miracles in their treatments. Praying for all who are in treatments and for minimal side effects.

    Good night all and good morning Debbie,

    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Prayed for all the latest prayer needs. Too many and too late to list.

    God did something Saturday at my daughter's baby shower. Somehow he got hold of my worry that the treatment wouldn't work. I was trying to find a way to handle something that hadn't happened. Fear of death and a shortened life had taken over before I even realized the extent of it. My attitude was totally changed. A miracle!!! God had promised a while back that he would restore me to health and heal my wounds. (see Jer 30:17) I choose to believe that and just stop worrying. He also taught me a long time ago how not to worry. It was a very simple command consisting of one word. "Don't!" He is so amazing.

    Love, Jean

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2014

    Mini, I will pray for your pastor friend and for Drew. It is so hard when things like this happen to more than one person, I sometimes wonder how we manage to go through life with minor ups and downs and then suddenly it seems as if trouble is rearing its head in the lives of quite a few people.

    Char, you are so blessed to have your father still around at that great age. I will pray for your teacher friend, and hope that she is not in too much pain.

    Nancy, I am glad that so far everything is slotting into place regarding the workmen at your mother's place, and will pray that the bathroom logistics are sorted out quickly. It is amazing how sometimes the Lord moves all the little chess pieces on the board and everything works out.

    Jean, I have found that fear is the worst thing that can happen, much worse than any physical pain. I am so pleased that you were able to stop worrying and have a good time at the baby shower.

    Could I ask if some of you could pray for my dear friend Audrey's husband, David? He was rushed into hospital last Tuesday and they discovered just before the weekend that he has a perforated bowel. David currently has stage IV prostate cancer, and the hospital are trying not to operate on the bowel. I don't know if this decision is because of his cancer or for another reason. I sent Audrey a text today and he is still in incredible pain and is being fed through an I/V. Audrey has dealt with his cancer diagnosis, but is really rattled at the pain that David is suffering, so I would be grateful for any prayers for them.

    Love Debbie

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Prayers going up for David and others. Just got up from a needed long nap. Decadron from Mondays infusion had kicked in and was up at 4am cleaning, baking, washing rugs, going to curves etc. FEAR=False,Evidence Appearing Real. Love, Jean

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2014


    I join my faith with yours for David's healing and release from pain, in Jesus"s name.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Debbie: Praying for your friend's husband and that God will take away his pain and that the doctors will be able to treat his bowel.

    Nancy: Glad things are coming together and things are working out.

    Jean: So glad you are at peace with your health. God is good.

    Lucy: praying for your trip and God's clarity and God giving the doctors the ability to find out what is occurring.

    Went to church Sunday to find my pastor, his wife, daughter all sick. His daughter still played piano but apparently some virus hit our church and today my dad has chills, upset stomach and fever. I also am not feeling so hot either. I should have walked out when his son who preached told us everyone was sick but I stayed. Oh well...this to shall pass...amen.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hello sister warriors,

    I had a lot of time on my way home to pray for each one of you last night. Mini, I will continue to pray for your friend
    who had the stroke and for Drew.

    Jean, I love the FEAR, false evidence appearing real. I have heard that in the past and had forgotten it but I love that. I have been beating myself up over being impatient with my mom and I had a long time to talk to the Lord when driving home. He made me see that Satan was behind this and that I was doing the best that I could. I think I am having some issues with my meds which are making me crazy. I need some wisdom there because I have not been myself these last few days and something needs to change. I know I am dealing with lots of stuff concerning my mom which there are not easy answers for. I want to thank the dear sister warrior who helped me out with some things that will help alleviate some of the stress I am feeling. I want to thank another sister for putting me in contact with a senior resource person. God has used this thread in some pretty amazing ways as we have seen in the past and He continues to do so.

    Debbie, I feel for your friend Audrey who has to watch her husband in terrible pain. I read your post and didn't have a chance to respond but I have been praying for David and for peace for Audrey as well. Praying for wisdom for the doctors in this delicate situation.

    Char, I think that the flu bug has hit hard around here too. I will pray for your Dad and for you and your family.

    Mags, I have prayed a lot for you dear one. I know you have had so many challenges enough for ten people to deal with. You are a trooper and you will get through this time. I am praying that some type of solution was figured out for your position during rads. Let us know how you are doing when you are up to it.

    Kath, I will be praying for your new treatment for Friday and for your issues that you are dealing with now. I know you have a very important job and I pray that you will still be able to function at a high level which I am sure you are used to doing. Thanks for all of your support.

    Lucy, I am sure you have a million things to do before leaving. Praying all gets done and that you will get some answers and some good treatment options for DH. Which Mayo are you going to?

    Angie, how are you doing? How is the fatigue? Praying that you have more energy and less SE's.

    Sharon, It was great to hear from you. So glad you are looking at bc in the rear view mirror and doing very well.

    Polly, thanks for your encouragement and your prayers. Please send some of that Texas warmth up here.

    Becky, I have thought of you and prayed for you so often. We haven't heard from you in a long time. How are you doing?

    Anita, praying that you are still enveloped in that peace that passes all understanding.

    Vickie, How are things with Cass and your family. Continued prayers for healing and for your loss.

    Kate W, praying for provision and for peace and healing.

    Carren, Hope you are still resting in that wonderful place in the shadow of His wings.

    Ginny, How are your treatments going? Would love to hear from you and to pray for you.

    Bev, Praying for you dear one. Love you girl.

    Deborah, I did a separate post for you below.

    My sister and I have some decisions to make regarding my mom. She did take a memory test on Monday when I was with her at her annual physical after the doctor asked me if her memory was worse with her sitting right there. My mom is extremely hard hearing and probably only heard half of the conversation even with a hearing aid in. I said yes and he had the test administered that same day. I was not in the room to hear the questions but he said if she scored 25 or lower he would definitely recommend this drug to improve memory. She got a 27 out of 30 and the nurse told me that was good. My sister and I will need to discuss the drug. I talked to her tonight on the phone for 2 1/2 hours. We don't usually talk on the phone. We had lots to discuss and that drug was not even mentioned there were so many other issues that were just as important.

    I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom and for peace. I will be spending three weeks with my mom coming up soon. I love her to pieces but she can be very difficult to deal with and thinks she needs NO help so it can be very frustrating.

    Have a good night everyone and a good day for Debbie.

    Love you all,


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited December 2014



    Words are powerful. I pray for restful sleep and healing for all of you...
  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Well, Mema, since you're up in the middle of the night and posting, I figure I will too! I've been reading the posts but haven't had a chance to say too much...but I've been praying for you all for sure!

    I'll be having reconstructive surgery on Monday - a DIEP (I forget what that stands for but it's basically a tummy tuck where they use the skin and tissue (fat - yay!) to build a new breast after a MX). I've been thinking about it and started getting involved in the DIEP thread (thank you, God, for that great resource - so many questions answered!). It's kind of funny (in a thank you, God way) - the men at my church have a prayer meeting on Tuesday mornings and they all told me they prayed for my surgery yesterday. I said that was great - even though the surgery isn't till next Monday, the prayers aren't premature....they prayers have been keeping me from worrying about it. (of course, since I'm here and can't sleep at 1:30 in the morning, I guess it's still on my mind alot, huh?)

    I just repeating our mantra (thanks, Char, for drilling it in): I am here by God's appointment, in His keeping, under His training and for His time. I keep thinking about a song from FourTwelve (it's a local Christian group - hopefully this link will work if you want to check it out: The chorus emphasizes "as long as You're soul is satisfied."

    That's my prayer for us all - to God be the glory - wherever you are in the BC journey.

    love you, sister warriors - Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Bev, I pray for courage and peace as you face surgery. Jesus, guide the hands of the surgeon and be with all present on the OR as the surgery is done. I pray for perfect precision, skill and wisdom for the whole procedure. Let the aftercare and healing come from you great physician. Praise you Lord. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Sleeping has been a big issue for me too. I actually feel asleep last night but then woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.

    Polly, your post is so true. For someone to reach out in even a few words is special. Hopefully we can do that for each other here too. I know there is so much going on with everyone. Then add the hustle and bustle of the season and it can be exhausting. Know that we have a place of rest in Jesus if we can just stop for a bit and wait on Him and get refreshed in His presence.

    Bev, we will be praying for peace going into the surgery and confidence in the doctor to do his job well and with smooth sailing during the procedure. I would willingly give up some of my fat if you  needed it.Happy Praying for a speedy recovery and of course a very successful outcome.




  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, thank you so much for your continuing prayers for my family. Cass is doing well both physically and emotionally. Her 2 little girls (7 & 2-1/2) bring us a lot of joy. I think they are one of God's ways of reminding us that life will go on.

    All BC sisters. I want to wish each of you a Blessed Christmas season. Our God had such a deep love for each of us that he sent His Son to take the blame for all of our sins. WHAT AN AWESOME GOD!!!


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Vickie, your post reminded me of this:

    1 John 3:1-2 NIV

    [1] See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. [2] Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    I have been waking up between 4-6am, then no energy to do anything. I cancelled curves and my counselor today. It is taking till late afternoon to get up, shower and dress. Please pray for me to have the energy to do some things and get back on a schedule. This fatigue is getting me down. Love, Jean

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Okay, Jean, I'll be praying for you (and everybody) - but don't beat yourself up over not having energy. You're pumping poison into your body every week and the predictable body you've lived with for years isn't going to be around for a while yet. I took 3 hour naps the first few days after chemo - felt pretty good to me at the time! :) You're coming into the home stretch (you, too, Angie!) - hang in there!

    love you - Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Deborah, are you safe back home now. The Lord brought to mind and I knew you were visiting family in Texas and I hear you had and Elissabeth had a good time with Bev. I hope you are home safe and sound now after your long trip.

    Vickie, I am so glad to hear Cass is doing so well. I am sure your great grand children are very precious. You all have a wonderful Christmas. You have an amazing attitude.

    Mags had given me permission to post for her so I was pleasantly surprised to see her post today. The good news is that we had prayed for a solution for transportation to and from rads and that it not fall completely on her cousin's shoulders even though I bet she was willing to do that. Mags's church has offered to help her out with rides to and from rads to help out her cousin so that is a huge answer to prayer. Mags has not started her rads yet so things are still up in the air for her. I know she would appreciate your prayers. When she told me about her shoulder I can really relate even though hers is probably far worse than mine is. Mine has not healed completely and I don't have complete range of motion and mine was injured in March and I did a lot of PT besides home exercises. I am still praying that there will be a miracle solution to this problem of positioning for rads. When I had my breast ultrasound I was in terrible pain. That is when the shoulder was damaged so I can really relate to Mag's concern over this. She is experiencing chemo brain it sounds like and finds it difficult to read and pray even though her faith is remaining strong. Let's really lift her up for a miracle solution to her problem. She needs a complete shoulder replacement but she is not wanting to do that. I don't blame her at all in that decision.

    Jean, I can completely understand your frustration. One of my big health issues I have had for years shows itself in me with great fatigue all the time. I have been having some real issues sleeping and I completely get what you are saying. You will have to adjust your normal to a new temporary normal for now and not expect more of yourself than your body will allow.  I have a good email friend who has my same issues and she is forever in a day reminding me that I expect too much of myself. I think you are falling into the same mental trap that I do over and over again. Listen to Bev as she has been through your same treatments and has come out the other end now. We will be praying for you to not be so hard on yourself and try to not look at the whole journey but take one day at a time. I had another friend drill that into my head when I was having so much fatigue from rads. Hang in there. YOU can do this. One of these days YOU will be an encouragement to another sister who may just be beginning her bc journey.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Ladies, if you get a chance watch the video that Bev posted. I love it. It reminds me of something I heard on my Christian radio station in the car today. I am afraid I missed the respected man who said this but they asked him how do we as Christians change our culture. He said it is quite simple. He said it will not happen from the top down in the form of rules or regulations. It will happen from the bottom up. He said in his opinion the most effective way to evangelize is by talking to your neighbor one on one. This video that Bev posted shows works in action and how they affect the person being blessed. Have you ever paid a meal for someone in a restaurant that you don't know? I have done it and it is a real blessing to do it. The person doesn't have to see you or know you but it is fun to peek and see them react when their waiter tells them someone paid for your meal. I picked out this older woman who was alone and looked like she could use some help. Find someone and bless them this Christmas season. You will find the true meaning of giving in this season of the Holy birth.


    I have attached a video below to help you get in the Christmas spirit if you don't feel like you are there yet. I am doing that for myself as the stress of my life was taking over and I had to change that. This is one of the most moving modern Christmas songs and the video represents Mary in anticipation of giving birth to a King. Francesca Battistelli sings it. It is beautiful in all ways. Take time to check out these two videos. It will be worth it.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    I haven't postedin a while; however I have been reading the board and praying for each of you and your prayer request.

    Debbie, I am praying for your friend's husband that the doctors will be able to treat his bowel and God will take away his pain.

    Kath, how is your new treatment going or have you started it. Praying for your SEs.

    Lucy, Praying for your trip and for the appts and medical team that will be assessing your DH and proposing treatment options. Also praying for safe travels.

    Nancy, I will keep your situation with your Mom in prayer. I am also praying that you are provided the resources needed to assist in taking care of your Mom.

    I finished treatment #6 of 12. I am still very fatigued but hanging in there and pushing, yet listening to my body to rest. My MO pushed me to go part-time at work so now only working 24 hours. As she stated with Taxol the fatigue will just continue to get cumulative. So I do come home and take my naps and get plenty of sleep at night with the help of sleeping aids when needed especially right after my treatments due to the steroids.

    If I haven't mentioned you by name I do have your prayer request on my list and pray for each of you.

    Blessings and hugs Prayer Warriors,


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2014

    "This Baby" video blessed the socks off of me. Oh, yeah. I admitted to my DH that I was thinking about heading back home for Christmas, but has so many reservations. And was I being selfish by putting my physical needs ahead of others. Nobody has actually invited us, and what used to be available to us isn't anymore. It is sad. Oh, and this is the anniversary of my dad's passing. We still have our 93 year old mom!

    Love across the miles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Anita, Glad the video blessed your socks off. lol  It is the most realistic version I have seen when it comes to Mary and the baby Jesus. I just love the music. Since I am an instrumentalist I am taken by the music first and then the words. The words and music in this video are so powerful for me too. I believe there is a dual meaning to the words as well when she sings be born in me. Any one of us could sing that for our own lives.

    Whatever decision you decide to make for where you will be for Christmas I hope that you will be blessed and that you will be a blessing to others.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, thank you so much!

    Love, Anita

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    Love the Video Nancy. The music is so soothing and the words were just awesome just a blessing.

    Bev, loved the song by FourTwelve. Love the chorus" as long as You're soul is satisfied." That is what I needed to her this evening. I want to glorify God through this journey that is my souls desire is to bring glory to Him in all I do. At times it is hard when the SEs kick in, when I become emotionally and physically tired, or when I feel the support structure is not there. I then I have to step back reset my sails and just have to keep my eyes on Jesus and know that he is my strength in my time of need.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Well I guess God wants me up. Hubby had a very restless night for some reason and woke me many times. He is now sleeping on the couch downstairs. I am asking for patience and compassion for him rather than getting annoyed. He asked if we could be intimate today and hope I have the ability to meet his need. If any of you married ladies have advice about this delicate issue please message me privately. Prayers for God's grace and mercy for all of you. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hello ladies,

    I am glad some of you got to see the videos. Still worth checking out. I am in a hurry to get off to my first whole body scan from the dermatologist. I call it that, not sure what they call it. I do want you to remember to lift Kath up today. She has her first of the new treatment plan for her today.  So far the last two treatment plans that her MO has tried to give her have not worked. In other words she needs THIS new and different one to work with no horrible reactions as she has had with the previous two treatment plans. She has a very important job doing wonderful things in Florida and I pray that she can still keep working during her chemo.

    I will check in later.

    Hope everyone has a great start to their weekend.

    Love you all,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Just a note. Thank you, Nancy, for posting on my behalf. I try not to be so absent, but mostly I feel I have no voice, no strength to speak or form coherent thoughts. Know that I read each post, and that I pray for you, and when I can't remember, I know God knows.

    I feel a bit more Christmas-y this afternoon, as I spent the morning in solitude listening to The Messiah. The whole thing, though I am partial to the first movement. I began this tradition the Christmas after I was saved in 1980, while trimming a tree and baking goodies. I have a recording on my iPod and iPhone that is by the London Philharmonic, and it is a gorgeous rendition. I turned up the volume on my iHome speaker system (my iPod plugs into it) for the Hallelujah Chorus.

    After all these years, playing it is unnecessary, as I can hear the whole thing in my head. I have often wondered if, when he reached Heaven, Handel put the rest of scripture to music? What a treat that would be! If I've not tired of it after 34 years, I'd not tire of it for eternity, I think.

    Listening not only makes me more mindful of the season, it brings back memories of times past, when a certain aria was playing and I was doing something memorable – usually in the kitchen. For years it was my practice to make goodies for my friends and clients, and they always appreciated homemade treats.

    But I haven't the strength or energy to do that any more, and that makes me sad. I did a couple of chores that needed to be done this morning, and wound up in the recliner, exhausted and out of breath. How will I ever drag myself to rads every day?

    My shoulder is indeed in horrible shape; I've had 2 surgeries to repair the rotator cuff after a bone spur sliced it in half, and it never recovered, as new bone spurs kept growing and eventually wore away one side of the ball of the shoulder. Now when I rotate my arm, I can hear the bones sliding against each other. I can put it where they want it to go, even though it's painful, and I can keep it there, but the big problem is after. I had to have them move it back to it's normal position, and that's the pain that's really excruciating. I'm still recovering from last week – but they had my arm up for over an hour. Still no word on when they will begin, I'll probably get a call Monday.

    Thank you all for your prayers, and patience with me.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2014

    Hello Ladies, I would like to say thank you for all of your prayers for David, Audrey's husband. Audrey has told me that he has now turned a corner and is no longer in pain. She was really terrified that he was going to die, he is a big bear of a man and normally doesn't feel any pain whatsoever but this time he was suffering and begging her to spend as much time as she could by his hospital bed.

    I told Audrey that David was being prayed for by Christian ladies all the way over in America, and she was quite overcome. She has asked me to pass on her thanks to all of you for your kindness and thoughtfulness. Isn't Christ wonderful, the way He plans everything so that we are all able to meet on this website and pray for each others' needs. I am now going to pray for all of you, and thank the Lord for all of you.

    Love, Debbie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hi all,

    Remember to pray for Lucy and her DH as they fly to Mayo Clinic for ten days to find some answers to her DH's mystery issues that cause him a lot of pain. It is an exhausting experience and I am praying for strength for both of them and for wisdom for all the doctors that will be seeing him and of course for an accurate diagnosis and hopefully some good treatment options that will give him relief.

    Angie, this journey is as much an emotional experience as a physical one. It is so hard to work through physical fatigue and mental fatigue. That is the time we need the Lord and to lean on Him so much because the enemy can attack so easily when we are in these vulnerable states. It is only natural that our support structure seems to diminish as time passes. I had a fellow retiree that is in one of my groups ask me  recently if I had been dealing with my cancer for two years now. It has been since March of THIS year. That question spoke volumes to me. It is only natural that people around us can rally when the initial diagnosis hits but as time passes unless they are very, very close friends they tend to fall off and only check in occasionally. When that process started to happened for me it was an adjustment especially since I live alone and have no relatives near me. I think we need to do exactly as you said and reset our sails when we feel ourselves drifting. God is our only source to fill all of our needs anyway. I continue to pray for you dear sister.

    Anita, I just LOVE your new picture.

    Jean,  I hope someone helped you out in your delicate department. Sorry, I can't help you there.

    Mags, I was so glad to see your long post but sad at some of the things you shared. You have had to endure so many challenges during a very challenging experience anyway. I am glad listening to Handel gave you some good memories and put you more into the spirit of Christmas. I could quote you scripture all day and so could you. Sometimes we just need to know someone really cares. Sometimes we just need a hug or a touch from a loved one or friend. I am giving you a big cyber hug right now. Can you feel it?????????????? God is known for making a way where there seems to be no way. I am praying for a solution to your position for rads. There is something still in my mind that maybe you could appeal to your insurance to cover this other kind of radiation. Just a thought. Sometimes saying that I am praying seems like empty words but I AM praying and will continue to do so for you. You will get through this.  Love you.

    Debbie,  I am so glad to hear that prayers have been answered for David. We have some mighty prayer warriors on this thread and there is power in agreement. I am so glad to hear this. Prayers know no bounds for sure!

    Kath,  Praying hard for you this afternoon. I am glad it is the weekend for your sake!

    Love you all
