thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2015

    Bandwoman - My Hubby has an app in and has been kicked up to the next level of the hiring process. He is pretty determined to move. I am torn. I love Savannah, but being away from the family will be hard.

    I have started having migraines again. I feel like I'm under attack. Headaches, insomnia, lack of focus. Maybe it's the rain, but the doldrums have definitely set in.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2015

    Thank you, Nancy! I am glad to be back here on this thread!! I just don't post as often!! But I continue to read all your posts and lift you all up in prayer!!! Blessings!!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    Thank you Nancy, you are so incredibly good at knowing everyones needs- truly a blessing. I think doldrums are going around!

    I just need prayer to feel good again both physically and emotionally-- Not feeling the spirit move me as much as I would like.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow: continued prayers-----

    My friend is in stage 4 of lymphoma: it has spread to the bone marrow. She will be going to Moffitt Center in Tampa for more testing but starts chemo next week.

    Love and gentle hugs,


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2015

    Hi all, I so appreciate all your words. It is not easy but you all helped me to remember that I'm not alone; we all have those family members who are far away from the Lord. I have left him on the altar but have to stop looking back and know that our Lord has it covered!

    Kindergarten, thank you so much for drawing me back to this thread. Though all these words brought me to tears they also lifted my spirit. I needed that.

    I count all of you among my blessings.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    Good evening dear sisters. I pray that these doldrums will be lifted by the power of our indwelling Holy Spirit. He who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or think. Amen.

    I managed to get some exercise yesterday and today despite the pain and stiffness. God is my strength and my song. Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited June 2015

    Dear Sisters of Faith,

    I could not sleep and I have not checked in for a few days and God reminded me that I should. It is like a reunion week.

    Patoo! So good to hear from you again dear sister. I am so glad you got a chance to meet with Kindergarten too. Miss both of you and glad you are both doing well. Patio, I think we each have loved ones that Satan does not want take his grubby paws off us. One because we are praying for them and two, just to hurt us. But someone needs to remind him that we win. I will pray for your son. Congrats on retirement and all the best on your move to Florida. May God continue to bless you.

    Kindergarten, good to see you on here as well. I am so happy that you and Patoo got together in person. Have not seen Maryanne for awhile. Maybe some dY you will get back to the "Burgh" and we can meet.

    Dear Anita and Lucy, My prayers are heaven bound that God will give both of you guidance through this part of your journey. God Loves both of you so much because you bring so much honor to our King and Heavenly Father. I know that through all this He continues to draw you closer to Him.

    Jo, I know your surgery is coming up and continue to pray that you feel God's peace and that He guides your surgeon. Again, God. Onto use to use you to give testimony to His greatness. I can not fathom how people can live without Him.

    Mini and Vicks, So good to hear from both of you too. Blessings to both of you.

    To all of you that are new to the thread, I pray that you find comfort here in the time of your storm. While God is our refuge, He gives us each other to pray, encourage and be a testament to Him.

    Thank you to all of you for your steadfast faith. May God meet each of your needs.

    Praying that all goes well, I will be meeting up with Bev (Salty Jack) this coming Tueaday while she is back home to celebrate her father's birthday.

    Love in Christ,


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2015

    Nancy, you are an inspiration to us all. Have fun with all you have going on. Made it through chemo # 3. Now, to get through the first week. Bone pain from the Neulasts shot is not fun! I also am having a CT lung scan on Wednesday due to coughing that has gotten worse over the past few months. I would appreciate prayers that it is just an irritation and not another Cancer. I am just beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and sure hope there is not something else! I sure am praying overtime!

    Love to read about all of you and my prayer list is growing. Happy Friday!


  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited June 2015

    Thank you JO-5! Just feels encouraging to connect with others. I am in a whirlwind right now trying to get everything done before I start treatment. This is definitely overwhelming

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited June 2015

    Thank you Jean!!! I am a nervous wreck and in overload right now! Trying to organize and get things done before treatment . Think I start after the 4th. I just added this feed to my favorites so I hope it will come up and I can find it again. I lost it and happened upon it again!

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited June 2015

    Prayers coming your way Patoo!

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited June 2015

    Praise the Lord, Jo. We must be long lost husband is also a heart patient. Doing well, we have to keep the faith.

    Hugs, Artsee

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2015

    JO, that is wonderful news. Prayer works and we serve an AWESOME God.

    Thanks all for the encouragement and prayers. Know too that I am praying for each of you as I read your posts. I know for a fact that the Lord hears.

    Blessings, Phyllis

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2015

    Hi Lady Warriors,

    Glad to see some praises today!  Jean so glad you are able to still move around and exercise.  Thank you Lord for making things happen in our lives.

    Jo-5 so happy to hear the news, such a blessing and relief for you both.  You are so right when you say we have to stop striving and just be still in the Lord.  I had to remind myself of that this week dealing with some insurance issues. 

    Char so good to see and hear from you.  Hope all is well and continues to be awesome for you.  Tell Bev hello from me.  Miss her too!

    Have had a few doldrums in my life this week but they are no longer there.  Can't stay too long in that place you know.  Well we have had some extremely high temps here and this weekend is the Relay For Life.  I am supposed to be there and I will for a bit but not sure if I will be able to deal with it for as long as I had hoped.  I am praying it cools off in the early evening.  But the heat on a track is going to be hotter I think.  I want to participate in the survivor lap so I will hang in there for at least that.

    Needing prayers for a dear young lady who went to school with my daughter and she has 4 children 11 down to 2 and she was just dx with ductile carcinoma invasive.  She said the doc told her they detected it in the vessels and outer areas.  So I am not so sure of this but she is very worried and scared.  She is a Christian and I would appreciate some prayers for her.  She meets next Thursday with an oncologist.  She actually contacted via pm via facebook.  She had stated she heard I had bc and wanted to know if that was true and if I wouldn't mind talking to her because she just found out she had a lump and they were going to do a needle biopsy.  She was very worried and scared.  I said of course I would talk to her and we exchanged numbers and so I called her.  It was so hard as she is 35 years old.  Any input on this type of cancer would be helpful.  Thanks in advance for the prayers.

    Well I am going to head home and see about having a super relaxing weekend.  Take care and blessings...Lucy 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2015

    I am so happy to be on this line to talk with you all. Can I say that this has not been an easy couple weeks for us. The overwhelming love and support I have felt are tremendous, though. I am speaking to you, Kath, Nancy, etc. I hate to name names for I am sure to leave sisters in the Lord out. But my 5 sisters by blood along with my church community just haven,t been kept informe d due to DH request and I have been so lonely from that direction. However, just like the tree planted by the water I shall not be moved.. This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it. I love the overflow of joy unspeakable and full of glory and the half has never yet been told! Love love the scriptures, pictures, sent to others I don,t care who just again the overflow of faith.

    Love across the miles,


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    Glad the doldrums are disappearing!

    Reading today from Jesus Calling:

    Rest with Me a while. You have journeyed up a steep, rugged path in recent days. The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty. Look neither behind you nore before you. Instead, focus your attentioin on Me, your constant companion. Trust that I will equip you fully for whatever awaist you on your journey.

    I designed time to be a protection for you. You couldn't bear to see all your life at once. Though I am unlimited by time, it is in the present moment that I meet you. Refresh yourself in My company, breathing deep draughts of My Presence. The highest level of trust is to enjoy Me moment by moment. I am with you, wacthing over you wherever you go.

    Have a restful, joyful, peaceful weekend!


    Anita, we are here for you !

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2015

    Hi Sister Warriors,

    Yes Jo, I have to agree it is a mess and sometimes I feel like we just can't do anything so we pray! It's in Gods hands but it saddens me as I am sure He is sad too.

    Anita so good to hear from you. Sorry to hear DH is not allowing the discussions. Not sure I understand why so we will pray for this too. I don't like to hear that you feel lonely so please reach out more often here on the board or call me as well. You should still have my number.

    Toby I read that this morning as well and actually took a picture of it to have on my phone. I want to share it with the young gal who has been just dx.

    Hope all are well. I have been home from the relay for life event and it was 96 degrees. So did some walking and stayed in the shade when I wasn't. It was crazy hot and still is. DH showed me an hour ago it was 105 which I just can't believe but it is a pretty reliable thermometer. Supposed to go to BBQ at a friends house but it is still so hot. So we will go for a little while. Peace, comfort and many blessings and a restful rest of the weekend to all. Love across the miles...Lucy


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited June 2015

    Anita: My heart goes out to you dear sister. I am so sorry you feel cut off. You are so right the half has not yet been told. I love what Randy Alcorn wrote in his book, "Seeing the Unseen - a daily dose of eternal". I am reminded of his statement and it makes feel blessed every single. He says, Life on earth matters not because it's the only life we have, but precisely because it isn't - it's the beginning of a life that will continue without end. It is the precursor of life on the New Earth. Eternal life doesn't begin when we die; it has already begun.

    Jo: I am praying for you dear sister and your upcoming surgery. truly was a sad day for America. I felt deeply saddened by the news and seeing so many people posting what a wonderful day it was for America. We truly are in the later days and must be busy. As it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so shall it be with the return Christ the Messiah. These things while sad are reminders that His coming is soon and we need to continue to be the salt and light in a lost world.

    Lucy: I will certainly tell Bev you send your hello and will post a photo of us. Wow... You did the flay in this heat....God bless your perseverance girl.

    While God has been so good to me, I have been having some issues. My husband is waiting on treatment for a diagnosis he just received. Sadly we have only received a very unclear phone explanation and he will not see the specialist for another month. I lost my breast surgeon and have been trying to get in to see a new doctor who will not start taking patients till July 1 due to her changing health systems and her contract obligations. I have been having some goofy issues with my breast so I would like to see her sooner then later. I also had some bizarre bleeding. Thought it was a UTI but the culture showed nothing so they are sending it out to try and grow it more. They put me on antibiotics and I feel better. They also questioned me for possible kidneys stone but I have no symptoms. I am just giving it to God. My dad is still with us. I think he is here to stay. So what to do with his house? The good news....summer break. I am also training to run my second half marathon July 19th around Presque Isle in Erie, PA.

    I so have a prayer request. My nephew who is saved but not walking with the Lord has been in a long distance relationship with a gal in NY. He sees her like twice a year when he can get vacation time, otherwise they chat via computer. She has a ten year old and we think she has pushed him into moving in with her. The problem, he has no car, he will leave a job that he now for no job. He will be moving in with her and her daughter who live with her mother and her brother. He lives in my father's home and does not have a dime. He pays no rent or bills except his own food. The house is a mess. Every time I go over, I am cleaning up dishes in the sink, dirty dishes and messes every where. He is not being realistic. He wants me to give him money for a car so he can go be in a relationship with a girl he has only been with a couple times a year. Also what kind of example is this for little girl. What is it teaching her and what will it do to her if it does not work out. Let us not even think about if they should end up having a child together. Please pray that his eyes will be open to the reality of what he wants to do . He is not looking at this very clearly and much of what we have said is falling on deaf ears. Thanks for your prayers.

    In Christ,


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    I am sorry that I haven't been in touch but I have been rather unwell lately. I was due to have my final chemo last Thursday but I was so weak that the oncologist temporarily stopped all treatment, not just the chemo. The original plan was for me to have my final chemo, then every three weeks I would have Herceptin and Perjeta until TDM-1/Kadcyla comes into Ireland. Instead, the new plan is for me to merely have bone strengthener treatments for the next few months, and see how my tumour markers increase.

    When the doctor told me this last week my face must have been a picture - he knew that I thought he had authorized my death warrant. He assured me that he has plenty of patients whom he cries for, and I am not one of them! While it is true that the cancer will start to grow again, they need to give me a complete rest in order to regain my strength. I have a problem that the Health Service Executive in Ireland don't like spending money, and will only allow me to have Herceptin and Perjeta if I am having a Taxane chemotherapy. Unfortunately the taxanes are quite hard on your body, my doctor wanted to give me Navelbine which is supposed to be quite mild in comparison but that was not to be. After the initial shock I decided to accept his decision. He is a Christian, and he has the reputation for keeping a patient with liver cancer alive and well longer than anyone else has managed in the world, so I will put my trust in him. Meanwhile I have to wait for the powers that be in Ireland to get through all the red tape to allow TDM-1 into the country, as my doctor thinks it will be the best treatment for me. My friends at church are all praying that it comes in soon.

    Meanwhile I am getting ready for a visit from both of my sisters - one lives in New Zealand and the other is in England. They are due to come over here in the third week of August, and I am really looking forward to seeing them. By then my strength should be back and I have already been looking up places to take them on daytrips - Dublin, Kilkenny Castle, the horse racing etc. I don't know about any of you but when you live in a place you take things for granted, and don't think about what a tourist would like to see. Anyway, that is my news for now, blessings to everyone of you,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    Debbie, prayers going up. Love, Jean

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2015

    Thanks for your prayers, you are very kind.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


    Good morning ladies,

    I am supposed to be taking a short break but I have a very short time before leaving for church. I have been reading and praying.

    Anita, I hope you got my PM I sent you.

    Joanne, remember to pray for Jo-5 for her mastectomy tomorrow, Monday, June 29. Specific prayers that she does well with the anesthesia, that her plastic surgeon has recovered and will be able to do the surgery and answer some questions before surgery, for pain control, and for the lab report to have NO findings at all of angiosarcoma. Prayers against worry and fear.

    Char, good to hear from you. I am praying for your nephew to wake up the reality of his situation. Praying for both you and DH in your health issues. Tell Bev I have been praying for her too.

    Kath, praying for you for your cardiac issues and for ALL the things you have going on. Prayers for peace and strength.

    Debbie (Ireland) you have been on my heart for a while and I sensed something was not going well with you. Dear sister our prayers will be covering you and for this treatment that your doctor believes will help will be approved for you so you can have a GREAT time when your sisters come to visit in August and feel much better soon.

    Lucy, hope you are keeping up your spirits. Glad you could do a little of the relay in all of the heat. What strange weather we are having.

    Lynn, hope you are managing your side effects after your last chemo. Praying for you.

    I don't have time to mention everyone. I got through my busy weekend and hopefully we be back soon.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.





  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    Please pray for my son Mike who is "married" to a man to return to Jesus, the author and perfect or of his faith. At present he claims to be an athiest. Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2015

    Dear Patoo, after meeting you in person and After seeing your post, I knew I had to keep checking in!! The ladies here are wonderful, as you are😀

    Hi, Char! I can not wait to meet you sometime in the burgh

    Jo-5 I am lifting you up in prayer forvtomorrow

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    Enjoyed a wonderful service with one of my sons this morning. Prayers for all who have posted-

    Nancy, I hope you have not exhausted yourself with all your activity , it all sounds fun!!!

    Going to relax with the fam before supper-

    Jo, you will be completed coveted in prayer tomorrow and surrounded by love

    Have a wonderful, glorious day/ week everyone!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2015

    JO-5, lifting you up in prayer for your surgery tomorrow. May our Lord's loving hands direct the medical team and may your recovery be uneventful. HUGS.

    All, I have read through all your postings, praying as I went through for the many requests. We are in trying times, the enemy is active as usual but we know, for certain, whom we serve and we know, for certain, the final outcome. Be encouraged my friends. Yes it troubles us to watch the downfall of our society but this is all leading us to an eternity with our Father. Like JO-5, I never wanted anyone to be left behind but the Father knows who, when, if. We just have to stay faithful and know He will soon come for His Church.

    Know that as you read this prayers have gone up.

    Blessings, Phyllis

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2015

    Trying to get through the side effects and bone pain of this chemo. I have had a bad cough for a couple of months, so am having a CT scsn of my lungs on Wednesday. I am very scared. I don't want anything else. I would appreciate prayers. Thank you

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited June 2015

    Jo: I know exactly what you are saying. There is a point where we can do nothing and I feel as you that I just have to turn it all over to God and say, he is your child and you need to turn him around.

    My husband has been exposed to asbestos, lead dust and lots of fiber glass particles through electrical work. He has pretty much been hacking up a lung for months and has had stress tests, pulmonary function tests. The doctor left a brief message on the phone that was cut off. We have read some of the report sent from online, he has emphysema, probably chronic bronchitis, nodules on his lungs, but no details of plan of action and no appointment to see the pulmonary specialist till August 5th. So most likely COPD. To what extent?We are putting it in God's hands.

    Thanks for tips on the strainer. I drink about 10 to 15 glasses of water a day due to my running training. So I should be flushing out my system all the time.

    Not to preach either but persecution is coming for Christians and we will be viewed as those that are in the wrong. We already are but it will get worse.

    Praying that all will go well and the Great Physcian will guide your surgeon and give him wisdom.

    Nancy: Thanks always for your prayers.

    Debbie: I too continue to pray for you my dear sister across the pond. I will pray for the new meda to be approved and that you gain renewed strength.

    Kindergarten: Good to here from you again Kathy.

    Jean: Prayimg for salvation for your son and his partner. Just read an interesting article on WND about a doctor who works at Beth Israel and has been treating gay men for a long time and has been trying to report the dangers to their health of such relationships. He is being silenced by the hospital and all his info is pure facts and not predjustice. If I still have the article in my email I will send it to you.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


    Remember to pray for Joanne. She is in surgery now.

    Praying for all of you dear sisters.



  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2015

    Hi Sunshine, I have just been praying for you regarding your cough, I pray that the Lord gives you peace and you feel his comfort and support through this time.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2015

    Thank you. I am praying for a clear lung scan, hoping the cough is from something else. Chemo is bad enough and my expsnders are hurting.....some stitches trying to push through my skin. Ouch!