thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I have an update from Joanne which I will paste below. Sorry this is so late. I was at the car dealer today from 3- almost 9:30PM. I did buy a new car but had no idea it was going to take so long. Just catching up on emails. Here is what Joanne posted. She definitely needs our prayers.

    "A bit of a problem I really need prayer for.Far end of flap. between breasts does not look good. They are watching it
    closely. Afraid it might fail just in that area. Rest looks good. If it fails will
    have to debride which is cut away dead skin and let it heal from inside out or
    do a graft from somewhere else. Pain concoction made me itch. Down to tylenol, muscle relaxer, and anti inflamatory.

    Please let all know...

    Just too weak to post much. Hoping to go home Thursday."






  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2015

    Dear Lord, Please wrap Your arms of healing love around

    Jo and help the drs the they will be able to fix the far end

    flap. Please help Jo with  pain and itching, That she will find

    comfort and feel Your kind Spirit around her. In Jesus name. Amen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Dear Lord Jesus, please place your healing hand on Jo's wound. Please heal her. Take the pain and itching. Let her feel your loving presence all around her tonight. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Happy almost 4th weekend. I have another update to share from Joanne. Let's give God praise for the good news and trust him with the pain situation and the flap in the now and  trust Him for no cancer in the future.

    "Got home abt noon. Only pain meds are muscle relaxant, tylenol,
    anti inflammatory. Have percocet w/ benedril if pain gets too bad, but will still
    itch some. My dr thinks I might lose part of flap, plastic surgeon says
    maybe not. Have to wait and see. Path report was clear. No cancer of any kind. Praise the
    Lord!  Dr says can still come back on chest wall or lungs. He will be
    watching me closely,   I will be getting frequent chest x rays. Congrats on car. 

    Don't have much energy so please one more time--- let everyone



    I hope you all have a great holiday weekend. I am going to be gone quite a bit so will post when I can.




  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

    Praise God my lungs were clear on the CT scan. They do not know why I am coughing so much, but I sure am! My chest and ribs hurt. Blood counts not as high today as the first two treatments, which is why I am so tired and weak. I am praying to get stronger so I can be on track for treatment 4 in 2 weeks. Just have to do it one hour at a time. Praying for all of you on this site.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Thankful to God for Jo being home and for her and Sunshine's cancer free reports. Wishing everyone a restful pain free holiday. May Jesus' healing hand rest on all of us and on the land of the free and the home of the brave. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited July 2015

    Praises to Him for being with Jo and Sunshine, and for the blessed outcome. May we always trust you no matter the outcome. Please comfort them now, let them rest and be pain free.

    Nancy, thanks as usual for letting us know! Sounds like you are becoming a social butterfly! Would love to see the pics of the new car-- my first one was a Honda

    Been feeling comforted and peaceful. My friend Eileen is still making the choice about chemo (I think she will), is in prayer about it. It is stage 4 lymphoma, so please pray she continues to read the Word and pray.

    I had my first UTI Tuesday since probably 10 years. Heavens, I forgot how uncomfortable! Blessed to get into a walk in at lunchtime, and get on the right medication.

    Looking forward to celebrating our nation with the family this weekend.

    Keep on praying ladies, our prayers for eachother are priceless



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Char, such a beautiful picture of the three of you, thank you for sharing😀😀

    Nancy!! Thank you for your nice welcome!!! I feel blessed to be posting here again!! You are all in my thoughts and prayers!

    Jo-5, prayers for recovery and healing! May you feel God's presence as He is beside you, healing you now!

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2015

    Evening Ladies, praying for a peaceful safe July 4th weekend for you. Take time to see God in all the things around us, he is there and is longing for us to notice

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2015

    It has been a while since I posted but know that I read almost every day and pray for the request.

    Jo, prayers for recovery and Praising God for a good report. I know you feel the strength and peace of God and his healing power. I agree that it is truly a sad day for America not only the decision but there are so many other things that seem to be so rampant in today's society. As Christians we know that God loves everyone and sin is sin to him. I pray that the church continues to be the light on top of the hill and not the luke warm church that adapts to societies whims and that as we draw nearer to end times that we not cave to the ways of the world.

    Anita, always so good to hear from you and your inspiriting post. As a posted a few weeks ago, I am praying for you fervently. I like Lucy do not like to hear that you are lonely and will pray that DH will begin to be open to discussions. Love that you always talk about the Lords unspeakable joy! Love across the miles :-).

    Char, good to hear from you. Will keep your nephew in my prayers and that God will continue to have his soliders plant and water in his life as God gives the increase. Also praying for you DH.

    Lucy, praying for you and the new meds and that God continues to prepare the way for your retirement! Always praying for you and your DH. How is he doing?

    Welcome to those that are new to this thread and have added you to my prayer list.

    Patoo, good to see you here.

    Those that I have not listed individually continuing to lift you up.

    All, have a safe holiday weekend and God bless.

    Blessings and hugs always,


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2015

    Prayers continuing to go up for JO-5 and sunshine. Mags, how are you doing?

    I have lifted you all up to our Father as there are many needs spoken and unspoken but He knows what we are in need of and we know all good things come from Him.

    Everyone stay safe this weekend and beyond.

    Blessings, Phyllis

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2015

    Heavenly Father, Please be with Jo and sunshine, and any others

    that are in need of Your help and comforting love, ( Do not fear, for

    I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.

    When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through

    the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the

     fire you shall not be burned, and the flame will not consume you.

    For I am the Lord your God. Isaiah 43:1-3 NRSV) Please be with all

    those that are going through pain and need You to help carry them

    through. Bless all those that are fighting infections or weakness, May

    they rest in peacefulness knowing You, Our Lord God, are with them

    wherever they are. For You are a lamp unto our feet, and a light in

    times of darkness. Bless all the stage 4 ladies that need You peace

    and comforting arms around them. If they are weak please help and

    carry them through, as they may find peace in You like spring waters

    to those that are thirsty. Thank You for all the wonderful doctors and

    those taking care of us, Please fill them with blessing and strength.

    In Jesus name, Amen

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2015

    JO-5, prayers are working and continue to go up. That you are able to come briefly and post an update means a lot.

    Lord Jesus, our Hope, our Strength, please continue to wrap your healing arms around your child Joanne, and enable her to withstand the time waiting for medical team to become available. Let her be able to overcome any sensitivities to medications and be painfree as much as possible. Your child loves you as do all my sisters on this thread and we thank you for your entrance into our lives, for your support and your unending love.

    In His name I pray, Amen.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited July 2015

    Beautiful prayer Phyllis. I need prayer for the family of Todd Foege. A very close friend and colleague, he left this world for his Home last night. He was 39, single dad of a 6 year old. Apparent heart attack. While he is at peace, there are many left mourning.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

      Oh, how sad. I will pray for his family. At times like this, we have no answers and sometimes get angry with the Lord. I will pray that they do not feel that way. We do not understand why things happen. I wiall pray for strength as they get through a very difficult situation.

    • bandwoman1234
      bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
      edited July 2015

      Good evening ladies,

      Joanne, I am so sorry to hear about the flap situation. Praying for a miracle for you dear sister. Hang in there. I know the Lord will get you through but I can imagine how scary this must be and then having to wait it out through the long holiday weekend.

      Kath, I am so sorry to hear about your friend who passed away. Such a sad, sad thing and so young. Prayers for all those left mourning. Prayers for Eileen that she will consent to chemo. Praise for you on your good mammogram report. Sorry to hear you have a UTI. Prayers that the meds will help out and you will feel much better. You have certainly had so much going on and many sad things swirling around you. Prayers for encouragement and strength during this tough time. Praying that you are feeling better and better each day.

      Gretagirl, prayers for your bladder infection as well.

      Lynn, prayers for strength to get through chemo and for relief from this coughing.

      Anita, Lucy, Debbie (Ireland) praying for your next treatments to be effective and for the hard decisions some of you have in options.

      Debbie (foots) praying for relief for you and Faith in this unbearable weather you are having.

      Ellen, praying for your concerns and for Clyde on Sunday.

      Praying for blessings on all of you this holiday weekend. I do pray for all of you even though not mentioning everyone.

      Today was my first anniversary of ending my active treatments. I went to visit my swans that set me on an incredible journey. This was to be a day of indulgence and celebration of life. I didn't get to do all the things I had planned due to some unexpected visitors but it has been a gorgeous day and I am full of thankfulness.




    • patoo
      patoo Member Posts: 5,243
      edited July 2015

      Thinking of you all and praying for each. Asking for blessings to rain down on each of you from our Father from whom all good things come.


    • gardengal777
      gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
      edited July 2015

      Jo: Praying that you have a comfortable weekend and that nothing worsens with your flap and that you are tolerating the pain. Glad you are home.

      Kath: So sad about your friend. I will keep his family in prayer.

      Angie: Glad to hear from you again. Thank you dear sister for your prayers. They are most appreciated.

      Anita, Mags, Lucy and Deb F and Deb in Ireland: Praying for God to give you what you need to get through each day.

      To all on here, may God continue to draw you close to Him and may He give you strength and calm in your journey. Happy 4th of July. I pray that God will still be gracious to give us more time to reach others for Him.


    • bandwoman1234
      bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
      edited July 2015


      God Bless America

      Let us pray for our country and thank all of the men and women who have served our country to help give us the freedom we have here through their sacrifice.

      I hope many of you who are able to enjoy a picnic or a cookout or do something special to enjoy the day or just to stay home and watch the neighborhood fireworks.  

      God Bless all of these special sisters who day after day pray for each other on this very special thread. I know that when strong women pray things happen. Let's continue to be diligent in lifting up all the needs here.



    • footprintsangel
      footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
      edited July 2015

      Heavenly Father, Thank You for America and the flag

      I love to fly. Bless all the wonderful people that make

      America strong. Help us to stand together with You

      and show the world Our America love. For we are proud

      to be Americans, and be able to Worship You. In Jesus name. Amen

    • footprintsangel
      footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
      edited July 2015

      He touched Me

      I knelt there very quietly,

      Eyes closed in fervent prayer.

      A peace descended over me,

      I felt His presence there.

      All pain and sorrow left me.

      My heavy cross seemed light

      At once I knew He touched me,

      And all the wrong made right.

      Helen Parker

    • mysunshine48
      mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
      edited July 2015

      Yes, God Blees America! When I pray, I say to God, "you must be so sad with the way Your world is today." I pray for so many things that it goes go an on. My son is a medical administrator for the Navy, so he goes to msny Navy hospitals. When he goes into a room with a wounded soldier, even when they are laying there with no legs, they salute my son. He says to me, "mom, it breaks my heart to have these young Navy men salute me." I tell them, "No, I should be saluting YOU." Our sons and daughters give so much to keep us free. Most people have no idea and take our freedom and safety for granted.

      Thank you for your prsyers of getting through chemo and this constant cough.....among all the other unpleasant side effects. I am getting past the bone pain, but now, just got medicine for a sty today. I probably got some bacteria in my eye and with such a low immune system, could not fight it off. Thank goodness for medicine

    • zjrosenthal
      zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
      edited July 2015

      Good morning dear ladies. Praying for healing, recovery, peace and strength for all of us.

      Praying that God will send revival to our nation.

      I am waiting for a call from a pain mgmt place to see if anything can be done for my severe arthritic pain. I am not able to have surgery since I'm still in active treatment. Started taking glucosamine and condroiten to see if it helps. I did quite a bit of weight bearing exercise this week. Painful but necessary since Femara can weaken bones. Love, Jean

    • zjrosenthal
      zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
      edited July 2015

      Lost my last post. Aagghhhh!

      Praying for peace, healing, recovery and good care for all of us.

      Praying for revival in our nation.

      Started taking glucosamine and condroiten for the arthritic pain to see if it will help. Also waiting for a callback from a pain management doctor. I'm still in active treatment so not a candidate for surgery. I did a lot of weight bearing exercise this week. Painful but necessary as the Femara I take can weaken bones. Love, Jean

    • patoo
      patoo Member Posts: 5,243
      edited July 2015

      Jean, sorry for your pain and prayers going up as I type for you to get some relief.  Keep up the glucosamine/chondroitin. I had amazing success but pls understand it can take 4 to 6 weeks to become effective.  I was on it for about 3 years (pre BC) and was able to stop it completely with no return of the pain (mine was in the hip).

      All, many happy wishes being sent your way.

      Blessings, Phyllis 

    • footprintsangel
      footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
      edited July 2015


      Thank You, Lord, for my many gifts,

      And blessings everyday.

      For peace, freedom and the right

      To worship as I may.....

      For the food that lends me life

      And my shelter for the night,

      For work, play and happiness

      That make my burdens light...

      For family and friends old and new

      And for brotherhood with man,

      For faith, hope, and everything

      I borrow from Your land.  M. Rosser Lunsford

    • zjrosenthal
      zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
      edited July 2015

      Jo, I am so sorry. Praying your docs can help on Tuesday. As far as the tape, that was awfully careless. I would be upset too. Love, Jean

      Patoo, thanks for the prayers and advice.

    • Kindergarten
      Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
      edited July 2015

      Dearest Jo! Prayers for Healing and Rest! You are such a Faithful Servant!!

      We are so Blessed to live in a country where we can worship and serve a God who Loves us unconditionally!!!

      Have a very a Blessed Sundsy

    • Blessedteacher37
      Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
      edited July 2015

      Good afternoon,

      Jo, so sorry to hear of your pain. I can relate to the tape issue...I had a reaction to it with my last lumpectomy. It left a raw place that was a lot more painful than my lumpectomy scar. I used some AquAfor on it.

      Ladies, hope you are feeling well today. I was doing pretty well with SEs until last night....not going to complain though. overall, I'm very blessed. Tomorrow I begin the liquid diet prep for my colonoscopy on Tuesday. Praying for no polyps and for them to make sure I'm sedated this time....I remember too much from my first one..!

      My husband preached at another church today...he had been asked by the Director of Missions to go there as they regroup from some issues that took place when their pastor retired. It could turn into an opportunity for ministry, or just be a one visit encounter. We are praying to hear a word from God in the coming weeks. His sermon was on "hope" and the service went smoothly, despite having a different preacher.

      Jean, I've considered Femara. Arimidex is too much for me joint wise.sounds like Femara has its problems,too.

      A blessed day to you all....Elle

    • patoo
      patoo Member Posts: 5,243
      edited July 2015

      JO-5, so sorry you are going through all this. Praying for relieef and, yes, you don't have to try and be strong. Our Father is strong so all we need do is have a grain of faith.

      Kindergarten, praying for divine direction for your DH.

      Hi to all.