thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


    Welcome ALHusband,

    I love how you and your wife came to the Lord. I am glad to hear she is doing well. I am sure you are a great support to her and kudos for being brave to be proactive on this forum. Feel free to jump in anytime.

    Lucy, praying that you are doing well with the SE's. Praying for strength to deal with all the paperwork for DH. How is Gidget doing?

    Kath, I hope you get to savor the last few hours in TN. Sounds like things are really getting done. Praying for a safe trip home.

    Joanne, we will all be praying for a successful surgery for you and for peace going into it.

    Polly, continued prayers that relationships will be mended and repaired and restored.

    Angie, continued prayers for strength in all that you do.

    Debbie (foots), I have missed your posts and prayers. Are you doing okay? Faith?

    Anita, continued prayers for you and praying that your new treatment plan will be effective. Your faith is inspiring.

    Debbie (Ireland) prayers for you. Are you done with chemo now? I think you were around 8 out of ten the last you posted. Hope you are doing well.

    Prayers said for all of you even though I have not mentioned every one.

    Jesus is the answer to all of our problems. He will find a way where they seems to be no way.

    Have a wonderful weekend.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2015

    Good afternoon,

    Things are quiet today on the boards...hope that means everyone is trying to go about life as usual. Prayed for you all this morning....that He will give you a calm spirit, no SE, and a day without discomfort.

    Haven't posted much lately because I haven't been able to be as positive as I need to be...I have some lower back pain that cranks up when I go to bed, so im a little sleep deprived as well as stiff and sore. No, Nancy, I haven't been dancing too hard! 😉

    My PCP prescribed a weekly dose of Viamin D.Apparently my recent blood work showed a deficiency. Hoping it will help with the bone and joint issues, as many women have shared on the Arimidex thread. My other blood work wasn't as good as I hoped..trying to watch my diet even closer.

    Praying for you all this weekend...May God bless you all richly. Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


    Good morning ladies and possibly gent,

    I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and can see the blessings of the Lord no matter what your circumstances may be. After seeing this 96 year old  woman competing with a 26 year old man in a dance number for America's Got Talent I knew there was still hope for me. LOL  (just to clarify I meant in me moving around, not being a cougar mom!)

    Ellen, I am certainly praying that this Vit. D will do wonders for you. Praying that you can feel more positive about things and that you will find some ways to help improve your blood work.

    Jean, I hope you are doing okay. I know you are dealing with some heavy circumstances.

    Joanne, continued prays as you ready yourself for surgery both in all the myriad of things to be done and spiritually and emotionally.

    Kath, praying that you and your family have a safe trip back home.


    This is my nursing home day and I haven't seen the residents for a while so it will be good to sing with them and minister to them.

    I hope to check in later. I need a big chunk of time to get an updated prayer list and maybe I can get that out this weekend.

    Love you all


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    I was prayerfully considering my circumstances this morning concerning my hubby's medical issues and other difficulties when I believe I heard the Lord speak to me saying, "You need this." Love, Jean

    A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

    Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1Thes. 5:11

    Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

    He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10

    In due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    Good morning ladies. I have a non bc prayer request. I didnt sleep much last night stressing over this. Please pray for my grandson Bob, who starts his Junior year in college in the fall, to get a summer job. He has never worked and has numerous applications out but everyone wants references so far. I know God is able so please lift him up. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    A quick check in--- got back late last night and collapsed today- literally, slept till ten, then another nap.

    Jean, my boys will be juniors in college and I will specially pray for him: mine both work at the Y

    Jo, Nancy, Ellen, Lucy and everyone, praying for each request and acknoledging praises



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


    Hope you all have a wonderful week.

    Jean, have said prayers for a summer job for your grandson. Sounds like God is doing a good work in you. Keep trusting Him.

    Kath, I am so glad you all made it home safely. I can imagine you are worn out. Praying for strength for the return to the work week.

    Joanne continued prayers for peace going into surgery.

    Lucy, hope you are doing okay and having no bad SE's.



  • FastWalker
    FastWalker Member Posts: 38
    edited June 2015

    Good evening all,

    I hope you guys don't mind me posting here - I am in my mid-forties. :) I was diagnosed with IDC 1.4 cm, stage 2a, grade 1, er+ 96%, pr+ 94%, 1 positive lymph node, oncotype score 12. Currently, the standard of care with a positive lymph node is chemotherapy, but the tide is starting to turn for women with only 1-3 positive lymph nodes if they have a low oncotype score. My score is 12, however, because of my younger age and premenopausal status, my doctors disagree about what to do with me. I now have four opinions and need to make up my mind right away regarding a treatment plan. The following are their recommendations:

    Doctor 1: AC-T or TC

    Doctor 2: Originally said TAC or TC, but later said it wouldn't be a good idea since I have pre-existing neuropathy. Changed recommendations to: CMF or Ovarian Suppression+Tamoxifen or Tamoxifen alone (3 choices!)

    Doctor 3: Originally said no chemo, but later said he could be convinced for either CMF or no chemo.

    Doctor 4: Ovarian suppression plus an AI (not Tamoxifen) or chemo (CMF or AC)

    I should say any of these choices would be followed by an anti-hormonal pill. Most likely Tamoxifen since I am premenopausal.

    Could you please pray for me that I make the right treatment choice and also that I choose the right doctor?

    Also . . . I had something weird happen to me about two weeks ago. I was praying and asking God which path I should take. I was driving at the time and a few minutes after I prayed, this van passes me with the license plate CMF. I thought I was seeing things, but the van caught back up to me again and passed me -- and again CMF. . . Initially, I chalked it up to a really weird coincidence. (We are not to ask God for "signs and wonders.") But, now I am starting to wonder. What do you guys think of this?!

    Thanks so much!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Hi Fastwalker,

    You are certainly welcome to post here. That is one of the reasons we are here is to support each other in prayer regardless of your age. I am sorry that you are dealing with your diagnosis to begin with but then to have four different opinions certainly makes life difficult. My oncotype score was 16 and I had no lymph node involvement. My MO is quite young and it was pretty much cut and dried that because of my score no chemo would be warranted. I will say that if there is any lymph node involvement and you do nothing it is a much more complicated thing if you have metastasis. I do understand you would be on Tamoxifen regardless. I see you have had two surgeries. Is that correct? Was this in the same breast? Maybe not clean margins?

    One of the most serious surgeries I have ever had prior to my cancer surgery was a neck surgery. I had spinal cord compression and my spinal fluid was completely damned up and my limbs and vital organs were not receiving spinal fluid. I was told I would be completely paralyzed in four to six months and lose my organ functions if I did not have surgery. I remember I was petrified initially. I didn't know any neurosurgeons and could only go by recommendations from some of my doctors. I had been praying for the Lord to lead me to the right surgeon since this surgery was going to be very delicate. I did seek out several opinions from different fields and they all said the same thing. I needed surgery.  I remember I was driving home from church one day and on the radio they mentioned this hospital (not local) and mentioned the very neurosurgeon that I had heard about. I later ran into the president of our Home and School ( I am a retired teacher) and she talked about this very same doctor to me and talked about how wonderful he was and her Dad had him in the past. I really did feel that the Lord was leading me to this doctor from those things. He did my surgery and I am certainly not paralyzed now. I do believe the Lord can give us signs and confirmations like that.

    I know that the ladies on here are good prayer warriors and when they see your post will certainly pray for you as I will now. I don't have experience with chemo and I am not sure what the ovarian suppression is so I can't comment on that either. There are many different threads on BCO and many ladies are very helpful about sharing info. If you haven't already you might throw out your situation on an appropriate thread that looks like it might be what you need and see if any of the ladies have been in your similar situation.

    My surgeon is the one that made recommendations on my oncologists. I see both an MO and an RO since I had radiation and am on a hormone blocking drug for post menopausal ladies. I imagine that might be one of the four doctors making the recommendations.

    I will pray as soon as I sign off here. I know this must be a very difficult and scary time for you and I am foremost going to pray that the Lord gives you peace and wisdom in your decisions.

    Feel free to post as often as you like as many of us here have felt very supported by the ladies as we are all on journeys that we would not have chosen for ourselves but nonetheless find ourselves on. We are like a little online prayer family. The Lord will guide you through this. Let us know how it works out.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

                                                                             PRAYER LIST

    ·  Joanne (Jo-5) is having a mastectomy on June 29 at 10:30 ET. She dealt with
    breast cancer several years ago and last year dealt with Angio sarcoma which is
    a rare form of cancer caused by radiation. Her angio sarcoma came back and she
    will have this surgery to hopefully be the end of this type of cancer and never
    to return.

    ·  Anita  (ADJ) has been battling cancer for quite a long time and is dealing with
    mets to the liver. Her lastest chemo treatment was not affective. We pray for
    the new treatment she is on to do its intended work. She has an amazing faith
    and let’s pray that God continues to walk with her on her journey and that she
    can feel His peace.

    ·  Lucy (Spiritblessing) is dealing with a new form of treatment. She is on Xeloda and has
    had some nasty SE’s from it. After adjusting the dose we pray that this will
    knock out the cancer in the lymph nodes and the lungs. She is praying this will
    be her year of healing. I am standing with her in that hope.

    ·  Debbie (Fridaygirl) (Ireland) had to go back on chemo after having a period of
    remission. I am not sure if she is finished with this round. Let’s pray that
    the tumor markers are down and that this treatment plan was affective.


    ·  Debbie (foots) (Footprintangel ) praying for her in all the medical issues she faces. We
    pray that her service dog, Faith, remains a steadfast help and companion for
    her. We appreciate all of her prayers and posts for all of us  in spite of all of her own health issues.

    ·  Kath (Tobycc) has recently finished radiation after getting through chemo. She
    has been on a work week at their new retirement home in TN. Prayers for
    strength and stamina as she resumes work this week as CEO of Nami, a nonprofit
    mental health organization after being off for several days.

    ·  Angie  (Ladyb1234) has finished radiation after getting through chemo. She has a demanding
    job and is a pastor’s wife and shares in ministry with her husband as well.
    Prayers for continued health and peace and strength as she moves forward with
    an added holistic oncologist.

    ·  Mags (Magdalene  ) has finished a tough time during radiation with a very painful
    shoulder after getting through chemo. Her husband is dealing with some serious
    liver issues which can be helped with diet. Praying for both of them as she
    gets her life back on track and now dealing with his health issues as well.


    ·  Polly( Mema) has had some answered prayers from all of the multiple hand
    seizures she was experiencing. Those have disappeared and now there are some
    mental side effects to deal with from her anti seizure meds. She needs a
    healing in a broken relationship with her daughter who is not allowing her to
    see the grand kids.

    ·  Mini (real name Nancy) is dealing with the possibility of a move to Georgia with a new job
    for her DH. She would be far from her grandchildren if this were to happen. She
    is helping care for a 5 month old who is an abused baby at the hands of  her daycare provider while her mom deals with
    being a single working mom and the legal system to hopefully receive justice
    from this crime.


    ·  Vickie (Vicks1960) and her family are dealing with the death of her second child.
    They recently had a private memorial service on their property where her SIL
    has built a memorial where they can honor Melody’s life. They are now home
    after spending many months over the winter traveling in warm climates in their


    ·  Jean( zjrosenthal) has finished radiation and chemo. She will still have infusions
    through the fall. She is dealing with some marriage issues and her DH is
    dealing with health issues which has made things complicated for both of them.
    She has asked for prayer for her grandson who needs a summer job as he is in

    ·  Ellen (Blessedtheacher) has been dealing with bad side effects from Arimidex and has been
    contemplating a change. She has some other health issues that have become a
    concern as well. She is considering
    doing some subbing as this is her first year as a retired teacher. She is also
    a pastor’s wife, in charge of the music at her church and as an only child
    deals with an aging mother who is a few hours away. She has experienced some
    big losses in her life this year as well.


    ·  Sheangel after finishing her treatments has recently been through a
    painful reconstruction. She is in police enforcement with a demanding job and
    needing strength and stamina. They are in the process of selling their house
    and will be going to a temporary place before downsizing.


    ·  Nancy (Bandwoman1234) will hopefully resume swimming this week after a long absence
    because  of back issues and sickness. Also will probably have some PT soon. She is a
    caregiver for her mother and stays with her mom about a third of the year.
    Still dealing with insomnia and side effects of Arimidex.


    ·  Bev  (Saltyjack) is done with active treatments and on Arimidex only at this point.
    She just recently finished a bike and barge trip to the Netherlands with DH and
    friends. She had an awesome time. She needs wisdom in a situation regarding the
    church board she is on. She is actively engaged in many volunteer efforts each
    week. Her DH needs salvation.


    ·  Char (Gardengal77) is probably finished or about finished with her school year as a PE
    teacher. She has been very active in competitive running and finished a half
    marathon a few weeks ago. She is a master gardener, helps in caregiving for her
    father and I imagine has her hands very full about now.

    ·  Kate W at 
    has been struggling. She needs our
    prayers for healing.

    ·  Carren had returned to work in April and was doing very well at losing
    weight with Weight Watchers. Prayers that she will continue to do well.

    ·  Sharon and Deborah have moved on with their lives and we pray they are
    both doing well.


    ·  Fastwalker is a newbie and needs wisdom in her bc treatment plan as she
    has four different opinions from her doctors.

                                        REMEMBERING THESE DEAR SISTERS

    ·  Sue Hahn went to be with the Lord in Sept. 2014.

    ·  Becky went to be with the Lord some time in 2015.

                  Continued prayers for their families.

    If I have gotten anything wrong please feel free to correct
    any mistakes or add anything you would like us to prayer about.


    Sorry for the crazy formatting. I do this in a word file first.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Fast walker, welcome. We will pray for you and the decisions you must make. I had an Oncotype of 13, same size tumor and grade, but no lymph node involvement. I'm still learning about all the terms and treatments myself, so I have no advice. I do agree that they will probably recommend Tamoxifen. I took that for three years and got along pretty well. Seeing the license letters repeatedly made me smile...God works in interesting ways like that. I had a choice of on,y one oncologist...I asked her if I was her parent, what would she recommend. She looked very uncomfortable for a moment because I had suddenly made the choice personal for her.Praying for a clear answer for you.

    We received an unexpected blessing yesterday. In our area, it is appropriate to recognize your pastor on Pastor Appreciation Day in October. Our church voted several years back to do it in June, since that is when we began our ministry. Well, they forgot it for the last two years...and would quickly do something while we were on vacation. This year, someone remembered. Yesterday, they surprised us with a light lunch, had a beautiful cake, and gave us a check from the donations people had made. I won't go into the amount, but it was more than enough to cover the cost of the plane tickets for our trip to see DH's children and g'kids that we will make next week. Since we have struggled in our ministry lately, it was a humbling experience. All praise to God for His goodness and Grace!

    Headed to my son's again tomorrow to help Sarah with cleaning and packing and of course to spend time with Cal. My back is better so hopefully I won't strain it and go thru the discomfort again. I will miss going to the coast to see them, but I feel that this job change and relocation will make things easier for them eventually. They will also be closer to all of their NC family members.Please continue to pray for their faith and relationship with God.

    God bless you all...thanks to Nancy and her great memory and organizational skills, I can be confidant that I don't miss anyone in my prayers. Praying Gods richest blessings on all of you...Ellen

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2015

    Joanne great news about the bone scan, I know it is so hard to sit and wait on results when you want to move forward.

    Thanks for all the prayers ladies, this will be my last post for the week I as I have to be out of the house in 2 days and I have tons left to do. I continue to pray for us as I know you pray for me because I God continues to send me energy to complete tasks when I think I got nothing left. As soon as I have my computer up and running at the apartment I will be back to chatting. I will be checking in from my phone to keep up with prayer needs.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    Nancy, you are just amazing. Thank you SO much: printing it also :)

    I have been very blessed to get many "visuals" from God, and like everyone said, as long as we pray we are given the direction. He sent me to a Christian surgeon for both lumpectomy and hysterectomy, one of my sisters from church was a nurse where I got CMF-- and it was manageable-- and more.

    Love catching up on all the posts, and am putting one prayer list in my purse and other in my devotion book



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Hey ladies,

    I hope some of you that have had chemo can respond to Fastwalker who posted on Sunday. I know she would appreciate your prayers. I may go back and put user names on the prayer list. Someone mentioned something to me that made me think that would be useful. So you can go back and check that update which I will do now even though the weather is looking kind of threatening. We'll see.

    I have updates with usernames. Carren I will have to search but I think she is Carren B username.

    She, praying for a smooth move for you.

    Ellen, so happy that your congregation honored you and Clyde and their gift will cover your plant ticket. Awesome. Praising God as this is answered prayers as I have been praying that your congregation would be an encouragement to you and that the Lord would bless your church. PTL

    Joanne, continued prayers as you ready yourself for your surgery.

    Kath, hope getting back to work wasn't too overwhelming today. Continued prayers for victory over fatigue. Hi Kath. Just saw your post. I hope you printed my updated version with usernames.


    Have a great evening ladies.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    Just a quick note to say hi and I continue to pray for everyone. Nancy, you are such a blessing to be on this board and we all so appreciate your time and efforts in your posts to update everyone's prayer needs. As for me, I just needed a break from the "cancer planet" I am doing well and God continues to watch over me and DH. Gidget is good too, she has an issue with her liver as it is showing elevated numbers and so she is on a daily pill for 30 days then more blood work. The vet assures me it is nothing life threatening but they need to get her liver back in check. He said one 30 day supply usually does the trick if not then a second round. So now she is on those along with her daily Thyroid pills. Poor ole gal, she is 84 in doggie years so like us it stands to reason she will have issues. She is doing ok and so glad it wasn't diabetes, I was so worried that is what it was.

    Fastwalker (love that name), welcome and as much as we are glad to have you here we are also sorry that you have to be. You will find an amazing group of women here for you to address any and all prayer needs and just genuine kindness, love and daily support. I do mean daily as you will see. I think we are the only board who does so much communication on a regular basis and when we don't check in after a day or two, they yellow flags pop up and someone is reaching out. Nancy has been our little guiding light/star in making sure we are always up to speed with the most current prayer needs. God has certainly blessed this women and we are so appreciative of her organizational skills and love for all of us.

    Jo, great news on the scan...woo hoo! Nice blessing...thank you Father God!

    Well have to run and have been very busy with a couple of bible studies and just trying to get DH set up on Medicare and the other coverage he needs. Wow, what a chore in checking but I am used to it as I manage my company's medical plan that we have to renew each year. Thank God I have some exposure as it could be very overwhelming. He is effective on 7/1 so have to do it all, just have to make the final decisions this week. Also, trying to find a way to pay for my medication as we changed our plan at work and now it is going to cost me $547.62 per month on this new plan...It's in your hands Lord!

    We have had some great weather here in the Northwest so we have been enjoying the outdoors and making the yard look nice. However we did decide not to water our lawn so that is a bit sad as it is now turning brown...Sad but it is just to costly to pay for the water it takes to maintain it's lush green color. Just watering the plants and don't have many of those this year either.

    Love you ladies...Lucy




  • FastWalker
    FastWalker Member Posts: 38
    edited June 2015

    Thanks for the warm welcome! Yes, I had two surgeries. And you're correct - it
    was to clear a positive margin. I went for my post op appointment today, in
    fact, clean margins! . . . You poor thing - I would've been terrified too! When
    I was 32, I herniated 6 disks. (2 in my neck, 1 in my mid back and 3 in my low
    back) I am SO glad you are OK - it totally looked like the Lord was leading
    you. Too many "coincidences"! ;) . . . Ovarian suppression is when
    they give you shots to stop the ovaries from producing estrogen. (Estrogen
    feeds my particular cancer.) . . .  I
    have a breast surgeon, a radiation oncologist -- and the four different
    opinions were actually all medical oncologists. . .  Thanks so much for your prayers -- peace and
    wisdom in decisions both sound good right about now. :)

    Thanks for the prayers! Sounds like 13 was your lucky number. :) I do the same
    thing - I ask if I was your daughter/sister what would you recommend? (Makes
    some of them squirm lol! :))

    I love Charles Stanley! I have been watching him since I was in college. . .
    That's awesome that you have received so much validation. :) . . . My best
    friend Donna has the same philosophy - go ahead and do what you think is right,
    and if it's not, trust that God will close the doors. . . Glad your doc is not
    retiring just yet so you can get the support that you need. . . Yes, most of
    the doctors have considered CMF as an option, as it is less toxic than the
    newer chemos and is not known to cause neuropathy. (I have pre-existing
    neuropathy from herniated disks.) . . . My case was presented to two different
    tumor boards. The real pressing issue was what to do about a positive margin
    and the chemo issue kind of took a backseat. . . That's a good question. A
    friend told me if I can't make up my mind, choose the medical oncologist I feel
    most comfortable with and go with their decision. But, I am even having trouble
    choosing the doctor I trust the most. (The 1st doctor recommended a chemo that
    was contraindicated for me, the 2nd doctor spend two-thirds of my initial
    consultation on the phone, the 3rd doctor changes his suggestions every time I
    meet with him and the 4th doctor is retiring and not accepting new patients -
    he only did me a favor by giving me his recommendations. Really knowledgeable
    and nice doctor -- wish I could choose him!) . . . Good luck with everything -
    I hope it all goes well!

    Glad you said that CMF is manageable. I have a very sensitive system and get
    affected by things easily. So, that's part of my fear going into all of this.

    I see what you mean - everyone has been SO supportive already. This is really a
    great group!

    Thanks to
    everyone for the warm welcome and for all of your prayers!!

  • FastWalker
    FastWalker Member Posts: 38
    edited June 2015

    ACK! - sorry about the formatting. I did this in WORD first and apparently it doesn't "copy and paste" too well lol!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    Ladies, after we prayed together. my hubby seems to have found a way to regulate his med for the myasthenia gravis that is working. He is doing better Praise God. I am still having knee and hip pain that interferes with my sleep. Hoping that upping my exercise will help. We are hoping to rejoin a gym this week. Emotionally, I am doing better in getting control of my thought life. Thank you all. God is hearing your prayers. Today ai started reading a great book called "Fairy Tale Faith". In it the author mentions an old hymn ....

    Just as I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me, and that Thou bidst me come to Thee..O Lamb of God I come, I come.

    Just as I am and waiting not, to rid my soul of one dark blot, to Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot... O Lamb of God I come, I come.

    Just as I am poor wretched blind... sight, riches, healing of the mind, yeah all of these in Thee I find... O Lamb of God I come, I come.

    What a testimony, what amazing grace, what mercy, what love. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Just checking in tonight. Watching the Stanley Cup finals and hoping Chicago will clinch it tonight. Sorry Kath! (for all the non hockey fans Chicago is playing Tampa Bay)

    Lucy thanks for your nice words. I can certainly understand getting off the cancer planet for a while. Dealing with your DH's medicare application and Gidget's issues and your own is more than one person should have to deal with. I love your banners. So right on. Praying that you will find a way to pay for your drug. That is a major bummer. I will certainly pray for this situation. I have water standing in my back yard. You are welcome to come and get it anytime! It has been like a rain forest here. I do have a little friend who seems to enjoy it though. It is a little toad......warts and all. LOL Outside not inside!

    Jean, I am sure Billy Graham and his music people used that hymn in his revivals for a big reason......because it is awesome and says it all. Praying that you feel better maybe with some exercise. I just got back to my swimming today since hurting my back in March. I am hoping to see improvement in pain management too. I will pray that for both of us. Glad DH is doing better.

    Fastwalker, continued prayers for peace and wisdom. Your situation seems very difficult but the Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way. How did you herniate that many discs? Did you have an accident? Sounds awful. Thanks for clarifying some of the things. The ovarian suppression was new to me. I guess my older age did that for me. LOL I hope you can get clarity and peace once you make your decision. By the way are you? a fastwalker.


    Back to the game.

    Have a good night everyone.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited June 2015


    I thought I would take a minute to check in and tell everyone that I continue to pray for you. You are in my thoughts and God continues to bring you to my lips throughout my day. I praise God for answers to prayer and good results. Praying for you Jo and so glad your scan was negative. Nancy, thanks for the updates. Lucy, so grateful for your banners too. So good to see so many of you doing well and continuing to trust God through your journey.

    Welcome new folks! You are among a wonderful group of prayer warriors. May God bless you as much as he has me on this site.

    School is out and I am so relieved to have some time to rejuvenate and catch up on long awaited jobs here at home. Lots going on in my life much good and some not so good but I must remember that He has it all worked out. To Him be the honor and glory.

    God is so good all of the time

    Love in Christ,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited June 2015

    Jean, Just As I am is one of my favorites. It is a song that touched me throughout my life and today continues to speak to me!

    Firewalker, welcome and praying for your decision and ask that they Lord give you wisdom and guides you. I am one that says God speaks to us in mysterious ways.

    Nancy, you are just a blessing. Thanks for the updated prayer listing.

    Your Sister in Christ,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    After the first Silver Sneakers class yesterday I had an almost pain free night and my left knee feels much better this morning. I am hoping to get back to the gym tomorrow and try Zumba for some weight bearing exercise. Thank you all for your prayers. God is so faithful. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    Ladies, Robin is going for her revision surgery today I believe.. Let's keep her in prayer. Love, Jean

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited June 2015

    Jo, thank you for that bit of information on Charlette Elliot . When we are in AZ for the winter, our Pastor at the church we attend, always has a story and information on the Hyms authors. I find it so interesting and look forward to the backgrounds of the writers. So many have suffered in so many ways......The Hyms have more of an impact when familiarizing with them. " ." Just as I Am" has always been a favorite.

    Have a Blessed Day Everyone !


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


    Prayers for Robin today for a revision surgery.

    Artsee, welcome. Feel free to join or jump in anytime. We're glad to have you.

    Joanne, thank you for the background on the hymn. I agree that when you realize what was going on in the lives of the composer it makes the hymn more meaningful for us today.

    Jean, I hope your exercise continues with pain control. That is my goal too. I am finally back swimming now.,

    Angie, hope you are doing well and feeling better each day.

    Kath, prayers for a good day and feeling better.  

    Everyone, prayers for you. I will check in later.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    In my prayer time today I wanted to listen to the hymn Just As I Am. I have had that on my heart and have been singing it all morning. I found this on youtube which follows from what Joanne mentioned. I think you will find it inspiring.

    God Bless all of you.

     Click the one on the upper left regarding Charlotte Elliott




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    Greetings to all who posted today! It is a joy to read this thread before I read before bed.

    You are all so dear :)

    Long day for this ole gal---- wishing all a restful night, good rest, and the peace of His love



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2015

    Hi Sister Warriors,

    Nancy what a great story of Charlotte Elliott, very inspiring and a time to see how great our God is to turn someone who is in such a dark place to find that peace we all know is available to all of us. It is awesome to know how much we are truly blessed even with our afflictions. So glad you are up to swimming again Nancy...awesome! I am still going to Curves as much as I can 3+ days a week. I cut it back from every day as I am walking and riding my bike when I can. I am still losing weight so want to take it easy. Nice banner...thanks for sharing.

    Jean, so glad to hear you are taking time to exercise too. It is such a good thing for us to stay fit as best we can. I go at lunch time from the offfice and it works out best as after work I am too tired.

    Have DH all signed up for medicare effective 7/1 now. He will have Silver Sneakers too so that is going to be nice for him to be able to do that. He really will enjoy it not just for the exercise but for the companionship at the club with the other folks. He is for sure an extravert and needs that for his mental balance.

    As for me I am staying busy and I am so blessed to feel so strong and good every day. The pill has been doing alright. The se's are not as bad as the first 2 weeks, praise God! Two weeks ago when it was my on week it wasn't till day 5 that I had soreness, redness and puffiness on my feet. Day 5 and 6 were sore and day 7 no pain. The time before that it was day 3 so it seems to b better. So I am praying for God's favor to have this week go without a hitch...Praise God!!! I also have my first CT scan since starting the pill on 4/13/15 so asking for prayers for the miracle I am expecting. This is my year for complete and total healing and I am expecting a miracle...Yes Father Jesus Mighty Name...Amen and Amen!!!

    Well my DD is doing well and seems that the all day morning sickness is subsiding little by little. She is 3 months an I was praying she would be blessed with having this pass soon. Our little GD is so cute and she is just so fun to be around. I will post a pic to share her little face, I have a picture at an event they went too. My DD is doing her best to be a hippy mommy so it is pretty interesting. Thanks for the prayers on this sickness.


    Well have to get up early fellow warriors to be at the clinic at 7:00 have to leave at 5:30...YIKES!!! Have a relaxing evening and restful sleep. Love you all...Luc

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Lucy, it was Joanne who shared to story and then I was looking for the music for my quiet time today and found this video. It is pretty amazing how God can work through suffering. Glad you are exercising. That is so good for all of us if we are able. Glad you have DH all set for Medicare. I am sure that is a relief to get all of that paperwork done. Is your CT scan tomorrow? I am praying that this scan will proof your healing is coming. So glad that you seem to be adjusting to the xeloda and praying that any SE will be very minimal at this point.

    Your GD is so cute. I had a little dwarf bunny named buttons that looks just like that bunny. It was a Himalayan dwarf. I had a phase where I had rabbits as pets but only one at a time. I still have a soft spot for rabbits.

    Glad to hear your DD is feeling better with morning sickness.

    Hope you get plenty of rest tonight and can get up early and get a good report.

    Joanne I did find that story fascinating. I am glad you mentioned the back story to that hymn. I have said this before. We never know who is reading this thread. I occasionally will get private messages for some who have questions but maybe don't feel comfortable posting. I think there might be scared ladies who have just been diagnosed who might visit here for comfort. We want to give them a reason for our hope.

    Kath, I know you have things at work that I am sure are stressful. I pray for strength and stamina for you as you find your stride. Praying for your co worker.


    Have a great night everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015





    Good morning ladies,

    I know that this is a very tough time for some of you. Some of you are dealing with fear, some are dealing with discouragement and many just need strength to get through this day. Father, I pray for all the dear sisters. I pray that you would give them eyes to see You today. I pray that they could see the blessings that are all around them. I pray that you would lift their spirits for those who are discouraged and give them hope. I pray that you would give them the strength to reach out to You because you are only a breath away. You are always present whether we can feel it or not. Help those who need hope today to feel your presence and your love. Give each one of us the grace that we need to meet today's challenges. No matter how we feel help us always to be a light to those around us. For all those we encounter today our reflection of Jesus may be just that thing that plants a seed in their hearts. Give us all your peace this day Lord. Amen.