thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    Prayer request: my great girlfriend Eileen, whose husband passed in his 40's 8 months ago just found out she has Lymphoma- Her son and her family grew up with our during summer travel baseball. Her son is out of state at college: going to be a sophomore.

    she is a strong woman of faith, but right now pretty hysterical, in shock, and in need of prayer. She will going through this physically alone, but she does have a ton of friends, and a family in Puerto Rico who wants her to go there.

    Lord, help me to be the perfect support you need for me to be for her during this upcoming journey.

    Thanks for your prayers--- more tomorrow



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Kath, I will certainly be praying for Eileen and for you too. This has got to be a huge shock for her and her family. Praying for you as you want to support her anyway you can. We all know from this forum that support can be felt through cyberspace as well as in person if she choses to go to Puerto Rico.

    Joanne, prayers for complete peace as you have one more week before your surgery on Monday, June 29. 

    Sheangel, glad the move is done. Now praying for strength to get unpacked and organized. Hopefully that will be easier than the packing and moving.

    Jean, so glad to hear your grandson got a job. Definitely answer to prayers. Glad you found an inexpensive way of getting groceries. That's awesome. God is good and he does provide.

    Patoo, welcome back. I have read your posts even though we have never met. That is awesome that you had a chance to go to CA with some BCO sisters. I know Kindergarten has posted here a few times since I have been here  but I don't know her. Hope you can stick around.

    Ellen, I hope you and DH have a safe trip and a wonderful time. I wasn't exactly sure when you were going but I thought you said this week.

    Lucy and Anita, you are definitely in my prayers for encouragement and wisdom.

    Debbie (foots) praying for you dear sister.

    Angie, continued prayers for strength, victory over any fears or doubts and peace and joy as you get your new normal life in place.


    I hope everyone has a great week.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2015

    Good (early) morning, ladies of faith,

    Couldn't get settled to sleep so decided to read back through the posts and pray. I remind myself (And usually someone else) daily that God is in control. I know many of you are facing new treatments and surgeries, and tears come when I read how courageous and steadfast in the Lord that you are. I have trouble with a restless night, and I'm ready to a long way to go in my faith journey. Praying for doctor's wisdom and God-led hands.

    We will be boarding a plane for Dallas tomorrow at this time. Nancy, we stopover in Chicago..will be thinking of you. All you TX ladies, I'll be visiting your state for a few days...oldest Step-daughter and family live in the Dallas area. Then, later we'll head to Lucy's hometown of Albuquerque to visit Stepson and family.not sure how much time I'll have to be online, so wanted to tell you all that I'm praying for you. We'll be back in NC on DH birthday, 6/29, and also the day of Joanne's surgery. Looking forward to some great family time.

    Praying God's richest blessings and protection on all of you..Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


    Good morning ladies,

    This weekend I had the privilege to hear the Brooklyn Tabernacle singers. It was truly an anointed concert. Their pastor gave an incredible message. His message centered around Jesus first miracle mentioned in the Bible and that was turning the water into wine. His premise was that Jesus was FIRST invited to this wedding.

    Invite Jesus into your problem that you are facing today. Many times we exhaust ourselves by telling our problems to our family and to our friends and spin our wheels in worry and fretting before we actually invite Jesus into our problem.

    Invite Jesus into that complicated decision that you have to make in your bc journey.

    Invite Jesus into that broken relationship that is tearing you apart.

    Invite Jesus into your world that seems to be crumbling day by day.

    Invite Jesus into your world of pain and sorrow.

    Invite Jesus into your body to manage the awful side effects of our treatments.

    Invite Jesus into that financial situation that you can't seem to find a way through.

    Invite Jesus into your disappointments and shattered dreams.

    Invite Jesus into our world which is full of evil and hatred and senseless killing.

    Invite Jesus into your fears and worries for the future.  

    Invite Jesus into your dreams and your hope for today and for tomorrow.


    Invite Jesus in to ALL of these things and then EXPECT a miracle. Have the FAITH to believe He IS ABLE.


    Praying for all of you dear sisters today.



  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2015

    Nancy, may I share this most recent post?


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Hi Vickie,

    I just lost my post to you. How are you doing? It is good to hear from you. Is your family doing better? Yes, you can most certainly share this with whoever you want. It is to uplift and encourage whoever reads it.

    I have been having difficulty waking too early. As I went back to bed I really wanted to add this:

    Invite Jesus into your fears and worries of the future. I think I will add that in the above post.

    I hope you have a good week.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    hi ladies, I'm writing from the chemo chair. I am so grateful for the two new medicines they are using. They work against the her2 positive marker and they are having great success with them. For some reason I am feeling very positive today and for all you ladies for facing difficult decisions I pray that God give you wisdom from above and exactly what you should do. Love, Jean

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2015

    Nancy, yes, we are all doing well. Last week was a bit of a challenge for me though. A friend from my church had a 41 year old son killed at work. Machine crushed him. I was drafted to contact ladies in the church to provide meals for the family, food for the visitation and funeral lunch. That part was okay, but attending the funeral, not so great. Partly a pity party and partly because I know how horrible losing a son in an accident is and feel so bad for my friends. They are believers so know that they will see Scott again, but that doesn't remove the pain and grief. Thanks for allowing me to copy and send to some friends.

    Hope you are feeling pretty well today. Rather warm here (in mid 90s).

    Take care my friend.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Hi Vickie,

    I hope the post encourages your friends. I am so sorry to hear of this horrible accident. I think it is very natural for these type of things to uncover our own wounds of loss. I would not call that a pity party but a normal human reaction to their loss and yours.  I don't know if I ever shared with you that my sister and her husband lost their Scott in 2010. I had just seen him on Christmas Day and I had just got home from winter break with my mom and it was Jan. 3 and I got the message from my mom that Scott had a seizure that day and the paramedics could not revive him. He was only 36. I know that you will never "get over" the loss but healing and time does allow you to embrace the new normal without them. I know you have to be a very strong woman because some people never recover from the loss of a child but to have to bare the loss of your only two children is for some beyond comprehension how you move forward from that. God's grace has allowed you to do just that even though I cannot imagine how difficult that has been for you and your DH and family.

    I continue to pray for you dear sister.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


    I am praying for a great trip for you and Clyde and that you will feel good so you can really enjoy your time away. I live in a far west suburb of Chicago so your plane might fly over my house in which case I will be waving at you. Headphones



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2015

    Hi Ladies. Just stopping in to stay see what's going on and stay connected. So many blessings, and so many needs. God is in them all. You ladies are a true blessing.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2015

    Jean, you are feeling positive because you have the Holy Spirit within and He is comforting. Always hold on to that.

    Nancy, I have been so blessed my entire life but your post about inviting Jesus gladdened my heart to its core. To feel the love of Jesus encircling me at all times is awesome. I never feel deserving but know He just wants me to stay close.

    JO-5, I just retired this month. If there is anything at all that you need let me know and I will be on a plane the next day. Seriously, we are twins and go back a long way. I will start with intercessory prayers (yes Kathy told me a little) for your surgery and post-op. I can come out to assist post-op - just say the word.

    It is good to be back and though I am currently only sporadically on the boards I will be certain to update my prayer list and keep coming back here.

    Blessings to you all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2015

    JO-5, okay you are in good hands. Great. In August I will be relocating to FL, a little over an hour west of Orlando.

    Once you are up and about and if you do plan on Sight and Sound, Lancaster (or even Branson MO where they also play) just give me a holler.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Mini, good to hear from you. Is  your DH still in the job search in Georgia? How are you doing with the little 5mos old? I have been praying that this little precious one will have no emotional scars from this horrible experience that she has been through.

    Patoo, thank you for your post and I am glad you were blessed. Whenever I get out of bed to post I know it is the Lord leading.

    It sounds like you and Joanne go way back. What a nice reunion. Also congratulations on your retirement. I have been retired for four years and it is certainly a different life for sure. You are a sweetheart I can tell. Twins eh?

    Jean, glad you felt good today. PTL

    Kath, praying for you and your friend. I know this is a very difficult time for you and for her and her family.

    Ellen, I hope you will not have any issues when you are in Chicago. I think tomorrow the weather is supposed to be good.


    My town has been spared from the path of the tornadoes but some are not so lucky. Because it is dark and there are roads closed because of downed trees the damage and injuries are not conclusive yet. There are still tornadoes touching down as I type this. The problem is it is 11:30 PM and many people would be in bed and no one can see what is coming or may not hear the sirens going off. Lord protect all of the people in the path of these storms. Let them be warned to get to shelter.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Dear ladies of faith,

    I know many are going through some very difficult times. I pray that this verse will encourage your heart today.

    but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

    Isaiah 40:31 NIV



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    Just wanted to take a moment to update, I am doing well and just been focusing on some Lucy time.  I am doing a 2 week washout prior to starting my new treatment.  I now have the two drugs they are wanting me to consider to start on 7/6.  One is a standard treatment called Vinorelbine or Navelbine is the other name and there is another that is a study trial with Eribulin or Halaven.  Both are weekly 3 week on 1 week off and so that is the plan for now.  There are other options as well but for now this is what my Onc is thinking about.  I am strong and positive and keep my eyes on our Lord daily and nightly and will never waiver in my faith.  As Nancy's banner states, it is so true.  I thank you in advance for your prayers for my decisions next week and for the wisdom in helping with them.

    Have a blessed day ladies and I will catch up on others posts soon.  Love and blessings to you all and know you are in my prayers all the time...Lucy


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    Lucy I am praying for clear direction for you. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2015

    Ladies, praying for all in the wake of the storms. May our Lord's blessings rain down on each of you as His protective arms keep you safe.

    Also, for you who are going through or facing upcoming treatments may His strength become part of your very being and may His wisdom be infused into your treatment team as they go about helping you get through.

    we serve an AWESOME God.

    Blessings, Phyllis

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    Popping in to say hi and send hugs. I am trying to not spend as much time on the posts: I read them morning and night, and now pray for each of you as I read your post.

    We are so blessed t have eachother, aren't we?

    I am doing fine--- having some cardiac issues that I am working on easing symptoms.

    Thank you for your prayers for my friend, and Nancy for including Garland, my CFO. Working with auditor to find a temp we trust with the books.

    Have a restful, pleasant dream filled sleep tonight!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    After a stressful preflight time, we had a good trip and presently enjoying our time in the Dallas area. We leave for the second leg of our trip, to Albuquerque, on Friday. God has blessed us with beautiful weather thru our travel time and during our stay here. He provided good rest for us last night after a 20 hour day.

    Praying for all...for decisions, doctor's wisdom, healing, comfort, encouragement...whatever you need in your situation. Will be checking requests but probably not posting much.just know I pray for you daily.

    Good to see the grandkids...a big change in them. Two years go by and the oldest grandson has grown at least 6 inches...or so it seems. Granddaughter is a senior, with purple's been a treat to get to know them again. Teenagers change so fast.

    God bless you all richly today...Thanks for YOUR prayers for ME...


  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited June 2015

    Hi. I am new to this site and trying to navigate around it. Looking for HER2 positive ladies to share with as well as others. I will be starting treatment in a few weeks. Thanks Gretagirl

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    Hi Greta. Welcome. I am her2+. Feel free to ask me any questions. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2015

    Welcome Greta. You will find much support to get you through what will be a trying time as you navigate this disease. As you ask and get answers don't forget to hold on to your faith in the Lord as He will make sure you get through.

    All, asking for prayer again for my son who has been angry at God for a very long time and each time something happens in the world he uses that to try and shake my faith (he should know by now that won't happen).

    Because of the recent murders in Charleston he wrote "This is why I will never set foot in a church. Those people worshipped your "god" and he didn't protect them."

    For some reason I was again stunned by his words, (we've been down this road before) and responded: "Should some sick individual choose to try and be a god and take me that way, keep in back of your mind that I would then be blessed because I will then be out of this wicked world, now ruled by satan, and sitting where I most want to be at the side of God. When I die you can blame my God or the natural circle of life, whatever you want. Your anger will only affect your own personality and outlook on life which is a shame because it doesn't have to be that way . This kid had anger as well, taken to a level I hope your anger never reaches."

    His response: "I see the truth which is that your "god" isn't there for his people."

    This was a few days ago and I did not see the point in responding. Please pray. I would love to one day see him with me for all eternity but am starting to doubt that will happen.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2015

    Hello all, I have been reading Jesus Calling every day. I find it difficult to just read the current day, so I usually reread pages before and some ahead. I think the thread that always pulls at me is to lean on the Lord. Do not be afraid and have faith that He will take care of me. I recently read that He has plans for me. I truly believe that. I am in active treatment and find this book very comforting, although I have to admit I have to have my box of tissues next to me. I would recommend this book to anyone. I think it speaks to us all.

    Have a peaceful night and a good day tomorrow. I have my third treatment tomorrow so that is how I will be spending my day. I am so thankful for doctors and medicine that helps us with this horrible disease. I will get through the day, but am not looking forward to this next week with all the side effects. I would appreciate prayers that no new side effects happen, and that this medicine is doing its job. I continue to pray for all of you. I believe that prayer is powerful. Thank you.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2015

    Dearest Patoo!! I will pray for your son daily!

    Jo-5- prayers for your upcoming surgery!

    I pray for all you wonderful ladies here !

    By His Stripes you are healed

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2015

    Evening warriors,

    Was a long day for me. Didn't sleep well and a busy day at work. Days like this is when I think I need to work on filing for disability sooner than later.

    Ellen I love reading Jesus Calling daily as well. My phone app devotional is good too. I haven't posted one in a while. Been a slacker lol.

    Patoo praying for your son. I pray for my son and daughter too all the time. I want to see them find salvation before I leave this earth.

    Welcome Greta, you will find amazing support and prayer on this board. Maybe you can share more about your journey and how best to pray for you.

    Ellen how exciting to know you're near my hometown in Albuquerque. I hope to go to the Balloon Fiesta this October but with this new treatment we will see how it goes. Have a wonderfully blessed time.

    Well off to bed so have a restful sleep everyone and I will pop in tomorrow. Good night ladies...Lucy

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    Just got done praying for all who posted needs.  Lucy, I hear you.  Yesterday I left work early to go home and take a nap.  I pray that the Lord wraps himself around all of us this day, and holds us close.

    Lynn, good luck with chemo today-

    Prayers and love to all


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Greta, welcome to our little online family prayer support team. I hope you can get some answers to your questions. I am impressed with BCO in general. The resources at your fingertips are pretty amazing. You that search feature and you will find some great info from the ladies and also from articles.

    Joanne, needs our prayers for her mastectomy on Monday, June 29. I pray for absolute peace in the midst of the storm. Hang in there dear sister. At this time next week you will be well on your way to recovery.

    Kath need our prayers as well.

    Debbie (foots) you are such a blessing to me. Hugs to you and Faith dear sister.

    Debbie (Ireland) how are you doing? Let us know if you can.

    Jean, praying that you will have many, many more positive days ahead for you and for DH as well.

    Ellen, I suppose I could dye my cat's fur pink and then I would feel like I haven't missed out. LOL That is of course right after the breakfast in bed training! I hope you have a wonderful time as you move on to NM.

    Lynn, praying for your third treatment and that the SE's will be manageable. Praying for someone to come along side you on this journey. Perhaps someone totally unexpected that will help you along the way. Many of us here use Jesus Calling and it is such a blessing.

    Lucy, continued prayers for you dear sister. Praying for strength, wisdom, healing and for encouragement to fill your day.

    Phyliss, you are a blessing here. I will pray for your son. I have watched this happen to some family members who have fallen away from the Lord and it is so hard to see. I will certainly pray for your son. God watched His own son suffer and die even when He was without sin. God's ways are not our ways and it is hard when anyone is angry with God. Keep praying. I pray for my family members each day who need the Lord and I will not give up until my time has come.

    Kindergarten, I hope you will feel free to come join us.

    Anita, praying for wisdom and for comfort for you dear sister.

    Polly, continued prayers for a reconciliation.

    Vickie, continued prayers for healing in your grieving.

    Bev, Char, Mags, Carren I miss hearing from you but I hope you are enjoying getting this summer in gear and enjoying what all that brings.

    Mini, praying for you as you care for that little one.

    Angie, praying for great days to come for you in all areas of your life.

    Sheangel, praying for strength as you get settled into your apt.

    Fastwalker, I pray that you were able to make a decision in your treatment that you feel comfortable with.


    I have a busy few days ahead. I had a photography workshop last night that went for four hours and didn't get home until 11:30PM. I am going to see the Chicago Symphony in an outdoor concert this weekend and that will be a thrill. Will be at a volunteer dinner at one of our pastor's homes tomorrow. Trying to buy a new car and still getting my yard in shape.

    I may not post for a while but will be seeing posts and certainly praying for all of you.

