thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Mini, I hope they can find a reason. I have having serious insomnia and have been in a battle the last few days with my new prescription meds provider.. My doctor had just jumped through all the hoops a few months ago to get my sleep meds approved for every night. The new insurance would not refill a whole month for me so i have lost lots of sleep the last several days trying to go without them. Thanks to Arimidex I find myself in this situation. I thought you used to be on it. Is that right? Did you stop it? I seem to remember you talking about it but I don't remember the details I pray that you can get it figured out and we both can.

    Gretagirl, PTL for your good news. That infection sure has been persistent. Praying that it will FINALLY go away.

    123JustMe, is your surgery next week on the 23rd?

    Let's pray for Kath. I am very concerned about her. She has had so much going on with coworkers and friends and her own health issues. She has been incommunicato for a while and that is not like her. Let's pray for her.

    If you didn't seen Artsee's beautiful original water color she posted last week you should scroll back and see it. I know how posts can get buried.

    Let's pray for Joanne as well. She will see her PS tomorrow and will find out just how extensive her next surgery will be after the first one failed on part of the flap. She is running temp even on antibiotics as the area is infected.

    Have a good evening prayer warriors.



  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2015
    Yes. I finally have a surgery date of July 23!
  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited July 2015

    Praise the Lord for clear Pet Scans. How wonderful is that? I went to see a Cardiologist myself today. It was interesting to learn that radiation can show up ad Heart problems around 10 years. Great.....all these negatives it can produce........I'm worried about Jo, just another s/e of rads I'm sure. I just went through surgery due to rads too. Ugh. Nancy, we'll have to call one another when we are staring at the dark ceiling in the middle of the night. I pray we all overcome out little problems.

    Here you go.....imagep,

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Evie, such another beautiful watercolor. You are so talented. I am learning that as I study artwork it can help my photography. I am sure similar rules apply for composition etc. I love the brick columns. They add so much to the whole scene.

    You don't have your statistics public so I don't know when you went through your treatments. Are you saying that you now are having heart problems too. I didn't realize your surgery last week was due to rads too. They don't tell us all of this when we are going through it.

    I heard from Jo right after I posted about praying for her. She had a really, really bad reaction to her pain meds and had to stop them. Now she has to rely only on Tylenol and Advil. Let's pray that this will manage the pain. She will be having another surgery and not sure how that is going to work out with the pain management.

    I just bought some new natural sleep meds to try. I have to be careful because I had a horrible reaction a few months ago with my Arimidex and thought I was going to end up in the ER.

    Let's pray we can all sleep tonight.

    PS. I can see some of your stats and I swear I couldn't see them before I hit submit. Am I losing my mind from losing sleep. Could be.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    123Just Me we will be praying for your surgery on July 23.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Dear Gretagirl, wonderful news!!

    Mini, I am lifting you up in prayer for sleeping issues can be resolved!!!

    Nancy, thank you always for your encouraging and inspiring posts!!!

    Artsee, your paintings are beautiful!!!

    Lucy, you post beautiful devotions!!!

    May you all have a Very Blessed Week!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2015

    Hi Ladies. Have been travelling with my sister and will be doing so for another month so not getting on the boards too often. I do think and pray for all of you and as I read through these posts have prayed for the requests to go straight up to our Father's loving ears. He is AWESOME and I thank Him for having each of you in my life. I am so thrilled at the encouragement shown here. You are are well-loved children of God. Hold on, the best is yet to come!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


    Have a great day ladies of faith. Safe travels Patoo. Good to hear from you. Debbie (foots) how are you doing? How is Faith?



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Evening Ladies,

    Been a long day of several appts. Overall it was a good day and God is an awesome God!!! Treatment went well and quick. Waited 40 min for the drug and it took 5 min to administer. It is given by syringe and pushed through my port with the saline. The nurse was a new one to me and she was great. My onc nurse is having her last day tomorrow so it was a sad day for me. She has been with me since the very start and I wil miss her greatly. I couldn't help it and I cried when we said good bye. She actually came up and saw me again while having infusion to tell me that I would do great on this treatment and that she will miss me. She said I was their "All Star" patient and I have been a pleasure and DH as well. She said not to be concerned about the side effects as this is a very tolerable drug and its the easiest one I have been on so far. So the side effects are supposed to be white blood counts could drop a bit but not enough to need neupogen, hair thinning, neuropathy in hands and feet. This is where I trust our Lord to walk every step of the way with me. Been resting after we had a bite to eat and getting ready to call it a night. Taking the day off tomorrow to recoup.

    Hope and pray you all are don't well and staying strong.

    Love and blessings, Lucy.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Good morning my dear fellow cancer fighters. Asking that God make His mighty presence known to all today. Special prayer for Jo's pain control. I go for my herceptin / perjeta infusion today. 2 1/2 hrs of driving. Hoping God will find a way to use my testimony there. Love, Jean

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2015

    Afternoon Ladies. Jean I love the photo of Valentina she is growing so fast, I love the hair, it's happy and energetic.

    I was blessed to have received a private message from one of the group members that reminded me that I am not alone, they spoke of SE's that they had been having and they were like a mirror of what is going on with me right now. I was really starting to think it was in my mind because there seems to be something different every week to add. I guess I really thought I would be back to myself with no issues after I finished chemo and the body started recovering from the surgery and apparently that is not how it works. (lol) I have opted to try to get in a work out every other day since I am struggling so. Yesterday I was so tired when I got home, I could only sit on the sofa with my husband on night shift I didn't even try to pretend to have energy, but God is good. This area has Takeout Connections a food delivery place with tons or participating restaurants, I was able to fire up the computer pick the place I wanted, order, pay for it online with the gratuity and it was at the door in 20 minutes. Last night I dined on cucumber, avocado salad, with shrimp rice rolls and drunken noodles with shrimp. Made that 1 hour hike I did all worth it.

    Since I continue to pop ibuprofen like m&m's I think I will shoot my oncologist an email to see if there is something I can do that I am not doing to make things better.

    Ladies this group helps me remain grounded, with so many going through such harder things than me right now it is good for me to get outside myself and focus and pray for the relief and comfort of others. I thank you for your prayers and know that I continue to pray for you all as well. Praying that the remainder of your week brings restoration in some area where it is lacking. This week for small group bible study tomorrows scripture is Psalm 37:3-9 "...Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires....." I feel there is so many important points in the entire scripture but that stood out to me for a good closing.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited July 2015

    My apologies for being "off " for a week and a half. All my energy was pulled towards coordinating a funeral service in addition to work challenges. I have read, and prayed for each and every one of you.

    I have read joy, pain, exhaustion in the thread, and again, I lift you all up to His caretaking. Peace in being able to absolutely believe in Him, when we are so depleted.

    Lucy, prayers for NO SE this time. You are one brave lady, and you have beeen given a lot of wonderful information.

    Artsee, prayers for continued healing

    Gretagirl: two weeks ago I developed a UTI. Went to walk in affiliated with hospital near my office. Did not give my cipro as it interacts with another drug I am on. Exactly one day after done with meds, came back. Now on sulfameth. I was told if it comes back I have to go to a urologist. Prayers for this antibiotic to work!

    Such beautiful art and pictures by you two! Love all of them.

    Jo, prayers, prayers, and more prayers dear sister. I wish I could take it all away. Sometimes minute by minute is all we can do. You are a strong woman of faith, very strong. I know you will find peace and comfort in Him.

    Nancy, your post last Sunday was just spot on. Thank you so VERY much for that post-- it really spoke to me. I am glad you have a safe, reliable, new vehicle--- it was needed, and you are SAFE. I am so so sorry about the whole insurance/ iinsomnia issues. I do NOT function well when I don't sleep well. I understand to some degree of what some of you are going through with this--- but not to your degree.

    If you need bail money, we will all chip in!

    She- I still don't have the energy I used to, and I finished radiation 6/3. I am a lot better, but I am glad you are listening to your body. Let it rest :) and Lord thanks for having She always share her godly wisdom.

    I appreciate all of you so much---- When my plate becomes a platter I am trying to balance, I have to take a break from here, but know you are all dear, and loved.


  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited July 2015

    I will try and figure out my stats and see if I can post them. But yes.....rads can come back to haunt us I found out. I had no clue, until I started to read different posts. In the mean time prayers are going out to all on this thread. May the Lord keep his healing hands over all of us and give us peace.....

    Thank you for the kind words about my water colors. This last one is on the shores of Lake Michigan where I leave. Just a couple of miles from my home entitled " The end of Pioneer Road ".

    ❤️ Artsee

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Lucy, it is so good to see you posting your famous inspiration banners again. I love that scripture. I go to it many, many times. We will sure all pray that this new drug will be tolerable as the nurse has said. I can only imagine how it feels to have someone close on your cancer team leave. I remember being sad when I wouldn't see my radiation team anymore. I am sure you were their All Star patient. You are certainly an All Star in my book. Praying for a great result. Glad to see you back.

    Kathy, glad to have you among us. You are a blessing to all.

    Jean, I prayed for your trip today and I pray that you made it home safely. How many more of those infusions to you have. I remember you saying till fall.

    She Angel, I haven't been through the rough journey that you have but I do know you are not alone it expecting things to snap into place just to find them taking more time that you thought. I sure thought that but here I am a year out and still battling SE from the AI. I guess it is a marathon for many of us and not a sprint. We have to take one day at a time. I am glad you gave yourself permission to not be so hard on yourself and give your body time to adjust by not pushing so hard.

    Ellen, I pray that you are having a time of refreshing at your retreat. Praying for wisdom as you consider a change in your AI.

    Jo and Evie, Wow to both of you. Two artists on one thread. Who woulda thunk it. You are both amazing. Such a talented bunch of ladies we have here. Jo I love your composition. Evie, I have already mentioned how I love yours. Keep em coming.

    Joanne, we will all be lifting you up for tomorrow's surgery. Praying that you will NOT have to have a 3rd surgery. Praying for a successful surgery and that you will have pain managed by your Tylenol and Advil. Hang in there dear sister.

    Kath, I was about to send out a search and rescue team so I am glad I don't have to do that now. I am absolutely amazed at how you have juggled work, chemo, rads, us and the things going on in your life that have added sorrow and stress to an already full plate. You need a break and I am sure we all understand that. We will miss seeing your encouraging posts and your positive spirit. I pray that your life will calm down soon so you can rest and relax and enjoy all the abundance that God has for you and your family. I hope you get to enjoy more of your house in TN before the summer ends. God bless you richly dear friend,



  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited July 2015

    Very nice work Jo. So warm and sunny. Thank you for the kind words guys

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


    I think that most of us here can relate to enduring trials. Remember that it is what God is teaching us on this journey through life that makes us the people He wants us to become. When a caterpillar is in the cocoon it has to struggle to get out before it becomes that beautiful butterfly. There is a reason for our suffering. I believe that all suffering is not wasted. God will use our struggles to make something beautiful in the end. We have to trust His ways because he sees the beginning and the end. We only see in part.

    God, I pray for all the dear sisters here that you will keep us on the path that you have set for each one of us. Our paths are all different but the destination is the same. Help us not to waiver when the path becomes steep and treacherous. Give us that inner strength that can only come from you. Restore the joy of our salvation because we know that your joy in us is our strength. Help us to become the women that you envision for us. Help us to radiate your glory in all that we do. Help us to keep on the path whether we feel like going on or not. Help us when we have no more strength. Those are the times we know that you carry us. We love you so much and desire to become like you. Help us all to persevere to the end of this life and into the eternity that awaits all that call Jesus Lord. Amen

    Let's all continue to lift Joanne up as she faces her next surgery at 1:30 ET on Wednesday, July 15.

    Have a blessed day dear sisters.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2015

    Good afternoon sisters,

    I have been at a Ministers' Wives retreat for several days. That time away from home and the distractions of church has been a wonderful opportunity to get closer to the Lord. Our theme was "joy" and our speaker and worship leader did a marvelous job with helping find and rediscover joy in our ministries. The highlight (for me) was the return of a sister in Christ who was enduring chemo for breast cancer last year and couldn't attend. She gave her testimony yesterday about the difficult year she had and how God has blessed her. She had estrogen negative hers+ cancer. We talked one on one this morning and promised to pray for each other. She looks great...her hair has returned curly and gray, and it's cute on her. But to know her status last July and see her on the stage yesterday, looking healthy, is a testament to God's power.

    I prayed for all of you during our quiet times...praying for comfort and less pain, as well as healing and wise decision making.

    We're battling some internet and technology problems here at home that are threatening to destroy my relaxed frame of mind. DH is upset with our cable provider, the modem, the name it...think ill go take a nap! I think I'll find a retreat for him to attend!!!!

    God bless you this day...we serve an awesome God!


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Thank you, Nancy! You are all blessings to me!!! Jo-5 you are such a talented artist as well!!! How are you feeling

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2015

    Artsee - Your picture is beautiful.

    Jo-5 - I am praying that your doc will be able to close up w/o a graft. You've been through so much. I hope you don't have to have another surgery.

    Nancy - Yes, I was on Aromasin and Anastrozole for a short time. HORRIBLE se's. I was awake for 4 days. Even 2mg Xanax couldn't make my eyes close. I had so many se's that they have them listed as allergies. I have permanent memory loss for large sections of my past, and still suffer some balance issues. I was so scared to take anything else that I took nothing for a year. My doc finally convinced me to try Tamoxifen. It hasn't been too bad. I take it early in the day though, because it does affect sleep. But I've had insomnia my whole life. I wore a monitor last night which will confirm if I have sleep apnea, which I don't believe I do. Next will be a monitor for 2 weeks to see if they can determine what type of sleep issue(s) I have. Treatment will go from there.

    Thank you ladies for always being inspiring. You are truly a blessing.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

    Oh, my! I wondered why I was not seeing anything for this thread, then realized it was not there! Somehow, I must have deleted it. I have about 12 favorites so did not think yo look through them all until tonight. So happy to be back.

    I take Clariton for chemo bone pain. It has not done a lot for me....maybe it has.....but I still get horrible bone pain. However, I have heard that it really helps for pain from Arimidex. Not Clatiton D, just the regular 24 hour. It cannot hurt to try. My last treatment is tomorrow. I really do not feel ready as I am still hurting and weak, but if my bloodwork is good enough, I will do it and pray for no worse side effects. Other prsyers welcome!

    Nancy, I loved your last post! Thank you. And, you wonderful women are in my prsyers as we all have struggles as we navigate through life. What would we do without our faith in our awesome God

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2015

    Love your work Artsee and Jo.

    Jo, Praying for a successful surgery and pain management.

    Eileen, so glad the retreat was a blessing.

    Hugs and praying always,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Dear ladies,

    I am sorry this is so late but I have been gone all evening. I am pasting part of an email from Joanne to you.

    "I am home, sitting in the recliner.

    Things did not turn out as we had hoped.

    However looking at it from God's point of view it must be for the best.

    I have been praying for two days 4 words, "God's Will be Done."

    Not only did the skin in that area die, but that small portion of the muscle, also.

    He cut that out as well, leaving an open wound.

    A visiting nurse will come every day to clean, pack, and dress the wound for up to 14 days.

    When it is healed, he will hopefully do just a skin graft to cover it. He will know by then whether he needs to do another small flap with muscle and fat, or can just do skin only.

    Dan and Tammy, our daughter, said he was like a whipped dog. He said he was not surprised the skin died, but in 30 years has never had any part of the muscle die.

    He promised them he could and would fix it.

    Perhaps getting all of that extra out of there, gets any lingering angio out.

    Share as much or as little as you wish with the board. This is as much as I can handle at this point."

    I got another email saying she is back on the pain meds that made her so sick recently but she has some nausea meds to hopefully counteract any bad SE.

    Obviously we need to rally around Joanne during this difficult time and lift her up in prayer as much as we can. It seems to be an ordeal that just doesn't have any clear cut ending yet.

    Ellen, glad you made I home safely. It sounds like you had a wonderful retreat. Answered prayers for sure.

    Mini, I hope you get some answers and solutions. I had another doctor visit today regarding my sleep issues. I have another bad rash going on. I don't know what is up with these rashes this past year. This is thankfully not shingles but he didn't know exactly what it was. Itching like crazy. You sound like you had a horrible time with the AI's. I am glad Tamoxifen is working for you. When you get some answers I hope you can share them as there are several on this thread that have had sleep issues.

    Lynn, will you have radiation after your chemo or are you done with active treatments as of tomorrow? So glad you will have your last one providing your blood work is okay and praying for manageable se's. I have never heard of taking Claritin for Arimidex pain. I don't do well with many meds and I think Claritin is one of them but not completely sure. It is really and allergy med isn't it? That might help others struggling with Arimidex.

    Angie, good to hear from you. How are you feeling these days? Continued prayers for you dear sister.

    Debbie (foots) miss hearing from you. Are you doing Okay?

    Polly, I continue to pray for a mended relationship with your daughter. Any improvement there? How are you doing in general?

    Well, ladies. I am wiped out and need to sign off for the night. Have a good night with good sleep for all of us.



  • BarbDenise64
    BarbDenise64 Member Posts: 98
    edited July 2015

    Hi everybody I thought I would post on here as well as triple negative. Been reading some and found it really helpful . Would appreciate prayers for the start of my xeloda treatment tomorrow. Barbar

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Hi Barbara,

    I read some of your posts so I could best pray for you. It sounds like you have had a rough time recently. I will certainly pray for you as you start Xeloda. This is a wonderful group of prayer warriors that will lift you up as well.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Prayers for perfect healing for Jo. Also for strength, courage and restoration for all of us. May we all be given the gift of restorative sleep.

    I am to see the pain management doc tonight. Love, Jean

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    Good morning everyone. The art work posted is so beautiful such talent! I am feeling better with bladder infection but will have urinalysis tomorrow and I think results Monday. Hopefully all cleared and NOT returning! I have been concerned that I need to wait a few days before starting treatment to make sure it's gone. Will discuss that with MO if tests show it is cleared. I had an adjustment yesterday with a chiropractor that does gentle manipulation with energy work as well and it was wonderful. I guess from the stress I was worse than I thought. Continued prayers for healing and glory to God for the praises!

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2015

    good afternoon,

    Wanted to let you know that after much prayer and talking with other BC survivors, I have stopped using Arimidex, at least until my oncology appointment in August. I talked with my MO today, and he agreed. We will discuss what to do when I see him; he commented that I have already had 4 years of hormonal treatment so we'll talk about options.

    If anyone reading this has had their doctor prescribe Anastrozole or Arimidex, don't let my decision sway you. As with any drug, some people are able to tolerate it well, while others cannot.

    Praying for you all....Ellen

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited July 2015

    Oh Jo, you are truly someone to look up to and respect. You are remarkable. Please know I keep you lifted daily, and will continue to do so!

    Nancy, thanks as always for keeping us posted!!!!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Joanne, I didn't see your post and was giving an update on you which I deleted. I am continuing to lift you up many times during each day. You are one strong and tough woman even though you may not feel like it now. You are!

    Kath, good to hear from you.

    Ellen, next week is my first year on Arimidex and I see my MO next week. I am going to ask him for statistics if I stopped all meds. I am so glad you are getting hopefully a permanent vacation from it since you have had so much trouble.

    Lynn, did you finish treatment today?

    Jean, how are things going with you?

    Gretagirl, praying your bladder infection is GONE and you will be feeling 100% to start your chemo journey.

    Have a good evening ladies.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Here is another prototype for a Christian notecard. I took this in my flowers a couple of days ago. It kind of fits with the theme I was talking about the other day.


