thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    I will post a more pleasant picture from my own photography. Sorry to freak you out. LOL

    Kathy, hope things went well for you today. I did pray for a good result.

    Joanne, continued prayers that this flap can be repaired without having to do another graft.

    Artsee, we can definitely pray for your healing. I am glad you are happy with the results and PTL for a good report as well.

    Ellen, praying you are enjoying Cal and the family.


    Okay have I redeemed myself? LOL



  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    thank you for the prayers! Makes me feel good to give and receive. I got port today just sore now. I take a probiotic but timing it between antibiotic doses can be challenging . Have to so many hours before taking or after taking.

    I love that massage is available to you! Massage has so many benefits I wish people would realize how beneficial and insurance companies would comply. Swimming is wonderful for all types of pain.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited July 2015

    Yes, you did Nancy. It is my favorite flower !!!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

    Yes, and I hope the little bird flew away!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Ladies, I'm requesting prayer for my dear granddaughter Alexia who will be 19 next week. She is doing a great job with the baby but has some decisions to make about her future. Please pray she heed God's wisdom and makes some mature choices that will benefit both her and my great granddaughter. Love, Jean

    Praying for Jo and others here needing God's healing touch.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Thank you all for all your prayers!! My doctor removed all the skin cancer, margins were clear and it was caught early!! Praise the Lord, prayer is powerful!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    I hope that you can find the rainbow after your storms. They are there if you look for them albeit figuratively. Thank you Lord for answered prayers for Kathy. Prayers for those recuperating from surgery and those who have to face another surgery. We pray for wise decisions for our family members and for stamina a strength and courage for those who will be starting chemo soon and for strength for the journey for those who are in the midst of it. For those who have had to decide new treatments we pray that you will allow these new treatments to work effectively with manageable side effects. For those who have been pulled in a million different directions we pray for peace and calm after the storms. For those needing hope I pray that you would allow things to happen for them that will encourage their heart. For those who feel like their cup is empty I pray Lord that you would refill it to overflowing. Let us all try to reflect Jesus this weekend, I heard a statement on my Christian radio station talking about rude people are probably the ones who have the most hurt and when we encounter them we need to treat them with extra special kindness and love. Everyone has a story and if we could understand what that is we would have a better attitude towards them and could possibly see them as Jesus does.

    Have a great day and look for those rainbows.




  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

    Nancy, you always have a way of expressing things that make so much sense. Thsnk you. I love reading your posts (except the snake picture)! :-)

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited July 2015

    Thank you for your prayers, and thank you Nancy for sharing these beautiful photos of Gods wonderful creations. This makes me want to sit right down and paint a watercolor.........


  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    Amen! Kathy

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    Thank you for the beautiful picture and awesome words! Made me smile and breath ! I just occurred to me that I left out your name thank you Nancy!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Thank you ladies. I love seeing these pictures as well but I MISS Lucy's inspirational banners. Lucy, how are you doing?

    Evie, now I know why your username is Artsee! Your real name reminds me of the cute young Christian singer from many, many years ago by that name but she probably pronounced hers differently. Perhaps we can see a picture of one of your watercolors some time. I am in awe of people who have artistic ability. God has blessed me with many gifts but painting is NOT one of them!

    Lynn, I hope you are feeling better about things. How are you doing with the SE's.

    Gretagirl, I don't usually take probiotics while I am on antibiotics, but my muscle therapist who was really, really into all things natural would tell me she would even though it may still get knocked out of your system because of the antibiotics. It can't hurt to take them. Hopefully this bladder if infection with be GONE.

    Jean, how is your pain and stamina?

    Phylis, how are you doing? How is your son doing?

    Joanne, continue prayers for peace, manageable pain and for hope when discouragement wants to visit.

    Kath, praying for a restful and peace filled weekend. You deserve it.

    Ellen, praying for a safe trip back home.

    Okay ladies, I promise I will not post any more snakes unless the Lord leads me to do it again.

    Have a great day and weekend prayer warriors.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Nancy, Pain is about the same as is the neuropathy. I think I have a bit more endurance since I started exercise again. Hard to tell. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    To all my praying sisters. I have been feeling very overwhelmed and discouraged since finishing the major part of my cancer treatment and now dealing with my hubby having a major illness as well. I didn't realize how down I had gotten BUT....all praise to our gracious Lord who hears and answers prayer. Since yesterday, I seem to have turned a corner and while things outwardly haven't changed much, suddenly I am feeling hopeful again! Life isn't perfect but there us a lot of good here. Love, Jean

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited July 2015

    Here you go Nancy. Just one of many water colors that have flowed from my brushes. Enjoy! This one is titled " The red porch ".



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Wow, Artsee, so beautiful!! !!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Jean, I think I can relate to what you are saying. I think these hormone blocking drugs have an affect on our emotions too. I have found this to be true. I also don't feel like I am handling stress in the same way either. I think all we can do is take one day and a time and rejoice in those days where we are feeling great and the days we don't feel so great take heart that there will be better days to come.

    Evie, Wow. That is amazing. I LOVE that. It makes me want to walk into that scene it is so inviting with the potted flowers. I am really into lots of container gardening so that just really does it for me! Would love to have you share more.

    Ladies, I am between a rock and hard place right now with my new prescription drug provider who took over on July 1 without any prior notification. It has been a real mess. I am having such serious insomnia because of my hormone blocking drug that I have had to depend on prescription meds to sleep. I was thrilled that a few days I was able to sleep with my alternative things I used prior to bc but that unfortunately didn't last long. My doctor's office has tried something with the insurance but it was rejected. I am getting conflicting stories on how this can be rectified. I have talked to the new insurance customer service and was very encouraged just to find out conflicting info from my pharmacy. Who to believe? I have ten pills that is supposed to get me through 25 days. If I go off the radar for a while you might come and visit me in jail after I strangle someone at my insurance companyShocked.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


    Some days just choosing an attitude of gratitude can make all the difference.

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

    Or a bird that got away from a snake! LOL

    Nancy, Are you on Arimidex? And, I would not think it is good to hsve to rely on sleeping aids. I am still trying to recover from terrible side effects from my last chemo, and need to get ready for the next one in 6 days. I have been praying for all of you on this thread snd that my side effects from this next treatment are no worse. They seem to be cumulative. We all sure have a variety of prayer requests going up. I don't know how God keeps up with them all. But, then, there are many things Ibdo not understand.

    It is 3:45 a.m. In Florida snd I am up after sleeping 3 hours, which is not unusual. I get hesdsches, but after getting something to eat, after a while it gets better and I can go back to bed. Not fun, but I am afraid of sleep aids, especially with all this other medicine. What does your doctor say about sleep aids? I will have to be on estrogen inhibitors too......not looking forward to it. Does anyone know the difference, or what is better, SE wise, Arimidex or Femera?

    I hope you get the insurance issue worked out. I am also worried about going on only Medicare and stopping my school insurance. Medicare started July 1, but I am afraid to cancel school insurance, so I am paying $1000.00 a month for insurance. I read that Medicare will not pay for existing conditions ??? And, with chemo and more surgery, I do not want to take a chance. Guess I am just afraid of everything! Never knew anyone on Medicare with Cancer. Anyone know how well they pay. Yes, I have a supplemental and bought Part D for $199.00 a month, but all this Medicare stuff is so confusing.

    Guess I will read awile and try to sleep some more.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Oh Nancy, I understand how frustrating dealing with insurance companies can be. I pray to Father God our dear Lord Jesus will break through the red tape so you can get the medicine you need. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Sunshine, I am on medicare. Most of my treatments at Sloan Kettering have been covered. Love, Jean

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    Has anyone ever used ice on finger and toe nails while receiving the Taxotere infusion? I keep getting told to use this to stop nail lifting and neuropathy.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


    Have a great Sunday.

    Lynn, yes I am on the generic of Arimidex.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Just a quick note before church..

    Lynne, .I have also asked about the difference between Femara and Arimidex. Everyone reacts differently, so you may get along well with an aromatase inhibitor whereas another lady may have several difficult side effects. I plan to also check with my MO on changing...but trying to stick it out a full year.

    Nancy, I'm so sorry about the sleep issues...I can't take Ambien..had to go off it. I take anOTC which helps sometimes. I haven't slept well since the colonoscopy last week...getting up at 5 am and 1:30 am for a couple of mornings really messed up my schedule .praying for the financial issues as well. Don't let satan beat you up over the new car...God wants the best for us...if you had bought an extravagant luxury car and were showing it off to everyone. It would be the wrong thing. But yours is for dependable transportation which looks good....God has this..patio, crown and all.

    Got to go....loving and praying for you all...Ellen.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Hi there Lady Warriors,

    Sorry it's been a while since I posted. While on my 3 week washout I decided to take a break from everything. We just got back from a camping trip early in the week as I took the week off to just take a break before I start my treatment tomorrow. I decided on the study trial so praying that all is well with minimal se's.

    I didn't go all the way back to catch up but did see Nancy and a few others posts so have a good idea. Will post more this week. Have had some issues with deciding on treatment as the gal I mentioned who was a friend of my daughters who was dx recently has been doing a lot of research on alternative treatments and she has been sharing it all with me. It has made me wonder a lot about the whole cancer/chemo controversy. There is so much on the Internet and it can be so overwhelming. I have always eaten organic and whole and limit my meat to chicken and very low carbs and fruit. I don't know if I mentioned I saw a naturopath who specializes in oncology and he wants me to eat no carbs no fruit what so ever and meat. No eggs or beans and I already don't eat dairy. He wants me to basically be on a ketogenic diet. Test my blood sugar and ph levels.

    So the only thing I have been adding this past 3 weeks is essential oils. Have any of you heard of that? Also listened to some videos regarding a guy who beat cancer by eating healthy and exercising. He had stage IV colon cancer. He has a title of It all makes you wonder. I will be letting my onc know about the oils I am using. I figure they can't hurt. Been praying about it all.

    Hope everyone had a blessed day. Church was good today and theses versus have been on my heart all week:

    Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4

    Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James‬ 1:12

    Thanks for your love, concern and Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Hi Lucy,

    Glad to hear from you. I was concerned about you and wondered if you might be on a camping trip. I have been praying for wisdom for both you and Anita in your decisions regarding future treatment. I know this has to be so difficult. I completely understand your dilemma regarding the alternative vs traditional. As I have shared before I have done a lot of alternative things for many years and when it came to my bc dx I went kicking and screaming down the traditional path. I have only heard of this diet for weight loss and I really don't know much about it. I looked it up a few minutes ago and read a little bit. I pray that this will be a benefit to you. I know that my alternative doctor is continually telling me that eating a piece of bread is like consuming sugar and that your body doesn't know the difference. It would stand to reason if cancer cells feed off of sugar then to remove it from your body would seem to make sense. I imagine you will lose weight from this. I will pray that you can stick with it and that it will not do you any harm. I have to eat gluten free and it has not been easy. This would be even more restrictive. Hang in there dear sister.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Have a great week dear sisters.




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2015

    So many great pics and words of wisdom here. I am thinking of all of you.

    I begin the process of trying to find some relief from my insomnia. They have to rule out sleep apnea, which I'm sure I don't have. My hubby has it, and after going through all the tests and questions with him, I don't fit the criteria. After that, I have to wear a different type of monitor for two weeks which, hopefully, will allow them to identify the specific sleep issue(s) I have. Once they do that, they will try to formulate a plan. I just want to sleep like a normal person. Hopefully we will find the answer. :-)


  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    Prayers Mini1 that you will get the answers for restful sleep.

    I got my results from my tests today and my PET scan was clear!!!!!! Praises to The Lord!! Heart and bone tests were good too. So if this bladder infection clears up I can start treatment! Not that I am excited about doing treatment but it's like I want to get this done and over.

  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2015
    Great news!!