thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Here is another prototype for my possible Christian notecards. I took this a few days ago in my flowers. It pays to check spelling before posting. I couldn't figure out how to edit my text in Photoshop so had to start all over.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2015

    Nancy, love the post card. Such vibrant colors and love the way the effect of the in focus and out of focus areas and how they contrast with each other which brings your eye more to the Butterfly. And you know I love Butterflies. Happy I would definitely be a customer! Also, I am removing the word "possible" and calming that you will have your note cards published.

    Jo, continuing to lift you up.

    Anita and Lucy, thinking of you always and love across the miles.

    Barb, adding you to the prayer list to that Xeloda treatment works and brings on minimal SEs.

    My update, tamoxifen is kicking my behind but I am not letting it stop me in my tracks. I am praying the that SEs start to minimize but it seems one SE crops up when another one starts to disappear. The worst SEs is GERD which causes a host of problems that are not fun and insominia. But all I can say is God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

    Hugs and prayers always,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Lifting you up Jo for complete healing.

    II saw the pain management doc yesterday and he was amazing. He spent a whole hour with me and said my pain was due to arthritis and fibromyalgia. He will be treating me with therapy and acupuncture and seems to believe that this will help resolve my pain without medication. This is precisely what I was praying for as my body has had so much medication pumped into it this last year that I did not want to take anymore. Thank you for the prayers. God is good. Love, Jean

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited July 2015
    Hello sisters. I still read and lift you up as I do, but haven't had anything going on. Please forgive my silence.

    Nancy, I am something of a photoshop expert, having used it as a graphic artist since its initial release. When you are doing photo + text combinations like that, the trick is to always save two versions. When you do the text, it is a layer of its own and can be edited any time. Save it as a photoshop file, which will preserve the layers for editing. Then save again as a JPEG for posting. If you are going to do a bunch of them, make a folder for raw files (saved as Photoshop) and a folder for finished files (saved as JPEG). Then you will always be able to find the right one. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. I love your photography and you have a knack for picking the right verse. I did a lot of that kind of thing when I did slides for sermons for a pastor for several years. I may have posted some here before. I did a lot of text effects which was a lot of fun and made the text really stand out. I may have one hanging around so you can see.
  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited July 2015



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Thank you ladies for your nice comments. I needed a confidence boost as I had not had time to get out and shoot like I had envisioned for this summer and I lost some momentum and felt a little rusty.

    Mags, thank you so much. I had edited text before and knew it was a separate layer but I had not saved this pic as a photoshop file so you helped me immensely by pointing that out. My niece has her own graphic arts business and has printed thank you notes that I had done for my students in the past but I haven't asked her about my photography challenges. I love your work and it makes me want to go back in and experiment with different fonts and effects. I was to take a crash course in Photoshop in June and had paid for it and then had to bow out because of shingles so I am trying to learn on my own. It is pretty overwhelming for a novice who was not used to photo editing except on a very small basis. I studied a lot in March and April and then hadn't touched it until last night. I had forgot lots of things since I wasn't actively using it. It is a big learning curve. I continue to pray for you. Are you still dealing with lots of shoulder pain? I especially have been praying that you could feel joy in the Lord. I know you expressed in your last post going to church and not feeling that joy. I hope there is improvement there. Pain has a way of robbing us of many things. Take care dear sister.

    Angie, if I ever get to the point of actually selling cards I'll keep some butterfly cards just for you! I do want to add that I am not exploiting all of you dear sisters as prospective customers but I do love your feedback. It gives me an idea what is appealing and what is not.

    Jean, I too saw a pain expert recently and will be staring some therapy but not until well into August. We'll have to compare notes and see how it is working. Continued prayers for you in that regard.

    Ellen, praying you have an awesome time with Cal.

    Kath, continued prayers for strength and stamina during a stressful time for you.

    Jo, I continue to lift you up throughout the day and evening. You WILL get through this and I predict even stronger than you already are.

    Well ladies I am sitting here with wet hair. Just got back from swimming my half mile. Going to a Shakespeare in the Park show tonight. I am going to see if I can buy one of those mosquito fans as they have been treacherous lately.

    Have a wonderful weekend.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited July 2015

    Nancy, I'm so glad I was able to be of help. I love playing around with fonts and text effects. There's so much you can do with them. And you can never tell what kind of use you will have for a photo that catches your eye. The one I posted above, Facing Giants, was part of a series on King David. I made the pouch and slingshot myself, and laid the items out on top of snow that had frozen solid on top. You just never know. The next two were also part of that series, and illustrative of the point. The first, Ducks in a Row, I shot at a local park, at their pond, and the ducks were not sitting like that. I shot several frames and combined them so that the ducks appeared to be side by side. The second, Shattered Dreams, was a shot I took when DH and I went out to lunch at a Steak & Shake; I got out of the car and saw the pile of glass on the asphalt, and had no idea what I would use it for.



    I am still nursing the shoulder but as long as I don't use it I do ok. Thank you for your continued prayers. I'm not there yet but I haven't given up. I know God hasn't given up on me.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Jo-5, prayers for continued healing! Your journey has been so challenging, and you have handled everything with such grace!!

    For all the wonderful Ladies Here: no matter what Storms you Face, You need to know that God Loves You!! He will Never Abandon You!!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Hello Warriors,

    Barbar it's good to see you here. I posted on your board a while back. Welcome, you will find tons of support and it's daily and so amazing. I pray the Xeloda works and is a miracle for you.

    Jo been praying for you and did a couple of times yesterday specifically. God loves you so very much.

    Gretagirl, so glad you're doing better.

    Nancy, very nice work. I love the colors and brightness of it very pretty.

    Angie, thank you for the prayers. You are a fighter so keep up the focus. What is GERD?

    Mags, I love those banners...awesome work!

    I had my treatment on Monday and so far doing well...God is so good.

    Well ladies, I pray for healing, peace and comfort for all of us. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Mags, sorry I didn't get back to you. I started feeling like I was getting sick and just vegged out in my Lazy Boy a good part of yesterday.

    You really are creative and talented and I love the idea of taking a picture for a future use. I can't imagine not using a shoulder but I know you weren't ready to face a shoulder replacement. I certainly don't blame you on that one after just getting through treatments. I do hope things look up for you and that the joy of the Lord will fill your heart.

    Lucy, great to hear from you and that so far you are doing well. PTL I pray that continues and that this time around will be THE ONE to knock these tumors out once and for all.

    Remember to pray for 123Justme who is having surgery on July 23.

    Waiting to hear that Lynn has finished treatments but haven't heard anything yet.

    Ellen, praying you have recovered from taking care of awesome grandson.

    Kath, praying things will look up for you in ALL ways. Take care and enjoy your Sunday.

    Anita, I know you check in and read. Just know you are prayed for regularly and we all love you dear sister.

    Debbie (foots) thank you for your continued encouragement. You are a blessing.

    Have a great day prayer warriors. Love you all.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

    Barely able to write this, but wondering why when you say God is teaching us through all this pain and struggle, do many, many other women never have these struggles, and they are good women. I love my sister but her comment to me today in an email was that the day was so miserable because they are at the coast and it was so hot. They had a very disappointing day. My last 24 hours has been filled with excruciating bone pain and skin peeling off my feet and such lightheaded ness that I can hardly make it to them bathoom. Just trying to drink water. I know many good women who have stress free wonderful lives. Why us

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    beautifully said, Joanne!!!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited July 2015

    Wonderful post Joanne! Lucy, prayers for continued healing with no SE! :)

    Nancy, LOVE your flower

    One of our twins, Forrest left today for Prague, Germany, for a missions trip through his college. He has to do a missions trip before he graduates-- he plays baseball in college, and will be mentoring young men for two and half weeks, and leading them to The Lord. Prayers for safety, and for his ability to help others accept Christ

    As I prepare for sleep, will lift up each need individually



  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2015

    Evening ladies, I thought I better get in a post before the week starts as I am alone at work this week and next because my partner is in a school which will make for a exhausting week for me. I did play catch up on posts and will be added special needs to my prayers, the group is never far from my thoughts. I did not make it to church this morning but I did catch up on my reading and I remember 'trust in the Lord and do not be afraid", that will be my banner for the week.

    I spoke with my oncologist who advised that some women experience arthritis after chemo, he just did not think that would be me because of my active life syle and the way I handled chemo. I told him he may have let me know that tidbit before I started having these issues.

    He said that if the ibruprofen and exercise fail to abate the symptoms we could do a round of steriods to reduce the inflammation. I don't know if it's just me but I am tired of medicines that are suppose to help but give me all these SE's that are bad too. I told him I will gut it out and try some other remedies. After speaking with my nutritionist about this I have given up dairy and ordered Boswellia Sterreta which I started taking on Friday and thanks to my mom I have green rubbing alcohol to rub down with and Absorbine Jr. I am still a bit stiff but not as bad. I also have started taking a class called Yoga for Over 50, I spoke with the owner of the studio and told her about my issues and she said the ladies in that class all have issues and i would be the most comfortable and the class pace would be just what i need. I plan to take another class tomorrow morning if i can break away from work. If i keep moving, i can only be but so stiff.

    The enemy will constantly try to distract us from what out Father has for us, this is all temporary set backs and issues as we are only pilgrams here for a short time. As long as we can remember that we can do all things through Christ that strenthens us. Have a good week ladies, I will sign off so i can work on the baby blanket and booties for baby sister, she is blessed to be having her third child at the end of the month and its another girl...i love pink yarn

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


    God is always trying to refine us to make us a better version of ourselves. The Bible tells us that he prunes us so we will bear more fruit. We are to become more and more Christ like and that process can be uncomfortable. Your will be done Lord and not mine. One of the things the Lord asks of us which is hard and that is to completely surrender all of ourselves to Him. That means that His will for our lives is the same as our will for our lives. His desires become our desires. As we die to self more of Christ can shine through. I truly believe that is where the joy and peace resides in that place of total surrender.

    God Bless all of you dear sisters. Prayers for each of you are being said. I hope you each have a good week. Those recovering from surgery and treatments are especially lifted up for strength, courage and lessening of pain. For those just getting through the day by day responsibilities I pray for stamina and wisdom in finding ways to preserve energy as you find your new normal. I pray for those getting ready to start their journey that you will give them confidence and your peace as they take their first steps into surgery and into chemo.

    I pray that each of you can see the goodness of the Lord this week. He is for us and not against us. Everything He does for us is out of love. His love is deeper and wider than our minds can possibly imagine. He has such good in store for each one of us. We need to hang on for that hope that is to come.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2015

    Jo, very eloquently spoken.

    Church was wonderful. My husband taught on being a true disciple. Luke 18:18-23.

    Anita, thinking of you.

    Lucy, thank you so much. I developed GERD during my AC chemo and it got worse during radiation. It is "Gastroesophageal reflux disease". Acid reflux times 10 in my opinion. I had really ever had heartburn before beginning treatment. But as you say fight on and I try not to focus on it. I take supplements and presription pepcid but at times it flares up really bad.

    Sisters, have a blessed evening and day tomorrow.

    Hugs always,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


    Praying everyone has a day filled with hope and new beginnings in this new day.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    I was up a lot with pain last night. Having my first pain management treatment this afternoon. Hoping for some relief. Prayers for Jo's nurse treatment and for all who are suffering. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Well we are on our way to the big city of Seattle and hoping the traffic will be smooth, God willing.

    Jo, praying you have a good day today.

    Jean, praying for you as well.

    Nancy, thank you as always for your ongoing support to all our prayer needs. You are such a blessing to all off is here. Loving your pics and banners.

    I'm feeling good and strong and listening to worship music which just brings me to that specia place one with God. Love you all and have a blessed day...Lucy


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2015

    Hello my sisters. I'm just popping in to say hello and read the requests and praises. I'm thinking of you all.

    I could use some prayers for Weds. I will be heading to a camp meeting with a group of our teens. We leave at 8:00 and return about midnight. Suffice it to say that I won't be doing a whole lot on Thursday. :-)


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Have a wonderful and safe trip, Mini!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Well my day went very well. Got home by noon and had lunch so leaving very early is so much better for sure. Some days it would take us 3.5 or 4 hours to come home and it only took 1.5 hours...YIPPEE!

    Well after lunch did some chores and felt pretty good. The cordinator and my nurse said that I should expect some fatigue by day 15. She said it wasn't supposed to be too bad but will probably see it. So prayers for that would be welcomed. The neuropathy should sneak in after a couple of months so that will be a ways down the road. Feeling good so praising God for that.

    Mini that will be a fun event for you so we pray for traveling mercies. Good for you!

    Check back later ladies...blessings to you all. Lucy.

  • farmladync
    farmladync Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2015

    I am a 63 year old Christian who recently had surgery for my 3 centimeters turmor 3 months ago. Triple negative stage 2 cancer. No cancer in lymph nodes although the doctor removed 5 . Don't think I will take any treatments. Still praying about that. Been blessed all these years with good health. Haven't shared yet , just with my family And pastor. Prayers needed.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2015

    Welcome, Farmladync,

    You will find others on this thread who have had similar scenarios. Everyone here is in different stages of treatment and recovery, but all will pray for you and decisions you will need to make. I was in good general health until my first diagnosis nearly 5 years ago,and then had a second diagnosis last year, other side. Some days, I feel pretty good, some days not. After lumpectomies both times, I had radiation treatments. I did not take chemo. My cancer type is different so I took hormone therapy.

    You mentioned telling no one but family and your pastor. If your area has a support group, please take advantage of that to ask questions. I have learned more about different aspects of cancer since I came onto this thread, so read the posts and ask questions. You will soon feel a need to tell someone about what you are dealing one should go thru this disease without a friend to talk with.

    God bless you and know that you will find support and caring people here. Someone here has probably had your same type and can give you some input on treatment if you want it.

    Praying for you....


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Lynn, I hope that you are feeling much better today and this evening. You will get through this but it may have to be one day a time, one hour at a time or even one minute at a time. The Lord does not take pleasure in our suffering. Joanne's response pretty much said it all. I think that is why no one spoke afterwards because she said it all. I continue to pray for you dear sister and it will get better.

    Kathy, do you have any prayer needs we can pray for. I hope I was not remiss in missing anything you posted. I do a prayer list update and I when I get ready to do that I want to be sure I have everyone covered especially the people who have recently joined us which has been a lot of people.

    Kath, praying for Forest for a wonderful time of ministry in Europe and for protection as he travels and ministers. Praying for you too as you deal with all the stresses of work and life in general.

    Jean, praying that you can get some relieve from your pain.

    Debbie (foots) I sure hope that you and Faith feel better and this hot spell goes way. I know it has been miserable for both of you. Hang in there dear sister. You are loved. I miss your beautiful posts but you have probably not felt up to it.

    Sheangel, praying that your fatigue and your pain improve the longer out from treatments you go. Hang in there. You are a very strong woman.

    Angie, praying for you for fatigue as well. I hope you are seeing some improvement from your supplements. I dealt with GERD a few years ago and it was actually my probiotics that I felt really helped me in the end. I am not on those acid blocking drugs anymore. Hopefully you won't have to be on them for very long.

    Lucy, I love your banner. It is so true. The Lord showed me something recently which sort of goes along with your banner. He said if you are angry or worried you tend to be clenching everything including fists. He said no one can receive from me with that kind of attitude. When we are open with hands outstretched we are more in a position to receive. It is the same as when we are praising God we can't at the same time be worried or angry. I am so glad you made good time and are doing well. We will just have to pray when those days are coming with some expected SE's to be ready and able to handle it through prayer and His strength.

    Mini, Bless your heart we will definitely pray for strength and stamina. That is a long day and with teens on top of it. LOL I am sure they are great kids and you will have a blast while you are enjoying the camp meeting.

    Ellen, praying for your SE's to go away and that you will feel much, much better very soon. Praying for your church as well.

    Farmlady, welcome. Are you from North Carolina like Ellen? I agree with Ellen in that it is good to have some support while you go through this. I know everyone is different and some choose to stay very private and that of course is whatever you are comfortable with. I am a pretty private person in real life and I told everyone because I knew I would need support as I am single and live alone. I will certainly pray about your situation. There are several triple negative diagnosis on this thread and these ladies can share first hand with you on their experiences if they chose to do so. Or course every situation is a little different and we are at different stages in our journey. We have ladies here that are just beginning treatment, some that are just finishing and some that are in inactive treatments only. I am glad you found us and I hope you are recovering well from your surgery.

    Joanne, continued prayers for you dear sister. I pray for pain management and for each day to improve in all ways for you. God bless you for being so very faithful to post when you are going through such a hard time yourself. You are truly an inspiration to all of us. Praying that you have a good night's sleep.

    Have a great evening everyone. Praying for a good night's sleep for all of us.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited July 2015

    Farm, I get it. I am TN and had one lymph node. I finished all tx in June.

    When I was diagnosed, I decided that I would make this journey with God, and God alone. And I would do my best to do it with grace.

    While I did decide treatment, everyone is different. I still work, and kept it from my staff except for 2. Only close friends and church folks know. This was important to me for some reason.

    Jesus Calling was my go to reading every day and still is.

    I will certainly pray for you, you may also want to visit the Triple Negative thread: lots of great survivors on there!


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    welcome, Farmlady, this is a very encouraging and supportive thread! Prayers for discernment as you decide on treatment!!

    Nancy, thank you so much for asking! Yes, indeed, I would appreciate prayers for my son and daughter in law!! They have three beautiful children and they are having many difficulties in their marriage!!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    Well had dinner and just been resting tonight. All seem ok, I had a little bit of an uncomfortable feeling while waiting for dinner and I think it may have been my green tea. It has caffein and I probably shouldn't be drinking it on the day of treatment. I feel good now after it's worn off. I am torn as I know we are not supposed to drink caffein but green tea is so good for you while fighting cancer. I have been told the benefits outway the caffein so been drinking one daily. Any input on this is welcomed. Does anyone else use essential oils? They are pretty amazing and I have really enjoyed using them for the past month. I also use a diffuser for them at night when I am sleeping with Lavender. It ll helps with relaxing too, which I needed tonight. I am going to work tomorrow afterr DH's doc appt. so hope to put in half a day. I am seriously thinking about disability begining of the year. Working with a gal at the center who helps patients with this process.

    Farmlady, first of all sorry you had to search us out but so glad you found us. You will find so much support and encouragment and absolute prayer here. I am also TNBC so I am fine with chatting any time on here or you can PM me anytime. I was dx 8/13 so we are coming up to 2 years. Starting my 3 treatment option just 2 weeks ago. I am a little curious as to why you may not do treatment, do share if you are comfortble. I am hearing more and more people dx with TNBC, makes me so sad as I don't like to hear of anyone having this disease. I took a few weeks before I told others outside my family and church family and then I decided it was time to share. I DO NOT post anything of my journey on social media and this was one thing I requested from everyone. I don't do that to this day. I have had a few folks ask how I am and I just respond to them in PM and remind them. For the most part eveyone has respected my wishes. It's intersting they took 5 lymph nodes if they weren't positive. Also, it's been 3 months since your surgery and I was wondering what they told you about waiting?

    Nancy thank you again for posting so many notes on all of us and of course for your prayers. You are so awesome and we just thank you so very much. How are you doing my dear friend? Praying you have a good strong week. Praying everyone has a good strong week. I also pray that all of us are given the opportunity to be bold and step outside our comfort zones andshare our Lords love and mercy.

    Have a restful sleep Warriors...Lucy


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Well ladies, I think I may have finally found my tall dark and handsome. Here is a recent outing with some good friends.


    Okay, well he is tall anyway! The real pic was me trying to get up after the picture. We were all cracking up at this elderly gentleman making funny faces at us. Yes all of you trying to grow your hair out and to think I actually cut my this short. Oh well, it makes swimming so much easier this way.

    Kathy, I will certainly add your prayer requests.

    Lucy, thank you for your nice comments. I consider this a labor of love. I see my MO tomorrow. Will have a frank discussion about my insomnia which is caused by my cancer drug. I hope you can work out the disability. You need some time for yourself and I sure hope it works out for you.

    Sweet dreams everyone.

