thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Good evening lady warriors,

    Lucy, I see you logged on today. Please let us know how you are doing. I am so concerned and know that we all LOVE YOU!

    Thank you all for your prayers. I am seeing my dentist on Friday morning. If it turns into an emergency I can possibly get in tomorrow.

    Know I am praying for you and Ellen we are all lifting you up for your surgery tomorrow.

    Mini, we will be praying for your new job that starts next week. You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kath, praying for supernatural strength as you work through this week.

    Joanne, praying that you will find a combination of meds that will work for you without any more setbacks. You have had enough!!!!

    Shirley, do you have enough energy to get back to writing your book. I know you lost your first three chapters in your fire but can you resume your efforts into that? The Lord gave me a passion for photography in my cancer journey and it has totally changed my life. I have been retired going into the fifth school year. I was a band director in the schools. I too worked two jobs most of my life teaching at school and then coming home and teaching private music lessons. I am not one to sit around so I can understand. Hopefully you will find your stride.

    Lynn, when will close on your new house? I know you will have a lot to do once that is in motion. When do you find out more about this tumor marker?

    Aurora, continued prayers for you dear sister.

    Kathy, continued prayers for your son and DIL and for you too.

    Patoo, blessing on you dear sister. You are an encouragement to all of us.

    Jean, thanks for the info in your PM.

    Debbie (foots) prayers for you dear sister.

    Bev and Char, I still pray for both of you. Char, our city is hosting a marathon this Sunday so I have thought of you often when I see all of the signs up alerting the traffic interruption. Bev, still prayers for you and for Dave.

    Lisa and Allison our newest members, please let us know how we can best pray for you.

    Have a wonderful night and I hope those who are having so much trouble sleeping will get some rest tonight. As many of you know I went through months of insomnia and things are so much improved now but I can sympathize with how awful it is to not sleep properly. My timing of my Arimidex plays a big part in my situation. I know that isn't the situation for all of you though. I do pray for a break through in these problems which I know is pain for many of you.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2015

    Ellen, praying for you and your surgery tomorrow and the medical team that is involved. Praying for a smooth recovery.

    Jean, praying for pain relief and the guidance on your decision and next steps.

    Kath, praying those WBC numbers come up and quickly. Are you getting Naulesta (sp?) shots to assist in rebounding the counts in between treatments. Praying for your strength and pain relief as you continue treatment and work. I still owe the notes from my last engagement. Need to make them public worthy..big smile.

    Jo-5, praying for you always. I admire your strength, encouragement abd words of wisdom.

    Nancy praying for you for pain relief. Also hoping all is well with your cat. Thank you so much for the ladybug 😜

    Waterstreet, continued prayers for you on you road to complete recovery.

    Lucy, continued prayers for you and your DH. praying for strength, peace, rest and that your support structure grows stronger during this time.

    Anita, Debbie and Debbie(foots) are continually in my prayers.

    She, how are you?

    Agree with all that a good night sleep is far and few and I cherish it when it comes -- usually with the assistance of Ativan 😴😴. Still struggling with SEs but the are now becoming bearable. I also seem to be catching a cold that is wreaking havoc on what little sleep I do get.

    Praying for all!

    Live across the miles,


  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    Nancy, yes, I have been getting things started again. I have notes for the first two chapters, now to put them together again. I do that mainly when I am having a sleepless night which seems like everynight here lately. I am awaiting that call to get the treatments started and what there new plan of acion is. I have been having a lot of little talks with Jesus too. Mainly thanking him that they found the other mass during the surgery and removed it also. I have been praying for patience and temperment also, my post-op rocked my world in a bad way. The waiting game is back in place.

    Its raining here again and I am hurting. The incisions are healing well. That is a blessing. I have a prayer request for my son and DIL, He was in the earthquake that hit the middle-east and we did not have communication with him for a day. The walls that surround the base he is on fell and they have had shots fired at them since the walls are gone, we are praying for their safety. My DIL is having a hard time dealing with this, as I am also. I pray he gets home safely in December. They are thinking of moving to Florida when he gets back. He has a job offer there. Of course I am concerned that I will again be seperated from them again.

    When I left Ark. last November God let one more rose bloom before I left and it was uncommon to see a rose in bloom in mid November. I noticed a new growth of blooms outside this morning in the rain but don't know the blooming effects here in Texas I have to get a picture when it stops raining.

    Take care, Nancy, you are in my prayers.

  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    Joanne, I love the picture and the verse you posted. Awe inspiring it is and so true. We just have to remember he will put nothing on our plate that we cannot handle, our God is an awesome God. We need only to believe his teachings and ask forgiveness for our sins to feel his healing power.

    My grandmother always told me when you are sick, scared, or worried just pick up the bible rest it on the binder edge and let it open where it may and read. I do it and she was right. The answer is usually there. Doesn't work as well when you have book markers all through the bible, which I am guilty of, but remove them and it works.

    Take care and get the rest you need, you are in my prayers. Hugs to you.

  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    ladyb1234 Thank you for the prayers I need them. Praying for you also. Hugs!!

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited November 2015

    Good morning to everyone. Sorry I haven't been on thread. I had to have dog put down Saturday it was horrible I cried and cried. He was such a sweetie! I haven't caught up on the posts on here yet but will do later. In a rush now I got up late and have to get to Mary Bird for my Neulasta shot. Good news is yesterday was my last day of chemo!!!!!!! Start radiation in about three weeks. Will continue herceptin til July next year and not sure when I start tamoxifen. Hugs to all!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Today I am grateful for the opportunity to go to PT, paid for by medicare! Also for my husband's hopeful report at the eye doctor yesterday. Finally for a meeting at church of the chronic disease support group last night, where I was paired up with another lady as a prayer partner.

    Praying for Ellen as she has her surgery and for comfort for Greta in the loss of her furry friend. Also for endurance and strength for all going through treatment and recovery. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Ellen, we are all lifting you up. Lord, I pray that you will guide the surgeon's hands and give the medical team wisdom as they perform this surgery. I pray for no complications and I pray for good pain control. I pray that you will give Ellen patience, encouragement and comfort during her rehab and I pray that she can take one day at a time and not look at the whole journey ahead. I pray against discouragement and I pray that you will help her to see blessings in every day of recovery.

    Greta, I am so sorry about your dog. Prayers of comfort in your loss.

    I will check in later. I have an apt and have some added challenges already this morning. Life is never boring that is for sure.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015


    Congratulations to Greta for finishing chemo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2015

    Here is a smile for you today. Someone posted this on Facebook and I got a chuckle from it...

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    Greta, So sorry about your dog. Our pets become our family.

    Ellen, Hope you are home and resting well.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2015

    Ellen, pray that you are resting well. Not sure if you are home yet. Praying for a speedy recovery.

    Greta, first off so sorry about your dog. Also congrats on finishing treatment.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    I am sorry I didn't check back in last night but I just wasn't feeling well at all. Seeing the dentist this morning.

    Ellen will be in the hospital a couple of days. Let's continue to pray for her.

    Kath, is very concerned about her chemo treatments and her blood counts which are way down. She is concerned that she may be only able to tolerate two weekly treatments in a row instead of three. Her swelling is really bad. Let's lift her up and asked for God's wisdom to direct her team of doctors in this situation and to envelop Kath with His peace as it is only natural to have fear in this situation. She is trusting the Lord in all of this.

    I am asking again for prayers for my Aunt Betty. This is the aunt who is almost 88 and fell and broke her hip in several places and had surgery recently. She was really doing poorly for a week and a half and they found a blood clot in her surgery leg. I was so concerned because she was having such nausea and dizziness and blood pressure drops and GI distress. They took her off of her narcotic pain meds to try to settle her GI tract. I got an email this morning from my cousin (sent late last night) saying that God is so good. She said that her mom was doing much better and it appears that this pain killer was a huge part of her problem. She was sore but doing okay on Tylenol. Of course they had to back off on her rehab some. I would ask for pray that she could manage without the narcotic pain meds and be able to rehab as needed without any more threat of blood clots.

    I need to run. Will check back in today as able.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Good morning dear sisters. Praying for Ellen, Kath, Nancy's dental visit and Aunt Betty. Hope you all have a blessed day in Jesus.

    I am grateful today for the appointment for hubby and I with our endocrinologist . She is a wonderful, caring woman. Also for the MRI of my lumbar spine I will be getting this afternoon at Sloan Kettering off site nearer my home. Only 3 hrs roundtrip instead of 5 down to the city. Still asking for prayers for my appointment with the hip surgeon next Wednesday . Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Well I'm home from the visit with the endocrinologist. Good news, that hubby is off all diabetic meds since starting a new diet last August. My thyroid is stable so staying on the same med dose for now. Then I drove down for my MRI. After an hour in one position wothout moving I was barely able to get off the table, dressed and drive an hour and a half home. As I was looking at a picture of my great granddaughter this evening, I began to cry thinking she doesn't even know me. I have missed so much during these last 14 months of BC TREATMENT and now facing probable hip surgery. I am trying to stay positive but need to admit and let myself feel the sadness.

    By the way, has anyone heard from Ellen? Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    Nancy, I hope you had a successful visit with the dentist and he was able to give you some answers and some help. I am also praying for Aunt Betty tonight.

    Kath, If you are reading, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Jean, I understand the sadness of missing grandchildren. I have 5 and am so looking forward to visiting with them over the holidays. It has been way too long. I had plans for this past summer, but BC changed those plans. I think once you have a plan in place for your hip, you will feel better.

    I met with my MO today and she has no idea why my CEA tumor marker is high. Since I have had many scans, the plan is to keep doing bloodwork and watch it. Everything else was fine. So, I ask for prayers that it means nothing and will go down.

    Ellen, I hope you are recovering and keeping pain under control. Let us hear from you.

    Everyone else, you are all in my prayers every night. You are all such good, strong, Christian women. Sleep well!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    From what Ellen told me before surgery if all goes well she will have rehab today and then get to go home. Let's pray that this will be the case and that she has good pain control and will do very well in her recovery and her rehab.

    Kath, praying that your body has a chance to heal and that those blood counts can improve enough that you will be able to have another treatment soon. I know not having a treatment yesterday was expected but still a disappointment. Praying you can have really good rest this weekend. Praying for all of those SE and that you will be more comfortable this weekend.

    Jean, that is good news that DH is off his diabetic meds. Hopefully you will be able to see your great granddaughter in the near future.

    Joanne, praying that DH's sickness is short lived and that you won't get sick. Praying for a good combo of meds that you can tolerate.

    Lynn, as someone has said on this site before sometimes those tumor markers are not accurate for some people. Maybe you are one of those and it means nothing. Praying that is the case.

    Angie how are you doing?

    Vickie, how are you doing?

    I hope to be doing much better today. My crown was not infected but still inflamed. That was a big relief. Cammie goes to the vet on Monday and I can try to get a urine sample from her or isolate her in the bathroom without a litter box so her bladder will be full before her apt. Neither of those things sounds very feasible in my mind knowing her.

    Praying we all have a good weekend.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015


    I'm sorry I didn't get back to you. I felt like the energizer bunny after someone pulled the plug on him. I think I perhaps forgot to take my thyroid pill a couple days ago and am finally getting some energy back now. Anyway I have been praying for the safety of your son. I pray that he can get home safely and that the Lord will protect him with this dangerous situation in the Middle East. How are you doing? Praying for your recovery as well.

    Ellen, praying you got home today as planned and that you are doing well. Let us know how you are doing when you are able.

    Thank you all for your prayers for my Aunt Betty too. I was so concerned about her and it went from that to praising God that the source of her problems besides the blot clot was the pain meds. I know she appreciates your prayers. I told my cousin (her daughter) about you ladies praying for her and I know the whole family appreciates that as of course I do too.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2015

    Ellen, praying for your recovery

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2015

    I can't believe that I start my new job on Monday. I'm very nervous, but I need to give this a shot. I'm praying that I can do this, and if not, that I will not have trouble getting my SSI reinstated.

    I would like to ask for prayer for my DIL's niece. She is 5 years old and just underwent surgery to have rods inserted in her spine to correct her scoliosis. She has Prader-Willi Syndrome which makes it dangerous for her to have anesthesia and to be sedated. Her lung has collapsed and she is having difficulty breathing. They had no choice but to sedate so she could be intubated. She is a sweet, strong little fighter, but this is hard on her and her family. She has been in ICU since the 2nd. Please pray for her.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2015

    Good evening fellow prayer warriors,

    I noticed you had posted some questions about my surgery so I will try and answer them. I got along well with the surgery , although the anesthesia made me very ill . Yesterday was much better, and I had two rounds of PT...I went to bed really early last night and slept 8 straight hours. ITodayI feel almost home about 3:00 today.

    My PT will be here so I won't have to get out any. Two words of advice so far, for those who will be facing this...take your pain killers before your PT, and DON'T skip a dose, not at first. I have felt pretty normal today..the pain is simliar to that from a fall, the achiness rather than sharp pain.

    Thank you so much for all your prayers.i had such a peace today and all through the surgery.

    Will tell you more when I can focus better..God bless you all!


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    Mini1, Ohhhh, I will pray for that special little 5 year old. Having been a special needs teach of young children, I know about Pradder-Willi Syndrome. Not easy, and surgery on top of that. She needs extra prayers for sure.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2015

    Ellen, Nancy, Aurorya and Waterstreet praying for your recovery and and symptoms.

    Mini praying for you and your new job. I say knock it out the park 😎. Also have your DIL and niece in my prayers.

    Kath, praying for rest and rebounding of the WBC and RBCs.

    Jo, so true -- love the banner!

    Greta, will you get radiation, if so praying that your body to rebounds quickly.

    Charm miss Ya. I know all us well and continue to pray for you and your Dad.

    Jean keeping you in prayer always. praying that God continues to envelop you in His peace, love and comfort. Praying that the plan come together as you need for your hip. I too know how you feel on the grandkids front. I so missed them during my treatment.

    Nancy, I am doing well. I ask that you continue to keep me up in prayer to grow stronger and that the Tamoxifen SEs continue to diminish and my immune function grows stronger. I seem to catch anything coming down the pipe and current fighting a sinus and respiratory infection. On antibiotics andcough suppressants. So glad I already had a flu shot. I see my integrative oncologist and she indicated she my give me stronger or different supplements to boost my immune function.

    I also ask that each of you keep our ministry in prayer. What I don't think I explained initially (or may have I forget with this foggy brain) God gave my Husband a directive to plant a new Ministry from scratch and God is doing wonderful things. It is hard but so fulfilling and wonderful to move from a mature growing ministry to one were God had my husband, me and two others -- believe it or not a prayer warrior and a worshipper start in our new location. God specifically instructed us to not bring others from our previous ministry at least not initially. God is definitely doing a new thing we are organically growing in the neighborhood and others are coming some as far as a one hour drive. Which we know that is God! God has spoken that we will have a young ministry and we see it unfolding. God seems to be setting up the leadership structure and those He is bringing have an evangelistic heart and are prayer warriors. God knows how to ensure we are equipped perfectly to do what He has called us to do. Keep us in prayer that a hedge of protection is encamped about us

    Love across the miles,


  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    Nancy, My DIL came with the grandkids this afternoon and said she had something for me in the back of their truck to come see if I wanted it. I put on my slippers and went outside and my son was standing there. He was sent home along with several others to get them out of harms way. God is so awesome. Thanks for praying with me. He found out Thursday they were sending them home, but he and my DIL suprised the kids and I today. I am so happy just wanted to share my love for the Lord, our God. He will need to find a new position now but he has been receiving offers all along. He is a mechanic on the military medical aircraft. One of the newest they have. He will not be out of work long. I am praying the Lord will place him some where closer than overseas.

    I am glad when they cut me open again my son will be here. He is going with me Monday to the cardiologist and Tuesday to the BS. Hope to hear from the RO Monday also. I want to get the Radiation over with.

    Happy to hear Ellen is alright and healing. I am still having a time with the weather and the sharp pains in my breast. I am not taking meds for it but glad I can ask the surgeon bout it Tuesday. I went and bought a size smaller bra thinking that might help but it didn't.

    Thank you again. I praying all are well and healing. I will keep you in my prayers.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Ellen, it is so good to hear from you. It sounds like you are doing very well. I am glad you have recovered from the anesthesia. We will all keep praying in your recovery.

    Mini, I have been praying for your new job and have prayed for your DIL's niece when I first read your post. Poor little thing. Praying for a remarkable recovery.

    Angie, I will certainly be praying for your SE's and for your new ministry. It sounds very exciting. I love the fact that you are growing organically in the neighborhood. That is awesome. God is working in sending people your way already. PTL I am doing okay. I won't go into all the details but compared with many here I am doing great.

    Joanne's husband has been sick and she has been counting on him to do many things in her recovery. Let's pray that she does not get down sick and that he will recover quickly as she is not able to drive to see her PS on Tuesday. Things are still a challenge for her. Let's lift her up with special prayers.

    Let's continue to pray for Kath. She was not able to get treatment on Friday and her counts are so low that she will probably not be able to get treatment this Friday either. She is having some bad reactions to her chemo. Let's cover her with extra prayer and for a miraculous break through in her treatment and maybe even other possible options that haven't even been considered yet.

    I have purposely not updated our specific prayer list for a few months because we have had such an influx of new people that I have been fearful of it being completely overwhelming. At the same time our friends like Lucy, Anita and Debbie from Ireland and Debbie (foots) need our daily prayers and our new people don't know who they are. I need some wisdom on this front on how best to proceed.

    Have a good night's rest everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Shirley, we must have posted at the same time. How awesome that your son is home. God is sooooooooooo good. PTL

    Are you having surgery again? I have never heard of the balloon catheter in the breast. You will have to tell us all what that is. I am rejoicing in your good news.



  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    Nancy it is called Bachytherapy. They cut a slit in the incision and then they feed a balloon with catheters into the space where the mass was and they use this devise to put the radiation in internally twice daily with six hour time span in between each treatment. The radiation is fed into the catherters and after so long they remove the radiation. You wait six hours then they do it again, the first day they watch you closer to make sure you okay then they send you home to wait out the time to come back for the second treatment. I will do this everyday for five days and then the treatments are over. I think it came out in 2007. It is supposed to be safer when the left breast is found to have cancer because this method is safer if you have heart issues. Then they are done with me till after the first of the year. Then he wants a bone density test done before they start meds for hormone therapy. They will also do another Mri to check for any new masses. That second tumor showed up after my biopsy and He wants to play it safe.

  • 27heart
    27heart Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2015

    I know this isn't the right thread to ask this, but I feel closer to the ladies here so I'm just going to ask away.. I'm finishing my chemo in a few weeks time (yay!), and will be going through surgery and radiation. I've read SO much about Vinnie and his amazing nipple recon tattoos that I might be a little crazy to travel from Asia to the USA just to have him work on me.

    I'm planning to backpack in Europe between Mar - July next year, perhaps I could catch a plane out to Vinnie's. I have no idea which airport and how to get to Vinnie's though. Could someone please help to point me towards the right directions please? If any of you are nearby I would LOVE to meet up with you if chance allows. :)

    Maybe send me a PM so we do not go off topic on this thread? Thanks! God bless.

  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited November 2015

    thank you so very much!!

    Means a lot-


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2015

    Hi there Prayer Warriors,

    Sorry it has been a while. Nancy is correct I did sign on a while back and posted a long update but when I signed on to follow up noticed it didn't stick so was discouraged and logged off. So much has happened in the past month. Not sure where to start. DH is doing well as he has 2 treatments under his belt. Doing ok so far. Lots to deal with emotionally with his dx. Lots of decisions and plans to make. Got appraisal on our home and have some plans to move in selling to downsize. He is in better spirits now I guess we both are. We know God is with us in our decisions and giving us wisdom in our choices. He continues to shows us He is with us. My new treatment is ok but having pain with the enlarged lymph nodes as they are putting pressure on my back. So have to take pain meds that cause nausea so taking nausea meds. Don't like either but the pain was so bad I couldn't stand it. Praying the new treatment works so I won't have to be on them long.

    My bosses sent us on a trip to Disneyland before we both started our treatments which was so amazing. They sent us first class and we stayed in the Marriott for 5 days. They rented us scooters for the whole time we were there. It was so nice and much needed.

    We had to put our little Gidget down two days before we left as she was getting so much worse and couldn't walk and was in so much pain. It was hard but the right thing to do.

    So much but that pretty much is the sense of things in my world. I don't want to loose this so I will post now. Know I have been praying for all of you and thanks for the postings so I was able to stay updated. Prayers for those having surgery and recovery. Also those with new treatments and it's so good to see God working in our lives and answering prayers. Thank you all for continued prayers for me and Steve. We love you all so much.
