thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Praise report!

    I was able to approach Cammie from the back and I think (not completely sure) I got the meds in her mouth. All I know is the meds are OUT of the syringe and Cammie is still out from under the bed. The emergency vet a few weeks ago said this pain med would make her happy and possibly goofy. I was going to ask for a year supply for myself.HappyThank you for your prayers. We have hopefully a repeat performance tonight after 9pm.

    Kath has some good news but I will let her share it with you..

    Jean, so glad David is driving you today. I don't know how you have made these long trips all this time. You are a stronger woman than I.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    This scripture was in today's Jesus Calling. The Message version has a way of making it very clear to us and pertinent to our everyday lives now besides ministering to the disciples in Bible times.

    Ephesians 1:18-23The Message (MSG)

    15-19 That's why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldn't stop thanking God for you—every time I prayed, I'd think of you and give thanks. But I do more than thank. I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength!

    20-23 All this energy issues from Christ: God raised him from death and set him on a throne in deep heaven, in charge of running the universe, everything from galaxies to governments, no name and no power exempt from his rule. And not just for the time being, but forever. He is in charge of it all, has the final word on everything. At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ's body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence.

  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    bandwoman1234 Love your post. I just wanted to stop a second to ask for prayers, they moved my surgery up to tomorrow at 7:30am. I have got to take my dog to the kennell, make adjustments to a bra to hold the catherters in place and run several more errands. Please include me in your prayers, thank you for being the woman you are. God truly blessed me by letting me find you and the other warriors for his work on this website. I pray your cat will let you assist her again with no incidents.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2015

    Happy Veterans Day to any of our Veterans and the wives and husbands of the Veterans.

    She, praying for your church family. My husband teaches on following God first not the vessel that God puts before us. There is a raging spiritual battle bht what we have seen the ministries that stay before God and don't get lost in the battle are stronger at the end. M

    Joanne, praying for you and guidance on the opinions and decisions that may before you. I continue to keep you in prayer regarding meds, healing and your pain.

    Jean, so glad your son was able to drive you. Waiting on the good news report! Praying that your long drive was comfortable.

    Waterstreet, praying for your surgery and that you accomplish all your errands. I continue to keep you up on prayer.

    Kath, can't wait for the praise report! I hope you are feeling stronger each day.

    Ellen, continued prayers for you in your recovery and praying the transition into physical therapy is smooth. I hope you are resting

    Nancy, Yippy! Can I have some of those meds too😜😜.

    Brutersmom, how are you doing. I'm just echo Jo's and Nancy's post.

    Lucy, love the banner! Missed you. Did you get my PM? I can to pray for you and Steve.

    Myshine/Lynn how are you doing?

    Foots, Debbie(Ireland), 27heart, Char, Bev, Patoo and others I continue to keep you in my prayers.

    Anita, praying for you.

    Love you across the miles Lady Prayer Warriors!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Ladies I really need some prayer here for God's wisdom. The surgeon told me I'm not eligible for the anterior approach because the bone that fits into the socket has been greatly deteriorated. However this surgeon does 90% of his patients anteriorly. I don't know if I'm comfortable with him doing the surgery though I did schedule it for January which is the earliest time I could get in. There is another doctor that I would trust more because he only does posterior. However I don't know if I can get in to see him for a second opinion or how long I would need to wait. The other issue is I am in danger of breaking my hip if I wait too long. Please pray for me to have God's wisdom.

    Jo it is so nice to put a face to your name. I pray you get some answers soon. Water, praying you get all your presurg tasks done easily. Naancy, glad you were able to catch and treat your cat. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2015

    All, I want to thank Foots(Debbie) and praise God for her intercessory ministry. The thread All TopicsForum: Prayers and Spiritual Inspiration → Topic: The power of prayer... has reached over 20k+ post with the majority being prayers. Our sister in Christ, Debbie has kept this thread going since it was started in august 2008 and humbly

    It is so rewarding to have this thread and the other one to come to freely proclaim our faith and pray for one another.

    Prayer changes things


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    JO-5, love seeing the avatar. Yes, we are twins Hug

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015


    I had a very eventful day but I absolutely wanted to visit the Healing Field of Flags before dark. This event chokes me up every time I see it. The big tower is a Carillon (bell tower) and they were playing patriotic music and it is just so moving. I was on a fast track because I had created my own parking space if you know what I mean and it started to rain so I had to shoot quickly. I wasn't able to get the full effect of all the flags but the sentiment is still there. People buy these flags and then attach a yellow sign to honor a person or a whole battalion etc. I want to honor my Dad who was a Marine in WW11. He was just a kid when he was in the horrors of war and it is really hard to imagine in my older age that kids that young actually had to see such horrible things. We honor all of our veterans today and thank them for their service and their sacrifice to make our nation free.





  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    Beautiful. Met a Korean War vet at our neighborhood pool today. We also have, in our Monday water aerobics class, a WWII Vet so he has to be in his 90's and still doing water aerobics!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Shirley, oh my goodness it is tomorrow. We will certainly be praying for your surgery. I bet that was a big surprise.

    Jean, we will pray for wisdom as to which surgeon you should go with.

    Joanne, your avatar looks like an intelligent woman with a little sass. Didn't I hit the nail on the head.Winking

    I am praying for wisdom for you in all of this craziness. God knows what you should do and I pray that He will make this very clear to you as to what to do.

    Angie, I hope you are feeling better. I have been praying for your sickness and that your immune system would be strengthened. Thank you for pointing out how special Debbie (footprintsangel) is and the years of dedication to this forum is just unbelievable. Debbie, you are AWESOME.

    Patoo and Joanne, yes twins, I can see the resemblance! You are both beautiful.

    Ellen, continued prayers.

    Kath, I hope you are doing well tonight.

    Lynn, thanks for your advice on the meds. I may have to try different approaches as she catches on to my tricks.

    Brutersmom, thank you for your prayers. I certainly appreciate them.

    My cat is really doped up from the pain meds. She did greet me at the door after coming back from my afternoon apt. I can't tell you how that lifted my spirits. She is back to hiding under the bed now. Poor thing is probably still very uncomfortable. Thank you for your prayers everyone.

    Hopefully I will have my prayer sheet ready to post one of these days soon.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Kath wanted me to post for her tonight. She had an office visit with her MO today. She usually has her weekly treatments on Fridays which gives her a couple of days to recover as the steroids make her feel strange besides the chemo. She was told last week that she could not have a treatment last Friday and probably not this Friday either because her blood counts were so low. Well the good news is she got a treatment today and the plan now is she will have a treatment every other week as opposed to three week with treatment and one off. Let's pray that this treatment plan will work. She didn't say anything about her blood counts so I am assuming they were improved or they probably wouldn't have given her the treatment today.

    So that was the good news. The not so good news is she has some very important meetings this week that were scheduled around her original treatment schedule. She is VERY concerned about these meetings. Let's pray that she will be fully present so she can effectively do her job and represent her company well. She is CEO of a non profit mental health agency and has a very important job doing great work for many. Let's pray that chemo brain and just the usual strange feelings will not be present. She has kept her diagnosis a secret to most people so she needs a supernatural touch from the Lord to get through this week.

    We will be praying Kath.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2015

    K you have the key?

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    I saw the surgeon at Hospital for Special Surgery yesterday and it seems that the procedure is more complicated than I first anticipated. God is so good. And in answer to all your faithful prayers he's allowed me to see a surgeon that specializes in the surgery I will need and I have an appointment to see him on December 10th. This is amazing since this doctor usually has a very long waiting list. They even said the would get me in sooner if something opens up. Bless you for praying for me! Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2015

    Update: surgery failed. The wound continues to drain/bleed and the doctor is admitting me to the hospital and he's trying to get me into surgery tomorrow. He says he'll open the wound and clea n it and he might take the hardware out if he sees the hardware is causing the infection. He warned me that depending on the severity of the infection he might have to amputate the leg but I'm trusting my God that won't happen. Prayers welcom

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Jean, that is great news.

    Aurora, I can't tell you how shocked and sorry I am with this failed surgery. Praying that this can be fixed without amputation.

    Ladies, let's all lift up Aurora during this most difficult time.

    Let's continue to lift Kath up that she can successfully get through this work day.

    Joanne and her DH are both sick. Let's lift them up for complete healing.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Oh Aurora, how frighrening. Lord Jesus, please preserve the leg of you dear servant and friend. Give her supernatural peace and precision and wisdom to the,surgeon and all medical personnel involved. Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2015

    Dearest Aurora! I am lifting you in prayer! May our Lord God give your doctor discernment as how to proceed and Maybyou feel peace knowing you are in His Hands! I am so sorry that you are going through this trial.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2015

    Between the rads and the AI's, I thought I was losing my mind. I was so depressed and discouraged. I encourage you to find someone to talk to. It takes time to feel "normal" again.

    I have one more day for my first work week. I feel like a fish out of water. There is so much to learn, but the people are very nice. I still went and did the assessment for the job at the Federal Center. I don't know if I will accept it when offered, but I want to keep my options open in case my current job doesn't pan out. It is more money, bennies, and hours, but also more stress. I'm going to keep praying that God will direct me in the way I should go.

    My DIL's niece,regained her ability to breathe on her own, however, she has no feeling in her legs. She went back into surgery and they removed the rods. They found what cased the problem. I can't explain it. It is so rare, the doctors have only seen 2 other cases. Anyway, they will have to leave the rods out so she can heal. That means her spine will return to its previous state and she will have to have surgery again in appx. 6 months. In the meantime, she will have to go into rehab so she can learn to walk again. She's in ICU, but they expect she will be able to go into rehab next week. Thank you all for your prayers. She has a long way to go, but she is breathing on her own and doesn't appear to have any brain damage. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    Aurora, I am so sorry you are experiencing this and praying, even as I type, for the doctor to be able to treat the infection without further surgery. Joanne and DH, Kath, keeping you in prayer as well. Mini1, praying for success in your new job.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    I am praying for you all, as well. God is so good and I have faith He will hear our prayers

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited November 2015

    Aurora I am praying that they will be able to save your leg.

    Thanks everyone for the prayers. Today I actually started feeling human again. The fatigue is lifting still have little desire to eat but I do eat. I eat better now that I did before cancer. I have tried to explain this fatigue to people but I realized the only people who get it are people that have been there. I feel like I am able to face some of the physical changes that I need to deal with and get back to working more actively and doing more of what I love.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    Brutersmom, WE know about fatigue! Don't worry about other people. Take care of yourself. Rest when you feel like you need to.....listen to your body. In time, you will get your energy back. You are somright, though, no one can really understand unless they have been through this! You must eat! :)

  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    Nancy Well I had the surgery I was frozen and had cold chills the whole day. Surgery was set to be at 8am they finially took me to surgery at 11:15am, which was 15 minutes late for my meeting with RO. They had to drain a serona before they could place the savi device for my Radiation treatments. I finially got to the RO's office at 3:30 and they were mad at my BS I wasn't seen there till and hour later then they did mapping and measurements for treatments starting Monday. They keep ervery part of that facility cold. I was shaking inside the entire day up there. I finially got home at about 6pm and turned on the heat and went to sleep after I took my meds.I was still shaking when I fell asleep.I woke up at midnight my dressing soaked and in pain. I called the emergency number for Oncology/surgery and they told me that they had drained a large quantity of fluid from my breast during surgery and that it will probably continue to drain heavely this was the first l knew of the dranage my BS did not tell me. I was concerned about changing the dressing on my own so I was told to go to the ER or wait and call RO in the morning. He said because I had been taking my pain meds the latter was my option as long as I didn't take anymore meds I could drive then, other option wake my son and have him take me. He had been up there with me since 6:30 in the morning so I didn't want to do that. Plus he has my grandaughter's Birthday to get ready for on Saturday. I don't want to mess that up.So now I am up waiting till I can call the RO's office. I have a slight temp (99.5) and m hoping the Bactrim will adjust that down. There is also bloodstaining in the saturated dressing along with the dark yellow drainage staining, plus I was told not to let the savi device get wet so that concerns me, Plus the cat leads are saturated and I was told not to let them get wet and the way the surgeon placed the device special care has to be taken with the cath leads and I am scared to mess with them. If I mess up then treatments will not start Monday as planned.

    Please hel me pray that morning will come soon to get this taken care of. The nurse and doctor on call both advised I not attempt to change the dressing on my own under the circumstances. I am praying you are sleeping well and will see this in the morning. I just needed to vent right now because this is scaring me. The way the BS placed the Savi I look like I have a potted flower and pot in my breast, the caths sticking straight up. Hope those are good heaking flowers in that pot.

    Hugs to you I am praying for you and your cat and for theneed of our friends on this site. Can't think of a better way to pass the time than to talk to the Lord.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Yikes Waterstreet, that's scary. Hope they can take care of it this morning. Dress warm when you go and ask for a blanket of you get too cold. Love, Jean

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited November 2015

    Waterstreet you are in my prayers.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2015

    Wow so much going on with so many of us on this thread. Lord God hear our prayers for all our sisters here. You know our needs Father please head our prayers.

    Know I have prayed for each of you who have posted here with struggles this past few hours. Take comfort in our Lord and do talk to Him

    DH and I have found a house in a park for 55+ so we will be putting in our offer. Today so praying this all goes in the right direction. DH is doing well started losing his hair today so that was not easy.

    Love and blessings to all. Lucy



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Shirley, dear sister, I am just not seeing your post. I sure hope that by now you have your dressing changed and feeling relieved that someone is taking care of you. You have been through a lot and I sure hope that the worst is over for you. I sure am sorry you had to spend the night chilling and in fear. I hope that you get a green light to proceed with your treatments as planned and that this device wasn't damaged in anyway. Hang on to the Lord because He is the one who will get you through this and we can all intercede for you in the meantime.

    Lucy, your banners are perfect. Yes there is certainly a lot going on with so many of the ladies here. Praying for you and Steve. I am sure that is hard to see him lose his hair. Praying that you can get this house you have put an offer on.

    Aurora, praying for you dear sister that your leg can be saved.

    Brutersmom, glad you are doing better. PTL

    Mini, prayers for you for your new work position and prayers for decisions. Continued prayers for your DIL's niece.

    Kath, continued prayers throughout the day that you can get through your important meetings and that you will have supernatural powers to tolerate the SE while you are working. Praying for a restful weekend for you.

    Joanne, I hope that you and Dan are feeling much better. Prayers for both of you.

    Ellen, continued prayers for healing and patience in your recovery.

    I will check in later. Cammie is doing very well. Thank you for all of your prayers.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    This verse was in Jesus Calling today. I think we can all grab on to this one.

    Romans 15:13Amplified Bible (AMP)13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope and overflow with confidence in His promises.

    Praying for you today. I know many of you are going through deep waters. Hang onto the Lord even though you may feel like you are hanging by a thread. He will uphold you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Good evening ladies. I am finally finished with the updated prayer list. I had to revise some as things can quickly change as you all well know. I profusely apologize if I left anyone out. If we have not heard from some in over a year then they are not included. This list is long and I figured it would be overwhelming. I have done my best to represent your needs as concisely as I could. I hope I have not represented anyone inaccurately. If you see mistakes please let me know. I would suggest printing this list for your prayer time. I could not go into too much detail or it would have just been unmanageable. So here it is.

    Prayer list for November, 2015

    • Lucy (Spiritblessing) is dealing with ongoing treatments to deal with her TNBC mets. Steve, her DH is in treatment and has a serious prognosis with his stage four pancreatic cancer. They need uplifting to deal with decisions for the future, strength in all ways to deal with their treatments and the tough time that they are living through. They are looking to downsize now.
    • Anita has been battling cancer for quite a long time and is dealing with mets to the liver. Her latest chemo treatment was not effective. We pray for the new treatment she is on to do its intended work. She has an amazing faith and let's pray that God continues to walk with her on her journey and that she can feel His peace.We have not heard from her in several months to get an update.
    • Kath's (Tobycc) endometrial cancer recurred in her abdomen after finishing her bc treatments in May. She is in weekly treatments and having some unpleasant SE's with swelling in her legs. Let's pray that she will be able to tolerate her chemo combination and that this mass will evaporate. She continues to work as a CEO in a non profit mental health agency.
    • Debbie (Ireland) Fridaygirl had started a new treatment the last we have heard from her and she was feeling good on it. She has been in remission before and we pray that she will get to that goal again.
    • Debbie (foots)(Footprintsangel) has many health challenges. We pray for her and her service dog, Faith that he can help her with all of her medical issues and that the Lord would be her constant companion in her journey. We appreciate her dedication all of these years to the prayer thread on BCO. We love her posts on our thread as well.
    • Joanne (Jo 50) had a mastectomy in June to deal with angio sarcoma which is a rare form of cancer caused by breast radiation. She has had several surgeries and has had a long string of complications. She is still battling pain in her recovery and SE from the meds she needs. We pray that this spot on her scar will disappear so that the concern of the cancer coming back will vanish. We pray for wisdom in going forward as she has differing opinions from all of her medical team.
    • 27heart, is a young 27 year old from Asia. She will be finishing her chemo in a few weeks and we pray that she will be able to experience the Lord's presence in her life as she has been on a faith journey along with her bc journey.
    • Greta (Gretagirl) has been through many challenges as she has recently finished chemo and will start rads in a few weeks plus infusions for quite a while. She is caregiver to her parents who have been living with her but her Dad is temporarily in a nursing home with Alzheimers as her mom had been hospitalized on dialysis, her daughter had a scare with her last pap smear and her dog got run over by a family member and they had to recently put their dog down. Obviously she needs prayer being pulled in so many different directions while not feeling well herself.
    • Aurora (Auroaya) has recently had hip surgery and has had to stop chemo for several weeks because of this surgery. She now is in the hospital with a diagnosis of a failed surgery because of infection. There is a possibility she could lose her leg. Let's pray that the Lord will intervene in this situation and give her a healing touch so this infection will be gone without and drastic means. Let's pray for encouragement and peace during this ordeal.
    • Ellen (Blessedteacher) had hip replacement surgery on Nov. 5 and will be having her other hip replaced at a future date. Let's pray that her recovery and rehab goes smoothly. She is the head of the music ministry in her church where her DH is the pastor.
    • Jean, (zjrosenthal) has finished her active treatments and is waiting to find out if she will have hip surgery. We pray that the Lord will give her peace and freedom from fear as she looks to the future. We pray for pain control in the meantime. She will be seeing a specialist in this type of surgery in December.
    • Lynn (mysunshine) has finished her treatments and reconstruction. She has bought a place in Florida and will be moving in the same community as Phyliss. She is concerned about a tumor marker which has been high despite scans and tests coming back normal. She needs peace as she moves forward in her future.
    • Shirley (Waterstreet) is having radiation treatments that are concentrated in one week. Hopefully she will have these treatments next week. She had some complications from her surgery and we are waiting for an update. We pray that she can resume the book she wants to write eventually. She has had some tragedy in her life and had a fire and lost everything a few months ago including the chapters of her book she started.
    • Angie (LadyB) has finished treatment and is now dealing with the SE of Tamoxifen. She and her DH who is a pastor, have recently started a new ministry. We pray that the Lord will bless their efforts. We pray for her immune system to be strengthened as she continues working and her work in their ministry.
    • Sheangel has finished treatments and reconstruction. She continues work in a law enforcement position. She has been experiencing quite a bit of pain. She remains a very positive force with a great attitude.
    • Mags (Magdaline51) is done with all of her treatments but is dealing with chronic fatigue, pain and some neurological issues. We pray that the Lord will continue to give her strength as she moves forward with her health issues.
    • Mini is starting a new job as of Nov. 9, 2015 after being on disability for a couple of years. We pray that she will find success and fulfillment in this new position. She may still be considered for a federal position so we pray that God would give her wisdom if this position opens up.
    • Phyliss (Patoo) has been on the thread off and on for several years. She is currently retired to Florida. She has not expressed any needs so we pray that the Lord continues to bless her and her encouraging spirit.
    • Kindergarten (Kathy) has not expressed her own prayer needs but her son and DIL need prayers in their marriage.
    • Vickie (Vicks1960) checks in from time to time. She and her family have experienced the loss of both of their children and are trying to move forward with the Lord's help.
    • Char (Gardengal77)) is still teaching as a physical ed teacher in Pittsburg. She cares for her elderly father who lives with her and DH. She has been an inspiration in transforming her lifestyle and is into running and fitness.
    • Polly (mema4) has had some neurological issues and some issues with meds. She has been through a rough patch lately and our prayer for her is that she can remain strong and close to the Lord.
    • Bev (SaltyJack) we haven't heard from for quite a while but still checks in on us. I know she would appreciate prayers for the salvation of her DH, Dave. Prayers for blessings in all of her volunteer work.
    • Artsie (Evie) was having heart palpitations. We haven't heard from her for a while and pray she is doing much better.
    • Jeanne (xjerseygirl) started chemo in October and we haven't heard from her for a while. Praying that she is handling chemo and doing well. After being her DH's caregiver for three years or more she is now having in home help with that. He is also attending and adult day care three days a week.
    • 123Justme, haven't heard from for a while. Wasn't sure about future treatments after surgery.
    • G (SA8PG) has had months of infections after failed reconstruction. Diep surgery in January 18. We will be praying for a successful surgery this time around.
    • Nancy (Bandwoman) after having a difficult year on Arimidex is doing better with that. She is in therapy for lymphedema at present and will be seeing an orthopedic doctor for her knee and for injured fingers. She needs prayers for turning over all of the prayer needs to the Lord and not letting the weight of everyone's needs become too heavy. Prayers for clarity of mind in keeping up with everyone on the thread.

    Newest members

    • Allison (longtimesurvivor) needing to find her purpose in life as she continues her targeted therapy. Let's pray that God allows her to have peace on the journey as she seeks Him for His purpose for her.
    • Lisa, (ElishashebaJoy) needing positive influences during her bc journey. She is in rads now I believe. Prayers for peace and freedom from fear.
    • Karen (Againstthewind) battling cancer for a long time with several new cancers. Having more issues with SE this time around. She has a very positive outlook. Let's pray she can get through all of these challenges.
    • Brutersmom finished treatment and is having a hard time emotionally. Just recently had to put her dog down and is struggling with that as well as needing more support from her DH. She is experiencing fatigue. She would like to resume her work in real estate. Let's pray that she can find her new normal soon and return to a productive life again.

    Remembering those sisters who have joined Jesus in heaven.

    Sue Hahn, Sept 22, 2014

    Becky, 2015 date?

    Kate W on Sept 12, 2015

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited November 2015

    Hello precious daughters of the King of Kings. It has been way to long since I have posted on here. My sincere apologies for not checking in sooner. I will do better. I love reading your posts and seeing all of your support for one another. I thank God for this forum and for each of you.

    I'm finally scheduled for reconstruction attempt number 2 after all these months of infections. I will be doing the diep on Jan 18th. I would greatly appreciate your prayers.

    Thank you for the updated prayer list so I can join you in praying as well.

    God bless you all.

