thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Martin Luther King Jr would have been 87 today. This is one of his quotes that we all can embrace.

    "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."


    Have a day of looking for blessings.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2016

    Nancy, love that quote from MLK!! Thank you!!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Today I am very thankful that a miscommunication with my hubby this morning did not turn into a major problem. It was resolved within 15 minutes. God is still in the miracle business. Love, Jean

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2016

    His Awareness

    Amid life's thunder and lighting,

    Amid dismal skies of gray,

    A smiling face shines brightly,

    Proclaiming a sunny day.

    Amid the heart of the barren desert,

    Amid the debris and gloom,

    A cool, refreshing touch unfolds,

    The desert cactus blooms.

    Amid the darkness of the night

    When eerie shadows crawl,

    A friend doth hover o'er me

    To answer if I call.

    Amid the steepest mountain,

    Amid the boisterous sea,

    Jesus tenderly holds my hand.

    By faith He strolls with me.

    Through my eyes can't see Him,

    I know my Lord is near,

    For amid the breeze and rustling grass,

    He whispers, "Child, don't fear!"

    By Linda Grazulis

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    Hi Joanne, I am on here so variably but today I am about to paint my bathroom and thought I would just check out this thread. I will be praying for your granddaughter's thyroid biopsy. Hello to everyone else on here, I read part way through but will finish another time since that bathroom is calling my name as I don't get many days off... Couldn't resist though (edit) and read it with tears streaming down my face. Nancy, G, and others know that I will be praying while painting today for all of you...

    I redecorated my mantle with Spring in mind, even though here in the Northeast we are about to get dumped major with snow on Friday. I certainly cannot complain (although unlike many of you I probably do my share, even with my faith!). It has been so mild and I mean.... duh... it is Winter! ;)

    Here is my Facebook post for today: Don't let garbage into your thinking. Dwell on what is beautiful. You don't have to live in a cave and ignore the world but letting evil things dominate your every thought is giving them more power than they deserve.

    Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Good morning Jo. Just prayed for your granddaughter. I am so thankful for hubby who just went downstairs to get me coffee. Off to the dentist later for a minor filling. Glad to get all the tooth work done before my hip surgery. Love, Jean

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited January 2016

    Morning. :-)

    Thank you Deb for the morning poem. Always an encouraging way to wake up as we say "This is the Day that the Lord has made we will rejoice & be glad in it!"

    Joanne we are lifting up your grand daughter for her biopsy Friday. Believing God will grant wisdom to all in her care & that anything in the darkness will come to the light. Please keep us posted as you hear. Nothing hard in the thyroid only soft.

    Nancy & Joanne thank you for all the encouragement banners yesterday & today.

    I'm heading in at 12 to have this wound opened up more & cleaned out. Praying over my dosage of Cipro. We have a love hate relationship. ;) Trusting that all the probiotics & keifer I have taken will help counter all the antibiotics & I have had for the past year. No se in Jesus name!

    Continued prayers to all!!!!

    Have a blessed day mighty warriors of the King.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Joanne praying for your granddaughter God willing she'll come out of the biopsy with good news. Everyone else I prayed for each one of you as I read your posts. Tomorrow I have my chemotherapy please pray that it is working in keeping the beast at bay ( I'm stage IV).


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Hi ladies,

    Lots of posts today and as usual I am on a fast track and will have to post later.

    Yes, so true that God sees what we cannot. Love that banner Joanne.

    Welcome enjoy. Love your username. You can come and redecorate for me anytime. I have about been making myself batty the last few days with eyes glazed over trying to find a sleeper sofa and fabrics and on and on for a surgery on my knee that may never happen but just in case................... A friend sent me an email today and her advice was brilliant and simple and would cost me nothing. I bet you can't guess what that was?

    Praying for you G. I know Joanne can sympathize with all you are going through. She has been down that path more than once.

    Joanne, I am trying to not allow any birds to nest in my hair even though when I wake up in the morning it kind of looks like they already haveLoopy.

    Aurora , will be praying for your treatment,

    Lynn, praying your tests today will be good.

    Debbie (foots) needs prayer. She told me last night that she has another bad cold in her chest and has compromised breathing which is the last thing she needs. Let's lift her up and pray that the Lord will touch her body and heal her. Your poem was so good. I love the "child don't fear". I have pretty much been praying along those lines today as well.

    I have some blood work tomorrow and it has certainly been crazy the last few years. I have blood work done at two labs. One I have no choice and the other I go where ever is convenient. Every time I go to this one place my kidney function seems to be all goofed up which prompts my doctor to order more tests which are a pain to do. At the other place it never happens but I can't go there unless I am seeing my pcp. I am having blood work from this other place tomorrow. I have found that if I drink tons of water as my doctor suggested then it comes out okay. I am drinking up a storm today before I go off to an eye apt.

    Joanne, I will pray for your grand daughter that we both will have a good result from our thyroid biopsies.

    Let's continue to pray for Kath, Lucy and her DH Steve, Allison and Aurora who all are going through treatments. There are others who haven't checked in for quite a while too. I pray for strength and courage as they try to manage the SE's that are so uncomfortable.

    We are freezing here in the upper Midwest. My heated birdbath even has a ring of ice around it. Yes, I know. My birds are spoiled with all the free food and free hot tub!

    Take care sister warriors.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016


    Don't give up dear ladies no matter how dark things may look. The Lord is on our side even when we can't see it or feel it.

    Sleep well. More tomorrow.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2016

    Joanne, praying for your grand daughter for her biopsy and the strength of your family as you are there to support her. I usually go back on this thread and read all post to ensure I pray for all petitions even though I may not post as often, I do try to read daily.

    Kath, Aurora, Lucy, Steve, and Longtimesurvivor continue to uplift each of you as you continue your treatments and praying for minimal side effects, reduction and management of any pain, and that the treatments are doing the jobs and there is no progression or continued NED. Praying that God envelop you in his peace and strength.

    Kath, also continuing to pray for wisdom with your job and those that work for you. Praying for continued strength.

    Lucy, congrats on the new addition and praying that you are able to spend quality time with your new grandson. Also praying for the insurance for Steve.

    Foots, love the pray. Know that you are always in my prayers.

    Nancy praying for you.

    All, I do prayfor each one of you as I read your posts. in addition bring your prayer request to our intercession prayer team.

    Hope this is not miss placed, but I truly miss Anita!🙏🏾

    Love across the miles,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2016

    Joanne praying for your granddaughter.

    Aurora praying for your treatment to go well and it keeps working and fighting. I also pray strength to your body to get you through it all.

    I meet with my onc tomorrow to go over more details of the scan and what we do next. Asking for prayers ladies. Thank you.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Thank you Lucy and prayers sent On your behalf for a new successful treatment


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Today I am so grateful for the sleep I had last night. When I take two aspirin before going to bed it seems to help the pain. Wisdom from God. The sunshine outside is beautiful today even though it's very cold. Hope all here have a blessed day in Him. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    I don't think the enemy wanted me to post today in the short time I have. I got on especially to say Lucy I am praying for wisdom for your MO today and strength for you as I imagine you are still traveling the far distance for your apts. I pray that the treatment of choice that will be decided will melt those nasty cells out of your body and that you will have relief from this back pain.

    G, praying that you will be able to tolerate your anitibiotics and that this will be the END of having to cut dead skin away. Praying against discouragement and that the Lord will give you the needed strength for this journey.

    Aurora, i am praying that your treatment today will do it's intended purpose. Prayers for strength for this journey you are on.

    Joanne, I have been praying for Lisa and for the decisions that will be made if she has to have her thyroid removed. I know they are not easy ones with her kids. Praying that her biopsy is benign. Praying that you are not over doing by helping out DH in the basement.

    Angie, I continue to pray for you as you work and deal with your new normal which i know is not easy. I continue to pray that the Lord would bring in strong leaders into your new ministry.

    She, praying against discouragement with all of the adversity swirling around you at this time. Praying for you physically with your hands and wrist issues and praying for you in general as I know the enemy is trying but I know you and you will NOT stand for it!

    Kath, continued prayers for you as you deal with SE's. May God give you the strength to put one foot in front of the other and to stand strong in Him as He fights this battle for you. I am praying those nasty cells are melting every single day. Hang in there dear sis.

    Allison, continued prayers as you go through your ongoing infusions and praying that you can find that purpose in life that you are seeking. Have you got your new little puppy yet?

    Debbie (foots), continued prayers for you dear sister. Praying that your chest cold is improving and your breathing as well. Give Faith a hug for me. Cammie just had her treat so she is a happy camper.

    Lynn, praying that your tumor marker tests will not be a concern for you. Hang in there and keep your eyes on the Lord in the waiting.

    Jean, I am glad you got a good night's sleep. I know when i don't i usually feel horrible the whole day.

    Enjoy, have fun with your redecorating projects. It is so fun when you can sit back and see what a little change can do for our well being. So I hope you are truly enjoying your projects and the end result.

    Okay, Joanne here is the tip from my very practical friend from NY. They have a summer home and when they have family visiting them at this place on the lake they have made do with some old furniture from their main home. She said to take a blow up mattress (which I have a pretty comfortable one for me when my mom used to visit me) and put it on top of the sofa bed mattress and it works like a charm. Hopefully I wouldn't fall off of it. I keep my blow up mattress in my mom's basement so if I would need it quickly I would have to buy another one. I am still working with this designer from the furniture store and will still pursue a new sleeper sofa but if the timing didn't work out as it takes several weeks to customize one then I would have a backup plan.

    Off to my blood work. I am swimming in hydration so hopefully my kidney functions will be normal this time around.



  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    Good afternoon everyone,

    I love to clean and decorate, I guess since I have always been so busy and not had time to slow down and let myself do it. I am not the queen of it and sometimes I make choices that I regret later aka "what on earth was I thinking there?" hahaha but find it to be therapeutic. If my husband demanded I do it or if there was any pressure I would probably hate it, but he would be perfectly content with our original everything since we were married 27 years ago. That is why God puts us with different people I guess, for balance! And that goes for friends too it seems.

    Nancy, love the post with that saying, how appropriate. I don't think the enemy bothers you if you don't want to serve God, for sure. I hope your test came out great and you get a blue ribbon in kidney function.

    Joanne, will keep praying for Lisa, and of course you! Our sweet children and (I hope to know one day) grandchildren sure hold a special place in our hearts.

    Aurora- praying for wisdom as you continue on this journey, not the one we signed up for that is for sure but I know you do not walk it alone.

    Lucy, asking God to give you peace and comfort knowing that He has it all figured out beyond even the oncologists brains and experience.

    Going off to do some homework. Busy right now but I am doing what is on the bucket list, just trying to make sure it is HIS bucket list for me lol.

    Jean, I too slept great last night (Finally) and thought, "oh my what a wonderful way to start the day feeling refreshed". What a gift.

    Foots, Kath, Deb and G am praying for you as well. Sometimes we don't all even share everything that is on our hearts but God sees it--that's what is so wonderful about prayer, the intercessions made on your behalf even when the prayer doesn't know things or you don't know things that are going on. How can people manage without God. I am a mess sometimes even with Him..... ;)

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Enjoy....thank you for the prayers and know all of you that I pray over you after I read each post.

    I had quimio today but not sure it's working hair is growing back and I have no se I'll see my onco next week and ask for a scan

    Love all


  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2016

    Hi all-

    I love the post saying the great part of intercession prayer is that the stuff we don't share is prayed for and heard by God because he knows our hearts, our lives, all there is to know he is "on it".

    I don't talk about it but I feel depressed and withdraw from people. The opposite of what I ought to do! Thing is, I'm doing pretty well in this cancer fight. I get wicked tired, mostly after infusions, but that is about it. I do have an upcoming scan February 5, and that can play with my mind.

    imageNancy- we did get our puppy- his name is Otis. He is 10 weeks andhe is an absolute joy! The other 2 like him but are adjusting!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Enjoy, you can come to my house anytime and clean and redecorate to your heart's contentSmile.

    Allison, this banner is for you. Will be praying for your depression. Your puppy is just precious. Little adorable. We have another soon to be puppy mom. I will let this person share herself.

    Kath, praying for you dear sis.

    Lucy, I hope you were encouraged by your dr visit today. Hang in there dear one.

    Joanne, praying that your probiotic will do great things for you.

    Ellen. praying for you as you continue PT.

    Aurora, praying that your scan will show good results.

    Debbie, continued prays for you dear sister.

    Have a good night's rest everyone.




  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    Woke up at 430 realized I forgot my Femara so took it. Allison I also prayed for you and Ellen. I am new to this board and I don't mean to leave anyone out, the beauty of prayer is thankfully I can ask God to be with every woman going through whatever place they are in this journey. PS Allison I love your doggie. Great picture.

    Since I have work I think I will hit the couch for a mini snooze. Take care everyone and have a great day, hugs

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    I am thankful for pretty good sleep again last night. The 2 asperin seem to help. We are supposed to get snow Saturday into Sunday. If so we probably will skip church as I am not comfortable walking outside if it's slippery with my hip issues. Tuesday I have my presurgical testing down in NYC and snow is predicted again. We may go down the night before and stay at a hotel. Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Jo and Nancy Amen! No those bananera

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2016

    Taking time to digest all the posts and praying for each of you. What great stuff!!!!

    Taking the 12 lbs of fluid off of my abdomen has helped me walk, get out of a chair, etc. working on eating something every two hours. If I can, the pattern is that I will be eating all night with no problems 😊

    Resting a lot more. 

    More this weekend. Will check for updates tomorrow 

    Blessings and grace


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    It is technically Friday morning here in the Midwest. It is past midnight. I hope that all of you dear sisters who are still working have a chance to rest during the weekend.

    Angie, Anita hasn't logged on for quite some time. I checked a few weeks ago. I know when I had gone back to check one time I was so tickled to see she had logged on. We really don't have any news at all about her. Lucy had tried to call her on her cell phone but that has been some time ago. As far as I know she got no answer but her cell phone was still active. It is hard to know what to do in cases as these. In my spirit I knew Sue and Becky were not good. I don't have any feelings in my spirit about Anita so i just don't know. I miss her as well. How are you doing?

    Kath, I hope eating every two hours will give you some strength and nutrition that hopefully will help. You know I am praying. I hope you can rest this weekend.

    Joanne, I am sorry to hear that the probiotic didn't work for you. Since they are not all created equal maybe some time in the future you might want to try another kind. I am praying for Lisa for her biopsy tomorrow and for wisdom in how they will proceed. I love the kitty banner too and all the ones you have posted.

    Lucy, I have been praying especially that you will have renewed hope after seeing your MO. Prayers for you and Steve dear sis.

    Allison, I am praying against this depression and praying that God will open a door for you that will open up inspiration, passion and a purpose for your life.

    I hope all have good rest and that our immune systems will be strengthened in that rest.




  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    Great posts everyone. I am off today and hope to get some school work done, my son has like his 6th interview for a music educator job today, he is so discouraged. He is not the strongest piano player and they gave him music on round one that is impossible for him to play. He did not want to even do part two today. At 23 (almost 24) with marriage in June it is I am sure hard to keep your confidence that you will not be begging on a street corner to support your wife, that is certainly a bit dramatic but it is hard to have spent 5 years in school on a major that has a very tough job market. He is back at his job in the deli at the grocery store so he can save money while interviewing. Please keep him in your prayers.

    I awoke again at 3 and decided to pray like days in the past. Where I just felt broken and sad for all that women (and men) with cancer have dealt with, are dealing with, and for my son who is at a great time in his life he is already dealing with loss and rejection and fear about the future. As I prayed I felt the shackles fall off and was reminded once again that WE ARE NOT IN CHARGE. While we have had many times of joy and fulfillment in our lives, I don't think God wants us to allow our lives to be dominated by fear and despair. As I told my son, we are to approach things with bold confidence in a God that is going to do what HE is going to do, and know that no matter what the outcomes, His plan will unfold despite our warts and imperfections, despite cancers that come back with "low risk cancers" even in people who run marathons and gnaw on tree bark. God is God and we are not.

    I am not sure why I came back to the boards. I am almost two years out and I had a low oncotype and estrogen positive progesterone positive Her negative. But my health has been one thing after another and I felt drawn to look for answers and meaning in it all. I am seeing some specialists Feb 4 and 18. I just want to be stronger and live my life every second with meaning and substance. I do not want to let fear control me. When I was first going through it all I felt like God was there every step, but the aftermath is an interesting journey, especially being in health care where there is cancer at every turn. I am not perfect and will never be. I just want to cherish the gift of life and have my shield up for ongoing speed bumps. Praying for you all and asking God to give us peace and joy despite the storms that come.

    PS I used to be an English teacher so funny enough I edit my posts and correct typos if I see one lol Sick, I know.


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited January 2016

    Good morning dear sisters

    So much going on in the boards I had to scroll back and make sure I didn't miss anyone's praises or prayer requests. Thanking God for the little victories everyday for each of us & that through it all we have complete confidence in God. Isaiah 40:12 Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?

    I appreciate each of you The wisdom that is shared, the rawness in our prayer requests & the unity that draws us together knowing that we may not ever meet here on Earth but in Heaven we will get to worship God together! 😊

    Thank you for your prayers. The open wound is healing & Cipro should be done by Tuesday. JoAnne have you been able to take any of the green powder superfoods that have probiotics in them? The one I'm on is the only one that doesn't mess with my stomach. Amazon has it if you want the name. I've been trying to restore my gut after this last year and a half of antibiotic over load. I'm holding off on stage 2 until fall. Just want a break. I ask for your prayers as I beginning teaching a survivors class it will be 8 weeks long. The Lord has put it on my heart and I will obey. Believing that many will be strengthened to do the will and call of God. Cancer can not define them, they are daughters of the King!

    God bless you all this Friday morning. Continued prayers for each of you.


    To God Be The Glory!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Today I am grateful for another pretty good night's sleep. Grateful also for the sunshine. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow. Hopefully it will not be too bad. I would like to get to church if possible this,weekend. I just prayed for all of you as I read the postings. God is so go9d. Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Hello everyone I keep reading your posts and praying accordingly. I'm doing well I had chemo Wednesday and I've had no se. This is my first week in which I'm officially off the orthopedic brace from my hip replacement. Right now I'm waiting for my physical therapist to come and it'll be the first time doing therapy without the brace.

    I'm feeling really good thank God please just pray for things to keep going well.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Hi Joanne, as it turns out I didn't have PT today due to the therapist being sick. They might send someone tomorrow, but tomorrow is my church day and I don't want to miss it but we'll see. I join you in prayer for everyone who has posted and those who haven't for healing and peace. Take care friends.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Enjoy, I certainly don't think you are alone it finding the aftermath of your bc journey a challenge. We are all on a different journey as you say. There are quite a few ladies on this thread who have found the aftermath not quite what they had thought it would be. I think we gear up for treatment mode and know that we are on a journey that will test us and then when the treatments are finished we may feel like the battle is over and I came out the other end and now I will get on with my life. In some ways I think the aftermath may be even more of a challenge for some as side effects can linger for quite a while that we were not expecting and our new normal sometimes is hard to find. There are ladies here that are stage four and have been in the battle for a very long time and my heart breaks for them because they deal with a marathon of side effects with treatments that sometimes work and then sometimes don't. I don't understand the why of it all and I think that question is a pointless one. I do know that God is with each one of us in our own individual journeys. He has a plan for each one of us. I know that adversity can bring us to a deeper level with the Lord that we may have never experienced without this journey of suffering. There can be abundant joy as well and it is certainly a mystery how that can even happen but I know it does.

    I feel for your son. I was a band director for my whole career. What level is your son looking to teach? Is he in general music, choral or instrumental? I never had an interview like he has had. That is very interesting? I pray that he will find something and not be afraid to go where ever it takes. I had three different teaching positions in both public and private schools before the one that I ended up in the longest. I sure hope that he can find something and not get discouraged. Are you taking classes yourself? You mentioned homework and i don't think you are a teacher since you mentioned working in health care.

    G, I can certainly understand you want to wait for the other part of your reconstruction until fall. I think that is great that you are going to lead a survivor class. You have dealt with detours and i am sure disappointments and probably discouragement when your first reconstruction failed and dealing with infections for so long. You will have a lot to offer this class. We will be praying that the Lord works through you to minister to the people you will be leading. I do think that the Lord allows us to go through cancer journeys to minister to others who are going through as well and are at the shock and disbelief stage that most of us went through initially.

    Jean, praying that you will be spared the worst of this storm.

    Aurora, so glad you got your brace off. Sorry you didn't have therapy today. Maybe tomorrow. So glad you are not experiencing any SE since Wed. PTL

    Joanne, praying that Lisa will be able to manage whatever is decided after her biopsy. Praying that your reaction to the probiotic will go away and you can get back to where you were of gaining strength each day, dealing with the pain and finding your way back to good health. Thanks for your banners. They are right on.

    Lynn, praying that you don't have to wait too long for your results.

    Kath, praying you can get some rest this weekend and that your eating every two hours will be a great thing to give you strength and energy. Praying for you.

    Lucy, continued prayers for you and Steve.

    Allison, prayers for you and that this puppy will be just the thing you need right now. Such a cutie.

    Ellen, praying that you will be able to gain strength in your surgery leg so it will be strong to support you for your other hip surgery.

    Char, thinking about you during this bad storm. I pray that you and your family are safe and with power

    Debbie (foots) continued prayers for you to feel better dear sis.

    Have a great night everyone with restorative sleep.

