thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2016

    Good evening, sisters...

    Well, guess I'll share a picture ofour newest family member, since there are several puppy moms out there. We picked up Zoe today, a Yorkiepoo. We haven't had a dog sine we had to put down our 17 yr old poodle several years ago. One thing about a can't lay around the house for long at the time...getting my exercise.

    Praying for all as we begin another week...image


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Good evening ladies,

    I am trying to recreate that day of feeling terrific. LOL I have been making a few changes here and there so who know what might happen.

    Kathy, thanks for your nice comments. I hope your son and DIL continue to do well. How are you doing? Thanks for sharing. That Bible study sounds awesome. I think we can see that depression is part of all of our lives whether Christian or not.

    Kath, praying for you dear sis to feel better. Praying that you can give that fear over to the Lord and leave it at His feet. Glad you got outside for a bit.

    Jean, thanks for sharing that scripture. Sometimes we run around like chickens with our head's cut off and forget that all we have to do is like plugging in the cord to our power source. We had the power all along but we had to make the effort to plug in. Believe me, I have to remind myself of this all the time.

    Charlotte, if you are like all the school secretaries that I have worked with over my career you are the one running the school.......not the principal and certainly not the superintendent! You have a demanding job with all of the complaining teachers (yes I am guilty of that) and all of the students who lost the bus and on and on it goes. I am glad you got the day off. Congratulations on puppies. How exciting. I hope you can feel free to share on this thread and we will pray for you and support you through this difficult time. I do think you and your hubby should have an honest talk though whether you both get emotional or not. I imagine he has all sorts of things bottle up as well. We don't have to be strong all the time and there are certainly times we need to be vulnerable with our loved ones.

    Brutersmom, your comment reminds me of a thread somewhere on BCO. It is titled the the dumb things people say to us or something like that. There are many well intentioned people out there that either through lack of social skills or just plain ignorance say hurtful things to us. I think all we can do is smile and ask forgiveness for mentally putting our hands around their neck!!!!

    Ellen, maybe we should rename this thread the new puppy moms. LOL What a cutie pie. Such a sweet face and I know behind the scenes I can just imagine. LOL She will keep you hopping for sure! Enjoy and feel free to share updated pictures.

    Lucy, continued prayers for you and Steve. Hang in there dear sister. I hope to hear some good news on your new treatment plan.

    Joanne, thanks for your keen insight and your wisdom. I have been watching some of Andy Stanley on Netflix the last couple of weeks. I love him as well as his Dad. I think I am going to stand on my head and pray now. Loopy.

    Have a good night lady warriors.



  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited January 2016

    Joanne, Having a job gives me strength. I was in good health until that unwanted Mammogram. It has been an up and down battle but I decided that Cancer was not going to rule my life. Yes some days are harder than others. Right after I was diagnosed I received a call from a past customer who wanted to sell her house. She had just finished treatment for Triple negative. She was 70 and worked through 8 months of treatment. Her faith was so strong. She was such an inspiration to me.

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    Nancy I am always in awe of your memory and conscious effort to address everyone. I will try to be better at that but sometimes when we do a general post I hope it encourages as well- I have things I intend to say and the names fly out of my head! I may have to start a word document to remind myself of who has what going on :) Yep the memory is not what it used to be!

    Ellen, your puppy is adorable. I agree Joanne it is so hard to lose a pet. And I laughed out loud at the story about praying and how it doesn't have to be on your knees!

    Back to work yesterday, was actually good to get out. Found out that the college I am to teach at today is still closed so I am going to try to create a self learning module for the students to do at home so we don't get behind. That and a little homework for me will keep me busy today. I don't think I am sad about not driving to York college since it is an hour and 10 minutes away from my home but I do love the students and teaching.

    Brutersmom- that is neat you are near me, I was pretty impressed how clear the main roads were so that was amazing.

    I wanted to share something that I read related to the Stephen's ministry, at a previous church I attended. If you don't know about this ministry, it is where believers go and visit those in their homes who are needing encouragement and prayer basically. I read this well before I had cancer but it still comes to mind and helps me from time to time. Please note this is not directly quoted, based on my memory and you all know how that is doing.... Happy

    A volunteer went to the home of a woman who had end stage cancer who had small children. The home was rather dark inside. As she quietly tidied up the woman's kitchen after preparing her tea, she asked the woman "how can I pray for you today". The woman answered that she felt so far from God. She did not think God was listening or caring about her. The volunteer prayed that she could somehow find some way to say the right thing. She walked over to the window and pulled the shade up. As sunlight streamed into the room, the volunteer quietly said "God has been there all the time, you merely pulled the shade down so you couldn't see Him".

    How true that has been at times on this spiritual journey for probably all of us. It can be so hard sometimes to deal with things. Praying you all can sense comfort today in God's presence and love. xo

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ladies, just wanted to pop in the group and check in. The snow here has thrown everything off, accidents, power outages, the Internet going down, you name it. I am exhausted and it took me 15 minutes of messing with the settings to keep the computer from defaulting to our now defunct server but I was determined to get on our site tonight. The weather makes for a very busy time at work which some days I feel of for and others I feel like it is a job just to get through the day. I think of you all often and say a prayer for us every day. Be blessed and be safe

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    SheAngel sending prayers for life to get back to "normal" as soon as possible for you. Thanks for checking in and glad you and your family are ok.


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    Slept all night, it is the little things :) Aurora, how have you been doing? SheAngel, I can only imagine since NC got hit pretty hard. I think there was to be snow this weekend but evidently not now which is nice :)

    Praying for you all. There is such comfort knowing that even though we don't know everything in our future, we know the One who is in control. I finally see my doctor a week from tomorrow. Finally someone listening to me about bloating, bleeding, etc. I sometimes wonder if you are in health care yourself if they just think you are overreacting since you know so much.... regardless I just want someone who listens to me and will check things out.

    Off to work. Careful driving to any of you who are in areas of ice or such. Joanne, hope today is a good one. Thanks to you and Nancy for your awesome pictures with powerful verses. JJ, Lily and Lili-Ri, Charlotte, Angie, Jean, Kath, Kathy, Winter, Debbie, G, Jean, Mini, Brutersmom, and Allison (And everyone else-everyone matters!) I asked God to give you something joyful today. Ok, so maybe it won't be power ball winnings.... but I am sure God has something up His sleeve to remind you that He is near! (edited to include some people I did not list this morning. I hadn't had my coffee yet lol)

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Enjoy thank you for asking. I'm doing pretty well the orthopedic brace came off last week and I have no pain whatsoever. I'll continue doing PT for at least 6 weeks more. Today I have appointment with my onco and will ask her for a CT scan or even PET scan to make sure the chemo is working. Sending prayers for everyone to feel better and sending (((hugs)))


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Hi ladies,

    I had a day and a half yesterday if you know what I mean so by the time i finally got home late last night I was done in. I had not slept well going into that day so it made things tough. I did however collapse into bed last night and slept through the night except for a few nightmares of things cropping up that were heavy on my mind yesterday. I could have slept till noon today if I could have. I have a furnace guy coming back because of a problem. I hurried around to be ready for him to come and then found out they called while I was in the tub. They won't come until later. So I can get some things done in the mean time.

    I have my unpleasant biopsy tomorrow at 10 and would appreciate your prayers. I have honestly not been stressing too much about it but come tomorrow morning and that will probably change. I am more mentally preparing for the whole thyroid to come out so I have been doing some early spring cleaning and getting rid of things now just in case.

    Enjoy (Cindy) thank you for your encouragement. I hope you can get some of your concerns addressed at your doctor apt. I had an MO apt yesterday and he knows I want to stay on my AI as I have already had so much problem with it and he knows I don't want to change and have to go through another new drug. He agreed that my insomnia might be my thyroid meds needing tweaking. I got my labs back and some things of concern. My thyroid readings were really crazy. I have to call that dr and see what is going on. I see him on Wed but don't want to wait. This MO was not even concerned enough to look at the swelling in my legs that I mentioned. Sometimes I think we need to just throw a hissy fit for them to wake up and listen but I would probably never do that unless I was having a really, really bad day. Yesterday was just a really bad day. LOL I hope you can get to your work safely. I can't imagine that much snow!

    She, I can feel your struggle dear sister. Hang in there. I have told others on here one foot in front of the other. Sometimes we are even too fatigued to pray other than Lord get me through this day. Those are the one foot in front of the other days and I had many of those working and I came out the other end (retirement) still intake and I know you will too.

    Aurora, I bet that feels like being let out of prison getting your brace off. I hope your future scans will be positive and that your treatments are working like they are supposed to. It sounds like you are doing really well on this chemo. I pray that will continue.

    Joanne, praying for Lisa and you.

    Kath, praying for you this day. I hope you will be up for another treatment tomorrow. I am praying that "thing" into nothingness!

    Lucy, continued prayers for you and Steve.

    I hope everyone has a good afternoon. The sun is shining here and for that I am very thankful.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Thanks Joanne. I just finished my ninth drawer in this bedroom project. My goal was to finish before my biopsy. Now I have a huge stack of things to shred but that doesn't take making any decisions and I can do that later. Now if the cook would just show up!



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Nancy praying for you as you face the biopsy May God give the strength courage and faith to go through this holding His hand. Sending (((hugs))) and love.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ladies,

    Thank you for the prayers. I will be discussing the new treatment plan tomorrow with the onc so I hope to start next week Monday. I'm a bit worried of the side effects so please pray for me. I have also been dealing with discouragement so please pray for me on that too. My infected lymph nodes in back are starting to cause back pain so been taking pain meds to help that. Didn't want to do that but the pain can be bad. Trying to eat more fatty foods to help increase my weight. I have went back to read a few postings and it was nice to see the pics and banners. Thank you all for sharing them.

    I will be working from home again during this treatment so that helps to take some pressure off my mind and heart. My bosses are so amazing and I know I am so blessed and I pray for them for blessings because they are so amazing.

    We'll have a nice evening and blessings abundant to all of you. Lucy

  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2016

    Nancy/ Praying Foryour biopsy tomorrow- for peace of mind; sleep tonight, and wisdom for the Drs involved.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2016

    Hi everyone, I have not been on lately as I have been in the process of moving, and, it sure is a process! I also have not had internet until today. I went back and read the last few pages and see that there are some newcomers to this thread. Even though I have not been on, I have prayed for all of you, especially those for who I know their ongoing circumstances. Now, I will add the newcomers.

    Kath, Continual prayers going up for you that this chemo will continue to work and that you do not have awful side effects. And, you too, Lucy, as you continue treatments.

    Nancy, I had put your biopsy on my calendar a couple of weeks ago and have prayed for you every night. I will be in your pocket tomorrow as you go through this procedure, and God will be holding your hand.

    I have no learned the results of my bloodwork. I could have called, but did not as I needed to focus on packing, cleaning and moving. What a HUGE job, but my wonderful sister and brother-in-law came from Oregon for 2 weeks to help me. My son could not make it because of the snow storm last week-end. Trucks were unloaded on Sunday and Monday and we are getting to the point of being able to walk through the house. We took a break this afternoon and went to a movie...Bridge of Spies, with Tom Hanks. It was a very good.

    I will meet my new Oncologist in another week and will find out the results of the bloodwork and the tumor markers. I pray they are not any higher. I am trying not to think about this while getting my house in order and my life back into some sort of normalcy (if there is any such thing anymore).

    God bless you all and sleep well.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2016

    Quick check in...chemo tomorrow, God willing, schedule another drain...I made an appointment for a consult at Moffitt Cancer Ctr in Tampa for the 9th.

    Just so tired of being sick 😊

    Lucy, great to hear from you!!!! I too am thinking about my workload and choices.  One step at a time

    Prayers for all..the SEs, pain, and discouragement

    Lynn glad you got moved in this weather!!! Do the have a Florida cancer there? Prayers for perfect peace

    JO, longtime, Foots, Charlotte, and everyone here.  Prayers up for all of you, sent with love

    Nancy, you are a trooper. Get a goods night rest!!!!!

    Someone asked me two days ago how to best pray for me.  Stopped me in my tracks.  Am still pondering....great question

    Gentle hugs and encouragement 


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Thanks ladies for your prayers and encouragement. I am devising a mental plan for something to think about during my procedure. A few years ago I found myself in an MRI way out of town by myself and had a full blown panic attack while in the machine. I had no idea how claustrophobic I was. I had to find out what was wrong with me after I had a neck surgery a few weeks prior to that. I did not tell the tech that my heart was about to beat out of my chest. I just didn't say anything. I made myself think of every single thing I had to do at school for the week and i went through every detail and by the time I got to the end of my week the MRI was over. God got me through that situation and I know he will get me through this one. I can pray for all of you and that will take a while. Thank you so much for your prayers. I honestly have not been stressed about this. I have been very productive here at home and taking my mind off of things. I did get some really whacky thyroid readings yesterday on my blood work and have not called the doctor yet. I have never had readings like this time. I will ask my doctor doing the biopsy if the nodules can make the readings go crazy. My alt doctor oversees my thyroid meds so it will be an interesting dance among tradition and alt docs if I have to have surgery and then be on thyroid meds for life which i already am on anyway.

    I am trying to get to bed soon so will not mention everyone tonight but I have read your posts and will be praying. Take care.

    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    Praying for your biopsy Nancy. Kath it is nice someone asked how to pray, sometimes I think people don't ask... of course all prayers are wonderful :) I know you get so sick of being sick. I am just glad they can tap that fluid from time to time, it has got to feel better getting it out.... Praying especially for you today at chemo. Longtimesurvivor I love your puppy dog. I never was a dog person but have to say since having cancer that dog has heard more from me than the four walls some days. Lynn I am so glad for you, moving lightens our load with the clutter and accumulated "things" and what a nice climate choice :) I KNOW you want me to send you a snowball because you will MISS having that under your tires :) Hope the new oncologist is great.

    Hoping Lily you are doing better today and know we will keep praying for you.


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    PS I might have thrown a few people in who are on the "why is cancer harder after treatment is "done" board but oh well some of them might stop by our board ;) Praying for all of you as well. Joanne you are a blessing, those "posters" or whatever they are called. Going to try to get some rest working in a few hours. It is amazing how our bodies adapt. It is just an 8 hour day today so all will be well, by God's grace....


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2016

    Nancy, I am lifting you up in prayer for your biopsy!! May it all go well!!

    Lucy! Prayers for a successful new treatment plan! May you feel peace!!

    MySunshine! You have do much on your plate right now, with your move, settling in and meeting your new onc! Prayers for a smooth transition!!

    Jo-5, prayers for you and your daughter! You are such a good grandma!!

    Kath, lifting you up in prayer, you are such a strong, faithful servant!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Hi ladies,

    Thank you so much for your prayers. I had a terrible night and woke up at 1:30 am after three hours of sleep and couldn't ever get back to sleep. I was so cold in the night and just couldn't seem to get warm. I felt horrible going into the biopsy but I thought it was just lack of sleep. I had ten pokes that I knew would happen. There was an assisting nurse and I think that the doctor said outloud which poke it was more for the nurses benefit than mine as I am guessing she was the one possibly labeling the samples for the lab. I really honestly had not been nervous about this. I had one last year but it was only one nodule and five pokes they were testing. When she finished the third poke she said you are doing great and then said you act like you have done this before. She was kidding me since we had already discussed the fact that I had gone through this once before. After the four poke I started to feel sick. Long story short I did get sick and she had to stop the procedure. I wanted to continue and she said no. She said she got four good sample and the fifth one was for gene testing. She did the side that I have been having pain so I think she felt okay stopping. She said we would wait and see what the lab results are before deciding what we will do.

    I was so upset coming home. I ended up still feeling very sick to my stomach so I do think I have a touch of something and it just showed up and a very inopportune time. I am glad that she got the four samples.

    She said if I would continue to have persistent pain then the thyroid should be taken out no matter what the lab report says. So we'll see.

    I really do appreciate your prayers and it could have been worse where I would not have been able to have this at all. She is hard to get into so it would have been quite a wait to do another one so God was working.

    I have had a neck surgery and she said to do the other side I would not be able to support my neck like the side she did. At first I had so much neck and back pain so God spared me from going through that on the other side without the neck support.

    I am heating up some soup and see how I can keep that down.

    I hope you all are having a good day.

    Kath, have been praying for you all morning for your treatment.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2016

    I can name every soup in this town!!!! Kidding

    Got chemo, they will send my records to MoffItt.  Diane, my ARNP feels like since the swelling in legs , and the Satan spot she thinks may have broken in two 

    Am going next Wednesay to have a catheter placed so I can drain as needed. I did ask how long would long as the cancer is 

    Bless d though that Diane thinks things are going well

    Nancy glad your day is over...Jo, lifting up granddaughter, Kathy,Cindy, lily, She, Lynn, and all

    Sending you prayer, love, and gratitude


    To worship rightly is to love eachother , each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a prayer. 

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Nancy ouch! That was uncomfortable for you to say the least but at least is over now. Praying for your stomach to settle and praying for each one of you all.

    I'm doing well I can walk with the walker and there's no pain I just need to get up my butt and walk more often.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Hi ladies. Sorry I was missing for a few days. Tuesday was an all day session down in NYC for the pre surgical testing for my hip replacement on February 17th. I was wiped yesterday and stressed but glad all is set for the surgery. We had no snow up here but the city got wolloped. Almost 2 feet. Nancy, I'm glad the biopsy is done and hope you can get some rest. Ladies, I pray all here have a blessed peaceful night. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2016

    Nancy, my post didn't make it last night Sad. I must have exited without hitting submit. I did pray for you last night and today! I do hope you are feeling better and that you were able to relax when you arrived home.

    Kathy, so glad you got your treatment! I continually pray that you are strengthened physically, mentally and emotionally by the power of our All Mighty God. I "see" your strength and faith and continue to pray for you balancing family, rest and work as you go through treatments and any procedures. I pray for your spoken prayers and also that God meet those petitions that only He and you know about!

    Aurora, what an awesome report! No pain! Praise God. Keep on moving -- big smile Happy.

    Lucy, hope all went well with your appointment today. I continue to pray for your medical time for wisdom and direction on what is best for you. ...I'm praying against discouragement and side effects. I am so happy that you have such an understanding employer and that they continue to work with you in balancing workload and your needs.

    Jo-5, continued prayers for your granddaughter that the "hot spots" are nothing. Praying for your family as they support her!

    Lynn, thinking of during your move and that all runs smooth. Hope all settles in quickly with your new Onc.

    Jean, keeping you up in prayer as you attend appointments and prepare for your surgery. Also, your family and medical team.

    Foots, how are you doing? praying for you always.

    For those I have not mentioned by name each of you are in my prayers.

    Praying that my body continues to get stronger, ache a lot less and that these SEs that wax and wan with Tamo decrease.

    Love Across the miles,


  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2016

    Morning ladies,

    I finally got back to work yesterday from all the snow we have had. School was still closed for students but I worked and had a nice quiet day. We are suppose to get to 60 by Monday and rain. I enjoyed the time off but it was good to get back to work.

    Nancy I hope today is better for you. Kath I hope you have a good day today and are feeling well. I'm sorry I'm still learning everyone on here but I am praying for all of you.

    May God give each of you His Peace today and I pray you are feeling well today.



  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2016

    Hi there Ladies-

    Nancy my heart aches for you having had those 12 or so hours of discomfort.. So glad it is over. ('Lord, help your servant to feel well and get her sleep'. Amen.)

    "But this I call to mind,

    And therefore I have hope:

    The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;

    Great is thy faithfulness." Lamentation 3:18 21-23

    Kath prayed for your treatment.

    Angie praying for less aching...

    Charlotte wow 60 degrees!! Sounds wonderful.

    Lucy, Lynn Jean- you've been lifted in prayer

    Jo-5. Praying for your granddaughter- How old is she?

    Feeling better- depressed feeling lifted- I attribute it to your faithful prayers- thank you!!!


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Joanne sorry you re gong through a rough patch. Sending prayers for comfort, healing and whatever else God knows you're going through. (((Hugs)))


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    Nancy, I am not a fan of the poking and prodding so Praise God they got some done, as you said it is better than none.

    Charlotte, Kath praying for you that you feel more comfortable as the taps relieve the pressure.

    Angie I am asking God to comfort you as the good old Tamoxifen works it's magic chasing any cells that are even thinking about being cancer, but that the pain is better.

    Mini1, I hope you are getting acclimated to Florida and changes.

    G, praying that infection area is turning around for you.

    Brutersmom, are your lung issues doing better, I am praying that God gives you peace and comfort with your breathing.

    Aurora, how much more chemo do you have, I hope you are tolerating it ok. And I hope cancer cells are not tolerating it :)

    Lynn, hope your tests went better.

    Jean, Praying for you as you get your new hip soon. Wow Feb 17 will be here in no time.

    Joanne, did you find a probiotic that is tolerated? Praying for your digestion, I am sure that can be trying.

    Ellen, that is so nice that you are doing better walking, your puppy is so cute!

    She Angel I hope you are snow free for a while in NC. We were supposed to get more at one point this weekend but that is not the case so I am thrilled.

    Debbie, is your chest cold better? Praying for you.

    Allison, it stinks to be in despair and don't we all know how that can feel, praying for mercy and peace and a fresh outlook, even when stuff is crappy it is amazing how our focus can shift.

    Kathy praying for you as well.

    Two answers to prayer:

    1. Son is finally able to sub teach, a blessing. Subbed at place that is hiring for next year and principal told him to send in a CV. We will see what God does.

    2. Went to GI yesterday, they do not feel it is probably cancer but rather a circulatory issue. Colonoscopy Monday. (yippee skippee) but feel relieved that they think it is because my bp is too low and I am dehydrated.

    If I missed anyone or anyone who is just checking out our board: God bless you and remember you are not alone.

