thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2016

    Caring Across the Miles

    Tonight, I take my pen in hand

    To tell you that I care...

    Tho' many miles are between,

    Our God is everywhere.

    One never needs to feel alone

    For God is standing by...

    When we let Him direct our lives,

    We won't be asking why?

    What seems to be the darkest hour

    Turns out to be for good..

    It's often hard for us to see

    Some things the way we should.

    Lets hope the best is yet to come,

    And life will hold in store..

    A peace of mind and happiness

    You've never known before,

    Cause God would want it that way and will never leave You,

    And He loves You so much.

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    I love that poem :) Did you write it? A great reminder- thanks Debbie!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Good morning sisters. Just prayed over Cindy's list.

    Grateful today for sunshine, no snow. It seems my adopted granddaughter Alexia has made contact with her birth family in Guatemala. Please keep her in prayer as she begins a nursing home job in a few weeks and for her spiritual growth. Tonight the adults in my family and we are planning to get together for dinner celebrating our youngest son's 39th birthday. May the Holy Spirits presence be known there.

    I have some concerns arise about my hip replacement. In 2008 I had Anal cancer and had radiation to the lymph nodes in my groin. I am concerned about the risk of lymphedema. Will try to call my surgeon on Monday. Please pray for me. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016


    For all of you still dealing with all of the snow this picture is for you and for all of us.

    Thank you so much for your love and prayers. I am still feeling under the weather so I must have picked up a stomach bug somewhere. I would really appreciate your prayers for wisdom for me and my doctors. If my biopsy is cancerous then the decision will be a no brainer. However, there is a very good chance that it could be benign and then I will have the tough decision to opt for surgery or not. My doctor said if there is persistent pain then she would recommend taking out the whole thyroid. I have so many things that come into play that it is hard to sort out where the source of the pain is. I have TMJ and it affects this same side that I feel pain in my throat. I already have vocal cord damage and swallowing problems that never resolved from my neck surgery several years ago. These are all issues that can be caused by thyroid nodules as well. There is some possible complications from the surgery that would affect my voice and some issues affecting calcium production. On my AI there is already a possible side effect of osteoporosis and I have only 1 1/2 years of the required 5 years on that. I know that the more research I do the less peace I have about it so I need to spend more time in prayer and less time on the internet.

    I have way too much thyroid in my body according to the lab work I recently had done so I am in day two of being off the thyroid meds entirely for three days and then starting in at a lower dose. This could explain my emotions that have been all over the map and my internal thermostat which I am either freezing of dying of heat. This is another reason for opting for surgery as my thyroid levels always need to be regulated but this time was really off the charts which could be caused by these nodules.

    So I would covet your prayers regarding this dilemma.

    You all are very special to me.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Hello Nancy and Cindy and everyone else. Nancy I pray right now that God's wisdom falls on you and your doctors in making a decision regarding thyroid gland. Cindy PTL On answered prayers. Regarding my chemo there really is no end in sight. I will continue on Abraxane as long as it works and then switch to another one. I'm stage IV but praise the Lord I'm doing fine.

    Prayers for all

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2016

    Finally out of the snow/cold and into some warmer weather. Still a little cool - 50's - 60's, but heading back up Monday. I'm loving being able to go outside and go for a walk. I'm especially glad to be wearing only a single layer of clothing. Ah, it's the simple things. :-)

    All my blood work was normal! Even those pesky liver enzymes. Doc says he wants me to take Tamoxifen for 10 years now instead of 5. Anyone here taken it more than 5 years? I was looking forward to not having the bone pain and getting my appetite back, but the studies do seem to show significant survival rates and lower recurrence rates, although it really increases the chances of uterine and ovarian cancers. I'd love to get some input from someone that has taken Tamoxifen long-term.

    I'm thinking of you all.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2016

    Hi, Mini!! So glad your blood work as good!! Enjoy your time in Florida!!! I will be on aromasin for 10 years in April! My onc may keep me on it longer!! Not sure about tamoxifen!! The protocol on these estrogen inhibitors change with every new study!!

    May everyone have a Very Blessed weekend!!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2016

    I am so tired from the big move last days have been non-stop morning till night. By the time I sit down in the evening, I realize how exhausted I am. At least I have no trouble sleeping! Things are getting done and my house is starting to look like a home. My sister and brother-in-law have been a huge help. They will be going back to Oregon on Tuesday. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive family. And, I feel blessed that I feel good and have gotten most of my strengh and stamina back since finishing chemo a few months a go. I do worry about the tumor markers and will find out those new numbers when I meet my new oncologist in another week. Scary things.

    While I am not posting daily, I do read this thread daily and pray for each of you as I read. I also pray throughout the day......sort of just talk to God as I work. He knows each of our needs.

    Kath and Nancy and Jo, putting in overtime prayer time for you.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2016

    In My Heart

    I Feel Your love surround me,

    As I sit and think of You.

    In these moments of solitude,

    I feel Your blessings true.

    What have I done to deserve

    All the love You bring?

    I bow in holy reverence

    To You, my Savior and King.

    Please stay with me always--

    I need You everyday

    To show me the one true path

    As You guide me on my way.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2016

    Hope everyone found some joy in this day today....jean I enjoy your gratitude entries.Scheduled to get my catheter/ drain placed on Wednesday morning.  About an hour. Local Numbing. Blessed to have that option.

    Sunshine it sounds like a Kenyon are settling in nicely. Glad you will try to start getting more rest, PTL for all of it!

    Mini, PTL on the blood work.😊

    Jean, prayers up for you! Debbie, gratitude to you for your poems. I like to read them a few times slowly.

    Cindy, PTL on your son!!  This may be Gods way of opening up his own world 😊

    Auroaya, my cancer responded so well on abraxene. But after I think 4 my body was beat up  and counts off so no tx.  Took 4 weeks to start another, and it is avastin. Honestly though the abraxene only gave me manageable symptoms...fatigue, and at that point my fluid buildup up was point was out of control. My ARNP told me Friday that the fluid will stop producing as the cancer goes away.

    I feel strongly it will continue to be effective 

    Nancy, I keep re reading your post and praying. At this point my heart feels like removal is a tool provided by Him that will benefit other symptoms associated with the growth. Did you ask the doctor what THEY would do?  Prayers for clear, strong guidance from the Lord . That you can rest in his arms and get quality sleep, you have no pain, or nausea. Love you!

    I had all these plans for DH and I to get out today.  He caught me nodding up and kept encouraging me to rest . I appreciate that in him.  Plan is church tomorrow God willing, and then we will see!!!

    And JO, lifting you up more praying for that wonderful feeling of pure peace tossed with grace.

    Rest well,


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2016

    Kath, praying that Avastin makes all those cells run for their Momma! How nice it will be to have less fluid, hope the tap is uncomplicated this Wed!

    Kathy- I will be interested in hearing if you will stay on Aromasin. There are new studies all the time, like I think you said?

    Allison, I am praying for you and thinking of you. I don't think you go out of our hearts if you don't post. Sometimes you just don't feel like it or have time. Know that you are thought of. Hug Otis for me, what a cutie!

    Lynn, glad things are falling into place.

    Jean, hoping that hip replacement doesn't lead to lymphedema since you had that lymph node radiation in past. I wouldn't have thought of that, good you will bring it up to them.

    Nancy- Gosh there are days where you probably wonder "will my life ever be boring again". I know your faith is strong but no doubt you are asking God for clarity, and know He will be there and guide you. I think a key issue is that if you get your thyroid out go to the best possible surgeon who does nothing but this so that there are the least amount of disturbances with all the other stuff you have in your neck.... Gosh I am moody sometimes and I don't have thyroid praying for that as well that God will strengthen and uphold you through the medication adjustments.

    Lucy- I can see why you are discouraged but I also know that prayer is very powerful. All of us lift up you and Steve before God and ask for mercy, strength, and resolution from pain with clarity regarding next steps.

    Mini- I am on Femara and have gained weight. (I promise not eating a dozen donuts every day either, although that sounds like fun hahahah) So when you say Tamoxifen causes appetite loss I am thinking.... hmmmmm I wonder ? None of these medications are a walk in the park but when your Estrogen was running through you like a mighty river it is nice to know it shuts things down.

    Joanne, hope your stomach is behaving itself better! You and Nancy must have went out to eat at the same place ;) Praying it is better.

    Waving Hi to everyone else. Going to my good friend's church, her husband is the pastor and I have always intended to visit her, it is a "Biker Church"? Will be interesting but I know they love Jesus so I am looking forward to it. And I will be wearing jeans. Not leather. That is too far for me. HAHAHAHAHA

  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2016

    Happy Lord's day to you beautiful ladies,

    I am catching up on the post, missed a couple of days just trying to get other things done, but please know I'm praying for all of you. Mini - PTL on the blood work, will continue praying it stays normal

    FootprintsAngel - I love your poems, thank you for sharing them

    Kath - how did it go with Avastin on Thursday? I will get my first dose on Friday.

    We had a great service at church today and so thankful to God that I was feeling good and able to attend. The Abraxane hit me hard Friday and Saturday. Still not much of an appetite but I'm trying to eat. Usually I have chemo on Fridays so I can rest on Saturday but the schedule was changed and I had chemo on Thursday and then worked on Friday. That may have been a factor in it. Anyway since I play the piano at church I did a lot praying last night when I wasn't feeling good and God answered my prayers.

    I know I have missed many of you ladies and I am still trying to remember your posts. Please forgive me if I didn't mention your name and but know that I am praying for all.

    Have a blessed Lord's day


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016


    I appreciate all of your prayers. I have been praying for you as well. Cindy, praying that your prep goes well today for your colonoscopy tomorrow.

    I have been sleeping for hours each night so obviously getting rid of some of the thyroid hormone was a good thing. I am doing better today.

    Joanne, praying that you can get into the dentist tomorrow and that God's will and wisdom will prevail in this meeting with Lisa's doctor and you.

    Kath, I hope you got to church today. Praying that this catheter you will get on Wed will makes this so much more bearable for you. I am glad to hear that Diane thinks things are going well. Hang in there dear sis.

    G, I pray that all of your infection is gone and you are healing well in general and enjoying your family. Thanks for your prayers.

    Aurora, pray that you continue to do well with little SE's and that your future scans will show that your treatments are working well.

    Charlotte, praying for you in your journey and praying against discouragement and fear. Praying that Avastin will work wonders for you. Glad you got to play the piano today. We posted at the same time so I had to go back and read what you just wrote. Praying that your new chemo schedule will be manageable.

    Lucy, continued prayers for you and Steve. I hope that the new treatment plan that was discussed on Thursday will be just what you need right now.

    Allison, your pic Otis is precious. He is a big puppy! Is he the same breed as your other two white dogs? I continue to pray for your spirits to be lifted.

    Lynn, so glad you are moved and setting up house in your new home already. Boy you must have been like a whirlwind getting moved so quickly. I am glad you had help. I pray that you will love your new home. Thank you for the extra prayers. I really do appreciate them.

    Debbie, i love your poems. I bet these last ones have been your original writings. Keep them coming. Hope you are feeling much better. Give Faith a big hug for me.

    Jean, praying that your upcoming surgery will go very smoothly and with NO complications of any kind including LE.

    Ellen, praying that Zoe is keeping you on your toes and I am praising God you are doing so well.

    Kathy, interesting that your onc is suggesting ten years on Aromasin. I have had such a difficult time on my AI that I have been hanging on to get through five years. I hope you are doing well.

    Brutersmom, hope you are doing well. Glad you have such a nice and supportive work place.

    Angie, continued prayers for you in your new normal and for your ministry.

    She, praying that you will find many reasons for hope and blessing in your life this week.

    Mini, I just got an email from one of our retirees and she and her DH are vacationing in Florida. She talked about how cool the weather was. I hope it warms up for you snow birds. I imagine that Kath and Patoo maybe welcome the change in temps. I know I am certainly looking forward to spring.

    Cindy, I am glad to hear that your son got a subbing position. PTL Praying you get a good result from your colonoscopy.

    You all help to keep my sanity. LOL I appreciate your encouragement and your prayers and wisdom and poems and banners and scriptures and your honesty in your own journeys. We will all get through our journeys hand in hand lifting each other up and rejoicing with each others victories. We were not meant to go these journeys alone. God is pleased with community and I can very well imagine him smiling on our little family on this thread.

    I do have a prayer request. My BIL is having surgery tomorrow. They are going through his back to remove a kidney stone that has been lodged for months. They inserted a tube through his back last week and this has something to do with removing the pieces of the stone. He has a history of stones but has never had to go through this type of surgery to remove one. He is scared. He is also not a Christian. I would appreciate your prayers for him and for my sister. With the craziness of insurance they were expecting an overnight stay but the insurance said it can only be a 23 hr stay! Don't even get me started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope everyone has a good evening and good rest tonight.



  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2016


    Prayers sent for your BIL and praying for you too. Glad you are doing better today.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Thank you Charlotte.

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2016

    praying for your BIL and that God uses this to help him feel God's presence and the power of prayer :)

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2016

    Good evening ladies,

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend, and that those nasty SE aren't bothering you all .These last few days have been hectic so I haven't been able to PM anyone.

    Today DH preached at a church that he preached at last summer. It's a sad case of a beautiful church building and formerly vibrant church family that has dwindled to only a few people. They are still using interim ministers willing to help....we were surprised ( not in a good way) when the pastor of our former church appeared and led the service. He has " retired" and he and his wife have joined this church . They were civil to us, but he isn't comfortable around us. Too long of a story to share,but about the same time we were called into the ministry a number of members left our former church, and he blamed us. He was behind some prank-like activity directed at us and the ones who left. We have forgiven him although he has never admitted guilt. Definitely not a person who should be leading worship in a struggling church. DH feels that his chances at being asked to consider becoming pastor there are slim to none, due to this man's presence . But It was nice to visit the church again...the congregation has always been so nice to us.

    Hip is still doing ok...haven't used my cane in about a week. Since I'm back to most activities, getting to therapy and fitting everything in has become more difficult . I know that sounds ridiculous, but I'll be glad when I'm done.

    Had a great time visiting Awesome Grandson this weekend. For the new folks here, I have one grandson who is such a doll.( aren't they all?) He was born on the day I was scheduling my second biopsy that resulted in my DCIS diagnosis, and his birth brought a spark of joy to a frightening time. Anyway, This weekend was my first visit since my hip surgery, and it went well. I heard him yell out " get up" yesterday morning about 6:30 so he and I watched TV wrapped up in a blanket until his mom and dad got of those memories that I hope he'll remember. He's growing so fast...second birthday is next month.

    I'm holding the ( in)famous Zoe in my lap as I type. Another reason the week was so busy..waking moments have been on the go or keeping an eye on this has been quite a job but she catches on to habits quickly. And much too cute.......

    Thanking God for being pain free and feeling well. Praying for all of you ....

    Love, Ellen

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2016

    Nancy so so glad you are sleeping!!!! And so thankful you lead this thread.  I honestly don't know what I would do without finding you in 2014

    Church was great as usual. His sermon series has been on Healing...and the Power of Prayer 

    Nancy what time is his surgery? Prayers certainly 

    Ever, I really enjoy your was church? Jo,mare you any better?

    Charlotte I appreciate being in contact with you. Abraxene worked GREAT for me, but I was just beat up at that point. I also have cardiac issues, and that interferes w tx at times

    I lift all of you up, and will pray for specific needs. Prayers for those are uncomfortable, tired, and sick. For those of us who work, let's keep our mind on Him to give us strength. 

    Sleep well,


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2016

    Praying for You Nancy and Your BIL, He is holding You both in has Hands

    of Comforting love. Cast your cars upon the Lord, who will give

    you support. God will never allow the righteous to stumble. Psalm 55:23

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2016

    Just alittle faith made the blind man see,

    Just alittle faith can do the same for you and me.

    Just alittle faith can do the same for you and me.

    Just alittle faith can help you each and everyday

    And just alittle faith and you will never lose your way.

    So have just alittle faith when things go wrong,

    And You will find yourself singing a beautiful song.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2016

    Nancy, praying for you and your brother inlaw

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Thanks all for prayers for me and my BIL. They are supposed to be at the hospital on Monday morning at 7:45 I believe. My sister didn't know the exact time of the surgery. She said they were both not as nervous as last week when he had the tube inserted so prayers are being answered.

    Kath, so glad you made it to church. I know that has to be such a boost for you. I have missed the last two Sundays. Hopefully will get back next Sunday. Praying for your work week and your procedure for the catheter.

    Ellen, glad you got to see little Cal. I know Zoe will keep you on your toes.

    Thanks Cindy and Debbie for your prayers.

    Joanne has been pretty miserable the last couple of days trying to take this probiotic. She could use our prayers as a crown came off of a tooth this weekend too. She just needs prayer from head to toe. Let's pray that she can get into her dentist tomorrow.

    I had a little visitor tonight. It was inside my walls and I could hear it scratching. Cammie (my cat) was going crazy. I already knew she could open my closet doors and lower cabinets but now found out she can also open the door to my furnace. Not a good thing. So I am hoping this visitor will find that this in not a free bed and breakfast and leave!

    Sleep well everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Just saw your post Debbie and Angie. Faith as a mustard seed is all we need. Just a little faith. Amen Debbie. Thank you dear sisters.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2016

    Its one I wrote for when I was going through surgery and other

    challenges, It is my favorite. God bless all of You.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2016

    Church was great, the sermon was about letting go of WHAT your next step is but just knowing WHY you are doing what you are doing. In other words, you are taking the next step in what you are doing because you feel it is the right step and because you are stepping out in faith. Then you let God decide WHAT will happen and what all the results are. Pastor used the scriptures about Lazarus. While I don't expect to be raised from the dead, once I am with Jesus I am going to love it! But God showed His power through raising up Lazarus far more than if he had merely healed him as Mary and Martha thought should have been addressed. I do that, figure out what God should do.... Couldn't have been better timing, my son went with me and it resonated with him as far as employment goes for a long term job. I felt such peace being reminded once again that God has it all covered.

    Loved this church, such a great ministry,, even though it is a biker church they welcome all and I never felt so comfortable.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Hello lady warriors,

    I pray that this is a start of a good week for you. Cindy did you have your colonoscopy today? I thought that is what you meant. If so I pray it is clear. Are you going to go looking for Harley's nowWinking

    My BIL went into surgery a little after 9. That is the only info I got from my sister today. I don't know how long the surgery was to be either. Continued prayers for him would be appreciated. He is 100% disabled and had a heart attack at 51 (he is 68 now). He has many health problems supposedly related to agent orange when he was in Vietnam.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Well ladies. I wish I had good news to report on my BIL's surgery today. Now I will be asking that you pray that he doesn't strangle all the people involved with putting this tube in his back last week. Today they tried for an hour and a half and the tube was in the wrong place to be able to remove the stone. My sister said they will find out new surgery dates tomorrow possibly. That means two more surgeries to make up for this mistake. I am just in disbelief over this whole thing. Thank you for your prayers.



  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2016

    Oh my Nancy, the poor guy. Will keep praying.

    Had a polyp sent for biopsy nothing scary. They think it was ischemic colitis which in English means bp too low and dehydrated. Phew Thanks for your prayers!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2016

    Dearest Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about your BIL!! How awful that he has to have more surgery!I had the same surgery through my back to remove a very large kidney stone, over 10 years ago!! It was challenging, also had to have tube remain in my back back for three three weeks. I was teaching at the time, so I had a sub for my entire 3 week lay off. Then I also had the lithotripsy procedure to remove any remnants of the stone. I am lifting him up in prayer.

    Yes, Nancy, I have taken Aromasin for almost 10 years!! I will take my last prescription in April, hopefully!!