thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Here's my precious kitty Tiger. For all who have lost pets, please Google "The Rainbow Bridge." Very comforting. Love, Jean


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Debbie, it is great to see your post. We are never alone for sure.

    I echo what Lynn and G has said.

    Jean, when I had to put my 16 year old Himalayan down one of my fellow male teachers who was such a great and sensitive guy left that poem in my mailbox. It is a comfort to think of our pets in heaven. Your Tiger was a beautiful cat and I am glad the Lord allowed you to see in the spirit that He is taken care of now.

    Have a great day ladies of faith.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2016


    I am so sorry about your losing Tiger. I lost my calico Calli when I was going thru cancer treatment in 2014; she was some where around 18 yrs. I adopted her so I wasn't exactly sure of her age. The vet sent us a card with "the Rainbow Bridge" poem. Even now I still miss her, especially when Im here alone. Here's a grateful Thank You to God for these creatures who have given us unconditional love and comfort!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2016

    foots, great poem, thanks.

    Prayers going up; Blessings raining down on each of you. Reach out and grasp the hand of our Lord.

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2016

    Nancy, your words of encouragement are always a welcome post to read. I am in awe of your ability to keep up with what you do here all the folks in the thread and with all the physical and personal things you have going on. It is okay to take a break. I remember last year this time when Stuart Scott the sportscaster accepted his lifetime award he was saying sometimes we get tired of the fight, but we don't give up we let someone else fight for us. You are a constant with this thread but it's ok to take time for yourself, you have mentored us well. I may not get to the thread daily like I use to, but I try to get here every Sunday and I do go back and catch up on threads when I do so I don't miss out on some word that may be a blessing for me.

    I am posting a day early for me because we have the church vote tomorrow and my husband has informed me that the elder in charge has hired police because there have been some type of threats on Facebook to certain members of the congreagation so I am not sure if I will be in the mood to post after church tomorrow. The other elders including my husband seem to be on edge for some type of theatrics. I know that God has this so I am not worried, what will be is already been written.

    As for my husband, thanks for the prayers it appears that he pulled an abdominal muscle so no kidney stone, I am somewhat concerned that it may be a hernia in the making though so I am monitoring him closely.

    Also I had a medical massage last week because my wrist and thumbs are still a serious problem, I can barely pull money out my wallet. The masseuse asked had I been in a hot tub, I said no, she said good not too...ever again. She has a patient who is 7 years cancer free who got in 2 months ago and lyphedemia has set in and she has had a serious set back in her body. She advised me no hot yoga or sauna's no extreme heat things I had loved before but had stopped doing only because these hot flashes are all the time.I had not heard that about the heat and was not aware, has anyone else heard thisI am just happy I can have a soak in the tub with my Epsom salt. I have been reading where other ladies just keep the area that lymph nodes were taken from out of the water but that seems kinda of on the line so I think I will just not do it.

    Prayer works, we know this, do not lose focus with all the clutter thrown at us with life's issues. Have a good night ladies.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2016

    Foots (Debbie), awesome post. So glad to see you post.

    Always praying for this thread. May Godcontinue to strenghten, bless and envelop you in his peace.

    Kath, Lucy, Aurora and longtimesurvivor praying for each of you and your medical team. Praying for minimal SEs and continued success of your current treatments.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2016


    I asked God to strengthen me-

    I prayed all through the night,

    For I have heavy burdens to bear.

    And then God did answer me:

    "The burdens will not stay;

    Just trust in My Word and keep the faith-

    I will lead the way.

    And believe you will have strength-

    You are in My care.

    There are churches for worship and songs to sing-

    Blessing are your to share."

    And, then, I quickly realized-

    If the burdens come my way...

    Faith will shield me--God is there-

    Answers come as I pray. Edna Massimilla

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Thanks Debbie. I love that phrase faith will shield me. I am going to hold on to that.

    Angie, how are you doing? Good to hear from you. How is your ministry going? I do continue to pray for you and for it.

    :Phyliss, are you home now? Hope you had a good time with family.

    She, thanks for your encouraging words. I am praying protection over your church and that God's will reigns in this situation. I know how discouraging that must be with your your problem with your wrist and thumbs. After having LE therapy the past months and understanding how the lymph system works a little more I think you are wise to not do as some ladies have mentioned by getting in a hot tub and not exposing the lymph nodes that are removed. Hang in there dear sister.




  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited January 2016

    Thank you Nancy for your ever encouraging words as you continue to help your mom through all the trials of basement flooding. Believing with you for supernatural provision and wisdom to get this situation under control for her.

    Thank you Deb for always posting such beautiful poems to encourage and strengthen us.

    Continued prayers for all those going through treatment and recovery from surgery.

    May the Lord give us all the strength we need to do the work that He has planned for us to do in His name.

    Please come into agreement in prayer as I have not slept well the last 5 nights. I am coming off Cipro and its known for causing insomnia. Praying against that & believing that all will be restored.

    God bless you this Lord's days mighty women of God!



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Today I am so grateful for having had the opportunity last night to go for dinner with my husband and our oldest son David. David was in an extremely good mood, for him, and was pleasant and enjoyable. He doesn't know the Lord yet. When I came home last night I was in amazing good spirits. I also slept pretty well. I'm going upstairs now to get ready for church. Hope you all have a blessed Sabbath. Praying as I read. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2016

    Boy, I had a lot of catching up to do!

    I'm going to be in Miami Beach in just a smidge over 2 weeks. I can't wait. I had applied for a f/t job, but think maybe my last bout of pancreatitis and wicked insomnia is God's way of telling me that that's not the right option for me. So when I get home, I am going to look for something p/t for a little extra spending money and leave the f/t work for those better equipped for it than I am. :-) This has been humbling, but it is what it is. I am going to have focus my energy (on the days I have any) on something else.

    Tomorrow I have my labs and mammogram tomorrow. Say a prayer, please.

    Blessings to you all

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2016

    Joanne, thank you so much for the information. I was getting so much misinformation reading some stuff posted on the Internet site so it's good to get real time information from someone who has experienced it. I will be very mindful of what I am doing when it comes to that. I was not thinking of the shower and bath being problematic until you pointed out the heating up of the core causing issues so I am going to be real careful. I have not been able to go back to the pool since the last phase of reconstruction but the therapeutic pool is set for 80 and the lap pool much cooler, but they both feel cold to me at 5 in the morning.

    Nancy thank you for prayer for the church, the vote did not end the way I wanted but as you say may God's will be done. My husband feels this is part of God's plan and he plans to remain unless he see's that pastors behavior has not changed. I myself will not, I no longer trust him and cannot get pass that to accept the word he may have. As I told him I don't want people to think I condone the behavior of assaulting a female church member. He was arrested, they went to court and a plea arrangement was reached where he completes anger management classes and counseling. His wife and kids are supportive of him which is expected the majority of the church were not, but the bylaws require a certain percentage and we were 4 short to require him to be removed. I will continue to pray on it but I know that although there is forgiveness it's impossible for me to forget that and move on with him in a leadership role. I know it will all workout. I know he is working because the guest preacher spoke of 2 Corinthians 12:9 the very scripture posted in your lovely banner.

    MINI1 good luck on your labs tomorrow, as always ladies I continue to pray for us and I will add two other ladies to the list that I encountered today who discovered lumps in their breast and are going back for second biopsies. It seems like every week I meet another woman suffering, it is mind blowing. Have a good week

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2016

    Wow, Nancy you got the thread hoppin!!!!!  What a week you have had with mom.  I am glad you said you will rest when home

    Yes, you gotta take care of yourself my friend. But I believe some of your many skills really stand out. To me, you lead this "ministry" with such compassion, grace, and incredible guidance.

    She, I understand. I have been in one big brouhaha at 

    my old church. It is really not pleasant.

    Jo, prayers for you....Lucy, praying for your loss. She was blessed to have you as a "mom" for so long.

    SA8PG,  prayers for sleep. Mine is completely strange. One minute I fall asleep with lights on, book in lap, etc

    Footprints, love all the posts, thank you.

    Angie, prayers for you.  

    Let us cover all here in prayer.....for those having a general tough time, those in treatment now, and those fighting post treatment , for rest, and strong support for Nancy in all ways she needs you.

    Since CHRISTmas my swelling and dry heaves are much less.  I still get both, but not everyday.

    Struggle with fatigue and memory.  She, I understand. The pain I have from different treatments is rough. 

    However, full of gratitude for tiny things, and "big" blessings.  One son back at school after working on the house in TN.  DH and Taylor back tonight. 

    I actually used the new app to order groceries online and getting them delivered. It was wonderful, earlier today , when I knew my balance was off from my distended abdomen. 

    Next treatment Thursday.  Praying it keeps going down. Prayers welcome ! 

    Lord, thank you for allowing us to relax in your presence, continue to strengthen our walk with you .

    In His Name,


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2016

    Reach Out for the Almighty

    Reach out for the Almighty

    Like a child lost in a crowd

    When troubles leave you helpless,

    He will rescue you from doubt.

    Reach out for the Almighty

    Like a seagull seeking shore.

    His path is pure and simple,

    And you need find nothing more.

    Hold on to the Almighty

    Like a pilgrim seeking home.

    The world is dark and hurried,

    And the ship is not our own

    Hold on to the Almighty

    Like the lonely to a friend

    His light will be a beacon,

    His love will never end. John Zurn

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2016

    May Your kindness, Lord

    be upon us; we put our hope

    in You. Psalm 33:22

    How precious is Your love,

    Oh God! We take refuge in

    the shadow of Your wings.

    Psalm 36:8

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Prayed for all our needs just now.

    Thankful for pretty good sleep last night. Also for the beautiful sun shining on the mountains. I am very grateful we have had almost no snow or ice so I can get out. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2016

    She-Angel, I hear you. I was once in a church where the pastor divorced his wife to take up with a church member among other underhanded behaviors he exhibited. The deacon board sided with him which split the church. I was among those who eventually left because I also could no longer hear the Word over my thoughts/feelings about him. The church almost died until he eventually moved out of state and married his mistress. Actually it was God working in my life as well as, until I changed churches, as a baby Christian I did not realize how toxic that church was until I got into a pretty good church (since there is no perfect church, especially once I walk into the door!).

    Right now I'm attending a church that's okay though I'm not totally sold on, due to being careful, but my sister goes and likes it there. She never attended church (she's 70 years old) before she moved here to Florida in October. We only have one car and I want her to continue going so I'll stay with her until she gets her car and prayerfully by then she will have a better understanding and want to accept the Lord into her life. So please also add her to your daily prayers, her name is Milele (mah-lay-lay).

    Prayers going up for each of you.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2016

    I will pray for your sister, Patoo. And for all the rest of you going through treatments and life's general ups and downs.

    I am reading A Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren, and he says in there that there can be strife in churches and we need to confront those people and work it out. However, sometimes, I don't think some things can be worked out, so you have to make a decision to stay or find a new church home. It is a good book......many of you have probably already read it.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2016

    A Blessing

    May the sunlight of God's love

    Shine down on you today,

    May the rays of soft and warm

    Chase the dull of doubt away.

    May God's kindly, gentle whispers

    As it rustles through the leaves,

    Make your burden lighter

    And bring your spirit ease.

    May the wonders of God's smile,

    As it ripples through the pond,

    Make your heart rejoice with gladness

    Give you strength to carry on.

    But most of all, dear friend,

    As you the sky so blue,

    May you know God's ever there

    And He's watching over you. Chris Ahlemann

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2016

    Sing to Him, sing His

    praise, proclaim all

    His wondrous deeds. 1 Chronicles 16:9

    Wait for the Lord, take

    courage, be stouthearted,

    wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2016

    Kath, I love your positive energy. Reminds me to stop complaining and appreciate the things I have going right. A co-worker turned me on to a local organic store that also prepares and delivers meals based on your needs and you only need to heat them up, I am thinking of trying that at least one week out the month. And another co-worker has a good acupuncturist she wants me to try that her friend who has ovarian cancer is using for pain and finds that it is working wonders. Glad to read the se's are not as bad.

    Paton I will add your sister Milele to my prayers, you are right there is no perfect church. It's been awhile since I read A Purpose Driven Life, but I remember the reference to no perfect church, I may have to pull it from my pile and re-read it again as well as 'before amen' by Max Lucado to get my mind back in a more receptive mood as I now hear other members are looking to fight the vote. With so much going on at work and at church and with the family I don't have the energy for extra drama right now so I will just have to take the honeys perspective on things since he is one the elders that has to sit in on this.

    These are strange times we are living in and I know prayer is the only way to effect change. Be well ladies and rest when you can as I know sleep patterns get so confused and unsteady with the different things we have going on and various medications.My body felt so tired Saturday yet I could not sleep, and if I don't take something like zzquill or Tylenol pm I don't sleep well. I feel we learn something new every week.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Hey to all my sisters of faith,

    I drove into a snowstorm last night coming home but made it home safely. I will check in later. I am praying for you all as usual.




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2016

    My mammo was normal. Now just for the labs to come back clean.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2016

    Nancy, grateful to God for your safe arrival. Mini1, prayer works.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Kath, thank you for your kind words. You know I am always praying for you during this rough time. I am glad that that the boys got to work on your TN house and hope that is coming along well. I am glad you were able to get some groceries delivered to the house. Anything at this time that can make your life a bit easier I would jump at the chance. I know you are dealing with so much but I am so glad to hear the leg swelling is better. Your Tigers played with such heart last night. I know it was a heartbreaker for the team but they hung in there till the end.

    Debbie, thank you for your beautiful posts. One of the quotes was His path is pure and simple. I think we try to complicate things more than they need to be. Sometimes I know I am my worst enemy. I remember hearing a story of a Bible scholar being asked a question of what truths had He learned in his life. He said Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

    Joanne, I appreciate your prayers. I sure have been praying for you for this reaction to Vit. C. I continue to pray that you feel better and stronger each day in your recovery from your surgery. I am still praying that you will not have two years of pain as the PS had suggested. Praying you have a restful night and that you will not have to go to the doctor.

    She, it is such a shame about your church. I hate it that you and your DH are on the opposite sides of the fence. That just makes things even more unpleasant. I am glad your DH did not have a kidney stone. My BIL has a history of kidney stones and he has to have a surgery going through the back on Feb. 1 and a procedure on Jan 25 to insert a tube in his back prior to his surgery. This stone is in such a place that they can't get to it by the other measures he has had in the past. So I am glad to hear your DH was a muscle strain instead of a stone.

    Patoo, I sure hope that your sister can find the Lord and that is good that you are going with her while she doesn't have a car. Hopefully she will hear just the right words that will lead her to the Lord. Thank you for your encouragment.

    Mini, that is great news about your mammo. Praying everything else is good so you can go to Florida and completely enjoy yourself. It has to be warmer down there than up here now! Maybe the Lord is showing you that FT work is not in the plans for you right now.

    Lynn, I have not read that book by Rick Warren. I know it has been read by many people. I hope you find it inspiring.

    Jean, glad you have been able to get out. I think the cold and the snow may be coming your way though. My NY email friend tells me that the weather we get they will get in a day or so. I guess I will say enjoy any good weather for now and brace yourself for what is to come!

    G, how are you doing? I hope on the road to full recovery.

    Aurora, how are you doing?

    I pray that we will all good a good nigh't sleep tonight.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2016

    Nancy, Glad you arrived home safely. I used to live in Indiana and remember it being awful driving in a snowstorm.

    I have more tumor marker tests Thursday, so am starting to feel stressed out. Prayers for lower CEA would be appreciated. To have a tumor maker test be high and not be able to know why is anxiety producing.

    My church has speakers from time to time. Tonight, I went to hear Nabeel Qureshi, author of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. Amazing! I had not read the book....think I will. He was raised a Muslim and became a Christian. His story is very interesting. He now has 2 Master's degrees and is pursuig a Ph. D. He belives we need to enbrace the Muslins in our country and teach them.

    Praying for all of us.....daily!

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Hello everyone and thank you Nancy for asking how I'm doing. I read all the posts and pray accordingly. Fortunately I've been having a happy visit with my friend from Mexico but she's leaving this Thursday. My daughter and grandson are back from Colombia. Health wise I'm doing pretty good no se's from chemo and no pain from my hip surgery hopefully they'll be removing the brace on the 18th. Sending prayers for each one of you to have healing and pain free days.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Today I am grateful for the sleep last night. Also that we only got a dusting of snow. I would like to get out today but am concerned about falling is there is any ice or snow.

    Auroya, so glad you are doing well. I remember praying a while back that you wouldn't lose your leg. God is good.

    Nancy, glad you arrived home safely and hope your biop goes well.

    Praying for Sunshine, Patoos sister, Jo, Mini, Kath, She and all of you for a blessed Spirit filled day in Jesus.

    Love, Jean

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited January 2016

    Nancy welcome home! It is always nice to hear how your travels were and that you arrived safely back. Praise God for His hand on you through the weather. We do miss you when your gone. Xoxo

    Kath continuing to lift you up in prayer. I picture you in the theatre of my mind, dusting yourself off and getting back into the ring time and time again. Fighting the good fight of faith while God gets the glory for your daily victories.

    Au so glad to hear chemo se are not affecting you praise be to God! Keeping you in prayer for the 18th and removing that brace. :)))

    Mysunshine prayers for Thursday and lower CEA numbers. Believing you will have peace that surpasses all understanding knowing you can trust our God through the storms.

    Mini thanking God for a clear mammo & look forward to hearing about your numbers as well.

    I'm doing much better thank you Lord. Slept 6 hours last night. Yippie!!! My 2 youngest 16 months & 2.5 have terrible coughs so I have been up with them. Thank you for your continued prayers & love ladies.

    To everyone else on this thread continued prayers & strength as we get up today, put on the full armor of God and walk in His light. He knows our unspoken needs and the desires of our heart. May we all feel His presence in a special way today.

    God bless you. :)


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Praying for you dear ladies. Will write more later.


