thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2016

    Nancy" so glad that you arrived home safely!! Prayers for wonderful results with the biopsy!!!

    Patoo,Prayers for you and your sister, that you find the fight church home!! You are the perfect role model and witness for your sister!!

    Mini, wonderful news about your mammo!! May the Lab results be great as well!

    My sunshine, I can certainly relate to your anxiety about tumor marker testing! Prayers that everything will be fine!! Please know that you are covered in prayer!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2016

    mysunshine, prayers going up for you to be stress-free awaiting tumor marker numbers. I had the opportunity about 3 years ago to attend a weekend seminar series with Ravi Zacharias and Nabeel Qureshi was there with him. He is an amazing young man. I even follow him on facebook!

    Looks like I may be able to get my sister to a Bible study tomorrow afternoon - Wow, our Lord works in amazing ways. Thanks for your prayers.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    This past Sunday when I was at my mom's and sister's church the minister gave a great analogy that I wanted to share with you. He talked about the giant redwood trees of California and how some of them are 2000 years old. That is amazing right there. He said they grow to be twenty stories high but weather high winds very well. Here is the interesting part. They only have roots that grow about twelve feet under or equivalent to a basement with a foundation. If you can imagine that it would seem impossible for them not to all blow over with any amount of wind. Here is the fascinating part. They have underground roots that spread out to their neighboring trees in such a way that these roots provide a very strong connection and support which helps these tall trees to weather the storms. This fits with what I was trying to say a few days ago in my post and hope for our thread for this New Year. We are so much stronger when we are united in a common bond just as those redwood trees are strong because of their bonded root system. We need community to feel supported and to feel like we have a purpose when we support others.. Many of you receive that from your family and church and our little online community gives you support that maybe your friends and family don't quite understand. Some of you may live alone as I do and do not have that daily support of people around you. I hope that we can feel that sense of community that will help us weather our personal storms. We know our anchor is in the Lord but He never intended us to go it alone. Let's continue to reach out to each other and to help all of us weather our personal storms of life togetherThis past Sunday when I was at my mom's and sister's church the minister gave a great analogy that I wanted to share with you. He talked about the giant redwood trees of California and how some of them are 2000 years old. That is amazing right there. He said they grow to be twenty stories high but weather high winds very well. Here is the interesting part. They only have roots that grow about twelve feet under or equivalent to a basement with a foundation. If you can imagine that it would seem impossible for them not to all blow over with any amount of wind. Here is the fascinating part. They have underground roots that spread out to their neighboring trees in such a way that these roots provide a very strong connection and support which helps these tall trees to weather the storms. This fits with what I was trying to say a few days ago in my post and hope for our thread for this New Year. We are so much stronger when we are united in a common bond just as those redwood trees are strong because of their bonded root system. We need community to feel supported and to feel like we have a purpose when we support others.. Many of you receive that from your family and church and our little online community gives you support that maybe your friends and family don't quite understand. Some of you may live alone as I do and do not have that daily support of people around you. I hope that we can feel that sense of community that will help us weather our personal storms. We know our anchor is in the Lord but He never intended us to go it alone. Let's continue to reach out to each other and to help all of us weather our personal storms of life togetherThis past Sunday when I was at my mom's and sister's church the minister gave a great analogy that I wanted to share with you. He talked about the giant redwood trees of California and how some of them are 2000 years old. That is amazing right there. He said they grow to be twenty stories high but weather high winds very well. Here is the interesting part. They only have roots that grow about twelve feet under or equivalent to a basement with a foundation. If you can imagine that it would seem impossible for them not to all blow over with any amount of wind. Here is the fascinating part. They have underground roots that spread out to their neighboring trees in such a way that these roots provide a very strong connection and support which helps these tall trees to weather the storms. This fits with what I was trying to say a few days ago in my post and hope for our thread for this New Year. We are so much stronger when we are united in a common bond just as those redwood trees are strong because of their bonded root system. We need community to feel supported and to feel like we have a purpose when we support others.. Many of you receive that from your family and church and our little online community gives you support that maybe your friends and family don't quite understand. Some of you may live alone as I do and do not have that daily support of people around you. I hope that we can feel that sense of community that will help us weather our personal storms. We know our anchor is in the Lord but He never intended us to go it alone. Let's continue to reach out to each other and to help all of us weather our personal storms of life togetherThis past Sunday when I was at my mom's and sister's church the minister gave a great analogy that I wanted to share with you. He talked about the giant redwood trees of California and how some of them are 2000 years old. That is amazing right there. He said they grow to be twenty stories high but weather high winds very well. Here is the interesting part. They only have roots that grow about twelve feet under or equivalent to a basement with a foundation. If you can imagine that it would seem impossible for them not to all blow over with any amount of wind. Here is the fascinating part. They have underground roots that spread out to their neighboring trees in such a way that these roots provide a very strong connection and support which helps these tall trees to weather the storms. This fits with what I was trying to say a few days ago in my post and hope for our thread for this New Year. We are so much stronger when we are united in a common bond just as those redwood trees are strong because of their bonded root system. We need community to feel supported and to feel like we have a purpose when we support others.. Many of you receive that from your family and church and our little online community gives you support that maybe your friends and family don't quite understand. Some of you may live alone as I do and do not have that daily support of people around you. I hope that we can feel that sense of community that will help us weather our personal storms. We know our anchor is in the Lord but He never intended us to go it alone. Let's continue to reach out to each other and to help all of us weather our personal storms of life togetherThis past Sunday when I was at my mom's and sister's church the minister gave a great analogy that I wanted to share with you. He talked about the giant redwood trees of California and how some of them are 2000 years old. That is amazing right there. He said they grow to be twenty stories high but weather high winds very well. Here is the interesting part. They only have roots that grow about twelve feet under or equivalent to a basement with a foundation. If you can imagine that it would seem impossible for them not to all blow over with any amount of wind. Here is the fascinating part. They have underground roots that spread out to their neighboring trees in such a way that these roots provide a very strong connection and support which helps these tall trees to weather the storms. This fits with what I was trying to say a few days ago in my post and hope for our thread for this New Year. We are so much stronger when we are united in a common bond just as those redwood trees are strong because of their bonded root system. We need community to feel supported and to feel like we have a purpose when we support others.. Many of you receive that from your family and church and our little online community gives you support that maybe your friends and family don't quite understand. Some of you may live alone as I do and do not have that daily support of people around you. I hope that we can feel that sense of community that will help us weather our personal storms. We know our anchor is in the Lord but He never intended us to go it alone. Let's continue to reach out to each other and to help all of us weather our personal storms of life together.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Thank you all for your welcome home good wishes and for good results for my upcoming biopsy.

    Debbie, thank you for your faithfulness and all the years you have been posting your uplifting poems and writings on BCO. You are amazing.

    Allison, that you for all of your help behind the scenes regarding my mom's basement. I do appreciate it and I continue to pray that you will find your purpose in life that you are seeking.

    Lynn, I am praying that your tumor markers will be such that you will not have the anxiety and worry over them. My MO has never insisted on those for me so I have never had one. I do see him every three months to keep tabs on me and on how I am doing on my AI. Praying for a good result.

    Aurora, that is such a special time that you have had with your friend from Mexico. I am glad she was able to stay for a nice long visit. That is good that you have family back from Columbia. It sounds like you are doing great and I know you will be glad to get your brace off.

    G. you amaze me with all you have been through and a mom with little ones and a mom to eight children. I pray that your two youngest will get over their coughs so you can get a good night's sleep.

    Kathy, If i have not already said (my mind has been pretty crazy lately) I was thrilled to hear about your son and his wife starting in a new place and doing so well. PTL for answered prayers. How are YOU doing?

    Mini, praying that you will be able to be 100% before your trip to Florida.

    Jean, I think you got the cold and snow. Sorry about sending that your way. Stay safe and warm.

    Patoo, that is amazing that you and Lynn have both heard Nabeel. I hear Ravi on the radio from time to time. He is an amazing speaker. Wow. getting your sister to a Bible study. That is answered prayers for sure.

    She and Angie, I continue to pray for you both as you deal with working and the aftermath of your treatments and inactive treatments.

    Joanne could use our prayers as she has had a very bad reaction to Vit. C. Le't pray that this reaction goes away quickly and that she can get some strength back.

    Kath, is having another treatment tomorrow and has been having some unpleasant SE's. As G has said she does dust herself off and go back into that ring every day and I am in amazement of that. Let's continue to lift her up every day if we can.

    Lucy has not logged on since Dec. 20. I know that she mentioned her DH had to still clear out the basement of their house they just moved from and she mentioned it was going to be hard for him. I can't even imagine what all they are going through but let's remember to lift up both of them as they are both in treatments. I know that she was having a lot of back pain because of the cancer. Emotionally this has got to be a very hard time for both of them and their family. Let's remember to lift them up as well.

    I have prayed for every single one of you today even though i have not mentioned every one. Have a good night's sleep.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2016

    Jesus Is Standing by Our Side

    If storms begin violently raging

    With lapping waves tossed to and fro,

    Lean on to Jesus and press forward--

    By all means, with bold courage onward row.

    O'er restless sea we'll sail in life

    For days are bleak and drear,

    Yet with Jesus standing by our side

    Release those dark and gloomy fears.

    Though faced with rushing billow tides,

    Steer toward the nearest lighthouse

    Where our Lord humbly abides.

    Peek out in faith; link your hand in His

    And believe He'll lead the way:

    His beam--The Holy Spirit,

    Him beam==the Holy Word each day.

    As we persistently paddle onward,

    Someday with assurance we'll reach that golden shore.

    Hallelujah! With love, Jesus happily greets us,

    Welcoming us home forevermore.

    By Linda Grazulis

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2016

    For I will refresh the weary

    soul; every soul that languishes

    I will replenish. Upon this I

    awoke and opened my eyes; but

    my sleep was sweet to me.

    Jeremiah 31: 25-26

    We thank You, God, we give

    thanks ; we call upon Your name,

    declare Your wonderful deeds.

    Psalms 75:2

  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2016

    Nancy thank you for listing all the names and prayers because it helps me go through that list as well and pray with you. I have my next treatment Friday and a week later scans and blood work and no visit. Also getting a new puppy this weekend, which is a kind Christmas gift from my husband! I am looking forward to this sweet fellow.

    I pray we all turn our faces toward the Lord tomorrow, and baske in His grace. Until then sleep well, and rest in Him.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Today I am grateful for the little bit of snow. So beautiful and it encourages me to stay inside and rest today.

    Nancy thanks for the prayer list. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Debbie, I am paddling forward to one day reach that Golden shore. Love that poem and that image. Thanks for posting. Give Faith a hug for me.

    Allison, I pray that your treatment goes well tomorrow and that your scans next week will be good. How exciting.......a new puppy. You will have to post some pics when you can. That is a lovely Christmas gift. Do you have a name picked out or are you waiting to see the little guy's personality first?

    Jean, probably a good time to stay inside protected from the weather.

    Joanne, thanks for that post. I know I need to be reminded of that. Hope you are feeling better each day and getting back on track after a set back.

    Kath, praying that your treatment went well and that your doctor was able to drain some fluid. Praying for the SE's.

    Ladies, I heard from Lucy. She has been unable to find our forum. I am a bit irked about the fact that our thread is buried and not easily found like it used to be. Someone sent Lucy a link but I am not sure if it worked after the first time. As I had thought she and Steve are still very busy moving out of their old house. Lucy is only working half time now which I am sure is needed. However a big issue is Steve is having a terrible time with insurance renewal. Things are rejected and it sounds like a nightmare and I imagine some game playing on the part of the insurance to cover his treatments. Please pray about this for them. She thinks about us often and I told her that we are still praying for them. Let's continue to lift them up and pray that she will be able to find our thread and to mark it as a favorite so it will not be an issue anymore.

    Have a good night's rest dear sisters.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Thanks Jo for that beautiful reminder. Today I am thankful for the sunrise I saw as I was coming downstairs this morning. Sun shining through the pine trees. So besutiful. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016


    Can you guess whose birthday it is? Maybe the birthday girl will reveal herself first.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Woohoo Happy Birthday Jo. Heart You have me beat by over 2yrs. I won't be 73 till April. Congradulations. I picture angels dancing. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2016

    Happy Birthday, Joanne!

    Nancy, please let Lucy know that I am praying for her and her husband. Cancer is bad enough, let alone, having to fight with insurance companies. By the way, weren't you going to have a biopsy? Well......what is going on. You keep us informed about everyone else.....what can we do for you?

    I changed my bloodwork to Tuesday as it was really storming today and had tornado warnings. Trying no to stress.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Yes, Joanne I meant you! I didn't post earlier because I wanted to be sure it really was your birthday. LOL Does that tell you how old I am getting!

    Lynn, I thought your blood work was yesterday. Oh well. So it will be on Tuesday. The Lord knows it all even if we pray wrong. My thyroid biopsy is on Jan. 28. I went to my orthopedic surgeon yesterday regarding my knee. I had a cortisone shot in it a few weeks ago and had quite a systemic reaction but I did think it sort of worked but in the colder weather it is acting up. I decided to do nothing more at this time as it might mean another trip down surgery lane and I didn't want to have two of those going on at the same time.

    I did stop my fish oil today prior to my biopsy. That helped in general so I don't know what my joints will do now but it is a type of blood thinner and the danger of my biopsy is bleeding. I will have ten pokes to my throat during this biopsy of two nodules on opposite sides. They cannot use lidocaine to numb the area but I don't remember why. I had one nodule done last year and it is more nerve wracking now that I know they will be doing two. I am working on a redecorating project which is involving hours of online researching which has been a good distraction. Thank you for asking and I am praying that your tumor markers will be good this time.

    I have not talked with Lucy much but I did tell her we were all praying for both of them. I sure hope she can find how to get back on this thread. I gave her a few directions which I hope when she has time will be able to find us and set as a favorite. Our thread didn't used to be so hard to find but we are buried now in other headings which for a new person looking for a Christian thread would be very hard pressed to find especially if they were under 60 years old!

    Keep praying for Kath. I sense that she really needs to be lifted up by all of us now.

    Have a great weekend everyone



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2016

    Happy Birthday, Joanne!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Up at 5am. Thinking about my Tiger cat that we had to put down last week. Sad but necessary. Grateful for the calming sound of the rain in the roof and for hubby sleeping quietly. Our Socks cat isnt up here. Probably sleeping downstairs. She is a blessing. Snores loudly almost squeaking when she sleeps and very affectionate. My sweet granddaughter Alexia could use some prayer. She is a good mother to my great granddaughter Valentina but needs some wisdom and direction in her life. My grandson Bob is trying to find a summer internship before he starts his senior year in college next fall. He could use some prayer as well.

    I do pray for you all as I read your posts and you help keep me from pity parties. Thank you. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited January 2016

    I meant to post this last night on this site but somehow if landed on a different site. I must have bumped my mouse after scrolling down.

    Haven't been posting much here but pray for you all often. As long people keep posting it should show up on page one or two of "Active Topics." That might help her find it.

    If you would all be so kind I would appreciate prayer for the lung issues I am having. I had a chest x-ray for a cough and shortness of breath. Started right after Christmas. I thought it was my Asthma showing up again after about 8 or 9 years of being under control. Unfortunately the chest x-ray showed patchy pneumonia but recommended a follow up in 2 months. The concern is it might be radiation pneumonitis. My internist is treating me for both right now with an antibiotic and steroid inhaler hoping that if it is inflammation/damage from the radiation it is early and may be reversible. The medicine is really helping and breathing is much better now and hopefully will continue to improve.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ladies,

    Nancy thanks so much for updating for me. I used the link again and it worked so I will post. I went back a while to read some old posts so I have a good idea of what's going on.

    I have still been having lower back pain due to the lymph nodes still bothering me. I just got results from a CT scan for the treatment I have been on the last 3 months and the results were not good. It's not working so will be trying something new. Can't help but be discouraged as I was really hoping this treatment was going to work for me. So there is growth on the lymph nodes and more small spots on the lung and liver. My poor onc was so discouraged too I could tell in her voice on the phone. I need to find my peace and seek my Lords face to get me through this as it really took me down a few pegs. I meet with my onc on Wednesday to go over things in more detail and decide on the next step for us. I ask for your prayers at this time to help me get through this bump in my road.

    DH is hanging in there and has been allowed his treatments through April 15th so they will schedule him for his next visit next week so we will be back on track for him.

    It sounds like most of you are doing pretty ok. Kath it is good to hear your treatment of avastin is working for you.

    Nancy sorry to hear you had to deal with flooding at your last visit to your moms. That stuff is never fun to have to deal with.

    I love all the support banners and photos of grandchildren and pets. We are enjoying our new grandson and he is 5 weeks old now and doing very well. Mommy/DD is doing well and trying to find her new routine with a 3 year old and a newborn.

    Well I will post again soon. Please know you have been in my prayers even though I have not been posting. At least I know this link works so that's good. Have a blessed day warriors. Luc

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2016

    Good afternoon, prayer warriors,

    I wanted to share my good news...I just finished my first walk around my neighborhood since early October and didn't hurt at all. God has been so good to give me healing of my pain! It has been a long time ( years) since I have been all around without pain in my knee and hip. I had an additional blessing when I ran into a young lady I used to work with who lives out here now. Her husband is deployed, so I'm glad she is in a safer neighborhood.

    Praying for all of you; Lucy, glad you were able to find us again. Your grandson must be about the same age as my husband's newest grandson. Keeping you in prayer, especially for wisdom and encouragement from the doctors.

    God bless you all....wishing you a weekend of rest and special time with friends.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2016

    Dearest Joanne!! Hoping you had a wonderful birthday, filled with Many Blessings, Joy, Love and Laughter!!

    Dearest Lucy, praying for just the right treatment!!

    Dearest, Brutersmom, praying for healing!!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2016

    Oh, Lucy, you poor thing.....going through so much. You and your husband are in my prayers tonight.

    Good for you, Ellen! Walking is such good exercise and being able to do so and not be in pain is a blessing. I pray you can keep it up and keep getting stronger.

    Nancy, I will put your biopsy on my calendar. That certainly does not sound like fun. I had to get my power line in without sedation too last May. I squeezed one of the nurses hands so hard! I just kept saying to can do this....but it was not easy. You will get through it and hope with positive results. Yes, you were right. My bloodwork was originally Thursday. But, I had changed it to Friday as I was invited to go to a fun event on Thursday. Then, we had this big storm Friday......pouring buckets, wind and tornado warnings, s I called and asked to change it again. The woman on the phone said many people cancelled Friday. So, I am going Tuesday. (Can you tell I don't want to do this?) But I will. Just so hope with good results.

    Brutersmom, Praying for you. And, you too, Kath!

    Hope all can get to church in the morning. God is good.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2016

    Good evening sisters! So great to post. I did have to catch up however. Nancy, as someone said, naming everyone is so helpful when can we specifically pray for direct needs.

     Thank you for your prayers. Yes Nancy you were right...Thursday I got my treatment, and they scheduled for me a parencitis for my abdomen.

    A radiologist performs this, and the goal is to remove as much fluid as possible.

    I had gotten to the point that it was scary ....getting up , walking, etc. that too is what causes the nausea, heaves, etc 

    The last time I tried to have it done, about 5 weeks ago did not work....dr hit blood and could not extract. He really did not try too much tho.

    So Friday at 9 a.m., after crying and frustrated...getting dressed was horribly difficult, etc

    Patrick had to wheel me in

    The "tech" ran the ultrasound to find a "pocket" for the doc and he tried one last time. Prior to that I was terrified it would not happen.  , and whispered to Pat that I would go straight to the hospital, because I can't physically function.

    My prayer in my journal last night was please God, be a Guide tomorrow for the dr and ultrasound person

    Of course He was right there all along! Stephanie and DH and I shared our faith stories.  And when the Dr got in easily, the end result was removal of 4 full bottles and part of another= 

    12 pounds of fluid removed, and there is still more .  I tell you, I have received His blessings, that are so plentiful . I continued to be just amazed, each day.  Also, the evil monster Satan created in me has gone from 4 inches to three.  More blessings...

    Nothing still in other areas, able to breathe since draining, He has made me much more aware of my surroundings. Able to eat. Birds...Patrick and boys got me a new bird feeder for xmas. He hung it recently and I now have beautiful birds in the bedroom ....the kind that sticks to the window with suction cups so they really are right there.

    Nancy makes me think of Cammie.  We had a cat named CC, who would manage to sit quietly on the sill waiting for them, then her chin would just quiver and shake madly 

    So I will continue to wear my Job clothing.  "He held onto his relationship with the Lord-- at times by his fingernails , but he held on just the same."

    Lucy and others, (probably all of us) have hit the wall.  I will particularly lift you and Steve up at a certain a time each day ....use my alarm on my phone at work...maybe the staff thinks I have nodded off :).  

    I am honored to be a part of this group for whom I have such respect and admiration. Especially amazed at the fortitude of all of you....moms of 8 :) to great grandmas, all leaning on eachother with love, 

    I have been blessed to have feedback from strong Christain women who gave me input about addressing staff this week about gossip, whispers, etc I have managed to work in a lot of references about My Christ, and lead with the light of Him, by example.

    This round really has been more taxing. Right now it is in His hands.  His will for me be done.

    I will continue to fight like a girl, and BELIEVE.

    I did too much today. Learned from that.  I am sore, but expected. I am still distended in abdomen, but Nothing like it was, and legs did swell a bit.  So will take it easy tomorrow. Expecting big storms tonight so I hope all is good to go to church.

    Nancy, thanks for everything.  Jo, wishing you joy, peace, grace, and great health this year!  Sunshine, did you get your results? 

     "Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear."-- Jesus Christ Matthew 24:35

    I am SO sorry this turned into a novel.  If you need to sleep, well read it all!  Just kidding.

    In His Name,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    HI Ladies,

    I haven't felt so great today and will have to post for you all tomorrow. I have prayed for the needs as they came in. Lucy, so glad to hear from you and dear sister you know we are lifting you and Steve up. I ended up spending the night watching Where was God on Netflix regarding the tornado from Moore Ok. It was a tearjerker but it is just more evidence of how God works through awful situations and brings good from destruction. I believe He is doing that with each and every one of us. We have all been through some time of suffering and some of you are in the heat of the battle now. I can say with certainty that God will walk through your journey with you just as he walked through with those parents who lost little children in that tornado. Some came to Christ after losing their only child. We are not God and we will never understand His workings on this earth with our finite minds. There will be a day when we will know but for now it is for us to hold on tight and never lose hope. That is what I think Kath is saying while hanging from her fingernails. Brutersmom we pray for healing and no permanent damage from rads. Ellen, Praise God that you are doing so well and can walk without pain. Doesn't it make life sweeter when we have gone through a hard time and out the other end even if it is for a time. Jean, praying that your surgery will go as well when it is your time next month. Joanne, thanking God for the release of this Christian pastor that was held prisoner. He may have planted seeds where no man could. God does work in mysterious ways. I could not go one day without my probiotic. By all means take it and if it doesn't do the job try another as they are not all created equal. Lynn, praying for a good result for you with your tests next week. I consider it an honor to be among you all and be able to share and to pray with you. One day we will have our little online circle somewhere in heaven and we will laugh and hug each other and rejoice at what God has done. Until then we put one foot in front of the other and pray that God will give us the strength to endure what ever it is that he has allowed us to go through. He is building character and character produces hope. We cannot live without hope. That is my prayer for everyone of us tonight is that God will rise up hope in each and every one of us no matter what we are struggling with. He is able. No weapon formed against us shall prosper.

    Rest well, dear sisters.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Jo I just prayed in agreement with you. I am very grateful today for the ability to go to church. I am also grateful for my new recliner that my son-in-law and grandson brought up from the garage yesterday. It has heat and massage and it's very comfortable. God is good. Love , Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016


    Will post later dear sisters.



  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited January 2016

    My dear precious sisters in Christ. This song is for all of us. Please listen to it all the way to the end. We WILL TRUST HIM!!!! Lifting you up to the Father & standing on His promises.

    My infection is back so I'll be heading in to get the dead tissue cut out and starting antibiotics once again.

    God bless us all this Lords day.


    For you, Saints :)

    Watch ""Though You Slay Me" (featuring John Piper)" on YouTube

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Amen, Joanne. We don't realize how much of our religious freedom we take for granted until we start seeing some of it erode and then we realize we are so blessed in this country to be able to worship freely. Yes, we need to be very grateful for this thread. I have seen others of this type go by the wayside so we should never take this thread for granted. Praying that you have a good week with less pain and more strength.

    G, thank you for sharing that video. That was awesome. Yes, God gives and He takes away as he did with Job but we are not aware of all the spiritual battles taking place on our behalf. God loves us all so very much that he is only looking out for our ultimate good. One thing that always surfaces for me no matter how many years I have been a Christian is that you cannot base your faith on feelings. Once you do that satan can just have a field day with you and your mind. I am sorry to hear that your infection has resurfaced. I was just praying for you on the way home from church and praying that your two little ones were over their cough and you could get some rest. I was thinking that you are finally on the road to recovery. I will be praying for you in a different way now and so sorry you are going through this again.

    Lucy, I can't imagine how you must feel. I know there are some here that have personal experience with this type of news. As I watch you ladies go through all the struggles I am still amazed at your strength which can only come from the Lord. That doesn't mean we still don't hurt and feel anger and disappointment and maybe even rage at our circumstances. Jesus felt all of our same emotions and I am one who believes that you should tell Jesus exactly how you feel and ask Him to give you the strength and wisdom to endure knowing that the glory in the end will all be worth it. I also don't think we have to get to heaven to experience that glory. We can have it right now in our circumstances. Dear sister you know I am praying for you and for Steve.

    Kath, I am so glad all of this fluid was drained and that you feel better. Praying that you can manage the SE's. Remember the battle is the Lord's. He asks us to stand firm while he fights for us. Facing each day takes enormous strength and tenacity and that is where the girl power in the Lord will get you through. I am so glad you have a bird feeder. In all of the stress at my mom's I still put up feeders for her and because she is probably the only one in the neighborhood that feeds the birds it was such a treat for me to watch them. She had a ton of them. Even watching them for a few seconds here and there was such a gift of distraction. My birds at my house have temporarily left me so right now the squirrels are the only thing I am seeing at the feeders. They will eventually find there way back.

    Kathy, it is always great to hear from you. I had to smile this morning when my car was registering zero degrees on my way to church. I was behind two vehicles, one from Texas and the other from California. The CA one pulled into our church parking lot. If I would have seen them I would have said something. I thought these poor souls must be so cold in this temp. On the way home I saw plates from NY and Ohio and Louisianna. I guess people were visiting from all over and what a warm welcome they got!!!!

    I hope you all have a good night's rest and that this week you can find blessing in each day. I know I am going to be looking especially hard. I know they are there.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited January 2016

    Thank you Nancy & JoAnne. I greatly appreciate your love & prayers. Going back in the ring again as we all do. One day at a time one step at a time.

    For our family movie night on Friday we decided to watch Flywheel. The Kendrick brothers first movie. We laughed and laughed. What a blessing these men are. Of course we love their other movies Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Courageous & now WarRoom as well. It was a great opportunity to show the children humble beginnings & that when the Lord is in it, He will water it and the seeds will grow.

    Continued prayers for everyone. Nancy thank you for the listed prayer requests on everyone.

