thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2016

    Oh Brutersmom, I know you are like "really, God are you kidding me"? and if that thought does cross your mind know I instantly thought the same thing. God knows what we can handle but sometimes I think I missed the memo as to how strong I was.....

    Praying for him and asking God for strength healing and mercy. Hugs.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Dear sisters of faith,

    Lisa, I hope you will feel free to jump in any time. We can certainly be praying about your depression. You may have read our posts regarding that recently.

    Kath, I sure hope that you are feeling better and that the pain of your surgery from yesterday is manageable today. I know you will be thrilled to have Taylor home. I pray for Patrick and the boys. I know this is difficult for them watching you suffer through all you have and are going through. I am praying that once you can drain on your own that your quality of life will be great improved.

    G, I am sorry to hear that you are still having issues with your reconstruction. Praying that healing will take place so you can proceed with the next phase once you are up to it.

    Aurora how are you doing? I bet you are thrilled to get that brace off. My aunt who had hip surgery one week before you has fallen a couple more times and now has a knee injury. She had been doing pretty well but she has neuropathy in her legs and I think that is why she has fallen so much.

    Allison, hows that big puppy doing? Getting along with your other two dogs? How are you doing?

    Ellen how is Zoe doing? I bet keeping you running for sure. Well maybe not running at this point but certainly walking!

    Patto. haven't heard from you for a while. How are you doing?

    Jean, praying for your surgery coming up. Thanks for sharing those verses the other day. Those are really good ones.

    Debbie, thank you for your heart felt writings and songs. I think that is why I get so much joy from photography because I am out in God's wonderful creation that never ceases to amaze me how much beauty there is in a bird or a flower or a sunset. Keep them coming. They are a blessing to everyone.

    Joanne, thanks for all the banners. Praying that your probiotic will do wonders for you. Continued prayers for your apt with Lisa and her dr.

    Cindy, I appreciated your sermon notes the other day. That was good. I like that God doesn't always meet our expectation but wants to exceed them. I have found that so true. Hope your semester isn't too challenging. You sound like you are juggling a bunch of things at once for sure.

    Brutersmom, praying for your husband. I am sure that was a scare and I am glad that for whoever caught the problem before it turned into a crisis. Praying that this issue will be treated, hopefully without a major surgery. Prayers for both of you.

    My mom will unexpectedly be getting a new caregiver so this has been a bit stressful. I have been there in the past to show the new workers where things are etc. That won't happen this time around so I will be trying to put details into a document and email to the agency to give to the new caregiver. Her caregiver found out she was pregnant and has already had two miscarriages so she is taking a leave of absence. She was really good so I am praying that my mom will get someone just as good, They only come in a very few hours a month but we had to gradually have my mom get used to the idea and she has which is a real answer to prayer.

    Have a good night everyone,



  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited February 2016

    Thanks all. This has been brewing for some time. His cholesterol and tri's have been high for as long as they have been testing him. He was on statins for years with minimal benefit until he developed muscle damage and had such sever pain that he was miserable and hard to be around. I finally said he was going to die from the drugs and stopped refilling them because of the damage. I finally convinced the Dr to look into the possibility that he was diabetic and take that more seriously. When they started treating him for type two diabetes hi Tri's really came down. 400 down to 200. Even the Dr. surprised. DUH His doc need to read more. For years I felt that my husband was a classic for metabolic syndrome and that they needed to be more proactive with his ongoing care. But who am I, I am not a dr just someone who likekes to read everything and anything.

    I don't know what tomorrow will bring. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I am confident that this is all for the best but it may be a bouncy road for a while.

    Thanks again for the prayers to carry me through the day.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited February 2016

    Hello everyone I'm just quietly sitting here reading all of your posts and praying as I read. I kind of feel guilty because so many of you are carrying big challenges and for some reason God has seen it fit to give me a rest. I don't have any pain, no se's from chemo and I'm walking more with the walker thank you for the prayers.

    Dear Jesus I pray right now for all my friends "here" who are going through trials you know who they are and their individual needs. I pray that you give each one grace under pressure and healing and free them from pain. I pray for their loved ones some who are ill themselves or need special care give my friends strength and give their relatives peace and healing. I ask in the holy name of Jesus, Your Will and not mine be done. Amen

  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2016

    Hi All- would you please be in prayer for our trip to Boston Dana Farber for my bw and scans and mo appointment?

    We are scheduled to wake up at 4:30am, bring the puppy to my daughters, and start the 3.5 hour drive to begin the long day-- Only to hear there is a winter storm hitting Boston tomorrow morning- rain all night, turning to snow! My husband wants to push through, but I am not feeling it. Please pray for our safe travels if we go!!!!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Lord, we pray for safety on the road for Allison and her husband. We pray that you will get them safely to their destination and that Allison's scans, blood work and apt goes well. I pray that there will be no car problems whatsoever and I pray that you give them strength as they have to get up so early and drive for such a long distance. In Jesus name. Amen.



  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2016

    Hi -

    Nancy thanks for your prayers! We woke at 4:30, checked the weather channel and canceled. Yay! An answer to prayer because I was nervous about the drive. Rescheduled for next Friday. off to get Herceptin today at local Onc office.

    Auroaya - We need you and those doing well to intercede!!!! Very important role :)


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016


    TO KATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2016

    Hi, Everyone, I sure need to get on her more often, even if it is just to let you all know I am praying for you all!! Sorry about that ! Nancy, you are so awesome in mentioning everyone and their needs, as you are too, Jo-5!!!

    Brutersmom!! You and your dear husband average so much on your plate right now! Please know that you are covered in prayer!!

    May you all feel God's preset this weekend!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2016

    Know that intercessory prayers have gone up as I read all above and also for those who lurk who also may need our Lord's blessings to rain down upon them. Aurora, I also have been exceptionally blessed to have had an easy time these past 7 years with BC but I know the power of continuous prayer for myself and especially for others. Don't feel your life experiences are any less important as we all come to this point in our lives from different paths but we know the ultimate path will lead to our Lord, the Christ.

    Love you all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2016

    Oh, Happy Birthday Kath!

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited February 2016

    Happy Birthday Kath!!! We love you. May you feel even more today the love of the Father's arms wrapping himself around you as you sit at his feet as He smiles at the beautiful woman he created shining brightly for Him!

    God's richest blessings on your special day.



  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2016

    So hoping your birthday is one of your body behaving itself, the drain working correctly and you feeling wonderful relief as the fluid does not build up hopefully. Have a great birthday Kath, it is such a gift to be here and I am not taking any for granted.

    I think prayers really were answered between the (ahem) lovely rectal test and other visit. (Hard to imagine after having kids I still kinda blush when doctors look at stuff, but golly that is still my ya know....) My gyno-urologist was wonderful, oh my she was funny but still really smart and listened to me. The tests they did in the office showed nothing serious being wrong, just some simple things to fix. I do not take it for granted and know that I am to appreciate it far more than I ever would have in the past.

    G, praying for ongoing healing, Aurora, asking God to provide a clear path (literally) to get there next week, that is actually amazing they can fit you in a week away. Glad you are at peace and your heart was leading the right way! Nancy, praying for the new caregiver! Bruters-what on earth would we do without God, just know we are all praying and cheering on your husband and those who address his heart issues. Patoo, thanks for sharing those thoughts, how true that is.... it isn't like any of us has a crystal ball about the future, that is God's responsibility and we just have to live live live to make it count as best we can with His help.

    To everyone else, I too am one of those who prays as I read, it is definitely easier memory wise :) , and I also know a little secret (shh don't tell anyone). God knows who you all are and can keep things straight for us! I know a general prayer for those we may have forgotten is great too!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2016

    Happy Birthday, Kath! Hope it was filled with Many Blessings, Joy, Love and Laughter!!! 😃🎂🎈🎉🍷

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Brutersmom, I sure hope that your husband is doing okay and that he will be able to have a minimally invasive treatment.

    Allison, I hope your infusion went well and am SO glad to hear that you canceled your trip. Smart move! Hopefully the weather will be more cooperative next week.

    Aurora, you have certainly had your share of challenges so I am glad you are in a period of rest. If God didn't allow us to have those it would be really tough but I know he does allow those periods for us.

    G, continued prayers for you dear sister.

    Patto, good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well.

    Kathy, thanks for your encouragement and your prayers. How are you doing?

    Lynn, have you got any results on your tests yet? Are you to the point where you can start enjoying your new home now. I know I still have some boxes I never unpacked 25 years later. Gee I wonder what is in them. LOL

    Cindy, glad nothing serious for you and some easily fixed things. PTL You are doing very well at keeping up with all of us. We all appreciate your prayers and your sense of humor.

    Joanne, hope you are having a good weekend. Continued prayers for Lisa and your upcoming apt. Praying that each day you start feeling stronger and less pain.

    Kath, I know you probably won't see these posts for a while. I am praying that you have a great time with your family and that the draining helped you feel so much better. Hope you are enjoying your big day today. I imagine the the guys will be watching the big game and probably you too. I hope you feel well enough to enjoy the whole weekend. Take care dear sis.




  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited February 2016

    My husband is doing well physically. The cardiologist called me after the procedure and said that the front artery was totally blocked 99.9%. He said he was just about ready to give up when he finally got the artery open and was able to put in a double stint. The procedure took 3 hours so I knew that they found a problem. He should do a lot better now.

    Thank you for all your prayers.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited February 2016

    Hello all, It has been a very busy week. Finally moved in although more organizing to do, but the important stuff is done. I have been reading daily and praying for all requests and for all who are doing well too.

    I am now living near Patoo (Phyllis) and she has been very welcoming, not to mention helping me set up a new TV! She is my technology hero!

    Happy Birthday Kath! I hope you are feeling better and able to enjoy your son being home. Keep swimming, girl!

    Nancy, I will pray that your mom gets a really good new care-giver. And, that you make the best decisions to get you healthy again. You are such an amazing women and we all appreciate your keeping us up to date.

    Prayers going up for you, G,that you continue to heal. You have a family that needs you for sure!

    Also for good weather for your trip next week, Allison. Glad you are feeling a little better, Auroya.

    Brutersmom, so happy that your husband's doctor was persistent and was able to compete a successful procedure. Hopefully, he will feel a lot better.

    Prayers tonight for Jo that you are feeling stronger.

    Yes, I finally got my tumor marker results. I waited until I met with my new oncologist today. I really like her. However, the CEA marker was up and so here I go again......2 more CT scans next Friday, with IV contrast and barium. Yuk! I am feeling really good and don't understand why this keeps going up. But, I want to be proactive and do what I can do to see if anything shows up. I would appreciate prayers that scans are clear. More anxiety. I guess once we become members of the Breast cancer club, anxiety is the new least it is for me. I do know that God is in control and he will take care of me......and all of you!

    The Lord is my Strength and my Shield; my heart Trusts in Him, and I am helped. Psalm 28:7

    Have a restful and enjoyable week-end.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2016

    He Touched Me

    I knelt there very quietly,

    Eyes closed in fervent prayer.

    A peace descended over me,

    I felt His presence there.

    All my pain and sorrow left me,

    My heavy cross seemed light.

    At once I knew He touched me

    And all the wrong made right. By Helen Parker

  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited February 2016

    A good reminder for me this morning. Praying for all you lovely ladies this morning


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    Thanks for the banner Charlotte. I was feeling very wearly and heavy burdened this morning and it spoke to me so well. Today I am so grateful that my husband brought me coffee this morning and that you sent that banner. Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited February 2016

    Thank you Jesus for the first time in two months my family and I made it to church this morning . Praise God! Please pray for us to be more consistent In worshipping Him.

    In Jesus name Amen!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Matthew 11:28-29King James Version (KJV)

    28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

    29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

    Oh my gosh. Charlotte. I didn't realize this is the same as your banner. This was in today's Jesus Calling. Obviously this is a God thing!More later dear sisters. I am praying for you as you post.Love,Nancy
  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited February 2016

    Joanne yes my church meets on Saturday mornings. We observe the 7th day Sabbath like they did in Jesus times.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Good evening ladies of faith,

    I went to the grocery store this afternoon. I usually never go on Saturday afternoon. It was pretty crazy today. When all of us were creating a traffic jam in the aisles I said to this lady gee, you would think it was Super Bowl weekend. To that comment she replied, oh yes i forgot about that. LOL So to all who feel like this lady or to those who will be on the edge of their seats I hope you all enjoy the big day no matter what you will be doing. I am guessing our Carolina sisters might be rooting for them or not. So She and Ellen, whether that is "your" team or not I hope you have a good day.

    Brutersmom, so glad that your DH was able to get a stent and not have to have a bi pass. I think they are doing more and more stents these days which is a great thing when they can. Praying he is resting well and that you be lifted as well. I am sure this was a scare for both of you.

    Aurora, glad you made it to church. I have missed the last two weeks and hopefully will be going tomorrow.

    Lynn, i was sure praying that you would not have to go through all the scans again. I will be praying that they are just fine and hope you can get them done quickly so this won't be hanging over your head. Glad you and Phyliss are neighbors and glad she could help you out in the technology dept. That is awesome.

    Debbie, thank you for that poem. I felt like Jesus touched me today and I had a much improved day after not feeling well the last couple of days.

    Jean, praying that the Lord will give you complete peace in the coming days before your surgery. Hang in there.

    Joanne, you will appreciate these photos. I am praying for wisdom for Lisa's apt on Monday. I pray you will have peace with what the doctor recommends and of course that Lisa does too.

    Kath, praying that your draining supplies came today so you can get it all figured out. I am praying it will be a God send and that you will be able to do this without a lot of problems. Continued prayers for you dear sis.

    I am believing with the ground hogs and the robins that we will have an early spring. I saw a whole flock of robins on Jan. 30 across the street from my house. I wasn't feeling well to go outside but grabbed by bird camera and got this one robin after all the others flew. The one underneath I got today. This big guy stayed in my tree in my backyard for the longest time. He visited my birdbath and reminded me that I need to fill it which I did.

    I know for all you sisters in the cold climate this will put a smile on your face. For those in warm climates you are probably thinking so what a robin. LOL





  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2016

    Now, that Robin is one sweet picture!!! ;)

    Thank you for sending, Nancy- bless all


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2016

    United we stand and proud to show,

    Our love for each other and the God

    we know.

    We are one in God, with our caring hands

    to lend, always helping a friend, Because

    we are one family. United by Thee.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    Today I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine on the mountains. Also for Gods help in forgiving an old hurt. Love, Jean

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2016

    Oooh Nancy I love the birdie pictures! Brutersmom, wow that is a lot of blockage and praise God they found it and were able to work on that. Praying for ongoing recovery. Lynn how cool that Phyllis is nearby. Praying for your scans. G I hope you have ongoing healing. Foots so when are you publishing your poems, they are so uplifting!

    I love everyones banners and verses, God gives such victory with the power of His word, it makes all the yukkies fade into the background.

    Today in church was ongoing in the series about our heart being evident by how our mouths speak. I have to say I felt the Lord took my heart today and put it through a giant car wash. My insecurities, my critical nature at times, my yearning for things that He doesn't always grant.... I was so glad I went/not glad as it was super convicting.

    When I was first going through the cancer diagnosis and treatment almost two years ago I was on a spiritual high with peace and trust and yet now perhaps somewhat due to a nice menopausal creating medicine but also because I am frail and human.... God keeps showing some things that He wants to work on. I want to tack a sign on me "God's not finished with me yet".... He takes our weakest areas and balances them with helping us stay humble but also is working on us to make us more like Jesus which is what we all really want... Don't know if you feel this way but there are the stubborn spots sometimes we can't let go of yet there is such peace and comfort when you place it all in His capable hands.

    I made homemade pasta yesterday for the first time since 1988 when my Mom had given me the pasta roller (My dad was 2nd generation from Italy). It was a lot of fun and if it had been for a smaller amount of people I think is really not hard at all. Here is the recipe: 1 cup flour (I used white wheat flour) 1/2 cup semolina flour (Bob's makes it that natural stuff, it is expensive but that is why I only use 1/2 cup) 1 tsp sea salt. Mix all together. Place on clean cutting board or counter/sipat roll/parchment paper etc. Form a "mountain" and put a "lake" in the center. Add three eggs and 1 TBS olive oil. Slowly whisk in the flour with a fork, gradually adding in the flour until a dough forms. Knead until not sticky. Form into a disk (circle about 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick) cover with damp towel and let rest for 20 min. Slice pieces off and roll out to desired thickness, then cut into noodles (I did fetuccini as it goes faster than spaghetti) Boil 4-6 minutes (depends on thickness) until done in rapidly boiling salted water.

    I may never make it again but I am enjoying trying new things. Why not, right?

    Have a lovely day and know I am praying for each of you. Off to ze' cucina.....Heart

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Dear ladies,

    I have a quick prayer request. I just heard from my sister. My BIL's new surgery dates were to be in a couple weeks and they have changed them earlier. I am sure my sister's head is spinning as she is still working as a teaching assistant and wrote me from school. He is having this tube placed again TOMORROW. Please pray that they get it in the right place this time. His other surgery will be next week on Monday.

    I pray that you all are starting out your week on a good note. I saw several robins today. Glad you enjoyed the pics. I am excited even though a cold blast is coming and the poor things may be really confused.

    Debbie, thanks for your post. We are united in Him!

    Allison, I pray you and all the puppy mom's are doing well. I had to smile as I watched some of the Kitten Bowl, the Puppy Bowl and yes they even had a Fish Bowl (no kidding) and of course the Super Bowl or parts of it. LOL

    Joanne, I hope things went well at Lisa's doctor apt today. Praying for decisions.

    Jean, I am grateful to see how God is working in your life. Praying for your upcoming surgery.

    Cindy, I am gluten intolerant but maybe some other ladies might enjoy your pasta recipe. Thanks for sharing that. Yes, the sermons we hear are sometimes hard to hear. Those are probably the ones we need the most.

    Praying for you dear ladies. Kath, I hope you got your supplies so you can drain at home.

    I am meeting some fellow coworkers who are still working today after school. It will be fun to catch up.

