thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited December 2016


    That is awesome news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad for her and you and anyone one the drug that was upset by this mistake.



  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited December 2016

    Hi Nancy,

    I'm still here. I just couldn't finish what I started in my previous post so I had to delete it. I doing o k. I'm praying for my family, especially my niece who is driving up to Georgia this coming Friday. This time she will be going with her three little ones and a girlfriend. I pray that doors open up for her and she can settle in and make a life for herself and her children.

    I wanted to wish everyone on this thread a blessed Christmas and to let you know that I don't post much but I do read and pray for the needs that are posted.

    God bless.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited December 2016

    Arcats, praying that your niece and her family will be able to make a new home for herself and do well. Praying for your needs as well.

    Have a wonderful day dear ladies as we prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2016

    My Sofia, just back from the Groomers with her new Christmas bandana wishes you all a Merry Christmas.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited December 2016

    Awww. What a cutie in her Christmas bandana. All decked out for Christmas.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2016

    Sophia is looking beautiful for Christmas! Nancy your kitty is gorgeous too! Our poor Maggie needs groomed SO badly but that's another pay away I think, and we don't have the strength to wrestle her ourselves


    right now.

    I enjoy feeding the deer here and they come right up to me. Today a mama and her twins came for breakfast and a beautiful buck watched from the sidelines (which is FINE by me!).God gave me a love for animals and our daughter shares that love. Besides her 3 children she has a Doberman, a Bichon, two baby Nigerian Dwarf goat kids and a fox!

    I pray for an extra loving touch from our Lord for you all today. Know He cares for your every need and He loves you more than you can fathom.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2016

    This is Bucky Boy!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2016

    We had a bit of a crisis with my grandaughter today but all glory to God we sat down and talked it out. Lex is to surrender to the court on Tuesday as arranged by her lawyer. She is having a hard time not being able to see her daughter Valentina for her birthday today or for Christmas. Please keep her in prayer as this is at the core a spiritual battle we are engaged in. I pray that you all have good sleep tonight. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited December 2016

    Ade, I love animals too. That would be fun to have deer come up to you like that. They are so cute.

    I had a run in with a coyote recently. I was walking on a bike path. It was actually afraid of me. We have them all around the suburbs now so it is not quite as unusual as it used to be.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Jean, praying for your grand daughter as I know it is a spiritual battle. Praying for strongholds to be broken in her mind and heart.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2016

    Thank you all for your prayers. God is hearing. My granddaughter is doing pretty well. I was concerned about her handling not being able to see her daughter for Christmas but she has asked a few girlfriends to come by and keep her company. We are going over to my daughter's at some point and will probably do it in shifts. They live only a half hour away so it's doable. Not our typical Christmas but worth it for their future. She is to go to court on Tuesday so please keep up the prayers that all will go well. Hope you all have a blessed night. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited December 2016

    Dear ladies,

    Have a wonderful Christmas weekend.




  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2016

    Dear everyone-

    I am reading through posts and catching up. As some of you might remember I went for my doctorate and I will just tell you it was a definite gift from God but between full time work, teaching in an NP program where the previous teacher left me nothing, and doing the "project" for my DNP I reduced my time on the computer otherwise! The study is more or less done and I have to publish it and finish the paper.

    Since I last talked to you, my daughter and her husband are going to have our first grandchild the end of January. They are coming over today for lunch and tonight for dinner. As the saying goes "you have a daughter the rest of your life"? or whatever it goes like.... my son is coming by tomorrow late afternoon for dinner and I am just fine with that, but glad my daughter is here all the time. I know many do not have that privilege and I do not take any time with my children lightly. My son has a permanent sub job until June so they are happy as clams. He is over the moon and it is a wonderful music job.

    Please forgive me for falling off the end of the earth. Much as you are all uplifting, I am sure it was partially selfish to avoid the topic of cancer too while keeping all the plates spinning. xo

    I just wanted to check in and tell you all I think of you often and pray for your health. The joint pain I have had lately is pretty awful, not sure why now after almost taking Femara three years (this March). As in I can barely walk. I see my doctor soon.

    May you all have the Merriest Celebration of Jesus Birth! Merry Christmas to each of you!



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2016

    Dear ladies,


    I've been reading and praying for all your needs. I'm looking forward to singing with our choir tonight and believe that Our Dear Lord will give me the stamina I need. I'm going to post my first video link to one of the new songs we are singing. It is very beautiful but a bit challenging to sing. Listen If you have time.

    "Christmas in the Great Hall". I sing second soprano, no solos for me.Smile

    God bless you all!

    Love and prayers

    Faith (in the future

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2016

    Wow Faith what a great song. The words are awesome. Nice to " meet you ".

    Finally caught up on all the posts. Any word on Char and how she is doing with gall bladder recovery. Jean you are one feisty woman, by God's grace! Nancy I died laughing over the snake story and I am so glad your IBS infectious type is somewhat more stable. I hear you about the insomnia.

    Lita, I do feel like an old woman on Femara but sounds like your med is hard to deal with as well and certainly I do not have any idea whether the symptoms are similar. I never compare myself to people since I think that would be rude, it is not a contest but I also greatly respect the stages people are in and don't act like "we are all the same"... out of respect to you. A girl at work had her breasts reduced due to them "being too large" and when I came back to work she said "now we are in the same club" and I thought "well.... not really:)"

    Aurora, praying for your bone pain.

    Deb (Foots) I am also praying for you!

    Jo- God sustains us but wow it is hard to see how to deal with all that comes our way. Praying for you.

    Waving hi to the rest of you. as you may remember I have no memory left..... so when I post I spit out what I remember until I can't remember any more lol Merry Christmas everyone!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited December 2016

    Here it is Christmas Eve already. This year seems to have flown by in the blink of an eye.

    I hope everyone can catch a breath in the hustle and bustle of these holiday gatherings and take a moment with Jesus and thank Him for all He has done.

    Faith, I have been praying so much that you can sing tonight with strength and stamina and it will do your heart good like a medicine. There is healing in music. I absolutely loved your medley of Christmas music you posted. I had not heard some of that music in a very long time. It is a great arrangement and I am sure will bless everyone who gets to hear it both online and in person.

    Jean, praying everything will work out smoothly for Alexia transition.

    Joanne, praying you will have the strength to gather with your family and that you can enjoy the time together. Praying for your grand daughter and the kids especially.

    Praying for our stage four sisters who I know are suffering. I pray you will have some relief and some pain free moments to enjoy this Christmas.

    Cindy, so great to hear from you. So as not to confuse the ladies who have been on here a long time I will refer to Charlotte as we also have a Char. If I am trusting my memory she came through her surgery fine. It is her treatments that were an issue. My computer has been acting up for months and if i try to scroll back to remember everything you posted my computer will freeze up and I will lose everything which just happened a few seconds ago so I will not do that again. It sounds like you have been very busy. I am glad you took some time to check in with us. We all understand the need to get off the cancer planet and the business of life. Let us know how you are doing when you can. Have a wonderful time with your family. I do remember praying for you son for a music position so I am thrilled to here he has one now. Congrats on the grand child to come.

    If you see this I would appreciate prayers for my mom. She is not feeling well today so I feel like all of our plans are completely up in the air now. Do I prepare food for our get together tomorrow or not? Do I go to the church service tonight and leave her home or not. Will we even get to go to my sister's for Christmas Day tomorrow or not? This took me completely by surprise as I thought some of her symptoms earlier were more allergies than sickness.

    We ate out last night after her hair apt and she was fine then. Our waitress had a butterfly tattoo on her wrist so that was all the opening I needed. It turned into a real God thing and I was able to bless her with a gift. She was absolutely overcome. She had been living in a domestic violence shelter with her two kids and it sounded like they had very little to eat after moving up in this area. Her name is Tara. If you have a moment pray for provision for her and her family. She sounded like she was a believer.

    I pray that each of you has a moment in the next few days of realizing how fortunate we all are and yes, even on a cancer forum I say that. God is going to be with us on this earth to be prepare us for eternity with Him if we believe. He is in control and our suffering on this earth is only a temporary blip on the radar of eternity. God bless you all dear sisters.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2016

    Nancy I hope your mother's feeling better. I know we all like our plans for Christmas to work out but some times an illness, travel delays or a granddaughter who needs a safe house for a few days interferes. I hope we can all roll with the punches and make the best of things. God is still in control. I wish you all a blessed Christmas. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2016

    Just stopped by to say Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope your holidays are going well.


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2016

    Hoping your Mom got to feeling better Nancy. That was a nice post, Jo. Jean, hoping things are clearing up for you. My kids (son and daughter and their spouses) just left and I was so tearful. Such a sentimental sap I am, when you realize some people never get to see their kids at all on the holidays. I know this probably sounds weird but between work and the home things there is a part of me that is better off being back into some sort of routine. So thankful for Jesus' birth though and so glad there is hope with the Reason for the season!.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2016

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    Had a good Christmas, although I still can't travel very far. I didn't go to my mom's but did talk to her by phone. She has had lots of people bring her goodies and gifts so she seemed to be fine. Both my childrendrove down today, and I cooked lunch...resting now that they have gone home. My grandson and Zoe (my Yorkipoo) are now good was wild around here for awhile. So thankful to see the kids at the same time. As many of you know children of divorce have it difficult at the holidays, trying to make it to see everybody without hurting anyone's feelings.

    Praying for all of you today...I still have no pain from surgery but I get tired easily and still have some work to do to strengthen my surgical leg. I did drive by myself to the store Sat to get a few was nice! Praising God for His healing power!

    Going to wash a few more dishes and rest some more....God bless you all! Sharing a pic with you from our time today...

    Love, Ellenimage

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2016

    Daughter is home for Winter Break. Please pray for her, this last semester has been rough, very demanding sched. of classes. She's also very depressed about the election, etc.


    Take it easy everyone. The holidays can be very stressful, and for those of us with mets, it can be very exhausting. Laundry and mopping the floor will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm exhausted after all the cooking. Camped out in my La-Z-Boy with the heat and massage up full blast.

    Blessings to you all, Lita

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2016

    Got stuck on the icy hill driving home tonight and slid down into another car that was stuck behind me. All the back roads up here were a sheet of ice! A sweetheart of a cop helped get our cars to one side so the sander truck could get by. I'm home now and praising God no one was hurt. Just some scratches on the car. My granddaughter surrenders to the court tomorrow. She seems ready to do her time and put this behind her. It is supposed to warm up overnight so the roads wI'll be safe to drive her in the morrning. This has been a very unusual holiday season to say the least. Brother in-law staying for 3 weeks celebrating Hannukah, granddaughter here this week, my shuttling back and forth to my daughter's and watching my great granddaughter so my daughter, son in law and her brother could visit my granddaughter! Yikes....very busy and stressful but also wonderful and amazing. Watching the whole family pull together has touched my heart so deeply. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2016

    I just wanted to share this blessing tonight with you. As I was out shooting it from my yard there wasn't a sound to be heard - no bird, no dog barking, no crickets, no cars...complete silence. It was like just the Father and I just soaking in a moment of serenity. May His peace be with you all.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited December 2016

    I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.

    I am enjoying looking at the family pics.

    Tracey, I know you have a big surgery coming in January. If you are still checking in can you remind us when the date of that is so we can be sure to be praying for you?

    Joanne, I didn't post on Christmas Day because you posts were great. Praying you have strength to make it through all of your family gatherings.

    Ellen, glad you are doing so well and even doing a little driving. Wow. I can only imagine what Cal and Zoe are like together. LOL I am glad your kids were able to come and celebrate Christmas with you.

    Lita, I can't get over how much your picture looks a musician friend of mine from many years ago. You and your daughter look like you are having a great time.

    Jean, praying that things go well today for your grand daughter and glad your car accident was not worse.

    Faith, I am anxious to here if you made it through your Christmas Eve program in the choir.

    Mini, good to hear from you and I hope you had a Merry Christmas.

    Cindy, I am glad you enjoyed your kids while they were there. I know what you mean about that routine. I need that as well.

    Aurora, how are you doing? Praying for your hands and feet. I know you have had a time.

    Angie, praying you had a wonderful Christmas.

    Arcats, I hope you had a good Christmas

    Ade, your picture is so awesome. When I was driving to my mom's last week the sunset was so gorgeous it was like a gift from God and the whole sky looked like pink ripples and it lasted for quite a while. I have never seen a sunset like that. Just gorgeous.

    I have been a little under the weather. My mom and I made it through Christmas and I think we were both worn out yesterday. I felt like I was coming down with something and felt feverish. Today feel some better. I think for her it may have been allergies because she didn't get down sick thank the Lord for that.

    Have a great week dear sisters.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2016

    Well tomorrow I go for the second MRI of my right knee. They are looking to see if the lesion is bigger and if so, how much. I'm praying it is anything but a mets. I have more pain than I did before, but I don't know if the weather is playing a part in that or not. I'm trying not to obsess, but you know how it is.

    It was 57* yesterday, so our ice build up is gone. It's cold today, and going to be colder tomorrow, but at least we're not walking on ice anymore. I can't wait to go to Florida in February.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2016

    Hi everyone and glad to see everyone had a memorable Christmas. In my family we celebrate Christmas Eve and open our gifts at midnight which is what we did. It was the first Christmas that my grandson who is mild autistic seem fully engaged and had fun. Then the next day it was time to pack since this past weekend we moved from Orlando to Naples, Florida. My daughter had been staying working at her new job in Naples and coming to Orlando on the weekends which was tiring and lonely. So now we are back together as a family and I thank God for so many blessings my daughters news job as a lawyer helping children caught in deportation procedeeings a new rental house in a ver exclusive neighborhood all without really us doing anything things just fell in place.

    My handle and feet are much better but I had to stop taking the oral chemo I was in now when I see my new oncologist we will decide on a new treatment.

    Thank for all your prayers and know you're in mine.


  • gracejoy
    gracejoy Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2016

    It is great to find so many sisters in Christ on this site. It is a big encouragement. Walking with the Lord and knowing Him before the diagnosis of BC and after is a blessing. I can't imagine how others go thru it without Him.

    Love in Christ to all

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2016

    Mini hope your MRI shows the best possible!

    Holy cow what a gorgeous sunset Ade!

    Jean glad you are ok! You have a good attitude that it could have been worse.

    Lita you and your daughter look so happy :) Love the picture.

    Nice family picture Ellen! Holidays are so wonderful if we see our family it is a blessing I know that I do not take for granted.

    Have a great New Years everyone!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited December 2016

    Welcome Gracejoy. Feel free to post anytime. There is a nice group of ladies on this thread that are supportive and offer encouragement and prayer support.

    Teka, Merry Christmas. Glad to see you back. Feel free to jump in any time. The bird watching thread seemed to come to a halt so you are welcome to hang out here with us.

    Aurora, you have had Christmas and already moved. I am in awe. I am glad your hands and feet are better. We will be praying that your doctors can find a new treatment plan for you that will work. Enjoy your new home! Glad to hear your grandson was fully engaged. I know what a blessing that must be.

    Mini, praying things go well tomorrow. I know I have more knee pain in the cold weather so hopefully that is the reason for yours.

    I got to photograph from the inside of a nursery for the first time in winter. I have been chomping at the bit to photograph orchids and I got my chance today. It was a short time before they closed but I had fun and will post a few pics. I am still not feeling great. I think I am fighting off something and it seems to get worse in the evenings.







  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited December 2016

    Hope all enjoyed a Merry Christmas. Reading your posts tonight before bed and praying for your requests. Love the pictures you all post.

    Yes, Nancy, even on a cancer site, we are blessed. We know Jesus.

    Love to all. Sleep well and have a great week.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2016

    Well my granddaughter is now in custody and has a court date next Tuesday for sentencing. We are all relieved. My hubby's brother is still here. I am enjoying the season but looking forward to getting the Christmas stuff put away, my house cleaned and in order and back to a routine. My port is being removed a week from Thursday then brother dear leaves the next day. Praying for all your needs. Love, Jean