thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2017

    Thanks Jo, I needed that.

    Ladies would you please pray for my friend Caroline. Her doctor found a mass in her neck. She is going for an ultrasound on the 17th.

    I am grateful my brother in law got back home safely to Orlando last night without any problems. How we take for granted our safety flying till something like yesterday happens. Lets keep praying for all who were victims, family or traumatized witnesses. We both both miss him but it's nice to have the house to ourselves after 3 weeks. I am also grateful for seeing the doctor yesterday and getting meds for my bronchitis. Love, Jean

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2017

    First of all Lita let me say how very sorry I am to hear of your cousin's experience. I wish there was a protection cloak over ever angel that does what she does, and for that matter of course anyone! Will be praying her head injury resolves if at all possible. I know you are going through enough without this added so I am praying for your Aunt as well as all the family as well.

    Jo I am glad your grandson and family had the best possible outcome from an accident.

    Nancy praying for your work to be done with your Mom, security system and all.

    Aurora I am praying things don't jump the tracks.

    Jean, I am home from church with the GI bug, hope your bronchitis gets well soon. Glad you had a nice visit.

    I heard back from Brutersmom in a pm she is doing well and adjusting to medications, these medications are not for wimps I am sure we all agree!

    Mini and everyone still praying for you all.

    Take care and have a wonderful day and hoping you get renewed in spirit each day.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2017

    Jo thank you for that reminder. I continue to pray for your families needs and rejoice with you that no one was hurt in the accident. God is good.

    I am grateful today that my bronchitis is finally getting better. I resceduled my port removal again till next week. I just don't feel strong enough yet after fighting this infection. Thank you all for the prayers for my granddaughter Alexia. She called last night and was very cheerful. She told me she attended a Bible study on Sunday! Please keep praying for God's perfect plan for her when she comes home in early April. Another piece of good news. She will be allowed to see her daughter Valentina. Oh yes ladies God is good. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2017

    After a miserable week, I got my stitches out this afternoon. I have an infection in my eye, and had a bad reaction to the tape used in my dressings which has let my face extremely red and irritated, but I have to say I'm amazed at how fast the graft healed. I had a big gaping hole under most of my lower eyelid, and now you can hardly tell where they did the graft. All in 6 days. And I can't believe how good washing my hair and face felt tonight. I'm looking forward to sleeping lying down in my own bed tonight!

    Thank you everyone for the prayers.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2017

    Yay Mini. So happy to hear the good report. It must have been scary. God really was with you through it all. Very encouraging l, thank you. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2017

    I am hesitant to even write this to you as you are all going through so much yourselves - but I don't know of anyone else who could possibly understand. I feel pretty much alone in this, though I have a loving husband, family & church family.

    I awaken in the night feeling like I am on the edge of a cliff with a rattlesnake right behind me. I break out in a sweat then and can't get back to sleep for hours. Many nights I get up and read my Bible and talk to the Lord, then head back to bed for a while. By the time it's almost morning my bones hurt so badly I can't stay in bed and I'm up to face another day of dreadful fatigue. With sleep deprivation I fall into an emotional sadness so very deep that I feel like the Lord can't even put up with me and I am no use to Him - which is the deepest despair possible I think. I KNOW what the Word says and I can really relate to David when he said, "Why so downcast O my soul, put your hope in God"...and I know God's wonderful promises are true. I could blame the meds for this and try a 3rd one, but I think they are just doing what they're supposed to do and this is what life without hormones is. If I go off the meds my chance of cancer returning gets higher. But can I do another four more YEARS of this - and is it even worth it? I am hoping someone has been through this too and can relate. I feel like I am far out to sea treading water - and I'm very, very tired. Thanks for listening. Ade

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited January 2017

    I really don't know what to say, Ade. I was Dx'd with Stage IV right out of the gate (and no history of BC in my family), so I'm not the one to ask about discontinuing anti-hormone meds. Is there a possibility you could cut the dosage down? We shouldn't have to take ANOTHER med to deal with the problems caused by the first, but that is often the way it is.

    I was reading an article in a supplemental issue of CURE magazine, and they insisted we let our drs know when we're having rough se's so they can be informed and help other patients as these concerns come up. It's essential that we get our sleep, as you know, so I would recommend contacting your dr or nurse practitioner and hearing what they have to say. Right now, the lack of sleep is really impacting your quality of life.

    Sending prayers,


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2017


    I agree with anti anxiety or antidepressant can help with some side effects. My biggest struggles with Tamoxifen were helped with generic Effexor (Venlafaxine) and helped when I was on Arimidex too. it doesn't interfere with those drugs' effectiveness. I still take it with this current round of Tamoxifen. Since I'm not so wound up emotionally, I sleep better.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited January 2017

    Hello dear sisters,

    I am sorry for not being more present but I just did not have enough emotional energy to deal with my mom's declining health and the mad dash to get her a walker, a medical alert system, install a new phone so she wouldn't have to get up to answer the phone and then to practice all of these things with her before I left late on Wed.

    This has been one of the most difficult times for me on so many levels. I have prayed for your needs as I continued to read posts but just didn't have enough energy to post until now.

    I pray for those who have had to stop treatment and are waiting to resume. I pray for those dealing with SE with their life saving chemo. I pray for those who have had surgery and are recuperating from illness. I pray for those whose families are dealing with sickness and legal issues. I know Tracey was going to have her first ever surgery in January but not sure of the date. I have been thinking of her as well. It was going to be a 12 hour surgery for her first ever!

    Ade, I wanted to weight in on your dilemma because I am on Arimidex as well and I have struggled with it from the get go. When I first came onto this forum I heard ladies talking about how much exercise helped with the SE of Arimidex. I already was a lap swimmer. I only learned to swim because I knew when I retired six years ago that my insurance would not pay for all of the chiropractic and muscle therapy that I had had for years and years. I have fibromyalgia and I have pain and fatigue all the time.

    I didn't even know how to swim but took lessons my last year of teaching. I was deathly afraid of the deep end because I just about drowned in the Gulf of Mexico when I was 17 years old. Once I finally got into the groove of swimming it really did help my fibro pain. While at my mom's for three weeks I did not have my swimming or my light box. I use a light box because I have the SADD during the winter. So I can really identify with what you are saying.

    I started having terrible GI issues after three weeks on Arimidex and after going through a myriad of tests to rule everything else out it all pointed to Arimidex. I remember thinking how in the world am I going to make it through five years of this and then hearing how some people were recommended for 10 years I just thought just shoot me now. ( please excuse my sick humor)

    I vacillated between nausea, terrible GI pain and insomnia. I played around with the timing of the AI to try to deal with all of these issues. I think I initially took it at night and changed that. I settled on taking it at noon and somehow that seemed to be the time that helped the most. I have found that I get stressed much more than I use to and my fuse is much shorter as well. I considered myself a very patient person and as an elementary band director for much of my life I was considered a very patient teacher. While dealing with my mom's dementia now as one of her caregivers there were times I wanted to punch my fist through a wall!

    I counted off the months as I struggled with the AI and I remembered Joanne posting something similar when I was having issues and others as well. Dealing with cancer coming back seemed much worse that dealing with the SE. I just realized yesterday that with my new Medicare plan that just started the other alternatives to Arimidex (Anazstrozole) for me are not Tier 1 drugs but much more expensive. I really didn't want to switch anyway because it has taken me so long to deal with this one that I wanted to tough it out. I will soon be coming upon my half way mark.

    I take sleep meds to deal with the insomnia and they don't always work. I had a real battle with my insurance over this drug and they finally approved it after two appeals.

    The alternative things for sleep interfered with my AI but I did try some of them recently and guess what............really scary dreams. Melatonin did work but I needed to only take a tiny piece as it made me drowsy if not.

    I agree with Joanne and Ellen that if you need some support in the form of something to take off the edge then I certainly don't think there is anything wrong with that. Yes, it is the pitts to have to take more meds to counteract the meds we have to combat cancer but it is what it is. I HATE having to take night meds but I know that I will continue to take them and tough out the next 2 1/2 years.

    No one can make your decision for you and in the end only you know how much you can stand. If you can do any form of exercise I would encourage you to try that and see if it helps with any of your SE. I pretty much dug my heels in a very long time ago and I told my MO that I wanted to stay on this drug but I am honest with him regarding the SE.

    I pray that you can find some answers that are right for you and that you will have peace after making.

    Cammie, my cat was acting strangely today before I left for swimming. Yes, she helped me to realize there is a mouse in my house and I got to see it run into my kitchen and disappear. It was not a little one either. From snakes to mice, satan doesn't stop with his trying to get us off track. Unlike snakes and I not afraid of mice. I just have to deal with one more thing which I may put off until tomorrow!

    Take care my friends.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2017

    Nancy, nice to hear from you. Please dont think you need to apologize when you are too busy to post. Both my parents had dementia so I know how stressful and time consuming it can be. I am just about 2 years into the 10 year AI plan. My chemo doc switched me to Tamoxifen before Christmas and I think the joint pain is a little better. I've been battling bronchitis for the last 3 weeks and not doing much exercise so it's hard to tell. We didn't hear from my granddaughter Alexia tonight so I am praying all is well with her. I pray all here have a blessed night. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2017

    Thank you very very much for your input, suggestions and prayers. I will take this all up with the Lord and trust He will show me what is His will. I do feel better just knowing I'm not alone. Bless you all. I am praying for all of your concerns. Love, Ade

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited January 2017

    Amen Teka.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2017

    Just wanted you to know I slept clear through the night last night! Except for a migraine I am really good today.

    THANK YOU so very much for your prayers! I'm praying for you.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2017

    Ade - I couldn't take the Arimidex or Aastrazole. The side effects were awful. I can tolerate the Tamoxifen SE's but couldn't do the AI's. I hope you find some relief.

    I have an eye infection that is quite uncomfortable. I could use some prayers healing.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited January 2017

    Good morning dear ladies of faith,

    Thank you Jean, for the welcome back. Hope you are feeling better. Mini, praying for your eye infection. Ade, so glad you got a good night's sleep. I hope you have many, many more.

    Aurora, praying you can find a treatment plan and new oncologist in your move.

    Arcats, praying that you are meeting all of your challenges with God at the helm.

    Lita, praying your pain and discomfort are under control.

    Ellen, praying for a good day back at the helm of your Bible Study.

    G, praying you all had a great holiday season.

    Cindy, how is your son doing in his new music position? I hope you are getting some needed R and R.

    Angie, praying you got some good R and R over the holidays and are recharged to take on all of your responsibilities.

    Faith, praying you are enjoying being off the cancer planet for a while.

    Teka, keep warm up there in the North country.

    Joanne, praying for you and your family and your upcoming doctor apt.

    I know in all of my struggles the thing that most resonates for me is that when I take my eyes off of God even for a short time and concentrate and try to figure out all the challenges that life throws my way I lose my peace and spin my wheels wasting time and energy. When I realize what I am doing I can call out to God to help me. He allows me to spin my wheels as long as it takes and He is patient and loving towards me in this process. He is always waiting with open arms. It is so much better to be in the loving arms of Jesus instead of running around yelling the sky is falling, the sky is falling!

    Have a great day today dear sisters.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited January 2017

    Welcome Susie. I am glad you found us. There are quite a few ladies on this thread praying for the same thing for a longer path and I pray that you will get it. Feel free to post whenever you want to. We are here to encourage, lift up and pray for each other. Take care.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited January 2017

    THIS IS FOR JOANNES SPECIAL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2017

    Welcome Susie! Great ladies here. I find great perspective here. I hope you find compassion, empathy, understanding, and a safe place to be honest with both your joys and your fears.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Joanne. I hope all your birthday wishes come true.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2017

    Happy Birthday Joanne! Praying for a year full of blessings and better health!


  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2017
    Good morning,

    Joanne Happy Birthday, and will be praying that all goes well Thursday.

    Susie, welcome to a great group of ladies that pray with you and for you.

    May the peace of God be with you all.
  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2017

    Happy birthday Jo. Still praying for your family. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited January 2017

    It is a dreary day here today as so many of them have been lately. My devotional today really hit the mark for me and I thought I would share them. satan must not have been too thrilled with them because I had a time getting them to paste in here. I hope these verses give you encouragement today. I can't get the bold off. Sorry.

    Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.v 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

    Joshua 1:5New International Version (NIV)

    5 No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2017

    Amen to those verses Nancy. Hello everyone I continue to read and pry for everyone here. I saw my PCP Friday but they had trouble with my insurance so I have to wait until tomorrow and call both the clinic and the insurance to make sure the referral for my new oncologist goes thru. Please pray for the cancer not to spread as I've been without treatment for a month and a half now.

    Thank you


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited January 2017

    Aurora, I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. Praying you can see your new MO as as possible.

    Arcats, how are you doing?

    Joanne, praying for you to feel much better and for a good report on Thursday.

    Praying all of you will have a good night's rest.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited January 2017

    Philippians 4:6-7New International Version (NIV)

    6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited January 2017

    If I were on a desert island and could only have one or two books from the Bible with me, I'd choose the book of Romans and Philippians.

    Thanks for the post.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited January 2017

    This is a much different version that you normally see but it is still powerful.

    Habakkuk 3:19 The Message (MSG)

    17-19 Though the cherry trees don't blossom
    and the strawberries don't ripen,
    Though the apples are worm-eaten
    and the wheat fields stunted,
    Though the sheep pens are sheepless
    and the cattle barns empty,
    I'm singing joyful praise to God.
    I'm turning cartwheels of joy to my Savior God.
    Counting on God's Rule to prevail,
    I take heart and gain strength.
    I run like a deer.
    I feel like I'm king of the mountain!

    Here is the song version.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2017

    Nancy the scripture posts are so welcome, encouraging and a blessing. I LOVE playing the 'AS THE DEER' song on my flute at church. ( Feeding the local deer like we do I relate to the deer things). Anyone read HINDS FEET ON HIGH PLACES by Hannah Hurnard? A GOOD book!

    The Lord is our true source of hope and real peace and joy in the midst of the storms we are dealt. These trials are not forever and that's a comfort. We are SO very blessed to be His - and we will be with Him and all of our brothers & sisters when we all draw our final breath. While we don't know the day or the hour of our departing this earth we are to look with joyful anticipation to eternity in Heaven with our Lord - no more pain, tears or sorrows then. Perfect new heavenly bodies to serve and praise our Lord! Meanwhile we trust Him day by day - sometimes minute to minute - and seek His face everyday. He is faithful and hears our prayers for one another. I am lifting you all up to Him in prayer. May He bless your hearts and supply your every need, to His glory. Amen

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2017

    These are a few of my DEER friends (shot from my front porch)


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2017

    Beautiful Nancy, thank you. Ade that is a lovely deer picture, thanks. Ladies I would appreciate prayer for my daughter Angie, Alexia's mom that she won't take any blame when things don't work out or enable my granddaughter to manipulate her.

    Jo how are things with your grands?

    Praying for peace, joy and acceptance for us all.

    I am so grateful for Jesus giving me strength to get back to exercizing, healing my bronchitis and having my port out this Friday. Love, Jean