thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2017

    What's Nancy up to these days? Hope she's well and not stressing too much about her mom.

    Keeping you all in prayer.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Dear sisters of faith,

    I have felt my time on this thread was a ministry. I came on the thread like many of you who were either getting ready to go through treatment, in treatment or finishing treatment. Like most of you I had fears going through this bc journey. I was quickly welcomed and felt included like a little online bc family. I think it was probably in our hours upon hours search to find what happened to our dear Sue that some of you started thinking of me as the leader of this thread. It was never my intent to be a leader but some of the ladies started calling me just that and like it or not I tried to assume that role as best I knew how. It really did turn into a daily labor of love to uplift, encourage and pray for all of you. Anyone who came on the thread I wanted to feel welcome and did my best to do that while not forgetting anyone else. I tried to reach out to those who hadn't posted in a few days and I always wanted to point everyone to Jesus who no matter what our stage of bc or whatever they were going through I knew that was my mission.

    I have seen ladies come and go. I have seen some only posting once and never coming back, some posting a lot and then disappearing and then some very faithful ladies who have been on this thread since the beginning posting over many years off and on.

    I have developed some long time friendships from my time on this thread. I have cried a lot over all the ladies that we have lost but we now know are in heaven. I have taken this thread probably much more seriously than most of you realize. I have been out with friends and have just started crying from the weight of knowing what you all are going through taking some of my friends by surprise and myself as well. I have recently cried over some hurtful words that cut me to the core. I have always chosen my words very carefully and I am sure sometimes have missed the mark in my communicating my intent and apparently that recently happened.

    I have at the moment decided to leave the thread and possibly BCO altogether unless the Lord hanks me back. I have been praying and grieving over this thread the past week. I have still been praying for you and I will probably continue to do so as you have been such a daily part of my life for a long time.

    May we all meet in heaven if not before.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2017

    Oh Nancy, my heart breaks to hear that you have been hurt so, and by one of us? I've tried to go back and figure it out, and I pray fervently it was not my doing. You have been the kindest, most understanding friend and if it was I who caused you this pain, I beg your forgiveness. You are dearer to me than you can imagine.

    Love, Mags

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2017

    Auroaya, been praying for your results!

    Nancy, we have been together almost from the beginning and have lost quite a few friends. You and others excepted me on this thread even though I didn't meet the age qualifications but you, Sue, Lucy, Deborah Ann, Becky, Char, and others understood my need to fellowship with other Christian woman and be able to speak freely about our faith and fears. As others have come and gone you stepped up and became the anchor on this thread! Praying for you and your decision to leave BCO not just because of our friendship but because of the ministry that God has given you. His call on your life is undeniable and he has used you mightly on this thread. You not only post here but you personally reach out and make others feel special. The quality I just love about you is your attention to details -- such as you picked up on my love for butterflies and ladybugs shortly after I joined this thread. I love the way you remember the small things and use those to encourage and lift up others. Not sure how you pickup on thes things -- but you do.

    I am so sorry about any words that may have hurt you. I pray that if you leave this thread that you don't move away from the call that God has on your life. My selfish want is for you to stay around on BCO, but specifically this thread. But my soul longs for you to do as the Lord truely leads you. I know we will stay in touch beyond this thread as our friendship has grown to that level.. I will pray for you and your decision.

    I hurt when others hurt and will pray for healing! My heart broke when I read your post. And I cried because you are so very very dear to me.

    Edited to add: if it was me I ask for forgiveness and truely apologize.

    Love across the miles.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2017

    Dearest Nancy if it was me who offended you, I humbly ask your forgiveness. You have helped me more than you will ever know. I will miss you and hope that we will meet in heaven. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2017

    Love that Sue, let the love of many out weigh the hurt from few!💞💞

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,513
    edited February 2017

    Oops, I somehow just posted on your thread by mistake.....sorry!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,513
    edited February 2017

    Oops, I just posted here by mistake (it was next to a topic I was responding, you might have been rather confused by a picture of a grizzly bear popping up Loopy).

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited February 2017

    Nancy, I'm so sorry to read about you've been hurt. You have been so kind to me always reaching out to me even though I don't post as often. I respect your decision to take what I hope is a short break from BCO and pray for your heart to be healed from hurt. I know that the Lord has used you in many ways on this thread and will continue to use you wherever He may lead you.

    If I may, please come back to us as soon as you are able and healed.

    Love in Christ


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2017

    Dearest Nancy, I along with others ask for your forgiveness if I ever hurt your feelings. We are all flawed human beings, and we can hurt each other (just as what we say can hurt our own family members) without even realizing it.

    I take great comfort in the Lord's Prayer, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." And as part of my daily prayers I ask forgiveness for hurting others however inadvertently and unknowingly.

    Sometimes just rolling our eyes or heaving a sigh or tsking with a click of the tongue is enough to hurt someone's feelings. Humans are very sensitive beings. Think how many times a day we hurt God by our actions, and yet He keeps forgiving us and giving us another chance.

    One of my dearest friends said to me the first time I told her I was stage 4, "There are going to be times when I might say something that REALLY hurts you because I simply don't know exactly what you're going thru as a terminal cancer patient. I hope you won't hold it against me and that we'll always be friends regardless."

    That was one of the best things anyone has said to me since my Dx.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2017

    It's almost 4:30 a.m. & I can't sleep because of irregular heartbeats. But maybe the Lord has me up to pray for you, Nancy, so I will do just that. If I have said anything to hurt you I assure you it would never ever be intentional and I ask your forgiveness. You mean so much to the ladies here and have prayed for and ministered to every soul. May the Lord comfort you with His love. He surely understands hurt. I send my love and will continue lifting you up to Him. Ade

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2017

    Today I am so grateful for not having pain in my knee. A wonderful doctor gave me a shot of cortisone and I feel so much better. Praise you Lord Jesus. It is snowing a lot here. Thank you Lord Jesus that I have nowhere to go.

    Just lifted you all up in prayer. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2017

    Beautiful, Joanne, thank you for posting!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Dear ladies of faith,

    I am very overwhelmed and humbled at the outpouring of love and support you have shown me through your posts, your PM's and your emails. One person even sent me a beautiful gift which was awesome.

    I have never been comfortable being the center of attention and I have never aspired to be a drama queen!

    With that said I want you all to know that I do forgive those who have hurt me and probably without intending to or even being aware that it affected me in the way it did.

    It is obvious to me now that my time on the forum has meant a lot more to many of you and more than I realized. As I have mentioned before I have taken my time on this forum very seriously and felt it was a ministry that the Lord has placed me into.

    I am not sure what the Lord wants me to do yet. When I looked at all of the views that our thread gets it made me aware that there are people who read our thread that may never post but want to see what a Christian thread looks like. I am always aware that our words are so powerful and may reach people not only in the present but years into the future. Our words may be read by people that will never post but trying to decide what is the meaning of their life and what is going to happen when they die. They may be trying to find a safe place that there is expressed love and concern towards one another. Words matter and our Christian spirit and the way we interact with each other matters. I had the privilege to attend a Sandi Patty concert last week. Besides the music being fabulous she said one thing in such a heartfelt way that I think I will always remember it. She said when it is all said and done it is the love that we have shown to people that really matters in the end.

    So whether this is my last post or only one of many more to come I do hope that this thread will continue to love and support each other in words and in prayers. That it will be a beacon of light and hope to a very scared lady that has just been diagnosed with bc and is looking for a place to find comfort and direction. I pray it will be a place that a strong Christian woman can come and interact with other ladies of faith and be encouraged and uplifted. I hope that it will always be a place that we point everyone to Christ. This is a CHRISTian thread and it should be different than all the others.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2017

    Dear Nancy,

    I still linger in the shadows and check in on this page from time to time. I pray that I have never offended you on this page and thank you for being her to be a spiritual supportive sister in Christ. God leads all of us in different paths in life. Some come, some go, some return and some we wonder whatever happened to them. I look forward to seeing so many of you in heaven some day where we can share the victory together. I know that unkind words hurt so deeply. I also know that satan uses those very words to destroy that which is working for God's good. He knows that he cannot have the final victory but he can destroy or set discord among the brethren. You do what you must do. I knew that while on here I was an encouragement to many that Angie mentioned but as new sister's came on, many did not understand why I was even on here. I took some hurtful digs and some cold shoulders. But I knew that as long as I was being of encouragement to the majority, I would stay. My own family issues with my dad and my husband have caused me to go in other directions these days but my thoughts and prayers are with the women on this website. It has given me more compassion and selfishly an appreciation for what I have. Every day it is a reminder to not take life and health for granted. You have been beacon to many of us in times of storms and although we will always have our Heavenly Father, our earthly sisters in Christ are precious.

    Thank you for your prayers and tears. I love you dear sister.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2017

    Well said, Char.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2017

    I'm another lurker here.....some of you who have been on the thread for a while may remember me because this thread and you were an amazing blessing to me through my BC treatment three y ears ago - and our dear sweet Nancy was (and still has been for y'all) so faithful in posting her own incredible pictures, sharing banners and signs, keeping track of everybody's situation to remind us of prayer requests and acting as such an encourager to us all. As Char said (who my continuing friendship with is another one of the very "good" things God brought to me through BC), life's business and busyness have lessened my involvement here. I still read the posts - sometimes two or three days in a row and sometimes not for a month - but I pray God's richest blessings on you all and that you each (that includes you, Nancy) continue to share the good days and bad, smiles and tears - always knowing that our Great Physician is in control and has a reason, plan and purpose for everything.

    To God be the glory - in all that we say and do.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2017

    Hi sisters, here is the link to the thread where you can find my update. Thank you for all your prayers.

    Blessings, Mags

    Insomniacs thread

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Thank you Char and Bev for your beautiful posts. Several months ago I watched this TV series where the main character had cancer. She went to a cancer support group and met some great friends. As one of their friends was dying his last wish was to have a memorial and have his friends speak while he was still alive. It was a very emotional episode and I thought we do things sometimes backwards in our society. Quite often we don't tell someone how much they mean to us until after they are gone. I have had the privilege to still be alive to hear all of your wonderful words of encouragement and it has touched my heart.

    Aurora, I have been praying that your second time with Abraxane will work for you and praying that your scans did not show a worsening condition after being off treatment for so long.

    Faith, praying for your first eye to heal and praying for your second cataract surgery coming up in a few weeks.

    Mags, I read your post and I will be praying for direction for you. It did sound like positive news as far as the tumor growth. Maybe a milder treatment will be just the thing for you to have a better quality of life. I am also glad to hear about DH which is also a positive. I have continued to pray for both of you.

    Joanne, thanks for all of your uplifting banners and songs and lyrics that you post that always hit the nail on the head.

    Bev and Char, you have both been a blessing to me and many ladies on this thread. I have on more than one occasion scrolled back to the very beginning of this thread and through your time on this thread. You both have been such a blessing in your encouragement and in your character which was and is such great role models for everyone to see. To see you both post now is a blessing.

    I am still receiving PM's from some of you and I appreciate ALL of your support. I have sent out a few PM's that maybe some of you have not seen.

    I am starting a very intense two weeks taking a photography class. It will be 12 hours in class plus (he usually runs over) and 4 hours of commute in four sessions and that includes homework in between sessions. In other words I am going to be very busy starting tomorrow. I am still waiting on the Lord's direction and I am still praying for you.

    I visited an orchid nursery yesterday. I thought you might enjoy these. God's workmanship never ceases to amaze me.






  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Thanks Joanne and Teka. This nursery has a sign that there are 25,000 varieties of orchids in the world. Who knew! I have buyers remorse in that I wish I had bought some plants while I was there to practice photographing here at home.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2017

    Love You, Nancy!! You are always a Blessing to others!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Thank you Kathy. I miss you.

    Here is a word of encouragement. The last I checked it was 47 days until the time change. Today when I checked it is only 27. Wooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I pray that we can lift each other up in love and encourage one another and this thread will thrive.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2017

    Nancy your photos are exquisite! Have a wonderful time at your classes but don't wear yourself out.

    Mags, it looks like things are a little more hopeful both with tumor shrinkage and DH. Know we love you and you are in our prayers. The LORD is with you, in you and for you.

    There is a little fella, Nicholas, who goes to our church. He was diagnosed with a rare form of aggressive brain cancer a year ago at only 9 years old. He underwent an extensive brain surgery and has been on rotating chemo AND radiation for this whole year. His latest scan shows no growth in the brain tumor but now a spot on his spine. They gave him a 10% chance of survival for the brain cancer a year ago when he was diagnosed. He has 4 brothers and sisters, a loving father and a mother who is a strong woman in the Lord. If you can find it in your hearts to pray for this little boy and his family they would be truly blessed.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Ade, I am praying that little Nicholas will beat those odds. Such a precious young man who certainly deserves better that what he is dealing with but God can work things out of the worst situations for His glory and His good. Praying that will happen.

    I survived a very long night. Got too the class an hour early and he didn't let us out until 10:30 pm so it has been a five hour night and I am done in. I worked so hard before the class started that I actually did all the homework for Thursday going into the class tonight. So glad that happened.

    I am in the middle of a living room make over in the midst of all of this other stuff. Crazy week for sure.

    Thank you Ade on your nice comments on my orchids. I went out and bought an orchid today just so I could practice taking pics here where I can manipulate the lighting and try out one of my specialty new lens that has been sitting in the box since Christmas. This is not the new lens yet. No time to fiddle with that today.

    Going to bed now.




  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2017

    Nancy, it's so good to see you here! My cousin was given an orchid last summer and I took some picks with my phone, hoping to get around to painting it sometime. I put is on a background of brown velvet for a nice contrast. Here's one:


    I've decide to go forward with the chemo and left a message with the oncologist. Now just waiting for a callback with a time.

  • jrow7
    jrow7 Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2017

    My name is Jenn, I'm 40. I have 5 children (19, 17, 15, 8, 8) and a wonderful husband of 20 years. I'm awaiting surgery 3/1. Just dropping in to say "hi".

    Warm regards to all...

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2017

    I am so glad you have made your decision about cheno.. I pray you at peace with it. Please continue to post your so we can pray you through whatever is going on day by day.

    Jenn, welcome to our group. There is a lot of prayer support here. We will be praying for your surgery.

    love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2017

    Good evening ladies,

    Just checking in to say hello. All of you have been in my prayers as you cope with side effects, healing from surgery, scans and test results, treatments, family illness, insurance issues...the list goes on . I have two friends currently dealing with surgery and radiation treatments. In addition to praying for you, I also pray for research to continue until we find the cause and cure for this disease that has affected the lives of so many.

    I am blessed to announce that I have finished PT for my hip surgery , and have my last surgeon appointment this week. God has blessed me with a good recovery and my energy is slowly returning.

    Next month begins the round of Cancer related appointments...hopefully they will all be reduced to once a year.

    My daughter is getting married in September, so the next few months will become hectic...trying to be a good mom and let her have the wedding SHE wants. Our Bible Study is in the last three months and the leadership opportunity has been a real blessing.

    I'll continue reading the posts and praying for you all, Even though I won't post often. I have had little trouble with the Tamoxifen this time and hope it keeps the few hormones I have left away from each other!

    God bless all of you ; I know God will continue to hear our prayers!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Dear ladies,

    As I had expected I have spent a lot of hours studying. I am taking a short break.

    Mags, I love your orchid pic. I am glad to hear you are going to try to hang in there with your chemo. I am praying for you.

    Joanne, thank you and I am praying for you and your family.

    Ellen, congratulations on finishing PT. That has got to be a great feeling to have two hip surgeries behind you. I know you will be excited and hopefully enjoy the pre wedding things to share with your daughter.

    Jenn, welcome and know we will be praying for your surgery on March 1. We welcome any age ladies here by the way. You are so young and I am so sorry you have been affected but praying that you will have a great outcome and that you can go forward with a treatment plan so you can get back to being a mom of five and to your DH.

    Have a good evening dear ladies.



    I will eventually get caught up on my communications so please bear with me.

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited February 2017

    Welcome to our encouragement corner Jenn!!! Your in the best hands for your surgery with our Lord!!!! If you have any questions let us know. I'm a mommy to 8, diagnosed at 39. You will be in our prayers for your March surgery!!!!

    Continued prayers and blessings to all of you ladies on here.

    You are loved!!!!