thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2017

    Need prayers! Shoulder injury acting up VERY bad. Ibuprofen does not touch it. Can't move it without major, major pain and throbbing. At wits end.

    It's bad enough to have pain from bone mets, and now this Again!

    Thank you.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Lita, I will be praying for your shoulder pain. I do regularly pray for you but will ramp up the prayers today.

    Remember Faith is having cataract surgery tomorrow (Monday, Feb. 27)

    Jenn is having surgery on March 1 I believe. Will go back and check later.

    Joanne and her DH have been sick. I am sure they would appreciate prayers for a complete recovery.

    Off to church.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2017

    Have to miss to the emergency room for shoulder. No sleep at all last night, boo!

    Thank you for the prayers.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2017

    Dear Sisters of Faith,

    Some of you may remember me being on here for several years
    and for many I am just a new face. I left this thread a while back because of
    the failing health of my father and my husband. But I was not fully truthful. I
    also left because I felt that I did not have a purpose for being here. See, I
    came here because I walked on breast cancer’s doorsteps. While I waited for my
    results, I sought out resources and God led me to this thread. I don’t believe
    it was coincidence. I know that it was for a purpose and for a season. While I
    had breast surgery, I was given a reprieve. It was caught just at the beginning
    and I was pulled from the doorsteps. While I waited, God gave me a new vision.
    He showed me how truly devastating this disease can be and he let me see how
    much I did not know about breast cancer. Being here taught me compassion for
    those with this disease. I now can be more sympathetic and pray more earnestly
    for those that are experiencing it. I remember reading on here that someone
    said women should not suffer in silence. I see so much of this in women I know.
    People have a sense that breast cancer is not such a bad thing because so many
    women do not wish or feel they can allow people to see how rough it is. This
    has led to much misconception about this dreaded blight. When I got my results,
    I asked the ladies if it was okay that I stayed to be a prayer partner for as
    long as God wanted me here and they so graciously accepted me in. But as time
    went on, some of these dear sisters have gone on to be with our Heavenly
    Father. No longer suffering but never the less, greatly missed by those that
    loved. Others have moved on with their lives as God has graciously healed them.

    Now I can never profess to know what any of you have gone
    through but have earnestly prayed for you in all this time and continue to do.
    As time went on, some folks on here never acknowledged me and perhaps for good reason.
    Perhaps I offended them or they felt I had no business being here. It hurt and
    I felt that it was time for me to move on. But I also realize that satan will
    do what he will to destroy a good work. And this thread has been for many, a
    place of rest in the time of storm. God reminded me that His Son was considered
    an outcast. He was not wanted and men despised him. But that did not stop Him from
    loving or caring for them. I have hung
    in the background and continue to read and pray for the needs of those on this
    thread. I do know others that do this as well.

    But in the past several weeks God has given me many sleepless nights about this
    thread. And for whatever reason, I have earnestly prayed for what it was he
    wanted of me. So, forgive me for intruding this one time. When I woke Saturday
    morning, I felt God wanted me to post again. I guess to remind others that
    satan (I don’t capitalize his name to give him more authority) will do what he
    can to destroy a good work. There are many ladies on here that have come here
    for comfort and prayer when no one else understands and satan would just love
    to see this thread destroyed. Please remember that whether you like someone or
    not, their prayers are being earnestly given up to Heaven for you. If we cannot
    be the light among our own, how can we be the light in a world of darkness.

    I also felt led to share the following link by Mke Donehey and why he wrote the
    song, “I Have This Hope”. I have lost some stage four sisters and I have a dear
    colleague that is young and in stage four prostrate cancer. I think that Mike
    sharing this story proves that God is still in the healing business. If Jesus
    can raise a man from the dead, he can bring us back from the edge of death. I
    pray for all of you dear ladies and will continue to drift in the backgrounds
    for as long as God tells me to. Please forgive me for this intrusion as an

    In Christ,


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2017

    Thank you Char - I can relate to your post.

    Praying for you Lita - may the Lord ease your pain and grant you comfort in every way you need it.

    Praying for you all. Just not posting anymore.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Char, thank you for your post. I am sorry for what you have experienced. I hope you NEVER feel like a stranger here. You have always been such an encouragement and a great support here. I know satan would love to see this thread fail and I pray that will never happen. I hope you will post whenever you can.

    Joanne, I think that you are not alone in feeling overwhelmed and not feeling like posting often. This thread has grown so much and so many people coming and going. I used to post a prayer list and then it got so long I was afraid that would scare people away from feeling too overwhelmed. I know you would like to see it more of a sharing besides just prayer and I think that will have to happen naturally.

    I know I have said this before but it would only take a few seconds to say Amen to someones post or to at least acknowledge them. I have not had nearly the time with my two week classes the last two weeks and I apologize if I have not responded to you all.

    I don't know what the answer is but I have said to the Lord over and over and over that I believe this is His thread and He will do with it what He wants. I do think we need to do our part in trying to welcome everyone whether you know them or not.

    Ade, I am sorry that you don't feel comfortable posting anymore and I do apologize as you asked me about my class and I didn't respond. I have had trouble responding to everyone during this time of intense classes and tons of hours of studying. You have been good about posting and trying to include everyone. I know it is a real danger to mention every single person because that is not realistic but it used to be when there were less woman on here. Many times I will try to respond to different people at different times but then it is still very easy to leave someone out unintentionally hurt someones feelings.

    I know this thread has attracted many stage four ladies and I think that is a sign that this thread still offers support for those ladies who need encouragement. Some are not stage four but are still fearful of their cancers coming back. Some are stage three. It really shouldn't matter as we are all sisters in the faith and hopefully can support each other even if it isn't bc related. I think for most of us we would like to take a mental break from thinking about cancer 24/7 and talk about other things.

    I hope that this thread will be inclusive of everyone of faith and that everyone will feel welcome. I do think that we need to pray for this thread as a whole and if we think it has value then we need to fight for it and protect it with prayer.

    Lita, I pray that you have gotten some relief as I know there have been ladies praying for you. I have prayed for you several times today.

    Faith, prayers for your eye surgery tomorrow.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474
    edited February 2017

    So many children have adversity to face in their lives. I have a friend who has 2 special needs children who will never walk or tell her they love her though it's is abundantly clear they do. 3 of my cousins children have all been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I see children torn apart by divorce already in my sons 2nd grade class. I want to thank the doctors, nurses and researchers, the Xray technicians and all those who's efforts have gone into curing or beating our disease into submission or beating it back to allow our children to grow up as children should - whenever possible. They have enough on their shoulders in this crazy day and age without the burden of the loss of a mother. I am starting preparations for our 7 yr olds holy communion this spring. He had a terrible baseball practice yesterday and his basketball team lost by almost 40 today. Ugh! Hard to watch at first but I was so proud of him practicing this afternoon playing catch and again he and his team-mates trying hard and not giving up today. The score did not reflect their efforts and improvements throughout the game. I was most impressed with the boy appropriately named "Christian" who I saw walk up to my son after the teams had shook hands, to specially call him out and find him in the crowd and tell him good came and shake hands specially. What a class act. I am hopeful that he learns that in loosing and struggling with sports, you can practice, not give up, show sportsmanship, make jokes and either prevail or at least come out fitter and a better person on the other side. This would be so much preferable way for him to grow rather than the struggles of the youngsters dealing with sick parents. God bless the children. God bless the nurses and doctors who work so hard to keep their mom's health and quality of life high. Amen.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Dear 7 of 9

    Your post made me smile. Thank you for giving us a bright spot in our day and sharing the story of Christian and your son. Also the point that we must NEVER give up. Nice to see young boys remind us of that!

    Hope you are doing okay.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    We are all on broken roads in our journey in life. I love this song which points us to Jesus.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    I don't want anyone to feel bad about what had occurred with me. But instead, I wanted to share my links for those that struggle some days when it all gets a bit too much. I just didn't want people to think I was intruding.

    God shared with me the story behind 10th Ave North's song and I founds it to be quite moving. He kept telling me to play it when I got up on Saturday and when my Alexa (Amazon Echo) kept messing up the name, I turned to my iPad and some how got on the YouTube thread for this song. Mike Donehey had quite a testimony to share about the song's background. I truly felt like I was supposed to read it and share it.

    Ade, I just want you to know that I pray for you and all the ladies on here even though. many of you do not know me.

    Nancy, you have always been such a dear sister on here and I have always admired your efforts on keeping everyone informed. I know it is not always possible to acknowledge everyone on here all the time but you sure have gone the strain mile.

    Joanne, I did read your post before you deleted. You are right in that your situation can be scary to a lot of people but I would rather know the possibilities than to be blind sided by them. I tell young girls all the time about being dedicated in getting exams and some of them look at me like I am a crazy obsessed old person and that this will never happen to them...this only happens to older women. I see more and more younger women developing breast cancer before the age of 40 and it is a bit scary. I turned down my Tamoxifen treatments because no one could convince me that I would be better off with it. There were too many other risks to convince me that for my situation it was a valid treatment. Sometimes treatments can have just the opposite results of what they are meant to do.

    I will contnue to keep all of you in my prayers.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Jenn, dropped in recently to let us know she is 40 with five children and is having surgery tomorrow. Let's pray that she has a good outcome and a speedy recovery and that God will give her strength for this journey she is on now.

    Faith, praying that you recover well from you eye surgery and are doing fine now.

    Lita, how is your shoulder going?

    Mags. how are you doing with your treatments?

    Aurora, how are you doing?

    Joanne, hope you are feeling much better.

    Jean, how are you doing?

    Ellen, praying you have a great Bible Study today and that the women are learning a lot under your leadership. Praying for your scans tomorrow as well,.

    Ade, praying that you are dealing with your AI and getting some relief from the SE;s.

    G, think of you and praying you have the needed strength for your new class of women with bc. I know you will be a blessing to them.

    Char, I will hopefully have time to check out those links.

    Angie, hope you are doing well.



  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2017

    Good afternoon,

    I haven't been on the site for the past 3 or so months. Things are going well for me. Had my last appointment with my Oncologist on November 09,2016. He released me to continue follow up with my PC.

    Have been off the Letrozole since mid October. I think some of the side effects have abated.

    This winter, we are spending in Florida, it has been good. We have some relatives in central and southern Fl. so we go between our RV parks and family.

    Our God has been SOOO GOOD. He continues to hear/answer prayers I send up to Him. With the way things are going in this world, I really look forward to the day our Jesus either takes us home with Him or comes to get us

    Love to each of you still being treated...


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited February 2017

    Hello Nancy and everyone else. I finally saw my new oncologist and had a CT scan which showed the cancer is still in the bones and a small spit on the liver. I started the chemo Abraxane which I had had before with good results. Much easier dose than what I had in orlando . I'm getting an infusion one week on one week off which beats the orlando two weeks on one week off.

    Still reading and praying for each one as I read.

    God bless


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited February 2017

    Vickie, it is soooooooo good to hear from you and how well you are doing. What great news to see your oncologist for the LAST time and to be off your AI. I am counting the months and years off to be off mine. Spending the winter in FL sounds wonderful to me. However in the Chicago area this may go down as the winter of 2017 that wasn't. We have had NO measurable snow in Jan or Feb and if that continues to spring it will have happened 146 years ago. So NO complaints here. I hope you can check in with us periodically and let us know how you are. Take care.

    Aurora, I am glad to hear that your dose is less and definitely praying that you will have a GOOD result. Are you enjoying your new home? How is your daughter doing in her new job as a lawyer? Continued prayers for you dear sister.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2017

    hi ladies. I haven't been posting as much as I've been quite busy with life. I have a hip replacement scheduled for May 3rd. And I'm asking prayer for my grandson Bob who has a very important interview for a job in Wisconsin that he really would like to get on Friday. It's a phone interview so he would probably have to go out there if they like him in this interview. My granddaughter Alexia is doing well and is supposed to get out on April 3rd. Prayer for her to stay on track spiritually and emotionally when she comes home. Also for her GED studies and test. She would like to come home with her HS diploma. I am grateful and very blessed to have come this far. You have all been a great support to me. Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited March 2017

    In response to your question Nancy the new house is very nice and has amnesties it has a water park and a playground in the community and my daughters job is exciting she was on the local news last week because she is speaking on behalf of the immigrants here in the Naples-immokalee area which has a lot of orange groves and tomato fields.

    Very grateful to God.


  • jrow7
    jrow7 Member Posts: 15
    edited March 2017

    Good very early morning my sisters in Christ! I am reading posts of love and comfort to soothe my mind and hopefully allow some sleep. My surgery is in 8 hrs.

    I am so grateful for your love and prayers! I will try to get back here asap to let you know how I'm doing.

    I do know this though, Jesus has me. And you. None of us walk a day or breath a breathe without God having set it in motion. I know Jesus is with us all. And I am so overjoyed by that most awesome news!

    I pray you are all doing well

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2017

    Jrow, praying for you and your medical team

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited March 2017

    jrow, praying for you and your team right now. Jesus is right there and I pray you can sense His nearness and peace.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited March 2017

    Jenn, I woke up at 3 am the morning of your surgery (today) and even prayed for you then as I have been already praying for you. I pray that you are in recovery by now and that you have good pain control. God be with you on this journey as I know He already promised you that. "I will never leave you or forsake you. "

    Faith, praying that your eye is healing as I type.

    Jean, praying for grandson's interview and that things will go well for Alexia both now and after April 3.

    Aurora, your new place sounds so nice. I am sure you are VERY proud of your daughter. What an honor it is for her to represent all of those that are in fear of what is to come.

    Welcome Sitti. Feel free to post anytime.

    Have a wonderful day dear sisters. I will be gone for a good part of the day sharing with another photographer after the classes we have taken. God is good.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2017

    Prayed in agreement with Nancy and for the 4th stage sisters. Also for Jo's grandchildren. Thank you for your prayers. My grandson was called for an on site interview for a company in Boston. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2017

    This is Alexia's daughter


    my 2yr old great granddaughter Valentina. I see some thing of God's call upon her in this picture. Love, Jean

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2017

    Bandwoman1234 - Thank you for that post. In a world of uncertainty, I really needed that today. Something concrete. What God will do...and what God won't do - doesn't change. I had a stressful day at work and a small fight/disagreement with my husband who has been stressed at his job also. It is good to remember we can depend on God to not change! Blessings to you all.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2017

    Thank youNancy and everyone who has prayed for me and a successful cataract surgery. It's seems to be healing well and I am so grateful for healing and that It's over. I believe it's supposed to get even better but I'm seeing very well right now with no glasses and no contact lenses which is wonderful. Those were really becoming a problem with dry eyes caused by meds.

    I've been praying for everyone here even while not posting. Praise God for helping all of us weather the storms in our lives.

    I do have a prayer request for my dear friend Rosemary who is now on hospice,that she has a peaceful pain free transition to a new life hereafter and comfort for her family and friends.

    Thank you dear sisters in Christ,

    Faith (in the future)

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2017

    Good to see you 7of9; our paths haven't crossed in while. I hope you are doing well!

    Faith, praying for a peace and pain free transition for Rosemary. Praying for her family as they gather to assist and support her.

    God is opening a lot of doors that have been shut for a while. Doors that we haven't knocked on in a while God is standing us right before them and blessings are pouring out for the
    ministry. Keep us up in prayer as we are out in the vineyards and fight spiritual battles to bring in the harvest that God has assigned to us - Praising God as he gives the increase and rejoicing for every soul that turns our Heavenly Father. This thread is a light to others on BCO that post or lurk. Thank you Sisters for your spiritual encouragement, post, banners
    and support.

    Love Across The miles,


  • jrow7
    jrow7 Member Posts: 15
    edited March 2017

    Good early morning!

    I am in a room at the hospital (Plastic likes to keep his patients overnight). Feeling great! Just a wee sore from the drains. I may not need to go homewith the drains :) shall see in the morning. I've been told the surgery went great and they took 4 nodes, 3 good and 1 not so good. But I'm not worried. Final path report will let us know the game plan.

    Thank you for the prayers - I went into surgery today with my heart much at ease and my soul resting comfortably in the presence of our Savior Jesus.

    Praying you are well....


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited March 2017

    Jenn, so glad to hear your surgery went well. Actually I am glad they kept you overnight. Praying for a speedy recovery with good pain control and no complications. Praying for strength and courage as you begin your steps in this bc journey. Your faith and your support from family and friends and your community will be a big part of that healing process. Continued prayers for you,.

    Faith, so glad these surgeries are now behind you and praying those eye drops will go quickly. Praying for you and for Rosemary and her family and friends and praying that she will pass peacefully.

    Jean, Valentina is so cute and growing so much. Praying as your hip surgery will be coming up before you know it.

    Joanne, praying for you and your family as this next pretrial comes up. Praying God will move on the heart of the judge to do the right thing for the children.

    Angie, praying that those doors open wide and there will be blessings pouring out for both you and your DH and your ministry and those recipients of your ministry.

    7 of 9 praying that you have more peaceful days coming. God is our peace in the midst of the storm. I am convinced that the more we really work at spending time with God His presence will become more real as we do that. He is always there by our side but sometimes the "stuff" of life distracts us from that very important thing.

    Praying especially for our dear stage four sisters who battle everyday. Praying against pain and SE's.

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited March 2017

    Well, I went to see my GP today because the blood tests had something of interest. It happens to be that I was diagnosed with hypothoraidisim (sp) three years ago at the time of my MBC dx. I've been taking .075 micrograms of Levothyroxine ever since but my GP in Orlando got lazy in tracking down my numbers and today I was told that my number is an all time high of 46 (normal is 5) so as of tomorrow will increase to .100 micrograms. Scheduled to be seen for blood tests in a month and see if level has come down to normal or if another rise in dosage is required.

    The thing is Medicare only pays 80% of my bills so I had to pay $35 which doesn't sound bad but given that my income is only $948 a month I cannot see that doctor often. My oncologist is covered for the 20% by a foundation grant for MBC. Hopefully the .100 dose will take care of it.

    Praying for all those having surgery and for those dealing with life's struggles. I know something about addictions, mental problems and the judicial system, so praying for the judge to be fair and kind.

    God bless,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited March 2017

    Thanks for the prayers, sisters. Been unwell this week with non-cancer stuff - except probably sick because of compromised immune system. Chest congestion, nausea/vomiting, insomnia. Temps all over the place but don't stay above 99 for long. Just ate some dinner, hoping it will stay put

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited March 2017

    Aurora, I will be praying that your thyroid numbers can come back into normal range. I too am on thyroid meds and I don't know if our meds effect the thryoid meds but I know last year my numbers got really crazy and out of range but they are fine. I know it is so hard and expensive to keep up with all of this especially on a fixed income. Praying for provision in ALL ways.

    Mags, so sorry to hear that you have this stuff that seems to be making it's way all over the country. Praying for you dear sis.

