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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2011

    Yes, welcome Kaara!  I think the most difficult part of this whole process is waiting for information.  I tend to be one that would rather face news head on - good or bad rather than stick my head in the sand, but everyone is different.  I will pray for peace as you wait to meet with your doctor and for benign results.  Hang in there and keep us posted.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited September 2011

    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words!  Tomorrow I see my PCP.  Will update after that.

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited September 2011

    Hi guys, hope this bright morning finds you feeling good.  Today I am finally feeling 'normal' again, day 8 from 2nd tx.  However, yesterday I had to go back to the onc's office for hydration and nausea meds after 24 hours of not keeping anything down.  He has also decided to do a brain MRI with contrast.  I know you all understand my reation to that, so I'm posting and asking for prayer for that pls.  I don't have the appointment yet, probably one day next week, waiting for the call.

    Heading into work today as my church's secretary, hope to be able to work a full day today and tomorrow, then all next week before i crash and burn again!!

    The following week my son, dil and 2 grandkids fly back to Czech for a year.  The day before chemo, so not a week to look forward to, even though I know He is leading all of this, so prayers for that too would be appreciated.  Thanks

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    Grimbol, I am online so little, but saw your post in my email alerts. I am praying that your brain MRI is not a difficult test and that the results will be a relief. Also that the Lord will assure you with his presence while you wait and with his comfort when your family leaves.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited September 2011

    Grimbol:  Sending prayers your way.  Wishing you a positive outcome.

    My Dr. app't went PCP here in N. Carolina wants me to gather all of my reports, etc. and take them to the BC center in Ft. Lauderdale since that is where we spend most of the year.  I will have any further testing done there.  She also said make the appointment now so there won't be any delays once I get there.  So with that decided, I am going to make my appointment, then focus on our upcoming vacation and a company reunion that I have been looking forward to.

    All the best to everyone! 

  • dianap
    dianap Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2011

    Hello. This is my first time in a discussion board , I feel a little lost.  I was diagnosed with BC in April of this year, and I can't get over how it takes over everything.  I have a terrific supportive husband and two teenage girls. Thank God we all know him personally and only He gets us through each day. I am 51 years old. I worked for a group of eye surgeons for 20 years when in June of 2010 the University decided to change things and seven of us long termers were let go. I thought that was the lowest point of my life until I was diagnosed with bc.  At the time of my diagnosis God gave me the reminder of the man that was blind from birth and the disciples asked whether is was his sin or his parents sin that caused his blindness.  Jesus responded that is was done so that God could be glorified. That is my goal. I hate cancer, I hate chemo, I hate being sick but somehow God can be glorifed through this. No I don't spend every day smiling and singing, but God gets me through. My friends say my sense of humour is helping me. I have four terrific sisters who are truly my heros. My husband is so supportive and my daughters are there for me.  God may have allowed me to get bc but he promised he would never leave me.  Thanks for having a place like this to talk. 

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited September 2011
    Welcome Dianap I know how you are feeling I was diagnosed in Jan and your whole world is turned upside down.  I also thank God that I know him because he has taken me through this.  I had chemo first and was not that sick God is good. We also had a visiting minister who did not know me and said everything is going to be alright.  I am now cancer free.  Just take one day at a time.
  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011

    welcome, dianap,

    aside from the her2-, you and I have about the same diagnosis at about the same time. It is such a hard journey, but God is glorified through it. My walk with the Lord, and I'm sure some family members have gotten so much stronger since this started. I pray we all make it through this journey stronger women of God ready to give testimony of God's goodness and peace through our rough bc journey.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    Welcome, dianap.

    This is definitely a time of testing for us. Thanks to our God it is his strength that helps us pass the tests and we don't have to rely on our own.

    Thank you everyone for your prayers. I'm posting a report of what happened, but it is long. The results are near the end.

    I was wrong on the date of seeing my surgeon. It was Thursday and it was a long difficult day. She would be happy to help me get a second opinion but is sure it would be the same. They actually see more BC patients where I'm going than at the U of M. She is a straight shooter, a doctor who goes all out for her patients and I trust her.

    Unfortunately I don't feel the same about my Oncologyst. She has given me some advice that made the nausea worse. Her office messed up by not having the orders for blood tests for my blood draw last Monday and I waited over an hour while the clinic tried to sort that out.

    The worst was Thursday. I got to where I thought I was having an MRI and the Onc had scheduled me for a Mamogram and Ultrasound. I know Lobular BC doesn't show up well but thought I must have been mistaken about the MRI. If I'd had more confidence I would have asked them to check with my surgeon. It took three hours to finish with the mammogram, have it read, wait again and have the ultrasound. As expected the results were inconclusive. this time I did speak up. The nurse was wonderful. She contacted my surgeon (who almost always is there later than other doctors. Surgeon was frustrated and apologetic. I was supposed to have the MRI. She called it a miscommunication, but I'm sure the Onc took it on herself to change it from what the surgeon recommended.

    They were able to schedule me for an MRI at the hospital for 7:30 pm, but there would be no one there to do a saline drip so I was told I had to force as much liquid down in the next hour and a half as possible because the radioactive dye can be harmful to the kidneys. I hadn't had anything to drink all day.

    I won't tire you with more details, just that I and my waiting husband were exhausted and there were some other difficulties before I finally was in the machine. I comforted myself with scriptures I could remember during the half hour test and was by God's Grace able to lay still.

    The next day I called the Onc for results, as instructed and was told I needed to get them from the surgeon who ordered them. Maybe I'm wrong, but it sounded like petulance to me. The surgeon was, as I knew, not in on Friday, but her office staff are wonderful and gave me the results. The tumor is no smaller, but not as "enhanced." Not sure what that means but they said the chemo was having some effect, so I will have my last of the AC on Monday.

    Yesterday I turned to the verses in Romans and Peter and James that tell us that through these trials God works perseverance; character and hope. I have prayed long for perseverance and character. I'm not sure I can rejoice about all this yet, but I can be grateful for the work God is doing and the knowledge that he is always with us and strengthens us.

    I am praying that God will use this last treatment on Monday to attack the cancer, and help me through the next weeks of nausea, etc. I see the Onc before chemo so I will ask her to be more specific this time about what they plan on using as a substitute for taxol. Last time she was vague.

    Also made another appointment to see the surgeon so we can see if they have taxol available at any nearby large hospital. Not fun to think of driving half a day to and from treatment every week, but need to consider it. I might also ask her if I can change Oncologists if I am not satisfied with Monday's appointment. It's difficult for me to be assertive, but with God's help I can do it.

    I know this is a long post. If you haven't read it all, it's OK. It helps just to write it.

    I am praising God that you are there and praying,


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited September 2011

    3bells:  Thank you for your post.  Every time I read one of these I realize how assertive you must be regarding your screenings and treatment.  I am just starting this journey and all of this information is so helpful.  I am not familiar with navigating through doctors and hospitals as I have been relatively healthy all of my life.  I got a run around the other day when I was trying to set up my appointment with a major cancer treatment center in Florida for follow up screening.  My instincts told me that if it was starting at the appointment desk, there may be more problems as I got into the system, so I hung up and called The Cleveland Clinic where I am currently a patient for routine check ups, and they got me an appointment with a breast specialist as soon as I get back to Florida from N. Carolina.  They offer the same screening techniques, and then if I need a second opinion I can reconsider the other center.

    I think it is so important to feel comfortable with the doctors that are doing your treatment, particularly the oncologist who is responsible for administering that treatment.  If you are not happy, you should not hesitate to get a second or even a third opinion before proceeding.

    My prayers are with you as you take on this challenge. 

  • dianap
    dianap Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2011

    Hello 3bells. I have to admit being from Canada I don't know much about how health care works in the US but I sympathize with your frustrations. As christian women we must remember that God gave us voices and opinions and its important to make decisions that will be in the best interests of your recovery. God will help you be assertive , I will be praying for you.  

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011
    I have a pretty bad sore throat brewing tonight. I pray I am not getting sick. I don't want my final chemo put off for a later date. I really need some prayer covering. Is it just me, or does it seem like if you are going to get sick it is always on the weekend, when you can't see your regular doctor Frown
  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    zumbagirl, I'm adding my prayer that you won't have the final chemo put off. If it's not bacterial, needing an antibiotic, maybe they would do it anyhow?

    I see my Onc tomorrow and will ask her about the taxol situation and what she intends to do. If her answer isn't less vague, I'll ask my surgeon for a different Onc when I see her before I'm supposed to start the second course of chemo.

    Am praying that God will make my path straight as I trust him. Yesterday I was watching a Christian movie and was reminded that my life isn't my own. It is totally his and I need to lean on him for strength.

    Thank you so much for your prayers.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011
    thanks for your prayers Smile I woke up this morning and my throat feels much better. I am so thankful.
  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    Had my appontment with my Oncologist before chemo on Monday and feel much better about her. Somehow she seemed warmer. She didn't give me the results because they sent them to the surgeon not her.

    She also didn't even wait for me to ask what I would be getting instead of taxol. It will be Abraxane. I've read some research on it and acutually wondered before if it would be a better choice. She still has to do some research so I don't know if it will be once a week for twelve weeks like the taxol, or a different schedule.

    When I had my infusion, my nurse happened to mention that my Onc treated her patients as individuals even though she has a heavy case load.

    I really believe God is making my path straight and is in control. Will be happy to get through any side effects that come from the AC. Maybe they won't be as difficult as before. :-)

    Thank you for your prayers. I know God is hearing them.

    zumbagirl, I'm glad your throat was better the next morning and praying you are doing well now.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2011

    I think all of you ladies are very brave soldiers for Christ.  I understand all too well the frustrations you are experiencing and have had multiple health problems along with breast cancer, but God is good and is on the throne.  He loved us enough to sacrifice His Son for us.  He will give you strength when you need it, and He promises to never leave us or forsake us.  I'm praying right now for each of you going through treatment or managing side effects as well as those awaiting test results.  May our Father be glorifed in each of our lives and grant us His grace and peace as we navigate this difficult illness. 

    Hang in there Ladies!  You do glorify Him through your posts here.  Remember, even Jesus was ministered to by the angels after He had been tempted by Satan.  He understands and empathizes with our weaknesses.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    Good to hear from you, Rocket. I hope you are doing well. The nausea is easing up now. When it's bad I see myself leaning my head on the shoulder of Jesus. If I have a bout of sadness, I remember the words, "Rejoice in the Lord always" and it lifts me up. And I remember his agony in the garden. Anything I am going through is so small compared to what he went through for us. Thanks for the encouragement and for reminding us!

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011
    I notice that when I take my focus off the Lord, which I feel I have done this past week, I get alot more negative, and picky. I start to focus, on what my teenagers are doing that irritates me, and as we all know, the more you try to control a teenager the more they rebel. Undecided The only thing we can do is work on our own attitudes, and our own walk with the Lord, and to pray for our family . That is when I know I am missing the mark, ,,,I stop going to the Lord in private with my concerns, and try and fix others myself,, resulting in ultimate fail and frustration. I am posting confessing this, and to say, I am going to start today, to take things to the Lord, for He alone knows the heart of us all and how best to work things out in our lives for our good Wink
  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    Isn't it amazing, zumbagirl, what a difference it makes. And how many times we forget. And most amazing of all to me is how many times through the years, he has helped me learn lessons again and again, and never tires of holding his arms out, waiting. I remember reading once and jotting it down in a bible that it is the times we fail that teach us the most.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    We had our Christ is Life conference today at Church at it was so awesome.  We start our Life group study tomorrow and this will be a six week follow up.  I will be facilitating the women which will be a first for me.  I am a bit nervous but know that God has called me to do this and I have many prayer warriors praying for me so I know I'll be fine.  I just have to remind myself to get out of the way and let God work through me.  Then I know it will be fine. But I am excited about the study.  I have reviewed the material and can't wait for the discussions. 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited September 2011

    Just checking in to see how everyone is and to say God Bless.  I don't see JO, is she ok?  My home church closed its doors so am actively seeking a new church.  It is hard to find the one that just fits you.  Anyway, have a great week.  love and hugs.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    spar2 I know that feeling of having to find another Church.  It is kinda like dating and I never liked that either.  But when the right Church comes along you will know it. God will guide you to where you need to be.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    spar, so good to see you here.  Hope everything has sorted out for you and will pray you will find a Spirit-filled, "true" Bible-believing/teaching church soon.  Our cups empty out so quickly and need to be with others sharing and caring to fill it back up each and every day.

    Sherryc, you will do fine because you have the Lord guiding you.  I co-facilitated a group a few years back when the Purpose Driven Life series came out.  It was a challenge and also a blessing. 

    Our home groups started last week, tonight is class 2 and we go for 9 weeks.  We are doing Beth Moore's "Breaking Free" DVD and workbook series.  It's a lot of work (I'm not facilitating) but very interesting.  I already felt growth in my walk with God in only one week.  I'm going to be a dangerous Spirit-filled lady by the end!

    zumbagirl and 3bells, yes, it is amazing how we always have to be on guard against the enemy getting into the tiniest cracks in our faith.  But the shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between our knees and the floor. 

    Prayers going up for you all and I know the blessings are coming down.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    Patto I did the Breaking Free study a few years ago and it is great.  It is alot of reading but so worth it. 

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2011

    Thanks for all the reminders Ladies!  I know full well how easy it is to be sidetracked by the world  My world gets so busy - go, go, go and I forget to pray, pray, pray!  I forget His words, "Be still and know that I am God."

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    If it wasn't sinful, I'd be envious. :-)

    We moved the end of November and between fibromyagia acting up, unpacking, trying to put the house in order, and in June the BC diagnosis, we didn't find a church. I love praise and worship and we tried one, but fibro makes my ears so sensive that drums are painful. I've been too ill on chemo to even think about looking right now, but have been seriously missing fellowship. Am grateful for the good messages I've been finding on Vimeo and other websites. Reading my Bible is hard because my concentration has failed so I've been finding You Tube videos with sriptures to read.So I'll rejoice that the Word is still available and nourishing me. We are so blessed in this country to have so many alternatives available.

    I have wanted to do the Breaking Free or Believing God study for several years. There is a church near us that does a Beth Moore every fall. (the one I couldn't stay in because of the drums.) Maybe next year...! 

  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    I am 50 and was diagnosed in June. No family history of cancer so this came from no where. I have ILC. had a mammogram every year as doctor ordered and nothing showed up. In Feb I had annual gyn appt and everything was fine. Few weeks later noticed 1 side dipping and shrinking. Called the doctor & he said it was breast cancer. Then followed up with usual tests. Had my first treatment of taxotere & cytoxan Aug 2. 7 days after treatment I had a reaction so then the regimen became adrimycin & cytoxan. Just had my 3rd round today of A/C. When the chemo is finished I will have a mastectomy followed by radiation. It's a tough road but God gives me the strength to get thru this. I am so thankful to God on the days I feel good.

    Just before my diagnosis I found the best little church. I work at a middle school and the pastor is a teacher at the same school. We have many interesting spiritual discussions. The small congregation has blessed me so many ways. I am feeling in as pianist while the other pianist is helping her daughter as she fights colon cancer. God puts us in the places we need to be.

    I am so glad I found this thread. Some of the other threads are okay but this one is really great. Thank you for starting this thread. Wish I had found it sooner.

    Ladies you will be in my prayers. God bless each of you and praying for free or minimal s/e.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    Welcome capinva. I'm not thinking too well right now. Is ILC, invasive lobular? If so it is, as my surgeon says, a very sneaky cancer and often doesn't show up on mamograms. I have to believe that God hates cancer and it is an enemy. But he redeems everything that happens in our lives and brings good out of it. Had my last AC over a week ago and still having nausea and reflux.Will be starting Abraxane soon as taxol isn't available.

    He gave me a Scripture before I went into chemo. Isiah 41: 10. It came in an unusual way and stuck so I didn't need to work at memorizing it. I think on it often. He promises to strengthen, help and uphold us and is so faithful. There is a book called something like a Nail in the Wall. I've used this scripture and others as the nails to hang onto when anxiety threatens to overwhelm.

    I'm so happy for you that you found your little church exactly when God knew you would need it.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2011

    Welcome Capinva - I too am glad that you found this thread!  It's so wonderful that you are being used by God as a pianist despite going through chemo.  Church life is so important.  We need nourishment from God and His flock.  I will be praying for you.

    3bells, I am praying that our Heavenly Father will continue to lift you up and that even if you can't find a church just now, that even this thread would minister to you mightily.  Where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there in their midst.  Isn't that wonderful?  We might be cyber connected, but we are connected and He is here - in our midst.  I'm thanking Him that you made it through your last chemo.  Now on to recovery!  I love Isaiah 41:10.  I memorized it over 25 years ago when I lost my first child.  I have clung to that verse so many times.  "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, Yes I will help you.   I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."  I also love Isaiah 40:28-29, "Have you not known? Have you not heard?  The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary.  His understanding is unsearchable.  He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength."

    I pray that you are blessed today Ladies with His power and strength.  He is the God of all comfort and loved us enough to send His Son to die for us.  I'll be keeping you in prayer.


  • DCMom
    DCMom Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    Hello ladies,

    I have been posting on BCO for a long time, but really only watched the stage 3 thread after a few too many comments about how fortunate that someone had caught it earlier.  I'm now going on 4 years out and feeling blessed for every cancer free day.  I have three children; an 8 year old girl, a 10 year old boy, and a 19 year old boy.  They are my greatest joy and I pray that I can lead them in Christ's path and that they will feel His comfort as they face life's challenges.  It is so true that through Him all things are possible.  May my children know this and open their hearts to this truth.

    I began my walk with Jesus when I was 22 and met a neighbor who shared her faith with me.  I have to say though that my BC definitely felt like a wake up call to reconnect with Jesus.  I had been attending a Catholic Church...very long story...and decided to begin attending a non-denominational Christian Church where I could know Jesus and share His Word.  Being born and raised in the Catholic Church it was difficult to leave, but the peace I have found by the Grace of God has been my greatest earthly blessing.  I only now know the true joy of placing my life in the hands of God and realizing that He has always been in control.  I have fully opened my heart to Jesus Christ and with that has come such a confidence in my forever home with Him.  Realizing there are no strings attached and that it is by His blood that I am saved and that I need only accept his gift.   

    Of course it is so much easier to Fear Not while I am healthy.   I continue to pray that I will live for Christ and that regardless of what happens I will be able to consistently put my faith in Him.  I am happy to have found this forum where I can share my concerns among you ladies of faith.  OK OK OK enough said....Have a blessed day!