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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2012

    Just wanted to let everyone know a 76 (77 in April) passed by today..................just to say "hello"...........I was married for 35 years to a great guy, who I lost way to young at the age of 57 years to Pancreatic cancer.............we have 6 children from 54, down to 42.........................18 grandchildren from 29 (twins) down to 11...........................I also have 2 identical twin great-grandaughters, born to 1 of my identical twin grandaughters..........................

    I am asking for the prayers of all the faithful on this thread for my great-grandaughter Grayson, who was injured during her "delivery", by a thoughtless Dr. who figured it was easier to pull her out "feet first" then to deliver her C-section.................she has a spinal injury which inhibits her from  (right now) sitting up, crawling, and doing some of the things her "twin sister" can do.......................she spent 2 weeks in Children's Hospital in Phila..............and now has "rehab" to built her "core muscles" in her stomach so one day she possibly can sit, crawl, and walk..................

    I too, like my husband never questioned "why me" when it came to cancer........................when someone would ask my husband "don't you ever say "why me", he would answer...................."no, why not me" faith is a huge part of making it through this horrible time in our lives..........but we can, and will do it............with prayer, God, and each other..........thanks for listening..................

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Hi ducky, will keep Grayson in prayer for total healing and for you and your family as you travel this road with her. 

    I think many of us automatically answered just as your husband.  We know to whom we belong and it makes all the difference. 

    Just took a moment and sent a prayer up.  Blessings.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2012
    thanks Patoo.............. hugs, and prayers to youInnocent
  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2012

    Thanks Jo..................the odd thing is I have identical twin of them had identical twin girls...................they said that is I have identical twin grandaughters, and identical twin great-grandaughters.....................

    the sad part is a C-section done, and we would not be having this conversation..........the Dr. just chose to yank the 2nd baby out by her feet, instead of taking the C-section route...................they have already retained a lawyer.....................I hope and pray he never gets to do this to another "woman" or "baby......................thanks again for the prayers.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2012

    Hi BCO Sisters,

    I am recovering from my fifth surgery in less than two years. This time I had a bunionectomy on my left foot. I will need to have the other foot done in a few months. I haven't had too much pain, but I have been vomiting and have almost fainted twice when I got up. I feel very weak and could really use your prayers. The doc who did my surgery told my husband that I have very soft bones. It's probably due to the Arimidex. Next month I have an oncology appointment and will discuss the bone issue with her.

    Sorry I haven't been on the boards too much lately. We traveled to Maine for the holidays and it was below zero for several evenings. I'd forgotten how cold it is there after living in NC all these years!

    I also continue to think of and pray for you. Loving you Gals!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2012

    I was so sorry to hear about your granddaughter Ducky.  That's inexcusable.  The Lord provided a perfectly healthy little soul and then to have some doctor damage her.  I will pray for her.  As things progress, please let us know how she's doing.

    My cousin's wife is pregnant with their third child.  She just found out it may have dwarfism.  They will induce her next Friday.  Whatever the Lord provides will be generously loved for sure!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2012

    KMC.............thanks, she needs the is so sad to see her sister "first born" doing all the things she can do as a 9 months old, and poor Grayson, tries and tries........sometimes she suceeds, and sometimes she get frustrated, but she is making progress.................she is in Rehab, and they are doing wonders with her...................she has a spinal injury which has weakened her "core muscles" in her stomach, and that apparently is very important to the function of, crawling, sitting, and trying to stand......................I know God will help her and take care of grandaughter is a wonderful mother, and works with her all the time, so I'm sure Grayson will one day do all the things she was meant to do, and if not, we will be there to do what she can't do for is sad to think .................1 doctor, can ruin a child's me........he will pay for any care she needs in her life..........................and it could be extensive if the therapy doesn't help..............thanks again for your prayers.

    She is my great-grandaughter, and her mother is my grandaughter................

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2012


    I am so sorry to hear about Grayson. I will keep her in my prayers. My first granddaughter is due to be born any day now and the thought of a doctor hurting her needlessly would probably send me over the edge.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2012

    thanks Rocket....................such a shame, when all he had to do was take the 2nd twin C-section, since she was approaching "feet first"......................Children's Hospital in Phila...........said the spinal injury was caused by the "feet first" day after she was born she was transported to Children's Hospital where she stayed for 2 weeks...................she can't even "cry" right because her core muscles are so weak, caused by the injury..................when he pulled her, my grandaughter heard a "snapping sound"...........................she said "what was that"..................................they avoided her question............................Children's said it was the sound of the threads in the spine tearing...........................I can't say anything about the Dr. n'ow cause they have already engaged a lawyer......................and the Dr. has no idea what is going to happen to him, and we don't want him to find I can't destroy the "bastard's name" right day will come..............and when it does...............I will ruin him................he is from the town that all my children reside in, including Gra;yson...............I use to live there too, till I downsized a year ago.

    He has no idea what is going to happen to him.................thanks again for your thoughts..............and good luck with your new is the best thing that can happen to you, aside from having your own children.......................I have 18 Grands, and 2 Great-grands................

  • pejkug3
    pejkug3 Member Posts: 277
    edited January 2012
    Ducky - that is just awful!  :(

    I have twins - they did an u/s right before they were born and determined that Twin B was a double footling breech.  I ended up having a Csection after being induced because of that.  He was the larger of the boys (7lbs 14oz) and breech - they said there was too much risk to him to allow him to be born vaginally.

    Poor, sweet baby.  Makes me sick.
  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited January 2012

    Hello thereSmile my name is Kate. I live in Australia and I am 51. Married for 28 years and I have a story to tell......

    My relationship with our Lord is very recent. In fact only since dx. I am still getting to know him and I haven't yet asked him to come into my heart, only because I've had a complicated relationship with 'religion' in the past and I only want to ask him when I am 100% ready and comitted - but I am so very nearly there.

    I was bought up by overly religious parents. I went to church every week and then to private church schools, so I have certainly had exposure to all the rituals of religion but I never 'got' it. When I was 14 I went to a convention and I went up to ask the Lord to come into my heart. This was in front of a thousand people or so. Guess what? nothing happened - ever. So I slowly went the other way, as an agnostic, then when September 11 happened, that cemented it for me, and I knew then and there, that there was no God. God, who is supposed to love and care for his flock, wouldn't have let so much suffering happen to his believers and all their families surely??

    So my life was ambling along quite nicely thankyou without him, but I always had an emptiness to me. I had the opportunity to work for a while at a hospital here (in administration) and whilst I was there I was asked to post some flyers in the staff rooms for breast awareness month. When I got back to my office I had a flyer in my hand and I knew it was targeted at me. Let me just say... I am not proactive about seeking medical help. It took 11 years to go for my next pap smear. So I am very lazy about putting myself out to do things... head in sand you know? But straight away without the slightest hesitation (no self negotiation like I usually do.... should do it, but too busy.. will do it later etc) I rang up the mammogram clinic and made an appointment. I should say that the clinic is located in the grounds where I worked. In fact it stared me in the face everyday!!

    So to cut a long story short, I went for a mamogram, and then was called back a week or so later for a further more intensive one. Then the news that I would need a biopsy, then the news straight after that that cancer was found. Very very small, but Grade 3.

    Right from the get go, I have been very calm and accepting. People told me I was in denial because I just wasn't falling apart. Alarmed? certainly, but I just felt very matter of fact about it. I never ever thought 'why me?'. I just took it in my stride.

    The hospital where I worked is a Catholic hospital and I met some truly wonderful people there who have now really impacted my life. One colleague who was the Head of Mission, was someone who I really connected with. He is devoutly religious and in fact trained to be a priest.

    We were just having a bit of banter when he said "you know, maybe there is a bigger reason, why you came to work here" I didn't think much of that comment at the time, but that was the very beginning of my starting to think of things differently and to open up my heart to the possibility that maybe all these years I have been wrong.

    My daughter, who is 24 is a Christian. She moved back home in July. She has since told me that she knew there was a deeper reason to move back home, and not just to save money. She has seen the door opening for me (slowly) and been very gentle in her discussions with me about the Lord. Because of her gentle, non doctrine way of answering my questions, I am really starting to 'feel' the Lords presence around me.

    She and I have prayed together (golly, I just couldn't have done that a few months ago) and I have felt 'right' about it. I am looking for a church in my area where I will belong. I have been to a couple but if they are too evangalist (sp?) I get a bit freaked out, but then again, I don't want one that is all just readings and sermons. So I am searching for the right fit for me.

    I am going to do the Alpha course with my daughter. She has done it before and said that it really gives you the foundations of faith, which is what I now want.

    So I am at the very start of my journey with God.

    I was so pleased to see this forum here. Please forgive me that I am not a hand clapping, bible thumping person. That's just not me. But I feel a certain peace and acceptance now, that God has his plans for me, and I'm accepting of that.

    Cheers, Kate

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Hi Kate and welcome to our corner.  Your testimony has really touched me, not because that is one more loss for satan but because it is from your heart.  Don't ever apologize for how your faith is demonstrated.  Some like the hoopla and others are quietly humble.  Our journey with Christ is very personal and you will do it at your own pace.  Know that He has been with you always and He knew you would return one day.  Take it slowly and know that your walk is covered by the Lord's blood.  That peace that you feel is the Holy Spirit that lives within.  Your daughter is very special in that she stood by and waited for you to come home. 

    Please take your time finding the right church home.  All churches are not created equal and what works for one is not necessarily where you need to be.  Please don't get frustrated as it can take some time, months even.  When you do find one that you think may be okay just visit every week for a few months to get a feel for the people, doctrine, routines and leadership.  There is no hurry to join any church as long as you are walking with the Lord and asking for His guidance along the way.

  • newfmama
    newfmama Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2012

    I just found this thread accidentally but am so pleased. I'm 54 and have been a Christian for almost 17 years. God has been so good. He's been there throughout all of my life's trials and joys. Even before I accepted him as my Lord & Savior.

    When I was diagnosed with BC in August, I was so scared, more of living than dying. He helped me get through each day. I continue to be on my knees each day as I deal with the SE of no estrogen. The sadness & mood swings are awful. I do know He will help me get through this.

    I am so thankful to have found this thread & will try to be a prayer warrior for each of you.

    I pray each of you have a restful night & wake up tomorrow with the knowledge that God is covering you with His grace & mercy.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Hi Newfmama.  Glad you found this thread.  It does help just knowing that others are of the same mind and praying.  That peace within cannot be beat.  I would, however, say that if the sadness and mood swings become too overwhelming that you look into getting meds to help.  Our Lord is there to walk through with us but He also gave the science to make the meds (whether chemical or alternative) available at the same time.

    Thank you Lord Jesus for all my friends on these boards.  Touch them as only you can do.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2012

    Patoo ...hi!  I remember you from 2009!  How are you doing?  I, too, like your new hairdo.

    My biggest goal is to start listing my blessings and stop dwelling on the negative.  I know I must read the Bible and go to church.  Peace is only achieved by humility, surrendering yourself to the Lord and following His teachings.  I know I must "let go and let God" but I frequently take it right back because His answer is not what I wanted or fast enough - what's that old saying - "Want to make God laugh, tell him your plans!"

    I'm  working on it!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2012

    Welcome to the thread Ladies!  God is big enough to take us as we are - problems, failings and all.  He knows us better than we know ourselves.  He desires to reveal Himself to us and does so in very personal ways.  He doesn't expect us to have all the answers.  He only desires our trust - despite the difficulties in which we may find ourselves.  When I found out I had cancer, I was angry with God - and I've been a believer for over 30 years.  I figured I had suffered enough in life and that nothing like cancer would come into my cozy little world.  Well, God had other plans and it took me a long time to ask humbly for forgiveness for my anger and to accept His plan for my life - whatever that entails.  God was big enough to take my anger, hurt, despair, loneliness and grief.  He of all persons understands grief.  He sent His own perfect Son to the cross for me - an undeserving sinner. Whenever I get really low and discouraged, I dwell on His sacrifice at the cross for me which purchases my salvation and eternal life.  What a gift!  God grows each of us in His own time and way.  He will be faithful to keep you and make you more like His Son.

    Blessings to each of you and we are very glad you are here.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2012

    Rocket ... I'm glad you posted ... I have a question.  It may seem simple-minded but I really want to know the answer.  Why did Jesus have to die such an awful death? I know for our salvation but why was that sacriface required to gain us eternal life?

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2012

    Well stated Jo.  Thanks.  Kathleen, I'm so happy that you feel comfortable asking questions.  That's how you learn and grow.  The Scriptures are rich with God's words for us.  I find it interesting that we so easily gravitate to thinking that life is unfair when we see suffering and yet Christ, the sinless God-Man was the one who didn't deserve the punishment that He took for our sin.  We all deserved the punishment for our sin, but He took that punishment from us so that we could have eternal life with Him as a co-heir with Him.  Now that's truly unfair if you think about it.  It's all in our perspective and God has a way of changing our perspective through His Spirit dwelling within us as we grow older in our relationship with Him.  He is faithful to love us through difficult times.  He doesn't promise to give us an easy stress free life.  He promises to be there with us as we go through it.  He is the one person who will never leave you or forsake you.  We have a living, breathing relationship to Him.  Read His word and see how it changes your perspective and keep asking those questions.  :-)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Thank you JO-5 and Rocket.  It's always good to remind ourselves, so Kathleen keep asking because we all are helped either by being reminded or by learning and getting direction.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2012

    I really appreciate your well thought out answers and I will read the Word and pray for understanding.  There are times I have felt the spirit of the Holy Ghost but not all the time.  I want to be able to "feel" Christ in my life and strive for a more complete relationship with Him.  Again, thank you Jo, Rocket and Patoo.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2012

    Thank you JO.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2012

    I agree completely with Jo.  She is absolutely right that there is nothing you can do to make God love you any more or any less.  His sacrifice on the cross is the proof of His love for you.  He died for us to redeem us.  He rose from the dead to give us hope of eternal life with Him.  He proved that He (Jesus) was both God and Man.  Whenever I feel down about my circumstance and allow myself to think that He doesn't love me, I focus on that cross. Why would someone who doesn't care for me die for me?  That doesn't make any sense.  If He died for me He will also preserve me.  This life is a stepping stone to the next.  This life is brief and fraught with sin, pain, sorrow, and tears.  The next life (Heaven) is eternal and I will see my Savior's face.  Oh what glory that will be!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Amen Rocket and JO-5.  I choose to wrap myself in that love 24/7.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear Ladies, I have been off this thread for such a long time, and when I was at church today, I knew I had to post again. My hubby and I retired in CA this year, so no more excuses that I don't have time to post. God bless you all, and look forward to hearing from all of you and praying for you all, too. Blessings, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Dear Ladies, I have been off this thread for such a long time, and when I was at church today, I knew I had to post again. My hubby and I retired in CA this year, so no more excuses that I don't have time to post. God bless you all, and look forward to hearing from all of you and praying for you all, too. Blessings, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Thank you, Jo-5!!!!! I always enjoy reading your posts!!!!! God bless you, Kathy
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2012

    Congratulations Kindergarten.  I'm jealous but will join you in a couple of years.  Like JO-5 I wasn't on the boards too often.  Back a little more now but only on a few threads.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2012

    Congrats Kindergarten! I too am jealous, but hope to retire in a few years as well, or sooner if I can afford it. I am very thankful for all of you ladies. It is so nice to be able to share both our joys and sorrows with sister in the Lord.

    Today I have joy as my granddaughter was born yesterday afternoon at 3:24 pm. Her name is Erin and she is our first grandchild. She is so beautiful. She weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and has long red hair. Her parents are strong believers as well and for that we are most grateful.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Thank you, Patoo!!! I have missed this thread and so glad to be on again. Congratulations, Rocket for your new grandchild. I am sure she is just beautiful. God is so Good. We see His blessings every day. God bless you all. Hubby and I are going to visit my good friend today who is a new grandma as well and we also get to see new granddaughter!!!!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2012

    Hi, Jo-5!!! I am not sure yet, my nickname from both my sons is "P". It could be that, he,he,!!!! Have a very blessed day!!!!