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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    Rocket it is so good to hear from you. I can't focus on chapters of the bible, but verses like Isaiah 40:28-29 mean so much when I read them. Thank you for posting it.

    I wish I were through my last chemo but actually I'm on to abraxane. Probably once a week for 12 weeks, though the doctor is still researching it. (No taxol at ours or so many hospitals/clinics) But am grateful to be through with AC and if the side effects act like the last three, I should start to feel better by the end of this week.

    This thread has been a blessing. And I am blessed also with three daughters who love the Lord. My middle daughter and I sometimes have phone conversations about the bible and I forget for a time the side effects. Amazing how talking about the Lord can do that. She comes over at least once or twice a week and often reads to me for awhile. So God has not left me bereft of fellowship.

    I too lost a child. My only son was stillborn forty five years ago. I was only in the process of searching for God, wanting desperately to believe in him and not quite there. Yet he still gave me a sense of peace in the grief. Now we can rejoice that we will see our children in eternity!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2011

    Welcome DCMom!  What a beautiful testimony.  Thanks for sharing your faith here.  We are connected by a powerful bond, Jesus, and He is sovereign over breast cancer.  Glad you found us.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    3bells I hope you find a home church soon.

    Capinva welcome to the thread.  How awesome that you are helping out as the pianist while going through chemo.  God gives us what we need when we need it.

    Had our first ladies Bible Study with this new session and it was great.  All the ladies were so excited.  I know that God is all over this new study and I actually was not as nervous as I thought I would be.  We have a pretty talkative bunch so that made facilitating it so much easier.  I did not feel like I had to pull teeth to get anyone to talk and or have any awkward quiet moments.  The Christ is Live material is great and will be fun to get deeper into.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    DCMom, welcome. I am so glad that your children's hearts are open to the truth. And that you have had and still have these important years to guide them.

    I too was Catholic. raised Catholic and went through parochial schools all the way through high school. I am grateful for those years because God used them to give me a hunger for him that never stopped.

    I left ten years after surrendering my life to the Lord. It was hard because my husband and parents were still Catholic. My two oldest daughters had already moved on to another church. The youngest stayed for her father's sake. I was torn between staying where my husband went or moving to a church with doctrine that I didn't find disturbing. After his mother died, he started going with me, but still says he will always be a Catholic. I keep praying. He doesn't fully grasp the gospel.

    You will continue to hold on and trust no matter what the future brings, because he holds on and brings us through. You can't talk too much about the Lord. I love to hear the stories of how he has worked in the lives of his children. Thanks for sharing.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    Sherry, praise God that your Bible Study went well. It means so much when the group is excited and talkative. I rejoice with you.

  • dianap
    dianap Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2011

    Welcome to you ladies that discovered this great thread. I am going for my last chemo tomorrow. Everyone is rejoicing with me but all I can think about is the nasty three weeks ahead of me. I know God will get me through, I'm just tired. One of the ladies from my church told me they are going to sing a song on sunday because the group has my bc in mind. If you get a chance listen to it on you tube, it is a wonderful song. It is "Blessings" by Laura Story. One of the lines is "what if the trials of this life are your mercy in disguise". I just thought that was beautiful. We cannot possibly know what God is going to teach us through bc, but rest assured, He knows exactly what He's doing!!!!

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    danap, congratulation on your last chemo. That is a wonderful milestone.

    It does leave us very tired and weak and each time more so. Did you get through without too much of a drop in red blood cells and hemoglobin? If my counts aren't better I'll have to have a blood transfusion before starting abraxane. I'm hoping it won't be necessary but if it is, am grateful we have that as a resource. I'll be trusting God to protect me from tainted blood. I had three transfusions after hip surgery five years ago and it was scary. I think I'm just too tired to be scared right now.

    Leaning on the everlasting arms!

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011
    dianap, good luck and congradulations on your last chemo today. I had mine yesterday. It is a relief, but I do dread the next two weeks, I have already lost my taste this morning, and my tummy is sensitve, and every few hours through the night I had super intense night sweats, so I didn't get much sleep, but God will see us through, and I can't wait to move onto radiation in 3-4 weeks, and get that over, then I just have to finish my weekly herceptins until June 2012, get the port out, and pray for God's mercy of health, as we all do, and I pray for all of you Smile
  • dianap
    dianap Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2011

    I am so discouraged today. I know that this will be better in a few weeks but right now it seems unbearable. I can't explain to people how I feel except not good. I was up at night and I had a good time of prayer for everybody in my family. I have a niece that came back to the Lord and she is being baptized Thanksgiving weekend, Praise the Lord.My family has been such a support . I'm sure glad God never stops working even when our bodies are giving us so much trouble. So, I would appreciate your prayers for physical and emotional strength to get through. Thanks so much.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited September 2011

    dianap, prayers are going up for you.  So glad you finished your chemo.

    3bells have you listened to through the bible radio program with Dr. Vernon McGee?  I have learned more from this man than anyone. 

    Zumbagirl, congrats on finishing chemo.  It took me a good 6 months to feel even half way normal

    Patoo, have  missed you so much and appreciate your support and love of God.

    My previous preacher send me a couple of sermons on cd so that will strengthen my faith.  Still have not found a home church for me but I know I will soon.

    JO, hope your doing well.  Miss you and all your advice.  Have been knitting hats today for my grandson.

    Everyone have a great week..

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    zumbagirl and dianap, I'm reading this late. I pray that side effects have eased.

    dianap, it's a blessing that you can pray when feeling rotten. That's the hardest time for me to pray. That and when spending time researching. I've been researching the chemo I'm going on and possible supplements to help prevent side effects. As a result haven't been spending enough time with the Lord. Always a bad idea!

     spar 2, no I haven't. I can't pick up a Christian radio station where we live. I did have his commendaries but really pared down my library before we moved. I'll see if I can find any live broadcasts online. Thank you!

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited September 2011

    I can't remember if I posted here about my brain MRI - anyway I got results too and it was all fine, they didn't find anything!! - well, that shouldn't be there anyways.  I think I have a few brain cells left hding in there.

    If any of you ladies are still reading this please pray for a lady called Kimmer, she has been waiting for ages for her biopsy results and finally goes in tomorrow morning to hear.  Her thread is, I missed the call, ugh. if you want to follow.  I know there are so many and I get a little overwhelmed at times, but prayer is so improtant, as well as our support of each other.  Thank you all.

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited September 2011

    Ok, quick update, she got her results, B9, so she is a happy lady.  Thanks.

  • dianap
    dianap Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2011

    I'm so glad for Kimmer, waiting is so difficult. Once you have answers than at least you can ask the right questions! And Grimbol glad to hear your results too. sometimes we have to remember to be thankful in all things. There are so many things in our lives that require big acts of faith. Things like a negative result, or a entire nights sleep, or no nausea for a day. Today I'm just going to be thankful for at least a 6 hour (almost uninterupted) sleep and a sunny day.

    I have a question for you ladies. Have any of you been asked to be involved in a clinical trial for metforman and what do you think about it? 

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011
    I met with the radiologist yesterday to set up apts. to start radiation, and he read my diagnosis, and I had it wrong for these last 4 months. I am stage lla, and positive on ER PR and Her2, and my tumor was 2.1cm, not 1cm as I thought, and I know the only other time I heard my diagnosis was from the oncologist back in May, and I had such a melt down in his office, that oviously I didn't hear him right, In any case God has been with me through this, as he has with all of you, even in my confusion and times of crying out he was there to comfort, through His word, or through other believers.Smile
  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    zumbagirl. It may be you heard the diagnosis correctly. At least in my situation it changed from 2 to 5 after they did an MRI because the image was clearer. It could change again after surgery. We are so blessed to have the Lord with us. Hard to imagine what it would be like without him.

    Grimbol I'm so glad the MRI results were good; thanks for the "brain cells" chuckle. Also the good news about kimmer is uplifting.

    God bless all!

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited September 2011

    I get soooo much comfort from you guys, thank you for being out there, praying and posting, I can't imagine doing this without God's comfort which comes in so many different ways, like each one of you!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2011

    Hi Gals,

    Please forgive me for not keeping up as often as I should.  My busy life really does get in the way.  Rest assured however that I do keep you all in prayer (both my husband and I do).  Isn't it be cool that one day (many, many years from now) we will all meet one another in Heaven?  That's the hope that we have as believers - salvation from sin and this fallen world.  I just can't imagine going through a cancer diagnosis and treatment regimen without the Lord by my side.

    Zumbagirl - I am stage IIA as well.  It's still considered an early stage which is good, and your grade is moderate and no node involvement is great.  I will be praying specifically that the radiation will work and shrink that bugger.

    3bells - Hang in there Girl.  You are one tough cookie!  Do you know yet if you will need a transfusion?  I'm praying that you don't and that God is healing you even now.  I'm also praying for a church that will minister to you and that you will find a place to minister when you are able.  You certainly minister here.

    Dianap - Praying for encouragement, rest and healing for you.  Congrats on your last chemo - now on to recovery!

    I love the story of the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years in Mark chapter 5:25-33.  "When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak, because she thought, "If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed."  Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering."

    I believe that God Himself can directly heal people, but He often uses doctors and medicine to heal them.  No matter how, the fact is that He is all powerful and capable of healing or giving us the grace to endure suffering.  He does not leave us alone or ever forsake us.  That's the power of the cross.

    I pray for each of us that we feel that power this very moment.  Hang in there Ladies!

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2011

    Rocket, it's always good to hear from you and we are rejoicing that you are able to have a busy life. It's wonderful that you take time to check in when you can. Thank you!

    I had my blood test on Monday and, forgive me, forgot to let you all know that the results were good. No transfusion needed, thanks be to our God.

    I started the chemo journey thinking of chemo as an enemy. After the second infusion I realized how foolish that was - it's chemoTherapy! So now I ask the Lord to use it as a weapon against the cancer. It helps to go in with a fighting spirit rather than feeling like a victim. We are more than conquerers in Christ. Skirmishes may be lost but the war is already won.

    I hadn't thought about the fact that we will actually meet each other in heaven. Another thing to look forward to! 

    We had our fiftieth wedding anniversary in August. Since the third week after the AC chemo was always the easiest, my 3 daughters and their families are coming here this Friday (this evening) to celebrate. They were concerned that I wouldn't be able to eat much of the "feast" but it will be a feast just to have them all together!

  • Padiddle
    Padiddle Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    I'm so happy to find this thread.  How did I not see it before?  My name is Jean.  I'm from New Hampshire.  I love the Lord.  What a blessing to find a thread where there is no vulgar language.  What a blessing to read some of you go to bible studies too.  I would love to participate here and grow, may I?  Jean

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited October 2011
    You ladies are wonderful. God is loving powerful, and gracious, and I am glad he is with us through this. I was reading in my devotions this morning,, and the thought of the day, is Every time we speak, our heart is on parade. I love that, our speech does reflect the heart, and I want to strive to make every part of my life pleasing to the Lord Smile
  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2011

    Jean, we are so glad that you found us. I found this topic a couple of months ago and it is the one I try to check regularily. Information found on other topics can be helpful, but the encouragement and fellowship here is a treasure.I pray that other Christian women taking part in other topics find their way here to find fellowship.

    It isn't a busy thread, but there is almost always someone here to reach out a hand of encouragement. Please keep coming and sharing your thoughts, prayer requests, whatever you wish, and we will grow along with you.

    zumbagirl, you echo our desire. David prayed in one of the psalms that  all the meditations of his heart be pleasing to God. That is a paraphrase. I'm not good at remembering exact verses and where they are. It's really a goal that pleases the Lord, that our speech honors him. Thank you for sharing that.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903
    edited October 2011

    Hi ladies, I just wanted to pop in and shake hands with you all, Baptist gal that I am.  Haha!  I'm so thankful to see there's a thread here for women who love the Lord.  I wake up every day in the palm of Jesus' hands.  It's a good place to be-- anywhere else, I would be utterly lost.

    3bells -- hello there! -- I think it goes like this: "So let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength and my redeemer."

    Beautiful stuff.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2011

    Jean, you are so welcome here.  So glad to see this thread blooming.  My life has gotten so bad but I was just thinking today what a blessing it is just to turn everything over to God.  Every care and worry and just trust he will take care of it.  I know God sees the big picture while my visions are so narrow.  Have been visiting Churches but still haven't found the one that you just sigh and think awww this is home.  Can't wait to find a new home church.  I know God has one just for me.  God bless all of you wonderful ladies, hope life is treating you grand.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2011

    lulubee, I'm late with this, but still want to give you that handshake back again. Thank's for the exact scripture.

    I had my first taxol treatment. Not too bad until a lot of aching last night and better again today. The worst so far is having no appetite and having to force myself to eat. No problem right now with the admonishment that food should be for the stomach and not the stomach for food! Hope I got that right. :-)

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2011

    Spar2, it's not easy finding just the right church. There was only one in my life that it seemed God spoke clearly and told me that was where I belonged. I'm pray you will find just that one!

  • Padiddle
    Padiddle Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    Spar2:  I will trust that God has picked the perfect church family for you and will lead you there. 

    3bells:  How many treatments will you have?

    Zumbagirl:  How are you feeling?

    "May God's peace fill each day of your life."  Isaiah 26:3

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2011

    Hi Padidle. 12 treatments, one each week; if my platelets cooperate. They are supposed to be at 100 and were 99 when I went in for my second treatment. The doctor gave the go ahead anyhow. I'm hoping they won't tank more so I'll have to miss treatments.

    I see my breast surgeon tomorrow. She wants to be checking to see if the tumor is shrinking. With the AC treatments, the only way to tell was another MRI. The oncologist said if it isn't working we might go on to surgery. If so, I hope I don't have to wait too long.

    I've been trying to research on the probability of a problem on the other side. Many doctors and patients opt for a bilateral with lobular BC. But my surgeon says they haven't found it true that there is often cancer on the other side. I found one study online that agrees with her.

    I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom, for both the surgeon and myself. Ultimately I am doing research but reminding myself that it's in God's hands.

     The thought of surgery wan't so scary when it was going to be first and already scheduled. Now I'm finding more struggle with anxiety when I think about it. Fibromyalgia makes surgery recovery longer and more painful. I must keep remembering to "Rejoice in the Lord Always!" And to focus on desiring most of all that I will glorify Him through everything.

    Thank you!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2011

    Hi There Gals,

    I've just read all the posts since I last visited this thread.  It does seem like my life spins out of control, but I keep reminding myself of His sovereign hand.  It brings things back into focus.  I've been busy caring for my elderly mother.  She's 87 and has a host of medical issues.  I also learned that I need to have an operation on my foot.  I have bunions on both feet, but I waited too long to have the left one fixed and now the procedure will require a bone graft.  I'll have the right one fixed with the less aggressive surgery after the left one heals.  I've scheduled it for January 4th.  I'm not looking forward to it, but I have had so much pain in both feet for so long, that maybe it will be a relief.

    I also just learned that a friend of mine (he's three years older than me) was diagnosed with an inoperable brain cancer.  They also found two spots on his lung which the PET scan show as inconclusive for cancer.  My heart just grieves for him and his wife.  When you've been told you have cancer you feel like somebody punched you in the gut.  I'm sure he feels that way and is in shock.  I pray God will give us a timely cure for cancer.  There is so much suffering associated with it.  I also know that He is in control and will not give us more than we can bear even when it seems like we cannot bear it.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

    Love you Ladies,


  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

    I'll bump the tread too....asking for prayers for my first post treatment CT scans this Wednesday.